The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 03/20/2005
Updated: 11/22/2006
Words: 25,167
Chapters: 19
Hits: 6,873

Learn to Fly

Alora Malfoy

Story Summary:
Snape's life is turned upside down when he discovers he's the father of a bright, young Australian! As time passes, he sees the major impact she has on the many lives around her, including his.

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Severus and Alora take their first trip to Diagon Alley...

Alora was sitting on her bed, humming away to her favourite rock song, when she heard tapping on her door. She leapt up and opened it. It was Severus.

"Ally, I just received your Hogwarts list. Do you want to go shopping for your school supplies?"

Alora's heart began to race.

"Yeah! Lemme just get changed!"

At that, she slammed the door. Severus shook his head lightly.

Talk about over-enthusiasm.

By the time Alora came rushing downstairs in her muggle best (baggy cargo pants and a black t-shirt bearing the slogan 'Whatever'), Severus was standing by the fire with a pot of floo powder.

He looked very different, wearing loose fitting jeans and a black long-sleeved t-shirt, hair tied back in a ponytail. He gave her a wary look.

"I'm going to do an appearance spell on myself, so no one will recognise me."

Alora nodded. She knew from his explanations that he wasn't liked by majority of the students and it would damage her social life at Hogwarts if people found out they were related. Alora couldn't blame them. Inside, he was a strong and kind person, but outside his emotional wall, he could be very shrewd and cruel.

Alora glanced up and jumped. His hair had turned a mousey brown and his eyes a weak blue. His nose had shrunk to a normal size and his face was rounder. She couldn't recognise him.

"Very nice. I'm right in presuming that I can't call you 'Severus'."

He nodded.

"How about 'Steven'?"

She smiled.

"Right, Steven. Lets go shopping."


"So, have we got everything?"

Severus and Alora walked side by side down Diagon Alley, their hands full of packages. Alora checked her list.

"I still need my books and a wand."

"We'll get the books first."

They headed to Flourish and Blotts. There was a large crowd outside, clapping loudly.

"What's going on?"

Severus looked confused. Alora peered through the window.

"Oh, they've got Gilderoy Lockhart on stage. A stuck-up bugger if I ever saw one."

This comment caused several witches to glare at her as they passed. Severus snickered.

"You better watch that tongue of yours. They looked just about ready to rip it out."

Alora looked through the window again.

"Look. He's hauled some boy up on stage. Gee, the kid doesn't look to happy about it."

Severus peered through as well.

"Obvious. Potter had to get in the spotlight."

"What? Harry Potter?"

She glanced at Severus. He wore a look of pure disgust.

"Sev-I mean, Steven, your scaring me."

Severus glanced at her and gave her a small smile.

"Come on. We'll get your books when the crowds died down a bit."

Alora smiled and they headed to Ollivanders.


The shop was dark and quiet. Alora felt a little nervous and moved closer to Severus, his presence comforting her.


They both jumped. The old man moved towards them, a triumphant look in his blue eyes.

"Severus Snape. Ash and dragon heartstring, eleven inches, if I recall."

Severus nodded.

"How did you know it was me?"

The elderly gentleman gave him a stern look.

"Did you really expect a simple appearance spell to fool me?"

Mr Ollivander then turned his attention to Alora.

"Your daughter, I believe."

He smiled when he saw the surprise in her face.

"Your name, my dear?"

Alora stood up to her full height.

"Alora Perry."

Mr Ollivander smiled.

"Ah, yes. Australian, I assume. Your accent is quite distinctive."

She nodded in agreement.

"Hold out your wand hand, please."

Spotting her confusion, Severus added, "Your writing hand."

Alora nodded and held out her right hand.

While a magical measuring tape measured her in the most obscure places, Mr Ollivander was collecting a few boxes and placing them in front of her. He snatched the tape away and placed a wand in her hand.

"Willow and phoenix feather, eight and a half inches. Give it a wave."

Alora waved it and had it snatched out of her hand.

"Oak and dragon heartstring, eleven inches. Try it."

Alora waved yet again and nothing happened.

"Hmm. This is an unusual one for me. The wood is not native. But I think it might suit you."

As she took the wand, she felt her fingers tingle. When she waved it, bright blue sparks flew out of it.

Mr Ollivander smiled.

"I had a feeling that was the wand for you. Eucalyptus and unicorn hair, ten and a half inches. Excellent for hexes and defensive spells. The wand chooses the witch. I'm sure it will serve you well."

Alora smiled. It was nice to have something that reminded her of home.

Just for those who don't know: Eucalyptus is a tree native only to Australia.

Author notes: Please review!!! ::Throws a billywig at readers as a bribe::