Romance Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 04/16/2003
Updated: 07/14/2005
Words: 184,303
Chapters: 23
Hits: 35,262

Take me Home


Story Summary:
The Road Home's sequel. It's Draco's and Harry's sixth year and they'll have to deal with their love for each other, their parents' sins and Voldemort's terrible plans.

Chapter 04



As the days went by, Lucius tried hard to forget about his conversation with Draco. The fact that he couldn't pissed him off. Draco was right, even though Lucius would never admit it. But it was too late for him.

He didn't dare to hope any longer. He'd done it once only to be crushed by reality. There was no place for hope in the world. It was better to just forget about James Potter and move on with his life. He had better things to think of. Like his position as Minister of Magic when Fudge finally lost the job; after all, it was only a matter of time before that would happen.

But something happened that month; something that changed Lucius' perspective of things to come. Even though he had violent impulses, he wasn't a violent person himself. He didn't have the same thirst for blood as Lestrange, and in spite of the fact that he liked to suspend Muggles upside down, he tried his best to avoid participating in killings and tortures. All of those years living an unhappy marriage, he'd never laid a finger on Narcissa or Draco. He did play psychological games with them but he had never beaten his wife and his son.

When Lestrange had appeared at his house to take him to the Muggles' concentration camp, he had tried to invent a proper excuse not to go but couldn't find any. He went against his will, wishing he was somewhere else the whole time. The things he saw at the place made his stomach turn and gave him enough images for endless nightmares.

The Muggles there were treated like the worst scum on the planet. He didn't like Muggles, but to make them look like that... Their faces were caved like a rotten pumpkin, the skin was putrid and the flesh was hanging off in places. He had never felt so sick in his entire life. On top of this, he'd also had to put up with Lestrange's madness.

So when Pettigrew had told him how he would like to take James to that place, he made a decision right there and then. He'd kidnap James before Voldemort could do it and he'd hide him somewhere safe. He knew it was a stupid thing to do, and he knew it was dangerous, but he didn't care. As much as he hated James, no one deserved a fate like that.

For the rest of the month, he thought about the idea. He took it back so many times that he'd lost count. He was scared about the consequences. He wouldn't just be hunted by Aurors; he'd also be hunted by Voldemort. So basically, he was in a dead end. Unless, of course, he did nothing. And then he'd have to watch James turning into one of those things. He couldn't let that happen. James didn't deserve to be turned into a zombie.

"Father?" he heard Draco calling him.

"What?" he asked, very annoyed with the interruption.

"I have to go to Diagon Alley to shop for the new school year. I'm already behind schedule. Classes start in two days," Draco informed him.

"Take a few Galleons from the safe and go by Floo powder."

Draco moved his hands nervously and stepped forward. "I don't want to go by floo powder. I don't like that shitty way of transportation and you know it. Even a port key would be better, but we don't have to use one. Not with the limousine ready at the garage..." Draco made a strategic pause and then added as if what he was about to say meant nothing, "...or the Ferrari."

Lucius sighed, already foreseeing what Draco was about to say next.

"I can drive the Ferrari. I won't even use any of the magical improvements on the car. Please?"

It wasn't like Draco to beg but he loved the Ferrari. He had been infatuated with that car ever since Lucius had bought it a year ago. It was such a beautiful car and he loved to drive it just as much as he loved to fly on his broom. It was settled that Lucius would give the car to Draco when he turned eighteen, but Draco didn't have the patience to wait until then.

"The answer is no."

"But father, I know how to drive it!"

"You don't have a license, Draco. In fact, we shouldn't even have a Muggle car like that."

"I have a fake driver's license. And I'll make sure no one sees me."

Lucius raised an eyebrow. "I thought I'd heard you say that you wouldn't use any of the magical improvements."

"Oh, come on! Since when do you care about the law? You've been breaking it ever since you were a kid! Please, let me take the Ferrari! I'll do pretty much anything you want." Lucius looked at Draco with a pleasant face and Draco added, "Anything but give up on Harry."

Even though Lucius liked to see Draco sounding so subservient, he couldn't let him take the car. He didn't want Draco to get into trouble with the Muggles because he didn't have as many connections with them as he had in the wizarding community. Not only that, but he also didn't want to get into trouble with the Ministry as well.

Lucius could use some fresh air though. He also happened to like the car, even though he would never admit it. Maybe it was time to leave the Manor and forget about his plans to kidnap James for the time being. Or perhaps he could take the opportunity to buy some stuff needed to put the plan into practice.

"I'll drive you there, Draco," he decided.

Draco made a face of prostration.

"What? Don't you want your father's company?" Lucius sneered.

"I don't get you. If you want me to be as bad as you are, then you should let me drive the Ferrari."

"It's a matter of caution, Draco. Maybe some other time." Lucius stood up. "I'll meet you in the car in about twenty minutes."

Draco followed Lucius as he got out of his office.

"Wait. I have some news for you," Draco said uncertainly.

"Good or bad?"

"I think it's good. I've been chosen to be a Prefect," he told Lucius as if it was nothing important.

What Draco wanted was recognition from his father. He wanted Lucius to hug him or at least to tap him on the shoulder. But he knew none of those things would happen. Lucius was anything but that kind of father. Draco could count on his hands the times when Lucius had made him a compliment of any sort.

This time though, he saw something else flickering in his father's eyes. It seemed a lot like esteem.

"Good for you," was all that Lucius said to him.

Then he reached out to touch Draco, who froze on the spot waiting for Lucius' next step. It was rare to see his father having a sentimental moment. Draco held his breath in expectation, afraid that if he made any movements, Lucius would pull away instantly. But Lucius, realising what he was about to do, dropped his hand on the side and left. Sadly, Draco sighed and went to wait for him by the car.


While Lucius went to Knockturn Alley, Draco took the time to shop for his school materials. He was curious about Lucius' visit to that creepy place - but cool in Draco's opinion. A visit to Knockturn Alley was never a good thing, but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment.

He entered Madam Malkin's and his mind was swept away by memories of him and Harry meeting there on two different occasions. The first of them Draco had wanted nothing but to impress the boy who had caught his attention at first sight. The second time they'd met as enemies but he had made sure to Harry that they could be much more than that. They'd have kissed each other if Pansy hadn't showed up to spoil the moment.

As he waited for Madam Malkin to wrap up his new robes, he wondered if Harry was around. He hadn't had time to warn Harry about his trip to Diagon Alley but maybe Harry had chosen that same day to go there. It was only a wish but he couldn't help thinking about it.

He was about to leave the store when someone bumped him on its way in. He dropped his packages on the floor and cursed the person silently, kneeling down to pick them all. There was a time where he would curse the person out loud, but those days were long forgotten. The person knelt by his side to help him, but Draco said he didn't need any. He still had much to buy and he just wanted to get out of the store. But the mysterious person held his hand and Draco felt shivers running down his spine in surprise but also in delight. He knew that sensation very well.

"Are you sure you don't want my help?" whispered a familiar voice in his ear. "Not even from your boyfriend?"

He instantly stared at the person and grinned widely as he realised Harry was right next to him.

"Harry," he whispered, not quite believing that Harry was really there.

"Hi." Harry smiled. "So, this scene looks familiar."

"I suppose it does. I almost kissed you here once," Draco said with his eyes glowing brightly.

"Yeah, I remember." Harry looked around and saw Madam Malkin staring at them with curiosity.

"Is there anything wrong, boys?" she asked from the balcony.

"No," Harry answered, looking embarrassed.

She didn't seem to believe him and Harry gave her a half-smile.

"I'm only asking because you already dropped by today, Mr. Potter. Is everything ok with the robes I sold you?"

"Yes, everything is perfect. I'm only here because... because..."

Harry had only entered the store because he had spotted Draco inside. Now he realised that that was a stupid thing to do. He should have waited for Draco outside. Then he wouldn't have to face Madam Malkin and her distrusting face. He hoped she hadn't heard the soft way he had talked to Draco just a while ago. Looking at Draco for help, he saw his boyfriend's amused face and realised he was on his own.

"I-I... I forgot my new scarf!" he lied.

"Scarf? You didn't buy any scarf!"

"Exactly! I forgot to buy it!"

Madam Malkin frowned and Draco bit his lower lip to prevent a laugh.

"What scarf do you want?" she asked.

"Probably a red one made of pashmina to go with his new position as a Prefect," Draco suggested.

"Oh, you're a Prefect! Congratulations!" Madam Malkin greeted him.

"Thank you, but I'm not a Prefect. I resigned." Harry informed to Draco's utter surprise.

"RESIGNED? You didn't even take over the position! How could you do something like that?"

Harry raised an eyebrow at Draco's reaction. He didn't know Draco would care so much about it. He certainly didn't. He had so many problems bothering him that year that he didn't want one more. The position as a Prefect would be just another complication in his life and he didn't want that. And what was Draco thinking by talking to him like that in front of Madam Malkin?

"Well, Malfoy, I didn't know you cared," he sneered.

It was only then that Draco realised they were being observed by Madam Malkin very suspiciously.

"I don't, Potter," he covered up. "It's not like you to chicken out, that's all."

"My decision doesn't concern you."

Again, Draco forgot where they were and said harshly, "Really? And what makes you think of that? I would certainly like to know why and..." Harry cleared his throat to call Draco's attention and the blond sighed, "Whatever. It's none of my business anyway. I was just curious. Like I said, it's not like you to just give up."

Draco glared at Harry once more and got out of the store very pissed off.

"He seemed to be taking the matter of your resignation very personally," Madam Malkin stated.

"Indeed." Harry was curious about that, too. Maybe it was only an act. Or maybe it wasn't. Either way, he had to get out of the store before Draco disappeared on the street. He turned to face Madam Malkin again and said, "I changed my mind about that scarf."

He didn't wait for her answer before going away. Madam Malkin frowned at what she had seen.

"Lover's quarrel, I suppose," she muttered before returning to her work.


For half an hour, Harry followed Draco pretty much everywhere. Draco didn't hide his distaste with the situation. He didn't know why he was feeling so irritated with Harry's decision. Perhaps each other since Prefects had separated rooms from the rest of the students. Maybe they would even share the same room. And even if they didn't, it would be much easier to sneak out of their dorms without being noticed. But Harry spoiled it all by resigning the position without even taking it. They should have discussed it first!

As he entered the book shop, he noticed that people were starting to look at them with curiosity. He stared back at them with insolence and was about to yell at Harry to back off when out of nowhere appeared a red-haired girl who enlaced Harry from behind and gave him a kiss on the cheek. To his distress, Harry grinned and didn't pull away.

Draco's eyes opened widely. His blood boiled and he clenched his fists ready to march over there and push the girl away from his boyfriend, but someone stopped him.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked the person with an irritated tone of voice.

He looked at the person holding his arm and frowned.


"I'm glad you remember me. I wouldn't go there if I were you," Ron warned him.

"I don't need you to baby-sit me," Draco fumed.

"Oh, but you do. I know what you want to do, Malfoy, and I can't allow it. "

"Oh, just shut up! And take your filthy hands off me!"

Ron gladly let go of him but stepped in front of Draco to prevent him from moving.

"What's wrong ferret face? Don't like what you see? Is it too much for you?" Ron sneered.

"I'm this close of breaking your face, Weasley, so shut up!" Draco snarled, "Who is that bitch?"

"HEY! Don't talk about her like that! She's my sister. Have some respect!"

"Your sister? That girl is Ginny?"


Ron didn't look so pleasant himself. Ginny had grown up too fast in his opinion and he could only imagine what Hogwarts would be like to her that year. He would have to watch his sister 24/7. She was becoming a very beautiful girl and his friends had already started noticing her - like Dean, for instance, who couldn't take his eyes off Ginny ever since he'd seen her at the pet shop.

That wasn't the only problem. He knew Ginny had a crush on Harry and she seemed determined to make him fall in love with her that year. Ron had tried to put some sense into her head but the girl was blind. The poor girl would have the shock of her life if she discovered about Harry and Draco. He had to protect his little sister at all costs.

Hermione disagreed. In her opinion, they should tell Ginny about Harry and Draco so she wouldn't cause the couple too many troubles. Like the one she had caused at that instant.

"Hi, Malfoy," Hermione greeted Draco. "It's so nice to see you all stressed out!"

"Ha-ha," Draco forged a laugh and searched for Harry through a gap on the shelf, finding him a few meters away, still talking to Ginny. He breathed hard. "He's doing it on purpose, the bastard! And I didn't do anything to him!"

"They're just talking, Malfoy. Don't make such a fuss about it," Hermione said.

"TALKING? Weasley's body language speaks for itself. She wants him."

"My sister is too young to know what she wants," Ron assured. "Besides, she has always liked him, long before you came along, Malfoy. You can't blame her for trying. She doesn't know that Harry is seeing you."

"Let's tell her them," Draco smirked, walking towards Harry.

"Dammit! Get him Ron before he does something stupid," Hermione ordered.

Ron just rolled his eyes and went after Draco. It wasn't Ron who cut in front of Draco though, but a very satisfied Lucius Malfoy. He stared at his son, then at Harry and Ginny and back at Draco again with such a look that made Draco want to curse him.

"Maybe I'm seeing it all wrong but I do believe that the young man over there is Harry Potter. How interesting," Lucius smirked. "Is he cheating on you so soon? I guess he is by the look of it. He does seem interested in her. And look, she has red hair!"

"Shut up," Draco scowled.

"I don't know you anymore, Draco. At this point you would be making nasty jokes about Potter's lack of talent or his dead mother. But I guess you're not a Malfoy anymore. You prefer to be Potter's whore," Lucius muttered wickedly.

Draco cursed under his breath and kept walking until he was beside Harry. His father's words made him even angrier with the situation. It was like setting dry grass on fire. He didn't know what he was doing but he knew he couldn't let Lucius thinking that he was a coward.

Ginny stared at him with a not so pleasant face and Harry looked puzzled.

"So, Saint Harry Potter got himself a girlfriend," Draco smirked. "Finally! Everybody in the school was thinking that you were gay. A Weasley. I knew you had a terrible taste. Tell me, Potter, is she really good or is this some Oedipus complex? She's not your mother, Potter, even though she has red hair and I'm almost positive that she's just as irritating as your mother must have been. May I suggest that you get over it? It's not fair to the bloody girl. She can't take your mother's place. I'm sure your father would say the same thing. Or maybe you have some morbid desire to revive your parents past. Is that it, Potter? Because if it is, I suggest you have some therapy."

Harry paled at the harsh words. He hadn't done anything to deserve such treatment from Draco.

"What are you talking about?" he asked, his tone of voice indicating that he was very pissed off.

Draco grimaced. "You know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't, Malfoy. And if you don't get out of my sight this very instant I'll..."

"You'll do nothing because you're the good guy, Potter. I can spit at you, bite you and curse you. I can pretty much do whatever I want because you're a Gryffindor and you're good by nature. Slytherins are not that stupid."

"Don't be so certain about it," Harry hissed.

"Leave us alone, Malfoy," said Ginny.

Draco looked at her with disgust. "I don't talk to Mudbloods' lovers."

Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing. Draco seemed like somebody else entirely. Why was he acting like that? Harry didn't understand why Draco's eyes seemed suddenly so dark and creepy. Maybe it was because of Lucius Malfoy, who was staring at them with amusement. Whatever was wrong, Harry couldn't allow Draco to talk to Ginny like that.

He pushed Draco away and ordered, "Leave, Malfoy. Now."

"Or what?" Draco affronted him. "You're going to hex me? You're not that brave."

"Why are you doing this?" Harry asked, confused.

Draco flinched, torn between rage and regret. For a moment, he looked at Harry as if he was seeing him for the first time in his life. He felt like he had just awakened from a disturbing dream. He looked at his father and then back at Harry, not knowing what to say next. His blood pressure dropped and his vision blurred. He didn't know what was wrong with him, but he knew he had to get out of there before he passed out.

"Are you ok?" Harry asked, worried.

He tried to touch Draco but the blond pulled away roughly.

"Don't touch me."

Harry looked deeply into Draco's eyes and saw a red flame burning inside. He gasped.


Before he could do anything, Draco left.



Draco opened his eyes and stared at his father's worried expression. He sighed. His head ached and he was feeling nauseated. On top of that, he was probably hallucinating, because Lucius would never stare at him like he cared.

"Where am I?" Draco asked.

"At the Leaky Cauldron. You passed out so Tom rented me a room. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit. I think I'm going to be sick."

Immediately, Draco ran to the bathroom and threw up his lunch. He'd never felt so debilitated in his entire life. To his surprise, Lucius helped him steady and clean his face.

"What's going on with me?" Draco asked weakly as his father laid him on the bed.

"I don't know. I called a medi-wizard to have a look at you."

"You seem concerned and that's not a good sign."

"I'm not concerned," Lucius lied.

"Of course not. You're the heartless Lucius Malfoy," Draco smiled bitterly.

"Just rest, Draco."

Draco looked at the ceiling. "What did I do?"

"You behaved like a Malfoy."

"I behaved like a jerk. Harry must hate me now. What was I thinking?" Draco stared at Lucius with suspicion. "What did you do to me?"

"ME? Don't blame me for your sudden outburst. I had nothing to do with it."

"That person wasn't me. I would never yell at Harry like that."

Lucius shook his head. "Of course you would. You're an authentic Malfoy."

"Was that how you treated James? Because if it was, I can totally understand why he left you."

Lucius face went red from rage. "Don't talk about things you know nothing about. James and I were never together, Draco. He never left me because he was never mine to begin with and I didn't want him to be."

"That's bullshit and you know it."

Lucius sighed. He was tired of arguing with Draco. It was like arguing with a muggle wall.

"You were only reacting to Harry's treachery."

"No. Harry wasn't cheating on me. He was just talking to her. I overreacted and that wasn't like me. I know better than that. I was mad at Harry before but when I glimpsed him with Weasley it was like something possessed me."

Lucius didn't like to hear that but he preferred not to worry for the moment. He would wait for the medi-wizard's diagnostic. Someone knocked on the door and he opened it. To his surprise, it wasn't just the medi-wizard but also Harry Potter. Lucius let the doctor in and shut the door before Harry could enter as well. With a smiled, he heard Harry cursing at the other side of the door about a nose. Good, thought Lucius. He hoped he had broken the git's nose.

The medi-wizard didn't take too long at his examination and he found nothing wrong with Draco. It wasn't a relief to Lucius though. Some dark curses were unable to be discovered by a doctor's wand and skills. Maybe Draco was really fine and that was only an indisposition but he wanted to be sure. There was only one person that could help him in that matter and that person was Severus Snape.

When the doctor went away, Harry tried to come in again but Lucius obstructed his passage.

"I didn't invite you, worm," Lucius hissed.

"You can't stop me," Harry replied with insolence.

"What makes you think that Draco wants to see you after what you did?"

"I did nothing!"

"And how the hell did you know we were here?"

Harry shrugged. "Why do you care?"

"Look, Potter, you're not just risking your life but mine and Draco's as well just by being here. Leave! My son doesn't want to talk to you. You and your filthy father caused too many damages to us."

"My father? What..."

Lucius shut the door on Harry's face again before he could finish his question. Harry wouldn't give up that easily though. He would stay there until he talked to Draco. He needed to know why Draco had behaved like that with him. It wasn't like the Draco he knew to have that kind of outburst. His boyfriend tended to do the opposite in fact. If Draco was mad at him, he would just ignore him like he had been doing it until Ginny came along. He couldn't possibly be jealous of Ginny. And even if he was, it wasn't like him to act like that.

Finally, the door opened again and Lucius frowned.

"Still here?"

"I won't go until I talk to Draco."

"He's resting, Potter."

"What's wrong with him?"

"According to the doctor, nothing." Lucius sighed. "Look, I have to send an owl to a friend and..."

"Do you have friends?" Harry asked as if that was the most absurd thing he'd ever heard.

Lucius fumed, "Don't push your luck, Potter."

"Sorry," he didn't sound sorry though.

"Stay with Draco while I'm gone."

Harry opened his eyes wide. He opened his mouth to say something but Lucius cut him out.

"Don't say a word. Just be by his side. And don't upset him or you'll wish you were never born."

Lucius let Harry in and left. Harry passed the living room not paying attention to the size of it. He went straight to the bedroom where he found Draco sleeping and he sat beside him. Draco immediately opened his eyes and stared at his lover. There were many questions in Harry's eyes but he couldn't answer them. He also didn't know what was wrong with him.

"I'm sorry," he muttered.

"Why did you do that? Was it really necessary to play such a scene? Ginny didn't deserve it and..."

"GINNY?" Draco looked at Harry in disbelief. "You do realise that she's in love with you."

"No, she's not."

"Oh, please, Harry, you're not that naive." Draco stood up and walked back and forth. "I realise that I overreacted but I had a point, Harry. She's completely in love with you. And you... I saw you. You were smiling at her in such a way. It felt like you were cheating on me!"

"We were just talking, Draco!"

"Yeah, that was what I told my father. How did you find me here anyway? And how did my father let you in?"

"I followed you. And your father actually asked me to keep you company."

Draco frowned. "It doesn't seem like my father."

"Tell me about it. Look, Draco, I don't love Ginny. She's just my best friend's sister. I didn't even have to give you an explanation but I felt like I had to by the way you reacted."

"I don't deserve an explanation?" Draco fumed.

"It's not that. But if I keep apologising too much, it'll sound like I'm guilty and I'm not!"

Draco breathed hard. "You're lucky I don't have asthma like my father."

"Lucius has asthma?" Harry frowned. The day had been full of surprises.


Draco opened the window to get some air but stepped into something sharp and let out a yelp. Harry quickly took him in his arms, laid him on the bed and asked what was wrong.

"I hurt my right foot," Draco whined.

Harry examined his foot and saw that Draco had stepped into a small piece of glass. He had a little training in wizard's first aid and as he took the glass out of Draco's foot, he tried to heal the cut the best way he could with his wand.

"Is it better?" he asked Draco in expectation.

"Yes. Thanks, Harry."

They stared at each other for a long time. Slowly Harry kissed Draco until the blond melted away in his arms.

"I love you. Ginny is like a sister to me," he whispered against Draco's lips.

"She's not your sister, Harry."

Harry sighed. "I know. But I'm not interested in her. I love you. I'm here, aren't I? What's wrong with you? Why was a medi-wizard here to see you? Are you sick? I've noticed that your eyes were looking different when you were yelling at me."

"I wasn't yelling. And I'm sorry for insulting your mother. I didn't mean to."

"It was Lucius, wasn't it? He talked you into doing that."


"I know it was him. He keeps poisoning you, telling you that what happened between my father and him will happen to us, too, but that's not true, Draco. We're not them! Don't listen to him. He's not right."

"You don't know what happened to them! How can you be so sure?"

Harry squeezed Draco's hand in his. "Because I know how I feel. By the look of things, my father must have been scared of his feelings for Lucius and the same must have happened to your father. They were cowards. We're not!"

"What did you mean about my eyes being different, Harry?" Draco asked all of a sudden.

"Maybe it was just an impression but I thought they'd gone red for a moment."



"What does that mean?"

"I don't know."

"Something is not right, Harry. As I was talking to you at the book shop, I felt like I was possessed, like I was someone else. Or maybe that was the real me, you know? Maybe you should walk away from me. Be with someone like Ginny Weasley."

"Don't say that." Harry stroked Draco's hair and kissed him hard. "I don't want her. I want you."

"Do you think you can spend the night here?" Draco pleaded.

"Yes. I don't think anyone could stop me anyway." Harry smiled and Draco smiled back at him. "What about your father?"

"What about yours? Don't you think he'll be pissed off, too?"

"I asked it first!"

"Let me handle Lucius."

"Let me handle James."

At the same time, Lucius stepped into the room with an arched eyebrow. Draco looked at him defiantly and told him that Harry would stay with him. Harry also stared at him insolently, his eyes saying that he wouldn't get out of that room for nothing in the world. Lucius admired their courage and with a dry tone of voice, he informed Draco that Harry could spend the night but he would have to get out as soon as the sun came up.

He didn't like Potter, but as he watched their enlaced hands and their intimacy, he realised that he was witnessing true love for the first time in his life. It was a shocking moment for him, one that he hid very well. In Harry's eyes he saw the burning passion, the strong determination. Even if he didn't allow Harry to stay, he knew the Boy-Who-Lived would find a way to get in. That was why he let him stay.

"If you need anything, I'm in the front room," he said before leaving.

Draco stared at Harry amazed. "He let you stay. I can't believe it!"

"Well, miracles happen."

"What if this is a trick? What if Voldemort will come to get you?" Draco asked, worried.

"Don't worry about it. I don't know why but somehow I think you're father won't do anything."

"So you're finally seeing the big picture. My father is not that bad."

"Maybe." Harry didn't seem so sure though. "Care to talk about why you got so angry about my resignation?"

Draco made a face. "I don't want to talk about it."

"Just tell me why you got so mad. Please? I want to understand the reason why you snapped the way you did."

Draco sighed. "If you were a Prefect, we would have our own rooms and we would be closer to each other. Get it? We wouldn't have to make excuses to meet each other late at night or use your cloak to deceive Filch."

"You'll still have a single room. We can meet each other there."

"Yes, but you'll have to sneak out of you dorm!"

"Why are you so worried? Don't you think I can handle Filch?"

"It would be so much easier if you had accepted the damn position as Prefect!"

Harry laughed. "That's it? You were mad because of that? It's so sweet of you, Draco."

"Don't mock at me, Potter!" Draco pushed Harry away but the brunette kissed him until he was short of breath.

Then Harry went to the bathroom, coming back a few minutes later with a big smile playing on his lips. Draco frowned. He'd heard the sound of water running and wondered what Harry was up to.

"I was thinking that it's better for you to clean your cut with soup. I saw Aunt Petunia doing it once. She said it was to prevent an infection. Are you up to a nice bubble bath?" Harry winked at him.

Draco grinned. "With you? Always."


The atmosphere at Hogwarts on September first wasn't the most cheerful one, but Dumbledore and the rest of the staff tried their best to make life go on as normal as possible. Most of the students were scared of the future and what might happen to their families, but when they saw Dumbledore introducing the giants to them, they forgot for a moment about their fears, too amazed with the scene that was playing in front of them on the Hogwarts' grounds.

Draco hadn't been on the train and he wasn't between the students either, but Harry wasn't worried. It was settled with Lucius that he would be the one to bring Draco to Hogwarts because he wanted to have a word with Severus. Harry was still stunned by the fact tha.

Meanwhile, James watched him from a window of the Hospital Wing. For the entire month, James had thought about talking to his son, only to realise that he was a bloody coward. It seemed like they had a quiet agreement. He didn't talk about Draco and in exchange Harry didn't ask him about Lucius. Their relationship also hadn't changed much, but they didn't avoid each other's company anymore. James liked to have Harry around, even if he stayed quiet the whole time.


James turned around and met Remus smiling at him.

"Hi, Remus. I haven't seen you all day."

"I was busy, sorry. Tomorrow the classes will start and I want to be ready."

"I'm sure you're a very good professor, Remus. I still remember the days you used to help me and Sirius with our homework. You were always very smart, the smartest of us all."

Remus smiled sadly as he remembered the old days. There had been another boy that Remus had helped with his studies and that boy had been Pettigrew. What was bothering Remus and Sirius was the fact that James never talked about Peter and acted like the worm didn't exist. He wished he knew what was going on inside James' mind. He wanted to bring the subject up, but he was scared of James' reaction.

"Did Harry talk to you about a secret library?" Remus asked, trying to forget for a moment what he really had wanted to ask James.

"No. Why?"

"Well, he asked me about it. He said that Draco found it but by the time he took Harry there to see it, the library had disappeared and the passage turned into a solid rock. He thought that maybe I knew about it because of the Marauder's Map. I borrowed the map from him and tried to find the library myself but I couldn't."

"Why didn't he talk to me about it?"

"I don't know, James. Perhaps it's because you hardly speak with him."

James made a face. "You're not going to lecture me about it, are you?"

"No, I won't. But..." At James' glare, Remus decided to change the subject. "Never mind. It's your life, not mine. Anyway, the map doesn't show that room."

"It wasn't designed to show it if it isn't there anymore. You should've known about it. You were one of its creators, Moony."

Remus let his jaw hanging open as he heard his old nickname. He thought he would never hear it again. James noticed his astonishment and wondered if he should had stayed quiet, but as he stared deep into Remus' eyes, he realised that his friend was just touched.

"Dumbledore said to us once that there were many secret rooms in Hogwarts and even he didn't know all of them. Those rooms were programmed to disappear or simply change their location to a safer spot. Maybe that was what happened. The Malfoy kid found it and the room located itself to another place. The map will only show it if it's there. If it's not there, then it means that indeed, the room just moved to somewhere else," James explained.

"But then we should be able to find it, right?"

"Not really, Remus. There are places in this castle that are probably very well-protected. Like all of the founders' chambers. The only chamber they've found was Helga's, because she didn't have any secrets to keep from the others. But Godric, Salazar and Rowena... well, that's another story."

"Harry found the Chamber of Secrets."

"Yes, Sirius told me about it and you have no idea how mad I became after hearing it. In fact, I've heard all of Harry's adventures. None of them pleased me. He's so young to have to carry such a burden..." James looked disturbed for a moment. "Anyway, it wasn't the chamber of Salazar. It was just a place where he kept his pet."

"So the room Draco found it..."

"Could be a founders' room."

"Lucky bastard!" Remus muttered to himself.

"Indeed. Did he tell you what the books were about?"

"No. Draco said to Harry that he didn't read anything."

"Could he be lying?"

"I don't know. Why would he?"

"Maybe it was Salazar's personal library and he found something interesting in there that he didn't want to share with anyone. Who knows? You know I don't trust the Malfoys. And as soon as I stop being such a coward, I'll tell Harry exactly what I think about that hideous family."


"That's pretty much it," Lucius finished his long monologue about Draco's strange illness.

Severus stared at his old friend pondering about it, not quite sure of what Lucius wanted him to do. To him, it looked as though Draco was facing a very common problem at that age: puberty. But he'd seen Draco's pale features, paler than usual, and he worried. It wasn't like Draco to look so defeated and tired.

"It could be depression," Severus suggested.

"No, I don't believe it. Draco is not the kind of person who gets depressed."

"And how could you tell? You barely speak to your son," Severus said coldly.

"I didn't come here so you could lecture me, old friend. I came here asking for you help."

Severus crossed his arms and stared at Lucius for a long time.

"What?" Lucius asked, annoyed.

"You've been working with Ethan Clamch - the ex-boyfriend of my wife and the guy who wants to kill her. Tell me again, Lucius, my old friend, why should I help you in the first place."

Lucius grimaced. "First of all, you'll help me because it's Draco who's in trouble and you like him; I know you do. Second, I didn't know you were shagging Erin Jones at the time. I apologised about Ethan already. Why are you bringing this subject up?"

"It's because he's after her again. My wife is pregnant, Lucius, and I'll do anything to protect her."

"You really are in love. I'm stunned," Lucius smirked.

"Oh, just shut up."

"You know I work for Voldemort. That was never a secret between us."

"Just stay away from my wife."

"I'm not the one after her."

"Then keep Clamch away from her!"

Lucius sighed soundly. "Ok. If I find out something about him, I'll let you know," he said, irritated. "Now could you please focus on my son?"

"I'm surprised that you care for him!"

Lucius stood up and banged his hand on the desk. "I'm not in the mood for your games, Severus. If you don't know what's wrong with him because of your incompetence, then tell me now and I'll go away. Don't make me waste my precious time!"

Severus had seen Lucius losing his temper before, but never because of Draco. That was a new side of him that he didn't know. He was so surprised by it that he didn't care for the fact that Lucius had just called him incompetent.

"What makes you think that I know what's wrong with him?"

"Because you're a Potions' Master and I think Draco has been poisoned."

"Poisoned? When? How?" Severus continued with the same cold pose but he was terribly worried on the inside.

"I was hoping you could tell me."

"I'm good at what I do, Lucius, but not that good. I need some time to research and run some tests on him. If there's something wrong with Draco, I'll find out. You don't have to worry about that."

"The symptoms don't ring any bells?"

"No. Do you have some ideas about it?"

Lucius shook his head. "The only thing I know is that Draco hasn't been feeling well ever since he came back from that damn camp."

"Which you sent him!" Severus accused.

"FINE! It's my entire fault as usual. But I think the problem wasn't at the camp but at my house. I gained a house-elf last month... from Pansy Parkinson," Lucius said bitterly and before Severus could shout at him for his stupidity he went on, "I think the little bitch might have ordered the bloody creature to poison Draco slowly. You don't have to tell me how stupid it was to accept the bloody thing but she is Voldemort's granddaughter! How could I have refused it?"

"It's your damn problem, Lucius! You know Voldemort is not stupid! He must know about the love your son feels for Potter! And you're pretty dense if you think he's keeping you at his side because he likes you! He's up to something. He's always been up to something! If I were you, I'd disappear. You must be really blind to let something like this happen to Draco."

He was blind. He hadn't been able to stop thinking about James for the entire month. Damn Potter!

"Let me handle Voldemort and Pansy. Be sure you heal my son."

"I will. You have my word."

"Thank you. Owl me if you have any news."

Lucius was about to leave when Severus' question paralysed him.

"Have you heard about James Potter?"

"Yes." And before Severus could ask anything else, Lucius left.

Lucius left the dungeons and climbed upstairs to have one last look at Draco and see how he was. He knew his son was at the Prefects room but he didn't remember the exact location of it. With his mind lost someplace else, he didn't see the other person coming right at him and he bumped into the stranger, falling on top of him. To his surprise, the stranger fought with him, seeming desperate to free himself.

"GET OFF!" the stranger shouted.

"BE STILL YOU MORON!" Lucius shouted back.

"Ouch! You poked my eyes."

"And you just elbowed me!"

They disentangled from each other but kept sitting on the floor. Since it was dark, they couldn't see each other's faces with clarity, but there was something about that guy that Lucius couldn't quite place.

"Pay attention to where you're going, stupid, clumsy, asshole!" Lucius shouted one last time before dusting himself off.

"And you should watch your language!" The stranger got up from his feet. "I don't recognise your voice. Who are you? You don't belong to the staff, do you?"

"Damn this dark place! Why aren't the torches lit? It's Dumbledore's fault! He had the brilliant idea of freeing the house-elves and now look at this place! Those stupid creatures don't do anything right anymore. It is such a shame! I'll make sure to tell the Headmaster of this den about his incompetence."

"Don't talk about Dumbledore like that!"

Lucius smirked, "Great. I just happened to bump into one of Dumbledore's admires."

"You're not from the staff," the man stated.

"And you're a genius to have realised that all by yourself. Now, if you excuse me, I have to go."

Lucius passed by the man and felt something poked on his back. It was the man's wand. He sighed.

"How dare you point your wand at me?" he hissed. "You don't know who you're messing with."

"Why don't you enlighten me?" the man asked seriously.

Lucius turned to talk to the man face to face and said, "I'm Lucius Malfoy. And you are..."

Lucius saw the wand slip through the man's hand and fall on the floor noisily. With his own wand, he lit up the tip of it and pointed at the man's face. He gasped when he saw the blue eyes staring at him with shock.

"I'm James," the man whispered.

Lucius knew it was a dumb question but he couldn't help but ask, "Potter?"

James nodded, his hands shaking. He never thought he would find himself face to face with Lucius that soon. In fact, he'd prayed every night never to meet Lucius again - even though a secret part of him wanted that meeting to happen. He'd also prayed for an aged, ugly and bald Lucius Malfoy, but he looked as handsome as ever. The white-golden hair was longer than he remembered and he stunned himself with the desire of running his finger through it. The grey eyes were as intense as before and James tried hard to look away but found it impossible to do it. Lucius had always had that noxious effect on him. He was like a powerful drug that you knew was bad for you but you couldn't let go.

Lucius also found himself too stunned and shocked to say anything. He wasn't expecting a meeting like that. It was too soon for him; he wasn't prepared. For a moment, he thought he would have an asthma attack from the impact of seeing James after so many years. And, by Merlin, James looked as beautiful as ever. His blue eyes were still as enchanted as before and his hair remained just as rebellious. To his annoyance, he felt the need to stroke that untamed hair and smash his lips into James'.

"Lucius," James whispered. "I... How... Why..."

Lucius swallowed hard. "My son."


And then Lucius had an idea. He decided to advance his plans and kidnap James at that instant. The opportunity was perfect. There was no one around and he could sneak out without any problems. He muttered Stupefy before James could react properly and held him in his arms as he blacked out. But he didn't go too far, for Dumbledore appeared in front of him from nowhere and shook his head in disapproval.

"I can't let you take him, Lucius," Dumbledore said calmly.

"You can't stop me," Lucius defied him.

"Oh, yes, I can, and you know it."

Lucius snarled, "I won't harm him."

"Or so you think."

"No, I'm serious this time. I know you don't believe me but it's true. If I don't take Potter now then someone else will. Pettigrew is planning to turn James into a zombie. I have to protect him. Besides, we have some unfinished business to discuss. Not that this is any of your business..."

"Hogwarts is safe enough."

"Oh, please," Lucius rolled his eyes. "I managed to open the Chamber of Secrets right under your nose and you didn't even notice until it was too late. You got some giants to guard the grounds but what about the tunnels? Do you really think those magical barrels will stop the Death Eaters? You have no idea how strong they are. Let me take James. I just... This will sound really stupid and not at all like me but... I want to protect him. I think I found a way to break the spell that connects him with Voldemort's wand." Lucius said with satisfaction.

"A dark magic spell?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow.

"Well..." Lucus seemed embarrassed. "Sort of."


"You know, it's not the magic that is dark, it's its intentions."

"Oh, this is very philosophical of you, Lucius but you still can't convince me."

Lucius sighed. "What if I tell you the location to the Muggles' concentration camp?"

"Do you really think I would sell out James like this?"

"It's not like I'm looking forward to spending some time with Potter alone," Lucius lied shamelessly.

Dumbledore pondered for a moment if Lucius deserved a second chance to redeem himself from his sins. Maybe James was the key to Lucius' cold heart. It was that thought and Erin's premonition about the two of them that made his decision of letting Lucius go, but with a few conditions.

"You'll have to give me your word that nothing bad will happen to James. Then I want you to give me the location of the place where you're taking him. I'll be your secret keeper. Not only that, but I want you to take Dobby with you as well," Dumbledore began.

"Dobby? No way. I already have a house-elf."

"No James then."

Lucius breathed hard. "Ok. The stupid house-elf can come with me."

"I also need you to sign a contract of loyalty in the wizard's style. You'll have to sign it with your blood so there will be no doubt about your intentions towards James. I'll visit you every month to see how you and James are doing. Oh, and I want the location to that camp. Is that ok with you?"

"WHAT? This is outrageous!"

"Not as much as you trying to kidnap James under my roof."

Lucius thought about it for a while and he decided to accept it. He was telling the truth. He had no intentions of hurting James - unless, of course, the git hurt him. But all in all, he just wanted to talk to the git and bury their past - and his love - once and for all.

"All right, I'll do it. Let's get down to business, shall we?"

"I'm glad you accepted my conditions!" Dumbledore grinned. "Please, follow me, Lucius. We have much to talk about."

Lucius sighed, following Dumbledore to the Headmaster's office. He barely noticed the way he was holding James in his arms - like he was something so fragile that needed his protection. And he also didn't notice the way James cuddled against him. But Dumbledore did. And so did Draco, hidden in the shadows, watching them at a distance.