Harry Potter/Hermione Granger
Harry and Hermione and Ron
Action Romance
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 10/20/2004
Updated: 03/30/2005
Words: 243,327
Chapters: 34
Hits: 18,490

The Centaur's Shrine


Story Summary:
Sequel to Harry Potter and the Six Founders - Voldemort is dead. Harry and his friends will find themselves pitted against a new, very insidious enemy, challenging the legendary friendship holding them together. Meanwhile at Hogwarts a new trio will take over the Marauders' mantle.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Harry and his friends pay some visits to their favorite teachers, with results ranging from good to puzzling and bad.

Part 1 - Vacation

Chapter 1 - Taking leave


In the Great Hall, the noise level had diminished considerably as everyone was feeling comfortably drowsy with the rich food and the late hour. Dumbledore stood up. Hushed commands to sit up and listen filled the room. He waited patiently until everyone was silent and attentive.

"My dear children, esteemed colleagues, cherished friends," he began. "Another term has ended and it was so rich in events that it feels like a full year. Extraordinary things have happened, and all of us were in the thick of it. We certainly deserve the vacation which is starting tomorrow."

Cheers broke out at those words. He smiled and raised his hands.

"I am immensely proud of you all," continued the Headmaster, "and so will be your parents, and indeed the rest of our community. You will return to your families and friends and bask in well deserved glory and praise, and then you will come back here."

He paused and took on a sober expression.

"This school will be then restored to its proper role, teaching young wizards and witches to take their proper place in our society. Less glamorous perhaps than what we just did, but no less vital in the long run, I assure you."

"When you return here, I want you all to put the drama behind you and apply yourselves to your studies. I hope you will agree with me in that we have had enough distractions for the rest of the year."

Several chuckles were heard here and there.

"That is all I have to say. Those of you who wish to stay up a little more may do so." He pursed his lips and exchanged a glance with professor McGonagall. "Maybe we can just agree to push back curfew by one hour." Cheers broke out. "But do remember to pack your affairs for tomorrow. As for myself I wish you all a most happy and felicitous Christmas."

Cheers and clapping erupted among the student tables. Several "MERRY CHRISTMAS PROFESSOR" could be heard above the din. Dumbledore bowed, and after a quick word with each teacher, left the Great Hall.

The school etiquette allowed them to move around once the Headmaster had finished his speech. Ginny took the occasion to rejoin the Slytherin table and sit next to Draco and Silena. Ron was even quicker going over to Luna. Harry and Hermione chuckled. He extended his hand across the table and she took it.

"Fancy a little walk outside?" he asked.

"Yes, but not for too long. In case you haven't noticed, we're in the winter and it's snowing outside." She indicated the ceiling where a few snowflakes could be seen flying in the wind.

He looked up at the false sky.

"It doesn't look that bad. I'm sure you can conjure up a warming spell. How about a cup of tea in Hagrid's hut afterwards? It's been a while since we visited him, and he always has a big fire roaring."

"All right."

They stood up. Harry caught Hagrid's attention and indicated what they wanted to do. The massive game keeper signaled his understanding by nodding vigorously, and they went to get their coats.

It was really snowing. Not too much, just enough to go with the holiday atmosphere. They took the long way along the side of the lake to get to Hagrid's hut, holding hands and walking in silence.

"What are you thinking of?" she asked after a while.

"Not much actually."

Hermione looked at him in surprise. The idea that one could think about nothing was strange to her. She was always thinking about something, and often about many things. Harry saw her expression and tried to explain.

"I feel like I'm born again," he added. "I mean ... it's the first evening when I don't have to wonder about how I will have to face Voldemort one day."

"You can think about your life now."

He stopped and took her face in his hands.

"About our lives, yes!"

She looked into his eyes as he bent down to kiss her. That stopped her thinking. Both of them forgot about the rest of the world for a while.

"Harry Potter, I love you but I'm freezing to death."

"Ungrateful girl!" he mocked, and then he gathered her in his arms. "Come on. Hagrid must have the kettle ready by now."

They walked to his hut and knocked on the door. It opened to display a great frowning bearded face.

"T'is about time. Was wondering if I understood 'em signals correctly." They entered, and he hugged them with crushing force before dragging them inside to sit by the fireplace.

Soon mugs of hot drink were in their hands. Hermione snuggled against Harry and Hagrid's face took on a tender expression.

"The two of yeh reminds me so much o' James an' Lily," he said wishfully. "They sat on that very bench the day after their first date in Hogsmeade." He sighed feelingly. "Seems like only yesterday."

Harry said nothing. For once the reference to his parents didn't make him sad. He just gave Hagrid a gentle smile.

"When was that?" he asked softy, looking at Hermione.

"Recon t'was the last term o' their sixth years," replied Hagrid, reminiscing. "Yeah, that's about right. They were your age, just about."

He lowered his head and whispered mischievously.

"Yeh know they got married right after graduating too." He winked at them.

Hermione blushed and started to protest.

"It doesn't ..."

"Ha!" he interrupted her. "Yeh two'll be doing the same. No doubt 'bout it."

She turned toward Harry who was grinning from ear to ear. Really this should stop! He may be right but I don't want to talk about it. It's too soon.

Harry winked at her and turned to face Hagrid.

"What about you and Madam Maxim?" he asked playfully.

"Er... Well t'is really somethin' else... Humph. Want some more tea? Kind o' hot here. Think I'll open the window a bit."

Harry was chuckling. Hermione joined him, taking comfort in watching the big man turn crimson.

"Come on Hagrid. You can tell us. I think it was her I saw the other day. Who was she visiting?"

Hagrid was trying to work the window pane while still holding the teapot and his mug, transferring them from one hand to the other several times. In the end he managed to stick the pot under his arm and opened the window. His eyes were darting everywhere except at his young friends.

"Humph. Yeah. Had ter see Dumbledore 'bout somethin'... Wonderful man Dumbledore. Always ready ter help others... Humph. Course, did have time for a quick cup o' tea an'... humph... a little walk in the woods."

His eyes fell on a picture of the massive Beauxbaton Headmistress waving at him and he suddenly stopped talking, lost in his thoughts. The wind pushed a cloud of snowflakes in the room and several settled on his hair and beard.

"Hagrid?" asked Harry.

Hagrid turned toward him, and absentmindedly drank a swallow from the teapot, while proposing them a refill from his mug. Hermione puffed with laughter.

"Hagrid. Maybe we should ask you the same question?" she added, glad to be able to turn the tables on him.

"Humph. Okay, point taken." he said gruffly.

He caught Harry's grin, and bent his head, trying to mask a large one of his own. A gust of wind banged the window pane wide open, and several more snowflakes went into his eye. He moved to close the opening.

"We... Er. We do fancy each other... hum, an' she asked him if I could go over 'ere ter help train their own gamekeepers." He straightened up. "They've got some very interestin' animals," he added quickly. "There's something called a Douard. Kind of a humanoid swamp thing, carnivorous too. Killed a couple of their horses, it seems." He was much more at ease discussing magical beasts.

"Hagrid that would be great!"

"Yeah. Well couldn't go while... hum Voldemort's menace was still there. But now..." he looked at them sheepishly.

"Hagrid you've got to do it," said Hermione decisively.

"You think ser?" he said hopefully.

"Of course. I'm positive."

"And I fully agree," added Harry. "We'll come to visit you."

Hagrid's face brightened.

"Yer promise?"


They talked a little more, without teasing each other again about their respective romantic committements. After a while Harry got up.

"Hagrid, it was very pleasant talking to you. I'd love to stay more, but I want to say a last word to professor Dumbledore and professor Snape before they retire. We'll see you tomorrow at the station?"

"Course yer will! Give my regards ter the Headmaster."

Hermione rose up as well.

"Good night Hagrid," she said. "See you tomorrow".

"G'night my friends."

Outside it was even colder than before, especially after having stayed so long next to Hagrid's fire. Hermione shivered and quickly cast a new warming spell.

"Race you to the castle?" he challenged.

She didn't answer him, and she started running as fast as she could. He chuckled and went after her. They didn't have very long to go, but he was in much better shape. He caught her easily and pulled her along. They entered the building panting and laughing.

"Can I come with you to see Dumbledore?" she asked.

"Of course. And to see Severus as well if you want. Draco will be with us."

"No thanks. I think I'll take the occasion to see McGonagall."

"Well. To each his own," he teased. "Meet you back in the hall in half an hour?"


They separated and he walked to the Slytherin table to look for Draco. He found him talking pleasantly with some students, one arm around Ginny's waist. They looked up when he came close.

"Shall we go?" asked Draco.

Harry nodded. Ginny whispered a few words in her boyfriend's ear. He nodded and stood up.

The two boys walked silently toward the dungeons. They'd agreed before the feast to arrange a quiet moment with the potion master. Both felt that it was a fitting conclusion to the particular period which had just ended. Things would be different after the vacations. The relationships between teachers and students would return to a necessary formality, but tonight they were still members of the community of fighters who had defeated Voldemort.

Severus Snape answered pleasantly when they knocked on the door to his office and private quarters. He saw them come in and permitted himself a very discrete smile. These two now meant a lot to him, but he was still struggling to balance the mixture of affection and responsibility that he felt toward them, and this was further complicated by his need to remain the perfect teacher and Head of House.

It's actually easier to be with them in private now that they've proved themselves.

"Thank you for seeing us, sir," said Draco.

"My pleasure. Would you care for refreshments?" He gestured toward a group of chairs next to a small cabinet filled with glasses and decanters.

"Thank you, sir. Something not too strong," answered Harry, remembering Remus' story of the last time Snape had offered him a drink.

"Afraid you can't handle it?" taunted Draco.

Harry glared, and then his mischievous grin came back.

"I'm willing to challenge you on that but perhaps not tonight." He turned toward the professor. "A butterbeer would be fine, sir."

Snape snorted and passed him a bottle. Draco accepted a shot glass of fire whiskey. They raised their drinks in toast. For a moment they were silent, each waiting for the other to say something. Finally Draco felt both their eyes on him. He was after all the youngest.

"To Salazar Slytherin!" he said.

"To the Four Founders!" added Harry.

"To Hogwarts," finished Snape.

They smiled and then drank together. Harry thought he heard a very faint cough coming from Draco. When he looked, it seemed that his friend's face was a little redder than before. Maybe it was just the lighting.

Severus didn't say anything to embarrass the boy. He controlled his face, keeping the smile inside.

"I am very glad to see you both tonight," he began, "and I wish to express my sincere congratulations, to you and your friends, for the fine work you have done this term."

He marked a pause.

"I expect no less in the future, and I think you realize that things will be somewhat ... different."

Harry nodded quietly.

"Yes sir," answered Draco for both of them. "We do."

"The next stage of the Order's work will be mostly political," continued Snape. "So you will not be able to do much until you have finished your studies." He nodded to Draco. "I know of your ambitions. I will help you, but you will need to be patient."

Draco didn't answer directly. Harry saw him twist his lips in resignation, and he could sense some disappointment. Other than that, he himself was a little surprised.

He never said anything about his plans. At least not to me.

The potion master turned toward him.

"I do not know what you wish to do, Harry, but of course you can count on my assistance as well."

"Thank you, sir. I'm not really sure of anything myself. It was difficult to imagine anything beyond ..." he gestured. Beyond that dammed prophecy. Am I glad that's over.

"Right now I just want to have some fun in London." He wondered what the man would be doing during the holidays. "We would be honored to have you visit us, sir."

Snape was touched.

"Thank you, but the Headmaster has suggested that the faculty stay inside these walls for the vacation."

The two boys nodded. They could guess at the reason for it. The pressure had been high on the teachers as well, and they would need a quiet time together.

Harry thought of something and flashed his devilish grin.

"Can I ask you a private favor sir?"

Snape's eyes narrowed. That smile! What is he going to pull on me now?

"You can," he said tersely, bracing himself for the worst.

"Would it be possible to have some of that hangover cure potion that you gave to Remus this summer?"

Snape looked at him silently for a moment as he considered the request. It was not strictly a secret. Most potion masters developed similar brews, although he prided himself on having one of the best. He could imagine why they would want it. Whatever else, he had been young once. He only hesitated upon one thing. Giving them the stuff, or the actual knowledge of how to produce it.

His teaching instincts won out, and a cold smile broke out on his face.

He took out his wand and gestured with a flourish. "Membrana Flagro!" Two pieces of parchment materialized, and letters of fire raced on their surfaces, leaving neat lines of text. When the spell was finished, the papers gracefully glided toward Harry's and Draco's hand.

"You will find here the proper instructions and ingredients for all that we sampled that evening. You may consider this extra homework. Be sure to bring back a sample for grading and a two feet essay on each, ah, potion."

Harry's eyes grew large. He'd never expected to have the actual recipe, and also for the 'improved' drink as well. He murmured his thanks to the teacher who raised a warning finger.

"I will however ask you to keep this a secret." He narrowed his eyes. "Especially from some of your commercial minded friends." He meant the Weasley twins of course.

"Of course, sir. Just among the six of us?"

Snape nodded. The corner of his mouth formed a challenging smirk, tempered by amusement in his eyes.

"If done properly these will procure you an enjoyable moment, otherwise ... not. I wish you both a very pleasant Christmas."

They stood up. Even Draco had a wide grin of anticipation on his face.

"Thank you sir, much the same to you."

Draco bowed in a respectful gesture. Harry hesitated and took a step forward, extended his hand and pressed his godfather's arm fleetingly. He ignored the older wizard's grimace of embarrassment. Not for the first time, he wished the man would open up a little more. He knew there was nothing personal in it, but it still bothered him a little.

Both boys left the room. As they retraced their route, Harry wondered if it was something he should discuss with his friend. He decided not to because he knew it was also part of the Slytherin attitude. Even Draco was reticent to discuss personal feelings. It made him wonder how he and Ginny got along in private. Ginny was pure fire, and he was sure that she couldn't possibly be satisfied with the same cold attitude Draco showed to the rest of the world. He gave it up and his thoughts returned to Severus' cryptic offer of help.

"Can you discuss what you are planning to do?" he asked.

Draco flashed a feral grin.

"Politics. I want to put some spine into the way the Ministry works."

Harry chuckled.

"Knowing you, you must be planning to end up as Minister of Magic."

"Of course." He stopped and looked at Harry guardedly. "What do you think?" You better not want the same thing.

Harry looked back calmly.

"It's fine with me. I know I'll never want that job, neither does Hermione."

Draco was relieved.

"What about Ron?" There was no question about Luna.

"I don't know. I'd be surprised if he would." He marked a pause. "Of course Percy's another matter."

Draco shrugged it off.

"I don't see Percy as competition. He may be a good civil servant but he's got no political sense. He could only become Minister by default."

"You've given this some thought."

"Yes." He paused. "Can we discuss it later?"


- - -

After leaving Harry, Hermione had spent some time with her friends. Luna had indicated that she was going to see Firenze. The Centaur was pretty much alone at the teacher table. He usually talked with Hagrid, but the big man was still in his hut. Since it seemed to be the evening for it, Hermione decided to go and pay her respects to professor McGonagall. The Transfiguration teacher had left the hall a while ago. She's probably gone to her office. She was often working late.

The knock on her door was answered by a terse invitation to enter. Minerva McGonagall's expression softened when she saw who her visitor was.

"Good evening Miss Granger. What can I do for you?" she asked pleasantly.

"Good evening professor. I just wanted to have a few words with you. I hope I'm not disturbing anything."

"Not at all. There's nothing urgent, and I have more than two weeks to finish these grades."

She waved her wand and murmured "Disponere Notae." The papers and notes on her desk were put away into neat little stacks. Hermione made a note to research the spell later. It looked like a useful one. Of course she could have asked the professor, but it would be more interesting to find out about it on her own.

"Please sit down. Can I offer you some herb tea?" she proposed, indicating the guest chair in front of her.

"Yes please." Hermione sat down and accepted a steaming cup of a verbena smelling brew. "I suppose that the faculty will be glad to have some quiet time to settle down."

McGonagall breathed a long sigh.

"We certainly will. A lot of us are exhausted, and not only by the past days." She looked around the office. "The last years have been a heavy load. Most of it for the Headmaster, especially considering his age."

"But it's over now isn't it?"

"Yes at least as far as Voldemort and his followers are concerned, and there isn't any other identified menace - for now."

"Do you think another Dark Wizard could appear soon?" Hermione was alarmed. Can't we have a little peace? Just a few years of normal life?

McGonagall shook her head and gave her a reassuring smile.

"No. I don't think so, but you've talked about this with the Headmaster, and you've seen Fudge." She snorted in disgust. "So you have an idea of the problems of our world."

"Yes we've discussed this, and how we should work on our association project," said Hermione in her serious voice. "Now it's become the most important thing to do. I'm planning on putting a lot of energy in that, after my studies of course," she added quickly.

The older woman considered the young student for a moment. Pride and affection showed in her eyes, mixed with something else.

So decisive and well meaning. I was like her once, long ago. I was going to solve all problems, and were did that leave me?

"Hermione," she said in a soft and gentle voice, using her first name, which she had never done before, "there are several things I've wanted to say to you. How proud I am of your accomplishments, how happy you've made me as a teacher, guidance to help you in your projects, career suggestions. Many of those things are in my mind." She held the girl's attention in her eyes.

"But there is one thing which I believe is the most important of all, and which I want you to remember even if you forget everything else."

She paused so Hermione would really understand how much she cared about this, and she could see that the girl was hanging on her words.

"Make your life fun."

Hermione's mouth fell open. It was the last thing she expected from the strict professor.

"Whatever happens," continued McGonagall, "however much you may feel the need to help others, or make the world a better place, you should never sacrifice your happiness for it."

Hermione waited for more, but the teacher stayed silent.

"That's the most important thing?" she asked incredulously.

"For someone like you, yes it is." She showed a sad smile. "If you don't do it, you risk becoming serious and dour ... like me."

"There's nothing wrong with you! You're a brilliant teacher, everyone respects you."

McGonagall tried to keep self pity out of her voice.

"That may be true, but it doesn't make for a fulfilled life." She raised her hand. "I'm not complaining, and I do like my work here, but if I had the chance, I would have done some things differently."

Her eyes turned dreamy.

"It wouldn't have changed a lot for the world, but for me it could have," she whispered.

She looked back at the girl.

"I see in you the same ambition and sense of duty that I had myself. It's a good thing but don't let it run your life."

Hermione blinked. She was trying to understand.

"Boys are less susceptible," the teacher continued. "Most of the pranksters here are boys, as you've no doubt noticed. Some of the worst end up as very great wizards, because they can balance terrible decisions with their sense of fun and games. We actually tolerate a lot of mischief among some students because of this."

Hermione was very surprised at that, and then she thought about Harry's father and the Marauders. Everyone was sure that James would have been a remarkable wizard if he had lived.

A thought occurred to her.

"Was professor Dumbledore...?"

McGonagall's nodded with an amused smile.

"Oh yes. Of course, very few people remember it, but he was quite a terror. You can still see traces of that in him."

"And it helps him to go on?" said Hermione carefully. This was definitively something which she would have to think about.

McGonagall's nodded again.

"I think so. I really believe that he recharges his energy with the little joys he finds here and there, and of course, it's one of his reasons for staying on as headmaster."

She stood up.

"We'll have other occasions to talk Miss Granger. Please do not brood too much about what I said, but do think about it."

"I will," answered Hermione. "Seriously," she completed with a grin. McGonagall chuckled. "I wish you a very nice Christmas professor."

"Thank you my dear. I wish you the same, to you, to Harry and to your friends."

Hermione smiled at the old teacher. She debated about how to say goodbye, but somehow a hug or a handclasp didn't seem the proper thing to do. She bowed her head in respect and left the room.

- - -

Luna walked toward the back of the hall, and caught Firenze's eyes as he was leaving. She raised her hand to indicate she wanted to see him. He stopped and waited for her.

"Good evening Miss Lovegood," said the Centaur.

"Good evening professor. I was wondering if I could have a moment with you."

"Certainly. Shall we move to my classroom?"

Luna followed him. For obvious reasons, Firenze kept himself to the lower floors of the school. Dumbledore had given him the use of several rooms for classes, office and living quarters. Going inside was like entering into a forest, with a small clearing serving as classroom.

Everyone had a favorite teacher, but serious reciprocal relations were usually reserved for older students, and not too many of those. Luna had not been interested in any of the staff until Firenze replaced Trelawney as divination professor. The Centaur had a completely different style which appealed a lot to her, although it left most students rather perplexed.

Like her, he was very open minded about esoteric subjects which most people quickly classed as unreasonable. One of the attitudes they shared was accepting the existence of other realities. Things not immediately visible, but which could be perceived in special circumstances. He wasn't an Empath, not exactly, but he was able to detect the emotional state of others.

Firenze had real dispositions as a teacher, although they were hampered by the tremendous differences between the two species. He didn't go out of way to convince his classes of his beliefs. He had several times made it plain that he didn't expect the students to learn any specific techniques, or knowledge. He simply tried to open their minds and expected failure even for that limited objective. He had been pleasantly surprised to find in Luna someone receptive to his teachings.

Since the beginning of the year they had grown closer, and sometimes he felt that she was the only one actually listening. Some classes were almost like private lessons. He had also helped the six of them in their meditation exercises, and in that respect he shared a part of the previous day's success.

"What is on your mind?" he asked pleasantly.

"I was wondering how you felt about what was done, and what will happen now."

He shrugged. A battle between wizards had been fought, and won by those of the school. He would not have wished for a different outcome, but it reminded him of other battles.

"The Evil One is gone and that is not a bad thing, but I do not see it as such an important event. The Universe goes on."

"You don't seem very concerned," she said with some surprise.

"He wasn't part of my world."

"Surely if he had succeeded the Centaurs would have suffered?" she countered, frowning.

All of Voldemort's supporters had in common a deep aversion for semi human creatures. Firenze should rejoice in their victory, instead she was sensing some very odd emotions from him, mostly indifference but also, and that was strange, a hint of anger.

"Not really. He could always kill some of us, but the Forest would have given us a stronger protection than he could break."

Luna looked up at that. Like everyone else, she hadn't given much thought to the Forbidden Forest, aside from considering it as a place filled with dangerous animals.

"Ron told me that Harry had found Voldemort in the Forest during their first year, and that you had saved him."

"So I did. He was a child, and we have special rules concerning those. I respect them, even if other Centaurs don't."

"Thank you for that. I know that they don't approve of you coming here to teach us."

Firenze grunted. He turned away to look at the false trees around them. The sense of anger was stronger. She couldn't understand why he should react like that. She did her best to ignore it. If she'd known better, she would have changed the topic of their conversation, but she was fascinated, and for once her guard was down.

What kind of powers can be found in the Forest?

"When Voldemort attacked us yesterday," she continued, "he actually came through the Forest, or at least above it. Couldn't the Centaurs have stopped him?"

Firenze turned a furious glare at her. After what the humans had done to his people, a witch would have the gall to ask that?


Despite the warnings, she was taken aback at the fury in his voice, and by the raging emotions she sensed. It was as if she had uttered the crassest insult to him. She couldn't understand why he would think that. Merlin! What did I do?



He moved toward her, and she recoiled toward the door, terrified. Her mind raced in panic. She had clearly made a terrible mistake. I've got to clear this up.

She lowered her head in humility and tried to project her feelings to him.

"Sir, if I've offended you I apologize humbly. I didn't mean anything disrespectful."

Firenze was almost to the point of kicking her out of the room. He felt terribly insulted and shocked by what she had said. Perhaps his brethren were right after all. Nothing good could be expected from wizards.

And to think that I almost found her worthy of respect.

He stepped toward the girl and made ready to shove her roughly out of the room, but she was just standing there, submissive. Out of curiosity he scanned her aura.

She is hurt and sincerely concerned. Why?

He willed himself to control his anger. Calm returned and he wondered. Is it possible that she doesn't understand?

She had to know. All wizards must. It was the basis of their history after all. He didn't know much about how they lived, but surely every child would be taught what had happened.

He decided to give her one last chance.

"Miss Lovegood," he said tersely. "Plainly something is wrong here. I am willing to offer you a chance at truthfulness. Tell me what you know of the history between our peoples."

She looked up, her eyes misty with forming tears.

"I only know that you live in the Forest, and that don't mix with humans. I know that there is enmity between our communities, but I don't know the reason."

"And don't you know what the Forest really means to us?" His voice was biting and he exerted all his powers to detect any lies or omissions. His way was different from Legimency, but it could be very effective.

"No, I don't."

She speaks the truth. That explains it. He groaned. Stupid humans! What's the use of having a school such as this, and to end up with so much ignorance?

He couldn't fathom what the reason was. In a rare moment of objectivity, he admitted to himself that he had as much trouble understanding them as they did his own kind. He let out a deep breath.

"I believe you, and because of this I will excuse what was said." He looked at her severely. "But this is still a glaring failure in your education." His voice was devoid of his previous warmth toward her. "I will speak with the Headmaster, and I hope that you will endeavor to learn the basic facts about this matter."

She nodded weakly. The unexpected hostility had unsettled her badly. She usually protected herself against the mental aggressions of others, but this time she had relaxed her guard, and she had been hurt. He sensed some of her pain, and he of all people knew how hard it was to be rejected.

"I'm sorry about this Miss Lovegood," he added in a more gentle voice. "But it is a very sensitive subject and we shouldn't talk again until you have learned the truth."

"Yes, professor," she said weakly. "I will not disturb you anymore. P- please accept my apologies again."

She stood up and walked dejectedly toward the door. Her hand was trembling as she reached for the doorknob.

"Miss Lovegood."

"Yes professor?"

He managed a kinder expression.

"May you have a pleasant holiday."

She brightened a little.

"Thank you professor. Merry Christmas to you also."

She turned and left the room. Ron was waiting for her, laughing and talking with Ginny. He frowned when he saw her face.

"Hey Luna! What happened?" He took her in his arms. She closed her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder. Slowly she opened her mind and basked in his affectionate thoughts. It soothed her a little.

"It's all right. Just a bit of misunderstanding." She let out a shuddering breath. "Please don't ask me anything. I'll tell you about it later."

"Are you really okay?" asked Ginny, concerned.

"Yes." She looked around. Most of the students had left. "Where are the others?"

"They'll be joining us in a moment," answered Ron. "Professor Dumbledore said that he wanted to see us all in his office, and we've agreed to meet here."

Ginny had gone back to one of the tables and was coming back with a drink for Luna. Ron was caressing her hair gently, and she appeared to be calming down. She drained the glass and smiled her thanks. Brother and sister exchanged a glance.

What happened in there?

Presently Harry, Draco and Hermione arrived. The boys looked happy enough but Hermione seemed pensive and almost sad. Ron and Ginny looked at each other once again.

I wonder if it's a good idea to call on more teachers tonight.

"Are you ready?" called Harry. They all nodded and followed him toward the Headmaster's office.

Taking leave ch1 - 1