The Dark Arts
Severus Snape
Romance Humor
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 03/20/2005
Updated: 11/22/2006
Words: 25,167
Chapters: 19
Hits: 6,873

Learn to Fly

Alora Malfoy

Story Summary:
Snape's life is turned upside down when he discovers he's the father of a bright, young Australian! As time passes, he sees the major impact she has on the many lives around her, including his.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
The story continues...
Author's Note:
This chapter is written in loving memory of Louise. We miss you, mate.

Alora paced around outside room 24, Belle the cat watching her closely.

What the hell is going on? What is that man, Mr. Snape, doing in mum's room? Why is he so familiar to me?

Alora had lived with her pure blooded mother her whole life and she had never seen him before. She was so deep in thought that she jumped when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

It was Mr. Lochet, her mother's healer. He smiled down at her,

"Your mother will see you now."

Alora smiled back. She had grown quite fond of the middle-aged wizard. He always stopped to talk with her, brought her sweets every now and then and helped her to understand the severity of her mother's condition. She knew Jesika didn't have long.

"Hey, Mr. Lochet, do you know who that man talking to my mum is?"

"Sorry, Ally. I've never seen him before."

Alora loved it when people called her 'Ally'. 'Alora' was just too formal.

She smiled and entered the room. Her mother was lying on the bed, smiling at her and Mr. Snape was sitting in the guest chair, staring at his hands. Alora gave him a dominant look and sat down at the end of her mother's bed.

"Ally, I believe you've met Severus."

Alora glanced at him and gave an acknowledging nod.

Jesika held out her arms and wrapped her up in a warm hug.

"Darling, you know I haven't got long and I'm afraid I haven't been completely honest with you."

She held up her daughters chin so she was facing her.

"Ally, do you remember what you asked me when you were six?"

Alora racked her brain.

"Where babies come from? Sorry mum, but we've already had that talk."

Mr. Snape blushed faintly. Jesika shook her head.

"Honey, now's not the time for jokes. Can you remember?"

Alora then had a sudden image of her younger self, sitting on her mother's knee:

"Mummy, where's my daddy?"

"I'll tell you when you're older, Ally."

Alora's brain was buzzing.

"I asked where my father was."

Jesika nodded.

"It's him, isn't it?"

Alora motioned towards Severus, who looked mildly surprised and impressed.

Jesika turned to Severus.

"I told you she got your brains."

Alora couldn't stand it for a second longer.

"WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!" she screeched.

Severus jumped in surprise.

Shit, she's got my temper too!

Jesika scowled at the angry girl.

"Alora, mind your language! I know this is a bit of a shock, but there is really no need to blow up in my face!"

Alora turned to her mother, her face fixed with fury.

"Oh, no. There's no need to be upset at all. It's just that after eleven years it's a bit of a shock to see your father for the first time and know he's been kept from you."

She said all this in the same sarcastic tone Severus used before.

My God, Severus thought. She's so much like me that it's scary!

Jesika gave her head a small shake.

"Honey, please. Just listen to what I have to say."

The girl crossed her arms across her chest.

"I'm listening."

Jesika reached for her daughter's hand.

"Darling, I had good reasons to not tell you about Severus."

Alora pulled her hand away.

"Like what? And why don't they matter now?"

Severus realized that Jesika wasn't getting anywhere and decided to give it a go.

"Alora, what you have to understand that it was Dark times when you were born..."

Alora cut him off with an icy glare.

"And you are? I'm sorry, we've only just met."

This made Jesika mad.

"You have no right to speak to Severus like that!"

"Why? Cause he's my father? I'm sorry, but he hasn't been a very good one, has he?"

At that, she turned on her heel and stormed out of the room. Severus and Jesika watched the door silently. Then Severus spoke up.

"Well, that went well, didn't it?"

Jesika punched him.


Alora ran down the hall, tears streaming down her face.

The nerve! How dare they spring this on me! And that man, trying to lecture me! I don't even know him! Just cause I've got half his genes doesn't give him the right to suddenly act all fatherly!

She was so upset, that she ran headlong into Mr. Lochet.

"Ally, I was just..."

He saw the tears.

"Alora, what's wrong?"

Alora sniffed.

"Is your mother? Is she alright?"

Anger bubbled up inside her.


She took off, her sneakers pounding the floor at top speed. She ran into a broom closet, slammed the door, took a few deep breaths and sat down.

Alora felt guilty for shouting at Mr. Lochet. He didn't deserve that. She put her head between her knees and cried.


Jesika was about to cry herself when she heard someone knock at the door.

"Come in."

Mr. Lochet walked in.

"Jes, I just bumped into Alora. She was crying. What's wrong?"

Severus looked into the healers face and was jealous of the concern he saw there.

Jesika sighed.

"We just told her something that she's taking a bit hard. Thanks for letting me know, Kevin."

He gave her a small smile.

"That's Okay. If it helps, I think she's hiding in a broom closet on the first floor."

With another smile, he left the room.

Jesika sighed.

"What am I going to do?"

Severus took her hand.

"You mean what are we going to do."

Jesika stared at him.

"You really mean that, Severus?"

As a reply, he brought her hand to his mouth and planted a soft kiss on her palm.

Jesika smiled, reached out and touched his cheek.

Severus shivered. He'd forgotten how warm her touch was. He looked into her eyes and smiled. It felt good. He hadn't smiled like that in over eleven years.

"Thankyou," whispered Jesika.

They stayed like that for what seemed like forever, until Severus stood up.

"I'll go talk to her."

Jesika looked concerned.

"Are you sure? Do you think she'll listen to you?"

"I can't think of what else to do."

With a sweep of his cloak, he left the room.

Jesika laid back and murmured, "I hope you know what you're doing, Severus."


Alora was still sobbing, when she heard a tap on the door.

"Alora, are you in there?"

It was that man, Mr. Snape.

"Go away!"

There was silence, then she heard him lean against the door.

"I thought I said 'go away'. That means you leave."

There was silence again. Then he spoke.

"Can you just listen to me? You can stay in the closet if you like, you don't even have to answer. Just listen."

Alora thought about it and answered, "So talk."

She heard him sigh and sit down.

"You see, this whole concept of being a father is new to me. I only found out about you half an hour ago."

There was a small pause.

"How come?"

Severus took a deep breath and proceeded to explain.

"Your mother and I were engaged. We were happy."

"Then how come you left?"

"I didn't leave. Your mother did."


"She had her reasons. But anyway, when she left, she didn't tell me she was pregnant. I haven't spoken to your mother in over eleven years."

"Why? Because she left you?"

Severus gave a sad laugh.

"No, because I didn't know where she was. If I knew you existed... But I didn't, so I wallowed in my own misery for eleven years."

He heard her move closer to the door.

"Why were you miserable?"

"I was stuck in a job I didn't want, I had no friends and I had lost the only thing I loved, your mother."

He heard her sniff and move around.

"Alora, if I knew you were here, I would have come in a instant. Don't blame your mother, she was only doing what she thought was best. But I want to get to know you, catch up on the years I've missed."

There was silence.

"Do you really mean that or do you just want me to come out of the closet?"

Severus burst out laughing.

"A bit of both, I suppose," he admitted.

Alora gave a weak giggle.

"Are you going to come out?"


Severus smiled. But nothing happened. He was getting worried.

"Uh, could you move, so I can actually open the door?"

Severus chuckled as he moved aside.

The door opened and Alora stepped out, her face stained with tears. Severus offered her his handkerchief.


Severus smiled at her.

"We better start heading back. Your mother will be worried about you."

She nodded and they headed back to room 24 in complete silence, side by side.

Outside the room, Alora stopped Severus.

"Uh, you don't expect me to call you 'dad', do you?"

He chuckled again.

"No, 'Severus' is fine."

Alora smiled.

"Cool. Then can you call me 'Ally'? 'Alora' is too formal."

Severus nodded and grinned.

Author notes: please review!!! i NEED feedback! ::stares hopefully at readers::