Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/16/2003
Updated: 07/14/2005
Words: 184,303
Chapters: 23
Hits: 35,262

Take me Home


Story Summary:
The Road Home's sequel. It's Draco's and Harry's sixth year and they'll have to deal with their love for each other, their parents' sins and Voldemort's terrible plans.

Chapter 10

Author's Note:
Thanks for the wonderful reviews!!!


They had been walking for a while now, trying to come up with a plan to make Pansy talk. So far, they'd only argued about Draco's stubbornness and Harry's lack of brain. Draco accused Harry of having a hero complex while Harry pointed out that it was Draco who had a real problem with that; hence why he was there, sick and all. Harry even had the nerve to take advantage of Draco's phobia of spiders just so he could try to convince Draco to go back to the castle. Draco didn't go back though, and they didn't speak to each other till they got to the entrance of the Shack.

"We're here," said Harry. Draco didn't reply. Obviously, he was still mad at Harry. "Listen, Draco, I'm really sorry, but I still think you should have stayed in the castle."

"And miss the best part? No way," Draco replied angrily. "I have the right to be here! This is about me, right? The poison is in my blood, not yours. If anyone should kick Pansy's arse, it should be me!"

"Yeah, yeah. We've already been through this. Let's not go there again, shall we? Since we're here, it's better for us to do this already. Let's go kick Pansy's big arse." Harry opened the door and they entered the dark old house. "I guess I should take the potion then."

Harry got the vial out of his robe and opened it. Draco watched him add a lock of his blonde hair in it, making the potion bubble slightly. Before Harry could spill the potion down his throat, Draco put his hands in his and said, "Wait, Harry! Just wait. How do you know this is the right potion? How do you know it's safe to drink it? It looks awful..."

"I heard Snape talking to Sirius and I know for sure this is Polyjuice Potion."

"How can you tell?" Draco asked, suspicious.

"I... I've had contact with it in our second year at school," Harry muttered, not looking at him.

"Really?" Draco crossed his arms. "How come? I don't remember Snape teaching us this potion."

"Blimey, Draco! I know this is Polyjuice Potion because I drank it a long time ago, all right?"

Draco's eyes opened widely. "Why?"

"Because..." Harry sighed. "In our second year, Ron, 'Mione and I thought you were the heir of Slytherin, but the only way of proving it was if you told us. So Ron and I drank the potion and disguised ourselves as Goyle and Crabbe," Harry confessed and waited for Draco's explosion. Curiously enough, Draco didn't seem upset but rather... amused.

"Did you think I was the heir of Slytherin?" Draco asked beaming. "Me? The heir of the big man? The great Salazar Slytherin?" Draco grinned, his eyes staring into space dreamily. "Oh, how I wished it was true..."

Harry only shook his head, amused at Draco's dreamy expression. "You're such a mystery, Draco."

"I know," Draco said. "What would be the fun if I wasn't a mystery? Besides, it's better to be anything but ordinary."

Harry chuckled. "I thought you would be mad at me."

"I am. But then again, it was brilliant. I don't know why I never thought about this before. Using a Polyjuice Potion to find out the Gryffindors' secrets. How cool would that be? The only bad thing was that in order to find out more about you, I would have to be Ron Weasley. Ugh. I'll have nightmares about it, I'm sure of it... Weasley... How disgusting... But at least I could have taken the opportunity to see for myself if you like him as a friend or as something else," Draco muttered the last sentence to himself, but Harry heard it.

"Hey! Ron and I are friends! He's very much in love with Hermione, and I'm very much in love with you."

Draco smiled. "Oh, that was sweet, Harry."

"Just shut up and let's get along with this." Harry put the vial in his mouth and drank it in one gulp. Instantly, he dropped the vial on the floor and screamed from pain as his body changed to another. He didn't remember feeling so awful the last time.

Draco watched Harry's transformation torn between fascination and fright. When he saw himself standing in front of him, he stared at what used to be Harry with shock. It was very weird to stare at him, knowing that it wasn't actually him. He thought it was rather creepy but highly interesting. He realised with satisfaction that he was indeed a very handsome lad.

"What?" Harry asked. Draco made a face. Harry still sounded like Harry.

'How odd,' Draco thought. 'He looks like me but he sounds like Harry. It's very... disturbing.'

"Stop staring at me like that, Draco! You're making me uncomfortable," Harry complained.

"Oh, sorry. It's just... It's so strange," Draco pointed out. "I could actually shag myself!"

Harry made a face. "That was just... creepy."

"Yeah. If we shagged while you were me, would that be incest?" Draco asked, amused.

"Ugh. Bad image!" Harry shuddered and looked at himself through a mirror next to him.

"I thought it was hot!"

Harry smiled. "You're hopeless, Draco."

Draco shrugged and then he said excitedly. "What if I drank the potion, too, and became you?"

Harry glared at him. "Why would you do that? I can't be here, remember?"

"And neither can I! But it would be fun! And then we could shag. It wouldn't be so weird."

"Oh, it would be very weird," Harry stated. "And please, tell me you're joking."

Draco smirked. "You're so repressed..."

"Yeah, sure. The only reason you want to drink the potion is to know what it's like to be me. Face it, Draco, you've always wanted to know what it would be like to be me," Harry sneered.

"Oh, please. I would hate to have your hair," Draco objected.

"You always say my messy hair is sexy!" Harry said.

"I would pretty much say anything to get you into my bed."

Harry arched his eyebrow. "I was the one that got you in my bed first."

"Technically, it wasn't your bed but Hagrid's," Draco pointed out, and they both shuddered at the thought.

"Bad image," Harry said making a face.

"You're right. We should stop this," Draco urged, finding it very weird to discuss with himself.


They stayed silent for a moment and then burst out laughing. The situation, they had to admit, was highly odd but also very amusing.

"Seriously, Draco, we should get going. Pansy must be near here already," Harry said, wiping his tears away.

"All right. But just for the record, you look amazing, Harry. I don't think you've ever looked so beautiful."

Harry showed Draco his middle finger and walked towards the front door with Draco laughing behind him. It was a cloudy day when they stepped outside the house. Harry took that as a bad sign but Draco thought it was rather suitable for their mission.

"Put the Invisibility Cloak on," Harry told Draco.

Draco put the cloak on and said, "Just remember, Harry. Be charming. And sneer. Come on. Sneer for me."

Harry rolled his eyes and looked at the blank space where Draco was hidden under the cloak. Harry sneered the best way he could but Draco made a sound of disapproval.

"Is this the best you can do? I don't look stupid when I sneer!" Draco said.

Harry smiled. "Oh, yes, you do." Harry felt a pinch on his arm and he yelled. "Hey!"

"I'm not stupid," Draco said coldly. "Now, raise your chin. Yes, that's right. No, less. I'm not that conceited, am I? Stop smiling!"

But Harry just couldn't stop. Draco was too funny when he was ordering him around. While Draco protested under his breath, he and Harry made their way to the gate of the old house and out to the silent street. No one was around except for a very creepy raven watching them at the top of a tree. Draco wondered if the bird was an Animagus. Harry was concerned, too, but they kept going. One block ahead they found Pansy looking very bored. Harry cleared his throat, Draco rolled his eyes and Pansy looked up to face him.

"Draco, darling!" she said with a grin.

"Just remember what I said, Harry," muttered Draco.

Pansy got closer to Harry, who had to refrain himself from his desire to take a step back.

"So, how are you feeling?" she asked viciously.

"Like you don't know!" Harry accused and Draco pinched him. "I mean, honestly, darling, your pet is the one responsible for my illness, right? I'm sure you know everything about it."

"You're not sounding like me!" Draco muttered between his teeth.

"What happened to your voice, Draco?" Pansy asked suspiciously.

"Er... It's... It's the poison." Harry cleared his throat and tried to sound more like Draco.

"Really?" Pansy made a face. "I wasn't aware of this side effect..."

"What do you know about the poison, Pansy?" Harry asked and Draco sighed. Harry was sounding too eager.

"Straight to the point, huh?" Pansy said, looking thoughtful. "What a turn off. You used to be so interesting before Harry Potter came along... Well, you still have a choice, you know? I have the cure to your problem. I just don't know if you're worth it anymore." She got closer to him and her breath nauseated Harry. "Kiss me, honey, and then we'll talk business."

Harry did it, extremely disgusted with the whole thing. Draco swore Pansy in his mind with very nasty names. He felt his anger rising, so he clutched his hands in the Invisibility Cloak to prevent himself from slapping her. Harry, on the other hand, tried his best to kiss her and look delighted, but it was a very difficult task. He thought about Draco and things got a little better. When she finally pulled away, he felt like throwing up.

"Hmm... That's the Draco I know," she said, satisfied.

Harry smirked in a very believable way. "So, shall we talk business now?"

She smiled mischievously. "There's only one deal, Draco. You should know that by now. If you join the Dark Lord, then I'll give you the cure to your little... problem."

"Goyle said you don't have the cure. He said he burned the book because he wants me dead," Harry said.

Pansy sneered. "Goyle is so cute, isn't he? He does everything I order. You're right about calling him my pet. He is my pet, and a very loyal one. He lied to you because I told him to. There's a cure, Draco, and if you join me, I'll give it to you."

"Why would you tell him to lie?" Harry asked.

"So you could be desperate and your only way out was to talk to me, which you did. You're here, aren't you? That means my plan worked."

"If I don't join you, you will let me die?"

Pansy looked at her nails. "I wouldn't want that to happen, but it's not up to me."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Harry asked quickly.

She looked around and then said, "Listen, Draco, I shouldn't even be here. I'm only here because I do care for you. I love you. But there are certain things I can't fight against. I'm sorry, really," But she didn't sound sorry at all.

"He was the one who planned this, wasn't he?" Harry said in a hurry. "It was Voldemort who told you to send the elf to Dra... I mean, to my house. He was the one who planned all of this! He knows what I feel for... Fuck." Harry almost stopped breathing.

From under the cloak, Draco held his breath.

"I shouldn't say this, but..." she shrugged. "The Dark Lord has a link with Harry Potter, Draco. A very strong link. It seems like Grandfather is able to tell what Harry is feeling sometimes. He's brewing a potion so he'll be able to read his mind, maybe even control him. You see, you're on the losing side. I'm sure you would hate that. You deserve so much more, Draco... So much... And together we could be great!"

Harry should have known that the link worked both ways. He didn't know why that hadn't occurred to him. If he could feel Voldemort's mood, surely Voldemort was able to feel his. After hearing Pansy say that, he felt really stupid for not having thought about that before.

"He was the one who told you to poison me," Harry said. "Because he wants to use me to get Potter."

It was strange for Harry to talk about himself in the third person.

"You could say that. He doesn't really know how you feel for Potter, but he does know that what Potter feels for you is quite strong. Such a feeling had to be put to a good use, don't you think? I overheard a conversation between grandfather and Lestrange about you. You're part of a prophecy but the thing is, while Harry Potter is described as the only one who will be able to destroy the Dark Lord, your part in the game is not very clear. They think you have a dark soul, which means you've got potential to be something great. Your problem is temporary... The, er, poison... I can't make it go away sooner, Draco. Just come with me."

"You're such a bitch!" Draco hissed and Pansy frowned.

"What did you say?" Pansy asked slowly, and Harry could catch the threat in her tone of voice.

Harry wanted badly to repeat Draco's words but he couldn't. Pansy was the only one that could help them. Another thing had occurred to Harry though. Something that Pansy had said, or yet hadn't said. If only he knew how to read between the lines. Something wasn't right in her story. Draco wasn't just a pawn to beat him. Or was he?

"I said nothing," Harry said wearily. "I need to think about this."

"There's nothing to think about. I won't accept her offer," Draco muttered to him.

"Don't take too long though. You don't have much time," Pansy warned him coldly.

There was a pause and then someone appeared from behind the trees.

"Oh, fuck," Draco swore as he saw who the person was.

Pansy made a face as she watched Goyle coming next to them. "I thought I've told you that I didn't need your services today," she said, annoyed.

Goyle snarled. "Did you think I would leave you alone with him?"

"I don't need your help. I can take care of myself," Pansy pointed out, irritated.

"Well, the Dark Lord doesn't think that way because he told me to keep an eye on you. We shouldn't be here, Pansy. Not today," Goyle grunted and then he looked at who he thought it was Draco with disgust. "I should have killed you in the old-fashion way. I don't know why they don't let me do it... What's with you that is so damn important?"

"Stop it, Goyle!" Pansy shouted. "Draco is my toy! Don't you dare play with him."

"Play?" Goyle smiled in a horrible way. "Playing with him wasn't what I had in mind..." Goyle took his wand out of his pocket and pointed at Harry, who pointed his wand at Goyle instantly.

"What do you think you're doing?" Pansy asked, outraged. "Put that down!"

"No. It's time to end this once and for all," Goyle said and then shouted, "Crucio!"

At the same time, Draco shouted the defence charm, preventing the curse to hit Harry by a second. Harry shouted a boil hex and it hit Goyle, whose face got covered with nasty boils. The big fellow let out a yelp and raised his wand once more, pointing it blindly at somewhere in front of him. Draco stopped pretending he wasn't there and took off the Invisibility Cloak, making Pansy gasp and scream in rage.

"What's this? What's going on?" she screamed. "Who are you?" she asked Harry.

Harry smiled bitterly. "I'm Draco."

She stared at him with loathing. "You're so going to pay for this Draco! Just wait!" she shouted at them both. "If there's something I hate, it's to be deceived!"

What followed next was a series of flying sparks coming from their wands. Draco felt the poison weakening him but he kept his wand raised. Pansy, as he had foreseen before, used some pretty dirty tricks, but he and Harry had their own tricks as well. The battle was pretty much tied since Goyle had joined it, and even though he wasn't seeing anything, he kept sending hexes everywhere in hope of hitting Draco.

One of the curses hit Harry in the arm, cutting it slightly. Draco screamed Harry's name and Pansy looked at them bewildered. Draco got closer to Harry ready to strike whoever got near them. He looked at Harry's arm and sighed in relief. It wasn't a deep cut.

"I'm fine," Harry muttered, his wand pointed at Pansy.

"It's Potter then," she muttered to herself. "I should have known."

Suddenly, Goyle and Pansy let out a yelp. They looked at their wrists and panic fell over their faces.

"Let's go!" said Goyle urgently. "He can't know we're here!"

"Why not? Harry Potter is here! We could destroy him!" Pansy exclaimed.

"Are you mental!?" Goyle shouted, trying to put some sense into her head. "We can't kill him! If we do, he's going to die, too!"

Pansy smiled viciously. "So?"

"You don't know what you're talking about, Pansy! Let's just go!"

"Oh, boy. You're no fun," she complained. "Well, I'll see you soon, Draco, darling. It's just a matter of time."

They Disapparated with a loud crack.

"Are you okay, Harry?" Draco asked, worried.

"Yeah, I think so. It was just a scratch." He looked at Draco seriously. "We should get going. Voldemort is coming."

"I know. Let's go then."


"We can talk later, Harry."


They ran in the direction of the Shack and Harry noticed that Draco looked exhausted from the duel. A voice inside his head called him stupid for letting Draco come along in the first place. Draco was ill. The excitement must have made him worse. He was about to say something when his brain exploded in pain and he fell on the floor.

"Harry!" Draco knelt beside him. "It's your scar, isn't it?"

Harry didn't answer. The pain in his head was too much for him to bear it. He panted and a hissed voice made its way into his mind. Harry panicked. Voldemort was inside his head, just like Pansy said.

"He's here," Harry was able to mumble.

"I know, Harry. We should get going! Can you walk?"

"No, you don't understand. He's here, inside my head."

Draco gasped. "Holy shit!"

It was the worst feeling in Harry's life when Voldemort started to laugh and his hideous snigger sounded like a thunder in his head.

"Hello, Potter," Voldemort hissed.

"Get out! Get out!" Harry repeated like a mantra.

"Oh, what for? This is so funny!"

"Harry? Harry?" Draco called from a distance. Harry wasn't hearing him anymore. His eyes had become red and all that got out of his mouth were hisses. Draco realised, shocked, that he was probably speaking the same language he spoke in their second year: Parseltongue.

"GET OUT!" Harry screamed, this time to warn Draco to run, but as what came out of his mouth were hisses, Draco had no idea what he was talking about.

"So, Potter, it's such a coincidence we decided to come to Hogsmeade on the same day! I think it's fate, don't you think?" Harry didn't say anything and Voldemort kept talking, "Such a lovely day to kill and destroy this stupid village. And your presence here made things even better."

Harry smirked. "Why don't you come and kill me, you bastard?"

"Oh, Harry, may I call you Harry?" Harry told him to fuck off and Voldemort laughed. "You already know I can't kill you because then I'd be killing myself. This is not in my plans, so I think I'll pass your offer. I know you must be wondering why your presence here is so perfect. Well, Harry, my dear boy, I have a proposal for you."

"I don't want to hear it!" Harry hissed. "Whatever you have to say to me, I won't do it. I'll never join you."

"Perhaps you'll change your mind when you hear me out. I have a very interesting tale to tell you about your mother, God bless her soul," Voldemort sounded very solemn and Harry wished he could spit on him.

"You know nothing about my mother!"

"Of course I did. I knew your mother very well. She worked with me for a while."

"Impossible!" Harry shouted in outrage. "She would never do that!"

"But you're wrong, dear Harry. Didn't Dumbledore, the old fool, tell you? Lily was a Death Eater."

Harry felt very cold all of a sudden, like there was a Dementor around. He shook his head violently as if that was enough to make Voldemort's words go away. His mother wasn't a Death Eater. She couldn't have been. She was a good woman, everybody told him so. She would never be one of Voldemort's pawns.


Voldemort sneered. "I see no one bothered to tell you the truth, Harry. How... convenient. I'm glad I'm here then. I won't lie to you, Harry. I'm here for you. While the others won't bother to tell you about your parents' pasts, I don't mind at all. I'm all for the truth. Dumbledore probably sees you as a little boy who can't handle things, but I don't see you that way, Harry. No. I, more than anyone in this world, know what's like for you. I know your pain."

"SHUT UP! You know nothing about me! You killed my parents!"

"Not really. Your father is alive, isn't he?"

"What about my mother, you son of a bitch? She's dead because of you! She didn't like you. She was never a Death Eater!"

"She was, Harry. Do you know why? Because she was my daughter."

Harry's world crumbled down. "What?"

"She was my daughter."

"No. Her parents were both muggles. How could... why... No. It's impossible! You're just trying to mess with my head!"

"I'm sure you know how babies are made by now," Voldemort said, bored.

"Her parents were muggles!" Harry shouted to convince himself.

"She had my eyes. You have my eyes."

"No, no, no. I'm not... I'm not related to you! I'm not!" Harry looked devastated. Voldemort had to be lying. His mother wasn't Voldemort's daughter. She couldn't have been.

"But we are so look alike, Harry. We both speak Parseltongue," Voldemort pointed out sweetly.

"That's because of my scar!"

"Or is it?" Voldemort asked quietly.

Harry grimaced. "You're only messing with my head. We're not relatives. You're not my..."


"You're not!" Harry shouted again.

It was too much for him to take it. He felt so many things at once he thought his head would explode. Most of all, he felt betrayed. No one had said anything to him about that. Why would Dumbledore hide something like that from him? Voldemort was lying to him. There was no way Harry was his grandson. No way at all. He felt like crying for a moment, but instead he burst out laughing.

Draco, who had been very frightened ever since Harry started hissing, jumped from the shock of seeing Harry laughing like a maniac. Draco didn't know whether he should find someone to help them. Nothing he did until then had any effect whatsoever on Harry.

"What's so funny?" Voldemort hissed.

"I'm laughing at you," Harry said laughing. "This is such a cliché! Have you been watching Star Wars?"

"If you are refering to that 70s' muggle movie..."

"Exactly! You did watch it!" Harry exclaimed, bewildered. "You stole the idea from the movie!"

"What idea?"

"About you being my grandfather."

"I didn't take the idea from a movie!" Voldemort protested. "It's the truth!"

"It can't be," Harry stated. "It just can't."

"Even if it isn't, Potter, ask Daddy about Mummy's real life as a Death Eater. Lily was a Death Eater."

"STOP TALKING ABOUT MY MOTHER LIKE THAT!" Harry shouted very seriously this time.

Voldemort grinned at his explosion. "I'll let you go this time so you can think about our little chat. I just want you to remember that you're more linked to me than you think. You can join me or die. It's your call. I have to go now. There's a... meeting I should attend to."

"Wait! If my mother was a Death Eater, then why did you kill her?"

Voldemort snarled. "She betrayed me. She knew too much."

"So even if she was a Death Eater, she chose the good side in the end!"

"How many times do I have to repeat myself, Potter? There's no good and evil. There's only power."

And with that, Voldemort vanished from his mind, leaving him rather empty all of a sudden. He blinked a few times, stroking his scar absently while Draco called him worriedly.

"Harry? Harry, are you okay?" Draco asked. Harry looked at him and he sighed. "Oh, great. Your eyes aren't red anymore."


"Are you okay, Harry?" Draco asked again, helping Harry to get up.

"I... I guess... I have a terrible headache..." Harry felt like he would pass out at any moment.

"I'm going to get us out of here," Draco said hurriedly.

"Draco..." Harry clutched his arms around Draco's neck and held him tightly.

"It was Voldemort, wasn't it?" Draco asked. "He was inside your head." Harry nodded. "Oh, God, Harry. Did he say something to you? Did you talk to him?? You were hissing. It was really scary. I didn't know what to do."

"I just want to go home," Harry said tiredly.

"We're going home, Harry, I promise."

With Harry leaning on his shoulder, Draco made their way back to the Shack, stopping every now and then to catch their breath. They both looked tired, like their energy had been drained out of their bodies. Draco wished for a moment that he had convinced Harry to stay in Hogwarts instead of going on that crazy mission. He should have known Voldemort would mess with Harry somehow. Even if Voldemort couldn't kill Harry, there were so many ways of making Harry's life miserable. Lucius had said to him once that there were things worse than the killing curse.

"It's life that really kills, Draco," Lucius had said to him one cold night in December. "Life and its stupid meaning..."

They had almost reached the door when suddenly someone caught Draco's arm from behind and pulled him away from Harry, who was now changing back to normal. Draco kicked and socked the person holding him blindly.

"Draco, STOP!" shouted a very familiar voice.

"Father?" Draco asked, stopping immediately.

Lucius grimaced. "Yes, that would me."

Draco looked at him and then at Harry being sustained by James. Draco paled as he saw a scared James taking Harry in his arms as if Harry was a cloth oll. He noticed, terrified, that Harry had finally passed out. His heart jumped fast inside his chest.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Lucius began angrily. "Considering, of course, that you are my son."

Draco didn't take his eyes off Harry when he answered, "It's me. We need to get him out of here. Voldemort is coming. I think he's already here."

"Prove to me that you're him," Lucius demanded.

"Lucius, there's no time! Harry needs assistance right away!" James shouted.

"How can we know for sure they are our sons?" Lucius insisted. "They might be Death Eaters in disguise!"

"Harry's just changed back! You saw it!" James tried to put some sense into Lucius' head.

"I just need proof!"

"You want proof?" Draco said, enraged. "How about that bloody illegal Ferrari you keep in your garage!? Or that collection of muggle car miniatures you have in your hidden room!"

James opened his eyes widely and Lucius blushed furiously. "How do you know about that?"

Draco grimaced. "Because I'm your fucking son! Do you want me to go on?"

"No, I think that will be enough," Lucius said clenching his teeth. "We better go to my cottage. It's closer."

James shook his head. "I don't know. We took half an hour to get here!"

"Harry's just a little tired, Potter. He'll be fine. We'll have plenty of time to get to the cottage."

"Maybe Hogwarts is safer," James said.

Before Lucius could reply, they heard a terrible shriek coming from the middle of the village and then the Dark Mark sparkled in the sky like an omen of things that were to come. Lucius paled, knowing that if one of his old fellows found him there, they would kill him.

"Potter, we don't have time to lose. We'll have to go to the cottage."

"But Malfoy... We won't get there in time! They'll get us first!"

"Could you two please decide what to do?" Draco asked anxiously.

"We can go back to Damiana's. It's near here," Lucius said.

"And do what?" James asked in disbelief. "Wait for them to kill us? Or perhaps you're thinking about offering us to Voldemort!" he accused.

Lucius rolled his eyes. "Don't be dense, Potter. Even if I did offer you and your son to the Dark Lord, he wouldn't spare me. Damiana has a fireplace. I think I can connect it to my cottage and then I can disconnect it when we arrive there."

"Is it safe?" James asked.

"It's the only thing I can think of," Lucius said. "Harry and Draco can't apparate and it would be too risky to take them to Hogwarts."

Draco realised that Lucius didn't know about the secret passage in the Shrieking Shack. The same thing must have gone through James' mind because he said nothing about it. Draco wondered if they should tell Lucius or not.

"OK, then. Let's hurry!" James said, making the decision for him.

Perhaps James didn't think Lucius was trustworthy yet. Draco couldn't help to feel bothered by that. After all, Lucius was trying to save them, wasn't he?

They hurried to Damiana's little shop but found a hooded figure blocking their way in. Lucius and Draco took their wands out and pointed at the stranger. The stranger took off his hood and smirked at Lucius.

"So you're a turncoat now," the man said. "What a disappointment, Lucius. Some of us really believed in you. But here's the proof that you deserve to die."

"Macnair," Lucius smirked back. "How lovely to see you. Would you kindly get out of my way? I'm in a bit of a hurry."

Macnair laughed. "You're so funny, Lucius! You'll forgive me if I don't obey you, right?"

"Not at all. Crucio!" Lucius shouted but Macnair deflected it.

Macnair and Lucius battled for a while. Draco and James watched the scene from a distance, their hearts in their mouths. Lucius seemed to be doing fine, but a spell hit him in the arm just as it had hit Harry, and Draco didn't know who screamed first, James or him.

"Draco, stun Macnair!" James ordered quickly.

"STUPEFY!" Draco shouted when Macnair wasn't looking.

The man fell down and Draco hurried to help his father.

"I'm fine," Lucius said, touching his arm slightly where Macnair had hit him and opening his eyes widely. "I'm bleeding!"

"Forget about it, Malfoy! You look fine. Let's go!" James said, entering Damiana's shop.

Draco and Lucius followed him and Lucius put a locking spell on the door. He knew it wouldn't last long if a Death Eater tried to open it, but it should be enough for them to get out. Curiously, Damiana was nowhere to be found.

"She's probably escaped, the bloody coward," Lucius said bitterly.

"Where's the fireplace?" James asked.

"In the other room."

They entered the room and stopped in front of the fireplace. Lucius said the connecting spell and the fireplace lit up. He took the floo powder that was inside a small pot on a table next to the fireplace and gave it to Draco so he could go first.

"Warn Gelmina that we have a wounded. And tell Dobby to be ready to close the fireplace," Lucius said.

Draco nodded. He threw the powder in the fireplace and screamed, "Sanskrit Cottage!" And he vanished in it.

James was next. He gripped Harry in his arms and vanished through the green flames, too. Lucius was the last one to go, but not before taking a few items that were lying on Damiana's table. After all, he thought, she wouldn't need them. When he arrived at the cottage, Draco was there with Dobby. The house-elf helped Lucius to close the fireplace and add a few spells in it in case someone tried to pass through it.

Exhausted, Lucius fell on the couch and stared at Draco.

"Where's Potter?" Lucius asked panting.

"He's with Harry in his room. Gelmina is there. I think... we should get Pomfrey to help."

"No. It's too risky to do anything right now. Potter will be fine."

"How do you know?" Draco asked angrily. "Pomfrey can cure him! You don't even know what's happened!

"He's breathing, isn't he?"

Draco felt like going for Lucius' throat. "He needs assistance."

"If I turn the fireplace on again, Draco, we'll all be dead."

"What about Harry?" Draco snarled.

"He'll be fine!" Lucius growled impatiently. "You, on the other hand, I wouldn't be so sure! What in Merlin's name were you doing in Hogsmeade today with Potter disguised as you!?"

"I don't have time for this right now," Draco said, crossing his arms. "Harry needs me."

Draco made his way out of the room, but with a flick of his wand Lucius made him stop and come back. They stared at each other defiantly but Draco didn't give up. He had to see Harry and perhaps assist James in taking care of him.

"Talk," Lucius ordered. "Talk or I'll put you under Imperius," Lucius ordered.

Draco sighed. "We went there to talk to Pansy and make her spill about a cure to my poisoning. Harry didn't tell me about it but I found out and went after him. He tried to make me go back to Hogwarts but I didn't want to, obviously. Things were going all right - well, sort of - when Goyle came into the picture and tried to attack Harry. I defended Harry and Pansy realised Harry and I were only deceiving her. It was when Voldemort gave his minions a call," Draco explained and Lucius nodded absently stroking his Dark Mark. "Pansy and Goyle ran away. Harry and I were about to do the same when Voldemort somehow entered Harry's mind."

Lucius' eyes flew open. "What?"

"Voldemort got into Harry's mind. I don't know how." Draco sat down on the couch, too tired to carry on. "I don't know what they talked about. Harry hissed the whole time. He seemed pretty angry though. I felt... I... I wished I could have done something, but I..."

"You were scared," Lucius pointed out and Draco looked the other way, too ashamed to look his father in the eyes. He knew how Lucius felt about weaknesses.

"I wasn't scared, I just..." Draco silenced. He had been scared. He still was. What was the point in denying it? He bet his fears of losing Harry was written all over his face.

"It's all right," Lucius said quietly.

Draco looked at him, stunned. "Really?"

Lucius rolled his eyes. "Not really. But considering your state and all, it's all right."

"My state?" Draco snorted. "Oh, please."

"I'm actually stunned that you've not fainted like Potter Junior," Lucius said, lost in thoughts. "Oh, crap. Now I'm surrounded by three sissies."

"Make it four. You're here after all," James said coldly behind Lucius.

Lucius smirked but didn't look at James. "I'm not the one who faints all the time."

"Just shut your mouth, Malfoy!" James snarled, kicking Lucius's foot and stopping in front of him. "Someone needs to go to Hogwarts and get Madam Pomfrey to help Harry. He's breathing smoothly but somehow I have this feeling that Madam Pomfrey should have a look at him. It looks like he's in a deep coma."

"You're not a medi-wizard," Lucius said. "How do you know he's in a coma?"

"I don't, but he doesn't look good and I'm very worried."

Indeed, Draco noticed that James seemed very pale and anxious. Draco was feeling the same way.

"I'll go," Draco promptly offered.

"No, Draco," James said, looking at Draco with a feeble smile. "Your father is the only one who can go."

"Me?" Lucius said, indignant. "Why me? I won't risk my neck because of..." he stopped talking the moment he saw James' wand pointed at his throat. He looked at Draco, his eyes asking for help, but Draco didn't seem very friendly to him. Lucius sighed. "You two are really stupid, you know that? I won't go because those men out there know me! But I can send Dobby. Dobby knows ways to get into Hogwarts better than any of us!"

"That's true," pondered James. "Dobby!" he called. When the house-elf appeared, he said, "Go to Hogwarts and see if you can reach Madam Pomfrey. Tell her about Harry. I don't know if she'll be able to come, but tell her I'm really desperate." And then James turned to Draco. "What happened to make him faint? It was just his scar?"

"N-no," Draco stuttered, telling James what he had told his father.

James felt like he was going to panic, but he held himself in check. He was terrified about what Voldemort had said to Harry in order to upset him that much. Now, more than ever, he needed Madam Pomfrey to have a look at his son.

"Dobby, warn Dumbledore and the others immediately about what's going on in Hogsmeade. Although. I think they already know," James said.

"They do," said Draco quietly, explaining to them what Dumbledore had said to the students.

"You knew what would happen and yet you went there anyway?" Lucius asked, enraged. "That was so smart, Draco! I taught you better than this."

While Lucius and Draco argued and Dobby set off to fulfil his mission, James wondered if he should interfere in the father-son talking. In the end, he decided not to. Instead, he thought about how Madam Pomfrey would get to the cottage with the hell that was probably going on in Hogsmeade. Tired, he went back to where Harry was lying and sat in a chair near by to watch him, his heart in his mouth.

Draco entered the room slowly as if silently asking his permission to stay, which he gave to him by saying nothing at all.

"I'm sorry," Draco muttered, his expression full of worry. "I should have done something."

James smiled weakly. "You were very brave, Draco. I think you and Harry were careless, but I was the same way when I was your age so I can't tell you much... The way you stunned Macnair made me remember my old days as an Auror. You're very good."

"You were an Auror?" Draco asked, curious.

"Yes. Lily was, too."


They silenced. Draco looked at James without knowing what else to say. He really didn't want to talk. He just wanted Harry to wake up and tell him he was fine. After the turbulence, Draco was finally allowing himself to lower his defences and really worry about Harry. In the moment that he realised how close Harry had been to dying his body started trembling. What was he thinking? Why hadn't he stopped Harry instead of encouraging him?

Having James near him made him feel strangely safe though. He just wished Lucius made him feel that way.

"Draco, are you okay?" James asked gently.

Draco nodded, but it was obvious by his body language that he was far from being all right.

"You should rest," James suggested. "I know you're ill. You must be very tired and-"

"No," Draco protested instantly. "I want to stay with Harry."

James sighed and with the corner of his eyes, he saw Lucius standing at the door. He turned to face Draco and said, "OK. The bed is all yours. Jump in. I'm sure Harry won't mind if you sleep next to him."

Draco looked at him surprised, and James wondered for a minute if he was doing the right thing.

"Y-you w-won't mind?" Draco asked, his heart thumping fast.

"No, I won't."

They stared at each other for a long time until Draco smiled feebly and lay down next to Harry, sleeping almost immediately. James looked at the door, but Lucius wasn't there anymore. With a deep sigh, he left the two boys sleeping peacefully in his bed and went to find Lucius.

He found Lucius comfortably sitting on the couch, reading the book he had bought at Damiana's. James took the time to admire his beautiful features. He couldn't help it. Lucius was too handsome for his own good.


Lucius looked at James and frowned. "Stop calling me that."

"It's your name, isn't it?" James said shrugging, slightly irritated on the inside.

"I'm nothing to you so just drop it, okay?" Lucius said coldly, returning his attention to the book.

James sighed. "Why are you so difficult? Why can't you just be nice for a change?"

Lucius sniggered, "Because nice is not part of my vocabulary."

James sat down next to him, desperately wanting to feel Lucius' arms around him, but he knew it would never happen. He almost smiled. Just a few hours ago he didn't even want to see Lucius and now that he had finally admitted to himself what he felt for the prick, he wanted Lucius to look at him. James was worried sick about Harry and he just wished to have someone to hold him and assure him that everything would be all right. But Lucius wasn't the type. James had a weird relationship with Harry, but Lucius and Draco gave the word weird a whole new definition.

James had seen how scared Draco was and yet Lucius hadn't said or done anything to sooth the boy's heart.

"So, you finally accepted the idea that Potter Junior and Draco are a couple," Lucius said casually, his eyes still focused on the book. "It was a very touching scene, Potter. I almost cried. Letting him sleep with Potter Junior like that... So bloody-"

"Shut up," James said moodily. He had faced too many things that day. He would not fight with Lucius on top of everything else.

But it seemed as if Lucius was very keen to pick a fight with him.

"I'm sure that pretty soon Draco will be calling you dad. Wouldn't that be the sweetest thing?" Lucius said, sneering.

"What's the matter, Malfoy?" James asked, avoiding all of the voices that were telling him to be quiet and not play Lucius' game. "Are you jealous because you're such a lousy father?"

Lucius flinched, but didn't take his eyes off the book. "Don't be stupid. You're not a good father, either."

"I'm better than you, this I can assure. I'd have been the best if I was given the chance to be Harry's father from the beginning. Do you need to be so cold with Draco? All the boy wanted was a hug, perhaps just some kind words of hope. Don't you think he cares? Every time you treat him with such indifference you hurt him."

Lucius moved uncomfortably. "He's more than used to it now. I don't think he minds."

"You're wrong," James affirmed. "And it's horrible that he has to be used to this kind of treatment."

Lucius put the book down with a loud noise and stared at James with loathing. "My relationship with Draco is none of your concern!"

"Your son is dying, for Merlin's sake!" James said, trying not to shout. "Show a little emotion! You're not that cold! Your son needs you! He needs you now more than ever."

Lucius stood up, highly upset. "You know nothing about me, so just stay out of my life," he snarled.

Lucius turned to leave but James stopped him by saying, "Running away, Malfoy? You're such a bloody coward."

Lucius came back fuming. He opened his mouth several times but nothing came out of it. Lucius was very angry; James could tell since he was a master in making Lucius's emotions altered. Somehow, James was tired of that old game. His memories of he and Lucius were coming back slowly and they weren't pleasant, but he knew now that he loved Lucius and he wanted to make it right for him.

Lucius had faced a tough life. His father was a monster worse than Voldemort. James feared to think what the man had done to Lucius in his childhood. How could someone ask Lucius to be a good father if he had known only pain from his own father?

"Draco is my responsibility," Lucius finally said. "I'd appreciate if you just leave us the hell alone. I'm going to take him out of Potter Junior's bed because I don't want my son involved with yours in any way. It's a terrible mistake to encourage them to be together and you know it! What were you thinking by letting Draco sleep there?"

James rolled his eyes. "I'm being realistic. They like each other. Besides, they are sleeping. And if you didn't like my decision, why didn't you say something before? You were there, hidden in the shadows so no one would know that deep down you were touched by that scene!"

Oh, yes. James was right. But Lucius would never tell him that his heart had twisted in a funny way when he had seen Draco and Harry in bed together sleeping peacefully. He'd never admit that the funny twist in his heart made him feel alive as he hadn't felt in a long time, and that he was scared about the whole thing. Fighting Death Eaters was easy next to spending the night with James, Draco and Harry under the same roof. That was the reason why he gave his back to James and stared at the fireplace like it was the most interesting thing in the world. He didn't want James to see the truth written in his eyes.

"You know their relationship is a mistake. Draco is only ill because of his connection with your son," Lucius pointed out bitterly. "We both know that Goyle has nothing to do with it. Voldemort is responsible for it. He's punishing me and hurting your son in the process. It's your son's fault!"

"Oh, right. Because being connected with Voldemort would have been so much better!" James sniggered.

"I'm not saying that, I'm just-"

"You're so full of shit, Malfoy!" James cut him off, walking to where Lucius was standing and making him face him. "Would you rather lick Voldemort's boots for the rest of your life? Is that your highest ambition in life? You're not your father! Draco is not you and Harry is not me, either. They won't screw up like we did. I had a glimpse of their relationship and believe me, we were never like that. We were too cowardly in the past, Lucius. Our sons are much better than us. Look what happened today! Harry was out there in spite of the danger just to find a cure for Draco's poisoning. Draco was there with him. He protected Harry from being hit by a curse today. So I don't care what you think, butI'm okay with them together. You won't take Draco out of that room."

For a moment, James thought he had seen something flicker in Lucius' eyes.

"You sleep on the couch then, because I won't share my bed with you," Lucius said seriously.

"Oh, so that's what this is all about," James smirked. "You don't want me to sleep with you."

Lucius crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Of course it's not that!"

"Chicken," James taunted.

Lucius looked at him outraged. "So you don't mind at all sharing a bed with me."

James did, but he wouldn't admit it. "Of course I don't. We're both adults, right?"

"Right," Lucius smirked. "And you don't care at all."

"It's not like I'm going to sleep anyway. I'm too worried about Harry. Besides, it's only six o'clock. You know I don't sleep before midnight."

A loud thunder echoed in the living room of the cottage but James and Lucius kept their eyes locked in each other's.

"I should send my falcon to Hogwarts," Lucius said suddenly. "We need to know what's going on. Perhaps it's not safe to be here anymore."

"Don't you have a Secret Keeper?"

"Yes, I do."

"Who is it?"

Lucius shrugged. "Does it matter?"

"Sure it does!"

"It's Narcissa. Dumbledore offered to be the Secret Keeper when I brought you here but there was no need."

"Narcissa?" James looked thunderstruck. "I thought you didn't trust her."

"This place belongs to Draco. Now do you understand?"

"Oh." James now looked very astonished. "I thought this was yours."

"I bought this for Draco when he was born. It's an investment."

James frowned. "Come on, Lucius. It's more than just an investment. You seem very comfortable here. Does Draco know this is his?"

Lucius flushed slightly. "Of course."

The corner of James' mouth lifted a little bit but he said nothing.

"Listen... I've been reading about how to get your soul back," Lucius said. "I have the ingredients to the potion, and I can perform the spell. It'll be difficult but I think we'll make it. Severus will help me, I'm sure of it."

James made a face. "Severus?"

"Yes. Can you think of anyone better?"

James shrugged. "I just don't like him, that's all."

"Grow up, Potter."

James held the urge to stick out his tongue at Lucius.

Gelmina appeared in the living room for just a second to tell them that Harry and Draco were all right and then left for the kitchen. A few seconds later, Dobby appeared with a tousled Madam Pomfrey by his side.

"Oh, for Merlin's beard!" she exclaimed. "I'm only here because of Harry. I have to run though. Where is he? I need to go back to Hogwarts as soon as possible! Things in the school are chaotic. Hogsmeade was attacked and there are so many wounded! Thank God the Order was ready, but still... Where is he?" she repeated.

James walked her to the room and found Draco fully awake. Madam Pomfrey didn't waste any time. With her wand raised, she passed it on top of Harry's body and kept making funny faces. James and Draco watched her with anxiety.

"Is he all right?" James asked. "Should we take him to St. Mungo?"

"No," answered her absently. "He just needs to rest. St. Mungo's will be very full... There's no need for him to go there. Harry's state is very familiar to me. I've been treating him for six years after all. I brought a tonic made by Severus. Make sure he takes it a sip every four hours." Madam Pomfrey left an orange bottle on the bedside table and then turned to Draco. "Now, you, young mister. You don't look so good. What in Merlin's name were you thinking? Going to Hogsmeade in a day like this! Sirius was enraged last time I saw him."

"Is Sirius all right? Did anyone get seriously hurt?" James asked in a hurry.

"Some members of the Order are not well," Madam Pomfrey said with a deep sigh. "That's why I have to go back soon. I don't know where Sirius is. No one has seen him since the attacked started. Remus was with him and he's missing, too."

"Where are they?" James was terrified.

"Dumbledore said they would be fine," she answered as she examined Draco.

"How does he know?" Draco asked.

"I have no idea. Dumbledore is very mysterious, isn't he?" She finished the examination and gave Draco a red bottle. "You know what to do with this." She turned to talk to James again. "Dumbledore asked you not to leave this place under any circumstances. He'll be here when he can. He's very concerned about Harry. Having You-Know-Who inside his thoughts is not very good, is it? If something happens to Harry, ask Dobby to call me again. Don't worry though. He will be all right tomorrow. Just make sure to give him the tonic."

After Madam Pomfrey was gone, James saw Draco shaking slightly.

"Draco?" he said, worried. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Draco lied.

James got near him and put a hand on Draco's shoulder. "What is it?"

"He's scared," Lucius said from the doorway. "He's thinking that if Black is missing, maybe Narcissa is, too. She's not, Draco."

Draco looked at his father distrustful. "How do you know?"

"Because she's in Paris with her sister. She went there to look for a book I told her about."

"You talked to her?" Draco asked, stunned.

"Yes, Draco," Lucius seemed upset. "You look awful. Just lie down and go to sleep," he ordered, getting out of the room.

Draco sighed and James gripped his shoulder.

"He's right, Draco. You need to rest."

"I can't."

"Do you want a Sleeping potion? I have some here."

"Draco..." they heard Harry whisper.

Draco and James instantly stood by Harry's side.

"I'm here, Harry," Draco whispered, but Harry wasn't awake. He was just talking in his sleep. "I'm here," he repeated, stroking Harry's hair. And suddenly Draco knew what to do. He would take the Sleeping potion and try to activate the dream connection he shared with Harry. Harry had saved him once using that connection. It was time for Draco to do the same thing. "I want that potion," Draco demanded determinately.

James nodded and gave a tiny little bottle to him to drink. Draco drank the green liquid and lay on the bed beside Harry. James stood with them for a while, extremely relieved to know that Harry would be okay. He watched as Draco's breath drew steadier, indicating that he had finally fallen asleep.

He went back to the living room and thought about Sirius and Remus. It was frustrating and annoying not to be allowed to go after them. He just wished they were fine. Sirius knew how to take care of himself, he told himself. Besides, Remus was with him. Yes, they would be all right.

And then there was Lucius and the feelings he had awoken in Damiana's shop. How could he talk to Lucius without arguing with him? He stared at the blond man, who was again reading a book, but Lucius didn't even notice he was there. James sat down next to him.

"Lucius, can we talk about... us?" James asked hurriedly and Lucius stared at him with surprise.

At the same time, they heard a crack outside the cottage and they instantly went to the window to investigate.

"What was that?" James asked, searching for the origin of the noise.

"I have no idea." Lucius looked around, but saw nothing.

There was nothing unusual outside the ottage. After checking if the protection spells on the door were activated, Lucius made his way back to the couch. Annoyed that James was staring at him, he tripped and dropped the book on the floor. He and James knelt down at the same time to pick the book up. Their fingers brushed making them jolt. Lucius stood up hastily and tried to act normally, but James knew better. Lucius was as nervous as he was from the touch.

The familiar tingle James felt every time Lucius touched him ran all over his body and he just couldn't hold himself. He closed the distance between them, guided by the strong desire he felt for Lucius and stopped only a few feet away. Lucius was breathing with difficulty and looking at him with an odd expression.

"I should go outside and see if there's someone out there," Lucius muttered, putting some distance between them.

"There's no one there," James muttered back.

"You heard the noise."

"Yes, I did." James closed the distance between them again and their lips almost touched.

"Potter, what are you doing?" Lucius managed to ask.

"I don't know. Kissing you, I guess." James's lips captured Lucius's slowly but firmly.

Lucius didn't move. He was too shocked to do anything. James didn't stop though. Lucius's lack of reaction only gave him courage to keep going. He deepened the kiss, his tongue making its way inside Lucius's mouth demandingly. The book in Lucius's hand fell on the floor with a loud noise but neither of them noticed. Lucius brought James closer and deepened the kiss, making them both moan.

They had been holding back their desire for each other for too long. After such a long and stressful day, they wanted some relief. They didn't talk. They both knew that words would only spoil the moment. Their mouths caressed each other softly in the beginning and then more eagerly as time went by. Lucius was terrified about the whole thing but he didn't want to think about it. He just wanted to feel James's soft lips caressing his. His fingers brushed James's nipples hidden by the black long-sleeved T-shirt.

It had been so long since their last time together. So many things had happened. So much pain...

James was lost in pleasure. He wanted Lucius badly. His left hand unzipped Lucius trousers, but before James could touch him more intimately, Lucius pulled away, leaving him confused.

"What?" James asked, his eyes lost in a daze.

Lucius shook his head a few times so he could get himself out of James's spell. "Are you insane, Potter? This is not supposed to happen. Not now, not ever."

"Why not?"

"You know why! You despise me. Every time we did it, it was the same drama. You always denied us. You used to freak out, don't you remember? I won't let that happen again!" Lucius said, his eyes flickering.

James knew that it was true, but he decided to start again. "It won't happen like that, I promise."

Lucius smirked. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"I want you," James confessed quietly.

Time froze. Lucius's anger increased dangerously. Who did James think he was to play with his emotions like that?

"Lucius, I-"

"NO!" Lucius cut James off.


"I said no."

But James didn't listen to him. Instead, he attacked Lucius with another kiss but was pushed away roughly.

"I said no," Lucius repeated incisively. "You don't want me. You just need me to release your stress."

"Since when do you have morals?" James said brusquely. "You were the one who used me in the past!"

"That's not true and you know it!"

"You used Imperius on me!" James accused. Being rejected was something new to him.

"Oh, here we go. Yes, let's bring the subject up one last time because you haven't talked about it enough!"

"I'm not using you! I could never do that!"

"Then why do you want us to do this?" Lucius asked sharply.

"Because..." James closed his eyes, defeated. Lucius was partially right. James did want to have sex in order to release the tension, but he also wanted Lucius because he loved him. For the first time in his life, he had made the first move. That was probably why Lucius was acting so defensive. But the timing was all wrong. And if he did want to have sex just to relax, then wouldn't he be using Lucius? "You're right. I'm sorry."

"Then you admit that you wanted me just so you could forget about your worries?"

"Yes," James said against his will. He saw Lucius look at him with disgust and he added, "And no."

Lucius frowned. "What's that mean?"

"It means that I... I..."

They heard a loud noise outside the cottage. The magical lockers undid one by one and the door flew open. A man walked inside carrying another one with difficulty. James and Lucius held their wands and were ready to strike but then the man shouted, "WAIT! DON'T HIT US! Help me, James!"

James lowered his wand under Lucius protests. James's eyes opened up widely when he saw who they were.

"Remus?" James asked.

"Yeah, Prongs, it's me," Remus said so James wouldn't have any doubts that it was the real him. "Please, we need a place to hide."

"What happened?"

"It's Sirius..." Remus said trembling. "He's... he's been hit by Cruciatus."
