Support System


Story Summary:
It is the summer before Harry's sixth year at Hogwarts, and Harry has been totally isolated. While suffering the loss of his godfather Sirius, Harry is given news that Cornelius Fudge has been kidnapped! Left with this mystery and Voldemort's series of attacks, Harry shockingly finds unexpected conflicts from new, mysterious villains just alike. In order to stop the worsening destruction within the wizarding world, he is forced to flirt with the idea of forming unusual alliances...

Chapter 09 - Chapter IX - Support System

Chapter Summary:
In which a huge danger is revealed at Hogwarts in the hours leading up to the grandiose Halloween ball at the Ministry!!
Author's Note:
"Support System" is a song by Liz Phair, oh-so-surprisingly :P.

Chapter IX - Support System


Harry, Hermione and Ron were all happy to report that they left Double Potions nowadays feeling far less grumpy. With Snape conveniently "missing" without a trace, Dumbledore obviously had been forced to draft a replacement Potions teacher. The new recruit, Professor Jane Brooks, was a warmhearted, conscientious witch in her mid-thirties who previously worked as a senior forensics examiner for the Ministry of Magic. Although Brooks was arguably overzealous about assigning a high volume of homework, overall her method was superior to, as well as quite unlike, that of her predecessor, infamous Snape. For instance, she specially was one-hundred percent dedicated to her students, and as such never seemed annoyed when someone begged her to re-explain something. Rumor had it Brooks was a Ministry spy but Harry doubted such independent zeal belonged to an undercover informant of Fudge's sort.

Indeed, the woman's ambition was perfectly impressionable since day one, as a matter of fact, when she energetically made a vow that astonished Harry's small class of prospective N.E.W.T. takers: "I will surpass my predecessor's very improvable N.E.W.T.S. success rate by far. I am vehement that each and every one of you excels at that ultimate examination! In other words, in my case that means I'm on a trod to make your O.W.L.S. flounder in comparison to your prospective N.E.W.T.S.! Doubt me as some of you may, all I ask is that you give me everything you've got while enrolled in my class." Brooks confidently finished her speech with a brush of contained laughter, even adding offhandedly, "I guess we will have to wait and see if I've reckoned a fool of myself, won't we class?" At the time Harry thought she wasn't conscious of the thirteen dumbfounded glances returned to her, but that was until he learned these past few weeks that their new professor was just uneasily dismayed.

Nevertheless, today Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat distracted in her class because of one pertinent, totally unrelated fact -- it was Halloween! Alas. Professor Brooks was no less ambitious during Double Potions however, not surprisingly, lecturing in-depth about Veritaserum for a two-hour duration that seemed to go on all afternoon. On a normal day the topic would probably strike Harry's interest quite a bit, considering he'd witnessed the serum's effects on Barty Crouch Jr. personally. Given the special circumstances however, all he could think about was the Ministry ball as the hours ticked away. He'd been feeling detached from the world all day, oblivious to everything beyond his apprehensive mind.

Frustrated, Harry, completely inattentive of Brooks' undeterred speech, cynically wondered, '
Maybe if there was something more to go on than the silly invitation and our last-minute directions, my whole mind wouldn't be full of dread right now!' He felt ridiculed by the total lack of information in these two letters, especially since the three of them were probably the youngest and most noticeable guests expected.

Even Hermione looked unusually pressed to focus, the fist under her chin forcing her eyes to strain up at Professor Brooks. Ron, on the other hand, dozed off inattentively with his head on top the pillow of his folded arms. Honestly, if it weren't for Hermione eagle-eyeing him, Harry's "note-taking" (i.e. making unorganized scribbles of Brooks' lines across the blackboard) wouldn't even be happening right now. Indeed, whilst in this current frame of mind, Harry Potter had Hermione's invasiveness and Brooks' blackboard fondness to thank, for both made his unprocessed note-taking a reality. At the very least, such messy scribbles proved Harry achieved more than nothing by showing up!

Daydreaming, Harry kept getting offended by the annoyance of Professor Brooks' loud tone, only to then stupidly remember that they were supposed to be silent for her, not vice versa. He almost chuckled at himself for it, offhandedly bothered by his professor's overreaching, assertive voice. "...Remember, Veritaserum is NOT allowable in all criminal trials. By general rule of thumb, its estimated 3 % inaccuracy rate must be weighed to each case by the appointed judge's discretion. Second, do not ever forget that Veritaserum
must be administered live before the jury while trial is in session; such became a mandate only in recent history though, upon the High Wizengamot court's ruling--" She stopped speaking briefly as she took a piece of chalk and began writing on the board. "... It is crucial that you memorize the precept behind that monumental ruling, class! Thus, for only our own benefit, please copy the official statement exactly as I write it on the blackboard -- 'Pre-depositions of Veritaserum are likelier to have error, and therefore are no longer admissible at trial as of the current date, 1 September 1956.'

Professor Brooks paused to let them write. Once her anxious students finished, she smilingly continued, satisfied with their conduct. "Lastly, arguably principle is how a defendant cannot be forced to take Veritaserum or any other subduing substance whatsoever. Don't ever forget the individual's right to not self-incriminate!" Harry looked up at Brooks after no one laughed at her joking tone, and then watched as she surveyed the room for overtly confused students. When she spoke again she may have been slightly less guarded. "Understand? Please ask any questions that you have. I know Veritaserum is commonly thought to be a lot more cut-and-dry than it really is. Far too many sorcerers unwisely idealize the concept of a truth serum without appreciating its imperfect practicalities. I guarantee you it will be a major part of the N.E.W.T.S."

But silence, silence, silence was all that followed her words for the umpteenth time this afternoon.

In fact, her non-responsive students droned to merely stay awake. After the awkward quiet prolonged much too long, despite Brooks' thin-lipped staring Harry daringly took a look around at the twelve other students; all the sudden, he then instantly felt way less guilty about paying no attention today: everyone around him looked like clones in their inexplicable disinterest and weary appearances. The scene frustrated their professor just enough apparently. Brooks sighed loudly before shocking them all with a half-reluctant announcement. "Alright, alright, I see all your bored faces! Your minds obviously are far too invested in festivities to stay attentive right now, hmm? Fine, off you go then just this once! Consider it my Halloween treat to you all. Don't you DARE get used to it, though." But as the bored students moved from expressing shock to utter delight, Professor Brooks couldn't help smiling placidly at her freed students.

However, while everyone else jumped to scurry off before any second-guessing could happen, Brooks stopped Harry, Ron, and Hermione in their tracks very seriously. "Pardon me you three, but I must ask you very kindly to stay behind for an important word."


Narcissa Malfoy was undergoing the strangest experience of her life to maintain her covert oversee of Hogwarts: beyond the spectrum of shock and belief as it was, Narcissa was nevertheless actually impersonating her own son, sixteen-year-old Draco! It was no doubt a disgusting but undeniably genius method of self-concealment, especially since she knew Draco so well. Although at first both Narcissa and Draco were infinitely revolted upon receiving this twisted order of the Dark Lord's, things had admittedly been pretty smooth since term started. Not a soul had raised an eyebrow of suspicion regarding the actions of the supposed "Draco Malfoy" - not once!

'Till very recently, Narcissa was quite content with the tidbits of information she'd gather weekly for the Dark Lord. But as of these last few days in October, however, the new rumor accurately swarming the hallways was one of outrageous importance to her lord: Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger were all attending the Ministry's annual Halloween ball, an event so exclusive the guest list was likely short of fifty. This outing was so significant because Harry hadn't even left the castle to go to Hogsmeade for Merlin's sake thus far into term, no doubt at Dumbledore's overprotective insistence. Therefore, it was obviously so that the ball created a one-and-only potential opportunity for Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters to seize an infiltrative lead and re-arrest Potter for good.

Three days ahead of the event, Narcissa felt personally assured the rumor was real now that numerous sources corroborated it for her. Eagerly, she wasted no time to send her ma
ster an owl on account that such extraordinary opportunistic potential to re-glorify the Dark Lord was at imminent stake. But despite the enticing news, Narcissa Malfoy knew the announcement needed to come across powerfully, because all the same something as minor as lukewarm wording could depress the Dark Lord's reception. Therefore, the excited Death Eater reviewed her words and overlying tones cleverly, only then finalizing a thoroughly proofread version for sending. Thus, all in all the news of restorable success was delivered in the safe, blessed words of Narcissa's highhanded penning.


Master of mine,

I'm risking sending this but not without care for your forewarnings about the possibility of Owl interception. Reprovingly, I didn't withhold sending this urgent message because a crucial development regarding Harry Potter recently surfaced: the word is Potter and his Weasley and Granger friends are all invitees to the Ministry's annual Halloween ball. Importantly, Dumbledore has Potter isolated to the castle nowadays, not even permitting him to visit Hogsmeade! I of course haven't spoken with the boy first-hand but the rumor, I can assure you, absolutely is true. Even before the secret reached the entire Slytherin Common Room, I myself had already overheard two Gryffindor boys Potter's year discussing it in hushed voices. And at the present time, three days before Halloween, it seems the secret is no longer secret at all, because the entire school is rampant with jealous discussion over it. Besides, the subtler low-profile Potter assumes each day leading up to Halloween makes it obvious for my studying eyes...

With all that said, my Lord, I must beg that if you are in agreement that this poses an opportunity to reclaim Potter into our custody, reply ASAP. Accordingly, directions on how guests are to enter the Ministry are top-secret, and hence not sent 'till the night beforehand. If I am to somehow retrieve that information, it's paramount that no moment is wasted before I have your approval to formulate an executable plan - it won't be easy.

With sincerest of intentions,

Narcissa Malfoy, most loyal servant of thee the Dark Lord


Professor Brooks was slightly taken aback by how standoffish, how so defensive her three students appeared before her. Judging by their unreadable blank stares, Brooks was certain the trio believed they were in trouble. Reassessing her approach in light of their reproachful demeanors, Professor Brooks surveyed across them calculatingly before speaking half-gutturally. "I should start bluntly by confiding in you something that must never leave this classroom: that apparent 'attack' on the Hogwarts Express wasn't what it appeared to be." All three bewildered students looked beyond suspicious now. Brooks, gulping, continued quickly to preempt all interruptive protest.
"I know this because they, like me, were a part of Rowena's Justifiers. We are an independent coalition of talented wizards and witches that repair static injustices in the wizarding community.

Believe it or not, WE kidnapped Fudge and kept him in our custody for the full duration in which he was 'missing'. The boys stupidly of course failed at the train mission on what in truth was a truly devastating September first." It was stunning to watch their robust, "tough-as-nails" professor battling away tears with only mediocre success. As much as the three (Hermione especially) wanted to not fall to her hypothetical entrapment of some demented kind, the realness to her tone was tangible; never before had the woman looked so emotionally driven.

All three teens looked beyond intrigued now, but Hermione again challenged Brooks first with reasonable doubt. "But who, who on earth was on the train that could at all have been on your list of injustices to 'repair', as you interestingly put it?!" Witty as her assertive tone sounded, Hermione was unable to withhold her lips from trembling as a nervous tick ruptured her stance.

At this Brooks' expression faded palely, tainted by something close to fear. Sighing, she said quietly, "Narcissa Malfoy."

Hermione, Ron, and Harry, incredulous as ever, uttered shocked noises before altogether exclaiming, "WHAT?!" The jagged astonishment of their voices made real their half-disbelief, half-belief, intensifying an already contentious atmosphere.

Brooks, startled by their unexpected outcry, slowly lowered a raised flat hand as a gesture that they keep their voices down. "Shh!" she warned not unkindly. The three looked sort of funny with their embarrassed looks as everyone let silence pass for the next several moments; they quietly listened for human noises nearby, a moment which left the trio, who hadn't even considered the possibility of unwanted company, spooked. But to their relief, no premonitions were anywhere remote of hearing range.

Immediately, the stiff tenseness in Professor Brooks' shoulders decreased considerably. The storyteller took a long deep breath, mustered all her energy at heart, and continued persisting to persuade them.
"Outlandish as all this may sound right now, I reckon there's barely any time to prevent the serious irreversible consequences of having had Narcissa, one of the most dangerous Death Eaters of all, pursuing an undoubtedly auspicious undercover mission here at Hogwarts all term. Unfortunately there was little to nothing that could've been done to gain prior knowledge of such an anomalous occurrence like this, though; even afterward especially, from the beginning any damage caused by Narcissa Malfoy's presence remained a total secret, for obviously her enacting assemblage at Hogwarts -- she as the determinant of an inner catalytic fuse, remarkably -- was an unknown dilemma in no way traceable. You see, the horrid woman has been infiltrating Hogwarts these past two months of terms, believe it or not, in her own son's body! The wonders of Polyjuice are bloody close to endless let me tell you, dear apprentices of mine. They even push that unbelievable disgusting boundary; revolting yes, but sickeningly rather brilliant too, one must admit, eh?" Brooks conveyed disgustedly, a special bitter acid trickling her tone much more hollowed than normal.

All three of her listeners felt their jaws unstoppably drop as the rest of their bodies froze in shock. Their faces were so beyond animate with incredulousness, with defensive denial upon hearing such a depraved suggestion; their eyes appeared ready to bulge out while their eyebrows looked permanently raised. For several moments the three uncontrollably ejected indiscernible utterances of surprise as Brooks' repugnant claim fathomed through them. How taboo the trio found Draco's mother for assuming her teenage son's body; the idea of it sank Hermione, Harry, and Ron to minor nausea. In fact, the nefarious concept crossed each of their minds for a split-second as somehow incestuous. In a way, though, they tried exhibiting an under-reaction considering the suspiciously unorthodox nature of Brooks' accusation, even for Polyjuice pretexts. They couldn't be so liberal with trust.

Alerted, Brooks waved a warning hand, another reminder to not freak out in loudness; luckily, she felt her cheekbones relax quickly once her listeners began calming down gradually. Readily, Brooks took a throaty gulp and continued informing the amazed, intently curious trio. "I've sensed a dark feeling lately every time I catch the eye of "Draco Malfoy", hence his mother obviously. There's been something extra suspect in those sinister, fixed eyes this past week, and it's very inferable what that could be about." Her tone sounded graver the more she spoke, transcending enigmatically.

In a second the three teenagers caught on to Brooks' puzzle, bursting out all together, "THE BALL!"
