Astronomy Tower
Angst Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 06/24/2005
Updated: 06/24/2005
Words: 500
Chapters: 1
Hits: 544

Unreasonably Engaged


Story Summary:
It's some time later and Harry is getting married. Sequel to "Unreasonably Inadequate."

Chapter Summary:
It's some time later and Harry is getting
Author's Note:
This was written pre-Ootp therefore Sirius is still alive.

The pleasure of your company is requested
at the marriage of
Miss Jasmine
Elaine Ogden
Mr. Harry James Potter
Saturday, the twenty-eighth of August
at twelve o'clock
at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Weasley
The Burrow

Ottery St. Catchpole

A reception to celebrate this joyous occasion will follow.

"You're making a mistake son."

"I know."

"Then why are you going through with it?"

"I don't know."


"Do you have any idea what it's like to be me?"


"Everyone has always expected so much from me. I was expected to defeat Voldemort, so I did. Everyone expected me to do something amazing with my life; so instead of doing what I wanted to I became an Unspeakable. Now I'm just doing the latest thing that is expected of me instead of what I want, again."

"I wouldn't fault you if you left right now."

"Maybe you wouldn't but everyone else would."

"Not the people who matter, Harry. I dare say they would support your decision."

"They might."

"Do you love her?"

"Of course I love her; she is one of my dearest friends."

"Are you in love with her?"


"Why not?"

"How am I supposed to answer that?"

"Are you attracted to her?"

"She is beautiful."

"But that wasn't my question, Harry."

"I know it wasn't."

"Are you attracted to her?"


"Do me a favor, close your eyes. Really think about this before answering. Picture your ideal partner."

Pause. "Caramel hair. Tan skin. Beautiful, expressive hazel eyes. 5' 10". A little pudgy but not in a bad way. Timid usually, but never when it matters. Devoted. Honest. Perfect. Stronger than anyone really knows."

Sigh. "Sound like anyone you know?"



"I know."

"How much longer are you going to let your head ignore your heart?"

"In about an hour's time, forever."

"Harry, you're getting ready to do something you're going to regret."


"This is stupid."

"I have to, Sirius."

"No you don't. You don't have to do anything. You don't owe the world anything. They owe you something. Perhaps some respect from everything you've done for us. You deserve to be happy. If you marry Jasmine you will never truly be happy."

"I know but it's too late."

"Listen carefully because I'm going to say this once. It's never too late. He's here. He's not going to come in but he is here. I saw him outside a few minutes ago but I doubt he'll be here much longer. Go to him, Harry. Tell him you love him, that's he's the only one for you. You both know you're meant to be. I'll take care of everything here."

Smirk. "Is that an order?"

"Does it need to be?"


"Will you go already?"

"Thanks Sirius."

Grin. "Anytime. Good luck."

Harry didn't even notice as he ran past Hermione. "He's going to Neville isn't he?" she asked Sirius anxiously.


"I don't know what you said to convince him but thank you."