A Fine Day for Frivolity

Andra Malfoy

Story Summary:
Narcissa and Lucius spend a day outside.

Chapter 01


Narcissa chortled, her arms wrapped around her belly, sides sore from her laughter. An unimpressed face looked up at her, though his white blond hair. It was a fine day for frivolity, and the pair was making good use of it. Narcissa had insisted that Lucius take her for a picnic as soon as good weather prevailed, and so here they were, on the first sunny day of spring, beside the brook on his estate. She'd had her doubts, but Lucius had actually packed a good lunch. She just took for granted that he'd had the house-elves pack it.

"You'll pay for that, my dear," Lucius replied, a smirk beginning to form on his face. Narcissa could only imagine the evil ideas running through his mind at that instant. Of course, she did deserve whatever she got. She had just covered his face with a pastry.

"How would you like to be covered with a pastry?" he asked, wiping cream off his face. Despite looking terribly undignified, he began crawling towards her on his hands and knees. "Covered in cream perhaps?"

Narcissa feigned a scandalled look. "Lucius! You can't do that. In my weakened condition, I may just fall ill," she told him, with a smug look on her face.

Yes, she was horrible. Using her pregnancy to get away with absolutely everything. But after the miscarriage, they weren't taking any chances. This was the first time she'd been outside in months. But now that she was in her second trimester, they were beginning to think that the danger was over, and they would have a child this time.

Lucius leaned in to kiss her, but instead, rubbed his face on hers. She pulled away, laughing. "How devious of you, Mr Malfoy."

It was Lucius' turn to look smug. "I try." He turned serious, "you are okay though, right?"

Narcissa smiled, looking down at her belly, which was beginning to show. "I'm fine, we're fine." She hoped that this pregnancy would go well. She was beginning to get antsy. She just wanted a baby.

The sky seemed to darken in a second, and rain fell out of nowhere. Narcissa let out a squeal, and made an attempt to race for cover, but Lucius caught her. "Care to dance, my love?"

"In the rain?" she replied, raising an eyebrow at her husband. In normal circumstances, she would be inside already, sheltering from the rain. She didn't look any good when she was wet.

Lucius had the uncanny ability to almost always pinpoint what his wife was thinking about. Not that it was too hard; she was often thinking about whether she looked good or not.

"You look fine, dear. Now come dance with me. And then we can go home for a nice warm bath. Hmm?"

He held out his hand expectantly. Narcissa couldn't do anything but place her dainty hand in his.

As he twirled her around in the rain, she couldn't help but notice how handsome he looked, soaking wet. She felt a little ridiculous, but at the same time, rejuvenated. She felt as though she was fourteen again, dancing in the rain with Lucius for the first time.

She felt a little bad for wanting to ruin a nice moment like this, but it had to be done. She retrieved the pastry from its hiding place in her skirt, deftly slid it up under his shirt, and smeared it down his back. It didn't take Lucius long to realise what she'd done, but by then, she'd twisted out of his grasp, and was racing across the field, towards the carriage.

It was quite a sight to be honest. A slight young woman like Narcissa, charging through the field, her skirts billowing behind her. Lucius, dashing after her, covering considerable ground to catch her. They hadn't engaged in anything this undignified in quite a while, and wasn't it exhilarating?