Astronomy Tower
James Potter/Lily Evans
James Potter Lily Evans
Romance Songfic
1970-1981 (Including Marauders at Hogwarts)
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 04/10/2006
Updated: 04/10/2006
Words: 1,434
Chapters: 1
Hits: 301

Head Over Feet


Story Summary:
A song can hold so much in its words, as James is about to find out. Songfic to Head Over Feet by Alanis Morissette

Chapter 01


In a dark corner of the Gryffindor common room, seventh-year Lily Evans sat, reading a DADA book, ignoring the party going on around her. Gryffindor had just won the first Quidditch match of the season against Slytherin, and everyone was celebrating loudly. As Head Girl, it was her duty to break it up, but she couldn't be bothered with the boos she would get if she tried, and no one was complaining so she left it.

She felt some-ones eyes on her and her heart fluttered. No need to look up to see who it was. It wasn't unusual that he was staring at her. What was unusual was that she was secretly thrilled by his attention; his stares and his smiles. Now, instead of saying NO! before he'd even managed to open his mouth to ask her out, she wanted to scream YES!, but she couldn't...or could she? She sighed. Was she finally having feelings for James Potter, after all this time? He had definitely changed. He'd stopped hexing people for the fun of it, except Snape, but Snape deserved it, didn't he, she reasoned. No, she thought, no...'feelings' wasn't all it was. She was in love with him.

At the word love, her body shivered with excitement, and she knew it was true.

She took out her wand. Time to put her plan to the test. She muttered a charm, then said his name, and began to sing.

* * *

He'd kept one eye on her all night, but now was staring openly at her, unaware of Sirius trying to get his attention. He was looking at the way her hair shimmered in the light, and how green her eyes were. She sighed, and her hair fluttered, like red waves. He marveled at how she could concentrate with all the noise going on around her. He watched as she took out her wand, muttered something and then began to sing.

"I had no choice but to hear you

You stated your case time and again

I thought about it

You treat me like I'm a princess

I'm not used to liking that

You ask how my day was"

He jumped, looking around, but no one else seemed to have heard her. He studied her again. She hadn't taken her eyes of the page of her book, but her lips were definitely moving and it was definitely her singing. He would know her voice anywhere.

"You've already won me over in spite of me

And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet

Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are

I couldn't help it, it's all your fault"

He inhaled sharply. Was she talking to him, or was he listening to something he shouldn't be?

"Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole

You're so much braver than I gave you credit for

That's not lip service"

He laughed, ignoring the knowing smirk Sirius gave him. He wished he could show her lip service!

She smiled. With the charm she was using, she could hear some of his thoughts, and that one had been extremely clear. I bet he wished he could, she thought dryly.

"You've already won me over in spite of me

And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet

Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are

I couldn't help it, it's all your fault

You are the bearer of unconditional things

You held your breath and the door for me

Thanks for your patience"

No doubt about it, she was singing about him, but he still wasn't sure whether he should be listening. Maybe the words didn't mean what he thought they meant.

"You're the best listener that I've ever met

You're my best friend, best friend with benefits

What took me so long?

I've never felt this healthy before

I've never wanted something rational

I am aware now... I am aware now"

What was she aware of? That he loved her? That was all he was aware of whenever he saw her. Sirius went mental with him once, telling him to snap out of it and give it up, but he never could. She was beautiful, clever, funny, charming and kind all rolled into one. Sure, she had a temper (he had been on the receiving end of it loads of times) but that was just another thing that he loved about her.

"You've already won me over in spite of me

And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet

Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are

I couldn't help it, it's all your fault"

With that, Lily quietly lay down her book, before rising to her feet, turning to look at him. Something flashed in her eyes. Could it have been amusement? No, because now she was glaring at him and stalking over to where he was sitting. He didn't know what he had done; perhaps he shouldn't have heard that, so he scrambled up from between Sirius and Remus and took a step backwards, in time with her, his eyes never leaving her angry ones.

Her lip twitched at the scared expression on his face. Everything was going to plan.

The entire common room was watching what was going on now, and there was deathly silence. Even the first years knew of the love/hate thing going on between James and Lily, and every one shrank back as the two seventh years passed them. Slowly but surely, James got faster and faster, until he was practically running backwards away from the seemingly furious girl in front of him. He kept going until he hit the wall, and he flattened himself against it, searching for a way out.

She walked right up to him and grabbed his tie, wrapping it around her hand and pulling, yanking down his head until it was level with hers. She took a step forward so there were only a few centimetres in between them, and she laughed inside at his sharp intake of breath at how close she was.

He could feel her breath on his face, and he was captivated by her emerald green eyes. She was so close that he could see the dark green flecks that rimmed her pupil. There was another jerk on his tie and his head came further down until their noses were touching and his lips were only a few centimetres from hers. Three centimetres, he guessed, trying to keep his mind off the fact that girl he had been in love with for years was so close, and trying not to panic. He was feeling so uncomfortable now that he looked over at his fellow Marauders in desperation, but they just stared back, bewildered.

She moved her head slightly, so that her nose slid over his, and her mouth was a mere centimetre from his. He'd never noticed just how hot the Gryffindor common room was before. Sweat was running down his forehead.

She looked him in the eyes and sighed, her breath tickling his dry lips, so he had to lick them, and her eyes followed the movement. She sighed again, before saying softly, "You are..."and then she stopped, looking for the right words. "In extreme trouble and panic?" he whispered, pale, and still trying to move away from the terrifying girl in front of him, amazed at just how close their lips were, and how he had managed to not kiss her yet. However, he thought, if she didn't back away soon, he might do just that.

Sirius sniggered. The sight of James so nervous and scared of a girl a whole five inches smaller than his 6ft frame made an amusing sight. "The second hottest guy ever?" he suggested. Lily whipped her head around, causing James to get a mouthful of her hair. Not that he minded. It smelt of coconuts, his favourite scent, he thought, inhaling deeply.

She glared at Sirius, who recoiled and tried to disappear into the sofa, muttering, "After me of course." Remus grinned at her, but she just narrowed her eyes at him, until he looked away and shrank into the sofa with Sirius.

She turned her head, finding that his mouth was only half a centimetre away. "No," she whispered, shaking her head, and smiling, at which he sighed with relief "No... you are the most difficult boy I have ever had the pleasure of meeting," and with that she gave a final jerk on his tie, bringing his mouth crashing down onto hers.