Peter Pettigrew
Humor Romance
Multiple Eras
Published: 11/26/2004
Updated: 11/26/2004
Words: 550
Chapters: 1
Hits: 425

Drunken Murder Plans


Story Summary:
Drunk during their fifth year, Sirius and Remus come up with plans to kill their least favourite person. Not Snape, silly. Peter Pettigrew. Tortures, beer, and killing Almost Headless Peter are exactly what the two need. Slight slash, if you want to see it that way.

Author's Note:
Co-written with Lan, a.k.a. Lioness Fury, a.k.a. Snow White. (

Drunken Murder Plans

Call it exam stress. OWL stress. Call it nerves. Call it puberty. Go on, call it whatever you like. The facts are, Sirius and Remus were completely drunk.

They downed Firewhiskey after Firewhiskey, growing more and more oblivious of the real world. It was a release from the constant stress, constant schoolwork. It was their last Hogsmead trip before the exams.

"Ugh..." Sirius made an unidentifiable sound, between a groan and a moan of satisfaction. "I'm goin'a feel this tomorrow."

"Yer'r drunk." It came out of Remus as a sluggish slur.

"So're you."

"This is comfort'ble," Remus mumbled, slightly more sober. "It's nice, with jus' the two of us."

"Yeah," Sirius replied with a slow smile, also sobering up. "Withou' James. And especi'ly Peter."

"So ye' hate 'im too?"

"Little wannabe tagalong." His disdain was apparent even through his drunkenness.

"Sometimes I just want to throw 'im off a cliff." Remus was almost sober now.

"Not painful enough," Sirius waved his hand loosely. "Hang him by 'is ankles in a well."

"Nice one," Remus laughed. Hang on, Correction. He cackled. "Whip 'im, then throw him into a salt-water sea."

"With sharks."


"Water lice."

"Tied to a rubber ducky."

"He he. *hic* I like that one!"

"Feed him to Aragog."

"Leave him in a room with a flesh 'ating flobber wormssssssssssssss."

"Rodent Poison."

"Let him see someone's man boobs."

"Mauling by a Niffler."

"Seeing Snape in the shower."

"Stabbed to death by quils."

"Smothering with a soy sauce bottle."

"Feed him to the Giant Squid."

"Butterbeer Torture."


"Water torture with Butterbeer instead of water."


They both downed a shot before continuing.

"Sacrifice him to ancient Aztec Gods."

"*hic* Mummify him alive."

"Hmm... I like the way you think Remus..."

"So do I... and right now I'm thinking I like you a lot."

"Now, Sirius, I don't think I've heard enough torture options for that..."

"Well we can always remedy that can't we."

"I suppose we can." Remus sighed as Sirius attempted to give him a very drunken but supposedly seductive smirk and eyebrow action.

Remus snorted at the sight.

"God Sirius. Get a life for once and stop hitting on me."

Sirius frowned, his eyes blurred as he tried to comprehend exactly what "hitting on" meant to him in his drunken state.

"But Remus... I haven't hit you since... you challenged me to that wrestling match."

Remus sighed. "I still say we attack Peter with a toaster."

"A blending machine is more appealing to a drunken mind you know."

"Yes. I suppose it is..."

"But it's still not as appealing as you..."

Remus sighed heavily and let Sirius leave his hand on his thigh.

"Death by dishwasher."

"Death by..." Sirius paused a moment to try and think of something gruesome enough for their rat like friend.

"... nose plugs."

"The Avada Kedavra curse is more along the lines of what I was thinking."

" We could always chop his head off."

"Nah. Nearly Headless Nick is bad enough. We don't need Nearly Headless Peter. I know! Parchment cut him to death."

"I like that 'un." They were sober now. It was amazing; how planning for murder made you so sober. .

"We should get out like this more of'en."


"Withou' Peter."

"Or James."


Author notes: Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed the very tasteful tortures!