Slash Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 12/09/2002
Updated: 02/02/2004
Words: 24,609
Chapters: 5
Hits: 5,387

The Alliance


Story Summary:
The years of Hogwarts are barely over before the war begins. Though the line between the two sides is not necessarily clearly marked, those that fight do so mostly out of a sense of duty more than anything else. And then there is the Alliance....

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
The years of Hogwarts are barely over before the war begins. Though the line between the two sides are not necessarily clearly marked, those that fight do so mostly out of a sense of duty than anything else. Then there is the Alliance....
Author's Note:
This was inspired by The Double Cross by Smeg. I tried not to have too many similarities, but I must state that the term "The Resistance" was borrowed from it so it's not mine.

Chapter 5

Child of Sorrow

If I had the chance to go back to the beginning I wouldn't change anything. Not that it would have mattered. I am a Weasley, I have always been and I always will be. That is why I fight. Everyone have always known which side my family fights on. Besides that, I am Ronald Weasley, the best friend of Harry Potter. I fight because I must...



Autumn was underway in Great Britain and with it came the feeling of apprehension and joy. Christmas was now only one month away, so with the vivid shades of red leaves and the now cooler climate came the sobering expectations of winter and snow.

Ron adored autumn.

It was not necessarily due to the fact that Christmas was so near, but because of the simple truth that wherever anyone went now they would be reminded of his family and his hair.

Shallow, he knew, but he had also learned to appreciate the simple things in life.

At that moment however, Ron was not in a happy mood.

"I don't trust him and I hate it that Harry is so concerned. For heaven's sake, he's Malfoy!"

Hermione sighed dramatically. They had just arrived back at Hogwarts after four months and she had been hoping that the time away would have been calmed Ron somehow. It seemed she had been wrong.

Oh well there goes our lovely stroll around Hogwarts.

She sighed again as she turned to address Ron, who had just kicked a pile of leaves, in frustration.

"Yes Ron, we've already established a million times who he is. That doesn't change the fact that he's still unconscious and not much of a threat these days."

Ron turned to her angrily.

"Well Madame Pompfrey says he won't be staying unconscious much longer. What happens when he wakes? Do you actually think Malfoy will be anything other than the annoying prat we always knew? Excuse me if I prefer to remember the stuck up asshole that Malfoy was when we were at Hogwarts."

This time Hermione decided to not say anything.

It wasn't as if she could have said anything anyway. The moment that Harry had arrived at Hogwarts he had headed directly for the infirmary. Apparently he hadn't realized that Ron would not have taken that too well. Ron may not have understood Harry's concern, but Hermione did. She was still the brains of the group after all.

Harry had saved Malfoy and now felt it was his duty to stick around.

To Hermione it really was as simple as that. Ron was just complicating the matter, and so far Hermione didn't see anything to complicate.

"Don't you think you're overreacting just a tad bit too much?" she asked softly.

Ron was having none of that.

"No!" he practically shouted, "I think I have a right to be concerned."

"Concerned, yes, but not paranoid!" Hermione was also losing her temper.

"I'm not being bloody paranoid! Harry is acting like a pissing puppy!" Ron yelled again.

Surprisingly, Hermione started to laugh. Of course, that just got Ron incredibly confused.

"What are you laughing about?" He asked pouting.

Hermione gasped for air still somewhat giggling.

"I was just trying to imagine Harry as a green eyed shaggy black haired dog following Malfoy around. Can you imagine the look of annoyance on Malfoy's face if he couldn't get rid of him?"

She giggled again and Ron grinned.

"He would be so pissed!"

Hermione laughed. There was a small pause before she spoke again softly.

"Actually, they would make better cats."

Ron didn't comment.

"I mean the shaggy dog look may work for Snuffles, but Malfoy and Harry would make better cats." she speculated.

Ron rolled his eyes as he pulled her into his arms.

"And what great animals would we make Miss Hermione?" he asked softly.

Hermione grinned.

"Not animals Ron. There are other fascinating forms that we would take."

She looked around then winked.

"And you my love, would make a perfect autumn."

Their ensuing laughter seemed to echo around the Forbidden Forrest where they stood.


Draco knew that smell and it usually meant something bad had happened.

He may not have been Harry Potter, but he had been in Hogwarts' infirmary enough times to remember what it smelt like.

For the first time in months, Draco groaned as he opened his eyes.

Yup he was definitely at Hogwarts again.

"Take it easy, it's been a long time since you've been unconscious."

Draco knew that voice too. Secretly he had a lot of respect for that person, especially since the war had begun. That voice belonged to the leader of the Resistance. The man who was still head of the safest school in wizarding London.

"How did I get here?"

Dumbledore smiled.

"You were brought here of course."

He was about to ask why when it all came back to him and he flinched slightly.

Dumbledore looked on him with an expression devoid of any telltale emotions.

"Perhaps you would like to tell me how you happened to have been in such conditions when you were found."

This time Draco didn't even blink. In fact he ignore the question overall.

He was a Malfoy again.

"I want to join the Resistance."

It was Dumbledore's turn to appear unaffected.


"Because I can't go back. I don't want to."

Dumbledore nodded as he suddenly stood to leave.

"Perhaps we may discuss this later."

Realizing what that meant, Draco nodded also.


It was fifteen minutes later that Harry and Ron were told that Draco had finally awakened from his coma. When they entered the room that he had been moved to, he was standing by the bed, lost in thought. There was no sign of the broken wizard that they had saved months ago. Instead he was the epitome of pride that he was known to be.

"Noblesse oblige?"


The words meant "Nobility obliges" and Draco had grown up with it. The ability to hold one's head up high while the world crumbled; the ability to smile while being burned alive; the obligation to always maintain a sense of pride in dire circumstances. Noblesse oblige.

Draco was impressed that Harry even knew that art existed.

As Ron glanced from the carefully blank expression Harry had to the expression of slight impressiveness in Draco's eyes, he became confused. He had a suspicion that they were sharing a moment and he would have none of that.

"So Malfoy, how the mighty have fallen," He said breaking the silence.

Draco didn't give him so much as a glance but when he spoke his voice contained its characteristic iciness.

"Had it not been for this war, Weasel your family would be begging on the streets right now. Be grateful for small favors."

"I would say the same to you Malfoy," Ron returned. "That was a pretty pitiful state we found you in. You should be thankful that Harry has such a big heart."

This time Draco's gaze sought out Harry's and held. Silver and emerald; they had stared each other down so many times during their lifetime but now the gaze was different. It was less hostile, more searching. Each sizing the other up, but it was so much different than all the other times.

"Then I guess thank you is in order," Draco said softly.

Without saying anything Harry nodded. Once again something akin to understanding passed between them, but this time Ron made no comment.

"You owe us no explanations Malfoy," Harry finally said. "But know that we owe you none either."

"I know," Draco answered.

Ron watched him carefully, knowing that he was perhaps staring rudely as the stilted conversation in the room was carried on by the other two occupants. He was different and Ron could finally see now what Harry and Dumbledore perhaps thought they saw in the Death Eater. But trust was an important issue for the Alliance. If they trusted everyone who appeared helpful in the outside world then they would have been destroyed a long time before.

Ron had learned how to carefully observe.

Like wizarding chess which he still played so well, strategy was key in the dangerous game the Resistance played. Strategy and trust was his duty within the Alliance. Hermione thought up the plans, Harry took most of the risks, Severus spied but Ron...Ron was the one they turned to when everything had the potential to go wrong at the last moment. They trusted him and he trusted them. It was why it helped that the members hid nothing from each other.

"Hey, Professor Dumbledore would like to see us."

Ron had barely noticed when Hermione entered the room. On her face there was a playful smile but it was her eyes that told Ron and Harry what she was saying as she quickly popped in and out of the room. Draco barely blinked at the interruption.

"Well, it seems you are both needed," he pointed out dryly. "Perhaps we can carry on this vigorous conversation later."

So it seemed that Hermione's true meaning was lost on him, Ron realized.

"Let's go then mate," Ron said and Harry nodded.

"Later then," Harry said as he exited the room. He didn't turn to see what Draco's response had been.


"Draco has informed me that he would like to join the Resistance."

Those were the first words that Dumbledore said as the trio sat down before him in his office. As always, Hermione was seated between Harry and Ron with each of her hands clasped within theirs. None of them reacted to the startling news. Perhaps because in their own way they had expected it.

"What have you decided?" Harry asked, but Dumbledore shook his head.

"In the end it will be your decisions to make," he pointed out. "The four of you have always been assured of privacy and security in your duties because of how close you are. I dare not decide anything. Except, I think he would better suit the Alliance, but again it is your decisions. He will be working with you after all."

There was a deep silence as they all thought on this.

Then Hermione asked, "What about Severus? What does he know or think about Malfoy?"

Dumbledore smiled widely, his eyes twinkled beneath his glasses and he looked suspiciously like he had swallowed a Cheshire cat suddenly.

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" He finally said.

"What?" Ron asked, but he hadn't long to wait for the answer.

Beside him, as if from a very slow apparation, Severus appeared. Hazy at first then more and more solid, the Potion Master had changed only slightly since they had last seen him. As always, he hadn't even the audacity to smile, but the trio, after their initial shock, gasped.

"How did you do that? Azkaban is protected against unauthorized apparations!" Hermione said breathlessly.

Severus turned to Dumbledore. "You did not tell them?"

Dumbledore shook his head, still highly amused.

"And Remus? He doesn't know either?"

Again Dumbledore shook his head. "I thought I'd let you do all the explaining. After all it was your ingenious work of art."

"I see," Severus said as he turned to the trio. "It is as a result of twin potions I spent all these months developing. One allows me to be in two places at once. A semi-parallel state if you will as I am just as present in Azkaban at this very moment as I am now. The other lets me return to my original state with no known side-effects so far."

"That's bloody brilliant!" Ron exclaimed.

"Yes," Severus said a little curtly. "But I could only make a certain amount of them. I must be careful."

"As with everything else," Dumbledore pointed out. "Why don't I draw you up a chair Severus. The sooner we have this meeting is the sooner you can get to more...urgent...matters."

Severus wisely pretended to feign ignorance, but he sat as soon as Dumbledore had finished "drawing" the chair into existence.

"Now, shall I continue with what I was saying?" Dumbledore said as he surveyed the faces of the four people before him. To have them all in the same room together was such a rarity that he almost lost himself in the marvel of it all. "Severus why don't you tell the others about what you observed of Mr. Malfoy while in Azkaban."

Quickly he did just that and when his opinion on the decision to be made was asked it was clear what he thought. "We should let him join. He knows he has been rejected from the Dark Side. There is no one in Azkaban that he would turn to now. Even if his desire to join is purely out of revenge, he would make a formidable adversary."

Hermione nodded. "I agree. I have been the one to spend the least time with him, but from what Severus has said I understand now why he would wish to join us. I say let him join. We will see what he can do."

"We will have to keep a close eye on him though," Harry added thoughtfully. "Let him join, yes, but we must keep in mind always who he originally fought for."

Turning to the only person who had not voiced his opinion, Dumbledore looked to Ron to cast the deciding vote. If Ron did not wish for Draco to join, if he did not think he could trust him, then no matter what the others said the decisions would not count. They all had to agree for a decision to be valid. It was all their lives on the line after all.

"This has a strong potential for the shit to hit the fan," Ron said slowly. "He is Malfoy. To me he will always be Malfoy."

He looked over at Harry before he continued. "But he has changed. I couldn't quite put my finger on it before, but now that I've heard Severus' explanation I understand why. I may not be able to trust him in a lot of areas, but this one I think I will. Severus is right, this will be all about revenge for him. But as long as we're assured of that we know that he will not betray us."

He took a deep breath. "So let him join."

Hermione squeezed his hand slightly and Dumbledore smiled.

"Now there is the matter of an alias for him. What should we introduce this new member as?" It was obvious that Dumbledore was quite enjoying himself.

"He can have my name," Severus said nonplused. "I hardly use it anymore."

Dumbledore shook his head suddenly very serious. "You will need your alias Severus."

"Erebus," Harry said thoughtfully and Ron had to admit it was ingenious.

"Yes, Darkness. It's perfect for him."

"Then Erebus it is!" Dumbledore had begun smiling again.


"Headmaster, you requested my presence?"

Remus had knocked first but assuming that the door was now always open, he entered the room as he spoke.

Dumbledore was not in his office, Remus noticed in his state of slight shock as he blankly closed the door behind himself. Instead another person stood waiting in the centre of the room. Remus wondered if he was seeing things. Perhaps his need had been so great that somehow his magic had created a projection. The person before him really could not have been there. He was in Azkaban, being brave and doing the most dangerous work of the Resistance.

Even as the person began to move towards him, he refused to allow himself to believe that he was really there.

"Dumbledore said you'd missed me. He said the light had gone out of your eyes."

Severus said the words so softly and so gently that none would believe it was the same stoic Potions Master. Raising his hand, he ran a finger along the line of Remus' cheek, not once breaking the eyes contact that they had established.

"I had to come. It hurt so much inside...." He paused. "I worked every night for so long I barely had any sleep. Then finally I got the twin potions right, the potions I needed to see you again."

Remus drew in a shaky breath. "You're real. I'm not imagining this? I couldn't bear it if this was a dream."

"Not a dream," Severus whispered, bringing their lips together lightly. "I missed you so much."

That was all Remus needed to hear. Pulling Severus to him he clung to the man he loved with so much of himself. For so long now, Severus was all he needed and finally he was back with him again...if only for a while.

"I love you," he whispered.

"Likewise," Severus replied with a slight smile.

Their lips joined more firmly together this time.


"So what news do you have for me today?"

The noise in the Muggle bar was loud and overpowering. The sound of beer bottles clinking together added by drunken laughter and shouts did not allow for the best place to have a serious conversation. But it did allow for some form of privacy and Ginny was smart enough to catch on to this when her friend had suggested the place.

She smiled sadly. "I once again have no news. I don't understand but it seems that everything has gone suddenly silent. My parents don't have any news to discuss anymore."

Or perhaps they suspect something...

Pansy wiped that thought from her mind as she wiped away the anger in her eyes. She couldn't blow her cover yet. She needed Ginny Weasley to feed her information, but this was quickly becoming exasperating.

"Are you sure Ginny?" she asked as sweetly as she could mange. Just for added benefit she smiled seductively also.

Ginny smiled back innocently but her voice caught slightly as she replied, "Yes. I'm sorry."

"Oh don't be Darling," Pansy quickly assured her. "It just seems strange. I haven't heard much since the last few weeks either."

Something inside Ginny rose an alarm.

"Nothing? But that can't be true. I mean I can't be the only one whose telling you these information."

Pansy had an answer to that though so she laughed. "Well obviously not Sweetie, but you know me. Like I said before, I'm stationed her in the Muggle world. I'm lost when it comes to up to date info on the Resistance. It's why I need your help Honey."

Darling, Sweetie, Honey; not so subtle hints that Ginny had noticed within the other woman's speech. Every meeting with Petals now seemed to hold a suggestion for other meetings and a relationship further than what they already had established over the past few months.

Ginny shivered at the thought of something more with the exotic looking woman before her.

What would it be like to be held in this woman's arms?

What would it be like to be kissed by her?

"Ginny, Sweetie, are you okay?" Pansy asked, biting back a smile. She could smell desire oozing from the innocent little witch.

Ginny turned a deep shade of red at her own lewd thoughts. She couldn't believe how far she'd allowed herself to get carried away.

"Yes, sorry," she answered, but Petals seemed to smile knowingly at her.

"Now what were we discussing again, Darling?"

Ginny was sure she saw desire reflecting in the other woman's eyes also as the question was asked. Again, a shiver ran through her body.

"The Resistance, as always," Ginny replied.

The smile on her friend's face seemed to get wider.


Welcome to the Alliance,


Know that this is a great honour we bestow upon you.

Know also that you will constantly be watched.

We do not take such matters lightly in the Resistance.

Once you give your word it will be sealed.

You will meet the other members shortly, you only now

have to give your sworn allegiance to the cause.

Good luck,


Draco stared blankly at the parchment in his hand. The words of the letter unnerved him, but not in the way he expected. He wasn't sure what he expected entirely, but the emotions swirling within him could not be put into words.

This was what he had asked for; to join the Resistance. Instead they had bestowed their highest honor upon him it seemed.

What it could all mean, why they would put such trust in him so soon, it was all so confusing. There had to be a hidden motive behind it he knew.

"Mr. Malfoy, you got the owl? Brilliant we can get on with this then."

Dumbledore swept into the room unanounced and beaming. His eyes were sparkling as they looked on Draco, but Draco was not so easily fooled. There was a warning within their depth. A warning that cautioned against his trying of anything suspicious and silently Draco heeded to it. His purpose had not been to betray the Resistance by any means.

He truly wanted to join them, if only to exact his revenge on the Dark Side.

"Shall we begin your initiation then Mr. Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked, his eyes never having left that of Draco's.

Draco nodded and soon he was involved in saying a vow of allegiance and signing a contract binding him to his words. Holding the quill between his fingers there was little doubt that it contained a powerful spell, one which Dumbledore himself had no doubt put on it. The quill vibrated slightly in his fingers as he held it, but as soon as he begun to write his name it was still.

His name appeared golden and three-dimentional as if they were lying on the parchment. Then slowly they sunk into the paper with a slight shimmer and was as any ordinary signature. Draco knew, though, that it had been written with his magic and that was what sealed it. There was no breaking of this contract without consequences.

"Well done," Dumbledore beamed. "That was for the Resistance. Now for the true thing; meeting and bonding with the Alliance."

With that, the door to the room opened again and Draco waited with bated breath. For years he had wanted to know who the members of the Alliance were. For years, and now he would be meeting them.

"You!" He exclaimed when the trio entered the room. "You? But you can't be!"

"Why not?" Hermione asked.

The three stood before him, looking exactly as the people that they were rumored to be. Even though Draco had met Harry and Ron earlier, in the magically darkened room standing on either side of a now older and more beautiful Hermione than he remembered, they had an air of inpenetrable confidence in their stance. They knew who they were and what it meant to be the ones revered by all their supporters.

They had certainly changed more than he had realized.

"This gets to be more enlightening Mr. Malfoy," Dumbledore said quietly from somewhere at his right. "You see there is still one member missing."

Draco's eyes darkened. "There are only four of you? All this time? For all the plans you've foiled and all the things you've manged to accomplished. It's not possible."

"Not probable Malfoy, but I assure you, we are the only members of the Alliance."

Draco knew that voice...and the eyes and the nose and the sneer. He had been his favorite student during his time at Hogwarts. This man, who he had left working for the Dark Side, one of the most loyal servants of Voldemort, he had thought he knew Severus Snape like no other.

Apparently he hadn't, because that very person entered the room also.

"How did you apparate out of Azkaban?" Draco had to know the answer. Like all other Death Eaters he knew the impossibility of leaving unnoticed.

Severus shook his head. "Not everything will be told to you today Malfoy. I believe we have used up our trust of you today already. Whatever else you learn will have to be gained over time and through many tasks."

"Shall we get on with this then?" Dumbledore interrupted. "Severus will have to get back."

All attention became focussed on the elderly wizard and within a second a knife and a chalice was transfigured from the desk within the Hogwart's single bedroom.

Draco tried not to groan aloud.

That could only mean that there was going to be a blood bond performed.


There is a new alias of the Alliance. The name is

Erebus. Be expecting orders from it soon. There is also a new person working for the Resistance. You all know him. If you see him he will be with people that you trust.


The message was sent to Cho first since she was the person responsible for keeping track of all the members of the Order.

Staring at it she became lost in thoughts.

A new alias? I wonder what for?

The new member, she was not so concerned about as she was sure that she would be hearing about this person soon enough from Dumbledore and many wizards originally declaring neutrality joined each side to the war regularly. The new alias intrigued her though, she thought the Alliance seemed to get on well as it was. An addition of another alias seemed unnecessary to her. There had been no other case during the past few years in which a new alias had been needed.

She knew their work was highly classified so why they would take such a risk now was perplexing.

It could only mean that either the new alias was highly necessary, or one of the other alias had been compromised. Neither choice seemed tasteful to her.

'Whichever way,' Cho grimaced. 'That is not my concern.'

Her duty was to inform the members of the Resistance of this change and that was what she set to work to do.


"We have to go now," Harry said as he entered Draco's room for the third time in twenty four hours.

Draco turned to face him as he entered, with a look of grim determination on his face. Harry wondered how long he had stood in the room considering the consequences of his action for this day. Perhaps his mind had been occupied with thoughts of the events that had got him in the situation he had willingly entered into.

Whatever the case, they had given Draco all the time they could afford him for now.

The Alliance had to get moving again, staying in one place too long was not an option; even for less important members of the Resistance.

"Are you coming?"

"Of course," Draco replied. To make his point he pushed past Harry to exit the room.

Harry followed in his wake down the familiar corridors to the statues that guarded the Headmaster's office. As soon as they got to it the gargoyles once again shifted aside to allow them entrance to the stairway.

Entering Dumbledore's office moments later, Ron and Hermione were already there. In the corner Severus stood with an look of careful indifference upon his face and behind his desk stood Dumbledore with sadness reflecting in his eyes.

No one said anything as Draco looked around at them. It was as if they were waiting on someone else. Then the door behind them opened again and Draco's unspoken enquiry was answered.

Remus Lupin entered and Draco was not the least bit surprised.

For some individuals there was no doubt whose side they fought on. As for the Weasleys and Potter and Lupin and Dumbledore, they need not have even confirmed their positions. It was assumed and to the Dark Side it was confirmed.

The problem had actually been locating these people these days.

Yet here they were, a representative of each in one room and Draco not having the least bit of urge to inform the Dark Side of anything.

Voldemort could go fuck himself for all Draco cared now.

Revenge was going to be sweet.

"Let them go first," Severus said from his corner with his eyes rested on Draco there was no missing the mistrust in his eyes.

Dumbledore shook his head solemnly.

"Draco has already seen enough today. There is no point in hiding this little knowledge from him." He looked over at Remus. "And I'm sure even Remus would agree with me that it is time you get back."

What the shit? Why would Lupin care?

Again, his unspoken question was answered quickly. With a sigh from Severus to show his resignation and a few strides from Remus, Draco witnessed what he never thought he would as both men embraced.

When they parted, Harry, Ron and Hermione each took turns to embrace the man also but Draco couldn't seem to move from where he stood.

There was no need though, because Severus turned his attention to him with a pointed look again.

"Watch yourself Malfoy, because we will be watching you. This just goes to show that in a war there is no line between who you know is good or evil."

Pulling a tiny flask from his pocket he turned to Remus again and Draco watched in shock as the Potion Master's features became almost sad. He ran his finger along the jaw line of the other man Then slowly their lips met.

"If you need me, all you have to do is ask Dumbledore to get me," Severus whispered as they parted.

With a quick and fluid motion he uncorked the flask and drank the dark brown liquid inside and then slowly he disappeared while Draco watched still in silent shock.

"Not everything is black and white in life Draco, some things are grey. In a war like this there is no such thing as boundaries or conventions. We make of life what we will. Even the people of the good side become unrecognizable to each other sometimes," Harry said softly by his side.

Draco met his eyes and nodded. He understood. It was the same for the people who fought for the Dark Side also.

"Well you should be off," Dumbledore said suddenly sounding very tired.

Again there was hugging by Remus and Dumbledore of the trio and to Draco they nodded, before Dumbledore handed a metal golden quill to Harry. Ron and Hermione each stretched out a finger to touch it; their other hand entwined firmly together.

"A port-key?" Draco asked as he too touched the cold metal.

Ron nodded with a tight smile. "Just this once, because you're here and you don't know where we're headed."

Then there was the familiar pull behind their navels and Dumbledore, Remus and Hogwarts all disappeared in a swirl of colour and air.

********** *** ************


- From the name Greek name Demeter. When Hades fell in love and kidnapped her daughter she became so sad that Hades said that he would allow her to be with her for a half of the year. So for the half of the year that Demeter got to be with her daughter, she was very happy and Spring came, but for the other half of the year when her daughter had to return to the Underworld Demeter became so sad that everything on the earth died and became covered in ice and this was Winter.


- Greek god/guardian of the Underworld. Also a synonym to mean 'underworld' or 'hell'.


- (I'm sure you know which Greek god this refers to but I will explain in his section later. As to whose alias this is, I'm sure you can guess by now...lol).

I thought it fitting to name Draco 'Erebus' and Severus 'Hades' since they are both associated with the Dark Side some how :). You will understand why I named Ron after 'Demeter' during this section.