Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/16/2003
Updated: 07/14/2005
Words: 184,303
Chapters: 23
Hits: 35,262

Take me Home


Story Summary:
The Road Home's sequel. It's Draco's and Harry's sixth year and they'll have to deal with their love for each other, their parents' sins and Voldemort's terrible plans.

Chapter 05

Author's Note:
Thanks for everyone who reviewed!


Many things had been bothering Draco lately, such as his strange illness that seemed to catch him once a week. Snape still hadn't been able to identify the cause of it and it was beginning to worry him. Then there was Harry, who was still angry with him for three weeks in a row, after the moment Draco had told him about James' departure.

It didn't matter that Dumbledore had assured Harry that they could visit James every month. Harry wasn't very agreeable with the idea of being apart from his father again. After all, he was only beginning to know James better, and plus no one had bothered consulting him on the matter. Not only that, but Harry despised the fact that Lucius Malfoy, of all people, had been the one to tae James away.

Draco understood why Harry was angry, but didn't agree with the raven-haired boy's protests. To him, it would be a good experience for his father. Maybe James could save Lucius' soul. It was his opinion that they should be left alone so they could talk things over once and for all. They had a past together - that was a fact. It was up to them to resolve it. But Harry couldn't accept it, and he and Draco weren't on good terms at the moment.

At least his duties as Prefect were keeping him busy - enough to distract him from his problems. But late at night, when he was alone in his bed, his mind always drifted away to Harry. He was too proud to write to Harry and tell him how much he missed his company every night. The stupid fight was really grating on his nerves.

Close to midnight, he decided to go out for a stroll. He pulled on his cloak and walked out of his room. As he walked through the dark corridors, he didn't notice the shadow behind him, paying attention to every move he made. It was only when he reached the passage of the Prefects' bedroom entrance to go back to his room that the person following him made his appearance.

"Malfoy," called a gruff voice that he recognised very well.

He turned around to stare at Gregory Goyle. Ever since the Death Eater's Camp they hadn't talked. Draco knew Goyle was too absorbed in his own power and ambitions to care for anything else. He also knew that Goyle wasn't just the obtuse guy who had protected him in previous years, which was why he had stayed away from him as much as possible. He didn't know why Goyle was there to talk to him, but he didn't like it. He had also called him Malfoy instead of Draco. That was definitely not a good sign.


Goyle gave him a wicked smile that caused Draco to raise an eyebrow.

"Are you going to stare at me all night? Honestly, Goyle, I know I'm gorgeous. Hell, I'm a god, but this is getting ridiculous. Is there a problem? Why are you here at this hour?" Draco demanded with annoyance.

"Pansy told me to keep an eye on you; to make sure you wouldn't see Harry Potter. But you didn't."

At that affirmation, Draco held his breath in bated surprise. He never realised Goyle would have the guts to talk to him in that manner. He knew the big fellow liked Pansy, but just now he was beginning to understand how serious he was. Pansy was just a spoilt rich girl who didn't seem dangerous at first, but that hid a vindictive and wicked personality under her dumb-girl act. And Goyle was her slave. She couldn't stand the guy but kept him close, using him as her personal thug not unlike the way Draco used to not so long ago.

"What's it to you? Why do help her to keep track on me if you want her to yourself?" Draco asked without holding himself.

"You just don't get it, do you, Malfoy!" Goyle shook his head and stalked towards him, his hands behind his back. "All these years, you thought I was just a stupid guy that you could boss around. All these years were an act, Malfoy. I'm not stupid. Maybe I'm not as smart as you in Potions or any other boring class, but I do know what I have to do in order to succeed in life."

Goyle circled around Draco as if he was a wild animal ready to strike.

"Do you remember the incidents last year?" Goyle grinned demonically.

"What incidents are you referring to?"

"Your father's forged note; the Quintaped; the tampered Bludger... I'm sure you remember them."

"It was you? You were the one trying to kill me," Draco stated, his mind slowly assembling the pieces of the puzzle.

Goyle clapped his hands. "Congratulations, Draco! Ten points to Slytherin. I knew you were smart; smarter than Pansy anyway. Don't get me wrong... I do love her, but she can be really dense sometimes. And extremely stubborn. Plus, she's still in love with you. She wants you to suffer, of course, but she still has this stupid romantic idea that you'll be with her in the end. But you won't, of course."

"You were the one who summoned the Quintaped and tampered that Bludger? YOU?" It didn't matter how many times Draco repeated the statement to himself; he would never get over the fact that Goyle had been the one trying to kill him. Goyle!

They had grown up together, and even tough Draco never trusted him enough to be his best friend - Lucius had taught him very soon not to trust anyone - he had at least considered Goyle to be his colleague.

"Don't act so shocked," Goyle grimaced. "I'm capable of doing it. And I did it, too, if you don't remember correctly. I'm just as powerful as you are; especially after some special training," he paused. "So obviously, by now, you must have realised what I want from you. I want to destroy you once and for all so Pansy won't have any other choice but to be with me."

Draco shook his head incredulously. "You want to destroy me because of Pansy? God, you're lame! The least you could do was to find someone better than her. She's not even good-looking! Actually, she has a-"

"Just shut up, Malfoy."

"No, I'm serious. Pansy is your highest ambition? Pansy??" Draco couldn't prevent his mouth from curling into one of his patented smirks.

"Pansy is only a means to an end. My highest goal is to be under the Dark Lord's preference. But I do love her, as I've told you before. We're soul mates. Soon we will be married and my life will be perfect. We'll kill Muggles together and so many other things," Goyle murmured dreamily.

Draco chocked in disgust. "God, you and Pansy really deserve each other. You're both sick."

Goyle laughed loudly. "Glad you mentioned it. We're not sick, Draco. You are. That's what I've been waiting to tell you ever since classes started. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. You were never my friend, Draco. Perhaps if you had treated me better in the past, I would be able to have a little mercy of you, but you didn't. It gives me great pleasure to inform you that you're poisoned."

Draco half-smiled, not quite believing him. "You're joking."

"No, I'm not. I'm really sorry to inform you that Pansy gave me total freedom to do it."

"You suck at Potions, Goyle."

"I wasn't the maker of the poison. He was a friend of my father, and he is now conveniently dead."

Draco mind whirled. "I'm not poisoned."

"Are you sure? Aren't you feeling a little out of breath lately? Haven't you been feeling nauseated? Don't you feel a certain urge to hurt the person you love the most? Those are the effects of it. The first three months you'll feel bad but not as bad as you'll be feeling later. The main quality of the first stage is an inexplicable rage towards your lover. You might even hurt him if the poison kicks in strong enough. I'm not sure if it will lead you to kill him, but a cool hex is a good start, don't you think?"

If Draco had been asthmatic like his father, he would have probably dropped dead at that instant with the anxiety and nervousness that was washing over him. He felt as if an invisible hand had made his way into his heart, squeezing it mercilessly.

"The next three months you'll get weaker and weaker until eventually, on a cold December day I hope, you'll die. You have six months to live. The house-elf administrated the poison in August so you have like..." Goyle looked up, making a face.

Draco knew that face. It was the stupid face Goyle made when he was making a huge effort to think.

"Basically, you did the math wrong, Goyle. I won't die on a cold day of December," Draco found strength to smirk.

"Whatever. What matters is that you will die. That's enough for me."

Draco wished to break down and cry but held himself in check. "Pansy won't let you, right?"

"Pansy thinks she has the cure. She doesn't. I burned the book."

"There's probably another book about it."

"No. I only found this one and it doesn't exist anymore. It was a very ancient book, home made."

"Pansy will be very mad at her bad boy," Draco scoffed.

"Let me handle Pansy. She'll get over it. She won't have another choice."

"Fuck you, Goyle." Draco couldn't hold himself any longer. He grabbed Goyle by the collar in spite of his lack of size, his rage being enough to push the bigger guy away, making him land with his ass on the floor.

That made Goyle laugh even harder, and Draco wished he would choke to death.

'Why wait?' he thought, going for Goyle's throat.

"YOU BASTARD, SON OF A BITCH! I'LL KILL YOU!" his enraged shout reverberated through the empty corridor. "You'll go to Azkaban for this! I'll fucking ruin your life before I die!" he kept yelling while his hands firmly suffocated Goyle.

"Stop it! What are you doing?" someone shouted, pulling Draco away from Goyle.

With an unstable breath, Draco glanced at the person who had interrupted him and saw Zabini.

"What the fuck are you two playing at?" Blaise asked.

"Fuck off, Zabini! This has nothing to do with you!" Draco fumed.

Goyle got up and thanked Blaise for the appropriate arrival.

"You'll be rewarded for this, Zabini. The Dark Lord will be please."

Even though Blaise's mind was working furiously, he decided to wait for the rest of the speech.

"The Dark Lord knows about you and Potter, Malfoy, because I've told him," Goyle said with a smile of victory. "My plan was perfect for his achievements. Do you remember Celeste's amulet? Its effects could be broken by true love. This time, your love for Harry Potter will make you even weaker. And who knows? Maybe it will kill Potter, too. I bet he would be broken when he found out about it. Isn't it glorious? But I'll give you the name of the poison. I love to play cat and mouse. This way I'll be able to watch your useless attempts of trying to find a cure and I'll have loads of fun with it."

"What are you talking about?" Blaise asked, a sudden horror striking him.

Goyle didn't pay attention to him and kept talking to Draco, "There's nothing you can do to me, Draco. Nothing! Azkaban will soon be destroyed because the Dementors are on Voldemort's side now, and even if you tell someone that I'm responsible for your poisoning, there's no proof against me. I won, Draco! Can't you see? I won!" Goyle's eyes danced insanely.

Draco was at a loss for words, but Blaise wasn't and he immediately took Draco's side.

"I can testify against you," Blaise threatened Goyle.

"Your word means nothing to anyone. I kind of like you, Zabini. Don't spoil everything by being on his side."

"What's the name of the poison?" Blaise asked without paying attention to what Goyle had said.

"It's Potion no 4 in a very ancient Dark Potions' book. It's called Amarulentus. I don't know what it means, but it said in the book that 'bitterness shall be the poison of your soul; coldness will be death to your heart'. It's kind of beautiful, don't you think? I've always liked poetry. Enjoy your death, Draco. I know I will."

Goyle went back to the Slytherin dorm whistling happily. Blaise shook his head, wondering why he hadn't let Draco choke the son of a bitch to his death. He turned to talk to Draco and met him with a lost expression. Their relationship was complicated and Blaise was still hurt by the fact that Draco had turned him down once. But seeing the blond looking so destroyed made him forget about their differences for a while. Seamus - his lovely boyfriend - had taught him to be helpful when someone was in need.

"Get up, Draco. We have the name of the potion or poison or whatever. We can work from there."

Draco looked up and smiled bitterly. "That's priceless. You will be the one to help me."

"Hey, don't be so quick in discarding my help!"

Draco stood up with difficulty, his legs barely handling his weight. His body never seemed so heavy and he felt like he had been hit by a Bludger. All he could think about was that he would die and the cure was inexistent.

"You're not a quitter, Draco. I know you'll fight this," Blaise tried to cheer him up.

"You don't even know what's going on, Zabini. What are you doing here anyway?"

"I was with Seamus."

Draco sighed. "Look, there's nothing you can do, all right? Why would you help me?"

"I don't like Goyle, that's reason number one. And we used to be friends. That's reason number two. I heard enough and I want to help."

Mainly because deep down Blaise still felt something for Draco, but he would never tell him that.

Draco seemed thoughtful for a moment and then he sighed, "Help me get to Snape's bedroom. He probably knows something about this poison."

Blaise's eyes glowed with satisfaction. He didn't expect Draco to trust him that easily. But then, he realised that Draco had no choice. They headed silently to Snape's quarters, each lost on their own thoughts. Draco was thinking about Harry; Blaise was thinking about Seamus. Should he tell Seam about Draco? Draco decided for him when he put his hands on Blaise's arm.

"Don't tell anyone about what happened tonight, not even Finnegan."

"Aren't you going to tell Potter?"

Draco flinched. "No. Not until I find out more about this."

"You're the boss, Draco," Blaise joked just like he used to do when they hung around together.

For the first time that night, Draco smiled.


James woke up reluctantly and stretched his body. Outside, he heard the familiar song of a beautiful little bird with gold wings and green eyes. For three weeks, the bird had sung to him as if everyday it wished him good morning. He appreciated the company. The cottage he had been transferred to was located in a beautiful but strange place, and the solitude was his constant - and annoying - friend. Tiny - he'd named the bird - along with Dobby and a house-elf named Gelmina, were his only company. He could understand the reasons why he had to hide in a distant and mysterious place, but he didn't know why Dumbledore had to do it without his consent and in such a hurry. All James could remember was to wake up in a strange bedroom, with a terrible headache, mumbling something about a nightmare with Lucius Malfoy.

Lucius... James' eyes glazed over at the distant memory of the blond-haired man. The dream had seemed so real, but it couldn't be. He thought about asking the Headmaster if he had been transferred to that place because Lucius had tried to kidnap him, but he'd decided not to. He didn't want Dumbledore thinking that he was crazy or asking too many questions.

Everyday, James took long walks, always escorted by Tiny or Dobby. Gelmina never left the house, and she seemed terribly upset that Dobby behaved with such insolence and freedom, which amused James. But even though he liked to pay attention to the house-elves quarrels, he missed his son the most and also the long talks he used to have with Remus.

James was tired of being treated like a fragile thing, like he was a delicate flower. He wasn't fragile. In fact, he was a very strong person. Dumbledore seemed to think that he would be better in that place though - wherever it was - and at least he would see Harry at the end of the week.

With a sigh, he decided to get out of bed for his daily walk. He took off his pyjamas and only had time to put his pants on before someone burst into his room. He quickly turned around and his eyes flew open at the vision of a man who he knew pretty well.

What shocked him the most wasn't the fact that Lucius was only a few meters away from him. No. The shocking thing was to realise that after all those years apart, he still remembered Lucius' scent, and his body still reacted to it. Lucius was as much disturbed by the meet as James, but he knew how to hide it pretty well.

"Shut your mouth, Potter. With your mouth hanging like this, you look like a bloody fish and that's not at all attractive," Lucius harsh tone of voice broke the spell he had been drawn to and he bit his lower lip.

"What the fuck is this? What are you doing here?" James got his wand at the bedside table quickly before Lucius could react and pointed at him. "How did you find me here? Are you alone? If you came here to take me to Voldemort, I won't leave without a fight! You'll have to kill me first."

Lucius rolled his eyes. "Well, if you die, Voldemort will have accomplished his goal, you moron."


Lucius smiled in a not so pleasant way. "This cottage is my property. I have the right to be here."

"Your cottage?" James couldn't believe in what he was hearing. "But, w-what... I mean, what..."

"Well, well, well. James Potter is speechless. But of course he is. Who wouldn't be in my presence? I am stunning after all."

"Just go to hell!"

"Yeah, in a few years that's where you will find me. Listen, Potter, I didn't come here to fight with you, even though the prospect does please me." Lucius seemed thoughtful for a moment, reflecting upon the idea, almost in a dreamy way. But that expression quickly vanished and Lucius got back to his nasty mode. "I'm only here because Dumbledore, the old fool, didn't tell you anything about our agreement."

"What agreement?"

"I'm your host, dear James. Aren't you thrilled?" Lucius smirked, "I was the one who dragged you here, with Dumbledore's annoying consent. He put too many rules in that bloody contract but what matters now it's that you're mine."

"What?" James gasped, "Oh, my God! Dumbledore would never do this to me! You're lying!"

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "The loyalty and admiration that you people have for Dumbledore really astonish me. You don't really think he's a saint, do you, Potter? Not Dumbledore. Someone told me once he had an affair with Voldemort."

"WHAT?" James looked as though he would pass out.

And suddenly, Lucius burst out laughing. James glared at him.

"You're joking," James stated.

"Of course I'm joking, Potter," Lucius kept laughing. "You really are a delicate flower! If I made up some nasty details about Voldemort and Dumbledore you would have probably fainted from the shock! You're so funny."

"You're a sick person, Malfoy!" James grunted.

"I know." What Lucius couldn't tell James was that the cold act was just a façade. Deep down he was very nervous to be in James' presence again.

"So Dumbledore let you bring me here? That's great! That's just great!" James opened his arms in defeat. "And I wasn't dreaming at all! You were at Hogwarts! You talked to me, you bastard! And then you stunned me!"

"Really?" Lucius smiled wickedly. "I knew my presence alone could stun anyone."

"Not like that, you idiot! You stunned me with a spell!"

"Don't call me idiot or I'll forget about my contract with Dumbledore," Lucius crossed his arms in a childish way.

"God, you're still the same brat! What is this contract anyway?"

Lucius felt his face heating up and he wondered if he was blushing. Of course he wasn't. He wasn't that kind of guy. Why would he blush? Just because he had brought James Potter to a place he loved more than anything or because James had been sleeping in his bed for three weeks, it didn't mean he would be transformed into a soft person - and a person who blushed nonetheless!

"I rented this place to Dumbledore. He let me bring you here because you and I need to discuss a lot of things. Of course, he wants to keep you safe from Voldemort. But I really don't care about it... I just... The thing is... Well, the thing is... that... Hell, why am I excusing myself? All you need to know is that you're here for your own good. Voldemort is after you and-"

"Voldemort is after everybody! What about my son? What about Harry? He's in danger, too! Why isn't he here?"

"As much as it hurt me to say it, your son can take care of himself very well."

"You should say it, since you tried to kill him!" James accused, enraged.

"That's... not true." Lucius looked the other way.

"What about the Chamber of Secrets? You helped open it! You used an innocent child, who almost died because of it. And for what? For your ambitions! You're an evil bastard, Malfoy! Dobby said you tried to hurt Harry. I'm warning you right now that if you ever do anything against my son I'll kill you in a very painful way."

Lucius remained with the same indifferent posture but deep down something inside of him ached. In his mind, he couldn't understand why he cared so much for James' harsh words. He loathed James with all his heart and the whole point in having him there was to convince himself once and for all that he felt nothing more for the goody-goody James Potter than contempt. But that thought didn't help dwindling what he was feeling inside. It was an ache that never seemed to go away; a twinge that had lodged into his heart ever since he had found about James. And it was that same ache that made him say something he never thought he would say to anyone in his life - anyone, except his father - and that he blamed for later on.

"I'm... sorry," he muttered with extreme difficulty.

"What did you say?"

"I said that I was sorry," Lucius muttered again, even lower than before.

James opened his mouth to speak, but let it half-open from the surprise and loss of words. A simple 'sorry' wouldn't fix things between them. There was too much pain and hatred in their past, but that simple word was Lucius' way of waving the white flag. Lucius wasn't the kind of guy who said he was sorry, and yet he had. He was calling a truce, and James wondered for a long time if he should accept it.

"Why did you bring me here, Malfoy?" he decided to ask first.

"I've told you already!"

"I want the truth, the excruciating truth. You don't do anything just for the sake of it. You only do it if there's a personal gain to you. What are you planning?" Lucius' mouth opened up but James went on, "If you think I'm going to be some kind of slave to you, you can drop it right now! It's what you want, isn't it? You want revenge."

Lucius shook his head, wanting to hex James badly. "Do you really want to know the truth, Potter? Do you really want me to tell you something that I'm sure you're not ready to listen and that you'll quickly deny?"

"You don't know me that much," he said, annoyed.

"Oh, but I do."

"What's the bloody truth? Why am I here?" James asked, losing his patience.

"It's because I want you here," Lucius said, trying not to shout.

"That's not enough!"

"Do you want more? Fine! I'll give you more! I want you here because I need to prove myself that I feel nothing for you, not even the smallest attraction!" Lucius shouted, losing it, "Because I thought you were dead, you son of a bitch, and I got used to the idea. But you had to be alive and ruin it all! I want you out of my mind forever. I don't want to remember what we had ever again."

"We had nothing!" James quickly denied, as Lucius had predicted.

"We did!"

"Just because you used me! I didn't know what I was doing!"

Lucius glared at him. "I can't believe you still think this! You're so full of shit! You know you liked it; both times! You even pleaded for me the last time so I could make you get off!"

James held the urge to cover his ears. "I didn't!" he exclaimed, but he knew he was lying and that he should stop doing the same act over and over because that stupid excuse didn't work anymore, not after so long. "Look, maybe I did feel something... Wait, let me finish. Maybe I was feeling the same way as you were, but don't you think it's been too long already? Why do we have to go back to it?"

"Because it's not over yet," Lucius stated with such conviction that James didn't know how to deny it.

"I won't be your bloody sex toy again, Malfoy! If you have some sick and twisted fantasy about me, a handcuff and this bed, you can just forget it! I won't kneel for you; I won't touch you; I won't do a bloody thing to please you not even if you have me under Imperius again!"

Lucius sneered, "I didn't say anything about sex. In fact, I didn't say anything about a handcuff, but that's an interesting thought."

The horror sparkled in James' eyes. "Don't even think about it."

"Why not?" Lucius asked with a phoney innocence. "It was your idea."

"Go to hell."

"I suggest that you keep yourself comfortable. I'll have to take care of a few things that came to my knowledge just a while ago," Lucius' eyes flickered and James wondered what that was all about. "But I'll be back as soon as I can so we can discuss our present situation."

"We have nothing else to discuss."

"We do, Potter. And if you don't stop this act right now I swear I will use the handcuff idea!"

"Try me!" James's eyes had a certain something that Lucius couldn't quite place.

The burned passion that remained dormant inside his heart raised itself in a second as his cool blue eyes gazed at James'. He'd forgotten how bloody teaser James could be. The guy could deny all he wanted about what had happened between them in the past, but it had always been James who had provoked him first. Lucius would have never done anything about that wrong feeling for James if it wasn't for James himself and that bloody kiss at the Quidditch pitch. It was all James' fault.

Unfortunately, he couldn't stay and explore that sparkle he spotted in James' eyes. He'd received an owl post from Snape that morning and what he read made his blood run cold in his veins. It had to do with Draco and a very dangerous poison. He couldn't waste any time.

"I'll be back, Potter, and then we'll talk things over once and for all."

"I won't talk to you. You're a murderer and a bloody bastard."

Lucius clenched his fists. "Whatever, Potter. But it's not like you have a choice."

Lucius didn't wait for James' retort. He went away without looking back.


After an exhausting History of Magic class, Harry went in search of Draco, ean't make that situation last any longer. He was feeling sorry for being so inconsiderate when James had been taken away. Draco didn't deserve it, but he had been too angry at the time to care. Now he regretted it and he couldn't wait to ask for Draco's forgiveness the best way he could. In his hands he held something that he knew Draco would like it. It was a dragon's sculpture made of a special green ice that didn't melt. It took a great effort on Ron's part to get it for Harry, as sculptures like that cost a fortune and usually had concealed magical powers.

"Hey, mate, where are you going in such a hurry? We have Quidditch training in a few minutes!"

Harry looked at Ron without seeing him, his mind far away as if he hadn't heard a word of what he had just said. Ron shook his head.

"That's what love can do," he stated.

"What?" Harry asked, totally dumbfounded.

Ron laughed. "You're too cute for your own good, Harry."

Harry smiled. "Are you coming on to me, Gingerhead?"

"You wish."

"What did you say before?"

"You looked like a fool in love, Harry. Your eyes were lost a hundred miles away and I said that that was what love can do to a rational bloke such as yourself. You were daydreaming about the brat, weren't you?"

"Yes," Harry confessed. "But I don't know if he's been feeling the same way about me lately."

"What are you talking about? After all you've been through you can't tell me that the brat felt out of love with you! Did he?" Ron was already anticipating a fight with Draco.

"No. I guess not. I'm the one who hadn't been treating him well, Ron, and you know it. It was why I told you to buy the dragon for me. Thanks by the way. It's so beautiful. I still don't know how you got it. That woman from Hogsmeade didn't want to sell it to me for anything!"

"I charmed her."


Ron laughed. "Calm down, Harry. I'm only joking. I told her that I was in love with a very special girl who deserved a very special gift. Then I told her about a soulmate's tale. Your tale, Harry. And she completely fell in love with it. See? If you had told her about you and Draco she would have sold you the dragon. She said the dragon is a soulmate's gift and it can only be possessed by a soulmate."

"Really?" Harry seemed enchanted by it.

"Yeah. Sounds pretty corny if you ask me," Ron said and Harry glared at him. "You're such a corny guy, Harry. Honestly, I think you're the last romantic on earth! Please, tell me your secret, because I think I need to learn how to be more romantic," Ron sighed with a mix of sadness and resignation. "Hermione is not happy with me."

"I don't believe it, Ron," Harry quickly denied that absurd idea. "Where did you get this nonsense? She loves you!"

"Did she tell you that?" Ron looked hopeful.

"Well, no, but... I'm sure she does, Ron. You know Hermione."

"I don't know. Things between us are not so great right now. She's been busy with her Prefect stuff, and I've been inventing things to keep myself busy such as my new position as a Chaser on the team or the new classes with Professor Lupin and Erin about how to become an Auror. When we meet, she studies. She. Studies! And only because I want sex!"

Harry frowned, trying to take some sense out of it. "Are you pressuring her to have sex with you?"

"Of course not! I just want to discuss it, that's all." Ron looked the other way, as if he wasn't telling the exact truth. "Look, we can talk about this later. Just don't come with a lecture or I won't be responsible for my actions. And just remember this, you're getting some and I'm not."

"That's rude," Harry complained, making a face. "Besides, Draco and I are not... having... anything right now."

"You can open you heart to me, Harry. Just don't tell me the details because I don't want to know."

Harry shook his head and smiled. "All right, Gingerhead. I know how jealous you are of me."

Ron punched Harry on the shoulder. "News flash, Harry, you're not so handsome."

"That hurt, Ron."

Ron grinned. "Look, I'll see you in thirty minutes on the pitch, all right? We need to choose the new Captain of the Gryffindor team today, don't forget that."

"You're the Captain, Ron. You already sound like one."

"We're going to vote for it. If the majority wants me as a Captain, then I'll gladly be the captain," Ron said with a serious expression and then he smiled, "Of course I would like to be the Captain. Did you know I have had a speech for the moment ever since I was eleven?"

"Yes, I know," Harry also knew that Ron had a scrapbook where he wrote down all the moves and positions of Quidditch that he would like to try, which made Harry shudder at the thought that he would be worse than Oliver Wood.

"I'll see you there, Harry."

Ron followed his way and Harry went to Gryffindor Tower to get his Map. It was the fastest way he knew to find Draco. But Ginny was expecting him at the Common Room with a book in her hands and a big grin on her lips.

"Hi, Harry," she couldn't help but flush a little. She always flushed when she talked to him.

"Hi, Ginny."

Harry tried to pass by her but she cut in front of him.

"I was wondering if you could help me with my Dark Arts' lessons. I'm having some trouble with it and everybody told me you know a lot about the subject," she said quickly and her face reddened so much that Harry thought it would explode.

"Ron knows a lot about the subject, too, Ginny. He's taking the extra-classes Professor Lupin is-"

"I know," she cut across him. "But Ron is always so busy."

'So am I', Harry thought and almost said it, but as he stared at her big brown eyes he didn't have the courage to disappoint her.

"All right, Ginny. But I can't have a look at it now. Sorry."

"Oh," her smile faded and the disappointment showed clearly on her face. "Ok."

Harry wondered if she knew just how transparent she was about her feelings. He didn't want to hurt her but only at that moment he realised it was almost impossible not to. She was in love with him; he couldn't play the dense guy anymore. But he didn't know how to tell her that even though she was becoming a beautiful woman, his heart had already been taken. Inadvertently, he caressed her face softly.

"We talk later," he said before going to his room to get the Marauder's Map.

He didn't see Ginny touching her face right where he had touched it before.


Harry found Draco in Professor Snape's classroom talking to Erin. As he entered the room he was bemused to spot Erin's concerned face and Draco's pallid features. He wondered what was going on, but as soon as they noticed his presence, they quickly disguised their true feelings. Draco wasn't so fast at hiding his desperation though, and Harry had a glimpse of it.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Oh, Harry, there you are!" Erin said, smiling. "Draco was just telling me how sad he was with you. You hadn't been talking to each other, right?"

Harry flushed. "Not exactly. And I thought that was a private matter."

Draco glared at Erin, not sure if he should be grateful for her help.

"Honestly, Harry, there's no such thing in Hogwarts as a private matter," Erin said with a sweet grin and a mischievous look. "I'll leave you alone so you can talk things over and give it another shot. I mean it, Mr. Malfoy. Don't throw it all way just like that." She glanced at Draco, who was looking rather upset by her words. "Tell him how you feel."

When Erin left the room, Draco sighed. He didn't want to tell Harry yet. He didn't know if that was the right thing to do. Erin thought that he should, but Lucius and Severus thought differently. In their opinion, Voldemort would probably use Draco against Harry. Goyle had said it himself. Draco would hurt Harry unintentionally by his sudden outbursts. Not only that, but Harry wouldn't accept Draco's death and that would make him weaker. Even Lucius hadn't taken that well. In fact, he had made a huge scandal about it that same morning - to Draco's utter surprise. He had the impression that the house-elf who poisoned him wouldn't live to see the sunrise.

There they were, Draco afflicted by everything that was going on and Harry looking at him with a tender but also curious expression. He didn't want Harry to look at him like that. He wanted Harry to hate him. His blue eyes flinched as an idea formed in his mind. That was exactly what he had to do. He would be a bastard, just like in the old days, and then Harry would hate him again. That way, Voldemort wouldn't be able to use him against Harry.

"Drake, I'm really sorry about everything. I was pissed off because no one told me my father would be transferred, and the last thing I expected was your father to do it! The idea still doesn't please me but Dumbledore told me to trust your father, so I'll do it. In my own way, of course. You know I can't trust Lucius. Not after everything he has done."

Draco's lack of response surprised Harry.

"I know you're mad at me, and you have all the right to be. I promise I won't be such a jerk again. I was thinking that maybe we could meet tonight and then I-"

"No," Draco interrupted him coldly.


"I have some stuff to do tonight," Draco said without any emotion.

"You don't want to talk to me, do you?" Harry whispered.

Draco closed his eyes for a moment, his hands shaking. He didn't want to give up on Harry but he felt like he had to. Snape knew nothing about the poison, so Goyle was probably right when he said there wasn't a cure for it. If he would really die, he didn't want Harry to suffer because of him. Harry would be weak, and Voldemort would kill him. That was the last thing Draco wanted.

Erin told him not to do anything precipitate but what could he do then? Keep lying to Harry that he was all right when he wasn't? Harry wasn't stupid. He would put two and two together pretty soon if they kept seeing each other. But as he stared at Harry, he realised how weak he was. He couldn't be apart from him. Not yet.


Harry didn't like the way Draco kept staring at him with such a sad look.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked anxiously.


"You're lying. I can feel that something is wrong. What is it?"

Draco didn't answer and Harry got closer to him.

"What? Tell me."

Draco shook his head and without holding himself, he threw his arms around Harry and hugged him with all his might. Harry put only a few inches away between them to look into his eyes and he saw how lost the blond seemed to be. He opened his mouth to speak but Draco didn't let him.

"I was thinking that even if I had been a Death Eater, it wouldn't make any difference," he muttered.

"Why are you saying this? Why think about this now?"

Draco caressed Harry's lips with the tip of his fingers and then kissed him tenderly.

"If something happens, Harry, don't look back," Draco whispered against Harry's lips.

Harry shuddered at the thought, a sudden indisposition taking over him. "Draco, why-"

"Shush. Don't talk. Just kiss me."

Draco kissed him hardly, wanting to keep Harry's taste in his memory forever.

"Meet me tonight," Draco said.

"But I thought you said..."

"Forget what I said. Meet me tonight. I'll wait for you at the Gryffindor tower's entrance. I can take you to my room. You still don't know it," Draco smiled sweetly. "It's your fault, really. You've been so distant lately."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"It's all right, Harry. We'll see each other tonight, ok?"

Harry nodded. Draco gave him one last kiss and withdrew from him, walking towards the door.

"Wait! I have something for you!" Harry said, taking the small dragon from his pocket and giving it to Draco.

Draco held his breath at the vision. "It's an Argus!"

"That's its name?"

"You didn't know?" Harry shook his head and Draco smiled. "Only you, Harry Potter. How did you get this? Argus' are incredibly hard to find! Those pieces are really rare. I still can't believe you got it!"

"I got it from the same woman I'd bought your ring from. She didn't want to sell it to me but Ron convinced her somehow. She said this is a very special object."

"It is. It's a guardian. They are very old and have a magic that no one really knows about it."

Draco caressed the dragon gently as if it was a pet and Harry's hand touched his.

"I'm glad to see your eyes sparkling so much," Harry whispered.

Instantly, a strange warmth emanated from the small object and a blue light twinkled, binding them. It vanished as quickly as it appeared, and it left Harry and Draco staring at it amazed.

"What was that?" Harry asked himself.

"I don't know, but suddenly I feel great," Draco looked at Harry and smiled. "It's beautiful, Harry. I don't even know what to say. Thank you is not enough. I'll keep this at my bedside table."

"I'm glad you like it. At least it made you smile."

"You're so sweet, Harry."

"Yeah, sure."

"You are!"

They kissed, this time with serenity. Draco truly felt better, but he knew that feeling wouldn't last.

"So, we have a date tonight?" Harry asked him.

"Yes, Harry. We do."

Draco smiled, trying hard to hide his sadness. He had just had a glimpse of what he could lose if he let Harry go.


He thought about James and how angry he and Sirius had been when they had found out that none other than Lucius Malfoy had taken James away. To Sirius, it was a sign of Dumbledore's senility. The old man was losing his mind. But Remus knew that Dumbledore had a meaning for all of that madness. James and Lucius hadn't got over each other and they had to be on their own.

With a sigh, Remus wondered what Sirius would say if he told him about his real feelings. Last time they had been together, he had wanted badly to just kiss him once. Then maybe he would be able to move on with his life. But he did nothing. He couldn't. Sirius saw him as a friend and nothing more. He had Narcissa; he didn't need Remus to complicate his life.

Remus also wished James could testify on Sirius' behalf, but they all agreed to wait for James' full recovery. Their confused friend didn't even talk about Pettigrew. It was like Pettigrew never existed at all.

He looked up to face the moon. After so many years, that satellite had become a part of himself, and he couldn't help but love it. His heart clutched. The moon was also the lover's shelter and he wondered what it would be like to stare at it with someone beloved by his side. He wished he had a different life. All around him people were in love or at least dealing with it. But he had always been alone. Just once, he wished to live a passion as strong as their friends'. That was the only way to forget about his impossible love for Sirius.

He looked down and was ready to return to the castle when his acute hearing captured a moan of pain. He followed the weak sound until it got stronger, and it led him to the lake, where he found a person lying on the floor, very close to the forest.

Quickly, he ran towards him and knelt beside a young man completely wet, muttering incoherently. Remus could only distinguish two words being repeated over and over.

"G-green f-flame," said the stranger, before falling unconscious.

Remus didn't lose any time. He woke up Hagrid and made the giant help him take the stranger to the Hospital Wing. As he watched Madam Pomfrey taking care of the guy, he ordered Hagrid to get Dumbledore and warn him of the incident. Later on, when the stranger was sleeping peacefully in his bed, he wondered how that guy had appeared there, right under the giants' noses.

He could smell trouble ahead.