The Legend of the Phoenix Well


Story Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, he just might be becoming more Slytherin... over a girl! What's Harry to do?

Chapter 08

Author's Note:
Hi, everyone... sorry it took me about a month to get this up. But hey, it's been beta-ed and brit-picked now!!!

Chapter Eight: Guessing

It was silent in the Common Room, which was to be expected, since it was almost one in the morning. Harry and Ron looked at the chessboard, contemplating their next move.

"Check," Ron said, moving a bishop.

Harry, however, was checking that no one else was in the room with him, Ron, and Hermione. Satisfied, he said, "We have to talk."

"Why?" Hermione said, putting her book down.

Harry had decided to tell them about the necklace and his suspicions and worries. But first, he needed to tell them about the prophecy. "All right. Remember that orb in fifth year, the one with my name on it?"

"Yes," Ron said. "Go on."

"Well..." Harry faltered.

"Oh, come on, spit it out!" Ron said. "It wasn't a prophecy like the one where that bloke kills his dad and marries his mum, was it?"

"How did you know about Oedipus?" Hermione said.

"Fred and George love that story," Ron said. "Obviously, you know the reason. Alicia and Angelina aren't too happy about them reading it all the time, though... they think they're after the pictures of Antigone."

"Look," Harry said. "It's not about me marrying my mum or anything..."

"So talk. There's nothing worse than that, is there?" Ron said.

Hermione gave him a disapproving glare. Ron fell silent.

Harry gathered up his courage. "Professortrelawneymadeaprophecy arealonethatsaidthatIwould defeatVoldemortsohetriedtokillmeandfailedsincehemissed thesecondpartoftheprophecywhereitsaidthathewouldmarkmeashisequalandgivemepowers sonowI'mtheonlyonewhocandefeathim sinceneitherofuscanlivewhiletheotheroneisstill

alive," he said in a rush.

Ron looked confused, but Hermione seemed to get what he had said. "Oh dear," she said. "So... so you have to..." she whispered the next word, "kill him?"

"Kill him?" Ron said incredulously.

Hermione nodded sadly. "Or be killed himself."

Ron bit his lip. He was silent for a long time. Harry stared into the fire, waiting for him to speak. Finally, Ron said quietly, "So what do we do to help?"

"Help?" Harry said in surprise.

"Yeah. I mean, we've never ditched you before. We're your friends!"

"Look. It's dangerous... it's like suicide. You'll be killed. And this time, you know it will happen. I mean, Voldemort's immortal..."

"Immortal?" Hermione repeated.

"That's what the meeting was about during the summer," Harry explained. "Anyway, I'm not even sure I'll live..."

"Stop being so pessimistic," Ron said. "Look. We don't care whether we live or die. As long as we're helping you defeat You... I mean, V-Voldemort."

"Please, Harry. Even if you forbid us... we'll follow you," Hermione said, a determined look on her face.

A weak grin appeared on Harry's face. "I guess I can't get rid of you two, can I?"

"No way," Ron said.

"I wish Dumbledore were here to help us," Hermione said. "This is all so confusing... Harry, tell Ron about the necklace..."

Harry knew Dumbledore had not meant Ron and Hermione when he told him not to show it to anyone, so he pulled the necklace out from behind his robes. "Aunt Petunia gave this to me. Ever since, people have been under the Imperius Curse, trying to get it. First was Fleur, then you, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Malfoy..."

"Malfoy?" Ron said.

"During the Quidditch Match."

"So... the necklace must be important..." Hermione said. "Wait a second. Who uses the Imperius Curse?"

Ron blinked. "Death Eaters," he said, as if wondering why Hermione had asked that question.

"Exactly. So a Death Eater or follower of Voldemort has been putting everyone under the Curse. They'd have to be at the school, right? And they probably poisoned Dumbledore so that he couldn't be here. Think..."

"Snape," Ron said immediately. "I mean, he's the Potions Master! And he was a Death Eater!"

Hermione shook her head. "Ron..."

"Dumbledore could have been wrong," Ron pointed out.

"No. Voldemort knew that Snape was a spy," Harry said. "He said so in the graveyard."

"Okay, so not Snape..." Ron said. Suddenly, his face brightened. "It's Vicky! He's from Durmstrang, too!" he said. "Why else would he be here? Snape's perfectly capable... have you seen him doing anything suspicious?"

Harry looked into the fire, and thought. Had he seen anything strange? That day, in the corridor... "He was carrying a jar of lacewings when I bumped into him," he said. "The day there was a Hermione impostor in potions. We didn't use lacewings in the weak Polyjuice."

Hermione shook her head. "No. Viktor wouldn't work for Voldemort... his grandmother was killed by Voldemort, you know."

Ron grunted. "He could have a twisted sense of revenge," he said.

"No," Hermione said. "No, I think it could be Malfoy."

"He was under the Curse," Harry said.

"He may have been acting, though. I mean, he hasn't been acting pro-Dumbledore lately, so he's still on Voldemort's side. And he's a Slytherin... which means Snape would let him into his private stores without asking any questions."

"What's so great about this necklace anyway?" Ron asked suddenly.

"Aragog was afraid of it," Hermione said. Ron jumped at the name, but said nothing.

"It's not just that," Harry said quietly. "It showed me a path through the forest. It went straight through, to the edge of the forest, and turned into another forest. I don't know what's after that."

"Strange," Ron said. "Maybe it's what's at the edge."

"It's a cliff," Harry said. "The sea's at the bottom, and you can see islands in the distance."

"Orkney," Hermione said.

"Wouldn't Muggles have seen unicorns running around?" Ron said. "In the forest?"

"Not if there's a magical barrier," Hermione said. "It's ancient magic."

"So if it's the clearing..." Harry said. "What's so great about it?"

"Maybe something's hidden there..." Hermione said.

"The weapon!" Ron said. "Remember the weapon they were talking about in the fifth year? Maybe it has the power to kill Voldemort or Harry!"

"Hmm..." Hermione thought.

"So Voldemort would want it," Harry said.

"I guess," Hermione said. "Look. Why don't we go to bed, and think about it?" She got up and strode up the girl's staircase. Harry and Ron looked at each other, and went in separate ways.


"Now, this righ' here is called a sphinx..." Hagrid said, pointing at a caged creature. Half the class jumped back in fear. Hagrid chuckled. "Don' worry... it won' hurt yeh..."

"Says who?" Malfoy said in a higher voice than usual.

"Looks like we now know what Malfoy's boggart would turn into," Ron said, laughing.

Hagrid continued. "Now, ye can either do an essay on sphinxes, or ye can do one on..." he looked nervous as he took the magical cover off another cage, "...dementors," he almost whispered. A wave of cold swept over the pasture they were in, making the sun seem meaningless. Hagrid hurriedly put the magical cover back on the dementor's cage.

"Had to do tha'," he explained apologetically. "Part o' the curriculum, ye see. Now, then... four feet o' parchment, next class... come here if ye need to study the creatures..."

"That... that was interesting," Ron said, his voice wavering a bit.

"They switched the schedules around today, right?" Harry said.

"Yes, some teachers have a meeting," Hermione said. "We have Defence Against the Dark Arts in fifteen minutes."

"Better get there early so we can get the back seats," Harry said glumly. Quickly, they made their way up to the classroom.

"C'mon," Ron said, opening the door and looking in, "Good, we're the first ones here... bloody hell!"

"Ron!" Hermione said, but she gasped when she saw what was in the classroom.

Harry peered in. A blushing Cho was hurriedly buttoning the front of her robes, and across from her was... Percy. He gagged.

"Aren't... aren't you dating Penelope Clearwater?" Hermione asked.

"Er..." Percy said.

"What are you doing here anyway?" Ron said accusingly. "Mum said you weren't supposed to talk to Cho after she broke up with Harry..."

"What?" Harry said.

"Mum's just a little crazy," Ron said.

"Look, I was here to talk to McGonagall," Percy said. "Did you know they're looking for a new flying instructor? I was here to recommend Oliver Wood."

"That doesn't explain this," Ron said, waving his arm at the classroom.

"Er... well..." Percy said.

"Forget it," Ron said in a disgusted voice, slamming his books down. "I just might write to Penny, though..."

Percy, who was on the way out, spun and faced Ron, who stared defiantly back at him. "You will not," he said dangerously. "Or I will make sure that your Prefect's badge is taken away."

"You can't do that," Harry said quietly.

Percy faced Harry again. "You want to know something? I'm fed up with you lying all the time, pretending to be everything. I've tried to be nice. Minister Fudge may have had to admit You-Know-Who is back, but I know you're just as bad as that Malfoy boy. I read about it in the Daily Prophet. So if you want to keep that Head Boy badge, you'd better pull back. Because I have the power to take it away, as Junior Minister."

"Says who?" Hermione said.

"You didn't mean it when you apologised, did you?" Ron said. "You just came back because you missed the free room and board..."

Percy smiled sardonically, and swept out of the room. He nodded at Malfoy, who was going by with Icicle. Malfoy looked contemptuously at him as usual, and edged past.

Ron, who was fuming, sat down. "Sick little ba..." he said, turning red.


The first Hogsmeade weekend dawned on them quickly. Harry went down to breakfast, feeling happy that for once, he could spend the day not doing his homework.

Hermione and Ron were looking at a sign posted on a wall when he got there.

"Oh, no," Ron said. "Not that..."

Harry edged past and read the sign. He groaned.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

Is having an

Etiquette Ball

Brush up on your etiquette and dancing

All partners will be chosen before the dance,

Today, after dinner in the Great Hall

Wear your dress robes (1st and 2nd years may borrow robes from the school)

"Ah, yes," said a very proper voice from behind them. "Henry, dear, we must get you some new robes..."

"My name is not Henry!" Harry said, turning around.

His grandmother sighed. "How many times must I tell you to address me by name?"

"What are you doing here, Grandmother?" Harry said dully.

"Why, of course, I was speaking to your deputy headmistress. I thought that today's young wizards and witches are getting far too unruly... so I suggested this..."

Ron let out an barely audible groan. Harry's grandmother, however, heard. "Young man, this is for your own good. Now, your professors will be choosing the partners, and they know who you get along with..."

"N..." Ron started, but Harry cut him off.

"Yes, Grandmother," he said. "We have to go now. I promise to buy new robes," he added quickly.

"Time to get the old maroon robes out again," Ron sighed as they boarded a carriage to Hogsmeade. "It's not fair. Mum got Ginny new robes..."

"Well I'll just wear green again," Harry said. "You won't be alone."

"You grew too much," Hermione said.

"And I didn't?" Ron said heatedly.

"Well, you said you would... never mind. Here... we'll look for robes for Ron," Hermione said.

Ron wasn't listening. "I was thinking," he said. "What if it's... Percy and Cho Chang? I mean, working for You-Know-Who? They hate Harry... and you have to admit... Percy being here was suspicious. And he made himself clear that he lied for money. What if the incident was just a ruse... make an excuse up for Percy to be here?"

"Hmm..." Hermione said. "Well... I don't think Cho really hates Harry... And Percy's against Voldemort too. He just shows it in another way..."

"Yeah right," Ron said. "You know what? I for one think its really suspicious."

"Ron, you just don't like them," Hermione reasoned.

Ron said nothing for a while. The carriage was silent. "Maybe I don't. But I have my reasons," he said finally.

"Hermione, we'll just keep them on the list," Harry said.

"But... the Order must be working on this already..." Hermione said.

"No... neither Dumbledore or me told them anything about the necklace. I was going to during the summer, but then that attack happened..." Harry said.

"Mione, it'll be like the old times. It's another mystery... like the stone or the Chamber of Secrets. Without Dumbledore... but we're older now," Ron said. "C'mon... we need your help in this."

"I suppose," Hermione said.

Ron and Harry grinned. "Brilliant!" Ron said. "Well... we'll be haunting the library again..."

"Don't forget the map and cloak," Harry said.

Hermione grinned back. "All right, let's go and get Ron new robes, shall we?"

Gladrags Wizard Wear was right across the street from them, and they headed in there first.

"Affordable," Ron said. "Hmm..."

"How about these?" Hermione said, brandishing maroon robes that looked more or less than their school robes.

"No way... not maroon..." Ron said.

"It looks good on you, though..." Hermione said.

"Does it?" Ron said, now that Hermione had complimented him. Harry sniggered, which caused Ron to say stoutly, "No maroon."

Hermione sighed. "All right. Don't tell me you're going to pick bright orange..."

Ron hung up the bright orange robes he had taken down hurriedly. "Nope. No bright orange for me," he said weakly.

"Good," Hermione said. "I have an idea. Why don't we all wear green? We'll all match that way..."

Harry and Ron exchanged bewildered looks. "Er..." Ron said.

"My grandmother's buying robes," Harry said. "Remember?"

Hermione sighed again. "I guess not. Too babyish, right?" Harry and Ron were quick to agree. "Perhaps black, Ron?"

"Malfoy's going to appear in black," Ron said sourly.

Hermione looked impatient. "Ron, half of the people at the Yule Ball were wearing black..."

"Blue?" Harry said.

"It clashes with my hair!" Ron said.

"And orange doesn't?" Harry said sarcastically. "Yellow? Pink? Purple..."

"No!" Ron said.

"Well, you'll just have to wear brown, then," Hermione said acidly. "Or white. But that will have to be from the girl's section..."
"Fine, blue," Ron said sullenly.

"I've got it!" Hermione said, holding sky blue robes up on its hanger. "Try these, Ron."

Ron made a face. "Did you get those from the women's section?" he said in a disgusted tone.

"NO! For your information, Ron, these are Gilderoy Lockhart brand! Remember when Lockhart started his own clothing line for men last year when they released him?" Hermione said.

This time, both Harry and Ron gagged. "Oh, all right," Hermione said, reluctantly placing the sky blue robes back on the rack.

"Can't I just wear navy blue... not from Lockhart?" Ron said. "Robes like these?" he asked, holding up navy blue robes that looked like their school robes.

"Didn't Percy wear those?" Hermione asked. "They look familiar... perhaps you should go with these..." her hand strayed towards the Lockhart robes again.

"No! I'll take these robes any day!" Ron said. "I want these," he said hurriedly. "C'mon, Harry, let's go and pay for these..."

"Harry! Ron!" the shop assistant said.

"Katie?" the two said simultaneously. "What are you doing here?" Harry said. "Wasn't Oliver saving you a spot on Puddlemere United?"

"Yes, but that was before the day his older brother got married to Nymphadora Tonks. He was too busy after that."

"Tonks?" Harry said in surprise. "But... I thought..."

Katie laughed. "It was secret, of course... both of them are Aurors. And they're partners too... no one's questioning them about if they're married or not. No one really knows they're married at all."

"How long have they been married?" Ron said.

"Since March," Katie said. "Anyway, Oliver totally forgot, and it didn't matter to me, because I was applying for the Defense Against the Dark Arts position. Dumbledore and the others seemed very impressed, and Flitwick even told me it was very likely I would get the job. But then Cho Chang got it, and it was too late to talk to Oliver, so I ended up here. It's owned by my uncle. He wasn't too pleased, mind you..."

"Why did Cho get the job?" Harry said.

"I suppose its because she can do a Patronus, and I can't," Katie said.

There was a rapping on the door, and Harry looked up to see his grandmother standing outside, holding a box and looking impatient.

"Well, I'll see you around," Harry said. "Have to go."

"Bye!" Katie said. "Good luck against Ravenclaw tomorrow!"

"Why does it take you so long to get over here?" Mrs. Potter demanded.

"I was talking to an old friend, Grandmother," Harry said.

"Right. Take these."

"What color are they?"

"Does it matter, Henry?"

"My name is Harry, Grandmother."

"To me, it is Henry. Now go back inside. It was rude of you to leave your friend inside." She strode away. Harry watched her leave silently.

"Harry! Mate! I was thinking... what if Chang gave..." Ron said, followed by Hermione. "What's wrong?"

"Why did she just come back to rule my life just now? I mean, she left me with the Dursleys for sixteen years..." Harry fumed.

"Your grandmother? She could have been afraid to face you..." Hermione said.

"Face me? Why?" Harry said.

"Something could have happened. Whatever reason it is, it must have stopped her before this..." Hermione said. "Look. You'll find out when she's ready to tell you..."

"Yeah... after she learns my name," Harry said viciously.

"Let's see your robes," Hermione said, changing the subject. "It looks like she got them custom made... look at the box..."

Fearing the worst, Harry opened the box. Not too bad, he thought. The robes were black, which was not the worst color... Harry could imagine worse... and trimmed with silver.

"If only you didn't represent Malfoy and Slytherin," Ron joked.

"At least the collar doesn't make me look like a vampire or vicar," Harry said. "Not bad."

"I'm freezing... want to go for a butterbeer?" Hermione said.

"All right," Ron agreed.

The Three Broomsticks was crowded with Hogwarts students. Many of them had parcels which contained new robes in front of them ("I can't believe they just announced the ball," Parvati said to her twin. "I haven't got any make-up left.")

Harry, Ron, and Hermione sat at their usual table.

"Hello," Madam Rosmerta said. "Ah... will there be another?" she said. Harry could have sworn she had looked disapprovingly in his direction.

"No," Harry said. "Ron, Ginny's not coming, is she?"

"Nah, she's with Colin. See?" Ron said. The Creevey brothers and Ginny were near the windows. Nearby were Icicle and Malfoy, with Blaise Zabini and Crabbe and Goyle. Nott sat sullenly in his seat. Pansy was half on Malfoy's lap, while Icicle looked at her with an expression of hatred.

Madam Rosmerta saw this, and her expression softened. "Right," she said in her usual, kindly voice. "Three butterbeers, I presume?"

"Yes, please," Hermione said. Madam Rosmerta walked away, her blue shoes clicking.

"So..." Harry said.

"Did you hear? The Chudley Cannons are in the lead against the Tutshill Tornadoes!" Ron said, turning his ear to the Wizarding Wireless Network. "80 to 50! That's brilliant! They might go against the Harpies or the Ballycastle Bats!"

"That's nice," Hermione said in a bored voice.

"Nah... Puddlemere United's always pulled through," Harry said. "See?"

"And Keeper Wood of Puddlemere United saves!" the announcer said. "They just might promote Wood to starter Keeper next season!"

"I still say that Joey Jenkins will score," Ron said. "I'd bet a lethifold on it."

Hermione snorted. "You can't bet a lethifold," she said. "Lethifolds are creatures."

"Oh," Ron said, turning red. "Well... well it sounded good..."

Madam Rosmerta arrived with the drinks. "Hey!" Ron said suddenly. "We're of age! Madam Rosmerta, can I try a firewhisky? My older brothers said they were the best!"

"Are you sure?" Madam Rosmerta said. "They're really strong..."

"I'm sure," Ron said brightly. Madam Rosmerta walked away again.

"Firewhisky, Ron?" Harry said. "I don't see what's so great about firewhisky."

Ron shrugged. "I'll mix it with butterbeer," he said quietly to Harry.

"Just make sure you're careful," Hermione said. "I heard the effects of firewhisky don't come until later on."

"Yeah, yeah," Ron said. "Thanks," he added as Madam Rosmerta put a steaming mug of an orange liquid in front of him.

"Well, here goes..." he said, adding butterbeer and taking a tiny sip. His face contorted in disgust as he spat it out onto his robes. "Bleh!" he said. "Disgusting!"

"That'll go well with your robes," Ginny said.

"What are you doing here?" Ron said.

"We got kicked out of our table. Icicle wasn't too happy with Parkinson and Zabini hanging off her boyfriend..." Colin said.

"Well sit down," Hermione said. Colin sat down immediately next to Harry, while Ginny sat on the other side of Ron. Dennis was left with the seat between the two. The others started up a conversation, but Harry and Ginny glowered silently at each other. They were far from making up. In fact, the situation was probably worse than before, and neither wanted to apologize for anything.

The two kept taking sips of their drinks, glaring at each other. Colin noticed finally and said, "Whoa... take it easy, you two..."

"Bloody hell, Ginny! You drank my firewhisky!" Ron exclaimed.

"Really? I didn't notice. It tasted like butterbeer..."

"Butterbeer?" Hermione shrieked. "Ron, you mixed firewhisky with butterbeer? That just makes it worse than normal! Ginny will be ill!"

"I'm feeling all right, Hermione, honestly," Ginny said.

"Hermione, she'll be fine," Ron said.

"Well... all right," Hermione said. Suddenly, there was a racket as the two Slytherin tables were almost overturned. The pub grew silent as Malfoy got on one knee.

"Will you marry me, Goyle?" he said.

Harry's jaw dropped. Malfoy turned to Blaise instead, and repeated the question. Blaise walked over to their table. "Get away, Draco!" she said.

Malfoy strode over to Harry, who braced himself. "Please marry me, Potter," Malfoy said.

Harry gagged. The butterbeer in his stomach didn't feel too good. Mercifully, Malfoy turned to Icicle, and started kissing her passionately.

"Mr. Malfoy! Miss Velour!" McGonagall said. The two started making a racket, overturning tables, and making people watch them. Through the din, a folded piece of parchment was pressed into Harry's hand. Harry looked up, and was in time to see Blaise Zabini smile mysteriously at him. She shook her head, and stuck her hand inside a pocket.

Harry followed suit, and put the parchment into his pocket.

"What was that?" Ron said, looking at the splintered remains of a chair under him. Malfoy and Icicle had smashed it moments before.


"Well, if it isn't our Head Boy, back to our humble abode," Dean said, grinning. "Come on in, Harry... it hasn't been the same without you."

"Who is it?" Seamus said, his voice muffled from behind his dress robes.

"It's Harry," Dean said.

"I don't clash too much, do I?" Ron said.

"I don't think Hermione would care if you wear nothing to the ball tonight," Harry said, smirking. "In fact, I think she'd rather you go starkers..."

"But she might not be my partner!" Ron said.

"Relax... McGonagall knows about you two..." Harry said. "On the other hand... my grandmother probably stuck me with a snob..."

They got dressed. Harry felt as if he were back in fourth year, during the Yule Ball. Ron was even picking absent-mindedly at his cuffs. Harry didn't even try to flatten his hair; he knew it was hopeless.

"So we find out who our partners are in the Entrance Hall?" Neville said.

"Yeah," Seamus said.

"I hope my partner's nice..." Neville said. Everyone laughed. It had sounded just like their first year.

"I can't believe it's seventh year already," Dean said, voicing everyone's opinion. "It seems like yesterday that we were sorted."

Ron shrugged. "Maybe it was yesterday, and we're still eleven," he said, grinning.

"C'mon," Harry said. "It's almost time."

He and Ron met Hermione, who was in robes of sky blue, with her hair in a simple bun, in the Common Room. "You look lovely," Ron assured her.

The Entrance Hall was crowded with people craning their necks to view the lists. "Hey, Harry," Mark Evans said, walking over. "I'm partners with Katherine Walters," he said, introducing the Gryffindor second year next to him.

"Move, Evans," Reginald Amber said, his gray eyes glinting. He was pulling a first year Ravenclaw behind him. Harry recognised her as Jenna Zirkira. She looked absolutely miserable.

"Hermione, you're with me!" Ron said.

"Oh, gasp," Harry said sarcastically. "I told you so," he added, grinning.

"You two are together, aren't you?" Ginny said to Ron and Hermione, ignoring Harry. She was in white, with her hair pulled back loosely.

"Who are you with?" Ron said.

"I don't know. I'm going to look." Ginny walked off.

"I guess I'll go see too," Harry said. He spotted his name at the top of one of the list.

"Well, who is it?" Ron said, catching up. He scanned the lists. "You're with Icicle?" he said incredulously. "But..."

"I'm with Malfoy!" Ginny said to Ron. She looked very annoyed. "Malfoy!" she spat.

"Well... the professors aren't exactly gossip fans..." Hermione said.

Harry sighed. "Off to get my partner," he said.

"Hello, Harry," Icicle said when he reached her. Malfoy was nowhere to be found. "You look nice."

"So do you," Harry said. Icicle was in her usual black, her hair flowing down her back.

"Well, we still match..." Icicle said, smiling weakly.

"I suppose," Harry said, smiling back. The two linked arms like everyone else, and headed towards the doors to the Great Hall.

Malfoy looked sour, standing next to Ginny. Harry didn't see the calculative, Slytherin smile Icicle had on her face until she said sweetly, "Harry, you wouldn't mind if Ginny and I switched? I do want to be with Draco."

Harry thought. Could this be a ploy to get him and Ginny on good terms again? If he said yes, he would mind, Icicle wouldn't be happy, and even though he was angry with Ginny, he appreciated Icicle's efforts. But if he said no, then that would mean making Malfoy happy...

"All right," Harry said.

Icicle beamed. "Thanks, Harry!" She waltzed over to Malfoy, who seemed happy (Harry almost retched) with the decision. Ginny, however, looked less than happy as she walked reluctantly over to Harry.

A bell went off somewhere as McGonagall, who was acting Headmistress, stood on a podium and addressed the entire school. "Welcome to tonight's Etiquette Ball. Everyone should have a partner. Both of you must stay together for the evening. There will be a lesson on proper manners at the table while eating, followed by a lesson in dancing."

Harry could see everyone's faces grow more and more disgusted. "Oh, this is going to be so educational!" Hermione whispered from next to him. She and Ron had moved towards them during the speech. So maybe not everyone.

"Will the Head Boy and Girl and their partners please come up here to lead everyone into the Great Hall," McGonagall said. Everyone started up their conversations again as they waited.

"Move, Harry!" Ginny said. She had stopped calling him "Potter" when Ron had threatened to hex her. And Harry had stopped called Ginny "Virginia" because of Ron as well. However, the conversations he and Ginny had (if any), were barely civil and usually two lines long.

"I'm going," Harry said sullenly, letting himself be pulled along by Ginny. He could see the smirking faces of Malfoy and Malfoy's cousin through the crowd. Mark and Ron were smirking as well, though in a friendly way.

"You look lovely," Padma mouthed to Ginny as they got to the front.

"Thanks," Ginny said, still disgruntled that she was with Harry.

Harry's grandmother was also up near the doors, next to McGonagall. The two stopped chatting as Grandmother made her way up to Harry. "You look lovely, dear," she said. Harry almost became sick again. Dear? Since when did his Grandmother start acting like Mrs. Weasley?

His fears subsided when Grandmother began to rant about his hair and how it was so messy, unlike his father's (according to her, James' hair had been neat until he had decided to purposely ruffle it up) and how his robes weren't creased correctly.

"For heaven's sake, child, take your partner's arm and lead her in to dinner like a gentleman," Grandmother said. She turned to Harry. "Weren't you with Miss Velour?" she asked quizzically. "And where are those glasses? Put them on!"

Harry sighed inwardly, reached into his pocket, and put his glasses on. They were totally useless, but it was also totally useless to argue with the woman.

Grandmother swept away, and Terry Boot, Padma's partner, gave Harry a sympathetic look. Padma, however, was looking at Harry's neckline strangely. "Harry, what's that?" she asked.

"What?" Harry asked, looking down. Gasping silently, he quickly slipped the necklace back under his robes. "Nothing."

"I've seen that necklace somewhere... in a book," Padma said. "In the Head Girl's book. There was a legend or something about it... someone wrote about it."

"Really?" Harry asked, interested.

"Mmmhmm," Padma said. "Want me to find it? It'd be nice to know if your necklace has a legend behind it. The book's at home right now... my mum wanted to see it again... she was Head Girl too, you know. I'll bring it when we get back from the holidays."

"Yeah, thanks..." Harry said. If Padma was right about the necklace...

The doors to the Great Hall opened, and Harry, Padma, Ginny, and Terry led the way into the room. Many circular tables were set up, and each table had a card on it with names written on it. The four, along with Ron, Hermione, Parvati, and Anthony Goldstein, found a table with their names (besides Ginny's, the card still said Isidora Velour).

Harry sat down in one of the chairs. Ron poked at a bowl of fruit in the center until he jumped back abruptly as a ghostly white figure rose out of it, rotating slowly. Harry noticed that all of the other students were watching similar white figures at their own tables.

"Welcome to the Etiquette Ball," the figure said. Harry realized it was his grandmother's voice. "Dinner will now be served." Immediately, a type of salad appeared on their plates. "Always remember the rule of thumb: With cutlery, start outside, and move in."

"This is like one of those etiquette books I saw at a Muggle bookshop," Hermione said in awe. Harry nodded in agreement, but the others just looked confused.

The figure continued. "When eating, always drape your napkin across your lap." Harry soon found himself ignoring the figure, and just eating. After a while, no one was listening at the table except for Hermione, who was watching with rapt attention.

"Do you think the steak has too much salt in it?" Padma asked worriedly.

"Can I have yours?" Ron asked eagerly, spraying Harry and Ginny with chunks of meat.

"While you're at it, you can have mine too," Harry said weakly, feeling quite sick.

"Mine too," Ginny said in a strangled voice.

"Fanks!" Ron said, grabbing all three pieces and spraying Harry and Ginny with meat again.

Hermione tore her eyes away from the figure long enough to sigh, "Honestly, Ron!"

Ron wasn't listening. "Blimey, Harry, look! Chocolate cake!" he said, pointing at the dessert that had appeared on the plate. The figure was saying something new. Harry was just glad Ron's mouth was empty. He could see his grandmother looking at the table in disgust.

The figures on the fruit bowls disappeared as soon as everyone was done. McGonagall, with a flick of her wand, cleared the tables, and motioned for everyone to get up and move to the left-hand side of the hall. The tables disappeared, and two groups of witches and wizards trooped in. One was the Weird Sisters, dressed in... was Harry seeing correctly? Instead of their usual rags, the Weird Sisters were dressed in fancy dress robes. Next to them was a group of three young witches, dressed in lavender robes with the words "Wand Girls" written in red on the back. What had his grandmother done to the two groups?

Around Harry, the others were also whispering and staring in surprise.

"Selena doesn't look like she can play guitar in those robes," Susan Bones said to her friend Hannah, pointing to a pretty witch from Wand Girls with long purple hair.

"Mmm," Hannah agreed. "Nimue doesn't look right in those robes..." she added, looking in the direction of another member, this time with spiky green hair.

"Really..." Ginny said, joining in their conversation. Harry knew she was glad that she had an excuse to get away before the two of them got into an explosive argument, "Kiara's sleeves will get in the way of the drums."

Harry's grandmother went up to the podium. "Welcome to the ball! Everyone, please get with your partners, and we will start with the dancing! After all, the best way to learn is from experience!" She nodded to the large group on the makeshift stage McGonagall had conjured. They immediately began to strike up a slow, classical tune.

"Er... right..." Harry said to Ginny once all the others had begun to dance, some reluctantly. Parvati, who was Neville's partner, was wincing. Harry and Ginny held onto each other gingerly, moving as little as possible.

Percy passed them, with Cho. He glanced at them disapprovingly as he was swept away. Harry could see Fudge talking with one of the fifth year prefects and his partner. So the Ministry was there.

The Weird Sisters and the Wand Girls struck up a faster tune. Ginny was looking ill, and Harry doubted it was all because of him. Saying perhaps the first sincere words he had said to her since summer, he asked, "Are you feeling all right?"

Ginny didn't answer. Finally, after several minutes, she shook her head, looking quite green. "C'mon, let's go outside..." Harry said.

"I can...go...myself," gasped Ginny.

"It'll look suspicious if I'm standing here alone," Harry said, his impatience showing. "Let's go before you spew all over everyone."

He dragged her along to the doors of the Great Hall. They managed to squeeze out into the Entrance Hall without anyone noticing. Ginny bolted out the front door, dragging Harry along. She was barely out the door before she leaned over some bushes, and was sick.

Harry thought of what could have made her so sick. His thoughts came upon the firewhisky Ron had ordered. Of course. Hermione had said the effects didn't come up until later.

Ginny came up, gasping. "Are you all right now?" Harry asked.

But Ginny was listening for something. Harry blinked in surprise, and then tuned his attention to the sounds around them also. Someone was murmuring behind one of the bushes nearby.

"What did you find out?" came the familiar voice of Percy.

The next voice was unmistakably Cho's. "You-Know-Who... McGonagall...Order..." Harry and Ginny looked at each other in surprise and crept over to the bush.

However, Cho and Percy seemed to have heard them, since they started snogging right away. Ginny gave a noise of disgust and Percy looked up, his face red.

"What are you doing here?" he and Ginny said simultaneously.

Harry looked at Ginny. How were they supposed to explain their presence?

"Er..." Harry said. "We...we... we were just... er..."

"We were just about to come in here for a quick snog," Ginny explained briskly. Harry turned around, his face showing the utmost horror, but Percy and Cho didn't notice. Percy was too busy turning red, and Cho was giggling. Harry was almost reminded of the old, nice Cho, before she became bitter.

Percy immediately pounced on Harry. Harry shot Ginny a very annoyed glare, and then reached out to push Percy into a bush full of brambles and thorns. Percy gave a cry of pain, and then pulled Harry into the bush with him. Harry felt the thorns prickle into his skin, and immediately jumped out, thanks to his Quidditch reflexes. Percy was left thrashing in the bush, yelling.

"Get out," Harry said in an annoyed voice.

"How?" Percy wailed.

"Stop moving," Harry said, sighing. Percy stopped moving, and whimpered as Harry pulled him out of the bush. For a second, Harry thought he saw Cho smirk as if the thing had been funny, like she would have in the past, but it was an angry scowl the second time he looked.

The annoyance was soon replaced with suspicion as Percy and Cho walked back to the castle, Percy walking gingerly. What were the two talking about when he and Ginny had walked in on them? It certainly wasn't love-struck talking.

"Are you insane?" Harry said as soon as Cho and Percy had walked inside. "We

were out here to snog," he mimicked. "There are millions of other excuses to choose from, but you just had to choose the one that got me stuck in thorns!"

Ginny smirked, as if that was exactly what she had intended. "You're looking quite like Malfoy now, you know," Harry said, unnerved. Ginny continued to smirk. "What?" Harry said. Ginny was still smirking.

"What is it?" Harry ground out.

Ginny smirked even wider.

Harry turned around to see what was so funny. Behind him was one of his worst


Author notes: Erm... in case the Etiquette Ball annoyed you... it does have to do with the plot, you know.

Thank you to my Beta, Favrielle, and my Brit-picker, ephemera. My story is so much better now!

Thanks to Favrielle, Dean Ahlberg, DarkWitch13, JenPotter, Nonya, FireInfluence192196, jgwatsonjg, D2Diamond, Bellatrix the Black, blackeaerials, AgiVega, jwilliams, MaegnasEssenya (I'll try to get my chapters out faster... porbably won't be able to...), Dracoluverforever, and pucca_fan for reviewing!