The Legend of the Phoenix Well


Story Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, he just might be becoming more Slytherin... over a girl! What's Harry to do?

Chapter 12

Chapter Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, he just might be becoming more Slytherin... over a girl! What's Harry to do? In this chapter: A strange illness and the plot thickens (and the story gets weirder!)
Author's Note:
Read disclaimer above. I added to it. Anyway, sorry for the delay. I felt like being evil. But... I did go insane over Christmas, and I finished the entire story. Twenty chapters and 249 pages! Wheee! And I've started the sequel to this too!

Chapter Twelve: Potters, Zabinis, Malfoys, and Velours

"Bellatrix Lestrange," Harry said in disbelief. "She was the one who killed the Patils."

"What?" Ginny said. "She... that... that complete..."

"I know," Hermione said grimly in agreement with Ginny. "Do you think Parvati knows?"

"The only thing that bothers me is that she said that the book was Hogwarts, A History," Harry said.

"What book?" Ron said, confused.

"The Head Girl book," Ginny explained. "While we were waiting in the Entrance Hall, Padma saw the necklace, and offered to bring the Head Girl book in. She said she had seen a picture of that necklace in that book."

"Look," Harry said, "Why don't we talk about this later? In the Common Room?"

The other three nodded their assent.


"Do you think Bellatrix Lestrange was tipped off by Chang or Percy when he was here?" Ron asked.

"I don't know," Hermione said. "Percy..."

"Percy's a traitorous git," Ginny said heatedly. "Mum should have drowned him at birth."

"Ginny!" Hermione said.

"Maybe not that much," Harry said. "I've got the book," he added, pulling the still-wrapped parcel out. He made sure they were the only ones in the common room before pulling the string to untie the knot.

"Careful, Harry," Hermione said. "Bellatrix Lestrange sent it."

"Yeah, but it must have been Padma who wrapped it up," Ron pointed out. "Go on, Harry, I want to see the reason why people want that necklace so much."

The book fell out of the brown paper, followed by a note written on scrap parchment. Hermione picked it up.

"It's from Padma," she said softly. "Dear Harry, I hope this reaches you. I have a bad feeling about this, so I'm sending the book straightaway to you. I trust that this is for an important cause. Yours, Padma Patil."

"Yours?" Ron snorted.

Hermione sighed. "It's just a way of signing a letter," she said. "Go on, Harry, pick the book up."

Harry picked the book up. "She made a mistake!" he said in surprise. "She sent Hogwarts: A History!"

Hermione's jaw dropped, and she took the book, flipping frantically through the pages. "It is Hogwarts: A History," she pronounced grimly.

Ron swore. "So she died for nothing!" he said.

"Wait," Ginny said. "I have an idea. Harry, do you have a book too?"

Harry was confused. "Yes, but it's full of other things," he said.

"No, Harry, just go get it!" Ginny said, sounding exasperated. Harry quickly rushed up to his dormitory, and retrieved the Head Boy book.

"What do you want it for?" he said.

Ginny didn't answer. Instead, she grabbed the book from Harry and leafed through its pages. "I was right," she said triumphantly.

"Yeah?" Harry said, still confused. "It's the Head Boy book. So what?"

Ginny grinned. "It looks like Hogwarts: A History to me."

Harry looked at her as if she were crazy. "What are you talking about? It clearly says Head Boys of Hogwarts on the front!"

"Are you all right, mate?" Ron asked. "Because Ginny's right, Harry. It's that bloody waste of paper." Hermione scowled. "Er... I mean, great book," Ron said lamely.

"That's what I was trying to prove," Ginny said smugly.

"Why? That I'm barking mad?" Harry said.

"No. The reason why we can't see the Head Girl's book," Ginny replied. A dawning look of realisation came onto Hermione's face.

"Why didn't I think of that?" she said.

"Of what? I still don't get it," Ron said. Harry nodded in agreement.

Hermione sighed. "Honestly," she said, exasperated. "It's obviously charmed so that no one can read it, except for Head Girls. And former Head Girls, too."

"How do you know that?" Harry said.

"Padma mentioned her mother was a Head Girl. Why else would she send it home? Harry, you said that Padma sent it to her mother because her mum missed the book," Hermione explained.

"So why can't you read the book?" Ron said.

"It must be because the Sorting Hat had to place you in the position. McGonagall was the one who appointed me," Hermione said pensively.

"So all we have to do is find a former Head Girl we can trust, and ask her to find the picture of the necklace in the book," Ginny said.

"I'll look through the library to find a Head Girl," Hermione said.


Harry sat in the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, wishing that lunch could take forever. Luckily for him, Cho hadn't appeared in the classroom yet, and everyone was still conversing.

"Where's Hermione?" Ron whispered.

"Library," Harry said. "She'll be here."

Hermione sat in the chair next to Ron as if on cue. "Bad news," she said softly.

"Did you find anyone who lives nearby?" Harry asked.

"That's just it. I looked on the list of Head Girls in the library, under 'lives in the United Kingdom'," she said.

"And?" Ron said.

"And I found nothing. Then I looked under 'lives in Europe'," she continued.

"And?" Harry said.

"And I found nothing," Hermione repeated.

"Just get on with it!" Ron hissed impatiently. Hermione glared at him, but jumped ahead.

"Anyway, I finally got desperate to try the category of 'alive'," she said, sighing. "And there was no one."

"Not one is still alive?" Harry said incredulously.

Hermione shook her head. "When I dug further in, I found the cause of death for the last ten who died. It said the same thing. Violent death, cause unknown," she said.

"Voldemort must want the necklace," Harry deduced.

"And he doesn't want Harry to find out why," Hermione finished for him.

"Bloody hell," Ron said.

Cho walked into the classroom, glaring at the entire class. "Today, we are going to study Lethifolds," she said. "I do not have one here to show you because they are class XXXXX creatures, and therefore forbidden in the classroom." Harry rolled his eyes. Obviously.

Luckily, Cho didn't see. "Can anyone tell me where Lethifolds are commonly found?" Hermione's hand shot up, even though she disliked Cho greatly.

Cho ignored her. "No one knows?" she asked. "How incredibly sad. You seventh years are even more stupid than I thought."

Hermione's jaw dropped, even though this had already happened several times. In fact, it happened every class. Harry had become accustomed to letting Cho's barbed insults fly over his head. However, the frustration he was feeling at Hermione's grim news made him stand defiantly up. "Are you blind?" he asked.

"No, why?" Cho replied coolly.

"Because Hermione's hand was straight up in the air! She obviously knows the answer, yet you purposely don't call on her!" Harry said furiously.

Cho smirked. "Sticking up for our little girlfriend, aren't we, Potter?" she said.

Ron turned red, and stood up next to Harry. "You little bitch!" he spat. Harry looked at him warningly. McGonagall wasn't too happy the last time he had awarded points back to Gryffindor after Cho took them away. "She's my girlfriend, and you know it!"

"Temper, Weasley," Malfoy drawled. "Some of us don't care about sordid affairs like that."

Cho smirked. "Ten points to Slytherin for good behaviour," she said smugly, looking at Harry triumphantly, as if knowing McGonagall would give him an earful if he took points away.

Harry didn't care. "Ten points away from Slytherin," he said immediately. Cho's smirk dropped, and Malfoy was looking annoyed. "For sticking their noses into other people's conversations," he supplied, smirking.

"Oooooh!" some of the other students said in approval. Hermione looked miffed.

"That's hardly respectful!" she hissed. "Harry, you should be ashamed!"

Malfoy stood up, pink. "Watch it, Potter," he spat venomously. He sneered as he said, "Detention, Potter, for swearing in the classroom."

Harry merely raised an eyebrow. "And a detention to you too, Malfoy... a further five points off Slytherin for disrespect towards your superiors."

"Enough!" Hermione said, now looking annoyed.

"Shut up, Potter!" Malfoy said, all traces of triumph gone from his face.

"Make me," Harry said.

"I'll make you, all right," Malfoy snarled, pulling his wand out. A few students gasped.

"Just try," Harry said, pulling his own wand out.

"STOP!" Hermione said, standing abruptly. "Ten points from both Gryffindor and Slytherin!"

Harry and Ron turned, nonplussed. Harry regained his voice first. "What was that for?" he said.

"Another five points off from Gryffindor for arguing!" Hermione said furiously, her voice rising after every word.

Harry was annoyed. Hermione should have just let them handle the situation themselves. "Fifteen points to Gryffindor," he said, in a challenging voice. Blaise Zabini smirked, and pointed her wand at Malfoy. Harry was the only one who noticed as she muttered something.

Hermione opened her mouth furiously, but Malfoy interrupted her. "Isidora, marry me," he said to Icicle. Harry, Ron, and Hermione looked at each other, then at Blaise Zabini, who looked back at them coolly.

Icicle looked totally clueless. "Um... Draco, don't you think it's a little too early for-"

Malfoy had already moved onto someone else. "Corner! Marry me now!" he said. "I want you now! On the floor!"

Michael fainted. Ron was snickering... until Malfoy came crawling to him. Harry stole a look at Blaise, who obviously had put a spell of some sort on Malfoy. She had a look of glee on her face.

"Oh, Weasel King!" Malfoy said passionately, catching the hem of Ron's robes. "I am turned on by your sexy red hair and... ooh look at th-"

Ron screamed bloody murder. "I DON'T SWING THAT WAY! ARGH... GET OFF OF ME! AHHHHHHH!"

Malfoy moved on, leaving Ron rocking back and forth on the floor, whimpering. Cho looked petrified, leaning against her desk for support. Blaise then gave Harry a significant look, and turned Malfoy towards him.

Harry slumped in defeat as Malfoy said, "Hello, Potter. Please..."

Harry quickly turned him away from him. It wasn't until Malfoy said his next line when he realised who he had set Malfoy on. "Mudblood! Oh, your hair! I need it! Marry me now! I need you to have my children."

Hermione screamed as Malfoy lunged for her, pushing her down to the floor, beginning to snog her in front of everyone. Hermione struggled, trying to push Malfoy off. Ron stopped rocking and whimpering, turning red.

"Get off my girlfriend, you bloody-"

The door opened abruptly. Snape and McGonagall came in, eyes widening when they saw the scene in front of them. Malfoy stopped his crazy snogging session with Hermione. He got up, looking confused and disgusted.

"What the hell was I doing on Granger?" he said.

Hermione stood up, buttoning her robes up and looking scared. Ron rushed over to her, shooting a nasty glare at Blaise, who shrugged and shot a look at Harry.

"What happened?" McGonagall demanded, looking at Cho.

"N-nothing, Professor McGonagall," Cho stuttered. "We were having a demonstration." Ron looked furious that Cho was covering for Malfoy, but couldn't say anything, since Cho would be believed over him and the rest of the class.

"Very well," Snape said. "The class is dismissed."


None of the seventh years could eat much at dinner that night, so they all left early to go back to their common rooms. "Do you want to visit Hagrid?" Ron asked quietly. Hagrid was in his cabin, probably setting up another lesson.

"I suppose," Harry said, shrugging. He, Ron, and a silent Hermione made their way across the grounds to Hagrid's cabin.

Hermione had not said a word after Defence Against the Dark Arts. She leaned against Ron as Harry knocked on Hagrid's door. Fang barked from inside as heavy footsteps came to the door. Hagrid poked his head out, and opened the door wider when he saw it was the three.

"How are yeh? Fancy a cuppa?" he said genially. "Been settin' up somethin' fer the fourth years. Couldn't go ter dinner tonigh'."

"No thanks, Hagrid," Harry said. "We're not hungry."

Hagrid looked worried as he led Fang away. "Yer all okay, righ'?" he asked.

There was a knock on the door. "Come in!" Hagrid called. "The door's open!"

A grim looking McGonagall came in, followed by a worried looking Ginny. "Miss Weasley was right. We found you in here," she said. "Mr. Weasley, a word, if you please. Just you and Miss Weasley."

Harry and Hermione sat down. Ron got up from his chair apprehensively, and followed McGonagall outside. Hermione looked at Hagrid, who looked at Harry. The three waited in silence.

A few moments, there was a scream, and loud wails. "You don't think they're in danger, do you?" Hermione said hoarsely, the first words she had said for hours. Harry didn't answer. He bolted to the door, pulling his wand out as he swung it open.

Ron was sitting on the front steps, looking confused, his eyes wide and unseeing. Ginny was sobbing on the ground, McGonagall looking helplessly at the pair.

"Please, Professor, can we visit tonight? For the last time?" Ron said tonelessly.

McGonagall wiped a tear away. "Yes, Mr. Weasley. The Ministry has authorised a portkey that can take you there for half an hour. No more, I'm afraid. It leaves in fifteen minutes. I'll leave you two until then." She swept away.

"Harry... Mum... she's got Munzer's Disease," Ron said.

"Munzer?" Harry asked, puzzled. "She's going to be all right, Ron," he said, not believing himself, even.

Ron nodded. "She will be all right," he agreed tonelessly, to Harry's surprise. "Munzer's strikes unexpectedly. Anyone can get it, and it can't be detected until it's too late. It's caused by an overload of stress and using too much memory. Only magical people can get it, since it's caused by the magic in us. It causes the person to lose their memories to a certain point in their life very soon after they show symptoms of what looks like a chill. Sometimes, they can make it so that the person regains their memories bit by bit. Other times, it's permanent." He sounded so resigned that Harry was tempted to walk over and shake him.

"Oh," was all Harry could say.

"She probably won't remember us," Ginny sobbed. "And she might die early. If she regains her memories, probably, telling her what happened in those years that have gone by that she missed while she's recovering her memories would overload her brain. And we'd have to tell her."

Harry sank onto the step, next to Ron. Hermione had come outside during Ron's explanation, and was now holding him, whispering something to him.

McGonagall came back with one of the goblets from the Great Hall. "Here," she said, holding the portkey out. She nodded at Harry and Hermione, who touched the portkey as well. They stood there for a moment, and then were whooshed into St. Mungo's hospital's first floor.

"She's in here," McGonagall said, pulling them into a room to their left. The room was already full of redheads. Harry pulled his glasses out (he carried them around because of Grandmother) and put them on in case Mrs. Weasley had already started losing her memory.

Fred and George looked grim. Alicia Spinnet stood with them, crying softly. Bill and Fleur stood to one side, Charlie on the other. A devastated looking Mr. Weasley stood to the side of the bed. Percy was nowhere to be seen.

"They've been able to make it so that she'll regain her memories," Fred said as the four and McGonagall walked in. Ron nodded, and swallowed. Ginny's tears began again.

Ron and Hermione walked over first. Hermione started crying as well, tears running down her cheeks as Mrs. Weasley laid a hand on hers and said something softly, making all three smile a bit.

Ron and Hermione parted from Mrs. Weasley reluctantly. "Your turn, Ginny," Ron choked out. Ginny nodded at Harry, and the two made their way over to Mrs. Weasley's bedside.

"Mum," Ginny said tearfully. Harry swallowed. Mrs. Weasley looked pale and sickly.

"Ginny, dear... my youngest," Mrs. Weasley said. "And Harry... Harry, you and Ron will protect my Ginny, won't you?" she said softly.

Harry's mouth wouldn't work. He nodded, swallowing and gulping some more. Mrs. Weasley smiled. "Look on the bright side, dears. We'll see each other again, and by then, I'll be a grandmother," she said, winking and looking at Ron and Hermione, who stood next to each other.

Harry and Ginny smiled reluctantly. "I love both of you," Mrs. Weasley continued.

"I-" Harry and Ginny began simultaneously. Mrs. Weasley shuddered, and her eyes glazed over. "She's gone," Bill whispered disbelievingly.

Mrs. Weasley looked at the people in the room, confused. "Why am I here?" she asked. She looked at Harry and Ginny. "Oh, why are you two here? You should be in school! The both of you! And Ron! Hermione, you too! And you also, Fred and George!" All the people she named flinched as she glared at them.

"Mum..." Ron said sadly. Mrs. Weasley shuddered again.

"Arthur, who are all of these people?" she asked. "They all look familiar, I can't put my finger on it..."

"Mum! I'm Fred!" Fred said, a tear going down his cheek.

"Nonsense!" Mrs. Weasley said kindly. "Fred's going to his third year at Hogwarts!" She looked at Harry. "You look familiar, dear. Like that young boy on the platform just now. Poor dear, he was so polite," she said. "It's a pity he has no family," she added tearfully.

Harry gulped and swallowed. He imagined his face looked quite funny from trying not to cry. He managed to nod silently. Mrs. Weasley shuddered again. "Bill!" she shouted at Ron, who looked surprised.

"I'm Ron, Mum," he said, gulping like Harry.

"Ron? It can't be!" Mrs. Weasley said. "Ron's just a child! He's only seven years old!"

Mr. Weasley hurried over to the two youngest Weasleys and Harry and Hermione. "You four should get going," he said quietly. "Your portkey leaves in a few minutes."

Ginny glanced tearfully at her mother, who was still rapidly losing memories and looking quite frightened. Ron wiped his eyes once on his sleeve and nodded. Hermione tentatively put her hand in his, making him start and smile weakly.

Sobbing, Ginny launched herself at her father, hugging him fiercely.

Mr. Weasley looked surprised, and then smiled. "Now, now, Ginny, she'll recover."

Ginny shook her head from her spot in her father's cloak, and said, "I don't want to lose you either."

"Oh," Mr. Weasley said. "Well, no need to worry about that..." he said in a comforting voice. "Now, now, your portkey's about to leave. I love you."

"Love you too, Dad," Ginny said, reluctantly detaching herself from her father.

"That's it. You're a big girl now, Ginny," Mr. Weasley said.

Ginny smiled reluctantly, and stood next to Harry. "Here," Hermione said softly, moving over to make more room for Ginny on her other side. Ginny thanked her, and touched the goblet. McGonagall wiped away a tear, and put a finger on the portkey.

"Bye, Dad," Ron choked out.

Mr. Weasley smiled. "Good bye, Ron. Ginny. Harry and Hermione."

"Bye, Mr. Weasley," Harry and Hermione said. There was a familiar whooshing sensation, and Harry felt his feet leave the ground as the portkey transported them back to Hogwarts.

"I-I think it's best if you return to your common room," McGonagall said shakily. Hermione nodded, and led Ron down the corridor, up the staircase. McGonagall nodded briefly to Harry and Ginny, and left, sniffling.

Harry cleared his throat uncomfortably. Ginny's tears flew unchecked down her pale face. "Er... do you want a tissue?" Harry asked weakly, holding out a tissue he had found from who-knows-where.

"Thanks," Ginny said thickly, taking it and blowing her nose. A fresh sob escaped her, and Harry could only watch, unable to do anything. He tentatively put a hand on her shoulder, hoping it would help.

I'm not good at this kind of thing. Nothing like this has happened since Cho, he thought glumly.

Ginny enveloped herself in Harry's cloak. "I'm glad we're friends," she said tearfully.

"Right," Harry said. They stood there for a long time, Ginny hiccupping a few times.

"Oi! Potty! Have you broken up with your girlfriend?" said a very unwelcome sneering voice. Harry looked over Ginny's head, and glared at Malfoy, who seemed to be taking great enjoyment in watching him and Ginny. Icicle stood next to him, her arms wrapped possessively around Malfoy's waist.

Ginny, however, suddenly launched herself at Malfoy, and slapped him hard across the face. The resounding crack echoed through the empty corridor. "SHUT UP!" she screamed. "SHUT UP!" Angry tears leaked uncontrollably from her eyes. Malfoy looked utterly surprised.

Harry walked over quickly. "Calm down, Gin," he whispered. To his surprise, Ginny wheeled around and slapped him, too. It hurt. A lot more than the one in the bathroom that summer, after their argument.

Harry was stunned. Even Malfoy was too surprised to even show a shadow of a smirk or sneer. Icicle just stared.

Ginny's jaw dropped, and her already heavy, fast breaths became even more rushed. "I-I-I'm really s-sorry, H-Harry," she said in shock. "I-I-I... I have to go." She squeezed past Malfoy and sprinted up the staircase, not stopping.

The three left in the corridor stood, utterly speechless, until Malfoy regained his wits. "Well," he said, his sneer returning. This time, Harry sensed malice in it. "I was looking for you, Potter. What's this I hear about you and Isidora?"

Harry did a double-take, and looked at Icicle. However, she looked as clueless as he was. "W-what?" Harry said.

"Draco, you told me we were go-" Icicle said.

"After I deal with Potter," Malfoy interrupted. "Well?"

"Who told you that?" Harry said, confused.

Malfoy raised an eyebrow. "Why should I reveal my sources?" he said coolly. "All that needs to happen right here is you giving me an answer. And none of that Gryffindor 'I didn't do anything' shit..."

He looked uncertainly at Icicle.

"-crap," Malfoy finished.

"Gryffindor 'I didn't do anything' crap?" Harry said dubiously. "I thought it was Slytherin 'I didn't do anything' crap."

"Draco, I swear all the time!" Icicle said. "Look! Hell, damn, bitch, shit, fuck..."

"Look," Malfoy roared in a very un-Malfoy like way and a more Ron-like way, ignoring Icicle, "I'm not here to talk to you about Houses. Tell me why the hell you were with my girlfriend."

Icicle looked scared. Harry thought she had good reason to. Malfoy never lost his rag. Never cool-tempered Draco Malfoy.

"Draco, Harry didn't-" Icicle said.

"Be quiet," Draco interrupted, annoyed. "Tell me, Potter," he hissed.

"No," Harry said, levelly. It was an extremely stupid thing for him to say, but he didn't care. Ever since Sirius' death, Harry had felt shut out by the Order, and his rebellious streak had grown as a result. All they seemed to want was for him to lie low and stay out of trouble. Dumbledore had encouraged him to report back on anything he heard about, but he resented being treated as a child and so was inclined to behave more recklessly than ever before.

"Why not?" Malfoy said in an angry, dangerously soft voice.

"Because I never touched your girlfriend," Harry said. "You'd be an idiot to think I did."

Malfoy's face contorted with surprising anger. "Liar!" he shouted, whipping out his wand.

"Draco!" Icicle said warningly. Harry, however, took his own wand out. He and Malfoy pointed their wands at each other, narrowing their eyes.

"Don't believe me, then," Harry said.

"Why the bloody hell shouldn't I?" Malfoy spat. "Reducto!"

A large hole was blown into Harry's cloak, narrowly missing his right leg. Harry was annoyed. "Incendio!" he shouted.

A jet of fire flew at Malfoy. This was clearly not a duel like the one back in their second year. Malfoy dodged most of the flame, but a small portion of his sleeve caught on fire. "Fluvius," he said, before pointing his wand back towards Harry. "Expelliamus!"

Harry's wand flew out of his hand, but because of his resistance, the wand fell to the floor. Both boys dove towards the wand. Malfoy grabbed it, and stood up triumphantly. "Wingardium Leviosa!" he said, pointing his wand at Harry. Harry was raised up into the air, at Malfoy's mercy. Malfoy levitated him up about fifty feet, until he almost reached the cathedral-like ceiling of the front corridor.

"Why?" he called. "Hmm?"

"I told you, haven't been anywhere near her," Harry said, crossing his arms.

"Well then, you'll have to drop," Malfoy said nonchalantly. Icicle screamed.

"Draco! No!"

Malfoy lazily brought his wand down, and Harry began his fall to the floor. Quick, Potter, think, he thought. My wandless magic! Dumbledore said... oh, sod what Dumbledore said, that floor doesn't look too soft...

Quickly, Harry stuck his hand out and did a Pillowing Charm on the floor where he was going to land. A jet of blue light came out of his hand right before he hit the floor. The ground was soft, and Harry got up, unharmed.

Malfoy and Icicle looked shocked for the second time that evening. Harry muttered another charm, and ropes shot out of nowhere, binding Malfoy. "You could have killed me, you know," he said.

Malfoy gave him a look that clearly said that Harry's accusation was his intention all along.

"For your information, Malfoy, I wasn't lying when I said I didn't touch Isidora Velour," Harry said. "Neither of you are going to say a word about my magic or this duel, and in turn, I won't tell anyone about how you tried to kill me," he continued. "Do we have a deal?"

Malfoy narrowed his eyes, but nodded. "Good. But if you tell, I tell," Harry said, releasing Malfoy and taking his wand back.

"Very Slytherin of you, Potter," Malfoy said.

"I know. At least, the Sorting Hat seemed to think so," Harry said, walking away, and leaving Malfoy to ponder this new fact. He wasn't sure why he had told Malfoy one of his deepest secrets, but it was too late to take it back now.


Harry rushed through the corridors, glancing at his watch that he had received for his sixteenth birthday from Hermione. It was nearly nine o' clock, and he was going to be late for his meeting with Blaise Zabini if he didn't hurry.

Gasping for breath, he tickled the pear in the painting of a fruit bowl, and opened the door to the Hogwarts kitchens. "Sir, sir," one of the house elves said, "Miss Zabini is waiting for you in the back room."

"Thanks," Harry said as he made his way past the elves and into a small room. Blaise sprawled in a chair lazily.

"You're late," she said coolly.

"Thirty seconds," Harry said, annoyed, checking his watch.

"That's still late," she said pointedly. The fire in the kitchens illuminated her red hair for a second, which made her look more mysterious.

"What did you want? And what's with your signal that you mentioned in your letter?" Harry asked, seating himself in another chair.

"My signal amused me," Blaise said simply, her violet eyes gleaming with laughter. "It was funny."

"It was highly suspicious," Harry said.

"Since when did you Gryffindors care about 'suspicious'?" Blaise asked. "It's all rushed and frenzied. No planning at all with your lot."

"We plan," Harry said defensively.

"Your idea of a plan is everyone on the count of three," Blaise countered.

"Is not," Harry said. "What do you want, Zabini?"

"Incorrect, Potter. What do you want?" she asked.

"What do I want?" Harry asked, snorting. "Hmmm, let's see. Er... I want a whole harem of girls, oh, and I want a large mound of Playwizard magazines," he said sarcastically. "What do you think? It's obvious, Zabini. To defeat Voldemort."

"Well, yes, that is obvious," Blaise said in the infuriating calm manner she had. "It seems quite impossible right now, but what I mean is, what do you want that will help you defeat the Dark Lord? Besides force and power."

It suddenly dawned on Harry. "Information," he said.

"Good, Potter. You're not that Gryffindor at all. The reason for my signal was that Nott, you know Nott... well, he's been watching the other children of Death Eaters. Namely Malfoy and me. Today, however, the potion I made was finished, and Nott's in the hospital wing, suffering from pneumonia... poor Nott... he managed to drink one of Professor Snape's poisons. Very unfortunate..."

Harry was surprised by this, especially the Malfoy part, but he said, "What's the information, then?"

"Potter, I'm a Slytherin. And Slytherins don't give information without a price."

"Fine. Name your price," Harry said. He looked up at the ceiling, where there was a small opening with bars in it to let in fresh air.

"My price?" Blaise said. "Potter, you know my motto. Boys are my toys," she added. Harry looked at her. "I ask for this: you distract Isidora so that she leaves Draco. And I get Draco, for myself."

"What do you want Malfoy for?" Harry said, disgusted.

"Potter, you wouldn't understand. Any straight male wouldn't. I would hope you are straight," she said, looking at Harry. At Harry's annoyed scowl, she continued. "Well, to the female population, Draco Malfoy, is... let's just say, highly attractive. Just like you. But blondes are more my type."

"What about the personality?" Harry said, still disgusted.

"Personality doesn't matter. You already see that Draco can barely control himself around me. I just want him a closet for one day, that's all. And then you can dump Isidora, and she and Draco can become get back together. I don't care. Do we have a deal?"

Blaise looked at Harry expectantly. "Not yet," Harry said to Blaise's surprise. "If your information is good, let's say, it's not something I know, and has to do with Voldemort, then it's a deal."

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Blaise asked.

"Gryffindor honor," Harry said coolly. "Do we have a deal, Zabini?" he asked in the same tone she had used.

"You'd do well in Slytherin," Blaise muttered before saying, "Deal."

"Go on," Harry said, leaning back as if uncaring, but in reality, alert and vigilant. He needed to listen carefully. Contradictory facts would mean it was a fabrication or trap.

"One of the days I was supposedly ill last November, I was actually being taken out of school by my father. For my initiation as a Death Eater," Blaise said.

"You have the Mark?" Harry said in surprise.

"No. You don't get that until you complete your first task. Anyway, after the meeting, I heard my father discussing something with the Dark Lord. He-"

Two things happened, one after the other. A house elf ran in with a plate of biscuits, and tripped, spilling the contents of the plate.

"Sorry!" it squeaked.

The second happening was far more serious. A loud crack resounded through the air, and Blaise slumped over. Harry swore, and the house elf screamed.

"A gunshot?" Harry said to himself.

"Sir! Sir! The young Miss is dead!" the house elf said.

"Listen," Harry said. "Go tell Professor McGonagall to come down immediately. A student has been shot with a gun. That's a Muggle weapon," he added.

"Yes, sir!" the house elf said, rushing away, hitching up its toga so it could run faster.

Harry rushed over to Blaise, who lay lifelessly on the floor where the house elf had dropped her, her red hair fanned out around her. Her face still looked surprised.

"What's going on in here?" shouted a voice. The house elves were screaming and running around madly. Malfoy rushed into the back room, followed by Icicle. "Prefect coming through, excuse me," he said. His eyes widened when he saw Blaise on the ground, her eyes wide and unseeing.

"Muggle bullet," Harry said. "Came out of nowhere."

Icicle screamed, and backed away from Blaise. "Blood!" she said. "Draco, there's actual blood!" Harry looked at her. Malfoy seemed to be thinking the same thing. Well, of course there's blood, Harry thought. He immediately withdrew that thought. It was highly insensitive.

She threw her face into the folds of Malfoy's robes and began to weep. To Harry's surprise, Malfoy let her stay there.

Malfoy looked suspiciously at Harry.

"I didn't do anything," Harry said. "I would need a gun for that. The bullet must have come from that air hole up there," he added, pointing upwards.

Dobby rushed into the room, nearly hysterical. "Harry Potter, sir! Harry Pot-" he stared up at Malfoy, shaking. "Master Malfoy!" he squeaked, shivering all over in fright.

"Dobby," Malfoy said coldly.

"M-Master M-Malfoy h-has grown much s-since D-Dobby has s-seen h-h-him last," Dobby stuttered.

"Dobby! What is it?" Harry said.

"Winky saw, sir, Winky saw," he looked fearfully at Malfoy, and dropped his voice to a whisper. "Winky says she saw Master Malfoy and Miss Velour go up the ladder."

"The ladder?" Harry said.

"The ladder, sir! The ladder that leads to the courtyard above the kitchens! Where that hole is!"

Author notes: Thank you to Favrielle, my beta, and ephemera, my brit-picker. You two are wonderful! And thank you to jwilliams (like your sig), neha_dkulkarni, gummysugar, argos, coolcat761, AgiVega, Favrielle, DarkWitch13, Nonya, blackeaerials, Dean Ahlberg, Angel Potter, ADJ, MoNkEyBeAtEr (OWL CRAP!!!), JenPotter, dernhelmsdeep, nimbusFREAK, katers007, Bubblefun4evr1_19212, and D2Diamond for reviewing!

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