Lucius Malfoy
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets
Published: 08/09/2001
Updated: 08/09/2001
Words: 498
Chapters: 1
Hits: 5,062

A Day in the Life of Dobby

Angela Boyko

Story Summary:
Dobby sings!


5:30 am Rise and shine! Dobby is so happy to wake up!

5:45 Dobby starts watering the house plants. Dobby accidentally spills water on the African Shrinking Violets. Dobby beats self across the ears with watering can.

6:30 Time to start cooking breakfast. Commence squeezing the oranges for Master's juice.

7:00 Dobby sings "Joy to the Wizards" to Master and Mistress.

7:05 Dobby slams fingers in door for forgetting Dobby is supposed to sing "Ballad of the Purebloods" on the thirteenth of each month that has thirty-one days.

7:15 Dobby races around kitchen to get breakfast finished.

7:30 Time to start serving breakfast. Avoid Master Draco's attempts to pour syrup on Dobby.

7:35 Dobby bangs head on door for allowing a seed to escape into Mistress Narcissa's juice.

7:40 Master Lucius doesn't like his tie and throws it on the floor. Dobby fails to catch it - this time.

8:00 Dobby clears the dishes. Master Lucius does not notice that Dobby did not drop one utensil, for the eighty-first meal in a row.

8:30 Dobby gathers all the soiled clothing for laundry. Dobby wishes Master Draco would learn to throw clothes into the basket - or onto Dobby.

10:30 Mistress Narcissa requires Dobby to help with her knitting. Dobby holds out arms for her to wind yarn on.

11:30 Dobby is allowed to drop arms to start lunch. Mistress Narcissa was complaining his arms shook too much.

12:00pm Lunch is served. Master Lucius is furious that the lettuce leaves are arranged in a clockwise pattern.

12:05 Master Draco declares the soup is too hot. Dobby performs a Chilling Charm.

12:10 Master Lucius complains his pasta is too cold. Dobby performs a Warming Charm.

12:15 Mistress Narcissa finds her tea is too lemony. Dobby fetches her a new cup.

12:20 Master Draco pouts that his ice cream is too warm. Dobby sticks a spoon into his ear. Dobby's ear.

12:30 Dobby clears the dishes, only to be tripped by Draco in the corridor. Dobby is forced to clean up the mess with one hand tied to one foot.

1:00 One of the other house elves gets to fan Master Lucius during his nap. Dobby won a bet! Dobby goes to the gardens for weeding.

3:00 Dobby serves tea to the McNairs as they visit. Master Lucius is boastfully predicting how Draco will do at his first year at Hogwarts. Dobby makes a wish for his friends who work there.

4:00 Time to commence supper preparations. Dobby goes to the local river to catch the fish.

6:00 Supper is served. Mistress Narcissa finds a bone in her salmon. Draco hands Dobby a candle to better light his nose on fire.

7:00 The other house elves clear the dishes as Dobby casts a Healing spell on Dobby's nose.

8:00 Dobby prepares the drawing room for the evening. Dobby manages to escape before Mistress Narcissa requires him to dye more embroidery floss.

10:30 Master Lucius' bath time. Dobby does his pedicure tonight.

11:30 The family has retired for the evening. Dobby spends a couple of hours destroying all the spiders in the garden shed before calling it a night.