Ron Weasley
Humor Parody
Multiple Eras
Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 11/18/2003
Updated: 11/18/2003
Words: 1,362
Chapters: 1
Hits: 1,628

A Day in the Life of Ginny Weasley

Angela Boyko

Story Summary:
Spend a day viewing the Weasley family through the eyes of Ginny. It's a rough life with six brothers and a well-meaning but curious dad. And a mother who'll know if you did your homework or not!

Author's Note:
Thanks for all the great feedback for my previous "Day"s. I hope you like the switch to a less dastardly family.

A Day in the Life of Ginny Weasley

7:00 Mum knocks on my door, telling me it's time to wake up. But I'm on vacation!

7:05 Ron's hogging the bathroom again. So I go back to bed.

7:20 Now George is in the bathroom. Grrrrr! I stand outside the door and shout, "Hurry up! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

7:25 Just as the bathroom door opens, Fred Apparates in front of me and slides in. I ponder risking Hogwarts expulsion with one perfect spell ...

7:30 Mum makes me eat my breakfast before it gets cold. Dad asks me if Dean will be coming by today, in a too casual tone. Like I'll ever let Dad near Dean again, not after he spent 4 hours asking Dean about his Game Boy!

7:40 Hearing the bathroom door open, I make a mad dash and claim it before anyone else. The boys have left wet towels everywhere again, ugh!

8:30 Dad knocks on the door and asks whether he'll be able to brush his teeth before work. I hate it when everyone rushes me!

8:40 I'm done grooming, and am ready for the day! I wash the breakfast dishes, and Ron dries, as Mum Apparates away for Order business.

8:45 Hedwig delivers a letter to Ron. It's from Harry! Ron says, "Guess there'll be no raid on the Dursleys today." He looks disappointed.

9:30 Our morning chores done, Ron and I sit down to work on our summer homework, though we'd rather practise Quidditch. But Mum has hexed our books and will know if we didn't study. Sometimes I think having a Muggle parent wouldn't be so bad.

11:00 A strange owl delivers a letter to Ron. The handwriting on the envelope is unfamiliar and sloppy. He looks puzzled and takes it up to his room to open it.

11:05 Ron stomps downstairs, jumps into the fireplace with a handful of Floo powder, and snarls, "Diagon Alley!" I rush upstairs to his room and search ... there it is, crumpled up, thrown under his bed. I smooth the letter out ... it's from ... MILLICENT BULSTRODE? She wrote a POEM?!?

"Weasley is my King,

Weasley is my King,

He'll let all my kisses in,

Weasley is my King.

Ronnie can do anything,

He's tall and cute and so dash-ing.

That's why the Hogwarts girls all sing

Weasley is our King!"

11:20 After I pick myself up off the floor, and wipe my eyes, I am so tempted to take the letter to the joke shop and share it with the twins - but Ron did keep Dad out of the house the last time Dean was over. I burn the letter in the wood stove.

11:30 Would you look at the time? I've got to have lunch ready in half an hour! I start chopping and scrubbing madly!

12:00 Mum arrives home, looking very mysterious. She is pleased to hear that Harry has made contact, and thanks me for getting lunch together.

12:30 Now Mum is asking when Dean will be over again. She asks me if I don't think that perhaps I'm spending a little too much time with too many boys, after all there was the Yule Ball with Neville, and that thing with Michael, and those postcards from Seamus, the teddy bear from Ernie, the chocolates from Justin, the flowers from the Beauxbatons boy, and the insect repellent from Draco ... I say, "Mum! Everyone at school knows I have six older brothers, including one who is friends with dragons! I'm lucky that any bloke says 'hello' to me!" Mothers!

1:00 My homework passes inspection, and I'm free to spend the rest of the day as I like. I immediately head off to the joke shop, via the fireplace.

1:05 Fred and George are thrilled to see me - they leave me in charge and Apparate away for lunch with Professor Flitwick. Wonderful.

1:30 Some Slytherin first years set off the anti-shoplifting charms. Their mothers throw me nasty looks as they peel the sticky slugs off of their brats.

1:45 Colin and Dennis come into the shop! Colin takes pictures of me "at work" while Dennis trips and falls onto the fireworks display, creating lots of explosions. He's so cute that I can't stay mad at him for long. I ruffle his hair after he helps me clean up, and his ears turn pink.

2:15 The twins finally return. They give me some sickles for all my trouble, though. I have the best brothers!

2:30 While browsing for some robes, I run into Luna. I promise to buy the next issue of the Quibbler to read all about her Crumple-Horned Snorkack hunting trip.

3:00 I spot Ron buying an ice cream for Hermione, and I duck into Flourish & Blotts so I can watch without being seen. Pansy and Draco are in the shop. Oh great!

3:10 Draco pretends to be interested in a display of historical books while Pansy comes over and greets me like we're friends or something. She chatters away about her new haircut and her new robes, and her new broom, and her new china dolls, for, like, ever. Then she tries to casually ask what Ron is doing this summer, and Draco turns paler than normal. He comes over and grabs her arm and they leave.

4:00 Ron and Hermione are nowhere to be seen, so I pop over to Eeylops Owl Emporium to get some owl treats, before going home.

4:30 Mum sends me out to degnome the garden before supper. Errol comes flying in with a letter, and collides with a tree. After I dust him off, I pick up the envelope. It's addressed to "Ron Weasley, Quidditch King". It's pink. I take it up to his room and leave it on his desk.

6:00 Dad brings Bill home for supper. Unfortunately, Bill brought Fleur.

6:10 As we eat, Mum starts hinting at Bill that his hair is really getting too long now. Fleur says that Bill's hair is fine, at least it is "not as wild and untamed as Ginny's hair. It iz so long for such a leetle girl". The boys look alarmed while Mum turns scarlet and I grip my fork and stare at my plate. Bill finally breaks the silence by asking how the joke shop is doing.

6:45 While the twins clean up, I whisper to Ron to go look at his desk. I am then forced to sit in the living room and chat with Fleur while Mum and Dad and Bill go to the cellar to talk, probably about the Order. If only I were seventeen!

8:00 Bill and Fleur leave, so I join the boys at Quidditch. Hooray!

9:00 Another strange owl appears, and Ron groans. But it flies straight to me! Dean sent me a letter, with some Muggle pictures from his trip! I sit down in the garden to read it. Dad tries very hard to focus on his weeding, but he looks longingly at the stack of photos.

9:15 Dad motions to me, drawing my attention to one of the twins' new Extendable Eyes creeping up over my shoulder. Dad winks and casts an Electro spell on it. The twins yell and shoot out of the nearest bush.

9:30 While I write a reply to Dean, I let Dad look at the pictures, and he promises not to try a spell to make them move. Not after what happened last time!

10:00 I go up to Ron's room to borrow Pigwidgeon. There are shreds of pink paper in his cage. I ask Ron if he needs to borrow some scented stationery to write a reply and he throws a book at me.

10:15 Mum heats up some apple cider and the family gathers in the kitchen. Together, we write a letter to Harry. Mum is very sad as she gives the letter to Errol. I give her a hug before getting ready for bed.

11:00 One of my old rag dolls is on my bed. It's been bewitched to ask, "How's Dean, Ginny? How's your boyfriend, Ginny? When's Dean coming over next, Ginny?" Brothers!!!