The Legend of the Phoenix Well


Story Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, he just might be becoming more Slytherin... over a girl! What's Harry to do?

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, Harry thinks he might be turning Slytherin. What's Harry to do? In this chapter, a lot is revealed, and there's more angry!Ginny.
Author's Note:
Yay! It's up! I've just been so busy... this one's a longer chapter!

Chapter Five: Professors and Pursuers

Icicle and Malfoy were laughing about something. Ron was watching them, an expression of the deepest hatred on his face.

"I can't stand the nerve..." Ron said, sputtering.

"Calm down," Harry said. He, however, began his silent raging at himself again when Ginny walked by with her sixth year friends.

"Move, Potter, you're blocking an empty carriage," Ginny said.

"Ginny!" Ron said in surprise.

Harry, instead of apologizing immediately for earlier that day, found his temper rising. "Aren't there other carriages besides the one my arrogant butt was touching, or is is just because you love me so much that you just want anything that I touched?" he spat sarcastically.

"Harry!" Ron said.

"Move," Ginny said in a dangerous voice.

"Suit yourself. Hope you like stroking the side of the carriage where I touched it, Virginia," Harry retorted. He surprised even himself. He had never called Ginny by her full name. No one ever did.

"Screw you, Potter," Ginny said.

Harry let out a humorless laugh. "I look forward to it," he said sarcastically.

"What are you doing? You're just making her hate you more!" Ron said.

"Do you seriously think I care? She started it," Harry said. Inside, however, the anger was subsiding, and he wanted to apologize again.

Hermione rushed over. "Did you apologize?" she asked.

"No. He acted like a great prat, and said he looked forward to... never mind," Ron said.

"Look, she started it, she wants to hate me, let her hate me," Harry said before climbing into a carriage. It was starting to drizzle outside. The rain reflected Harry's mood.

Ron and Hermione climbed in after him. "I thought you didn't want to hate her, or for her to hate you," Hermione said softly. Harry didn't answer. Instead, he reached over her and Ron, and slammed the door shut.

"Harry?" Hermione said. "Did you hear me?"

"'Course I did," Harry said jerkily, tearing a Chocolate Frog box in half. "I have ears." He tore it in half again.

Hermione didn't say anything else. A roll of thunder sounded. It reflected Harry's mood as well.

"Er... so... anyone want a Chocolate Frog?" Ron asked, holding one up. He waved it under Harry's nose. "You know you want it..."

Harry looked at him.

Ron faltered. "So... you don't want it. All right." He opened the box, and broke the chocolate in half, taking a bite out of one of the halves. "Mmmm...chocolatey... sure you don't want some?" He held the other half out to Harry.

Harry stared at him some more.

Ron dropped his hand. "Look, I'm just trying to cheer you up. She'll come around, you'll see. Hermione? Want it?"

"No, thank you," Hermione said curtly, looking at the half a frog in disgust. "I'm on a diet, thanks."

"A diet, Mione dearest? You don't need one," Ron said. Hermione glared at him. Ron sighed. "I see my efforts are not wanted here," he said mock dramatically. He started to sing.

"I'm all alone, there's no one here beside me. My troubles have all gone home, there's no one to right meeeee... but ya gotta have friends..."

No one said anything. Hermione glared at Ron, who didn't notice. "Ah, I see you like my singing skills!" Ron said. "Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you..." he began to feel Hermione. "That is how I know you, go Near, far, where ever you are..." his voice cracked on the 'ever'.

Harry let out a snort of laughter. Ron grinned. "Ah, see? I can cheer you up! Yeah... Ron Weasley, amazing comedian!"

Hermione let out a giggle. "Amazing comedian, Ronald Weasley?"

Ron puffed himself up. "How dare you insult the great Ronald Weasley?"

Hermione poked him, and he deflated. "Damn," he muttered. "You deflated me!"

The word deflated reminded Harry of Ginny again, and he fell silent. However, the carriage was slowing down, and the three got out of their carriage.

"Hey, Harry!" a voice called.

Harry turned. Padma was waiting with Parvati. "We have to knock on the door, and you're closer."

Harry shrugged. "All right." He knocked loudly on the door three times. It opened, and McGonagall stepped aside to let the students in.

"It's freezing out there!" Hermione commented as they stepped into the warm entrance hall. The students filed in, shivering, and then walked into the Great Hall. Harry immediately looked to see who was the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, but the seat was empty.

However, Viktor Krum was sitting next to Professor Snape. "Ron, look!" Hermione said. "Viktor's here!"

Ron's grin turned sour. "Vicky's here?" he asked disbelievingly.

Viktor was talking to Professor Flitwick on his other side. He looked up, and waved. Hermione and Harry waved back, but Ron just glared.

He stood in the middle of the aisle, glaring, until Hermione pulled on the back of his robes, making him fall backwards onto a bench at the Gryffindor table with a thump.

The other students settled down into their seats. "I'm hungry!" Ron whined. "Why can't the boats go faster?"

As if on cue, the doors of the Great Hall burst open, and Hagrid marched in, a line of scared-looking first years behind him. McGonagall was bringing out the patched Sorting Hat and the stool. She set it down, and the hall quieted. The hat began to sing.

'Twas a long time since I was made,

A thousand years or so,

I've sorted them all,

It's been no ball.

The famous,

The rich,

The handsome,

The cumbersome.

The Hufflepuffs:

Loyal and true,

The Ravenclaws:

Clever, with everything to do.

The Gryffindors:

Brave and reckless,

The Slytherins:

Cunning and pitiless.

So put me on,

I'll sort you into the house which you belong,

Quick as a tap,

For I'm a quick-witted cap!

The hall burst into applause as the song was finished. McGonagall unrolled a scroll, and called, "Amber, Reginald!"

A small boy with a pale face and pale blond hair who looked a lot like Malfoy swaggered up to the hat. The hat had barely touched his head when it shouted, "SLYTHERIN!"

"Shame, first person sorted is a Slytherin," Ron said.

Harry could see Malfoy telling Goyle something. He could see the words "my cousin" being said. "No wonder they look so alike," Harry thought.

Reginald Amber smirked, and walked over to Malfoy, who moved over. Harry was groaning inwardly. If he had to be Head Boy over two Malfoys...

Jenna Zirkira was sorted into Ravenclaw, and then Dumbledore stood up. The hall instantly was quiet. "Let's eat!"

Everyone cheered. The food magically appeared on the plates, and Ron began to stuff himself silly. When the students were finished, Dumbledore stood up again.

"Welcome to another year," Dumbledore said. Harry thought he sounded a bit more tired than usual. "Well... this year... we start off with some sad news. About a month ago, fourteen students were killed. Let us remember them." Everyone raised their glasses. Dumbledore cleared his throat. "And now for some happier news."

"What?" Hermione said disbelievingly. "That's all? But... that's not like Dumbledore!" Harry agreed. Dumbledore, however, went on.

"This year, we are happy to introduce Mr. Viktor Krum, who will be interning under Professor Snape. We hope that when Professor Snape leaves us, he will become the new Potions Master."

A loud burst of applause burst out. Most of the louder clappers were crazed girls. Ron sat sullenly in his seat.

"We are also happy to mention that we have a new student joining us for her last year of school. Please welcome Isidora Velour, who will be filling in the empty spot in Slytherin." The hall was silent as Icicle went to sit next to Malfoy.

Ron's face was a mixture of anger and disbelief. "Slytherin?" he said. "I'll have to warn her about Malfoy..."

Dumbledore looked at the table. "Well, it seems our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is not here yet. Anyhow, you will meet her soon enough, and most of you know her..."

"Shoot me if it's Umbridge," Ron muttered.

"Will do," Hermione said cheerfully.

"What are you so cheerful about?" Harry said, still miffed about having to go to school with two Malfoys.

"I know who the teacher is. Viktor told me," Hermione said.

Ron turned red, and scowled. "Vicky told you?"

Harry ignored him. "Who is it?"

Hermione smiled. "Not telling..."

"Please?" Ron pleaded.

Hermione shook her head. "You'll find out soon enough."

All attention turned back to Dumbledore. "And now..." he started. The students waited for his call. It didn't come. Instead, Dumbledore turned bright green, and disappeared under the table. Chaos erupted.

"What's happening?" Hermione said worriedly.

McGonagall rushed up. "All students to their dormitories. Now!"

The students proceeded to the doors. "Hey, you... yeah, you, shorty, let's go!" Ron shouted, beckoning to a first year girl.

"Ron!" Hermione said. "This way, Gryffindor first years!"

The eight scared-looking first years made their way through the crowds to Hermione.

"Come on," Hermione said as she led them through the corridors, Ron and Harry behind the group.

It was not until they reached the Portrait Hole when Harry realized he had forgotten something. A large crowd was standing in front of the portrait hole, waiting.

"Erm... Hermione... what's the password?" second year Mark Evans asked. Mark was a very distant relative of Harry's, from his mother's side. It was something like third cousin, twice removed.

"Harry, what's the password?" Hermione asked, turning to Harry.

"Crap," was all Harry said.

"Crap?" Ron said, snickering.

"No, I meant, crap, I forgot to ask," Harry said. He slapped himself on the forehead. "The other houses probably don't know either. Wait here."

He sprinted off down the hall, almost breaking a leg when he tripped on a step. The professors were all in the entrance hall, and Dumbledore was leaning out the door, breathing in fresh air.

Harry, however, sprinted towards McGonagall. "Professor?" he gasped.

"Yes, Mr. Potter?"

"Er...we...we...f-forgot to ask for the passwords," Harry said, turning red.

McGonagall sighed. "Here, Mr. Potter. Make sure you burn the sheet after you tell the Prefects." She handed him a sheet of parchment with the passwords to the dormitories and Prefects bathrooms.

Harry looked at it. He wasn't surprised to see that Slytherin's password was Parseltongue. Gryffindor's new password was Alohomora. Harry grinned. So secret.

Dumbledore backed up, and a cloaked figure came in. Dumbledore smiled. "I see you have arrived.

"Sorry I'm late," the person said. The voice was familiar to Harry. "My friends were trying to get me a new boyfriend. Since I haven't had one since sixth year." She giggled.

"Oh, no," Harry thought. "We've got a giggly teacher."

The teacher removed her hood. "Crap," Harry said under his breath again. He was in need of a punching bag.


"What?" Malfoy said sourly, standing at the head of a large crowd of Slytherins. Icicle was watching him, a strange look in her eyes.

"I think you need the password," Harry said coolly. "Or are you so smart that you can figure it out on your own?" he added sarcastically.

"I don't need it from you, Potter," Malfoy spat.

"Suit yourself," Harry said, turning away. "I'll be back in an hour to check that everyone's in the dormitories. If not, well, it'll be fifty-six points of Slytherin, one for each student."

Harry started to walk away.

"Wait a minute!" Malfoy called. Harry turned, a sardonic smile on his face. Malfoy seemed to be struggling with himself. "Give me the password," he finally said.

"Parseltongue," Harry said.

"I knew that," Malfoy said sourly. Harry chose to ignore him. Annoying Malfoy had calmed him a bit from the shock.

Another person, however, didn't ignore Malfoy's incredibly stupid comeback. There was a soft giggle from the Slytherin crowd. Both Harry and Malfoy's heads snapped in the culprit's detention.

"Zabini," Malfoy said breathlessly. Icicle scowled.

Blaise Zabini, a bewitching seventh year girl with (Harry wondered why) dark red hair and violet eyes. She was probably the only decent looking Slytherin girl before Icicle came. Her personality, however, revealed that she believed boys were her toys. None could escape her if she tried. Not even Draco Malfoy, champion "no-emotion".

If it had been any other girl, perhaps with the exception of Icicle, Harry knew Malfoy would have given them detention, and perhaps cursed them. It was Blaise, however, and Malfoy stood still as a statue, staring.

Everyone turned as someone ran down the dungeon corridor, panting. Padma Patil revealed herself as she rounded the corner.

"You...have...passwords?" she asked breathlessly.

"Here," Harry said, handing her the paper. He could sense the number of Slytherin eyes following the coveted password sheet hungrily. "You do Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff."

Padma nodded, and strode quickly away. Everyone's heads snapped immediately back to Blaise and Draco.

Before anyone could say anything, Icicle broke in. "He's mine, Zambini," she said coldly.

Malfoy said nothing. Blaise raised one heavily penciled eyebrow. "Really, Velour? Is that right? Draco, are you hers?"

Malfoy gulped. Harry rolled his eyes. "Ahem," he said. Everyone looked at him.

"What, Potter?" Blaise said. Malfoy was still speechless.

"Can we argue later? I need to take attendance," Harry said.

"We'll fight when we want," Blaise challenged.

"Look, it's not like I bring my arguments..." Harry started.

"POTTER!" an extremely angry-sounding female voice screamed. Harry cringed, then got extremely annoyed. This was making him look extremely stupid.

Ginny Weasley stormed towards the group of people. Harry noticed her hair was emerald green, and something was written in black on it, which Harry couldn't read.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR?" she screamed.

"This isn't the best time to argue," Harry gritted. Malfoy was beginning to smirk.


"Oh, just because I so-called cheated on you, that means everything that goes wrong is my fault?" Harry said, his anger getting to him.

Malfoy's smirk grew into a wide, Fred and George-like grin.

"I KNOW YOU DID!" Ginny repeated.

Harry then let out a string of curse words that, if his mother were alive, she would have screamed and beat him with a broomstick.

Malfoy's grin, if possible, became wider.

Icicle cut in gently. "Ginny, it might have been one of Fred and..."


Icicle blushed, and Harry stared determinedly at the ceiling.

This angered Ginny more. She started towards Icicle. Harry quickly grasped the back of her robes. "So you do like her!" Ginny seethed.

"No," Harry said calmly.

"Then why are you holding me back? This is not your concern."

"Detention, Miss Weasley," Harry said as coolly as Snape.

Ginny seemed to calm down. She suddenly looked shocked. She blushed, and left quickly. Harry watched her go.

"Thanks," Icicle said softly.

"Ron wants to see you," Harry said.


The Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher wasn't there when Harry got to the Great Hall the next morning. Harry was glad. He had a few more moments before he had to face her again.

"Good morning," Hermione said as Harry put his bag down on the floor. "How was your night?"

"Too silent," Harry groaned. The Head Boy room had been devoid of any snores.

"I see," Hermione said lightly. "Ron's talking to Icicle right now."

Harry glanced at the Slytherin table. Ron was red faced. Icicle did not seem to be taking the warning too well. Her pale cheeks were flushed, and her dark eyes were flashing dangerously. Harry shook his head, and faced his eggs again. He didn't feel like eating.

Ron stormed over to the Gryffindor table a few minutes later, practically radiating heat. "I. Told. Her," he said jerkily, ripping a piece of bacon violently. "Wouldn't. Listen." Harry decided not to comment.

Hermione reached eagerly for the seventh year schedules when McGonagall handed them out. She quickly passed them to Harry and Ron, then scanned hers excitedly. She looked a bit put out.

Harry looked at his, and groaned.

"What?" Ron said, looking at his. "You know who our new teacher is?"

Harry gagged in response.

"Ah," Ron said. "So it's Umbridge?"

"Worse," Harry moaned.

"Harry, get a grip on yourself. No one's worse than that cow," Hermione said.

Sighing, Harry looked back at his schedule. He had N.E.W.T. Defense Against the Dark Arts after N.E.W.T. potions. Possibly the worst combination in the history of Hogwarts. Herbology, Charms, Care of Magical Creatures, Astronomy (in which everyone received an O because of the situation), and Transfiguration were all on the following days. Harry was glad he had dropped Divination and History of Magic.

Ron glanced at the time. "You two are about to be late for Snape!" he said.

"Who said we don't get Krum?" Harry said.

Ron had a smug look on his face. "Because Snape's the only one who teaches N.E.W.T. level."

Hermione was in all N.E.W.T. classes. Harry, who had surprised even himself, was in the same ones as Hermione, besides Arithmancy. He, of course, had dropped Divination and History of Magic. Ron, on the other hand, had the same classes with Harry except for Potions, which he took on O.W.L. level with those who didn't make N.E.W.T. level. He would have gladly dropped it if there wasn't the rule that made him take Potions.

Harry sighed, and followed Hermione out of the Great Hall. Quickly, they made their way to the dungeons. Snape wasn't in yet, which was a relief. Harry and Hermione sat down in the back of the room, and waited.

The rest of the class walked in. A giggling Icicle came in with Malfoy, Blaise Zabini trailing behind with a half-smile on her face. Padma Patil came in with Terry Boot and Anthony Goldstein. She nodded in greeting. Michael Corner came in with his newest love interest, Susan Bones. Susan's friend Hannah and Zachariah Smith walked in, followed by Neville. The whole school had been surprised when Neville had gotten into N.E.W.T. potions.

A few seconds after Neville had settled himself on the other side of Harry, Snape barged out of his office, probably annoyed that he was yet again teaching.

He glared around at the entire class, and then said jerkily, "Assignment on board. Easier version of Polyjuice Potion. We will be testing it at end of class. Go."

Harry and Hermione glanced at each other. It was probably the first time Snape hadn't made a snide comment in the first five minutes of class. "Wonder what's wrong with him," Harry muttered as he gathered the already prepared lacewings.

Hermione was looking annoyed, however. "And to think... there was an easier version all along!" she hissed.

She was talking about their second year, of course.

Harry shrugged and began to slice up the boomslang skin. Hermione glared at him. "Just because you didn't make the potion..." she said. She looked extremely angry. Strangely angry.

It was too strange, actually. Hermione never acted like that with Harry, only Ron at times. Even then, she didn't complain like this. Suddenly, she turned away.

"I'm going to the bathroom," she announced.

Malfoy smirked. "Nice to know that, Granger," he said.

What is up with her? Harry thought. Hermione stalked out of the classroom. Harry and Neville shrugged at each other, and began piling ingredients into their cauldrons. Hermione returned less than a minute later, breathing heavily.

"Shhh!" she said, pointing at Snape. Harry thought this was very strange. Why was she telling him to be quiet about her coming back?

"That didn't take so long," Neville commented.

Hermione looked confused. "What?" she said.

"Your trip to the bathroom, Hermione," Harry said.

Hermione looked even more confused. Her brow furrowed. "But... I didn't go to the bathroom. I woke up late today... that's why I'm late for class... oh, I do hope Snape didn't notice..."

"What?" Harry and Neville said at the same time. "Slept in?" Harry said. "Hermione, you were with us the whole time... you just announced you were going to the bathroom..."

"The bathroom?" Hermione said. She opened her mouth to add more, but was cut off by Snape. He was looking a lot happier.

"Your potions should be ready. You will get with a partner, and test each other's potions." His eyes lingered nastily on Neville, who was squirming. His potion was a sort of transparent green instead of clear like everyone else's.

Harry moved towards Hermione. Snape sneered. "I will choose your partners," he added in a cheerful (for him) voice. Harry slumped back in his seat. Snape began to call off names. "Velour, Granger," he said. Icicle and Hermione looked a little happy with this. Hermione moved quickly to Icicle.

"Zabini, Smith." Blaise, looking murderous that she had been paired with an extremely annoying Hufflepuff, stormed over to Smith.

"Corner, Patil." Padma made her way to Michael.

"Bones, Abbott." Susan walked over to Hannah, who was sitting close to Michael.

"Boot, Goldstein, and Longbottom," Snape sneered. Harry knew what was coming next. "Ah yes, and of course, Malfoy and Potter." Scowling, Malfoy moved to Harry's table. Neville scrambled over to Terry and Anthony.

Snape handed each of them scissors, and told them to cut a hair off. Harry was glad. If he had told them to clip each other's hair, he and Malfoy would end up stabbing each other.

They added their hairs to the potions. Malfoy's potion, which had Malfoy's hair in it, turned green. Harry eyed it with distaste. However, Malfoy was staring at Harry's potion, which was slowly turning black from its original scarlet red.

"Just drink it," Harry said. He plugged his nose, and drank it. It was lucky that he and Malfoy were the same size and height. Smith had become a girl, and was looking peculiar. Harry turned, and found himself staring at a mirror image. The mirror image smirked. Harry didn't like the effect.

"Bet you love being me, don't you, Potter?" Malfoy drawled, Harry's voice coming out. Harry thought it sounded incredibly messed up.

"Yeah, right," Harry said.

Malfoy looked at his mirror image. Harry disliked the look of evil calculation that appear on his face. "Hmm..." Malfoy drawled with Harry's voice. "The look of stupidity doesn't suit me."

Harry snapped. "And the evil git look doesn't suit mine," he snarled. Malfoy's voice, uncharacteristically angry, came out of his mouth.

Snape cleared his throat. He seemed to be enjoying the effect of the potion. Smirking, he said, "You may go to lunch."

Malfoy's and Harry's jaws dropped. "P-professor... I have to go as him?" Malfoy said incredulously.

Snape's smirk grew more pronounced. "Mr. Potter, five points off Gryffindor for talking back."

Malfoy's cheeks turned pink as Harry turned red in anger. He saw his own mouth form a smirk as Malfoy began to see the silver lining. Annoyed, he made his way to Hermione, who was looking scandalized. At least she, as Icicle, looked normal. Icicle strolled over to her fellow Slytherins. Or Gryffindor and Hufflepuff.

Hermione giggled as she saw the look on Malfoy's (or Harry's in this case) face as he realized he would have to walk with a Hufflepuff look-alike. Blaise said something, and he seemed to relax.

Terry Boot made his way to Harry and Hermione. It wasn't until Harry saw the Gryffindor crest on Terry's robes when he realized it was Neville.

Terry's face was sympathetic. "Oh... you two are Slytherins."

"Yeah," Harry said. "Let's go. Hopefully Ron's not so stupid as to try to beat me up as soon as he sees me." This earned him a glare from Hermione, but he stalked out of the dungeons. Hermione caught up with him.

"Anyway, I wasn't there, Harry," she said, continuing their previous conversation.

"But..." Harry was cut off when Colin and Ginny came by, Colin complaining loudly about how Sprout had given him a week's worth of detention just because he was late.

"She's in a bad mood," Colin said. "Oh, hello, Terry," he said to Neville. "What are you doing walking with Slytherins?"

If Colin was angry looking, Ginny was calculative. She was looking at Harry shrewdly. Harry and Hermione looked at each other, exasperated. "Just pretend," Hermione mouthed. Harry nodded. It would be easier to pretend than to explain.

"Shut up, Creevey," Harry said, wincing inwardly. To make it more believable, he added, "You filthy little Mudblood." He shivered. Colin didn't notice. He was too busy turning red. Suddenly, he punched Harry in the stomach. Harry didn't punch back. Instead, he found himself being kissed violently by Ginny. Quickly, he pulled back, his jaw dropping in surprise. It was suddenly silent in the corridor. Harry saw himself, Hermione, and Zacharias stop short and gape at the scene. Colin was looking dumbfounded. Hermione, who looked like Icicle, made Icicle's face uncommonly surprised.

It was when Harry was looking at Hermione when he noticed her black, straight hair was slowly turning brown and bushy once more. It stopped, and Hermione was left with her own hair and Icicle's face and body. The way she was looking at Harry, he knew he had changed a little as well. Quickly, he looked at his reflection in the window. A black-haired Malfoy with green eyes was looking back at him.

Malfoy looked like Harry with light brown, straight hair and gray eyes. Icicle found herself with her sleek black hair again. Ginny slowly backed away as Neville's hair turned back to straw yellow from Terry's black.

Everyone stared at each other for a moment. "Oy! Hermione!" Ron's voice called as he came up behind them. "Blimey, Ginny, what are you doing staring at Harry like that?"

"I-It's mild Polyjuice Potion, Ginny," Hermione stuttered. "We did it in Potions. It works for fifteen minutes, and then fades away over ten minutes."

Neither Ginny nor Harry were paying attention. Harry was the one to break the silence. "She fell," he announced. He turned quickly and strode quickly in the direction of the Great Hall, Hermione and Ron following silently.

Harry was fuming inwardly. He now hated Ginny totally. She wanted Malfoy! The evil git himself! Hermione looked worried as her pale face became darker, a few freckles spreading across the bridge of her nose.

Ron was looking nervously back and forth between his temporarily mute sister and raging best friend. "Er... Harry?" he said tentatively.

"What?" Harry snapped. He pushed the door of the Great Hall open with a bit more force than was needed.

"Oh, dear," Hermione said. Harry knew she and Ron were exchanging glances. Huffily, Harry blew his way to the Gryffindor table, where he plopped down on the bench and continued to glare into space. Some of the younger students were looking at the N.E.W.T. potions class curiously. Harry knew he looked like a cross between himself and Malfoy.

The students had dispersed from the scene. Harry noticed Malfoy, smirking, sit at the Slytherin table. Ginny didn't come in until later, led by Colin and Luna and looking lost. Harry unconsciously stabbed his pie with a knife. It was only when the plate broke in half did he notice.

To both Harry's and Ginny's (dis)pleasure, Colin led Ginny to the last remaining seats near Harry, Ron, and Hermione. "Hello," Hermione said, trying to sound cheerful.

"Ow!" Ron said. "Hello," he added half-heartedly, glancing at Ginny.

A moment later, Harry felt a jab in the stomach as Hermione elbowed him. "Excuse me," he said coldly, sweeping off the bench and out of the Great Hall.

He didn't watch where he was going. On his way back to the Common Room, he crashed into someone. It was Viktor Krum.

"Hello, Harry," Viktor greeted. Harry knew he had turned back into himself.

"Hello," Harry said half-heartedly. "What are you doing with a jar of boomslang skin?"

Viktor looked at the jar. "Oh, it's for a potion. The sixth year O.W.L. levels class vill be using it," he explained. "Is there anything vrong?"

"'S nothing," Harry mumbled, pushing past Viktor.

"Okay," Viktor said cheerfully. "Haff a nice day!" He walked off in the direction of the Great Hall.

Sticking his hands in his pockets, Harry wandered aimlessly around the school. There wasn't much anger left. It had been replaced with a sort of sadness that Ginny would choose Malfoy over anyone else. As he passed Myrtle's bathroom, he heard her usual moaning, and decided to visit her.

"Hey, Myrtle," he said glumly as he opened the door.

Myrtle turned quickly. Her face softened when she saw Harry. "Hello," she said, giggling. "You haven't been around lately."

"Erm... yeah," Harry said uncomfortably. "So... how has it been?"

Myrtle didn't answer. "Quick! Hide! Someone's coming!" she hissed, pushing Harry into a stall near the back. It was barely ten seconds before the door opened, and someone burst in. There was a kind of snuffling sound. Harry realized it was the sound of crying.

"Who are you?" he heard Myrtle say sourly. The girl didn't answer. "Fine," Myrtle snapped. "Don't answer. No one ever pays attention to me!"

"No! Please don't go..." Harry heard the girl say. Was it Icicle?

Harry heard a faint whistling as Myrtle swooshed around. "No one ever told me to stay!" she said in an awed, happy tone.

"My- my name's Isidora. Isidora Velour," Icicle said.

"Velour?" Myrtle said. "My name is Myrtle Haversham. I was the last one."

Harry was surprised. Myrtle had become... friendly.

"Really?" Icicle said. "Glad to meet you."

"I haven't had a friend in such a while!" Myrtle said. "My last one... Annie... she was taken by a boy in what was supposed to be my seventh year," she spat.

Harry accidentally hit the paper dispenser with his elbow at this. He heard a swish as Icicle turned suspiciously.

"What was that?" she said.

"Nothing... sometimes the pipes clunk," Myrtle said nervously. Harry braced himself. There were footsteps as Icicle came to the stall and opened it.

"Harry!" she said in surprise. Harry could see that her face was tear-stained and blotchy.

"Hello," he said nervously, straightening his robes.

"What are you doing here? Oh!" Icicle said.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Same reason, actually. Draco... he... dumped me after one day," Icicle said with forced calm. "He's after Ginny now," she added venomously.

"Really?" Harry said dully.

Icicle was biting her lip, as if wondering whether to ask something or not. Finally, she said, whispering, "You still like her, don't you?"

Harry didn't answer.

"Do you?" Icicle repeated.

"I-I don't know," Harry said. "Sometimes, I hate her. Other times, like now, I'm not so sure." He sighed. "It would be easier if we were still friends like before."

Icicle sat down next to Harry on the floor. "Look... Ginny's probably the most stubborn person in the world. And you're the second most stubborn," she added. Harry remained silent. "She's hurt from yesterday, and she doesn't know what to do. So her mind made up a crush on Draco. Both of you are acting extremely stupid, you know." She looked sad, but a moment later, Harry was sure he had imagined the glimmer of tears.

"You're wrong," he said finally. "We hate each other, and that's final."

Icicle looked angry. "Look!" she blurt out. "It's a wrench, telling you that you love Ginny and not me! It's like Hermione loving Ron, but telling him to go out with Blaise, or someone!" Suddenly, her jaw dropped in horror.

Harry was staring at her. Icicle wasn't perfect. She looked a lot like Bellatrix Lestrange, who was beautiful, but it scared him a bit. She was also very hot-tempered, forward, and a little vain. But Harry was seeing her with respect for the first time since he had met her.

"Sorry about that," he said.

Icicle grinned. "It's okay. I guess you know how I feel right now. I mean, I love Draco, but you're still in there."

Harry grinned. "How can you love Malfoy?" he said.

"Well, you have to admit... he is..."

"Don't say it!" Harry said.

"Fine," Icicle pouted. A very Slytherin grin appeared on her face. "I have an idea to get them back without going down on our knees. We're stubborn, they're stubborn..."

"This had better not be too Slytherin," Harry said.

Icicle sighed. "Gryffindors! All right, I'll admit it, it's Slytherin, but do you really want to go in front of the whole school and apologize?"

"No," Harry admitted.

"Good," Icicle said. "Then we make them jealous."

"How?" Harry asked.

"We pretend to date each other, of course," Icicle said.

Harry's jaw dropped. "Well, all right," he said grudgingly. "But this is totally unlike me..."

"Must be that my idiot cousin isn't around you," Icicle said. "You know, I heard your dad did plenty of this kind of thing to win your mum..." she teased.

Harry rolled his eyes. "I know," he said.


"This feels so weird," Harry said as he and Icicle walked hand in hand down the corridor. "I mean, I don't really like you that way... no offense..."

"I guess," Icicle said, shrugging. Many of the girls were looking daggers at her. "Geez, Potter, never knew you had a huge fan club."

"Yeah," Harry said glumly. "It's annoying, really."

"I can't wait until Defense Against the Dark Arts! It was my favorite subject!" Icicle said.

"We're going there," Harry pointed out.

"I guess... I heard no teacher lasted for more than a year at a time, ever since the 1820's."

"Hmm," Harry said.

"I wonder if this teacher's any good?"


"Oh, I can't wait! Just ten minutes!"

Dreading the moment he and Icicle would arrive outside the classroom, where everyone would be waiting, Harry bravely plowed forward.

"Hello," Icicle said cheerfully to Ron, who was gaping.

Harry looked around, pretending to be interested in the wooden door. Ron regained his voice, and said, "But what about Ginny?"

"What about her?" Malfoy said from behind. Harry wondered why he took Defense Against the Dark Arts. He smirked as he saw Harry and Icicle. Harry fought the heat coming into his face. "You'd be proud, Weasel, I asked her out at lunch."

Ron turned red. Malfoy went on. "Now your family will finally have some money."

The door opened before Ron launched himself at Malfoy. Ron lost interest in the Slytherin, and began to peer over Harry's shoulder. A figure in blue was standing, greeting the surprised students.

Harry groaned. "Wait, who is it?" Ron asked, looking over Harry's shoulder. His jaw dropped. "Bugger..." he said disbelievingly.

"Hello, Harry," Cho said.

"You know her?" Icicle said.

Harry nodded. Quickly, he sat down near the back of the room. He and Cho weren't exactly friends. After their break-up, Cho had hated him. Michael Corner had lasted a month, and after that, Cho hadn't dated. Harry thought he had been rid of Cho for good when she left the previous year.

Cho went up to the front of the room. Harry and Michael looked at each other sympathetically as their ex-girlfriend pulled out diagrams. Hermione and Ron were looking uncomfortable, and Icicle was looking at Cho with a form of hatred in her eyes.

"Er, good afternoon, Cho," Hermione said bravely.

Cho looked at Hermione with intense loathing. Harry thought her heard her say, "dear Hermione". "It's Professor Chang to you, Granger," she said, loathing seeping into her voice.

"Professor Chang," Harry said mockingly. "I don't agree with your tone. After all, we're only a year younger than you."

Cho stared at Harry, fire in her obsidian black eyes. She turned and began to take attendance. Michael was trying to hide behind a large pile of his and Terry's books. Padma Patil was gossiping with Parvati. Draco Malfoy sat by himself, sneering as usual.

"Pothead, Harry," Cho said, smirking.

Harry responded by calling her a name that Hermione responded to by saying "Harry!"

Cho's eyes narrowed, but she went on. When she came to "Velour, Isidora," she smirked, and said, "I'll warn you, he'll talk about other girls while he's with you... he's that stupid."

Isidora raised one arched eyebrow. "Really? I'll keep an eye on him then," she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

Cho finished taking the attendance, and walked over to her diagrams. "Today, you will learn the basic fundamentals of the Patronus. Does everyone know what fundamentals mean?" she said, eyes on Harry. The students exchanged looks. Cho went on. "In order to make a Patronus, you must have will-power, magical power, a happy thought, and the ability to say Expecto Patronum." She looked smug. "Repeat. Ex-pek-toe Puh-trone-um."

The class repeated the incantation half-heartedly.

"We already learned it!" Michael burst out. "Harry taught us!"

"So, why don't you show us, Corner?" Cho said, annoyed that someone had interrupted.

Michael rolled his sleeves up, and said, "Expecto Patronum!"

His Patronus, an eagle, flew out of his wand.

Cho's eyes narrowed. "Ten points off Ravenclaw and Gryffindor."

"Why?" Ron said as the class exploded in whispers. Harry didn't answer.

"Ten points to Ravenclaw and Gryffindor," he said.

Cho just glared at him.

Author notes: So... how was it? Thank you to H Dom, phrank356, Nonya, evil_shmuck666, Khaira Lia Beren, jgwatsonjg, ocpawnmaster1, CarrotMerengue, Favrielle, Jaquelyne, Dean Ahlberg, DarkWitch13, and blackeaerials for reviewing!

Remember, whoever reviews gets a preview of the next chapter!