General Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/26/2004
Updated: 10/28/2004
Words: 10,612
Chapters: 3
Hits: 1,973

Harry Potter and the Blood of Triumph


Story Summary:
Sixth year fic. Voldemort can't attack Harry whiles he's on Privet Drive, can he? You'll find out. We learn about Harry's lineage, Dumbledore's famous triumphant smile, and exactly how much Aunt Petunia knows. Dumbledore's magical protection fails as Voldemort grows in power and prepares for his final assault on the Ministry, Harry, Dumbledore and the Order. Without Dumbledore's wards, however, will Harry survive that long? Under the shadow of war Ron and Hermione finally realize what they really mean to each other. While Harry wonders if he'll ever find anyone he can have that kind of bond with.

Chapter 01

Sixth year fic. Voldemort can't attack Harry whiles he's on Privet Drive, can he? You'll find out. We learn about Harry's lineage, Dumbledore's famous triumphant smile, and exactly how much Aunt Petunia knows. Dumbledore's magical protection fails as Voldemort grows in power and prepares for his final assault on the Ministry, Harry, Dumbledore and the Order. Without Dumbledore's wards, however, will Harry survive that long? Under the shadow of war Ron and Hermione finally realize what they really mean to each other. While Harry wonders if he'll ever find anyone he can have that kind of bond with.

Words: 3,330
Hits: 1,015
Chapter 02

Harry has left Remus, perhaps to die, in an alley off of Privet Drive. What could force such a decision? Rescuing the Dursleys from certain pain and death at the hands of Voldemort and his Death Eaters. How on Earth will Harry get in, get his family, and get out again?

Words: 3,328
Hits: 515
Chapter 03

Harry returns to Grimmauld Place or the first time since Sirius and the Veil. Has a face to face with Kreacher where Ron and Hermione help him out. He also finds out what happened away from Privet Drive the night before.

Words: 3,954
Hits: 443