Reckoning Night


Story Summary:
Harry Potter/Stargate SG-1 crossover. Wizards and Goa'uld can be a dangerous combination.




Together with Professor Dumbledore, Remus, Sirius, Hermione, Harry, Ron and Neville, the members of the SG-1 team were sitting in a pub called "The Three Broomsticks" in Hogsmeade, drinking the wizards' famous butterbeer. Daniel had to admit it wasn't all that bad, and he had already noticed Jack eyeing the curvy barmaid who had served it.

"Technically, we would have to erase your memories now. You know too much about the Wizarding World by now," Dumbledore said, but the twinkle in his eyes that seemed to be an innate part of him told Daniel the last word on this hadn't been spoken.

"Technically, some of you also know more than you should about the Stargate program," Jack said. "Not everyone survives this, you know." Daniel had heard the story of the reporter's "accident" and knew Jack wasn't just bluffing.

"However," Dumbledore continued, "You were such an integral part in the battle against Lord Voldemort that I don't think there is a need. Memory charms are meant as protection, for both the Wizarding World and the Muggles involved, but this case is very different. We owe you so much. I wouldn't want you not to remember it."

Jack looked like he didn't know whether he should feel insulted or touched. "Don't worry, on the ride home we'll come up with a suitable cover story that will eliminate all wizards from the equation. If we all agree to keep this classified, none of our governments will have any incentive to take action, and everyone will be happy."

Dumbledore nodded. "We even understand now where the imbalance of light and Dark magic comes from, and thanks to your help, we will have a way to get around it."

"Oh?" Daniel said, getting curious.

"Well, if Hermione's theory is correct," Dumbledore amended, with a nod to the girl in question, who blushed furiously. "And I believe it is. Either way, it's the ancient magic that will help us out. It still works flawlessly."

"I thought no one knows this type of magic anymore? Besides Neville?" Daniel said.

Remus jumped in to explain. "No, but over time, we can learn it. In fact, the whole Wizarding World has to go back to the roots, so to speak, and start using the ancient magic again, instead of the convenient wand-magic."

"Wait a second," Jack interrupted. "Does that mean you want to send all of the wizards on Earth through the Stargate like you did with Neville?" He didn't think General Hammond would like this idea.

"It would be impossible, sir," Sam said. "The device didn't react anymore after Neville had received the knowledge. I believe it might very well be empty, or broken, however you want to call it."

"Don't worry," Remus said with a smile. "There are other ways."

"Professor Dumbledore is going to implement a program of teaching ancient magic at Hogwarts with Neville's help," Hermione said proudly. "We're all going to learn using it by ourselves." She looked like this was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her. "It won't solve the problem immediately, but in time, it will."

Dumbledore offered to create another Portkey for them to bring them home, but Jack said they had to go by plane like regular Muggles, or someone would become suspicious. They drained the last of their butterbeers and the wizards said goodbye to them.

"Hope you guys call some time," Jack said jovially.

"It was an ... interesting experience," Sam said with a smile.

Teal'c inclined his head to show his respect. "It was an honour to have met such formidable warriors."

"Before we leave, would you mind telling me one last thing, Neville?" Daniel wanted to ask the question that had been burning in his mind ever since they got back from P3R-272, but which he had put aside when Neville had been busy with more important things. "You have all the knowledge of the Ancients, right?"

"I believe I do," Neville said. "All that had been stored in their knowledgebase, at least."

"Can you tell us what happened to the Ancients? Where are they now?"

Neville smiled and looked thoughtful. For a moment, Daniel thought he wouldn't reply at all, but then Neville started talking. "Most of them left Earth thousands of years ago. Sadly, a plague that was sweeping across the galaxy took a heavy toll on them. In time, they died out." He paused, as if pondering how much more he should tell them. "However, some of them learned to ascend to a higher plane of existence, leaving them untouched by the plague. Who knows, maybe you and your team might meet them on your journeys one day."

Daniel pondered what he had heard. "What happened to those who did not ascend? Did they all die?"

"Those that fled to a galaxy far enough away were not reached by the plague and survived. They returned to Earth later." Neville looked at his friends, then back at Daniel, studying him for a moment, before he continued. "To this day, they are still on Earth, alive and well." He paused again, then smiled cryptically. "Or rather, their descendants are!"

-- End --