Astronomy Tower
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 11/11/2001
Updated: 12/21/2001
Words: 23,556
Chapters: 6
Hits: 5,559


Bunny Chan

Story Summary:
Hogwarts holds an annual Masquerade every Christmas, but James doesn't seem pleased with the very thought of it. He had every reason possible to hate it, branching from his mother's death. It was until one night – the FIRST night – of Masquerade that changes his mind...

Chapter 01

Hogwarts holds an annual Masquerade every Christmas, but James doesn't seem pleased with the very thought of it. He had every reason possible to hate it, branching from his mother's death. It was until one night – the FIRST night – of Masquerade that changes his mind...

Words: 3,423
Hits: 3,093
Chapter 02

Hogwarts holds an annual Masquerade every Christmas, but James doesn't seem pleased with the very thought of it. He had every reason possible to hate it, branching from his mother's death. It was until one night – the FIRST night – of Masquerade that changes his mind...

Words: 3,009
Hits: 373
Chapter 03

Hogwarts holds an annual Masquerade every Christmas, but James doesn't seem pleased with the very thought of it. He had every reason possible to hate it, branching from his mother's death. It was until one night – the FIRST night – of Masquerade that changes his mind...

Words: 4,048
Hits: 528
Chapter 04

Hogwarts holds an annual Masquerade every Christmas, but James doesn't seem pleased with the very thought of it. He had every reason possible to hate it, branching from his mother's death. It was until one night – the FIRST night – of Masquerade that changes his mind...

Words: 3,749
Hits: 419
Chapter 05

Hogwarts holds an annual Masquerade every Christmas, but James doesn't seem pleased with the very thought of it. He had every reason possible to hate it, branching from his mother's death. It was until one night – the FIRST night – of Masquerade that changes his mind...

Words: 4,482
Hits: 543
Chapter 06

Hogwarts holds an annual Masquerade every Christmas, but James doesn't seem pleased with the very thought of it. He had every reason possible to hate it, branching from his mother's death. It was until one night – the FIRST night – of Masquerade that changes his mind...

Words: 4,845
Hits: 603