Drama Angst
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 08/20/2001
Updated: 02/25/2002
Words: 204,474
Chapters: 41
Hits: 34,281

The Fire You Touch


Story Summary:
An AU for Chamber of Secrets. Aeryn Blake's father was a wizard, but she is only a mutant who has no magical abilities. When fate intervenes and gives her a chance to attend Hogwarts at the age of 20, she leaps at the chance. But when the mutant scare is awakened in the wizarding world, she us unprepared at the price she has to pay...not just to keep her secret hidden, but to discover the mystery behind the attacks at Hogwarts.

Chapter 11



Chapter 11: The Sorting Hat

"Hagrid," Aeryn asked as they stood on Hogwarts’ tiny, dark train platform, "why do I have to be here?"

"Because," Hagrid answered, swinging the lamp in his hand, "yeh’ve gotta get Sorted into a House, jus’ like all the firs’ years."

"Couldn’t I just have waited for them at Hogwarts?" Aeryn chafed her arms, shivering in the cold night air. She wished, fleetingly, that she had remembered to bring her outdoor cloak.

Hagrid grinned. "What, and miss the traditional hike of the firs’ years to Hogwarts? Nah, yeh’ve gotta experience that once in yer lifetime."

The Hogwarts Express was due to arrive any minute now, but it couldn’t get there quick enough for Aeryn. That morning at Hogwarts had been frantic, as ghosts and teachers and house-elves raced around the castle, making sure everything was perfect before the huge banquet that evening, and Aeryn got quite lost in the bustle. After Aeryn hounded her for nearly half an hour, Professor McGonagall finally gave Aeryn her exam grades. To Aeryn’s delight and surprise, she had passed all of her classes with flying colors—and, most surprisingly, had received perfect scores in both Potions and Defense Against the Dark Arts. She was now officially a second year—or would be, once she was sorted into a House.

Aeryn checked her watch for the eleventh time and sighed, hopping from one foot to another. She turned to ask Hagrid if she could hold the lantern until the train arrived, just to keep her hands warm, and found the giant regarding her with a mixture of appreciation and disapproval. He blushed as he saw her looking at him.

"What?" she asked.

Hagrid coughed. "Yer…um…yer not wearin’ yer school blacks," he mumbled.

"Yes, I am." McGonagall had firmly told Aeryn that she was to wear a black robe to the Sorting Ceremony that evening, just so that she wouldn’t stick out among the first years any more than she had to. Aeryn spread her arms and looked down at her robe. Granted, the clinging bodice and waist were not standard-issue, and the low, square neckline edged with black beads was even less so, but her flared sleeves and skirt flowed gracefully around her with the slightest movement just like everyone else’s robe, and that was good enough for Aeryn. Besides, she didn’t have any standard school robes.

"Don’t I look okay?" she asked Hagrid mischievously, spreading her arms so he could see her robe.

"Yeah, yeh look great," Hagrid commented hastily, tearing his eyes away from Aeryn’s bodice. "I mean, yeh look fine, but…um…" He suddenly found his lantern very captivating indeed and fell silent.

Aeryn grinned. "Thanks, Hagrid."

In the distance, a whistle blew. Aeryn looked down the track and saw the Hogwarts Express chugging slowly towards the platform. It slowed down and finally stopped, and the door burst open and a sea of black-robed students jostled out onto the platform. Excited conversation echoed in the air, and Aeryn pressed closely to Hagrid to keep from being swept away. Hagrid held his lantern high over the heads of the students. "Firs’ years! Firs’ years over here!" he boomed, and soon a gathering of small, white-faced students surrounded him.

"Hagrid! Aeryn!"

Hermione Granger pushed through the crowd of students and ran up to Aeryn, her face pinched with worry.

"What is it, Hermione?" Aeryn asked, immediately concerned.

"It’s Ron and Harry," she gasped. "They weren’t at platform nine-and-three-quarters—they didn’t get on the Hogwarts Express—they aren’t here, how are they going to get here, something must have happened to them!"

"Easy, sweetie," Aeryn exclaimed, putting her hands on Hermione’s shoulders. But she chewed on the edge of her lip. She knew that Harry would never have missed the Hogwarts Express unless something enormous had come up. She pushed her worry to the back of her mind and looked into Hermione’s eyes. "Hermione, is there any other way they could get here?"

"Um." The brown-haired girl thought a moment. "I suppose they could use—Floo powder or something—but they said they were going to be on the Hogwarts Express, they told me!"

"Okay, okay," Aeryn said soothingly.

"What’s the matter?" Hagrid asked, overhearing the conversation.

"Hagrid," Hermione said, looking pleadingly up at the giant. "Harry and Ron weren’t on the train!"

"Are yeh sure?" Hagrid looked skeptical.

"Yes!" Hermione looked ready to cry.

Aeryn patted the girl on the arm. "Okay, Hermione, don’t worry. I’m sure Harry and Ron will get here in time for the banquet." When the girl started to protest, Aeryn shushed her. "Listen, if they aren’t there by the ceremony, go get Professor McGonagall or one of the other teachers and tell them what happened, okay?"

"Okay," Hermione said doubtfully.

Aeryn gave her a quick hug. "I’m sure that wherever those two are, they’re fine," she reassured the girl. "See you at the banquet, hon."

"Yeah." Hermione gave her a small smile. "Best of luck in the Sorting!"

"Thanks," Aeryn said, and Hermione sprinted away. Hagrid was already leading the first years down a steep, narrow path, and Aeryn quickly fell into line. No one said much as they slipped and slid down the dark pathway, and Aeryn grumpily chastised herself for not wearing her tennis shoes.

There was a gasp of amazement as the path opened onto the edge of a great black lake. Even Aeryn was impressed by the cold, clear view of Hogwarts sparkling atop a high mountain on the other side. Hagrid pointed to a fleet of small boats on the edge of the lake. "No more ‘n four to a boat!" he cried.

Aeryn climbed into a boat and found herself joined by Ginny Weasley and two trembling, mousy-faced boys who looked as if they were twins. Aeryn and Ginny shared a brief, acknowledging smile as the fleet rowed silently across the lake into a dark tunnel that seemed to be going right underneath the castle. They finally reached an underground harbor, and climbed out onto the rocky shore and up a passageway that opened up onto the front steps of the castle.

After a quick glance to make sure everyone was there, Hagrid led the group up the steps and banged three times on the heavy oak door.

The door swung open and Professor McGonagall stood there, looking twice as stern as ever. Aeryn heard several of the first years gulp.

"Firs’ years, Professor," Hagrid said cheerfully.

"Thank you, Hagrid. I will take them from here," she said soberly, and pulled the door open wide. Hagrid winked quickly at Aeryn and as first years hesitantly followed McGonagall into the castle and through a long stone hallway. Aeryn looked over at Ginny Weasley as they made their way into a small, empty chamber off the corner of the Great Hall. The poor girl looked petrified. After a moment, Aeryn held her hand out to her. As the rest of the first years squeezed into the room, Ginny quickly slipped her hand into Aeryn’s and held it tightly.

"Welcome to Hogwarts," Professor McGonagall said. "The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be sorted into your Houses. The Sorting is a very important ceremony because, while you are here, your House will be something like your family within Hogwarts. You will have classes with the rest of your House, sleep in your House dormitory, and spend free time in your House common room.

"The four Houses are called Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. Each House has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding witches and wizards. While you are at Hogwarts, your triumphs will earn your House points, while any rule-breaking will lose House points. At the end of the year, the House with the most points is awarded the House cup, a great honor. I hope each of you will be a credit to whichever House becomes yours.

"The Sorting Ceremony will take place in a few minutes in front of the rest of the school. I suggest you all smarten yourselves up as much as you can while you are waiting." Her eyes snagged over several of the first years, who began pawing at their hair and straightening their cloaks. McGonagall looked over at Aeryn and raised an eyebrow at her unorthodox robe, but did not deign to comment. "I shall return when we are ready for you," she told them. "Please wait quietly."

She left the chamber, and a joint sigh echoed through the room. The first years stood where they were, nervously shuffling their feet and a few mumbling to themselves under their breaths. Even Aeryn was feeling a bit anxious. She hadn’t realized that being sorted was going to be such a big production.

Suddenly, Ginny gave a squeak and gripped Aeryn’s hand hard enough to make her wince. She wasn’t the only one. A few screams echoed through the chamber as about twenty ghosts streamed through the back wall, talking to one another.

"Hi, Nick," Aeryn said as a ghost wearing a ruff and tights floated by her.

Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porptington, aka Nearly-Headless Nick and the resident ghost of Gryffindor tower, stopped and grinned at her. "Aeryn! And the first years! About to be Sorted, I suppose."

"Yep." She tried to ignore the pain shooting through her hand as Ginny tightened her grip.

"Hope to see you in my House," he exclaimed. He cast a ghostly eye across her robe and nodded appraisingly. "Lovely school blacks, by the way."

"Move along now," said a sharp voice. "The Sorting Ceremony’s about to start."

The ghosts waved cheerfully as the first years formed into a single-file line and walked out of the chamber, back across the hall, and through a pair of double doors into the Great Hall. Aeryn, still holding Ginny’s hand, drew in a breath of admiration as they entered the Hall. Hundreds of students stared at them, their faces pale in the flickering candlelight of thousands of candles floating in midair over four long tables. The tables were lined with golden plates and goblets. The ceiling, which Aeryn knew was enchanted to look like the sky outside, was black and dotted with stars. Professor McGonagall led the first years up to the front of the Hall, facing the other students with their backs to the teachers.

McGonagall placed a four-legged stool in front of the first years. On top of the stool she set a frayed, patched, and extremely dirty wizard’s hat. Aeryn looked at it disbelievingly. This was the Sorting Hat she had heard so much about? She snuck a look at the other first years, and noticed she wasn’t the only one unimpressed. Then, a rip near the brim of the hat opened like a mouth, and the hat began to sing:

"There is a phrase from years gone by

That’s always true and tried:

You cannot judge on looks alone

To see what’s deep inside!

Though I am old and battered through

And almost worn apart,

Place me on your head, and I will see

What’s deep inside your heart!

The four founders of Hogwarts School

Are now laid out to rest;

Now only I can truly know

Which House suits you the best!

Would you be placed in Gryffindor

For bravery and might?

Would you belong in Hufflepuff

For loyalty and right?

Does Ravenclaw suit you the best,

Where sharp minds are the rule?

Or would you be in Slytherin

Where cunning is your tool?

But who knows best, and which is right?

Do not feel any dread!

For I am Hogwarts’ Sorting Hat;

Just place me on your head!"

The hall burst into applause as the hat finished its song. It bowed to each of the four tables and then became still again.

Aeryn gulped as Professor McGonagall stepped forward holding a long roll of parchment. If the hat could see inside her heart and tell which House she belonged in, could it also tell whether or not she had magical powers? And what would happen if it discovered she was really a mutant? Would it let out a scream? Would it laugh and exclaim loudly to everyone in the hall that she was a fraud?

"When I call your name, you will put on the hat and sit on the stool to be sorted," McGonagall said. "Answorth, Meghan!"

A black-haired girl with huge eyes tripped out of line, put on the hat, and sat down on the stool. The hat fell right over her eyes. After a moment’s pause—

"RAVENCLAW!" shouted the hat.

The table on the left cheered loudly, and Meghan went to sit down at the Ravenclaw table. Aeryn clenched her teeth as Professor McGonagall went down the list, and several more students joined Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Ravenclaw. Aeryn noticed that sometimes the hat shouted out the hat at once, but others, like "Barns, Michael" took nearly a minute to decide.

"Blake, Aeryn!"

Aeryn’s stomach dropped like a rock.

"Good luck," Ginny whispered as she stepped out of line.

Aeryn swallowed, hearing a ripple of whispers echo through the students as she walked to the stool and picked up the Sorting Hat. "Isn’t she a little old for this?" sneered someone at the Slytherin table, and Aeryn, her ears burning, jammed the hat down over her eyes and sat down on the stool. She waited, looking at the black inside of the hat and feeling very foolish.

"Well, well, well," came a small voice at her ear. "This is very interesting indeed."

Aeryn gripped the edges of the stool. *What’s so interesting,* she asked, instinctively questing out to probe the Sorting Hat’s mind. Trouble was, the Hat didn’t have a mind.

There was a brief pause from the Hat. Then, there was a chuckle. "You’re not really a witch," it said condescendingly. "You’re a mutant."

Aeryn’s heart froze.

"Yet, somehow, you managed to pass all the tests and fool all the professors into thinking you really do belong here. How devious of you, my dear." There was a definite edge of amusement to the Hat’s voice.

*You’re not going to tell Dumbledore, are you?*

"Well, I suppose I could, but after you’ve worked so hard to get here, I don’t know if I’d have the heart to ruin your life like that." The Hat sighed, thinking hard. "I suppose I’d better place you in a House, then…this is quite intriguing. In all my years, I don’t think I’ve ever run across a situation like this."

*Just hurry up and place me,*

Aeryn thought.

"Well, Hufflepuff’s definitely out for you—you’re too fiery of a spirit for them—you have the studious spirit of a Ravenclaw, and you’re quite intelligent—but, still, I think they’re a bit too tame for you." The voice in her ear became musing. "Slytherin wouldn’t be a bad match for you…you’re cunning, you’ve proved that already by getting here…and, what’s this? Good heavens, my dear, you’ve already killed two people at your tender age? Why, I’ve got a convict on my stool!"

Aeryn’s hands were cold and trembled against the edge of the stool.

"However—you’re quite brave, and fiercely loyal to your friends. But you have a strong thirst to prove yourself, too, and—ooh—a desire to be accepted. So. Where should I place you?"

*Place me somewhere, please.*

She was beginning to sweat.

The Hat sighed. "I don’t think I’ve had such a difficult placement in all my years. However, I have to take into consideration that you aren’t really a witch—although, I do see a smidgeon of magic in you, and, given time, maybe you’ll be able to cultivate your talent—well, although I almost think differently, my instincts say that you’d better be in GRYFFINDOR!"

The Hat shouted the last word to the entire hall. With sweating palms, Aeryn took it hastily off her head and staggered towards the Gryffindor table. She sat down in an empty seat next to Hermione, barely hearing the applause ringing through the air and Nearly-Headless Nick’s shouts of praise. The snide, knowing voice of the Sorting Hat still rang in her ears. But it was over now…she was safe…she had been Sorted. And she was in Harry’s House. Disaster had been averted.

Hermione leaned over to her as the Sorting continued. "Harry and Ron aren’t here yet," she muttered.

Aeryn frowned in concern. "Did you tell McGonagall?"

"Not yet, I haven’t had time." Hermione and Aeryn clapped politely as several more new Gryffindors joined their table. "After the Sorting’s over, though, I’m going to say something to her."

Aeryn nodded, her eyes falling on the staff table. Harry and Ron weren’t the only ones missing from the ceremony. Professor Snape was missing as well. As the head of Slytherin House, he should be present at the ceremony—not that Aeryn minded his absence. Even after giving her top marks for her exams, he was still her least favorite professor.

Aeryn crossed her fingers as Ginny put on the Sorting Hat, which promptly shouted out "GRYFFNIDOR!" Ginny hardly looked surprised as she walked towards the table, but since all her brothers were also Gryffindors, she’d probably already had a pretty good idea where she was going to be placed. Finally, the last names were read, and Professor McGonagall rolled up her scroll and took the Sorting Hat away.

Albus Dumbledore rose to his feet. He was grinning broadly at the students, and his eyes glistened proudly behind his half-moon glasses. "Welcome!" he exclaimed. "It is my pleasure to welcome you to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I have a few words to say to you: Humdinger and bubblesqueak! Thank you!"

He sat down amidst clapping and cheering, and Aeryn grinned. Dumbledore was a pretty cool character.

The dishes before them were suddenly piled with an amazing assortment of food. Gryffindor table dug into their plates with a relish. As Aeryn scooped a spoonful of scalloped potatoes onto her plate, she chanced to look up at the staff table. Professor McGonagall had sat down and was beginning her meal, when Professor Snape suddenly appeared at her side. His greasy black-haired head bent down and whispered something in her ear, and McGonagall’s stern face turned hard as flint. The professor put her knife down and leaned over to Dumbledore, muttering to him in a low voice. Dumbledore’s cheery expression did not change, but he nodded sagely and said something to Snape.

McGonagall and Snape slipped from the room, extreme anger written across McGonagall’s face, pure glee written on Snape’s. After a moment, Dumbledore leaned over to Professor Flitwick and murmured something, and then the Headmaster rose to his feet and exited the Hall.

Harry. And Ron.

Something must have happened to them. Aeryn sat at the table, her knife poised over her steak and her mind racing. No one seemed to have noticed the occurrence at the staff table save for her.

Aeryn picked up her fork, but set it back down, a lump of worry forming in her throat. She put her napkin next to her plate and got to her feet.

"Where are you going?" Hermione asked through a mouthful of carrots.

"Uh—bathroom—" Aeryn muttered, and she quickly made her way out of the Great Hall. As the double doors swung shut behind her, the noise and laughter of the feast was muffled away, and the halls before her were silent.

Aeryn narrowed her eyes and concentrated, questing her mind out into the passageways before her. She searched the main floor—the dungeon—there were people down there—five people, in Snape’s office. Aeryn pulled her mind back and hurried down the staircase. She took a wrong turn, doubled back, and finally arrived outside of Snape’s office. The sturdy oak door was firmly shut. Aeryn pressed her ear against the door, listening carefully.

"Professor Dumbledore!" came Snape’s indignant voice. "These boys have flouted the Decree for the Restriction of Underage Wizardry, caused serious damage to an old and valuable tree—surely acts of this nature—"

"It will be for Professor McGonagall to decide on these boys’ punishments, Severus," said Dumbledore calmly. "They are in her House and therefore her responsibility. Now, I must get back to the feast, Minerva—"

The heavy oak door swung suddenly open. Aeryn, with a shriek, tumbled into the office and sprawled at the feet of a fuming Snape with a heavy thump.

"Miss Blake!" exclaimed Professor McGonagall fiercely.

"What are you doing here?" Snape snarled.

"Hello, Miss Blake," Dumbledore said gently. "Enjoying the ceremony?"

"Professor—Professors—Headmaster— " Aeryn quickly scrambled to her feet, nearly tripping over her robes. "I came because—Harry and Ron couldn’t—" Her eyes fell on the two sheepish-looking second years sitting behind the professors, and she gave a relieved sigh. "Harry! Ron! Thank goodness you two are okay, Hermione and I have been worried sick—"

"Miss Blake," Professor McGonagall snapped. "Kindly straighten your robe and calm down."

Aeryn looked down. The neckline of her robe had been pulled down so far that she was almost falling out of her bodice. "Sorry," she murmured, fixing her neckline and ignoring the sly grins Harry and Ron shot at each other.

"Why aren’t you in the Hall, Miss Blake?" Dumbledore asked after a moment.

Aeryn bit her lip. "I…was worried about Harry and Ron," she said, deciding to tell the truth. "I saw you three leave the Hall, and I instinctively thought that something had happened to them…so I followed you."

"You just assumed our business was with Potter and Weasley?" Snape asked.

I couldn’t think of anything else that would make you smile so gleefully,

Aeryn thought, but decided not to speak it out loud.

"As you can see, Miss Blake, both Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley are just fine, and I’m sure they appreciate your concern." McGonagall said, her voice slightly warmer than it had been a few moments ago. "Now, Miss Blake, it would be best if you returned with Professor Dumbledore and Professor Snape to the Great Hall and finished the ceremony." She waved her wand towards the open door.

"Thank you, Minerva," Dumbledore said. "Come, Severus, there’s a delicious custard tart I want to sample." He exited the office, followed by a glowering Snape. Aeryn glanced back at the boys one last time, and quietly closed the office door.

She had climbed the dungeon stairs and was heading for the Great Hall when Professor Snape stopped dead in his tracks and whirled on his heel. Aeryn nearly smacked into him, and shrank back a step as his coal-black eyes glared down at her.

"What were you really doing, skulking around my office?" he asked silkily.

"I told you." She could hear the roar of the students quiet down in the Great Hall. Dumbledore’s familiar voice began speaking, although she couldn’t make out the muffled words. "I was worried about Harry and Ron."

"Really," Snape purred.

"Yes." Aeryn looked up into his sallow face, her eyebrows raised.

Snape tilted his head like a curious hawk. He did not speak for a moment, merely studied Aeryn’s face with his sharp gaze.

A loud clapping erupted inside the Hall.

"Into which House were you placed, Miss Blake?" Snape asked quietly.

"Gryffindor," Aeryn said firmly. The sound of singing echoed inside the Hall.

A flicker of disappointment raced across Snape’s face, but was just as quickly erased by his usual emotionless gaze. "Pity," he commented. "You would have been an…exquisite…addition to Slytherin House." His cold eyes slowly traced the beading at the neck of her robe. "A true pity," he repeated softly.

Aeryn stared at him.

The doors of the Great Hall were flung open and the students of Hogwarts came pouring out into the halls. The students were busily jabbering to each other—"Harry Potter and Ron Weasley, I’m telling you, they’ve been expelled for crashing a flying car"—and suddenly Hermione was tugging Aeryn’s elbow.

"Aeryn, c’mon, we’ve got to—" Hermione suddenly saw Professor Snape, and her voice became more subdued. "Oh. Good evening, Professor Snape."

A thin smile twitched Snape’s lips. "See you in Potions, Miss Blake," he murmured, and he disappeared in a whirl of black robes.

"So what did you find out?" Hermione asked as she dragged Aeryn along the hall. Aeryn explained to Hermione what she had seen in the dungeon. Apparently, there was some wild rumor that the boys had stolen a flying car and crashed it into some old tree.

"Well, Snape did say something about destroying some tree—" Aeryn began.

Hermione groaned and slapped her head. "Let’s wait for them to come back to the tower," she suggested as they stopped a little ways from the Fat Lady. "I’m sure they’ll be able to explain themselves."

They didn’t have to wait long, either. Very shortly afterwards, Harry and Ron came up the path to Gryffindor tower.

"Password?" the cheerful painting asked.

"Er—" Harry said.

Hermione rushed across the hall to them. "There you are! Where have you been! The most ridiculous rumors—"

"Are you guys okay?" Aeryn asked. "Did you get expelled?"

"Well, we haven’t been expelled," Harry assured her.

"You’re not telling me you did fly here?" shrieked Hermione.

"Skip the lecture," Ron said impatiently, "and tell us the new password. We’ve had enough lecturing to last us the school year."

"It’s ‘wattlebird,’ but that’s not the point—"

The Fat Lady’s painting swung open on her words and there arose a great cheer from the interior of Gryffindor tower. Harry and Ron were pulled through the portrait hole, and Aeryn and Hermione scrambled in after them. All around the two boys, the Gryffindors were congratulating them on their terrific flight to Hogwarts.

"I don’t believe this," huffed Hermione as she and Aeryn pushed through the crowd and headed for the dormitories. She pushed open the door and stalked over to her four-poster bed. "They’d better have not lost any points for Gryffindor already this year."

Aeryn shrugged and sat down on her bed. "At least they’re okay," she reminded her.

The brown-haired girl shrugged. "They’re so irresponsible!" she said after a moment.

"I know. It’s a boy thing," Aeryn said, and Hermione laughed slightly, a small smile lighting her face. Aeryn grinned back at her and stretched out on the bed.

"I’m glad you’re in Gryffindor, Aeryn," Hermione said. She lay down on her pillow and yawned. "I think we’ll be good friends."

"Me, too," Aeryn agreed sleepily. "Me, too."