Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Harry and Hermione and Ron
Action Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/20/2004
Updated: 03/30/2005
Words: 243,327
Chapters: 34
Hits: 18,490

The Centaur's Shrine


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Six Founders - Voldemort is dead. Harry and his friends will find themselves pitted against a new, very insidious enemy, challenging the legendary friendship holding them together. Meanwhile at Hogwarts a new trio will take over the Marauders' mantle.

Chapter 28

Chapter Summary:
Their friends attempt to get Hermione and Draco back. (Warning: Mild sexual reference - but not what you probably think.)

Chapter 28 - Rescue


Harry, Ron, Luna and Ginny had been feverishly trying to find information on teleporting stone circles and any other similar phenomena. They did it alone, since neither Remus nor Snape were available. Remus was away with Tonks, and no one knew where Snape was. Nobody wanted to involve the other teachers yet.

They had made another distant contact where Hermione had explained her theory about the triggering action, and she and Draco had agreed to come back to the stone circle at daybreak. Both of them also warned about an unusual sense of power during the transfer, urging their friends to be cautious. The suggestion of trying an analysis spell, without entering the circle, had been proposed but judged too risky. Harry and Ginny hadn't pushed it, but they privately vowed to do it themselves if nothing else worked.

Unknown to them, Silena, Alicia and Richard had been listening to everything, and they were also searching for a solution. Since they didn't have any knowledge of higher magic, or druidic lore, they were falling back on pure logic, like with the riddles the Weasley twins had arranged for them. Unlike their friends, they hadn't heard any warnings on how dangerous such relics could be. Because of this, they went directly for the simplest answer. After dinner, they retired to their usual hideout behind the cupboard and armor, and they discussed the problem.

"From what I understand, only living matter can be transported," said Richard.

"So what?" asked Alicia. "We could send them some living food but what they really need are their wands, or at least tools."

"Maybe we could try and send a flying beast?" proposed Silena. "A Hippogriff, so that they could ride on it."

"It doesn't seem very practical, and I don't know where we could find one."

"Ask a teacher?"

"We're not supposed to know anything. It would get back to professor Snape, and my backside is sore enough as it is." He winced at the memory.

"We could at least experiment with small animals," proposed Alicia. "You know, send them a mouse, and they could try to send them back."

"How? They'd need a wand to activate the transfer," Richard pointed out.

"Oh!" Alicia was disappointed. Hermione's wandless magic had not been mentioned, so they didn't realize that part of the solution was already available.

"Hey! What about a wand placed inside living matter?" he said suddenly excited.

"Yes! That might not work, but we could test it easily."

"And even if it worked, we'd have to find an animal big enough to swallow one," said Richard pensively. It didn't look too practical either.

"Why not a plant," proposed Silena. "Plants are alive." They looked at her with amazement.

"Brilliant!" he said. She swelled with pride. "Okay, so we could send them one of our wands."

"It would get left behind" countered Alicia. "That might be awkward."

"Would a fake wand work?" asked Silena.

"Another good idea," said Richard. Alicia rolled her eyes but said nothing. "We still have some of Fred and George's left." They talked about it a little more and ultimately decided on a detailed plan. It looked good enough to them, so that they wanted to push it as far as they could before going to Harry and the others.

"All right," said Richard. "Now, we know what we need. Let's go to the greenhouse to select some likely plants and tomorrow we go down there as early as possible to test this."

Their older friends had spent hours in the library, only leaving it when they were thrown out at curfew. They'd continued working on the problem until late into the night, but they couldn't find any hint on how to control the circles. They finally gave up when Luna convinced them to get some rest. Harry and Ginny were totally exhausted, but even then sleep did not come easy.

- - -

The other circle,

Draco and Hermione didn't sleep well either. Despite the fire, it was very cold and far from comfortable. They huddled against each other for warmth. Sometimes they would talk, but all so often their discussion would touch upon a touchy subject and die in silence. The night passed in fits of uneasy slumber and half conscious periods.

Some time before daybreak, Draco woke up, and he knew that he wouldn't get back to sleep. He found that Hermione was clinging tightly to him and muttering indistinct words in her dreams. He tried to ignore it, but at one point she called out Harry's name and she moved her hand along his side. The gesture decided him to get up. He disengaged himself as carefully as he could, and went to put some logs into the fire which was almost done. Hermione began to moan and shiver, but she fell silent when the warmth increased a little.

It was still dark so he didn't try to walk around. The flames would protect them from any roaming beasts, at least he hoped so. He kept the bloody stone and a large stick at hand in any case. Draco sighed. Hearing her speak Harry's name reminded him of Ginny. He wondered what still remained between them, supposing that they managed to get back of course. Those thoughts were not pleasant, but then nothing in his life was.

- - -

Forbidden Forest,

The atmosphere at the camp was sober. Many faces were grim, and it was not even necessary to look at the Centaurs to understand that something was wrong. One had only to listen. Instead of calling out cheerfully to each other, most of them whispered worriedly in little groups, or muttered dark predictions about an uncertain future. The reason for this was the terrible news that Lyman had brought back. The Shrine did not respond anymore, not even when a Pure One was present. This had never happened before and no one knew what to do, not even the Herd Mentor.

Without the Shrine, the Herd was doomed. They had interrogated the heavens, but the stars were muddled. They showed confused battles with unseen forces, terrifying visions of Centaurs attacked and torn apart by demons and curses. Many thought that the humans were somehow to blame. Bane was sure of it, but Lyman and some of the wisest counseled caution, and they had proposed asking the Pure Ones for help before deciding anything rash. Besides, what could be done? The Humans were much more numerous, and they had powerful weapons. The Herd would only be destroyed faster. Some listened, but even among Centaurs, there were those who preferred a glorious death to cautious thinking.

Contacts had been taken anyway, and a troop of Unicorns arrived at the camp in the early morning. Their soft and soothing thoughts restoring a measure of calm among their troubled cousins. A meeting was held but there wasn't much to discuss. The Pure Ones seemed almost detached. Yes, they were willing to assist the Herd Mentor in restoring the enchantments, but they could not guarantee that it would work. If it didn't, well then, the Centaurs would simply have to move to another circle, or accept their fate.

It was not a very satisfactory answer, but there was hope, and the Centaurs felt they had no one else to turn to. Firenze wanted to call upon Dumbledore for help, but Bane forbade him to, and the majority of the Herd stood behind their leader. It was inconceivable to let humans learn of these secrets. A new expedition to the Shrine was immediately arranged, with enough Centaurs and Pure Ones to reconstruct the Shrine's magic. Bane barked out orders for them to be ready to leave in an hour's time, and the Centaurs dispersed. As he was moving out toward his hut, Lyman spotted Laurell going away in another direction. He would have liked the ancient sage to be with them, or failing that to speak some more with him, but the Unicorn was in a hurry to go elsewhere.

I have another duty.

"Give me a word, Oh Purest One," said Lyman. "I see only danger, and I fear for our Herd."

He would never be so tactless as to ask for a precise prediction, even though the Pure Ones were masters in that art. Both of them were aware that exact knowledge of the future was more terrible than death. It took away surprise and hope, and reduced one's life to waiting for the inevitable. The Unicorns could read the future at will, but over the millennia, they had evolved both the control to not look, and a fatalist philosophy to accept what they couldn't fail to see.

But Lyman was terribly worried, not for himself, for he was old and his life had been a full one, but for the young Centaurs he couldn't help anymore. He only wanted a little glimpse of what was coming. A jewel of truth that he could hold on to, while the world around him was breaking apart. Laurell looked at the Herd Mentor. He recalled the life of the gruff, hard tasking but caring teacher, remembering the countless times he had felt him awakening a young foal to adulthood. He opened his Inner Sight and saw the Centaur's future in a short and tragic vision, and he also got an inkling of the secondary consequences. He did not feel pity or joy, or even sadness. The world was not something to judge. It simply was. There was no choice except to accept it. However, he could select the best words to describe it.

You have, and will do well, my friend.

Lyman heard the epitaph in his mind. He knew right then that the Pure One was talking about his death. At first, the certain finality was terrifying, and then a great peace came upon him. He did not know how or when it would happen. There was every chance that his existence would end soon, and probably brutally, but he would do well, and he had lived a purposeful life. Truly, what could be better than to hear such a confirmation? And such a promise? He inclined his head and expressed his gratitude.

Laurell turned and trotted away. Lyman stayed still a moment, and then he went to his hut to prepare, even more carefully that he usually did. He looked at everything as if it was the last time he would see it. He took his best bow, the one he truly considered a masterpiece. It was light and yet powerful. A beautiful weapon made of golden wood. Holding it in his hand, he could feel the perfect balance. He selected the rest of his equipment with the same care, including the Unicorn horn relic. It would probably not be necessary, they would have the real thing with them, but he felt that it was fitting for him to take all the trappings of his charge. Laurell had said he would do well. He would aim for perfection.

- - -


At first light, Silena, Alicia and Richard recovered their equipment and slipped quietly into the secret passage. They had found several long eggplants and a type of potted flower with very large leaves, which would be perfect for writing messages on. They entered the room cautiously, but the others had not arrived yet.

"All right, let's get to it," whispered Richard. "Alicia you start writing on that big leaf, meanwhile we'll work on hiding one of the wands in the eggplant."

They work quickly and disposed all the stuff inside the circle. One plant contained a fake wand, another one had the message with explanations carved on it, and they had provided several others smaller marked pots to test the return transfers.

Richard was taking position on the other side of the circle, outside of the perimeter and careful not to touch the stone. He aimed his wand at the pillar which Draco had activated.

"Are you sure it's that one?" asked Alicia.

"Of course I'm sure," he answered testily. "We've seen them refer to it several times." He took a deep breath and raised his wand again.

"Wait a minute."

"What is it now?" he said in an exasperated voice.

"Don't you think you should try it with a fake wand? If they don't work, we'd better know it fast."

He grimaced at not having thought about it before.

"Er, yeah, right." He stored his wand away and took out of the fakes. It was only good for showing colored lights but it was real magic nonetheless.


"WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE!" screamed Harry from the passage.

The three children jumped and yelped in surprise. Harry marched toward them looking ready to kill, and Richard took a step back involuntarily. Ginny and Ron came in the room and scowled at them.

"We're only trying to help," explained Silena in a quivering voice.

"What do you know about-" snapped Harry in a menacing voice. Luna stopped him.

"Calm down a minute, Harry," she said gently. "Let them explain themselves first."

Richard was trembling with fear, he'd never seen Harry like this and he fervently hoped that they hadn't made a terrible mistake. The three of them took turn detailing what they had done and planned. Ginny groaned inwardly. They had taken no precautions at all. All eyes then turned toward the stone circle. The only things on it were a number of clay pots filled with earth.

"It bloody worked," whispered Ron.

"What did you say in the message?" asked Luna.

"We told them to get the wands out of the big eggplant, and to use them to send away one plant for each of the pillars," answered Alicia.

"We figured each pillar corresponds to a unique destination, and that there's a good chance that one gets back here," added Richard.

"The plants are numbered, and they are supposed to try it clockwise from the outgoing pillar," finished Silena.

Luna smiled.

"That's very ingenious, but we can communicate with them more directly. Let's try and see how they are doing."

It was straightforward work from there on. Draco and Hermione found the plants and the wand, and it only took them a few minutes to work out what the return pillar was. Everyone held their breath but suddenly the two students materialized inside the circle.

Harry rushed to embrace Hermione, and wrap a robe around her, while Ginny did the same for Draco. The two were very hungry and tired, and they looked filthier than seemed possible, but everyone was immensely relieved.

Harry turned toward the three youngsters. He still remembered the terrible worry.

"I don't know what you deserve more: a record detention or a reward," he said severely.

Richard looked back defiantly and stood his ground. Now that everything was all right, he wasn't afraid.

"I think we'd have done the same thing in their shoes," admitted Hermione. "At the very least we should say thank you."

"Can you guess what professor Snape would do?" said Draco.

"To us or to you?" shot back Silena. He looked shocked.

"I do think she's got you there," said Luna, smiling.

"How about letting go and having some breakfast?" proposed Ron.

"Prefect bathroom first," corrected Hermione. "I may need to bathe for a week to get rid of this dirt and crass."

Draco gaped at her.

"Speak for yourself." He turned to the others. "You wouldn't believe the things she had me do. I'll tell you all about it. After eating," he added. Hermione looked daggers at him. "Okay, okay," he admitted. "It wasn't all bad ideas." He noticed Harry and Ron grinning at each other as they watched the by-play. "Hey, are you too speaking to each other again?"

Ron hesitated.

"Yes," said Harry firmly. He frowned at Alicia, who was batting her eyelashes and looking stupidly at him, and then considered the others. "Listen, perhaps we should have a quiet talk the six of us." Draco grunted and didn't quite look back at him.

"First things first. Let's wash and dress," he said gruffly.

Ten minutes later they were in the prefect bathroom lobby, waiting for Hermione and Draco to finish. They had to threaten the younger kids to keep them from following them.

"It's unfair," exclaimed Alicia. "You're always keeping secrets from everybody."

"You're kids," said Ron in an exasperated voice. "You don't have every right, you know. You're still first years."

"We were old enough to save the day," pointed out Richard.

"And if you shared more with us we wouldn't have to sneak in all the time," added Silena. Richard threw her a warning look, but it was too late.

"So you admit that you do sneak," noted Ginny menacingly.

"Er, no! We don't really ..." stammered Richard.

Harry found himself smiling at them. They were exactly as he remembered being with Ron and Hermione.

And they did save the day.

"All right," he said firmly. "I admit that did us a big favor, and that we owe you one. We'll think about it, and we'll join you in the hall in a moment, but now you will please leave us alone."

They didn't care to argue, and they took the out that Harry gave them. He chuckled at seeing them run down the stairs.

"Remember being their age, Ron?" he murmured.

"Are you kidding? We were bloody civilized compared to those scoundrels. Did you know that Fred and George have been teaching them tricks?" He said that as if he was outraged, but if was just for show. His eyes had been following them with unmistakable affection.

Harry was preparing to answer him when he saw Luna's serious face.

"Harry," she said. "I'm glad we got Draco and Hermione back, and that you and Ron are friends again, but I would really like to resolve our arguments once and for all."

"What do you mean?" said Hermione coming out, wrapped in a towel. She took her clean clothes and went behind a curtain to dress.

"We've been fighting among ourselves instead of looking for the real cause of our troubles," said Luna. "This is the time to put an end to it and rebuild our group like it was."

Hermione was a little reserved. Draco came out of the stalls at that point. They looked at each other guardedly and Hermione felt all the tension returning. Doubts and suspicions floated in the air like a bad odor.

"Do you think it's possible?" she said softly.

"Of course it's possible," said Luna firmly. "All we have to do is put our friendship above those bloody political ideas." Hermione and Draco both turned to speak and she interrupted them. "We didn't need principles to be together before and defeat Voldemort. We had respect and love for each other, and that was the important thing. Hermione, Draco didn't turn evil overnight. He's still the decent man who joined us. And you Draco, you should trust your friends more than those other people."

She looked at them both and there was a real fire in her eyes. This was not the demure and passive Luna they were used to.

"We're all good people. How we care is more important than what we think," she finished.

"She has a point," said Harry resolutely. "The problem is not among us. It comes from outside. We've let ourselves get caught up in it, but that's wrong. It's trying to ruin us and we mustn't let it."

"Are you going to bring up all that stuff about Trevor again?" growled Draco. Harry raised his hand and shook his head.

"I don't want to consider anybody specifically, not right now. But we've received some disturbing information, and then there is this fact to take into account. Together we are very powerful, but when we are divided, we're really just a bunch of students."

He could see that they were listening.

"And this is even true for Dumbledore and the Order," he added. "If they can show us supporting them it gives them a big boost, conversely if they can't, then people wonder why and distrust them." That got a wince out of Ginny and Draco.

Ron was beginning to follow that train of thought.

"You think that maybe this was ... planned somehow?"

Draco shot him a hard look, but somehow that idea didn't feel so wrong.

It does make sense. We where certainly neutralized. Except for that election. Was it just bad luck?

They looked at each other silently.

"I swear that we never planned for anything like that," said Draco earnestly but defensively. He and Harry looked at each other and at Hermione.

"There is one way to get rid of all the suspicions," said Harry slowly.

The others knew it too. A full rapport and merging of consciousness. They would open their minds to each other, and nothing would be hidden. Harry saw Hermione throw him a marked look and he knew what she was thinking. They would have to share all the secrets they'd hoarded these past weeks.

"Mione," he said. "Luna is right. It's got to stop. Whatever the result is, it can't be worse than the way we've been tearing at each other."

Luna opened her arm to indicate that she was ready to do it. Harry took her hand and reached out for Hermione's. She hesitated but stepped in. Ron joined her. Ginny stepped forward and looked at Draco.

She didn't have anything to say. He looked at them, and he knew that at this moment, everything was in the balance. What he would decide in the next few seconds would change everything. The choice was Trevor and Shrummer on one hand, and his friends on the other. There was no middle ground anymore.

They were all looking at him. The only real and true friends he had ever known. He looked at Ginny. He would never love another girl as much as he cared for her. Even Salazar Slytherin had finally chosen friendship over principles and ambition. He stepped forward and took Ginny's hands. The look on her face was like the rising sun.

They formed a circle and sat on the floor. Closing their eyes, they merged into Luna's emphatic field. The first thing that they did was open their hearts to each other, reaching out and expressing feelings and intentions more than facts. And then they saw was that none of them had truly worked against the others, except in minor matters or by accidents. It was important to know that they'd all acted in good faith, terrible mistakes had been obviously been made, but that mattered less than willful actions.

One after the other, they shared the high points of everything which happened. They didn't dwell on the details, and in any case the current form of their merging was not well adapted for that kind of communication. It had started in such a highly emotional manner that they felt light headed and almost detached. It was difficult to think clearly and precisely. They sensed from Luna that she was doing this on purpose, since it made it easier for them to express some things, especially for Draco and for Hermione. Past pain and errors appeared as abstract and impersonal concepts, and there felt no impulses to argue, or to blame anyone.

You sent Dobby at Boocrat? What is that other castle?

We haven't even looked at that. We were too keen to see Hogwarts' circle.

What's Comil got to do here?

Dumbledore! What is he doing?

Draco and Ginny were confused by the new information. They all agreed to discuss it later. Ron and Harry looked at each other's perspective of the Quidditch accident. Something was strange there but likewise, true intentions were what mattered, and the hatred was forgotten.

One of them had no specific information to share, but her message was overwhelming.

I love you all thought Luna. I don't want this to ever happen again.

They could all feel her unqualified affection for them all individually, whatever their strengths and their flaws. They responded in kind. It was incredibly comforting, and for a long moment, they basked in it as if it was a tub of warm and soothing water. They had found each other again and nothing else was really important.

I love you as well but I'm hungry, expressed Ron after a while.

Their rapport dissolved in a mixture of amusement and good natured exasperation. They opened their eyes to find Hermione chuckling at Ron. He sported a large grin, and Ginny lost her seriousness and stuck out her tongue at him. They stood up. They were back in the real world, but after such an experience, there was something more. They kept close to each other, something touching fleetingly, as they moved out and descended toward the great hall.

It was still very early in the morning. Oblivious to them, a few early risers noticed that the six friends were together once again, and they whispered the news among themselves in low voices. None of them dared to approach them. The diehards were worried about the possible consequences, but those who had been part of the neutral majority were smiling at what they saw as a good omen. Silena and the Parkers had reserved a large space at one of the table. Alicia spotted them first and nudged her brother, remarking on the new attitude between them.

Ginny sat next to a beaming Silena. Rolls, cups and pitcher of pumpkin juice were passed around and it developed into a normal breakfast.

"Have you decided?" asked Richard.

"Decided what?" said Hermione.

"What we're going to get for helping you out, of course," he said. "Harry promised," he insisted.

"Did he?" She controlled a smile. "Well in that case, I suppose that he'll take care of it."

"Hum," said Harry. "We could get you a king size selection of treats from Honeydukes." He caught the frown on Hermione's face. "Er, and something useful too."

"Yes, how about an invisibility cloak?" proposed Richard, all excited. "Now that'd be real useful ... oops."

Hermione gave him a very hard look which showed clearly that she didn't think so.

"How about, I spent a couple of hours every week, in private tutoring to help you get better grades?" she said sweetly.

"Er..." Richard showed panic. Harry tried hard not to burst out laughing at their faces. "Great, yeah. But we really wouldn't want to trouble you for that. I mean you're all so busy and all ..."

"Not at all. I'd be honored," she insisted.

Alicia threw a pleading look at Harry who took pity on them.

"Mione, that's really cruel," he said. "I have a better idea. How about a racing broom for each of you?"

That got their attentions. The three heads turned as one toward him.

"First years are not allowed to have their own brooms," said Hermione, quoting the relevant school rule.

"They wouldn't keep it here. Easter vacation is coming up and they could practice at the Burrow or at Grimauld."

Silena was ready to scream with joy, but Richard gestured for her to be quiet. They wouldn't have a say in this. It would only depend on Harry convincing Hermione.

"Racing brooms are dangerous," she insisted. "They're really too young for this."

"Nimbus has some models with extra safety features for young players," he countered. "Come on Mione. Ron and I will make sure that they learn to fly properly."

Hermione could see the glint of pleasure in his eyes, and she knew the others would also agree to the idea. She decided to accept his suggestion, but she made a point of pausing before speaking. She looked severely at the three youngsters who waited upon her word, completely still and hardly breathing. She turned toward Harry.

"I'm counting on you to be responsible for their safety." She looked at the children. "If I ever discover that you've taken a foolish risk, on brooms or elsewhere, I will confiscate them. Is that clear?"

They all raised their right hand and spoke with one voice.

"Yes, Hermione."

"Thanks, Hermione," said Alicia, embracing her, immediately followed by Silena.

"Thank you very much, Hermione," said Richard in a dignified voice. "I assure you that your trust will not be misplaced."

Hermione bit her lip to keep herself from laughing and nodded soberly. She turned toward Harry and rolled her eyes. The three youngsters started off, whispering excitedly among themselves about what kind of model they could expect.

There's going to be a hunt for the latest Quiddich catalogue pretty soon, Harry thought.

He turned to check if the others had been following the conversation, but he found that Ginny was looking at Draco with a dreamy expression and a tender smile on her face. It was actually embarrassing to watch. Draco didn't seem quite aware of the rest of the assembly either. Without saying a word, they suddenly stood up and walked quickly away, holding hands.

Harry turned toward Hermione who had been following them with her eyes as well. She waited until they were gone.

"They have a lot to catch up," she murmured. He raised a questioning eyebrow and she added. "It's been pretty hard for her. She was really torn between the two sides, and I think she kept Draco more that a little ... frustrated."

"Did he tell you that?"

She shrugged.

"We talked a little." She saw Harry's smirk, and she knew what he was thinking. "Watch your thoughts, Mister Potter."

He smiled.

"I can imagine that. The two of you, bare-assed in the wilderness, huddled against each other to keep warm."

"He was the perfect gentleman," she protested.

"And you were the perfect lady."

"Of course." Hermione looked severely at him.

"Next time, I'll go with you. I have a couple of ideas on how to fight the cold at night."

She chuckled and her gaze fell on Luna who seemed to have some trouble breathing.

"What's the matter with her?"

He looked in the same direction, and he saw that Luna's face was flushed, as if she'd been exerting herself. Come to think of it, he too felt abnormally warm. He turned toward Hermione and felt a sudden burst of desire. His heart began to beat harder and it took him a moment to understand what was happening.

Ginny and Draco are making love and we're still linked together. It's going to affect us all!

He tried to speak to Hermione, but he found that he was gasping for air himself. The look on her face showed that she felt it as well, and the sensation of warmth was intensifying. Not only that that, but he was also becoming uncomfortably aroused.

This is damn embarrassing, we're in the great hall for Christ' sake!

"Try deep breaths," mumbled Hermione. He gave her one look and quickly turned away. The sight of her chest heaving with her respiration was more than he was able to stand. He heard some commotion and he guessed that Ron and Luna had left the table in disarray. He could hear them running along the hall. He kept his eyes fixed on the table.

Please don't let anybody talk to me right now, at least not a teacher!

He tried Occlumency, but it wasn't good for controlling those kinds of feelings.

"Hey Harry!"

Damn! It was Colin's voice. Of all people to address him. At least it's not Cho. He forced himself to turn toward him, then he suddenly realized something else. No, not Colin! It'll be even worse!

"I haven't seen you all week end. Been busy?" asked the boy his usual cheerful voice.

"Yeees," managed to say Harry, desperately trying to control himself. Whatever was happening with Draco and Ginny, it was pretty strong, and he could only hope it would not last too long.

"You all right? You look kind of strange."

"M' fine." He smiled, which was not hard to do. He had never really notified how handsome Colin was. No! Don't think about that! "Just a little ... stomach ache..." Definitely not the stomach area. He squirmed. He had to adjust his position now.

"I'm glad to see that you six have made up," continued Colin. He frowned. "You have made up?"

Oh yeah, we made up all right. You have no idea. Oh my God!

He didn't trust himself to speak, so he just nodded while biting his lips. His hands were clenched on the table.

"Good." Colin was looking at him with a concerned expression. He turned toward Hermione and saw that she was as distressed as Harry. Her face was shiny with perspiration.

"Hey, Hermione, you don't look so good yourself. Could it be something you've eaten?"

Colin you're a good friend, but can't you just go away for a moment?

Harry felt the climax coming, and it was all he could do not to cry out. Both he and Hermione whimpered at the same time, and Colin was not the only one to look at them with a mixture of fascination and alarm.

At least he doesn't have his bloody camera with him.

"Hey! Are you two having a seizure of what?" asked Pavarti.

It was mercifully over. They were both coming back to their senses, and the embarrassment mounted as the euphoria of physical pleasure disappeared. Harry's face was red, and he grabbed a napkin to wipe his brow. Hermione looked at him and at Colin, her skin flushed as well. The comical aspect of the situation won over the awkwardness, and she burst out laughing.

"What the matter with you?" asked Colin again. He was ready to laugh with them, but he plainly didn't get it.

"Sorry about that... pff..." She was choking with laughter. "Let's just say than somebody... pff... pulled a very funny joke on us."

Some joke! Thanks God, the kids have left.

They stared at her, and Harry took advantage of the distraction to make a needed adjustment in his clothing.

"I don't understand," said Pavarti.

"I really can't explain... pff..." Hermione buried her face in her arms on the table. Her shoulders were shaking with mirth.

Feeling much better, Harry was beginning to laugh as well. Except that I've got to return to the dorm fast. A new commotion was heard in the outer hall.

"Mister Weasley and Miss Lovegood, I will see you in my office immediately!" sounded the clear voice of professor McGonagall. "Such conduct is scandalous and unbecoming."

I guess that Ron and Luna didn't make it to a safe place.

All heads were turned toward the lobby. He nudged Hermione.

"It might be better if one of us explained things to her," he said, indicating the direction of the professor's strident reproaches.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor and Ravenclaw!" exclaimed McGonagall. The great ruby containers adjusted their content with a crystalline sound. Several voices cried out in protestation from the corresponding tables.

Hermione sobered immediately.

"Right. I'm on it."

She stood up and moved quickly to intercept their Head of House.

Harry wiped more tears of laughter from his eyes, and found himself ambushed by Colin and Pavarti who were looking at him with very determined faces.

"Harry. You either explain exactly what happened, or I can guarantee that we will spread this far and wide," warned Pavarti.

He gestured for them to shut up.

"No! Don't mention this to anyone."

"What shouldn't be mentioned?" asked Dean who was just sitting down next to Pavarti.

Not Dean now. This can't be real.

He started to look around to see if anybody else was coming.

"Harry..." started Colin menacingly. Harry gave up.

"Okay, okay. Here's what happened." He gave them the general idea. How, after a six way mind merge, they kept a residual link between themselves, through which strong emotions and feelings were transmitted.

"So when Ginny and Draco ..." started Dean. Comprehension dawned on them. Pavarti gasped and Colin had the grace to blush.

"Right," interrupted Harry, struggling to conserve his dignity. "I'd appreciate your discretion."

"Man, you should have seen your face," said Colin with a large grin.

"Darn, I missed that!" exclaimed Dean with unabashed envy. "So tell me, was it hot?"

"Hey! Forget about Ginny, will you." asked Pavarti, punching him in the side and throwing him a cross look. "You're going out with me now. Remember?"

"Now stop it!" said Harry, frowning. "This is uncomfortable enough as it is."

"So, Ron and Luna felt it too?" asked Colin. Harry nodded, and he couldn't hide a smile.

"Oh boy! Three guesses as to what McGonagall witnessed," chuckled Dean.

"And Hermione is going to explain that to her," said Pavarti with a delighted smile. "Oh my, this is rich."

"Please!" pleaded Harry.

"Oh come on Harry, this is what you get for being such a powerful wizard," said Colin.

Pavarti took pity on him.

"All right, let's drop it," she said. "I'm real glad that you're all together again," she added seriously.

"Yeah, it was getting real heavy in the dorm, when you and Ron wouldn't even speak to each other," said Dean.

"Is it really okay?" asked Colin.

"Yes," answered Harry with confidence. "It's really okay now."

Rescue Ch28 - 13