Final Year, Final Chance


Story Summary:
It's Lily and James' final year at Hogwarts. It's also James' final chance at winning Lily over, but Lily is still not keen. Lily begins to feel something for James, and James plays knight in shining armour - literally!

Chapter 02 - The Common Room Catastrophe

Chapter Summary:
James forgets a very important meeting with the Headmaster. However, Lily concludes that they may be friends...
Author's Note:
long time coming...thankyou to the young lass who reviewed - you are the reason this chapter is finished!!

James almost skipped to the dormitories, he was so happy. He was back at school, the place he loved as much as home. He was under the safe and watchful eye of Albus Dumbledore. And he could have sworn Lily Evans glanced his way not once, not twice, but THREE WHOLE TIMES during the Welcoming Feast. Life wasn't good, it wasn't even great... it was fantastic!

He approached the Portrait of the Fat Lady and flashed her a cheeky grin. "Evening Ma'am."

"James Potter! My sources tell me that you have become Head Boy?" she cooed. He knew he was one of her favourite students. He could easily charm her into letting him in when he wandered the school at night.

"Ah, 'tis true, 'tis true, your sources have informed you correctly."

"Has your meeting with the Headmaster and Head of House finished already?"

James was confused. "My meeting..?"

"Your meeting! The Head Girl and Boy are to meet with the Headmaster after the Start of Term feast! Surely you know that!"

James' eyes widened and he smacked his hand on his forehead. So preoccupied was he at the wonderful start of term that he completely forgot about his job as Head Boy!


He sprinted down the stairs two at a time before he lost his footing in the trick stair and tumbled down the stairs. Landing in a crumple heap on the ground, moaning and nursing a sprained wrist, James' eyes saw two feet, one tapping the ground. He looked up.

There stood a very, very angry Lily Evans, who had just been joined by Remus and the first-years he was leading to the Gryffindor dorms. James got up, brushed his clothing and performed a little dance and cried "TAH-DAH!!" to the first years. They all laughed and applauded.

"That, my friends, is a perfect example of the many exciting and surprising things at Hogwarts!" cried James, as if he were a circus master. "So consumed was I in my keenness to start term that I ran up to the Gryffindor tower without you! Eagerness is commended first years, but remember: You have to pace yourself. Wreaking havoc throughout the castle, particularly down the stairs, and you may get seriously injured. So heed my warning and you'll have a wonderful school life at Hogwarts!"

Remus and the first years applauded and cheered at James as he performed an elaborate mock bow chanting "Oh thankyou, you're far too kind. Thank-you."

Lily couldn't help but laugh out loud. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and her eyes sparkled bright green, which caused James to blush. Lily suddenly noticed this and stopped, and found that she, too, was blushing. She cleared her throat.

"Right. Well. This is your Head Boy, James Potter," she said, trying to steady her voice. "He will be happy to help you in any way you need. If you need directions, help at schoolwork, or a target for a fanged Frisbee, a jinx, or hex, he will gladly do the job."

James grinned at Lily, who surprisingly returned it. "Now follow Remus and he will show you the most direct path to the Gryffindor dormitories. Potter, we best get to our meeting, shall we?"

"Nothing would give me greater pleasure, Miss Evans!" James said, bowing again. "Young first-years, adieu. Parting is such sweet sorrow!"

Remus laughed with the first-years and led them up the stairs. As he looked back, he noticed something surprising, almost alarming. As James waved them off Lily stole a glance at him, a small smile playing on her mouth.

This is James' year, Remus thought. He'll win Lily over.

* * * * *

"Potter, I want a word."

It was an hour after the meeting with Dumbledore and Professor McGonagall and James thought it had gone swimmingly, despite the fact he was 45 minutes late. Dumbledore's eyes seemed to have that extra twinkle in them this year, to which James was unsure of the source, and he was far more jovial than usual.

"My, my, my. Miss Evans. What a vision you have become! The transformation is just astounding. From an awkward, bumbling, ugly duckling; to a beautiful, graceful, yet, fiery swan."

Sirius had launched himself onto Lily the moment he saw her standing there.

"Can anyone else hear a strange yet incredibly annoying buzzing in their ear?? I can."

Sirius Black's bark-like laugh rang throughout the Gryffindor common room so loudly; it made some first-years jump. He was playing wizard's chess with his best friend James as Remus Lupin, their other best friend, sat close by reading. Peter Pettigrew, the fourth friend, was watching the scene playing out before him, almost with admiration.

"Don't deny your true feelings, young Lily," Sirius purred, as he flung one arm over Lily's shoulders. "For we know the true feeling within your heart. What you crave, what you desire, what you want..."

"What I want is for you to get off me, please."

"I'm happy to oblige." Sirius grinned, bowed and sat back down.

"Potter, a word?"

"No worries."

James led Lily away from the cat calls and wolf-whistles that were excreting from Sirius. It got to the point that Sirius' antics were moving away from funny and verging on slightly annoying that, by no instruction from Remus, the chess pieces started hurling their fallen at Sirius.

Lily and James walked over to a table near one of the windows which overlooked the grounds and sat down. The stars were shining brightly in the sky, and further along the grounds was the Gamekeeper's hut. The candles were lit inside, meaning Rubeus Hagrid had arrived.

"What can I do you for?" asked James.

Lily suppressed a roll of her eyes with great difficulty. "Look," she said. "I just wanted to say that this... this... this..."

"Budding romance?" James offered.

"Acquaintance," Lily chose, to which James' heart sank a small amount. "Obviously won't cease because we'll be around each other a bit more this year. So I just wanted to say that, while I enjoy it a fair bit..."

James' eyes lit up at her words, causing Lily's stomach to somersault. It had suddenly occurred to her that she liked the way his eyes lit up at such trivial things. Though she was close to pointing this out, she thought better of it. She didn't want him to take advantage of this sudden friendship - no, acquaintance they had struck up.

"I... yes... while I don't see why we can't be friends, I'm willing to make a deal with you."

Suddenly her voice was commanding attention, making James think the worst. "This year, you and your... 'Friends' need to back off the hexing, jinxing etc. Just tone it down. Way down. Okay?"

Lily was ready for a fight: She had the conversation planned in her head. She would ask Potter and his friends to act their age, he would refuse. Lily would then be angry at him for not being mature, and refuse to talk to him. Potter would be furious at her for asking them not to have "fun", and refuse to talk to her. It was a win/win situation.

"Sensational. Fine by me."

"Potter, it's not too much to... what?"

"I said that's fine by me. The antics will cease. The joke's over. Done. Finito etc... "

"What?" Lily narrowed her eyes; she smelt a rat. "Why?"

"Because, it's no trouble."

"Oh... and the others?"

"They'll stop too."

Lily was unconvinced. "Really? Are you sure about that?"

James heaved a dramatic sigh. "Well Evans, someday we all have to realise when to draw the line. I'm getting incredibly good at jinxing these days. Soon, with my incredible power and skill, who knows who I might damage, maybe even kill..."

Lily laughed out loud. Sometimes he just cracks me up, she thought. Goodness I love it when - "NO!"


Lily looked up to see James searching her face. She was so surprised at what she found herself thinking, she didn't even realise that her inner battle was being conveyed on the outside.

"I mean...that's fine, Potter. Greatly appreciated. Yes." They stood up and looked at each other.

This would be a good moment to hug her. James thought.

This would be a good moment to squeeze his hand or something. Lily thought.

James leant in, giving Lily the shock of her life. This caused her to violently swing her hand out to shake his; so violent that she instead whacked him in the gut. Hard.

James yelped in shock and pain. His eyes watering, he bent over and dropped to his knees. He had always assumed Lily could pack a punch - he just never expected to experience it.

"Oh James! I'm so sorry!" Lily jumped down as James crouched on the floor, trying to catch his breath.

Sirius let out another loud laugh, capturing the attention of those in the common room. Once they saw what had happened, they too began to erupt in fits of giggles. Eventually, Lily and James saw the funny side of the situation and began to laugh also. Soon they were sitting on the floor, laughing at the entire scene. James put his arm around her without even thinking and Lily leaned into him, as they both shook with laughter.

Once they had controlled themselves they looked at each other, and it was as if a bolt of lightening had struck the couple. There was now silence between them. Somehow, with James' arm around her, and Lily leaning into him, the situation was no longer funny. It was... weird.

Lily stood up in a flash. "Well. Sorry, Potter. And... um... yes. I will... ah... see you at... ah... breakfast later then? Tomorrow. Excellent."

James stood up and opened his mouth to speak, but Lily wouldn't allow him. She shook his hand, turned on her heel and to the girl's dormitories.

James was rooted to the spot - he was dumbfounded. Lily had never looked at him that way before...

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