Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 03/30/2002
Updated: 09/15/2002
Words: 12,320
Chapters: 9
Hits: 7,749


Almond Paste

Story Summary:
A humorous fiction based around the hormones raging between Draco and Harry. (Sounds bad, but I don't think it's really as bad as this summary.)

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
A humorous fiction based around the hormones raging between Draco and Harry. (Sounds but, but I don't think it's really as bad as this summary.)
Author's Note:
Thank to my first and only beta reader, Chel, and any of you readers who are braving my story. I'll be eternally grateful if you leave some (truthful) comments for me!

Spoon Chapter 4

Harry had been seriously considering Draco's offer for two days now. On one hand, Draco was right, they'd get to spend some quality time together. But, it wouldn't be real romance, in any case.

On the other - Ron would never forgive him. Not only would he be pranking Ron, but with Malfoy.

'It shouldn't be this hard to decide' thought Harry. 'Anyway, for all I know, the joke's on me.' He paced to the Great Hall. A few first years nearly collided with him as they chatted excitedly.

Upon entering the hall, Harry noticed Draco wasn't yet there. 'And here I am, about to agree. Jeez.' As if on cue, Draco strode into the hall, possessing his usual aura. He'd always had that.

Before thinking, he sped towards the entrance. He caught Draco by surprise and shoved him into the corridor.

"Potter! Have you no manners?" He brushed the arms of his robes.

"I'll just...I'll do it," Harry half yelled. Draco looked genuinely surprised. Harry wished he could capture this moment on unmoving muggle film.

"Glad you've decided the right way. I assume you remember the plan? It has only been two days, but the Gryffindors seem all brawn and no brain."

Harry bit his tongue, nodded curtly, and walked back in to the Great Hall.


Draco had been expecting that Harry would never do this. And after all the thought he'd put into a trick on Harry. After all, the trick had been completely based on Harry's refusal. Well, he could always revise it to fit the situation. He strode back into the hall and sat down at the Slytherin table.


Harry eyed the Slytherin table for a good ten minutes. He wasn't sure what to make of Draco's face. He looked contemplative and devious. 'I knew it was a bad idea. It is a joke on me. I couldn't have been stupider if I'd tried...'

"Harry, you've been off in space since the beginning of school! What's wrong with you?" Hermione mused.

"Well, it's nothing, really. I just...guy problems."

"I always wanted to be the one that informed you that you were gay, Harry, but I guess you've jumped the gun. Good job," she smiled, patted him on the back and turned to her Arithmancy homework. It seemed like she was spending a lot more time on work than food or sleep. And how long had Hermione assumed that Harry was gay? He stabbed his pork with a knife.

Harry turned to Ron who was mumbling something incoherent. Harry thought he heard the words Snape, crack, and skull.

"Ron, something wrong?" Harry inquired.

"Well, I'm glad somebody finally noticed. I've been skulking around for two days now and even Hermione didn't say a word. And you've been in Lala Land. Every time I talk to you, it's like it passes right through you." Ron looked angry. His ears and cheeks flushed pink.

"Err...I'm sorry, I've just been really, er, preoccupied."

"I suppose the only one that matters is you and some girl, huh? You look like Cupid shot you with more than one arrow. But don't think you're the only one having girl problems, Harry, because we've all got plenty of our own."

Harry hated it when Ron got moody. It didn't seem to happen all to often, but when it did, it was generally Harry's fault in the first place. And he always made it worse by saying the exact wrong thing.

"If it makes you feel any better, it's not girl problems, Ron. And I'm here to listen to you now, if you want."

"I don't want to," he hesitated, "But I will because I have to get it off my chest." He shoved a piece of pork into his mouth and continued, "It's Hermione. Everyone keeps telling me we'd be great together. Ron and Hermione, sitting in a tree blah blah blah. Well, there's been no proof to back it up. She never hints at anything, and for that matter, she hardly acknowledges me!" He was burning crimson now, with emotion.

"Have you tried to get her attention through something other than angst?" Harry knew incessant whining wouldn't stop. Also, he'd much rather have Ron mad at him than crying on his shoulder.

"Well...no." Ron looked stupefied.

"It might be a good idea to try a new approach. Do something subtle. Like," he thought for a moment, "Ask for her help. She loves that. After she's helped you, offer her a huge thank you. She'll definitely appreciate you if you appreciate her. Eventually, you should try something more forward, like a flower. Now, Hermione isn't daft, and she probably knows you like her, but subtlety is the way to go with a girl."

Ron calculated all of the advice. "Uhm. Thanks, Harry..." He made peace with his dinner and looked a good bit happier for the rest of the evening.

Harry drank some pumpkin juice and hoped the best for his friend.


As soon as dinner was over, Draco had practically sprinted to his dorm to write a note. He was totally unsure of what to write, but he knew he had to send an owl to Harry.

'Harry, You're driving me crazy. I can't decide if I hate you any more.' He crumpled that piece and drew another from his desk.

'Harry, Once again, I am glad you have accepted the plan. I look forward to making Weasley's life miserable. Meet me in the closet again tonight at 11. We have a few more things to discuss.'

Draco looked the note over and wasn't sure what he was going to do when Harry and he met in the closet. He wanted to ask Harry how he felt about the whole thing, but that was too Romance novel-ish. After all, this wasn't meant to be a love story - it was meant as a joke. There should be no feeling involved.

He would have to simply tell Harry off for thinking anything more of Draco than an enemy. Of course, Harry would blush and deny everything, but Draco had seen the way Harry constantly looked at him. And luckily, Harry was a bit thick and hadn't noticed Draco looking back.

Draco walked to the owlery and sent his owl off with the note for Harry.


'Harry, Once again, I am glad you have accepted the plan. I look forward to making Weasley's life miserable. Meet me in the closet again tonight at 11. We have a few more things to discuss.' Harry had read the note from Draco many times over. He had no idea why Draco needed to see him again. He was probably going to make some bad jokes and get Harry as uncomfortable as possible.

In any case, he was going to go. He had always been better than Draco at dueling and they were equals in physical fighting, so he could defend himself if anything went a-wall. He hoped nothing bad would happen, because, above all else, he wanted to know what Draco was up to. Everyone thought he was just a famous jock, but he wasn't a blonde, famous, jock. He noticed Draco looking at him during every meal with that unreadable expression on his face.

He sat down at a table to work on his Potions essay to clear his mind. He had an hour to go until his meeting in the closet.