The Legend of the Phoenix Well


Story Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, he just might be becoming more Slytherin... over a girl! What's Harry to do?

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
Normal people have unexciting school lives. Harry's not a normal person. His seventh year may be the most chaotic of all. First, Voldemort is immortal. Second, he's got a necklace everyone wants, but he doesn't want at all. Third, two girls are battling over him. What's Harry to do? In this chapter, Ron lights badges on fire, Harry finds a hidden power, and Fleur is just a
Author's Note:
Sorry for the long wait, but Marching band season started recently. I also have a well, big correction about Icicle. It turns out that her being related this closely to the Weasleys won't work out in the sequel to this story, so I've changed her to be a figurative cousin. That means her dad is Mr. Weasley's best friend, a.k.a. "brother". Also, rating is up… you’ll see why. Now that that's over with, on with the story!!!

Chapter Three: Apparating and Alleyways

Snape looked sourly at the Head Boy badge in Ron's hand. Ron, on the other hand, was totally immersed in tracing the raised letters on the badge reverently. Harry, the owner of the badge, was staring into space.

The group of teenagers (Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, and Icicle) had been silent for a minute already. The only interruptions had been Harry's return from the bathroom and Ron's mystified oohs and ahhs.

Hermione, after two minutes of the annoying noises Ron was making, snapped, "Ron, be quiet!"

"Ooooh..." Ron said, prodding his wand at the badge.

Ginny rolled her eyes. Icicle, who was sitting next to her, was too busy staring at Harry to notice what was going on. Suddenly, she jumped as she was shaken out of her (probably romantic) thoughts as Ron yelped in surprise and pain.

"Fire! FIRE!" Ron screamed, looking almost comical as he leapt around in the air, waving his wand. The adults, with the exception of Snape, were totally immersed in their own conversation about the Order, and didn't notice. If they did, they must have thought it was just fun and games. Snape sneered, as if enjoying it.

"Oh, Ron, put it out!" Hermione said. Ron, however, continued to leap over toppled chairs.

"I can't! You do it!" he wailed.

"I can't either!" Hermione said, and Harry thought he heard a touch of smugness in her voice.

"Ginny, help! Er..." Ron seemed to falter, but said bravely, "Icicle, help!"

"Neither of us are seventeen yet," Icicle said coolly, smirking a little. Harry knew he had definitely seen the smug looks the girls gave each other.

"Harry, help!" Ron said.

Harry was too busy thinking about what the girls could be so smug about. "Help!" Ron repeated.

Harry jolted. "Huh?" he said stupidly.

By then, Tonks had looked curiously at Ron. Shaking her head and giggling, she shot a stream of water from her wand at the badge and Ron's robes. Steam gushed from the robes, enveloping Ron for a moment. The steam cleared, and Ron reappeared, looking sheepish as everyone stared avidly at him.

"Er, here's your badge," he muttered, tossing the badge to Harry, who caught it with the front of his shirt, like a basket. The woven cloth badge had magically repaired itself. Harry looked at Dumbledore, who seemed to receive his question without Harry saying anything.

"The badge cannot be destroyed, Harry. That is the same badge Norman de Coulder, the first Head Boy and the son of Rowena Ravenclaw's best friend wore," he explained pensively.

There was a gasp, and the origin of the gasp revealed himself. Percy strode quickly to the badge, looking at it as if it was something to be worshipped. "I... I wore that badge?" Percy said in an excited voice. "I- I wore the b-badge Norman de Coulder wore! I wore the badge Norman de Coulder wore! I wore..."

"Do us a favor, Percy, and shut up," Ron said sourly. Percy grabbed the badge, and insistently pinned it onto Harry's shirt.

"Wear it!" he squeaked, before skirting back to his chair at the table. Harry and Ron exchanged looks. Ron moved to help Harry take it off as the conversation at the other table resumed. Harry held up a hand to stop him.

Ron looked confused. "Why not? You don't want to be pompous like Percy, do you?"

Harry looked at him, as if telling him something without saying it in front of Snape. If he did, Snape would surely make a snide remark. Any mention of James Potter would do that; Harry had learned that lesson in his first N.E.W.T. potions class.

"What?" Ron said. Suddenly, a dawning look of understanding came over his face. "Oh... all right, then."

Harry grinned. Ron, though in some ways still immature, had grown up over the years. The old Ron would have sat for hours confused.

Hermione looked at the old wooden (and quite eerie) grandfather clock in the corner. "Harry, isn't your test today?" she asked.

Harry jumped. "You're right... we'd better get going." He quickly summoned a folder with his initial Auror application in it. "Might as well drop this off."

"We're coming," Icicle said, looking at Harry with a misty look in her eyes.

"I vould like to come," Viktor said. "It vill be interesting to see your Diagon Alley."

"I will come wiz you too," Fleur added. Both got up from the table.

"While we're at it, we can get our school supplies," Hermione added, looking happy. "I can't wait to see Standard Book of Spells: Grade 7."

Ron rolled his eyes, but started for the door after Harry and Hermione. The other four hurried to catch up. "So we're walking?" Ginny asked.

"Yeah," Harry said. "I don't think I have enough money to go on the Knight Bus. I need to get more. It's not far to the ministry."

"It's at the ministry?" Ron asked.

"You didn't know?" Hermione asked. "You're going there in a few days for your test, and you don't know?"

"You're taking your test over Christmas, and you know?" Ron shot back.

"Of course I know!"


"Because it's responsible to know, Ron!"

"I don't think so."

"Well that's because you are an irresponsible idiot!"

Ron chose to shoot his own insult back. "Oh yeah? I call that a know-it-all trait."



"SHUT UP!" Harry said as muggles on the street began to look curiously. "I thought you two would stop bickering once you got together, but it looks like I'm wrong!"

Ron moved to the other side of Harry, away from Hermione, fuming. Hermione chose to look the other way, looking annoyed. Icicle and Ginny were giggling, Viktor looked amused as usual, and Fleur was grinning broadly, causing one of the teenagers walking across the street crash into a pole as he walked, his head turned towards Fleur.

"What are you smirking about?" Ron snapped at Viktor as they turned onto a busier street, lined with shops. Harry recognized it as Piccadilly Circus. A pair of old ladies turned.

"Tut, tut, youngsters these days, so rude, right, Mildred?" Harry heard one of the old ladies say before scuttling around a corner.

It was because of the old ladies that Harry didn't notice someone calling him until Hermione snapped, "Harry!"

Harry jerked around. Aunt Petunia was standing on the sidewalk in front of them, Dudley and a scrawny boy their age next to her. Dudley and the other boy were staring avidly at Fleur. Harry could almost see the drool. "Oh, hello," Harry said quickly.

"Harry, dear, how are you?" Petunia said. Harry swore he heard Hermione and Ginny's jaws drop. "Duddydinkums, I'm going to the grocery for a moment, why don't you talk for a while?" Before anyone could say anything, she marched to the store behind them.

"Hello," Dudley said dully, as if he would rather be somewhere else.

The boy next to him looked at Harry. "Wait a minute, this is Potter?" he said.

"Yeah," Dudley grunted.

"Er... hi... hey, Big... Dudley, didn't you say he was dead?" the boy said.

Harry looked exasperatedly at Dudley. "You told them I was dead?"

Dudley shifted uncomfortably. "Well... the gang hasn't seen you since we were eleven... and it's better than the real reason..." He tried to smile convincingly.

Harry just looked at him.

"What real reason?" Piers asked cluelessly.

"Nothing," Harry said quickly.

"You'd better tell me, Potter, or I'll beat you up... right, B-Dudley?"

Ron let out a snort of derision. "You and your redheaded stick of a friend," Piers quickly amended.

"Stick?" Ron growled, turning red. "What about you, mouse-boy?" He looked down darkly at Piers, who was easily smaller than Colin Creevey.

"Big-D, help!" Piers squeaked, forgetting to call Dudley by his proper name.

Dudley shifted in a scared manner in his size 12 shoes. "Uh... well... uh, er..." he blustered, trying to think of an excuse.

"We go to St. Brutus' Secure Center for Incurably Criminal Boys," Harry said matter-of-factly, as if talking about the weather.

"Yeah! We go to St. Bob's Secret Center for Incurably Corking Boys," Ron repeated. Hermione turned around. Harry suspected she was giggling.

"I don't care!" Piers persisted. He looked Malfoy-like at Ron's tattered shirt. "What's that you're wearing... did the poorhouse donate it?" he said with a smirk. Before he knew it, Ron had him pinned against the brick wall.

"Ron!" Hermione and Ginny said, giggles forgotten.

"Put him down, Ron," Harry said. Dudley whimpered as shoppers looked disapprovingly at the group. "Down," Harry repeated firmly.

Reluctantly, Ron lowered Piers, who immediately scuttled to cower behind Dudley. Ron's hand snapped to his pocket when Piers bravely flicked his middle finger in Ron's direction from behind Dudley's bulk. Harry held a hand over the pocket to stop Ron, who lowered his hand and glared at Piers.

"Let's go," Harry said, motioning for the others to follow him past Dudley and Piers.

"Wait!" high heels were heard on the pavement. Aunt Petunia arrived, breathless, near Harry. She dropped her voice to an urgent whisper. "Vernon... Vernon said he forbids... m-me to contact you ever again... he..." at this, she squeaked.

"He what?" Harry said, though he knew the answer. He was finding in hard not to spew all over the sidewalk.

"Nothing. But... I want you to come to Smeltings on December 27. No matter what he does to me for seeing you," Aunt Petunia said, before rushing away after Dudley and Piers.

"What did she want?" Icicle said breathlessly as they continued down the street. "Who is she, anyway?"

No one answered her. Ron was busy dumping his woes on Hermione, who was playing the dutiful girlfriend, nodding and forgetting their quarrel ten minutes before. Ginny was glaring at Icicle for standing so closely to Harry. Harry didn't notice the closeness, since he was busy fuming at the nerve of Uncle Vernon to hurt Aunt Petunia. Could he ever go a day without boxing someone in the head, now that Harry had left? Fleur was looking at the muggle stores happily, pointing dresses out to Viktor, who was staring into air, apparently bored.

Mildred and the tutting lady had returned, and were walking beside the group. Mildred was complaining about modern movies. "Och... these movies... too much touching and not enough story," she spat, shaking indignantly on her gnarled wooden cane. "When I was a lassie, we watched the silent movies. Now those were the days, weren't they, Katherine?"

"Aye," Katherine agreed, pushing her wire-rimmed spectacles up the bridge of her nose. "For instance, that new movie, the Titanic one. Right disrespectful, that one. I remember when it happened... a shame to make a film out of a disaster." She spat out the word "film" as if it were a swear word.

"Tch. You must have been four at the time," Mildred said disbelievingly.

"I still remember it!" Katherine insisted. "My word... look, Millie..." she pointed to Harry. Or more specifically, his extremely baggy hand-me-downs. Harry barely noticed. He was still fuming. "Look at his clothes... so... inappropriate and shameful."

"Hmm," Mildred agreed.

"Hi, Harry!" a voice called. Harry jumped, and turned to see Colin Creevey striding eagerly towards him, Dennis and a man who was probably Mr. Creevey in tow. Mildred and Katherine tutted once more, and walked away. "Hey, Harry," Colin said, "Wow, is this Viktor Krum? I never saw him up close!" He turned his attention back to Harry. "Taking your Apparating test?"

Sometimes Harry could swear Colin had secret cameras spying on him. The younger boy had probably memorized Harry's every routine and appointment. "Er... yeah," Harry said. Colin gaped open-mouthed at Fleur for a second before turning his awestruck face towards his hero, Harry.

"Is this Harry Potter, the one you and Dennis talk about so much?" Mr. Creevey said. He was a small man with a balding head, and curious blue eyes that seemed to dart everywhere. "I'm Kevin Creevey, Colin and Dennis' father. The boys have talked so much about you, Ron, Ginny, and Hermione. Which ones are Ron, Ginny, and Hermione?"

Ron hung his head, embarrassed, as Hermione proceeded to introduce everyone. "We're here for shopping," Colin informed Harry.

"That's nice," Harry said.

"Well, boys, must be going, nice to meet you all!" Mr. Creevey said as the Creeveys began to walk away.

"You too," Hermione said. She poked Harry and Ron.

"Ow! Oh... ahem, yeah, nice meeting you," Harry said. Ron just glared at Hermione.

"Did you have to poke me?" he demanded. Hermione didn't answer. The group continued in silence. The streets were crowded with people on breaks, and the seven had to group together closely to keep together. Ron was squeezed between Hermione and Icicle. Fleur and Viktor were being pushed into Ginny, who was squashed into Harry. Ginny was bright red for some reason. Harry supposed it was the heat, or embarrassment at being so close to him and Viktor. He felt jittery at having Ginny pressed against him for some reason. The same feeling in his stomach he had the first time he had seen Cho, and hadn't had since then.

"Oh, no," he thought. No, he couldn't like his best friend's sister... he couldn't. A moment later, they squeezed into the alleyway on Charing Cross Road with the telephone booth in it, and Harry was separated from Ginny.

"Anything vrong?" Viktor asked.

"Why?" Harry asked.

"You look a little red," Viktor informed him.

"Oh, uh, just the heat, you know," Harry coughed. Viktor nodded, as if accepting the explanation, and went to join the others in the booth. Harry followed him, this time getting pushed against Icicle as the door closed. The booth darkened as they went underground.

Suddenly, Harry felt a very inappropriate purposeful nudge on his behind coming from a hand with long, manicured nails. He jerked up, and hit Ron accidentally with his elbow in surprise.

"What's wrong, mate?" Ron asked.

"Nothing," Harry said, keeping his breathing under control.

Only Parvati had been so... touchy-feely. Cho had been weepy, Lavender had been more of a friend, Susan was just sweet and Hufflepuff, and Hermione had been intellectual, and they had never gone past kissing on the cheek. And here was Icicle, going just a bit fast for someone she had met a few hours before.

Harry tumbled out of the phone booth as quickly as he could, clutching his folder. He felt ill. After all, no one had been so forward with him before. Breathing slowly, he tried to forget it. After all, Ron had warned him. Icicle slid out of the booth, her black dress unwrinkled and spotless. Ron stumbled out after, rumpled, with his shirt covered in the remains of his breakfast. Hermione fussed with him, before suggesting, "Harry, I'll hand in your Apparation papers. Ron and I are going to the Information Center for more information on a special branch of curse-breaking. I think Fleur and Viktor are going to the café, so you, Ginny and Icicle can go to the test center."

"Erm... all right."

"I don't want you to get lost," Ron said to Ginny. "Stay together with Harry."

"We're not together!" Ginny said indignantly, as if denying something. Everyone looked at her.

"Ginny... are you hiding something?" Ron asked.

Ginny, who had realized her mistake, blushed. "Er... what she's saying is that she and Icicle want to go to the café with Viktor and Fleur," Harry said quickly.

"I want to go with you!" Icicle said.

"Um, no, it's really boring," Harry said.

"Please?" Icicle flashed a seductive smile. Ginny was glaring without knowing it.

"Oh, I think they only let one person in at a time," Harry said.

"I think he's embarrassed that he could fail," Ron said, covering for Harry. Ron shot a knowing glance in Harry's direction. Harry felt a rush of gratitude towards his best friend.

"Yeah," Harry agreed.

Icicle looked disappointed. "Well, all right," she said. "I guess I'll go with the others." Ginny continued to glare at her until they rounded the corner to the security wizard.

Ron and Hermione looked at Harry. "What did she do?" Ron asked sympathetically.

Harry, having recovered slightly, was quite annoyed at Icicle. "She was forward with me. She went and nudged my ass," he spat.

"Harry!" Hermione said. "You. Are. Head. Boy!"

"So what, Hermione? That's bad, mate. It's going to be hell for you."

"Ron!" Hermione said, eyes glinting.

"Hermione, I'm just saying the word for down there, not swearing."

Hermione huffed, and marched off. "Good luck, mate," Ron said. "Tell me later how it was," he added, before rushing off to join Hermione at the wand inspection stand.

Shaking his head, Harry made his way past the witches and wizards sitting around the Fountain of Magical Brethen, chatting. Eric the security guard stared at Harry for a minute before hurriedly handing him his wand.

"H-here you go, Mr. Potter... s-sir," Eric said with reverence.

"Er... thanks," Harry said, pocketing his wand. Nonplused, he walked away quickly, in the direction of the grilled elevators. He joined one which was half full. Two witches from the Daily Prophet were chatting happily, while a sad-looking wizard with a drooping gray beard slumped in the corner, carrying a pile of books. A wizard in Auror's robes had a pile of applications in his arms, and was trying to keep the flying memos away from it, and annoyed expression on his face. Next to him was a cheerful man talking loudly. The man was probably the Auror's source of annoyance.

"Now, Ricky, old chap, you've got to send a squadron after the goblins," the cheerful man said, laughing, his pot belly shaking unpleasantly.

"Listen, the goblins are helping us. They're guarding the replacement for Azkaban now that the dementors have revolted. We can't do that," Ricky the Auror growled.

The cheerful man, however, wasn't listening to Ricky. "Why, it's Harry!" he said.

Harry looked at him. "Mr. Bagman," he said. Ludo Bagman had been on the run from goblins since his fourth year. Why he was back, Harry had no idea. Bagman had changed a lot in appearance. He was wrinkled, with graying hair, and no longer looked like an overgrown schoolboy. He looked like a short, pudgy, wrinkled potato with hair, and smelled like one too.

"Ah, Harry, my boy, those damned... things have ruined my life..." Bagman said in an unhappy tone. "Lousy cheaters..."

Harry thought it was a bit rich for Bagman to call the goblins cheaters.

Bagman coughed. "Well, I paid them. And I'm back."

"Excuse me," Harry said, anxious to get away from Bagman's unpleasantness. The man's personality had become begging and wanting, and his hygiene was horrible. Glad he had reached the testing floor, Harry strode quickly to the door marked 'Apparation testing'.

The room had three other occupants besides Harry. A girl Harry recognized as Susan Bones sat in a chair. She waved, and Harry waved back. Another person sat in another chair, their face hidden by a large Quidditch Times. A blond receptionist sat at the desk in the corner, chewing Drooble's and absentmindedly twirling her wand. Harry walked over to her.

"Name?" she said in a bored voice, not looking up.

"Harry Potter."

The woman's head snapped up. "Oh, my... you're... ahem." She went back into her professional mode. "Ahem, please remove all loose articles including watches, glasses, badges, etc."

Harry removed his Head Boy badge, and moved to remove his glasses, but stopped halfway when he realized they weren't there.

"Now, if you could fill this out while you're waiting..." the receptionist said, handing him a clipboard and quill.

Harry took it, and sat down next to Susan.

"How was your summer?" Susan asked.

"Okay, I guess. You?"

"It was good. We went to France."

"That's nice." Harry filled the form out quickly, and looked around. The waiting room looked oddly like a doctor's office waiting room. In a bored fashion, Harry sifted through the Witch Weekly's and outdated Daily Prophets, hoping to find a Quidditch Times. There seemed to be nothing besides the one the anonymous person was holding.

"Excuse me," Harry said. The person moved the Quidditch Times. "Malfoy?" Harry said.

"Potter," Malfoy spat simultaneously. "What are you doing here?"

"Taking the test, like you," Harry said coldly.

Malfoy smirked. "I have connections."

"Your point?"

"I pass easier."

Harry laughed. "If you're as bad at this as you are on a broomstick, then I doubt you'll pass," he said.

Malfoy's eyes narrowed. "Watch it, Potter." That was it. He turned to his Quidditch Times again. Harry was perplexed. Either Malfoy was nervous, or he had something else on his mind.

"Probably his upcoming Death Eater initiation," Harry thought.

A man in the orange robes of a tester came out. "Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter," he said. Malfoy slapped his paper aside, and Harry, annoyed that he would be with Malfoy, walked over to the wizard.

"Welcome, Mr. Potter, to your Apparation test," the man said in an excited voice. "Mr. Malfoy as well," he added quickly. Malfoy scowled.

The wizard led them to a completely white room, bare except for two circles on the floor.

"Well, Potter, I know it's not your friend the Weasel that's Head Boy," Malfoy sneered. "My father found out."

"Oh, and do you know who it is?" Harry said, laughing inwardly.

"Not a friend of yours," Malfoy said.

"You've got that right. Not a friend. Me," Harry thought. He didn't say anything, however.

"Now then, we'll do short distance Apparation first," the wizard said. "Mr. Malfoy, if you please."

Malfoy stepped onto one of the circles. "To the other circle," the wizard said. Malfoy pointed his wand at himself, and disappeared with a crack. Harry was disappointed. If Malfoy Disapparated with cracks, then that meant he was a powerful wizard. To Harry's further disappointment, Malfoy reappeared on the opposite circle a second later, and stepped off triumphantly.

"Mr. Potter," the wizard said. Harry moved onto the circle.

"Disapparate," he thought, the image of the circle in his mind. He heard a loud crack, and felt himself whoosh towards the other circle, where he landed a second later. Malfoy looked annoyed.

"Now, long distance," the wizard said, pulling out a photograph of a small cottage. "Mr. Malfoy, imagine the cottage, and try to Apparate. There will be another tester there."

Malfoy nodded, looking a little anxious, and disappeared with a crack. "Mr. Potter, then," the wizard said, smiling encouragingly at Harry. "Good luck."

Harry envisioned the cottage, with it's brown roof and wild flowers surrounding it. "Disapparate," he thought. His sweaty hands dropped his wand. Harry felt a mild sense of panic, but with a crack, he disappeared.

A second later, he reappeared, to his surprise, in the cottage. "Good job!" a witch in orange robes said, bustling over. "Your wand, please."

Harry caught a glimpse of Malfoy looking sourly at him. "Er... I dropped my wand."

The witch frowned. "Well, pick it up," she said impatiently.

"Er... well, I dropped it back at the Ministry," Harry said.

There was a pop, and the testing wizard appeared, breathing heavily, and holding Harry's wand. "Maria, I don't know..." he stopped when he saw Harry. "How...?"

Maria spun around to face Harry. "Mr. Potter, have you done wandless magic before?"

"N..." Harry began, but caught himself. There was the time back in Little Whinging when his wand had lit up without him holding it. "Yes," he said.

"And when was that?"

Harry turned red. "Summer before fifth year," he said.

"I see," Maria said, not showing any surprise. "And what was that spell?"

"Lumos," Harry said.

"Do you think you could show us, Mr. Potter," Maria asked.

"I guess. Lumos," Harry said. The wizard dropped Harry's wand when its tip suddenly lit up.

"Ah," was all Maria said. The wizard, however, looked scared. Malfoy watched the proceedings, the smallest sign of anger and jealousy on his pale face. Harry just stared at his wand.

"Do you think you could do something more advanced? A Patronus, perhaps?" Maria asked calmly, smiling slightly.

Harry nodded. "Expecto Patronum!" he said, thinking of the Weasley family. A silver stag flew out of the wand, which was lying on the floor where the wizard had dropped it.

"Hmm..." Maria said. "Well, Mr. Potter, I do believe you have a special talent. I will notify the ministry and your Headmaster."

"D-do we give them their Apparating licenses?" the wizard stammered.

"Oh, of course," Maria said, now grinning broadly.

"How'd you do?" Ron said, hurrying over to Harry, holding an enormous sandwich. He took a large bite out of it.

Grinning, Harry showed his license to Ron.

"Cool!" Ron said in an awed voice. "Can I hold it?"

"Uh, yeah," Harry said. "Why?"

"It's just so cool!" Ron said, grabbing it and staring avidly at the card. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"Are the rest of them back yet?" Harry asked Hermione.

"They're coming. I see them on the elevator," Hermione said, pointing. Icicle and Ginny seemed to be both fuming about something. Viktor looked annoyed, and Fleur looked haughty.

A moment later, the four had reached the Fountain of Magical Brethen, where the trio was currently stationed.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked Ginny.

"Nothing. Absolutely nothing," Ginny said sarcastically. "This is the best day of my life!" There were quite a few swears mixed in with the sarcasm.

"Well, if you hadn't screamed so loud, maybe your dad wouldn't have noticed," Icicle snapped at her.


Harry tried to jump into the fountain, but Hermione grabbed him to stop him. The entire Atrium was silent. Everyone stared at the group. Malfoy, who was coming out of an elevator, smirked widely.

Suddenly, there was the flash of a camera, and two very unwelcome people pushed through the crowd and walked towards the fountain. Rita Skeeter and her photographer, Bozo, stopped in front of Ginny.

Harry swore, and before Hermione could grab him, jumped into the fountain to hide from Rita Skeeter.

Rita Skeeter had been unemployed until May of Harry's sixth year, when the Daily Prophet rehired her. She had even registered herself as an Animagus, but was still a huge pest.

Harry, of course, realized his mistake as soon as he contacted the water. Number one, Rita would hear the splash. Number two, he needed air. Annoyed at himself, he got out of the pool, sopping wet, and feeling extremely stupid. Ron was snickering, and Hermione looked amused. Icicle and Ginny looked anxious, while Viktor and Fleur watched with raised eyebrows.

"Ze Eengleesh... so stupeed!" Fleur muttered.

"Why, hello, Harry!" Rita said. She turned to Ginny. "What was that you said?"

Ginny didn't answer. Icicle, in a smug voice, said, "I flirted with him before you, Gin."

"You what?" Rita said, a grin coming across her face. The Quick-Quotes quill was out in a second.

Ron, Hermione, and a still wet Harry looked at each other, and with one glance, came up with a plan. "RUN!" Ron shouted.

He and Hermione bolted for the elevators to hide on one of the other floors. The ministry workers made way for them, knowing what it felt like to be under Rita Skeeter's eye. Icicle and Ginny ended up running together after Viktor to the Floo Powder hubs, where the Floo Powder vendor quickly handed them a bag of the powder. Harry and Fleur both Apparated, as both had licenses that were in effect (Viktor, who lived in Eastern Europe, had a non-effective license).

The Ministry disappeared as Grimmauld Place appeared. Harry heard crashes inside the invisible number 12, which meant the three who had traveled by Floo had made it.

"Come on," Harry said.

Fleur didn't follow him. Instead, she was staring into the alley way across the street.

"Fleur?" Harry asked.

"Zere's something in zere..." Fleur said, staring unblinkingly into the darkness. She slowly began to walk into the alleyway.

"Fleur?" Harry repeated, following her. "What..." They had reached the middle of the alleyway when Fleur stopped.

"Um... what are we doing in here?" Harry gulped. He could only see the dim outline of Fleur's hair.

At first, Fleur said nothing. Suddenly, she said in an extremely cold voice, "Give me ze necklace."

"H-how do you know about the necklace?" Harry asked, surprised.

"Give eet to me!"

"What? Fleur, I can't, what do you want with it anyway?" Harry said, starting to feel angry. What did she think she was doing?

"Give eet!" Fleur said, before grabbing the front of Harry's shirt and wrenching on the necklace.

"Fleur, what are you doing?" Harry yelled. "Dumbledore left it with me... what are you doing? I'm supposed to keep it!"

Fleur didn't stop. She yanked harder on the necklace.

"Fleur!" Harry shouted. "I'm going to have to do something!"

Fleur ignored him. Harry looked into her rather empty... wait... empty? Fleur's eyes were empty. Harry took his wand out of his pocket, ready to curse her. Instead, with amazing strength, she grabbed the wand out of his hand and threw it behind her.

"Oh, great," Harry thought.

Suddenly, he remembered Maria's words. "Protego!" Harry shouted, hoping the spell would work. Fleur flew backwards, and landed with thump on the ground.

She groaned, and the atmosphere in the alley changed. "'arry?" Fleur said in her usual voice. "Where are we?"

Harry leaned against the wall of the alley, breathing heavily and trying to unstretch his shirt.

"What 'appened?" Fleur asked. "Ze... ze last thing I remember... leaving ze 'ouse..."

"Imperius Curse," Harry concluded. "Do you know who put it on you?"

Fleur shook her head. "Zey memory charmed me, I think," she said.

"Come on. We'll tell the Order," Harry said, helping Fleur up. They made their way slowly to the area between numbers 11 and 13. Harry quickly thought the password, and number 12 materialized in front of them.

Icicle opened the door, and glared rather obviously at Fleur when she saw Harry helping Fleur walk. She moved aside and let them pass, though, and said icily, "The Order's having a meeting now."

"Really?" Harry said, starting for the kitchen stairs. Icicle moved again as Ron and Hermione came out of the fireplace behind her.

"Did you get away?" Harry asked.

"Yeah!" Ron said excitedly. "We hid in the Auror Headquarters at first, but Rita came in, so we went to the Magical Games and Sports floor. Did you know they're coming out with a new prototype of the Firebolt in 2000? We saw them testing it..."

"What's wrong with Fleur?" Hermione asked.

"Tell you later," Harry said. "It's something the Order needs to know."

"There's a meeting?"

"It's starting now," Harry replied. "Come on."

He and Ron helped Fleur down the stairs, followed by Hermione and Icicle. The Order was grouped in the kitchen already. Ginny blushed when Harry sat down next to her. Harry pretended not to notice.

"Where's Snape?" Ron asked, looking at the empty seat where Snape usually sat.

"He's meeting with a spy, I heard," Ginny said.

Dumbledore had just stood up when the door of the kitchen banged open, and a ruffled Snape stood in the doorway, looking like he had run a marathon.

Snape quickly had a whispered conference with Dumbledore and McGonagall, and then, with a somber expression, Dumbledore turned back to the Order.

McGonagall sat back down, looking defeated. Snape sat down, not a bit of a sneer on his face. Lupin leaned to McGonagall, who whispered something. Remus sank back on the bench, a grim expression on his face.

The entire Order stopped its bubbly cheerful conversations. Even Fred, George, and Tonks weren't smiling for once.

Harry decided not to tell anyone about the alleyway incident yet, as this was obviously more important.

Author notes: Thank you to Favrielle, DarkWitch13, neha_dkulkarni, jgwatsonjg, n&hp, blackeaerials, Anya Malfoy, eversoslightly mad, Lady Zephyr, and evil_shmuck666 for reviewing!
blackaerials: You kinda read that in this chapter, so it's pointless to answer your question now...
Everyone who reviews gets an owl with a preview of the next chapter!!! (Seriously, I want to know what you think!) R/R!!!