The Dark Arts
Mystery Crossover
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages
Published: 07/21/2002
Updated: 07/21/2002
Words: 2,949
Chapters: 1
Hits: 642



Story Summary:
Harry as Shakespeare's tragic hero? Suspend your disbelief: it actually fits? But be prepared for a few characters behaving in an apparently atypical fashion. Unfortunately, we all already know how it ends.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Harry as Shakespeare's tragic hero? Suspend your disbelief: it actually fits ? But be prepared for a few characters behaving in an apparently A-typical fashion. Unfortunately, we all already know how it ends. Dedicated to everyone who has studied the play as an exam text!
Author's Note:
Assume Draco and Harry are friends and Harry trusts Draco. This Draco is the opposite of most fanon Dracos: he appears a good person and is nasty underneath. Also, Goyle here is far more articulate than you might expect! The Quidditch competition is fabrication in place of the Turkish war. I realise this is not a very good comparison but it allows the rest of the plot to fit neatly and so will have to do. If it seems that there is a heavy weighting towards dialogue in this fic then it is because Othello (as I'm sure you know) is a play and I have followed it closely, even taking some of its structures and converting them into novel form. The characters all speak a slightly formal and stilted version of English, mainly because I was trying to follow the speech and monologues in the play without losing their meaning, but in some places I have updated it more and tried to make it seem more natural.

Act One

Scene One

"I thought you hated him?" Goyle wondered, bemused as usual.

"I do. Don't misunderstand me. I've sent numerous prefects to him who suggested me for the post, well justified I might add - but no! He had to make that Irish boy vice-captain instead of me. That fool who has only played Quidditch two years. He may be an avid supporter - he may know the textbook moves blindfolded - but what is that to my experience? The six years I have played valiantly and successfully. But no - the Boy Who Lived picked Seamus Finnegan! Finnegan!" he kicked the wall in irritation.

"I'll beat him up!" Goyle smouldered, angry on Draco's behalf.

"That's no solution," Draco retorted. "There is a better way. I will play on his team, move close to him and then get my revenge. I will follow his every whim and earn his respect, showering him with praise if I must. He will not see that under my devoted exterior I am not what I seem."

They walked on in silence for a while, along the dirt path skirting the castle wall. Goyle stumbled, unable to see his feet when the moon went behind a cloud. Draco continued oblivious of his hulking shadow.

"Keep quiet now, we are near," Draco instructed Goyle, before bending down, his powerful, tapered fingers locating a stone in the rough grass. Weighing it casually in his hand his grey eyes scan the wall, alighting on a window several feet above his head.

"Crack," sounded the pebble against the glass and Draco drew back his arm to throw another.

"Ron!?" called Goyle gruffly. The second stone struck the window and the light inside flicked on. A tousled red head appeared at the sill.

"What's going on?"

"Have you been sleeping soundly?" asked Goyle.

"Have you locked your door?" asked Draco.

"Why are you asking?" Ron was confused and shaken. His head was silhouetted against the light in his room so Draco could not make out his expression. But the lack of understanding was clear from his voice.

"You have been visited by thieves. Your fair flower has been plucked," Draco smirked.

"Are you mad?" Ron asked, voice still heavy with sleep.

"Have you recognised my voice?" queried Goyle.

"No. Who is this?" Ron was getting short tempered. He was not normally a morning person, and two a.m. did not even count as morning. Any conversation with Ron at this time of day would have been difficult, but this hints and guessing game was making him even more irritable than usual.

"This is Goyle."

The frayed temper snapped.

"Haven't I told you not to come around here? Stay away from my sister!"

"Please, Ron, I ..."

"Just go away and let me sleep!"


"What was all that about thieves?"

"Ron, I came to tell you..."

"Damn you, Ron" Draco burst in interrupting Goyle. "You are the kind of man who won't listen to advice because you can't stand the messenger! Well if it wasn't for us you might find you have a family disgrace to cover up. Would you like your sister to bring up a child alone?"

"Who is this?" Ron growled.

"One who has come to tell you your sister is fucking Potter."

"Bloody hell! It's too early in the morning for this kind of stupidity! You must be a Slytherin!"

"You are clearly a Gryffindor! Now will you listen?"

"Tell me!"

"Well..." Goyle began. "I happen to know that your sister has been sneaking away between lessons to meet Potter, and tonight she was seen going into his room shortly before midnight. If I were you I would go straight over to her dorm and see if she is there!"

" With Harry? I find that difficult to believe! He would never compromise our friendship like that!... If this is a joke..."

"I assure you it is deadly serious."

"Then I will do to her room now. Wait here! If this is a wind up you will pay sorely Goyle!" The head withdrew through the window.

"I should leave now too," Draco turned to Goyle. "As Potter's friend it would not be a good idea to get mixed up in this. It is necessary to keep up my charade. Adieu." And he melted silently into the night, his dark robes blending in with the foliage. There was no moonlight to pick out his silvery hair and pale face and so it seemed as if he has vanished from Goyle's sight.

After a few short minutes Ron's head appeared once more through the open window.

"She's gone. What am I going to do now? How could she make a decision like that? And deceive me. I didn't know she cared for Harry or I would have put a stop to this before it began. Where are they? In his room?"

"I expect so. I can find them."

"Go on then. I'll let the other prefects know she is out of bed. Stupid girl! Doesn't she know the risk? The shame to our family if she gets pregnant? Go Goyle - I will follow directly and reward your efforts."

Scene Two

"I do not have the dishonesty to help you, Harry." Draco confessed. "I do not think that I can lie convincingly to protect you."

"Don't worry, it's fine." They stood in the corridor outside Harry's room. As a prefect he was entitled to a room of his own rather than a bed in a dorm. Ginny had scuttled back to her dorm some time earlier.

"But Ron is furious. He will forbid you to see Ginny again," Draco continued.

"Let him do his worst. He cannot forbid me to see her. And I will not hide from him. I love Ginny and I am not going to deny what happened between us tonight. Listen - it sounds like someone coming."

Around the corner came Seamus. "There you are, Harry! Dumbledore has called you to go see him. I know it is very early, but you had better hurry, it must be important."

Harry had already started down the corridor when Ron appeared from the other direction with several other prefects in tow. Goyle was lurking in the background.

"He has come for a fight, Harry," warned Draco, preparing to draw his wand to come to Harry's defence.

"Put your wands away. I will not fight with you." Harry told them calmly.

"You fucking prick! How could you!? What did you do to her? What love potion or disgusting charm did you use to brainwash her? Ginny - who has turned down dates with the most suitable boys. To pick you - who will only expose her to danger. Why Harry? How did you bewitch her? And then to take advantage of her infatuation. Just disgusting. You have really hurt me Harry." The sincerity and disappointment in his friend's voice cut through Harry's skin like ice. Then Ron's voice hardened became brisk and businesslike. "Take him to McGonagall - he broke the rules by having another student in his room after lights out." This was addressed to the prefects behind him.

"You don't need to touch me. Where do you wan me to go to answer this accusation? McGonagall? Dumbledore ahs just asked to see me - I must go to him."

"That is true," Seamus seconded. "He wanted to see the whole school Quidditch team."

"Then we will all go to him at once - and in front of everyone there he shall learn of what you have done, Harry." With this Ron stalked off.

Scene Three

The Headmaster turned to Professor McGonagall, "So the challenge to the Hogwarts title seems genuine?"

"It does," Mc Gonagall confirmed. "In Philippe Auteil they have one of the best seekers I have ever seem. Of the same calibre as Charlie Weasley and Viktor Krum I would judge."

"And Harry Potter?" Dumbledore asked.

"I don't know. It's anyone's guess. A close match I suspect."

"Hmm," mused the headmaster, with a smile. "A game I would very much like to see. Our team has held the Wizard's Schools Quidditch Champion title for years unchallenged. I t would be good for our team to have to defend. Sitting back on laurels isn't good for anyone."

"Here comes our fabulous captain," murmured Snape with his usual blend of sincerity and sarcasm.

The door of the Great Hall banged open and in stalked Ron, followed closely by Harry, Draco, Goyle and the other prefects.

"Harry," Dumbledore greeted him, rising from his chair. "Draco, Ron" He nodded to the other boys, still glaring at one another.

"Headmaster, began Ron. "I have heard something tonight which horrified me. Something concerning Ginny."

"Your sister?" the headmaster looked concerned. "I hope she is not unwell?"

"No. Although maybe that would be a good description. I fear she has been abused, maybe even raped by another member of my house." Shock registered on the faces of everyone present. It was unlike Ron to beat about the bush but this direct statement had certainly come as a surprise.

"Gracious!" gasped McGonagall. "That is quite an accusation to make!"

"Indeed. We will do all we can to punish the culprit should your accusation be true. Who is this person?"

"Harry Potter." Silence followed this pronouncement. Everyone sat, wondering if this was some ill-timed joke. But the hurt and anguish on Ron's face persuaded them otherwise.

"Well..." Even Dumbledore looked taken aback, clearly not having expected Ron's denouncement of his friend. "Do you have proof?" he asked Ron.

"Not in so many words. All I know is what I have heard: but it is enough for me. Harry has abused by friendship and the trust of my family."

"If I may interrupt?" Harry stepped forward. "Sir, this is partly true. Ginny has visited my room after lights out, although I know that this is against the rules. But this is the worst of my crimes - I have not bewitched her in any way. That which happened between us was as much her choice as mine. If you will give me the time to explain I will tell you, in detail should you wish, how this came to happen."

"No! It is lies," spat Ron, unable to forgive. "Quiet, innocent Ginny. She would have been afraid to spend that much time alone with 'famous' Harry, afraid of becoming involved in his fight with You-Know-Who. Only through a charm could she have been drawn to him. Only under the influence of a spell would she have chosen to take a risk like this."

Harry looked hurt at Ron's words. The bottom falling out of his world. He could hardle believe that this was his best friend talking. What had happened he wondered. He had known that his friend would not exactly be thrilled when he heard about Harry and Ginny's releationship - but he hadn't expected that Ron would react like this.

"Well, we have no proof," sighed Dumbledore. This had not been how he had planned this meeting going.

"Herry, tell us what happened," instructed McGonagall.

"Send for Ginny first," Harry decided. "Let her tell her side too. If she says I forced myself upon her then I will willingly bear any punishment you impose."

"Yes. Go get her. And find out what has delayed the rest of the team," the headmaster said.

"Draco - you know where she is." With a nod of permission from Dumbledore, Draco slipped from the hall and sprinted towards the stairs.

"While we wait for her I will tell a full account to justify my actions to everyone here."

The group settled into the chairs indicated by Dumbledore and Harry began.

"As you know, Ron and I were - are - close friends and have been since we met. I was often invited to visit the Burrow and to spend time with family. Ginny was always interested in me: even when she first saw me on platform 9 ¾ she wanted to talk to me. Often during my visits we would talk, about my past, my memories and my fears of Voldemort. Sometimes I made her cry while talking about my parents and cry out in fear of Voldemort. Once she told me she wished she had been made one like me. She joked that the perfect date would be with a storyteller like me. After this hint I told her how I felt about her and she returned my love. She loved me for my bravery and the dangers I had faced, and I loved her for her pity and her understanding. That is the only charm I have cast over Ginny.Here she comes - Let her verify my story."

Ginny crossed the floor to where the others were sitting. She was pale, but she held her head up high as she walked. Harry though she had never looked more beautiful and longed to cover the gap between them and enfold her tenderly in his arms, kiss her soft white neck, and hear her murmur his name.

Ron turned to face her. "Dear sister. Tell these people when your love and loyalties lie."

"Ron. Harry. Her hands were balled into tight fists but her voice did not waver. "With this fight between you I am torn in half. I love you both. My brother, you have always been there when I needed you. When I was sick, when I woke crying in the night - you comforted me. You are my family. But there comes a time when every girl has a boyfriend." She looked at Harry and her voice trembled minutely. "It is only normal, Ron. And I will stand by Harry in this argument. He is my boyfriend.. and my lover." Her chin rose defiantly again as her cheeks flamed red.

Ron's face was already as scarlet as his hair but at this he turned purple with rage.

"Then there is nothing more to say. Harry, you have torn something precious from me and severed our friendship at the same time. I never want to speak to you again." He turned away and crossed to the door where he paused and looked back, meeting Harry's eyes one last time. "She lied to me, kept secrets from me. She will do the same to you."

"I would put my life on her honesty," Harry whispered. Then Ron was gone.

An uncomfortable silence smothered those still in the hall. After a heartbeat that lasted centuries, Dumbledore cleared his throat. "Ahem, Well." Another pause. "I brought you here to tell you that I am sending you, the Hogwarts Quidditch team," He looked around the room to where the other members had gathered silently. "I am sending you to a tournament at Beauxbatons Acamdemy. In fact not even a tournament, a single match against their team, challengers to our title. Their seeker, Philippe Auteil, is so good that they feel they can beat the great Harry Potter."

Right now, thought Harry, anyone could beat the great Harry Potter.

"The usual team will all be transported by Portkey," Dumbledore continued. "Harry, Seamus, Ginny, Justin, Hermione, Draco, Gregory, with Hannah Abott as a reserve. You will be leaving in three hours - that is why I called you here so early. Go pack and say yourt goodbyes at once. Then meet back here and I will divide you into groups ready for transport. And Harry... maybe being apart will give you and Ron a chance to think matters over..."

Saying this he rose and left the room via the door at the back of the dias, followed by McGonagall, Snape and Madame Hooch, who had been hovering in the background.

The team filed out of the hall and headed back towards their respective rooms and dormitories, until only Draco and Goyle were left in the hall.

Goyle's face was a picture of misery, his shoulders slumped and his feet dragging.

"Draco," he sighed. Draco turned back to him from the door, raising one immaculate eyebrow. "What?"

"What should I do? I will throw myself into the lake from the top of the astronomy tower..."

"Well, that would be very foolish," Draco sneered.

Goyle did not notice Draco's tone. "How can I continue? Every breath is torment. She loves Harry. I saw it!" He whined flinging himself dramatically into the chair that Dumbledore had vacated minutes earlier.

"Listen to me," Draco became sincere. "This attitude won't help you. You are on the team - you will be coming to Beauxbatons. Pull yourself together. She will lose interest in him and then you will have your chance. Now gather your things together. We will talk later."

With a nod, Goyle did as instructed. Draco followed, his mind whirling with possibilities. How can I exploit what I have learnt? He wondered. If I can profit from that fool and take revenge on Potter at the same time then I will. Oh I hate Potter! Perfect boy! I have heard a rumour that he slept with my girlfriend. The certainty is as likely as the suspicion - Hermione has always admired him. It is another reason to make him fall from his idol's status, whether it is true or not. How can I use the handsome Seamus in Harry's fall? Maybe hint to Harry that Seamus has his eye on Ginny - certainly the pair are familiar with each other. It is plausible. And plausible is good enough. Harry is so innocent and honest, believing people to be what they seem to be. So easily led. The plan is conceived. Draco smiled to himself. The Dark Lord help me pull this off!