A Study of the Mind

Alexandria Malfoy

Story Summary:
It is after the final war and Ginny has already started to rebuild her life. She is now a successful wizarding psychologist employed by Azkaban and St. Mungo's. Things become rather strange when both patient and doctor start to show some interesting changes.

Chapter 01


Chapter 1 - Ginevra Weasley, Wizarding Psychologist

I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for two things: the final war and Ron.

It still amazes me that my reputation and popularity grew so much in just three short years. In those three years many things have happened to allow me the privilege of studying my most recent patient, but you'll learn about him later on. For now, let's just focus on those two reasons from above and their importance to my career.

In order to understand my current situation, you must first understand the final war's importance. It was there that my fate as a wizarding psychologist was sealed.

It's odd because I changed my mind so many times throughout the war. In terms of my career, that is. You see, all of my life, and even during the beginning of the war, I wanted to be a Healer. I figured that after the pain that Tom caused me, I should at least help those I could to overcome whatever physical pain his minions bestowed upon them. And for awhile, I was content with my choice. Then the war came, and I still wanted to be a Healer. I would go to war camps, interning with the resident Healers, learning as much as I could while trying to heal as fast as I could. It may sound strange, but I was in heaven. Although there was plenty of blood, something I would have to get used to, there was also plenty of Dark magic, something I knew a lot about. I'm sure you could imagine how much of a help I was to those who were cursed with Dark magic. I also saw many students in the infirmary that I didn't expect to see. For example, I expected to see the Trio, but I did not expect to see someone like Millicent Bulstrode risking her life for the better half of the wizarding world. Yet there she was, out there with the other Aurors, trying to fight off Malfoys Junior and Senior in their quest to appease Tom. It shocked me at first to see her at just 17, staring death in the eye in the form of Draco Malfoy. Then again, at 16, so was I, only in a different sense. I saw it in the eyes of those struggling to live, those I watched die at my hands. It was a rather unsettling feeling, and that was when I decided to become an Auror.

Again, it seemed perfectly reasonable at the time. I mean, I had an extensive knowledge of the Dark Arts (as well as some insight to Tom's twisted mind), and I had that training with the DA up until the war started.

I had decided to become an Auror, but I didn't know why. At the time, I just had this innate feeling that wouldn't be fulfilled until I started Auror training. Now that I think about it, though, maybe it was because I wanted to prevent death from ever happening. Not very bright logic, but that's not the point. The point was that I would have given anything to be in battle. Because we were in the middle of the war, though, all of the competent Aurors available were out fighting the good fight. A bit of an inconvenience if you ask me. I'll admit, it discouraged me quite a bit, but that didn't stop me. During my 'Auror Phase,' as I like to call it, I still worked as a Healer, but as a fee of sorts for my wonderful skills and services, I asked for training from those who were having an extended stay at the infirmary. It wasn't exactly top notch training, but it sufficed and subdued my appetite for the time being.

I like to compare my first day in battle to sex. At the time, I was still a virgin; Harry would just have to wait until Tom was vanquished, as I constantly reminded him, but once I lost it, being in battle was the only thing that gave me the same feeling. I don't know why it felt that way, but it did. It was an orgasmic, insatiably pleasurable feeling that ran through me as I stood down those that worshipped Tom. The magic coursing through my veins seemed to increase tenfold and I felt invincible, like nothing could stop me from killing.

Then something did.

That 'something' made my third career choice for me, the one that led me to become who I am today. This 'something' also leads to my second reason: Ron.

How I love Ron. He's the greatest brother any girl could ever ask for. A tad overprotective at times, but I still love him all the same. You must be asking yourself, 'What happened and why is Ron so important?' Well, to answer your question, Ron is the reason why I do what I do and the 'something' (or 'someone' I should say) that I keep referring to is the one and only Draco Malfoy.

Now I'm sure you're also wondering how a complete prat like Malfoy plays into this; don't worry, I shall explain it to you right now.

It all happened on the battlefield. I had been in battle for about a week with the war having gone on for about 2 years. I was also 18 by then. Ron, on the other hand, was 19 and had been in battle ever since the beginning of the war. Mum always said that it was a miracle that he wasn't dead yet. But there he was, holding his own, diligently waiting until Harry and/or Dumbledore killed Tom for good.

We had been fighting near Hogwarts that day, and Lucius Malfoy had put his son up to the task of defeating those guarding it while he did some bidding for Tom. A suicide mission if I ever saw one. There was no way that Draco Malfoy and the Death Eater slime he was commanding could have made it past us. It would have taken an act of divine intervention for that to occur. Though near the end, surprisingly enough, he almost did it. Both sides were retreating quickly, but Malfoy would just not give up. Neither would Ron. And I, being his sister, willingly followed him deeper into the fray.

I had one purpose during that final battle. My objective was to curse the living hell out of anything that stood in mine and Ron's way.

By that time, Harry and Dumbledore had been forced to go off to Romania to defeat Tom, Hermione was nearly killed, so she had been hospitalized, leaving the remaining Weasleys (Ron and myself especially) to save Hogwarts from Draco. So far, Ron and I had been pretty successful in holding back the Death Eaters from bombarding the main entrance, when a sudden commotion caused them to stop. It seemed that the Malfoy heir wasn't too pleased with his minions' progress and decided to take care of business himself. That, my friends, was the moment of decision.

Draco marched right up to the very front, challenging Ron and me with a smirk; blood and sweat plastering his hair to his forehead and neck. We circled each other, trying to decide who should attack first. A clichéd move, something that reminded me of Muggle martial arts movies, but it was effective in terms of intimidation. Our stare-down came to a point where I just couldn't stand it anymore and I rushed over to Draco, hoping to engage him in battle. I thought for sure that he would have killed me right then and there, but his reaction time was slow, and I hit him with one of my infamous hexes first. I believe it was 'Expelliarmus', but the details get fuzzier by the day. Like I said, he seemed hesitant, but once I disarmed him, he came crashing back to reality. He quickly got up and used his wand like a sword, clashing it against mine. We had been fighting for a good 15 minutes when Ron tried to join me in my battle.

"Not bad, little one," was the very last thing I remember Draco Malfoy telling me before he cast one last curse on me, catapulting me against the Whomping Willow, where I blacked out.

From what I could tell, I was out for about twenty minutes, and when I awoke I discovered Ron and Draco in the midst of a duel, just like I thought they would be. I had figured that as soon as I had hit the willow that Ron took my place in front of Draco.

The two boys were dripping with sweat, looking ready to kill, obviously giving it all they had. I carefully snuck closer to the battle; I didn't want to be seen by Malfoy Junior.

The next ten minutes played out like a Muggle movie in slow motion.

Draco was getting weaker, and Ron knew that with one final blow, he could probably finish him off for good. Ron thought this, and could have succeeded too, but Malfoy had an ace up his sleeve. As Ron pulled back his wand to give Draco the Killing Curse, Draco yelled out 'Crucio!' and I knew it was all over. Ron fell upon the mud and grass, writhing in pain, but Draco would not let up, even when Ron was begging for mercy. The look on Malfoy's face was a strange mixture of sympathy and a sick, twisted pleasure. I didn't know which emotion was stranger; the fact that he enjoyed torturing my brother, or the fact that he felt pity for his archrival. It was interesting and scary all at the same time.

I think I was in a bit of a trance for the six or seven minutes that Ron was under the curse. I snapped out of it when I heard one final blood-curdling scream from my brother. Immediately I sprung up and ran over to Malfoy, engaging him in one last battle.

It didn't take me that long to defeat the all-powerful Draco Malfoy. In fact, I think it took me all of about 5 seconds. I believe it was a matter of how fast I could perform the Body-Bind Curse. Now I'm sure you're wondering how I possibly did that without getting killed. Personally, I have no idea. Truthfully, I think I was just too damn lucky, but more to the point, I watched Draco fall to the ground with a loud 'thump' as I fell to my knees next to Ron. When I heard the scream, you see, I thought he was dead, which is why I ran over to confront Draco. What I didn't realize at the time was how wrong I was.

I decided to leave Draco to the other Aurors, who hauled him into Hogwarts, as I took Ron to the infirmary. It wasn't until I got to the hospital wing that I realized that Ron was not dead, but in a state of shock; my training from my Healer days kicking in at the oh-so-appropriate moment. Sorry if you missed the sarcasm in my voice, but it was there.

Nevertheless, Ron's fate mirrored that of the Longbottoms. He was quickly moved to the Mental Ward at St. Mungo's as soon as the war ended, some two weeks later. That was when I made my final career choice. I decided to become a psychologist in order to be closer to Ron. Turned out to be something I was good at, something I excelled at, and something that I really and truly did enjoy. I know it may be rather strange to find a 'crazy doctor', as Fred and George playfully call it, in the wizarding world, but it's a respected job that I happen to be damn good at. My final study on Ron allowed me the honour of graduating the top of my class at the age 22. Not bad, eh? I would love to explain more, but that would take even longer. If you wish, I can tell you about my years of training with Professor Upland some other time. Right now is just not suitable enough for me. What I will tell you though is that because of my accomplishment, I was able to get the pick of the litter in terms of patients, which gets me to my most recent and perhaps most challenging patient. Drum roll please...it's the one...the only...

Draco Malfoy.