The Dark Arts
Albus Dumbledore Severus Snape
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Half-Blood Prince
Published: 08/11/2005
Updated: 08/11/2005
Words: 560
Chapters: 1
Hits: 339

The Lightning-struck Tower


Story Summary:
The events of the astronomy tower, from Severus' perspective. Spoilers for HBP


The Lightning-struck Tower

Could it have been different?

Severus looked beyond Draco, to his mentor, able to stand only due to the support of the wall behind him, sweat clinging to his brow, looking every one of his one hundred and fifty six years.

Could it really have been different?

The green light from the Dark Mark above lent to the unreality of the picture in front of him- Dumbledore wandless, at the mercy of Draco Malfoy.

Could I have prevented this from happening?

The four burly Death eaters were taunting Albus now, yet he seemed completely at ease, replying to them amicably, as if at a tea party. But it was evident that he was weak.

What if I had never joined the ranks of the Death Eaters? If only I had had the strength to resist! Perhaps ...

Draco's hands were shaking as the others exhorted him to act now.

What if I had never returned to Albus? What if I had never known what it is like to be trusted, actually trusted? Would this have been this difficult?

A Death Eater lunged at Albus, only to be blasted out of the way. Draco's arms had dropped, and he looked terrified, paralysed even.

What if Cissa had never come to me? What if I had never made that blasted Vow? Would this still have happened?

Severus opened the door with a bang, and stepped on to the ramparts. Amycus spoke to him, but he only heard Albus.

'Severus ...'

Albus' voice was inside his head.

'I drank the water, Severus. There is no more time. You must kill me.'

'Are you insane? I will do no such thing!'

'Draco shall join us, Severus. I know it. The two of you are more important to the resistance now. Remember you promise Severus. I am already dying'

'We have time! Do you think I cannot kill these five imbeciles?'

'That is beside the point, Severus. We need you. You cannot blow your cover!'

'You cannot die, Albus. It is not a feasible option!'

'Nor is it feasible for you to be found out. I promised to protect you, child. I am keeping my promise. Remember yours. Do not be scared Severus.'

'I am not scared! I am NOT a coward!'

Severus pushed Draco roughly out of the way. Raw anger and hatred seemed to be physically flowing from the Potions Master as he stepped forward towards the Headmaster. The Death Eaters were stepping back in fear.

'I saved your life Severus. You owe me. I need you to kill me.'

'You cannot make me do this Dumbledore!'

Revulsion was evident on every line of Severus' face.

'I wish it did not have to be like this Severus. But it must be done. You know it as well as I do. Severus ... please...'

Severus raised his wand, pointing at the Headmaster.

'I hate you for this Albus.'

Severus collected himself; this was the hardest duty he had ever been called upon to perform.

'Avada Kedavra!'

A jet of green light from Severus' wand hit Albus in the chest. The force of the spell lifted him into the air, bathed in the green light of the Dark Mark overhead. They watched, as if hypnotised, as the headmaster fell backwards, and out of sight.

The only man who ever trusted me.


Author notes: Liked it? Hated it? Wish you'd never seen it?

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