The Serpent's Thirst


Story Summary:
If Harry thought the summer was bad, well look out here comes sixth year! Much to Ron's dismay, Harry and Hermione has fallen in love again. Sirius has also cleaned out the rust and dust off that heart of his and chases after the new Potion's Mistress, but will she give in?````In the meantime, Voldemort has a new plan... which somehow involves drinking water, and Harry. ````As well when The-Boy-Who-Lived thought he'd never see the Dursleys again... a surprise pops up which has him frantic need to protect it.````Kidnapping, dreams, drownings, catfights, love, a slap in the face or two and destructive forces are just some of things that will happen. This is a sequel to Love on risky ground.

Chapter 13

Chapter Summary:
Voldemort's plan is going smoothly as he tortures a man for information, but the secret has a little twist which has him furious yet again.
Author's Note:
Please review.

The Serpent's Thirst

chapter 13:

The Impaled knights

Horatio Talden circled Declan O'Connor with leering eyes, the thin corner of his mouth pulsing to smile as he watched the rasping victim below him. His dark robes were dusting up the ground around him, while hearing Lucius opening the door to let Wormtail speak to him.

There was a disturbed silence about the room. The smell of blood drying on the floor and walls, mingled with sweat and the despicable odour of human wastes. Horatio bent down and lightly poked the wheezing man on his cheek, humiliating him. He wanted to deliver another wave of torture on the pitiful man, but what use would he be if he went insane? He would displease his Master greatly.

Avery entered and took over the interrogation with an official touch of Horatio's Dark Mark. That was how the change of shift took place in the inner circles of the Dark Lord's army. Horatio got up and was met by a weary Malfoy. "Well ... is the polyjuice potion ready?" Lucius hissed into his ear.

Horatio smiled with closed eyes. "Oh yes, and I'm sure Bella is adapting to her role nicely. A couple of pleas, crying and screaming should do the trick. I told her -- even though she hates children -- to talk about the baby and make him think of what direction he is taking."

"Ha ... it won't work," Lucius laughed, "Bella and babies ... nasty sight."

"-- Believe me, I hope she does not fail in the act," Rodolphus Lestrange, Bellatrix's husband replied. He was listening to the conversation behind them as he crouched against the wall eating something savoury, his senses inured to the agony around him. "She did trick the Weasley boy in the summer. And our Master had calmed her antics down after the prophecy incident."

"In a way, Rodolphus, I think Azkaban kind of bottled up her fiery spirits and now she's unleashing the fury. Like Mount Vesuvius," Horatio hypothesised with a little raising of his eyebrows.

Rodolphus grinned. "Oh I know! Had experienced the effects first hand when we got out," he winked.

Lucius blinked and scratched the corner of his eye. "Ahh, if only Narcissus was the same ... tell me Horatio, how is Morganna suiting you ...?"

Horatio growled his hands forming into loathing fists. "Black steered her away from me. Changed her views about me -- that Mud-blood bastard ... I think she fancies him now," he said sourly, but he couldn't give her up. He wanted to speak to her. He needed to.

"Well, it's for the better I say, I wouldn't want your name stained by the treachery of that family," Lucius spat, feeling betrayed by Severus's actions in trying to save Potter at the hospital. He thought he could change him back to the dark ways, but he was very wrong.

Horatio looked up at Lucius with a calculating look. "Malfoy ... a name is not everything. And do not let me remind you that Bella and your wife are Black's cousins."

Lucius was about to reply, when the man they were torturing screamed, yelling incoherently. Avery rose, with a sadistic smile on his face, his eyes bright for the lust of pain.

"What is he saying?" Lestrange questioned.

Avery shrugged. "I have no idea what the filth is blabbering on about ... we need to get the information out quickly before he is broken."

Lucius, Horatio and the other Death Eaters watched as the man turned hastily onto his stomach missing a swift kick aimed for his ribs by Avery.

Suddenly a woman screamed outside the room. They looked behind and the door flung open to reveal a woman flaying madly against her captors grasps, the Death Eaters trying to control her movements and prevent any escape.

"Ahh ... it begins," Lucius whispered, watching Rookwood and Goyle throw the woman onto the floor without mercy.

Declan looked at her, his eyes showing fear as he recognized the woman in front of him. "NIAMH!" he shook his head. No, he thought it was a trick, it couldn't be her. The woman stooped on all fours, her knuckles bloody and dirty, her eyes wide with apprehension and she trembled immensely with tears strolling down her white cheeks.

She crawled her way over to him, occasionally flicking her eyes onto the Death Eaters, afraid they might curse her. "P-please De-Declan ... te-tell them," she stammered in between violent quivers. Tears fell and stained the floor in random blotches. "Please ... they'll kill him, they'll kill Brian."

Declan shook his head. It couldn't be Niamh, it just couldn't! "You're lying ... you're not her."

"Now, now Declan, this is your wife," Rodolphus stated with a sneer. He then flicked his wand haphazardly as if he was simply gesturing. "Crucio."

The woman screamed, falling onto her back, twisting and tensing as her muscles seized up under the great weight of pain. "YOU BASTARDS!" She yelled through the unmeasureable anguish towards the Death Eater. Declan yelled in fury and shock.

Then the pain stopped and Rodolphus had the pleasure of seeing the woman bare her teeth menacingly towards him as if to kill him with the line of her sight. But then she turned towards Declan, and her wrath turned into concern in a quick click.

Horatio spoke up, cautious in his words to make the deepest impact as possible. "The same will happen to your son if you don't tell us. And I have heard that one Cruciatus on a tiny child would suffice for them to breathe their last. Time is running out Mr. O'Connor. Do not displease--"

"YOU CAN'T!" Declan yelled as the woman panted, yet was able to put her shivering hands on his back and rock with him, crying.

"Please Declan, he's in the next room ... they've already stunned him -- our gorgeous little son. They'll kill him first if you don't say it."

Declan continued to shake his head, staring at Niamh in complete shock as he swayed silently. The weight of torment was pulling him into further despair. He couldn't think what he was going to do ... what choice he was going to face. The woman comforting him may be his wife, but he still wasn't sure if it was really her and the baby might have been a bluff. But he knew deep down in his heart that if he was going to tell them, they were all going to die anyway and if he told them, the Dark Lord still didn't have his way--

Declan started to smile maniacally, his eyes dark and brooding, adapting to the pain which throbbed in every inch of his body. The Cruciatus Curse had been used so many times that the pain was lasting longer ... and soon he may become insane. "All right ... All right." He gave in, panting. A weight lifting from his heart. "I am the Freiceadan Le Fios! And I know where An Tobar le Fios is ... I ju-just need to call for it."

The short lived feathery lightness in his heart suddenly turned into flood of torment. He immediately began to cry. His eyes squeezed shut, but moments later he began to laugh wildly, like a mad man. Voldemort entered the scene, hidden deep within his hooded robes and stood with his wand poised directly at the figure standing at the doorway half hidden in shadows.

"But ..." Declan continued, laughing loudly, unnerving some of the Death Eaters a little. It was a laugh so cold, with a tinge of taunting in his voice, as if the next words the tortured man were to deliver would tease them. "I cannot enter it ... and you, you horrid filth of evil cannot enter An Tobar le Fios ... That privilege only lies within the hands of the heir, Voldemort."

Voldemort stepped forth and bent down so that his snakelike mouth would be near to the suffering man.

"And who is this Heir you speak of?" he hissed calmly and softly watching sweat slide down the man's cheek.

Declan paused breathing shallowly. "Gryffindor's heir -- your enemy ... Harry Potter," he said with relish, his aching eyes boring into those snake-like eyes. He smiled, laughing again. "He beats you again ... doesn't he?"

Voldemort stood up again, fury radiating around him. He turned to Lucius and Horatio and the Lestranges, a grimace twitching in every muscle of his white face. Lucius could see his master's jaw grinding side to side with the news. "Find out where the An Tobar Le Fios is and then do what you wish to him."

"Yes, my lord." Lucius started. "With pleasure." Lucius could see Horatio smiling in excitement. And Rabastan had his old corrupt gleam return to his eyes.

The tortured man chuckled again, and the woman holding on to him let go and stood up without fearing the Death Eaters circling him, wiping her blood away from her hands and lip. She turned to her real husband, sneering with intent.

"Don't you ever Cruciatus me again, you dirty pig," she whispered through clenched teeth, her eyes blazing, as her brown hair slowly turned longer and blacker.

"Bella, in all honestly, I thought you were that Mudblood woman at that moment," Rodolphus replied in confidence.

Bella wiped the smirk off his face when she slapped him with lightning speed, leaving deep red finger marks to form as she strode from the room. Declan watched, and closed his eyes, calming down to await his last question and to grasp death ... but not without his lingering thoughts on his wife and the son he would never see. He just hoped they were safe. He had let them all down, and he now regretted ever telling them his secret.

His eyes remained closed and he shivered from the cold and the miserable guilt of failing everyone and Harry Potter. "Sorry, I'm so sorry," he murmured to himself, feeling the salt of his tears and sweat dribble into his mouth.

Harry Potter would soon be given the choice ... but his choice would have an even greater burden then all his previous predecessors. His father had been awakened to the truth of his inheritance, however in knowing, he refused to go further. But Harry Potter was too young to face it ... Declan just hoped that, whatever happens to the boy, that he would resist to give in ... otherwise they were all doomed.

Voldemort spun around with the swish of his robes and exited the room, following Bellatrix. He hissed angrily.

Damn him! Damn him yet again Voldemort thought to himself as Wormtail trailed after him as he retreated into the living room of the old house. Sitting down in the chair, Bella bowed slightly, taking her wand again and placing it in her pocket.

Bella smirked lightly, placing the hood of her cloak snugly over her head. "It seems that little Potter protects everything doesn't he? First the prophecy and now --" she stopped, as a wand was pointed inches from her face.

"Say one more word Bella and I shall kill you," Voldemort hissed with cold fury.

Bella smiled bracingly, moving her mouth to speak again bravely. "No you wouldn't, my Lord. I'm too loyal to be wasted," she said, and Voldemort sneered, delicately putting away his wand as he viewed her pale face.


Harry rubbed his scar, because it had pained him severely during the night and continued to do so in the morning and as the day wore on. Hermione bit her lip every time he was in pain. But there was not much he could do about it than sit down and relax with a cushion pulled over his face and forehead. Sirius had insisted that he should stay in bed, but Harry refused, knowing that it would make him more concerned and agitated.

Especially with what Vedas told him, which left him with more questions then ever.

The only good piece of news, which used to be good news to Harry, was Hogsmeade weekend. Notices were again pinned on all boards and students huddled around these, happy to finally have another small break outside school. Have fun and to stock up on items they wish to get.

Ron had Honeydukes and Parvati on his mind.

Hermione needed to replace her quills after she had broken them from the stress of studying, and promised Ron that she would stay clear of him during the visit so he could have personal time with Parvati.

Harry was stuck at school, since he was not allowed to go into Hogsmeade anymore until the danger was over, whatever it was. He decided to look everywhere in the common room for the Snitch that was intentionally let loose one night, when the Creevy brothers had let it go to give the common room an extra bit of oomph. Hermione was not happy about it, saying that losing school property would cause them to lose house points, but nobody cared.

"Oi ... you two," Harry spat, pointing his finger at the Creevy brothers before they sneakingly left the portrait hole. Dean shook his head, holding a green net in his hands. They couldn't exactly fly in the common room so catching the snitch would be a bit more difficult.

"Oh, come on Harry ... can't we help you find it when we come back?" Dennis said with hunched shoulders.

Colin nodded. He really thought it was a great idea at the time. Harry didn't mind, he welcomed the little snitch buzzing curiously around his head before vanishing while doing his homework late at night. But since McGonagall also knew now -- courtesy of Hermione -- they had to catch it.

Harry lifted his glasses wearily and rubbed his eyes, while Hermione and Ron got ready to leave themselves. "Go on, go before I change my mind," he gave in, and the Creevy brothers smiled, waving back before disappearing.

Ron sighed, pacing up and down as he waited for Parvati to come down from her dorm. "What is she doing -- how long does it take to groom?"

"Shut up Ron," she approached behind him and she lightly slapping his shoulder which startled him. "Come on lets go, and we'd better hurry before it starts raining." Ron grinned and interlocked his arm around hers.

"See ya, Hermione. Harry, I'll be sure to get the stuff from Zonko's," Ron said before closing the portrait hole. Harry smiled, and turned back to finding the snitch.

Hermione threw her bag over her shoulder, silently muttering. Her eyes were looking at the ceiling as she tried to remember what she needed to get. Finally getting everything sorted out she breathed in deeply and looked down on Harry. "Need anything, Harry?" she asked lovingly and she leaned closer. Ginny waited by her side, readjusting her watchband.

Harry closed his eyes, almost feeling her aura surround him. "Just you ..."

"And what else?" she said sweetly, biting her lip as her nose brushed his cheek.

"Some stuff from Honeydukes would be cool... but I fear, I've already had to much sugar tasting you."

"That, was the most pathetic line I've ever heard ... Harry," she laughed, giving him a quick kiss on his lips before she broke away adding, "and Harry please talk to Professor Dumbledore about what you found out at the lake."

Harry shook his head. "They already know I bet ... and it's not like they'll be telling me, you know in case he reads my thoughts and stuff." Hermione drooped her eyes a little, she wasn't sure that he had said all the reasons why Dumbledore hadn't told him. She rested her vision on the griffin clasp of his outer robe.

"Guys ..." Ginny started. "A kiss will suffice ... it's not like we're going on a holiday, it's only for a couple of hours."

Dean snorted, as he picked a feather from Ginny's robe, which Pig had sprouted when she sent a letter to Fred and George.

"You're quite fussy, aren't you today?" Harry retorted, as Dean had momentarily spotted the Snitch and jumped into the air swiping the heavy net around, but to no avail. Ginny rolled her eyes and sighed, grabbing hold of Hermione and leaving the room as well.

"Need any help?" Neville asked, unsure whether he should leave or stay in the warmth of the castle. "I'm not sure if I should go or stay.

"Nah ... we're fine, Neville," Harry grinned, "You go on ahead ... certainly more fun then being stuck here."

"Well, OK then .. see ya later," he said, pulling his cloak on. "Maybe I'll meet up with Luna or something as well."

Harry and Dean continued looking for the Snitch while first and second year Gryffindors watched on. As the fire crackled brightly, Harry spotted it hovering over the candelabra and jumped onto the desk yelling for Dean to catch it in the net but missed it.

He stretched out his arm, jumping in an attempt to snag it. Holding his body taut Harry flung himself fearlessly into the air. However, the little feathered ball was too high for him and he next felt a rush of wind. A moment later, Harry hit the ground rather painfully and a roar of laughter erupted around him.

Dean doubled up laughing hysterically in the background, his net dropping onto the floor. "Harry, are you ok?" he chortled with tears in his eyes.

Harry looked up, hearing other students chuckle as he stood up and brushed himself off. "Yeah ... I'm spiffingly fine," he answered, rubbing his bruised arm furiously. He laughed as well after he recollected the scene. He had to laugh ... otherwise all the misery at the back of his mind would suffocate him.


As discussed before Christmas, Sirius had sent an owl to Morganna that morning to ask her if she wanted to meet him at a well known dueling pub called The Impaled Knights Tavern. She had sent back the reply hastily, suggesting they'd meet inside at the corner table by the bar. Morganna didn't write it in the message that she also had to make a little meeting with someone else during the day, after they had desperately sent a message wanting to speak with her.

She polished her wand so that it glimmered and pocketed it. Her robes billowed as she left her office and Hogwarts, just like her big brother's. She could never master the same effect that his had, but she knew walking past students with her own style made their skin crawl as well. Now and then, she nodded with politeness to the professors at their passing in corridors, while giving scowling, calculating looks at the students who weren't in her own house.

Rushing down the path towards the gates of Hogwarts, she placed her cloak warmly around her, and as a light drizzle began to fall from the grey heavens, she cast a small repelling spell around herself. Then she spotted Draco Malfoy and his little gang of Slytherins. Her eyes gently narrowed, but there was nothing to be suspicious about.

"Good Afternoon, boys -- that's an unusual green flower in your hair, Miss Parkinson."

"Thank you, Professor," Pansy grinned giving her an ugly smile. "Thought I'd make myself prettier in the eye of a certain Slytherin beholder,' Pansy whispered nudging her head towards Draco.

Morganna flicked her eyes on Draco for a moment, knowing the Malfoy family well enough to say something that might go against them. "Well, good luck Miss Parkinson," Morganna replied leaving their sight as she quickly apparated to The Hogs Head.

Popping by the back door in a small narrow alley, Morganna looked around. Her robes stopped churning by the Apparition and she glared around carefully. The smoothed black and paved ground glistened from the water, and there was a certain added slipperiness to it, while she noted the pungent smell of rot and decay from the nearby skip and from the condition of the road itself.

She took the liberty to open the back door where customers were not meant to walk through. Nevertheless, she was sure he would be there lurking silently behind the door. Morganna just wanted to tell him to stop sending her owls which might jeopardize her career in Hogwarts.

The Potions Mistress stepped in, hood over her head, yet bundles of her black hair leaked out over her chest.

The back entrance was dark and foreboding, the air itself was a menace, and the putrid odour of smoke from cigars lingered there for many centuries. The Potions Mistress wrinkled her nose in disgust and held her breath.

"Hello there, my luscious peach," an oily voice sounded behind her as the door finally clicked shut. "I see that you actually read my last little owl, my love."

Morganna swung around instantly, clutching a thick amount of cloth of her cloak at her neck, her hood falling back to reveal her pale face. "Hello Horatio," she said sweetly into the darkness.

The clink of glass and laughter echoed through another door which led into the pub and she hoped nobody would burst in to their little conversation. She sighed loudly, pulling out her wand and uttering Lumos. Their faces glowed eerily and she noted that his eyes were unmoving and cold.

"I am not your love anymore, dear. However, I sense a strong bitterness in your voice, you still seem resilient to not letting me go," she said calmly.

Horatio's eyes were sharply focused on her without blinking even with the sudden change in light. A small frown was plastered on his face, as strands of grey and brown hair lifted in the light draft.

"How can I let you go, when I thought our relationship was so promising-"

"No Horatio, our relationship was promising before my brother died. Before I knew you were at the hospital as well, hunting Potter down. Before-"

"-- Before you realised you were in love with that Mutt!" he hissed coldly, and approached her with a quick step which surprised her. Morganna shifted back against the wall, fingers tight on her wand. She was ready to use it.

"Don't do anything stupid Talden, you don't want to make me mad," she replied roughly.

Her top lip curled slightly, by the increasing closeness of the man and she could see his eyes trailing longingly over her body. Horatio's lips softly trembled in the ache to feel her. His heightening temptation made his breaths quiver. He launched to kiss her, but Morganna firmly planted her hands on his chest and backed him away before he had a chance to fulfill his wish, making him lose balance for a short while.

But Morganna resisted the urge to let him fall, and helped him regain composure. She lifted her chin up, observing the man quietly as she straightened her posture. "You don't give up, do you?"

Horatio laughed loudly. "Well, how can I give you up, Morganna, when you are so tantalisingly evil."

Morganna blinked, with a soft smile playing on her face. "Not as unredeemable as you are, dear Horatio ..."

"At least I am loyal."

"To the Dark Lord, you mean," she whispered terribly.

"Tell me Horatio, why are you not fighting back like the high ranking Death Eater I am hearing about?" She pointed her wand at the man, who watched her uninterested that the wand was held with complete stillness and skill towards his chest.

"Because I'll kill you ... and I don't want to risk harming the woman I-"

"I DO NOT LOVE YOU! Understand that," she huffed, determined not to leave until she sorted him out right. "And dear ... I know more about the Dark Arts than you presume so, and I certainly know how to kill."

"Morganna, I've never underestimated your ability."

Horatio closed his eyes at the feeling of his Dark Mark smarting strongly. When the pain disappeared he opened them, retrieving his own wand. He knew now what The Dark Lord was warning him about ever since he first laid eyes upon her. Morganna's skill in the Dark Arts was as strong as her brother and faster with lightning precision.

"It is a shame, that you do not see the ways of my Master. You would do well as a Death Eater."

"I've learnt enough of the dark ways, to know not to fall for it like my brother did in his past."

"You will let your father down, he at least should have one child to be proud of."

Morganna dropped her wand, staring at the man she had thought she loved. "He didn't love anyone ... he only hated and thought of us as his possessions. Where do you think I picked up my charming personality?"

Horatio scoffed, and licked his lips. "I could kill-"

"I know ... and I could too. We could both die on the spot right here and now," she replied, her eyes burning brightly with anticipation. The thought of death was not a frightening predicament, just as Horatio thought as they both held their wand high at each others' body.

Morganna saw his weakness and exploited it. "But you love me too much to hurt me! It's ironic that you are so capable of loving, when you can torture and humiliate people."

Horatio smirked, putting away his wand as Morganna did the same. "And you, my fair lady could bind me up and send me to the Aurors. Yet you do not!"

Morganna flicked her hair back, flexing her long fingers, yet her face was strategically devoid of emotion. "What is the use, when we will just both die trying to thwart one another?"

But Horatio wasn't going to fall for that.

Horatio, removed the smile off his face and nodded, "I won't let you go, Morganna. You will be mine!" he said with determination.

Morganna batted her eyelashes. "I'd like to see you have a go making me yours!"

Horatio lifted his hand towards her face, his fingers lightly touching her check as he lightly travelled down to her chin feeling the softness of her skin. Morganna shut her eyes, feeling his touch until he gently removed his hand from her face.

She opened them, seeing his eyes now displaying the symptoms of a broken heart ... but he would never give her up so easily. And with a turn of the door handle, Horatio disappeared, the door left open in his wake. Morganna leaned her head against the stained ancient wall, relieved to see him finally go. Even though a cold blast of wind entered the open doorway, she did not attempt to close it until she was sure he was out of sight.

Her heart never ached for him, she was not in love with Horatio as with Sirius. But in her mind she knew he was a danger, and she couldn't live with herself knowing that man was an agent of the Dark Lord, killing for fun and honour. Whatever love for Talden Morganna had was slowly leaking away.

Horatio ran his fingers through his hair, turning back to look behind him in the dark alley just for a second. But his hope for suddenly seeing Morganna looking at him had let him down. His mark burned again and as he continued walking dispirited along a tight road with lopsided dirty buildings, leaning menacingly over him. He turned the corner when he accidentally smacked into something solid. He was jolted for a moment staring a the thing he had hit.

It was a boy!

"Watch where you're going, you clumsy child," Horatio spat, taking his hand away from his wand which he'd grasped reflexively.

"S-Sorry sir," the round-faced teenager said, getting up and brushing away the snow from his robes.

Horatio calmed down with a huge sigh, kneading his forehead as well. "Don't worry about it, it was my fault too. Listen you shouldn't be in this dark alley alone, especially since You-Know-Who is on the loose," Horatio said, placing his hood over his brown hair to hide his face a bit.

The boy looked up, biting his lip and looked around. "Yeah .. My gran has been telling me to stay in the castle on Hogsmeade weekends, But I couldn't resist the opportunity. Now I've made a wrong turn."

Horatio grinned, making sure he hid his true emotions and past carefully, warming his hands beneath his cloak while he observed the boy in front of him. He was a Gryffindor, he knew by his scarf, and he hated Gryffindors. The boy in turn studied the man. But Horatio thought he looked familiar.

"You're Neville Longbottom, aren't you?" He asked politely, pulling his cloak aside to check the time from his very old silver fob. He was running rather late as he felt the mark burn for the third time. Horatio needed to Apparate quickly. However, he also noticed that Neville withdrew slightly hand inching into his inner robes, thinking that Horatio was about to take out his own wand

Neville nodded, a flicker of fear present in his eyes, but he relaxed and Horatio furrowed his brow, deeply interested as Neville began looking around for a way out, but remaining completely still like a predator waiting in the dark. "What are you scared of Neville?"

"W-well dark alley ... stranger ... pretty dangerous," Neville said taking in a deep breath to compose himself.

Horatio looked at him, but he sighed, looking up. "Ha ... I could hear my own mother echoing those words. Never go alone," he laughed. Neville smiled with a soft whimper.

"How are your parents, Neville? I hear they are in St Mungo's, poor souls ... I heard there's a new treatment being developed."

"Um ... yeah --" Neville said, relaxing a little at the stranger's words. "Um, do you know how to get out of this place?"

Horatio nodded and grimaced slightly as the pain in his mark burned more fiercely. "Yep ... just turn back until you see a turn on the right and it should take you straight to the Shrieking Shack," he said quickly.

Neville nodded and left the stranger in a hurry, but Horatio stood rooted on the spot. On one hand, he had the Dark Lord wanting his assistance, but on the other hand, a new opportunity had arisen. He sneered as a plan formed in his mind.


At the other side of Hogsmeade, Sirius sat down at a corner table by the bar. He flung his head back while tapping his fingers on his shining sliver goblet impatiently, desperately thinking that Snape was acting like the ugliest hag in world for not showing up. The tinkle of a bell above the doorway again heralded Sirius' attention, and for a second his heart fluttered. He saw her intricately designed cloak, with silver snakes coiling and swirling at the hem of her cloak. Staring at them, they looked as though they were real, and he wondered if Harry would speak Parseltongue if he eyed that. Sirius relaxed in his chair as the woman spotted him.

"Black ..."

"Snape," Sirius lightly nodded. "Have a seat."

Morganna sat down, before Sirius had the chance to lift himself and pull out the seat for her. "I'm sorry I kept you waiting. I had to turn up at another meeting with an old friend."

"Wouldn't happen to be Talden would it?" he said, but he stopped talking as the bartender asked them what they wanted to drink. Sirius had already had two butterbeers waiting for her and another one would force him to take a nature call.

After Morganna made her order, she studied her surroundings. Glittering swords littered the interior of the dark Gothic pub, where people sat around lavish tabletops eating, drinking and talking about duelling and other things. Suits of armour and weapons actually used in past battles lined the wall as well and grimy paintings depicting scenes of both magical and physical fighting (some rather horrific) while others displaying the usually friendly wizard sport. The pub had several doors around with little numbers indicating the safe spaces for the duellers to go.

People rarely died in this safe environment, a pub which had been erected about seven hundred years ago and renowned around the world. However, a yellowed parchment with scrolled writing said that people actually injured could not hold the pup responsible under Ministry laws.

"You didn't answer my question, Snape."

"You and your bloody questions, Black! Yes I met Talden, what else did you want? I have to say, we were both an inch of losing our lives but our weaknesses had proved a blessing --"

"Because you both loved each other," Sirius interrupted feeling his insides wriggle in a pang of envy. Morganna turned silently still and Sirius squeezed his eyes shut, his emotions ebbing away. He didn't want to upset her further.

"Listen, where did you see him?"

"Back of The Hogs Head -- he's gone now Sirius, he is not dull as you think, he is very smart."

"Not so smart ... because he fell for the wrong side, didn't he?"

"Sirius ... beliefs and opinions may differ, but believing them does not make you stupid ... many just prey on your fears."

"I'll have to report to Dumbledore that you met him. Did he mention anything about Voldemort?"

"Only that he thought I'd make a good Death Eater," she smiled awkwardly. "We both know the truth ... I have the ready skills Voldemort craves for, but alas, I've chosen my side a long time ago."

Sirius grinned, reinforcing his belief that she was not that evil, as she moved gently forwards and leaned her chin on her hand, sipping the butterbeer the bartender had brought.

"You're different from what my brother had told me about you ... well, at least you're not as much of a turgid prick he made you out to be."

"What Sniv- Severus. No, no ... he knows me alright! Like I know him," he replied seeing Morganna curl her lip, trying to hide a sneer. "Though he has ... I mean had Harry all wrong," he nodded.

Morganna narrowed her eyes a little. "It's weird he died ... I always thought he would've become a ghost -- still had too many unfinished things to close. I'm sure he still hadn't finished his little thing he was doing for Dumbledore." And she knew he was doing something for the Order -- whatever it was.

Sirius snorted, "His 'little thing' was never half way done, Morganna. The frightening thing is, what we feared might actually turn to truth if we don't defeat the Dark Lord soon enough. You could carry on for him, you know, you have the brilliance and the mind to continue on his work. He would've wanted you to carry it on. He loved you. You have as strong a bond with him as much as he had with you."

"Course I did! He was the only one I could really relate to. Severus was my big brother and my protector," she said her as she rubbed her hand hard until they were white, being drained of blood.

Sirius watched her, interested to know more about her. "It must have been difficult growing up."

"Yes it was," she spat. "Just like you! Our father was a terrible man, denying us of love and happiness. He trapped us in a web of deceit and corruption. Then there were his betrayals. Floundered with other women, while my mother tried to stop him. She loved him too much to get away from him and that was her curse. Severus' Mother on the other hand knew what he was doing, and when Severus was at a young age, she had an affair to avenge him. It caused disastrous consequences. It's bizarre, really ... wanted all the women in his bed, but couldn't stand the fact his own wife had done the same with another man.

"But in my family, he would lash out in turn and make us feel so low and unworthy that we wanted to die. His every word was deadly and he made us fear him and then embrace him."

Sirius stood still, absorbing the words which hit him like a painful blow. "My family hated me because I refused their Pure-blood views. My little brother was their pride and joy because he was everything they wanted to see in their child, and I wasn't."

Morganna shook her head slowly comparing Sirius' words. "How destiny favours her chosen few and not others mystifies me. What makes some people worthy and others not is the injustice of it all." She paused.

"I remember my mother saying that, when Severus' mother died and he was to live with us in the summer holidays when he was twelve. I never knew I had a half brother until then, since my mother forbid me from ask questions of our father. Severus knew this well, he hated him so much that when he had become a Death Eater ... he killed him. Threw the killing curse at him and that was it. Mother and I watched dumbstruck. I remember it very well." Morganna closed her eyes elegantly. "I could smell the curses breathe as it struck him. I thought he was going to kill us as well -- then he cast the Morsmorde sign over our house like it was another job for Voldemort."

Sirius gaped at her, shocked at the words. But she continued to speak. "Still, there could have other ways to deal with him."

"I know that! Severus was enthralled by Voldemort and his ways and he had the skills that would distort his past. Father was not humble, but a terrifying man who would twist words around and control your every movement. He might have been in favour of Voldemort's way, like your parents were, Sirius. Nevertheless this wasn't enough for a young Death Eater who despised him from his earliest days."

Sirius laughed a little, causing Morganna to flick her eyes on him with curiosity. "It's amazing how people react differently to that sort of environment. I mean Harry ... has lived for most of his life outside of school, downtrodden and made to feel like nothing, like an unworthy human being because he was Magical. Yet Harry has turned somewhat different to what your background has caused. Mind you, he can lose his temper ... which is normal for a boy going through what he has."

"Of course it's normal. Then again, let us hope he continues to be humble when he is a father! This is why I have always have been afraid to fall in love. I don't want to know what dark characteristics may show up. But I have in the course of a year fallen in love with two men. One I want out of my life and now ... you!"

Sirius smiled. "But I love you just the way you are -- less boring."

"Well, I for one am interested in how fascinating you truly are with a wand."

"Oh, which one?" Sirius raised his eyebrows.

"You pathetic, dirty Mongrel."

Sirius laughed standing up from his table and holding his hand out for Morganna to grab hold of. "Yes, let us find a private room to test our skills in magic ..."

"First aid potions are readily available in the outside corridor at the healers office," Morganna said, matter of factly picking up a red Brochure from the bar and reading it out loud.

"Yes, and Morganna ... please don't try the Unforgivables on me."

Morganna laughed, "If I win I want to join whatever order you work for."

"And if I win, I will have to kiss you."