The Serpent's Thirst


Story Summary:
If Harry thought the summer was bad, well look out here comes sixth year! Much to Ron's dismay, Harry and Hermione has fallen in love again. Sirius has also cleaned out the rust and dust off that heart of his and chases after the new Potion's Mistress, but will she give in?````In the meantime, Voldemort has a new plan... which somehow involves drinking water, and Harry. ````As well when The-Boy-Who-Lived thought he'd never see the Dursleys again... a surprise pops up which has him frantic need to protect it.````Kidnapping, dreams, drownings, catfights, love, a slap in the face or two and destructive forces are just some of things that will happen. This is a sequel to Love on risky ground.

Chapter 14

Chapter Summary:
Sirius approached Harry and placed his hands on his shoulders in a paternal manner. “No
Author's Note:
This is the sequel to:

The Serpent's Thirst

Chapter 14:

The Diversion

Ron returned from Hogsmeade a very happy man. At least Harry was glad that he had a better time with Parvati then when he had dated Cho back in fifth year as he watched Parvati beaming by his side, her eyes full of blissful love.

He sat down with Ron who gave him a heavy bag of Zonko's items, although in truth, Ron was quite proud of the fact that he had witnessed students with Fred and George's pranking items in their possession, more then the Zonko's stuff. Harry furrowed his brow at an interesting device for which the use of it he didn't know, when Hermione plopped into the nearest armchair carrying two brown bags of quills and sweets from Honeydukes. She was blushing madly and her hair was in an even worse frizz then normally. The cold wind had played havoc on her features, not to mention she was also exhausted. And to Harry, he thought she was surprisingly a little disgruntled.

Harry wished he never asked her what happened, but he did! Hermione had walked in Madam Puddifoot's little shop for a large coffer to go, when Ron unceremoniously shooed her out.

"Ron, there was no reason to act like that!" Hermione hissed when Ron had detached himself from Parvati's embrace and waved at her when she headed off to her dorm. His smile faded and he crinkled his freckled nose.

"Well ... I wanted some private time with her, without my ex-girlfriend popping in to say hello."

Hermione gaped at Ron after he spilt his reason. Harry watched from the safety of his armchair from which he suddenly shot up, sensing the turmoil that was being stirred up.

"For your information Ronald Weasley, I simply walked in to get a cup of coffee--"

"That's an excuse." Ron rolled his eyes. "You just wanted to see what I was up to."

"Why would I want to do that ... ?"

Harry winced. Hermione blurted out a question which instantly increased the tension in the room. Silence floated in, something which reminded Harry of the encounter between Snape and Sirius before Christmas. Ron failed to speak and Hermione slumped a little, blinking, breathing heavily. The last thing Harry needed was for them to throw their relationship on the rocks again, merely because Hermione was interested in seeing her once-boyfriend handle his new relationship in a friendly and caring way -- and for no other objective then that. She was not going to be easily jealous, since (in the first place) she had helped Parvati try and catch Ron, and she was happily in love with Harry.

Forgetting about the past was proving harder than anyone originally thought. But Harry would be a fool if he thought it was that easy.

"Err ... you know," Ron asked taking a quick look at Harry, going a little paler in his face. "So you could squeal back to Harry what an idiot I was for saying that or that. You know -- that kind of stuff." He nodded, he didn't mean anything else in all honestly.

It's surprising how words could be deadly at times.

Hermione pursed her lips, but Harry was relieved when she noticeably relaxed, while Ron rubbed his eyes in his nervousness. "Oh, well -- I was only getting coffee to help me survive my way back to the castle in that blistery condition, Ron, nothing else. I even tried to pretend you guys didn't exist in that store."

"Lets just forget about it, shall we?" Ron said with an unusually high voice, his hands in the air.

Harry smiled -- quite tranquil now that the conversation had been sorted out without any causalities -- and grabbed Hermione's cold hand, carefully warming it between his. "Now let's sit down and have some chocolate," he murmured. Hermione frowned and looked at him.

"You believe me don't you? You know I would never get jealous so easily," she said, a little concerned at his reaction. Harry nodded and pulled Hermione closer to him. She rested her head on his shoulder, huffing.

Harry stared across the room and saw Ron standing by the window opening up his chocolate frog which then decided to leap onto Ginny's head.

"What about Cho?" Harry idiotically asked -- and squeezed his eyes shut, damning himself.

Harry could tell Hermione was holding her breath. "What about her?"

"Well ..." Oh, Harry was in the lion's den now and he began to curse himself mentally. "I always thought there might of been a little envy ... I'm not sure! I know you're ok with Parvati, you're happy for them ... but Cho?"

"Harry, for goodness sakes. I -- I was a tad bit jealous, yes, but I know you've thought about her a couple of times this year and I feel like that you regret-"

"I don't regret Cho, Hermione," Harry replied in a whisper into Hermione's ear. "I just feel awkward being around her, that's all. Nothing more! I don't love her. I only had a crush on her. I love you and only you," Harry answered ignoring the little snitch which circled around the both of them before it disappeared.

It took a very long five minutes of silence before Hermione lifted up her head and slowly smiled, her eyes effulgent with the surge of energy she needed. "Well then, where's the chocolate?"

Harry grinned and kissed her. Hermione closed her eyes and licked her lips. "Ahhh ... that was close enough to what I wanted ... but I still want chocolate ... and coffee." And for some horrid incentive, Hermione imagined Harry dipped in chocolate, but she stopped her vision before it went any further, afraid at what she may have done. She shook her head, her cravings for nice chocolate buds had taken control of her weak senses after her talk with Harry and Ron, and the whole day had drained her.

Neville sat down, thinking it was now safe to do so now, next to Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione while they ate chocolate and stuffed themselves with various other sweets. He was still rather flustered after his trip. Neville had come back with Luna and was nodding without a clue at all the weird things she was talking about. Harry laughed as Neville started talking about a couple of curious words Luna had spouted.

"She's really a lovely girl when you get to know her ... but I can't understand what she- she goes on about," Neville said that night, staring into the fire absent-mindedly, petting his pet Trevor, looking more paler then he usually was.

"Then again ... I think she knows things that could be of value as well." Harry suggested. Neville blinked at him oddly. Harry remembered speaking with her about hearing the voices behind the veil.

"Harry," Ron began, sifting through Hermione's bag of Honeydukes sweets again to see any of his favourites, picking out a strange new item which was changing colour within his fingers. "Er ... what the ... ."

"Oh, Ron, word of warning before you try that. It'll give your skin several shades of different colours for the next hour or two. The storeperson told me and he was definitely green when he spoke to me."

Harry snorted, a little put off with trying that sweet until he went up to bed; he didn't want to think of what Malfoy would say when he saw him in a nice shade of pink at dinner.

Dean looked at the notice board and scratched his head. "Um-- Quidditch final training ... when are the practice days, Harry? The note isn't on the board."

"Oh, sorry. Monday, Wednesday and Thursday for the next couple of weeks." He gulped, remembering the days off the top of his head.


On Sunday night, the thrill of the Hogsmeade trip wore off and the fear of homework took over. Harry, sat doing his charms homework with Hermione, Ginny, Neville and Ron, Dean and Parvati, flicking his wand at the closed window and making it open before shutting it again, when a blast of cold entered and the fire in the grate wavered.


Harry turned to see Sirius' head in the fire. Neville looked up, rubbing his tired eyes, blinking and mumbling to himself as he studied. Hermione stood up and Ginny and Ron stretched their necks to get a better look.

"What's wrong, Sirius?" Harry said as he went closer to his godfather. Hermione closed her book and yanked Ron to sit with her beside Harry by the fire, also staring at Sirius' egg-shaped head.

Sirius looked at Hermione for a moment and then focused on Harry again. "Hermione told me about your detention at the lake."

"Hermione!" Harry said angrily. Ron shook his head.

"Sorry Harry, but I didn't want to keep quiet about it. We had to ask no matter what," Hermione cooed, biting her lip as she recoiled slightly away from Ron and Harry's prying eyes.

"So Vedas died then? It's better that way," Sirius went on.

"Sirius, what was he going on about when he said that me or my brother have to follow Voldemort's footsteps and I'm the only one that could go beyond the --?"

"Harry, forgive me but we can't tell you, not now. You know that." Harry bowed his head in complete frustration, although his eyes remained firmly planted on his godfather. The flames of the fire reflected off his pale features, making him look a little madder then he really was. "I'm sorry ... but Dumbledore's orders," Sirius added.

"Even if it wasn't Dumbledore, you still wouldn't tell me."

"I may tell you a lot, but not too much." Sirius gave him an apologetic look He would have loved to tell him, He loved Harry like he was his own son, but did deep down Sirius just didn't want to pain him further. "Look, if it makes you feel better, I had Mrs. Figg pay a little visit to Number Four."

"Oh," Harry leaned forward a little more, putting Vedas suddenly out of his mind. Ron blinked, awaiting the information as well, while Hermione fretted at the news. "What happened? Do they know yet?"

"They haven't the slightest clue in the world," Sirius said with spirit.

Harry's heart leapt at that. "That's cool. At least for now, nothing is wrong." Hermione sighed a wave of relief next to Harry, wrapping her arms around his shoulders in comfort.

"Your Aunt was over the moon about Florence, showed old Figgy all her baby pictures and stuff. Made your old bedroom into her nursery -- pink and white fluffy bunnies everywhere on her bed linen, on the mobile, on the walls ... not to mention the toys." He grimaced in disgust. Sirius could see the pink burning into his retina.

"I like fluffy bunnies," Hermione said with indignation as she squeezed her arms around Harry's chest. "I see it as the perfect touch for a baby girl."

Ron snorted but avoided the look she hurtled his way.

"You should've seen Harry's nursery as a baby, Hermione. He had broomsticks and snitches zooming all over the walls," Sirius replied. Harry smiled. "Your mum wanted little teddy bears in a blue room, but as soon as she had her back turned your dad went a little haywire."

"Mum must of been mad," Harry chortled.

Sirius laughed. "Told him to change it to teddy bears. But your dad refused, so your mum stormed into their bedroom and made it terribly pink and florally romantic with floating candles. It would easily make you blind," he said. Harry, Hermione, and Ron laughed lightly. "James had nightmares sleeping in there for weeks."

"Was this in Godric's Hollow, or before-- ?" Harry asked.

"For a short while you lived at your grandparent's house," Sirius answered, pausing. Harry breathed in, and smiled benignly, his mind in a swirling buzz. "Well I better go, see ya at breakfast," Sirius sighed.

"Yeah -- oh hang on -- how was your date with Snape?" Ron asked slyly. Harry still found it odd that Sirius was having a romance with Snape's sister. It was just weird - not to say scary.

Sirius winced. "It was good, that was until she won in the duel! I can't believe she did."

Hermione covered her mouth and laughed for a moment. "You weren't hurt, were you?"

"No!" Sirius spat bitterly.

"Oh ... did Wuffle-Snuffles, have his ego trampled on?" Harry pouted. Hermione was going red from a lack of oxygen, but Harry knew she was trying to keep neutral. And Ron had vanished from the scene completely.

"Harry, I'm going to send you a curse via Floo in a tad if you don't screw that mouth of yours shut," Sirius grunted. "And don't you go blabbing to Remus what I told you. He'll make it hell for me. Anyways, I have to go, see ya all at breakfast." And he departed from the fire.


Harry went to bed feeling a little better that Florence was still safe, but for how long he didn't know. He turned on his side, lifting his arms into a comfortable position, listening to Ron and Seamus snore, amplifying the sound further. Neville's distinctive snoring sound was not heard, and Harry thought that he must be still awake. However, the sound was not loud enough to keep him awake and Harry drifted off to sleep as moonlight reflected off the clouds and streaked over his bed covers like ghostly fingers. His body was heavy and weak, he couldn't move his limbs anymore. Harry could see only black around him, nothing surrounded him yet he was floating never-endingly in its void with no time and endless space.

From its infinite depths he could hear the voice that he did not want to ever hear again: "Where is An Tobar Le Fios ... O'Connor?"

"NO... NO DON'T TELL HIM!" Harry found himself shouting into the darkness in vain. But the voices continued.

"It is in Ireland, near --"


Harry woke up with a frightening jolt, his heart beating painfully in his chest and for a second he had forgotten how to breathe -- lungs aching for air. Alarmed, Harry snapped at whoever woke him up. "WHY DID YOU WAKE ME UP RON?" he yelled in fury. "I WAS ABOUT TO KNOW WHAT VOL-"

Harry stopped as a deep ache resounded from his scar, rippling across his head. He placed his fisted hand upon it, massaging it softly, still sitting rigidly on his bed.

Ron gaped in shock, feeling a little hurt at the outburst while Neville and Seamus looked as though they had been stunned.

"Harry," Ron trembled slightly, walking over to his bed hesitantly. "I'm - I'm sorry -- I didn't mean to ... breakfast is nearly finished and class starts in fifteen minutes," he said, looking unfazed about whatever vision Harry was talking about -- because whatever Voldemort was looking for, the Order was close behind.

And secretly Ron was getting sick of Voldemort and the chaos he's brought into their lives. The hurt, the misery ... the whole secrecy and the stupid prophecy. Ron sighed. Was he being selfish for thinking like that, when in reality what Harry was going through was a million times worse than merely standing by his side?

Harry closed his eyes, and tried to calm his breathing. He didn't feel like speaking, his scar was hurting and he felt dreadfully tired, even though he had slept. Deep down he felt guilty at the way he had acted to Ron, even though Declan may have said something very important.

"Don't worry, I apologise for bursting out like that," Harry finally spoke.

What was Declan going to say? Harry thought desperately as he rushed, pulling on his clothes, not even bothering to wash up as he scrambled from the dormitory, Ron and Seamus's eyes following him.

Out of the common room he rushed, nearly knocking over a first year, and in a flurry, bolted to Sirius's office, hoping he was still there. Without banging on the door, Harry burst in and looked around anxiously.

"What?" Sirius said, confused seeing the ghostly look on Harry's face. Sirius laid down the books and parchments he was carrying and blinked bemusedly at his godson.

"Listen, I think Declan told Voldemort where whatever he was looking for was."

Sirius closed his eyes for a moment and breathed deeply, moving over to his office door to shut it. "Are you sure?" he asked wearily.

Harry nodded. "But Ron woke me up before I could hear--"

"What happened with practicing Occlumency, Harry?" Sirius said loudly, cutting him off.

"I did it ... but I'm guessing it was just too strong. Like I- I just needed to know, OK?" Harry shrugged, shaking his head. His godfather should have been at least grateful he told the little bit of info.

"No it is not ok, Harry! You are overreacting like last year ..."

"FINE!" Harry bellowed. "I think I learned my lesson from last year, Sirius. Don't you think I would think twice before risking everyone's lives again? And for your information -- I DON'T CARE IF THE DREAM WASN'T REAL OR NOT, I'M JUST TELLING IT IN CASE IT IS TRUE!"

Sirius bowed his head, apparently quite taken aback. He huffed his cheeks and blew out silently pressing his hands over his face. A moment later, Sirius raised his sullen face and Harry stared into his godfather's glittery eyes, an emotion quickly overwhelming him.

"You know, don't you? That Declan told Voldemort?"

Sirius approached Harry and placed his hands on his shoulders in a paternal manner. "No matter what I say or do ... I can't protect you as well as I want to."

"Lying to me won't protect me, it'll just make things worse!" Harry spat. "Dumbledore knows that and he never lies."

"DAMN IT HARRY ... I am not Dumbledore." Sirius yelled, squeezing Harry's shoulders harder before relaxing when he realised it. "I love you too much to see you suffer. I -- we--"

Harry closed his eyes. "I know ... but please tell me what's going on. I want to be prepared," he pleaded.

Sirius removed his hands and turned away, walking over to his desk in long strides. Harry could tell he was thinking deeply, the emotions circling his mind and the decisions were hard to make.

"Well," he started. "You have confirmed our beliefs. These last couple of days we have been given information which suggests he has said something. This is why Harry, I'm telling you now -- don't go anywhere by yourself."

"What is An Tobar Le Fios, Sirius?" Harry said making Sirius snap his eyes onto him.

A pause, a apprehensive silence loomed overhead. Sirius opened his mouth. "You might as well bloody know," he said heatedly, running his fingers through his unkempt hair. "You've got your nose in it too far now -- something your father would be proud of nonetheless. The Tobar le Fios is-"

But their conversation was interrupted by a light rap on his large oak door. Sirius closed his mouth and Harry was startled, disappointed that he didn't hear what the words meant.

"Excuse me, Professor Black ..." Morganna said from the now open door. She watched Sirius and his godson carefully, thinking that she might of burst in to a not-so-good moment. But she didn't care, she did not know. "May I have a moment with you?" she smirked.

Sirius widened his eyes. "What's wrong, Professor Snape?"

Harry sighed, a twinge of agony making itself welcome on his scar. And even more painfully, he had to massage his forehead under the malicious glare of Professor Snape. Harry had to turn his back on them.

Morganna flicked her eyes down and removed a note from her pocket. "I got this owl this morning ... an interesting little note from dear Lucius Malfoy," she whispered, making sure Harry couldn't hear.

Sirius opened the folded parchment, quietly and pursed through it for a silent moment. "Well, it is interesting," he retorted, very surprised.

"You don't say, Black? ..." she sarcastically mused. "Either he is trying to break me down somehow with this evil trick or Dumbledore and the Order - including you -- are all hiding something from me."

Harry walked forward, fed up with waiting. "Harry, we will talk tonight. Try not to worry, I will tell you." Sirius croaked, focusing on a leering Professor Snape who had now curled her lip in a despising manner. Harry passed them to go to class; having forgotten his books, he was surely going to be late to Charms, and his stomach ached with hunger. However, this was nothing to what Mr. O'Connor was facing, or what Voldemort was up to. He also caught a bit of Sirius's and Professor Snape's conversation as he left them.

"I assure you Morganna, Dumbledore has not told me otherwise. My guess is that Lucius just wants you to react or test you somehow ..."

Harry furrowed his brow as he stared straight ahead. What did Lucius Malfoy have to do with Morganna, when she wasn't a Death Eater? But how was he sure she wasn't, then again why show Sirius her private letters of fugitives, which was highly dangerous in the first place? She was just as enigmatic as her brother.

"Harry ..." Hermione called, Harry's books in her hands as well as her own. Her hair was pulled back in a very thick ponytail which was swinging from her little walk. Harry looked up and for the first time that morning he smiled. It was just to good to hear her soothing, lovely voice.

"What happened?" she breathed frantically, walking over to him. "Ron said you had a vision. What did Sirius say?"

Harry told her everything as they walked to class in the gloomy light. She frowned at the information, without a clue as to what the words meant and what was happening with the Potions Mistress. But Harry knew that she would soon start to work on finding out what it meant.

The last class of the day happened to be Care of Magical Creatures, Harry sat down by Hagrid's hut, which no longer had Hagrid to fill the space because he had died in his mission to persuade the giants to join their side. Harry so far had avoided sitting down near the hut, afraid that it would make him even more forlorn, but Hermione stated that it would help the healing process.

Ron, Parvati, Dean and Lavender sat on the ground as they studied a streeler, which was safely tucked away in a small glass tank. It was a highly colourful but extremely poisonous snail, whose secretions would destroy just about anything. Neville joined them minutes later, mesmerised by the Snails changing colours, eventually putting him into a stupor, his wide glassed eyes almost entranced by it. Harry watched him. Neville seemed more troubled then usual and was going to say something when Dean interrupted.

"Did you catch the snitch in the common room yet, Harry?" Dean asked, while he drew a faint outline of the snail on his parchment. Harry looked at Dean pulling his eyes away from the Slytherins who were whispering to themselves, huddled close together and casting furtive glances at Harry and the other Gryffindors.

Harry shook his head. "I would rather just leave it hovering, it's a nice little extra addition to the common room."

Hermione rolled her eyes. "You'll have to catch it, Harry ... McGonagall said so."

"Well if you held that trap of yours shut, McGonagall wouldn't have known," Ron said.

"Guys --" Harry stopped. A piercing pain in his scar nearly blinded him, all senses he took for granted disappearing -- he could not even feel the hands slapping his face. And he could hear Voldemort's voice hissing to his minions, slight bits of emotion coursed through him. Something was happening, however Harry didn't dare pull down his guard, fearing the worst.

"He - he killed him!" Harry stuttered, clutching his forehead. He heard Hermione trying to calm him. Ron dropped his belongings to make sure he was ok.

"What! ... Declan? Harry, let's go to Dumbledore," Hermione pleaded. "Are you sure?"

"I-I don't know."

"Hey! Poor little Potter's scar is hurting," Draco drawled so loudly the entire class stared at him, but only the Slytherins sniggered. "Boo hoo!"

"SHUT YOUR STUPID MOUTH, MALFOY!" Ron shouted from his spot, instantly feeling Parvati's fingers dig into his shoulder in distress.

"Boys ... don't make me take points off," Professor Grubby-Plank said making an appearance between the groups.

Harry didn't say a word, he just wanted to dunk his head into a bucket of cool water. He was so hot, even though it was still cold in the spring, and the snow was melting slowly. He could feel his heart palpitating in his ears ... he just wanted to sleep.

Harry stood, his parchment and books falling from his lap, swaying gently. Hermione stood up, fearing that he was going to collapse. "Harry? What's happening ... tell me?"

"Harry, mate ... I think someone needs to take you to the Hospital wing." Ron started, getting up and holding him upright with Dean's help.

Harry, Ron and Dean began to walk towards the castle with the professor's help, passing Slytherins who smirked; however, they didn't risk saying anything under the professor's glare.

Harry stared ahead at the oak doors when an unusual light reflected off its highly polished surface.

Ron and the others stopped, and Harry heard several sharp intakes of breath, all heads turning towards the strange source of green light. Harry followed their gaze.

A deep dazzling green light filled the sky, and Harry froze in awe and plain terror. And he could tell that no one, no one could believe their eyes - and then some Gryffindor girls screamed, while the Slytherins gasped and stood up to get a better look.

"IT'S THE DARK MARK!" Lavender yelled shrilly pointing towards Hogsmeade.

Suddenly there was a huge scramble to hide. And as Harry watched dumbstruck, his skin prickled uncomfortably. More Dark Marks sprang into the afternoon air randomly, the green skulls and snakes twinkling above the houses and trees in the distance.

Professor Grubbly-Plank shook but as a teacher she had the duty to protect all the children under her care. Turning around, she whipped out her wand. "GET IN THE CASTLE NOW... ALL OF YOU!"

"Come on, Harry ... walk faster." Ron said. Dean trembled slightly, but he hid his true emotions.

"All students to retreat to their common rooms," a deep booming voice rang in the entire castle. Fear and alarm roiled in the air around Harry as the pain in his head subsided slightly, and he was able to walk alone.

"Harry, Harry!" Harry flicked his head to his side, seeing Sirius and Remus ran up to him. "Are you ok?"

Harry nodded. "What's going on, are they going to attack us?"

"No, they wouldn't enter the castle grounds, but we need to protect you kids nonetheless. Go up to Gryffindor tower and stay there. I don't want anyone to leave their common rooms, you understand?" he said determinedly. Harry and Ron nodded, frightened. Hermione, Ginny arrived, panting in shock.

Sirius made to leave when Harry stopped him. "Your going into Hogsmeade, aren't you?"

"I'll be back, the Order needs to be there ..." he turned to look at Harry. "Whatever you do ... don't leave your common room," he stressed again.

Harry nodded, "I know. All right. Sirius ... has it got to do with An Tobar Le Fios ... because I think Voldemort killed Mr. O'Connor."

Sirius turned pale and Remus stepped closer to him, "No it doesn't, but we'll talk to you about it after we immobilise Voldemort's minions. Now go - all of you!" He ordered.

Harry watched them disappear in a sea of scared students rushing calmly up to their common rooms with the aid of prefects. Hermione and Ron waved hands in the air beside them, yelling for Gryffindors to walk carefully, when Ginny nudged Harry to move.

The common room was filled with worried and petrified students. Most had tried to huddle themselves by the window sill, jumping on desks in order to catch a glimpse of Hogsmeade as flashes of multi-coloured lights brightened the darkening horizon. From afar, it looked as though there was a giant display of fireworks and pyrotechnics. But there was nothing fun seeing it ... they all knew! Death and war were at Hogwarts' doorstep. Students gasped and chatted, shaking from shock and concern for the hours ahead, many scared to even be by themselves.

Harry drew himself away from the rest, still feeling pain in bursts every now and again. He sat down on his favourite armchair, the air cold because the fire had been put out. Ron stood nearby, eyeing Harry in worry while Hermione was trying to gather people away from the window to preserve everyone's sanity.

"I can't believe this is happening," Ron shook his head as he held Parvati closely, who was resting her head on his shoulder. A tear glistened on her cheek, fell onto Ron's robes and was quickly absorbed into the fabric.

"I- I hope we will be safe," Parvati trembled.

"Course we are. You-Know-Who can't penetrate Hogwarts, Dumbledore will make sure of that. Right, Harry?"

Harry blinked, staring without emotion at the wall in front of him, ignoring the whispers and frightened expressions on everyone's faces. "Yeah."

Hermione sat down, rubbing her eyes. "I can't stop them from seeing what is happening around them."

"They need to know," Harry said quietly, worried about Sirius and Remus and wondering what they were doing right then. Harry closed his eyes, hearing his own rapid heartbeat. Harry heard a flutter of wings by his head. He opened his eyes to see the tiny snitch his side, teasing, hovering, trying to get his attention. But Harry didn't care as he sat weakly in his armchair, and the snitch zoomed off into another direction.

"Ron ... we need to do a head check ... McGonagall said so." Hermione urgently said, when the Head Girl motioned for them.

Minutes later, Hermione looked even more stricken and rounded on Harry. "What?" he asked.

"Neville is missing!" she answered.

Ron nodded looking around. "I'll check again ... I'm sure he is here."

"There he is," Ginny replied pointing to the portrait hole. Ron and Hermione relaxed seeing Neville stumble on his way in, looking quite sweaty and shaken.

"I'm going upstairs ..." Harry sullenly proclaimed to the small mournful group of friends.

"Do you need company?" Ron said, expressing concern to Hermione as well, who had sat down near Harry. Harry shook his head and rose from his seat.

"Have a little rest," Hermione rasped. She had to keep her mind of the troubling developments around them. She grasped Harry's hand for a moment and let go. Hermione watched him leave, aching to comfort him, and tell him that everything was not all dreadful and bad. That in times like this, it makes you really aware of the people you love and care about. And at times like this they needed to stick together emotionally ... like at the cottage.

Harry nodded and retreated up the stairs, it didn't really matter if he found out before Sirius told him what it was. He wanted to be alone think to things out, but at the same time it pained him to leave Hermione's side.


Meanwhile upstairs in a darkened boy's dorm, Harry stared out the window at a starry sky ablaze with curses. Lilac meowed behind him - a welcome sound to Harry's ears. He smiled weakly and lifted her up from the ground, snuggling her close to him. But he also heard someone else enter and fall into bed, judging by the sound of the springs in the mattress. "Hey Neville." Harry said, turning around, with Lilac on his chest.

"I wish we could go to the owlery ... I- I want to sent my Gran a letter." He shook his head, panting as he said the words.

"Are you ok ...? You seem I don't know -- distracted and ill." Harry asked. Neville nodded, but smiled.

"It-it's just this battle ... I'm just a bit anxious - I'm worried about my Gran."

"I'm sure she knows already, Neville," Harry said, turning to watch a couple of Threstrals and other flying creatures fly out of the forest, spooked by the whole situation.

Lilac stared at Neville, and Harry felt her claws dig into his arm sharply. "Ouch Lilac, what is wrong with you?" Harry asked, letting go of her and she sprang onto Harry's bed, standing perked towards Neville, hissing all the while.

Neville, stood up, looking a little green in the face. "I'm - I'm going to the bathroom, think- think I might be sick," he said and he rushed out of the dorm in a hurry.

Harry continued looking at his cat, while she fixed her gaze on Neville. "What's wrong with you, you dolt." Harry cooed, attempting to stroke her, but Lilac turned around and bit him ... disappearing from view.