Astronomy Tower
Romance Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/01/2004
Updated: 10/25/2004
Words: 134,039
Chapters: 17
Hits: 6,138

Iuga Sortis III: The Beginning


Story Summary:
The Battle of the Gods begins. Fate is no laughing matter.

Iuga Sortis III 05

Chapter Summary:
In which Hermione pushes Draco's buttons, Ginny explains things, and Harry admits something.
Author's Note:
(Continuation of Iuga Sortis Series)


"While I know I'm gorgeous, Granger, it is impolite to stare . ."

Hermione glared at the Slytherin. It was as if nothing had changed between them. He was still the same arrogant brownnoser he was from first year, only now he wore a shiny Head Boy badge and had administrative power. Luckily their working together had produced few over-the-top arguments, but with only two more weeks until Halloween, tensions were running high. This was the first major event for which they had to plan, and she wanted it perfect.

Even if that meant doing it by herself.

"Don't flatter yourself, Malfoy. I needed a vacant spot at which to stare, and your face was the perfect candidate."

"All you had to do was conjure a mirror for that effect . . or a photograph of your Weasel boyfriend."

She gritted her teeth. "Bastard."

"Sorry to disappoint, but my parents were quite unhappily married at the time of my conception and birth; hence I am no bastard. But you do remain nothing other than a mere Mudblood. Truth hurts, doesn't it?"

She ignored the comment, but secretly steamed on the inside. Hermione couldn't believe Malfoy's gall, even after all that happened.

Ron was right--once a git, always a git.

"Look, Ferret, we are Head Boy and Girl. As such, we must learn how to work together and at least be civil with each other. Besides, what would Ginny say if she knew her 'boyfriend' wasn't playing nice with her best friend?"

"Typical Gryffindor--go cry to the higher ups when things don't go your way."

She raised an eyebrow. "How odd, I seem to recall a certain Slytherin--who shall remain nameless--always running to 'daddy' whenever things didn't go as planned."

He rolled his eyes and gestured at her parchment. "Keep past shit in the past. Right now we're focusing on Halloween. Let's see your ideas, then."

She looked at him for a moment before sighing and scanning her list. "I suggest we have the feast, as usual, but if we could convince the teachers to open up their classrooms, we could have a trick or treat throughout the school."

He rested his chin in his hand and propped his elbow on the table. "Isn't that a Muggle tradition?"

Her eyes challenged him. "Problem?"

Malfoy stared at her for a moment before shaking his head quickly. "Actually I think it's a decent idea, Granger. The students will appreciate it since the Hogsmeade trip is cancelled now."

Hermione sighed and looked at her writing. Dumbledore told them rumblings from the Death Eaters were becoming more intense, and it was only a matter of time before something would happen. At first the trips were to be moved, but under Snape's insistence, Dumbledore cancelled them altogether.

"We have to do something. The older students will get antsy if they can't do something fun during the school year . . . damn Death Eaters!"

He smirked. "Granger cursing? How amusing."

"Better antsy than dead, I would say," Hermione muttered, ignoring him.

"Death can't be stopped, Granger. It's coming sooner than you think."

His matter-of-fact tone scared her, even more so because it was devoid of its usual smugness. She stopped writing and looked at him again. Now he was bent over his writing as he made edits here and there.

"You're staring again--"

"What do you know?"

His quill slowed its pace, and he shifted slightly. "Should we have floating pumpkins again, or should we branch out a bit?"

She threw down her quill in frustration. "Dammit, Malfoy! What do you know? You're shifting and changing the subject like you're a criminal under interrogation!"

Silver eyes met hers, and she swallowed hard. "Unfortunately, Granger, the high marks I get in Divination are totally unmerited. I know as much as you do."

"You're lying," she accused.

"And even if I were, would it make a difference? Do you honestly think Ginny and Potter are training for their health? There's a war looming, Granger, and people die in war. It's inevitable."

"Then why doesn't the rest of the school train? Surely you don't think the fate of everyone rests in the hands of four teenagers?"

He merely looked at her. "Until three years ago, the fate of the wizarding world rested in the hands of one teenager. Talk about your recipe for disaster . . ."

Hermione seethed. "Harry did the best he could, considering! Besides, he fought Voldemort many times, and each time he survived!"

"Survival will not save the wizarding world, Granger; it will only give Voldemort the slaves he so desperately wants."

"You would know all about slaves, wouldn't you, Malfoy? The way you treated poor Dobby was atrocious."

"No better than how Sirius treated Kreacher. Wasn't he the one who helped Voldemort send Potty and company on that ill-devised rescue attempt?"

Hermione fumed but could not dispute his claims. "How can you speak so ill of an ally? Then again, I wouldn't be surprised if you pulled the wool over our eyes. You are the son of Malfoy, after all."

"Not by choice, mind you."

"But you had the choice to follow in his footsteps. The way you talked about him since first year, it was clear you were in training to be a Malfoy Junior. Who's to say you haven't given up that training?"

His eyes moved to a spot on the table, and his hands tightened into fists. "You know nothing about me or my family, Granger, so I suggest you shut up."

"Struck a nerve, have I? Perhaps you now know how it feels when you insult my family and other Muggle-borns!"

Malfoy rolled his eyes and sighed. "I don't care about Muggles, and I wish they didn't let Mudbloods in Hogwarts, but that doesn't mean I wish them eradicated, either. Your lot does serve its purpose . . . the main one being to prove my superior status to you . ."

Hermione groaned in disgust. "Ugh! You are awful! I'm beginning to think Ron may be right in his theory that you drugged Ginny! Makes me wonder if Nia is as awful as you are!"

"Don't you ever speak about her as such again!"

Malfoy's voice matched the coldness of his eyes, and she shivered, but she wasn't finished. "Such passionate defense of Miss Roberts . . . sure you're not playing both goddesses as your predecessor did all those centuries ago?"


She looked at him tiredly. "Yes! Stringing them both along, so you can get your kicks. I wouldn't put it past you to do so . . ."

"As if I need to validate my relationship with my girlfriend and my best friend to you. Then again, people could make the same claim about you, just as Rita Skeeter did all those years ago. What was it? Scarlet woman?"

She turned red against her will. "That horrid woman was lying, and you know it!"

He shrugged. "Like I said, I don't care what you do or, quite frankly, who you do. Just stay out of my business, especially when you don't know a thing about it."

"I'm just trying to protect my best friend from the likes of you! One would think, after all that's happened, you wouldn't be this way. But you're a bigger prat than you've ever been! There's no way Ginny could have fallen in love with a boy like you!"

He cocked his head to the side and looked at the ceiling. "Did you ever stop to think I'm only a prat to people I don't like? And, unless I've been as clear as fog, I'm pretty sure you know I don't like you."

"Because I'm a Mudblood!" she said heatedly.

He shook his head. "That logic doesn't hold, because I don't like Weasel or Potty and they aren't Mudbloods . . . Well, Potty is a half-blood which, according to Lucius, is just as bad, but who really gives two shits about him? The reason I don't like you is because you're a damn annoying know-it-all."

Her mouth dropped open in a gasp. "Don't call me that!"

He smirked at her. "But the Weasel can?"

"He's my boyfriend!"

"Even more reason for him not to. I hardly think when he says it you think of it as a term of affection, at least not when I've heard him say it . . "

She opened her mouth to speak, but there was no sound. Hermione frowned as his words swam in her head.

His smirk grew wider, and her frustration rose. "I rather like you speechless. It's much easier to think without your caterwauling."

"I wonder if the real Osiris was such an arsehole," she muttered.

He grinned at her and shrugged. "Probably."

"Of course you'd be proud of that. Only fools would be proud of insults."

"And who thinks whose boyfriend's insults are endearing?"

She huffed. "Like you've never teased Ginny before!"

"I have, and she got me good each time. I'm not a glutton for punishment."

"And yet, you were tricked by Set--twice. I guess for you, being trapped in a coffin wasn't enough, so you decided to get yourself chopped up. Not a glutton for punishment indeed."

"Once again, you have no idea why that happened."

"Care to enlighten me?"

"Why should I? You already know everything."

Hermione growled and stood roughly. "You're such an insufferable prat! I don't even know why I bother!"

"I don't either. Seems we're in a bit of a quandary."

She sighed heavily and threw up her hands. "I just--I feel so helpless! I want to help, but I can't do anything about it, and I'm hacked off because Voldemort is taking away our Halloween because his father was a Muggle. The bitter prick!"

"Sounds like you're the one who's bitter, love."

She shuddered at the faux endearment. "Don't ever call me that. We're not, nor will we ever be, together."

"Thank the gods for that mercy."

She huffed again. "There's no use talking to you. I wonder why Fate chose you as a reincarnate. Why not Ron?"

"Because then he'd be in love with his sister--oh!"

The glee in his eye unsettled Hermione, and she turned her back to him.

She could hear the smirk in his voice. "The real question is why not you? The Mudblood is jealous!"

"I am not!" she insisted, but it wasn't as forceful as she would've liked it.

"I daresay you are. Which would you want to be, Granger? Nephthys? Isis?"

She gripped the back of her chair tightly and gritted her teeth. "I don't want to be one of them!"

She could feel Malfoy looking at her with smug skepticism. "Sure you do. You strive to be the best, Granger, and what's better than being a goddess with the ulitmate magical prowess this side of the heavens?"

Hermione closed her eyes at his claims. She couldn't deny the brief bout of jealousy she felt when Dumbledore told them about the Egyptian gods. She was well aware Malfoy, Ginny, Harry, and Nia were all from families with magic, and her insecurities of being a Muggle-born witch were brought to the fore.

"As if I don't have enough problems," she muttered.

"Exactly, Granger, so why wish to be at the top of Voldemort and Set's hit list?"

"I'm already there! I am Harry Potter's best friend!"

Malfoy lifted an eyebrow. "Sorry to disappoint, but you've been demoted."

She turned and glared at him. "How would you know? Been talking to daddy?"

"Don't talk to me about him. I don't give a shit what happens to him. I hope someone AK's him to oblivion."

She became scared as his body began to tremble violently. "Malfoy?"

It was apparent he wasn't listening to her, and his hands began to glow in silvery light. "He tried--he tried to take her away from me . . . He tried to ruin her, as he did my mother . . ."

Hermione's eyes darted from his fists to his face, and his eyes whitened.


No sooner had the curse left her mouth than a silver jet barreled towards her. She ducked in the nick of time, and the wall behind her became nothing more than a pile of rubble. Her body trembled with fright and adrenaline as she slowly rose again.

She stared at him for a moment. "You tried to kill me!"

This silver haze around his fists disappeared, and his eyes returned to normal. They were wide, but a small smirk appeared on his face. "No, Granger, I didn't. If I did try to kill you, you would be dead already."

She opened her mouth to reply, but someone beat her to it.


Hermione whirled to see Ginny climbing over the rubble and rushing to Malfoy's side.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione asked in surprise. "You have class!"

"I have Jamilah. She let me out early," Ginny murmured as she cradled his face in her hands.

There was a rumble behind Hermione, and she turned again, only to see the wall reformed as if nothing had happened.

"You've got to be joking," she said warily.

"Cool, eh?"

Hermione turned toward Ginny with a look of disbelief. The younger girl was now in Malfoy's lap and grinning, running a hand through his hair as he rested his cheek in the crook of her neck. "It's as if you tamed the wild beast!"

Ginny smiled and kissed his forehead. Malfoy snuggled closer to her and closed his eyes. "In a way I did. I felt his distress in class; the magical buildup was unhealthy and dangerous."

"I'll say," Hermione snorted.

"You've said quite enough, Granger. If only you'd shut up when I told you to," Malfoy drawled.

She was aghast. "What? How dare you blame me for your lack of control!"

"You speak too much and listen too little."

She gasped in disbelief and appealed to Ginny. "Are you listening to this?"

The redhead looked at her apologetically. "He does have a point, Hermione . . ."

Hermione narrowed her eyes. "He's brainwashed you!"

Ginny rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Need I remind you about your accusation of Draco being a Death Eater?"

"He was!"

"But you thought he would turn me over to Voldemort."

Hermione sputtered a bit. "What else was I supposed to think? After your dream and all . . ."

Malfoy moved his head and sat forward, his free arm resting on the table. "Listen, Granger, and listen well, because I'm only going to say this once. I love Ginny. I would never do anything to hurt her. I'd forsake all others to keep her safe and secure--even my own life. So if she's ever in danger, look somewhere other than me for the cause, because I'd sooner AK myself than put her in harm's way. Are we clear?"

Hermione crossed her arms before her. "What about Nia? Would you forsake her as well?"

Malfoy deflated, and Hermione couldn't stamp the feel of triumph. She glanced at Ginny's expression and saw it was sad.

"That's not fair, Hermione."

She raised an eyebrow. "Why isn't that fair? He was passionately defending her earlier today, more so than he ever has with you."

"I don't need defending . . ."

"But Nia does?" Hermione sat down again and clasped her hands on the table. "Tell me something, Malfoy: Why are you so protective over her? Nia Roberts is not your girlfriend--Ginny is."

Malfoy sighed deeply. "Once again, you're sticking your nose where it is not wanted or necessary."

Hermione's look could have melted steel. "Oh, it is necessary. I'm not going to stand by and let you string Ginny along for the ride!"

"He's not stringing me along, Hermione."

Hermione looked at Ginny as if she had grown another head. "He made that grandiose speech about forsaking others; Nia should be included, no?"

"We're not married, Granger!"

"But you love her! There can't be any others. What if what happened this summer happens again, but this time you have to choose between Ginny and Nia? Who's it going to be, Malfoy? Who has more of your heart?"

"That is enough!"

Hermione snapped her mouth closed at Ginny's snarl. A scarlet haze began to glow around Ginny as she stood from Malfoy's lap. Hermione backed away from her.

"Draco, leave. Tell Jamilah I'll be down soon."

Malfoy snorted and gathered his belongings. He looked at Hermione smugly. "I told you to leave well enough alone."

He kissed Ginny's lips briefly and left the room. Hermione's eyes followed his progress until the door shut. She looked at the other girl.


"Sit down, Hermione."

Hermione's eyes darted to the ceiling before sitting down and looking at Ginny. "I'm just watching out for you."

Ginny smiled tightly, and the haze began to disappear. "That position is rather crowded as it is, Hermione. I have six older and horribly overprotective brothers, as well as a mother who would just as soon chain me to her hip to make sure I'm out of danger, and two boys who would willingly give life and limb for me. I think I'm pretty well covered."

"I understand that--"

"But do you understand what you asked Draco is essentially asking Ron to choose between you and me if we were ever in such a scenario?"

Hermione's heart froze for a millisecond as Ginny's words hit home. "Oh God--"

"Draco and Nia are siblings in every way except blood. He loves her so much and would do anything to protect her, just as my brothers would for me, and Harry would for you."

Hermione felt such shame at her accusations. "I never even thought of that . ."

"I thought you said you were happy for us."

Hermione sighed and reached across the table to hold Ginny's hand. "I am happy for you! But he--he just gets to me, you know? He knows all the buttons to push to get on my nerves."

Ginny snorted. "He doesn't like you very much."

Hermione grinned a bit. "He said that, but then again it was never a secret. I just can't get over how he's so different when he's around you."

"That's simple. I don't treat him as Lucius Malfoy. I treat him as Draco Malfoy. They are two different people, Hermione. And unfortunately, Draco is all about meeting people's expectations. If you expect him to act like an arse, he will be the biggest arse you ever did see."

Hermione squeezed Ginny's hand. "It's hard to undo seven years of habits, Ginny."

"But you have to change with the times. He's definitely not the same bloke he was when I met him my first year. I knew something would happen between us when he teased me about my valentine to Harry."

Hermione giggled at the memory. "That was mighty brave of you to do, Ginny. I never could have done something like that for Ron then!"

"You do have an impossible ability of not seeing what is so clearly in your face."

"Thanks for your vote of confidence," she said with a scowl.

Ginny laughed and pulled her hand away. "You're so quick to find logical explanations for everything, when sometimes, logic is not enough. There's heart and instinct that go along with human behavior, Hermione. You can't find everything in a book."

Her brain connected the dots. "You mean his relationship with Nia."

The redhead nodded and reclined in the seat. "If you think I need protection, it's not half as much as Nia needs. She's not nearly at a level where she can protect herself from Set or Voldemort."

"Well, why not? She blasted Crabbe last year. And what about the dreams she has?"

Ginny shook her head. "The only thing she predicted was the death of her mother, and that was because their bond was so strong. She hasn't got a bond that strong with anyone."

"Not even Draco?"

"I guess that's not a fair statement to make; we should be lucky there hasn't been anything dire for her to predict with Draco as of late."

Hermione nodded slowly. "What about Harry?"

She shook her head again. "She's too busy denying it and stamping down her feelings. They have a very strong link, but according to Jamilah, Nia keeps ignoring things."

"Things like what?"

Ginny shrugged. "Who knows? Ever since she saw Harry's parents die, she's been tight-lipped about what she sees during the link exercises and--"



Hermione squinted her eyes at Ginny. "What do you mean she saw Harry's parents die? Nia wasn't even alive when that happened, and Harry was only a year old!"

The younger girl sighed and shrugged. "Apparently during a link exercise, Nia tapped into a memory of Harry's--that particular memory."

"Legilimency? Isn't that rather advanced?"

"Keep in mind; Harry threw off the Imperius Curse at Nia's age."

"Well, yes, but--"

"But what?"

"Never mind," Hermione exhaled, then grinned a bit. "But it's clear yours and Malfoy's is a strong as ever."

Ginny blushed and nodded. "We're almost flawless in our exercises--sometimes I get distracted and see his memories, too."

Her tone became sad, and Hermione frowned. "They aren't pleasant, are they?"

Ginny shook her head and looked at her hands. "Lucius was a demon! He and his mother lived in constant fear. No one here really knows Draco--no one except me and Nia."

"That still doesn't give him the right to be so nasty to us."

"No, it doesn't, but he does keep you on your toes." Hermione chuckled at the comment. "He would really like your trust. He's tired of having to prove himself to everyone just because of his name."

"Just as Harry is tired of being treated as some sort of demi-god because of his."

"Well, that's hardly fair . . . considering he's a full god," Ginny snickered.

They shared a laugh, and Hermione felt a bit lighter. "I still can't believe it, though."

"And you think I can? Every morning I wake up and feel this other presence within me . . it's such a foreign yet familiar feeling . . ."

"You mean the reincarnated god?"

"Not exactly . . . it's more the magic that comes with being a goddess. It's more potent, more tactile than the magic I felt before my fifth year."

Hermione rubbed her hands together. "That's so unreal . . "

"It is. Most witches and wizards need a wand to control their magic, but we can't afford to have it. That's why we train for wandless magic."

"Why not other Aurors?"

"It's difficult to manage raw magic, and regular witches and wizards need the buffer. I'm not sure, but I think there is an elite class of Aurors who do use wandless magic; then again, no Death Eaters use it, so it's probably unnecessary."

"But the four of you need training. Why's that?"

"We're not fighting the normal Death Eaters. Our targets are Voldemort and Set."

"Voldemort uses a wand."

"He used to use a wand. Ever since Set came back, Voldemort hasn't had a wand in his hand. He didn't use it at the Dark Conception Ritual."

"And Set?"

"One of the most powerful of the gods. It will take more than an Avada Kedavra to bring him down."

"He killed Osiris before--twice. What makes you think Malfoy won't fall?"

Ginny sighed deeply. "If Malfoy falls, it will be intentional . . . just as Osiris did."

"Intentional? But that's not what the books--"

"You can't learn everything from a book, Hermione."

The older girl frowned and shook her head. "So much to know . . "

Ginny nodded and stood. "Yeah . . . speaking of knowing, I need to get to my extra lessons. We'll chat more later, okay?"

"I'll go with you."

Hermione gathered her things and walked out with Ginny. "Have a good session."

Ginny smiled and squeezed her hand. "Thanks. See you soon."

They walked in their separate directions, but Hermione's mind whizzed with thoughts. The link was a fascinating feature, something which explained very much. It was clear with Ginny's quick appearance hers and Malfoy's was very strong, but then again they loved each other. Hermione reasoned affection played a crucial role in the strength of the links, which led to the next question: how deep was the affection between Harry and Nia? Did Harry even know about the correlation? That wasn't to say these so called "links" were relegated only to the gods. She often saw Mr. and Mrs. Weasley share unspoken moments, and sometimes Hermione thought they could read each others' minds; then she thought of her own relationship with Ron, and there were many instances where their nonverbal communication was just as clear as the verbal. Hermione wondered if these links manifested themselves differently in the gods as opposed to normal witches and wizards.

Perhaps I should go to the library . .

Oddly enough, she didn't want to go right away.

There's a first!

She chuckled at herself. Ron would be proud of her not going there the minute she wanted to know something. As much as it pained her to admit it, Ginny was right. Not everything she could learn came from a book, and love was among the important things she knew. It took a tall, solid redhead to teach her that, not any book she found in the library.

Perhaps love has more to teach me . . . like the ability to be yourself . . .

She knew it wasn't until she admitted her feelings for Ron she finally felt free; she finally felt secure enough in her skin to be able to make mistakes and gaffes and still know Ron loved her. By watching the interaction between Malfoy and Ginny, she knew it was the same for them. Malfoy was just his prat self before Ginny came, and when she did, it was as if Hermione watched him transform before her very eyes.

It was simply amazing.

Malfoy looked at ease . . . happy even . . . Ginny made him happy, and it made him nicer--even if he did still annoy her. Hermione thought it was more out of habit and even a sense of familiarity he so desperately needed, for she knew love was a foreign concept to him.

Hermione's mind drifted to Mr. Malfoy, and she shuddered. In certain ways, he scared her more than Voldemort ever could. Voldemort was all about annihilation, but Malfoy Sr. wanted humiliation before annihilation, and he was a sadistic, uncouth man. When he spoke, his voice was like velvet, which covered his nettle words to woo people to danger--it was scarier than any scream Voldemort could make. For a child to be raised in an environment like that, she could almost forgive Malfoy's behavior.


But she couldn't shake the disorientation she felt whenever Malfoy was with Ginny or Nia.

Nia was an enigma in her own right. Hermione noticed something was different about the young Slytherin the first time they met in the hallway her fifth year--the way Harry stopped and stared at her, and she at him, was intriguing. The name Harry uttered--Isis--threw her for a loop, and apparently Nia as well. Not only that, the girl was a Slytherin, a Sorting Hermione never fully understood. Nia didn't act like many of her house--believing in purity of blood and being mean. Nia did dislike them though, but Hermione could hardly blame her for that, considering the way they treated her, especially Harry.

That's a whole other can of worms . . . that will be opened if I have anything to do with it!

It was clear, despite Harry's denial, there was something going on between him and the fourth year. Hermione herself only came to terms with it after the raid, when Harry rushed into the room to calm a frantic, unconscious Nia. His expression was totally unguarded as he turned concerned eyes to the younger girl and wiped the sheen of sweat from her brow. That one simple action let Hermione know what he felt for Nia was not disgust or even tolerance.

He cared for her--a lot.

Hermione hadn't been able to talk to him about it. She was so busy with her Head Girl responsibilities and studying for N.E.W.T.s, not to mention his own extra lessons. But after some conversations with Ginny, especially about the link, Hermione felt the discussion was long overdue.

Sooner than she realized, she was at the Tower, and she said the password quickly. The portrait opened, and she climbed inside. There were few students in the common room, though the seventh years didn't have class; she figured they were either in their rooms or outside. Hermione went to her room and put her bundles down, changing out of her uniform to wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. She looked around her room and sighed. She didn't want to be alone right now, and she didn't want to go outside. Hermione decided to go to the common room and catch up on some reading. Hopefully she'd catch Harry and Ron at some point. She picked up a book--for once not Hogwarts, a History--and went down to her favorite easy chair in the corner of the room. She curled herself in it and opened up the book, using her finger as a marker. Her eyes scanned the room, and she smiled softly. There were students playing Exploding Snap, gossiping, and few who were actually doing work. She wished it could stay like that, but according to Malfoy, this scene would soon become a figment of their imagination.

Hermione sighed and fully opened her book, her eyes merely glancing over the page.


Her head snapped up, and she grinned. "Hi, you two. Where have you been?" Ron came and kissed her lips quickly as Harry took the seat across from her.

"Outside goofing around. It'll get cold soon," Harry told her.

"Nice going, mate! Take the seat from me," Ron mock-complained.

"You've got two legs and two arms; find another chair and bring it over, mate!" Harry teased.

Hermione smiled and rolled her eyes at their antics. "Did you have fun?"

He smiled at her and followed Ron's progress with his eyes. "Dean had his football and taught us to play. It was fun, yet very rough . . almost like Quidditch on the ground."

"I've always liked football. My dad and I used to watch matches together."

Harry looked surprised. "You watched sports?"

She looked at him incredulously. "Who is front row at every Quidditch game you play?"

He lifted his eyebrows and nodded. "Point taken . . . speaking of games, it seems Ron's found a chessboard. I pity Colin."

Hermione looked toward them and shook her head. "I wouldn't write Colin off just yet; he's pretty good, apparently. They'll be at it for a while, which is just as well because I'd like to talk to you."

She looked back at him and noticed his creased eyebrows. He shrugged. "What about?"

She grinned. "You . . and Nia . . ."

Harry blushed and ducked his head. "There's nothing to talk about, Hermione."

"But you wish there was."

He shook his head. "It would never work . . . she's too young."

"According to who?"

He shrugged and lifted his hand helplessly. "Society, for starters. She'll be here for three more years while I'm off at Auror training--"

"You think you'll need training after what you've been doing for the past two years?"

"I have to follow protocol. I should be as efficient with a wand as without."

She nodded, conceding the point. "That is true, but do you really think it'll make a difference one way or the other?"

He frowned and hesitated. "You're not talking about Auror training anymore, are you?"

Hermione grinned at him. "No, I'm not."

He blushed again. "How do you mean?"

She cocked her head a bit and sighed. "Oh, I don't know . . . you think you'll care for her more once she 'comes of age,' so to speak? Or is it more about acting on these feelings you have for her?"

"It's none of those things. I just don't want to scare her away."

"But I thought she had a crush on you!"

His face became flat. "Ginny talks too much."

She chuckled. "That she does, but she wants you to be happy . . . she knows you'll be happy with Nia."

He smirked. "Everybody knows what's good for me more than I know what's good for me."

Hermione's hand reached across the table to grasp his. "You're so concerned with everyone else you don't have time to look out for you. That's why you have a group of friends who do that for you."

He smiled briefly before his face became sad. "And yet Nia won't have anyone once we leave . . ."

Hermione scoffed at that. "Surely you can't be serious! I'm sure she has friends--"

"I've been watching her. She has no friends outside of Ginny, Malfoy, and me. She and Goyle seem close, but he's leaving this year as well."

"Are we sure about that?" Hermione muttered.

Harry chuckled and nodded. "He's not as dumb as we think, Hermione."

"I'll take your word for it."

He squeezed her hand. "Good."

She bounced their hands a bit before saying something. "I think you should give Nia the benefit of the doubt as well. I think she knows how to take care of herself."

He chuckled again. "She said the same to me when I expressed my concern . . . I know intellectually she can--"

"But you still worry."

His free hand balled into a fist on the table. "I can't help it, Hermione . . I have this constant ache that someone will be taken from me. Nia walked me through all those dear to me and told me I shouldn't worry, but she never mentioned herself. She never said why she wouldn't be taken, and the ache intensified."

Her eyes grew big. "Is she dear to you, Harry?"

Their gazes locked for a minute until he broke contact. "We are not up to par in our training, Hermione, not like Malfoy and Ginny," he said, not quite answering her question. "They're doing the drills and doing everything right. For some reason, Nia and I haven't found our rhythm, and that scares me. She showed her magic first, but she can't control it as well as the rest of us can. Part of it has to do with age, but the other part . . . I'm concerned. There's something we're missing or something we're not doing that's not allowing us to meet our full potential."

Hermione listened to what he said carefully and licked her lips. She tried a different question. "Harry . . . do you love her?" He didn't move or say anything for a good while, and she figured he was ignoring her. She closed her eyes and shrugged. "I--"


Hermione's mouth dropped open in shock. "What did you say?"

"I love her, Hermione. I love her so much it scares me. All I want to do is hold her and protect her, but I can't because I'll be in London and she'll be here, vulnerable to that arsehole!"

She bit her lip and held his hand tighter. "Have you told her yet?"

He shook his head. "She's not ready, Hermione. A crush is so much different from a lover--and I don't mean having sex. I mean sharing such a big part of yourself with someone else. She's just fourteen, for Merlin's sake! She's barely had time to have herself, let alone share herself with someone else!"

Hermione raised her eyebrows. "To be fair, Ginny started getting serious with Malfoy last year, and she and Nia are only two years apart."

"Yes, but she and Malfoy are only a year apart, not three."

Her brows furrowed as she looked at him. "What do you want to do, wait a year or two?"

"It would be best to wait until this whole thing is over. It wouldn't be fair to her."

Hermione glared at him. "That's the stupidest thing you've ever said to me, Harry Potter."

He blushed and laughed. "Believe it or not, it sounded much better in my head."

She smiled at him briefly before becoming serious. "Have you talked to Ginny about this, or Malfoy even?"

"I've spoken to Ginny a little bit. She gets this smug look on her face every time I say something even remotely romantic about Nia. It's very disconcerting."

"She hangs around Malfoy too much," Hermione muttered.

He smirked. "She loves him, Hermione . . . I learned that the hard way . . "

"We all did. When Dumbledore recounted the story about the raid, I'd never felt such shame in my life."

"Malfoy was ready to give his life for her. It was then it solidified for me. We all know Slytherins are among the most selfish people, and a Malfoy particularly so. When I saw him sacrifice himself by allowing Dumbledore to tell Voldemort his true status, I couldn't help but feel respect and a little defeat."

"I know you still love her," Hermione said.

"Of course I do, but it's not the same. She was an obvious choice, you know? The sister of my best friend, a part of the family I've always wanted to call my own . . . everything was in a nice little package for me--and then I kissed her, and I knew I was in love with the idea, not Ginny herself."

She had to ask. "What makes you think it's not the same scenario with Nia? You and Cho were on again, off again last year, remember?"

"I'd had a crush on Cho since my fourth year--"

"Like Nia has a crush on you."

He pursed his lips. "Yeah . . ."

Hermione bit her lip and swallowed. "Maybe it's not Nia who's ready. Maybe you're afraid she'll act with you the way you acted with Cho."

He nodded. "Yeah. I don't think I could handle it."

"Do you really think Nia would?"

He laughed a bit. "She hated me for a while."

"You treated her horribly, but then again, you were going through some things."

"That's still no excuse."

"I'm trying to help you out, here!"

Harry grinned and looked past her. "Even still, she always seemed to be there, right when I needed someone. She kissed my scar, after Umbitch banned me from Quidditch. That constant dread I'd felt left when she did. Her eyes went wide as if she were scared and ran off. I've never asked her why, but I figured she saw or felt Voldemort."

"You mean the link Ginny was telling me about earlier?"

"Maybe it activated when she kissed it?"

Hermione squinted her eyes. "I don't think so. Ginny and Malfoy have a link, too, and to my knowledge neither of them have scars--at least scars that can be seen."

He looked to her. "What do you think? I know you don't know as much about what's going on with us, but you're a brilliant witch."

"Harry," she said, her cheeks heating.

He rolled his eyes and squeezed her hand. "Oh, come off it, Hermione. You know you're poised to break every N.E.W.T. record posted at this school."

"All right, all right!" she laughed. She turned to look at Ron, whose brows were furrowed in intense concentration. He looked up from the chessboard and locked gazes with her, his frown melting into a look of contentment. He blew her a kiss and went back to the board, making a move that seemed to put him in prime position for a checkmate.

"Love," she said simply.


"You love each other, Harry."

He gave her a skeptical look. "Right."

She shook her head quickly and held up a hand. "Just listen for a minute . . . did you ever stop to think why you two are behind?"

He frowned. "What are you getting at?"

"Think about it! Perhaps the reason you aren't as proficient is because you haven't told her you loved her."

His shoulders slumped. "That can't be it."

"Why not? Love makes people stronger, despite the cliché. Your mother's love protects you from Voldemort, Malfoy's love saved Ginny from Voldemort and Set, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley have one of the strongest links I've ever seen, and--"

"You and Ron are the masters of nonverbal communication. Drives me barmy, by the way," he muttered good-naturedly.

"Sorry," she said sheepishly.

"Don't apologize. I'm very happy for you two."

"And I want you to be happy, Harry Potter. You deserve it possibly more than anyone else on the planet."

Harry sighed again. "I still don't believe she's ready to hear it, and quite frankly, I'm not ready to say it."

"But you have admitted to yourself--there's a start."

He ran a hand through his hair. "This will change the way I behave around her."

She grinned conspiratorially. "You know what they say--actions speak louder than words . . ."

"Do you really think she feels the same way?"

Hermione shook her head and shrugged. "I can't tell you that because I don't know her that well, but I will say this: when she was unconscious, she seemed very concerned for your welfare . . . and she can rarely keep her eyes off you during meals."

He blushed again. "Honestly?"

She laughed. "I wouldn't lie to you. Were this any other Slytherin, I'd be telling you to run for the hills, but Nia, I think, is a very good foil for you."

He tilted his chin and grinned. "Speaking of foils . . . here comes yours."

A chair appeared next to her, and Hermione suddenly felt lips to her cheek and strong arms around her shoulders.

"I won."

"As usual," she teased.

The lips kissed her again before moving away. She watched Ron sit in the newly acquired seat and dart his eyes back and forth between them.

"So! What was the discussion?"

Hermione lifted her eyebrows to Harry, but he avoided her eye contact. She huffed. "Love, and how not to be afraid of it."

Ron scowled. "Love? What's to be afraid of, Hermione? Aren't you happy?"

She pouted and rubbed her palm over Ron's cheeks. "Of course I am, love! I'm not talking for me, but for Harry!"

The redhead became excited. "You love my sister again? Great!"

"Ron!" Harry and Hermione chastised.

"What? Just a little wishful thinking," he mumbled and sank in his chair.

She pulled him up in his seat. "You could sink to the floor and still be taller than I am."

"You know you like it."

She rolled her eyes but couldn't stop the blush from spreading. Hermione glanced at Harry, and he grinned at her.

"Oh, the joys of love."

"There's no need to get sarcastic, Harry."

"It's joyful, all right, especially when she thinks she can get away with telling you what to do!" Ron complained.

Hermione looked at him cheekily. "I always told you what to do--from the first moment I met you."

"It was Fate!"

Ron made a face. "Oh, do shut up! I can't wait till you fall in love!"

Hermione was smug. "He already has."

"Why can't it be Ginny?"

Harry looked bored. "Because she's in love with Malfoy . . . I thought that was made clear already."

"I know; I still can't stomach the fact she chose him over you! Makes me think my sister is off her rocker!"

Harry shook his head. "She's more solid than most of the people at this school."

"As if that's hard."


"Sorry, love."

"Be glad; their love is very important. It makes them stronger, magically speaking."

"Sort of the way your love makes me strong, Ron," Hermione said as she bent to give him a kiss on the lips.

Harry scowled. "And on that lovely note, I'm off. Need to change because I have training soon and Jamilah will kill me if I'm late." He stood from the table and walked toward the stairs.

"Bye, mate!"

"Bye . . . oh! And Harry!"


She raised an eyebrow. "Think about what I said."

He nodded and grinned. "Yes, Miss Granger."

She watched him climb the stairs, all the while feeling Ron's eyes on her.

Hermione glanced at him and sighed. "May I help you, Mr. Weasley?"

"Who's the girl?"

Hermione pursed her lips. "You'd do better to ask him that."

He gave her an incredulous glance. "Why ask him when you're sitting right here and know the answer?"

"I would be betraying his confidence."

"As if that's ever been a problem for you!"

She looked at him dryly. "This is not getting you the information any faster. If you really want to know, you should go ask."

"Of all the times to be loyal," he muttered.

"How about this--the girl he loves, I think, will make him very, very happy."

Ron offered a genuine smile. "I'm glad. He deserves all the happiness in the world."


"Too bad it has to happen with a war looming . . "

That foreboding pressure came back, and she swallowed thickly. "Something big is going to happen soon."

"Nothing more would make my decade than to see four teenagers blow up You-Know-Who with their magic."

"You and the rest of the wizarding world."

Just then Harry returned downstairs, changed but wincing. He glanced at the door before coming toward the couple.

He was clutching his scar.

"Oh no," Hermione whispered.

Harry's face was in a perpetual wince, and he nodded slowly.

"Oh yes; Voldemort is happy about something. And when he's happy, it's not ever good for the Order."

Ron's eyes hardened. "Do you know what they're trying to do?"

Harry shook his head. "I don't know, but I know it's not good."

"Should we go to Dumbledore with this information?"

"He doesn't know any more than we do; besides, he has his insider."

Hermione sighed. "So what do we do until then?"

Harry heaved a sigh and shrugged. "Wait . . . and hope."