The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 03/20/2005
Updated: 11/22/2006
Words: 25,167
Chapters: 19
Hits: 6,873

Learn to Fly

Alora Malfoy

Story Summary:
Snape's life is turned upside down when he discovers he's the father of a bright, young Australian! As time passes, he sees the major impact she has on the many lives around her, including his.

Chapter 07

Chapter Summary:
The feast is about to start and Alora is soon to be sorted. But where's Severus?
Author's Note:
A big thankyou to my beta - MinnieMcGonagall_82! :-)

"No, Jes. Wait. Hang on! Jes!"

Jesika gazed up at him. She had been in the process of removing his shirt when he objected.

"Severus, what's wrong?"

That was too close, thought Severus.

"Don't you want this?"

"I do. It's just, well, uh..." he trailed off.

Jesika smiled.

"Feeling shy?"

Severus scowled.


Jesika paused and smiled, wrapping her arms around his waist and nipping him softly on the neck.

"We'll leave the shirt on."


Severus shook his head as if to dislodge the memory and looked at his clock.

Two hours till the students arrive.

He groaned and began to unpack his things. He was hanging up his robes, when he felt something brush past his legs. He jumped and looked down. A pair of amber eyes stared back.

"Hello, Belle. I forgot you were here."

The cat mewed, leaped onto his bed and curled up for a nap.

Severus watched her.

No wonder Ally likes her. She's quite charming.


He began to think about her; about how much she looked like Jes and how much she reminded him of his younger self.

Intelligent, independent, quick tempered and eager to learn, Alora greatly resembled Severus at that age.

A memory suddenly appeared in his head.

She called me 'dad'.

His chest swelled and he couldn't help grinning.

"What is so amusing, Severus?"

Severus turned around to face Dumbledore, who was smiling at him down his crooked nose. Severus put on a stony face.

"With all due respect, Headmaster, it's a private matter."

Dumbledore chuckled.

"Fatherhood must be wonderful, for I haven't seen you smile like that in years."

"Well, Alora is a wonderful daughter."

Dumbledore turned his attention to Belle and began scratching her ears.

"I assume the cat belongs to Alora. What is her name?"

"Belle." But Severus had other things on his mind. "Headmaster, is everything ready for Alora's arrival?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"She has been enrolled as 'Alora Perry' and only Minerva, Hagrid and myself know her true identity. If she is sorted into Hufflepuff, Professor Sprout will be informed. If Ravenclaw, Professor Flitwick."

Severus frowned at the elderly man.

"I understand why you told the Heads of Houses, but why Hagrid?"

"I think it wise to have eyes all around the school. Including the grounds."

Severus nodded. Suddenly the door burst open and in strode Gilderoy Lockhart, the new DADA teacher. Severus had to stop himself from laughing when he remembered Alora's description of him as a 'stuck-up bugger'. Lockhart certainly looked the part, dressed in aquamarine robes and his blonde hair firmly set. The Potions Master personally thought that his hair looked like it had been done in a poodle parlour.

"Good afternoon. How are we, then? Ready to educate those young minds?"

He then flashed that famous smile of his and turned to Dumbledore.

"I was wondering if you got my private mail time all fixed up. Can't have all my fan mail cluttering up the morning post, can we?"

Dumbledore smiled graciously.

"Your mail will be delivered to your office at night."

Lockhart flashed that smile once more and flounced out of the room. Severus bent over in silent laughter. Dumbledore frowned at him.

"Severus, I know he's a little...different, but we must be gracious."

Severus managed to straighten his face.

"Yes, Headmaster."

Dumbledore, in spite of himself, smiled.

"We best be going. The students will be arriving soon."

They headed to the Great Hall. They were about to be seated, when a house elf came running up to them.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir. Croggy was sent to inform you that two students are not on the train."

Dumbledore froze.

"Which students?"

"A Harry Potter and a Ronald Weasley, sir."

Dumbledore nodded.

"I don't believe they are in danger, but I wish to know when and how they arrive."

He began to pace.

"I can't leave the feast as I need to address the students. Severus, I don't believe you would mind keeping an eye out for them?"

"Not at all, Headmaster."

Potter might actually be expelled, he gloated. Oh, if only.

"And, Severus?" Dumbledore called to his retreating back. "Do try to hurry."


Alora stood in the side chamber, awaiting the Sorting Ceremony. Most of the others were whispering. She felt that if she opened her mouth, she would be sick.

Finally McGonagall led them into the Great Hall. Alora spotted the Head table and scanned it.

There's Professor Dumbledore. Hey, did he just wink?

Lockhart? What the hell is he doing here?

Where's Severus?

Alora frowned as she spotted an empty chair.

Guess he couldn't make it.

Very suddenly, she felt tearful.

She wanted Severus to be there. Heck, she needed him there.

Alora then realized she was being watched and stared into the offending twinkling blue eyes.

Dumbledore gave her a small, knowing smile.

He knows who I am.

Alora smiled back, rather nervously.

They watched each other for so long, Alora didn't even notice the hat singing. She was brought her senses when McGonagall started calling out names. Alora gulped.


Severus walked out of his office, smiling nastily. He had just caught Potter and Weasley and was going to get McGonagall.

Potter might get expelled. It would serve the stuck-up little celebrity right.

A sudden realization came over him. He could have kicked and hit himself at the same time.

"Alora," he groaned.

He sprinted to the Great Hall, hoping it wasn't too late.


"HUFFLEPUFF!" cried the hat.

The blond girl took off the hat and walked over to the cheering table. There were only two students left.

"Perry, Alora."

Alora's heart began to pound. She was nearly at the chair, when out of the corner of her eye, she saw someone quietly enter the room. After a quick glance she breathed a sigh of relief. It was Severus. Alora then stood to her full height, sat on the chair and put on the hat. The hat began muttering in her ear almost instantly.

"Oh, my. Morals in high regard. Very determined. Brilliant mind and quite a few hidden talents. Oh, yes. Talents and parentage lead you to one house."

Alora frowned. She knew which house the hat meant.

In her softest voice, she whispered, "Excuse me? Mr. Hat?"


"I know that all my talents and bloodlines points to Slytherin, but can you put me in a house that will suit who I am, not what I am? If ya know what I mean."

The hat went quiet, then replied, "Well, if you're sure."


Severus began to fidget. He didn't know what was going on but Alora had been under that hat for an awfully long time.

He didn't want her in Slytherin; that would defiantly lead her into trouble.

He certainly didn't want her in Gryffindor; the last thing he wanted was to have to pick on her.

The time felt like an eternity (though it was only about thirty seconds) until the hat yelled...



Alora sighed with relief as she took off the hat and gave it to the last girl, who had flaming red hair. Alora just sat down when she heard the hat yell, "GRYFFINDOR!"

The red-haired girl looked thrilled as she ran over to the Gryffindor table.

Alora carefully watched Severus. He was whispering something into Professor McGonagall's ear. She looked angry. When he finished, she nodded and they both made to leave. Severus gave Dumbledore a significant look and quickly stole a look at Alora. His face was neutral, but his eyes were shining with pride. Alora looked at her plate and smiled. Ravenclaw was definitely a good place to be.

Author notes: ::Trumpet Fanfare:: Yes! My computer is working again! But I need lots of reviews to keep this story going. ::wink, nudge, poke::