Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Harry Potter Severus Snape
Slash Action
The Harry Potter at Hogwarts Years
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 08/26/2004
Updated: 06/24/2013
Words: 144,669
Chapters: 31
Hits: 60,465

Unforgivable Promises


Story Summary:
During the summer before Harry's sixth year, the Death Eaters are becoming bolder. Now, Harry must learn exactly what it will take to save himself and the ones he loves.

Chapter 15

Chapter Summary:
Harry's risk has paid off, buying Snape some more time, but how much? Luna, Snape and Harry spend some time in the infirmary where teasing ensues. Albus has some bad news for everyone: Draco and the new Death Eaters are coming back to Hogwarts. Hermione's got a plan.
Author's Note:
Poor Snape and Harry! Left in pain! Sorry for the cliffhanger in the last chapter. Here's some relief.

Unforgivable Promises

Chapter 15


Neville and Dumbledore found Harry unconscious beside his professor. Snape lay on his stomach and did not seem to be breathing at all; closer inspection revealed a spark of life, though little else. Harry, on the other hand, was facing them, eyes open, but if he saw anything it was clearly not in the passage they were in. His back was arched, and the arm bound to Snape was twisted out of any natural shape. It was Dumbledore who, at a loss, decided to keep the magical ropes intact as they were levitated to the infirmary. The immediate danger of the Death Eaters had passed. Ron, Hermione, and Ginny had left very little for Lupin to take care of at the Shrieking Shack. The four followers of Voldemort would wake up to find themselves on their way to Azkaban.

"I am sure," Dumbledore had said to Neville as they guided the two latest patients into Pomfrey's care, "that both Harry and Professor Snape will be fine. It seems that our Harry has once again managed to out-wit our enemy."

Neither were convinced that Harry and Snape would recover, but they pretended to, if just for the others' sake.


Hours later, emerald eyes opened slowly to the familiar surroundings of the Hogwarts infirmary. His arm ached; his back was sore and on fire with the pain of a hundred scrapes and bruises. And though it felt like nothing in the world could hurt more than the blacksmith pounding on the inside of his skull, the piercing, streaking agony of his scar somehow managed to. With a whimper, he closed his eyes and hoped that whatever had caused him this much pain had blessed him with amnesia along with it.

It had not, of course, and after a minute he recalled the passage and Snape's final act of heroism. But perhaps not final. If Harry had survived, it was possible that the other man had too. His need to know overpowered the pain, and he forced his eyes open again. Empty beds surrounded him. With a small sigh, Harry let his head fall back into the pillow and closed his eyes.

Madame Pomfrey's voice came from above him, though he could not bring himself to open his eyes again. "I see you're awake, Harry. Professor Dumbledore says you seem free of dangerous magic, though he anticipated you would be in a good deal of pain when you woke up. I'm giving you something for it, and to help you sleep." He felt a bottle press against his lips and opened his mouth. The familiar taste of medicine greeted his tongue, and he hoped for quick relief. He wanted to sleep so he could avoid remembering what happened when his arm met Snape's Mark. The potion must have been strong, as he felt himself slipping away almost immediately. From the darkness, he heard Pomfrey's final words. "He says you saved Professor Snape's life, too."


When Harry woke again, it was to the sound of hushed voices carrying from the next room. He could make out Hermione's high pitch and Dumbledore's steady tones. Questions crowded his thoughts, and he pulled himself out of bed. How long had he been unconscious? How was Snape? And Luna? He needed to know, and he knew where to find answers. It dawned on him that the pain in his head and scar was nearly gone, though he still lacked the energy to make it to the door unaided. Using the row of beds for support, Harry shuffled towards the door.

Hermione nearly knocked him over when she jumped at him. Luckily, her hug turned into a lent arm as she helped him to a chair. Dumbledore simply smiled and offered him a cup of tea as if he had been expected.

"I am glad to see you awake, Harry," Dumbledore said. "How are you feeling?"

"Weak, but the pain's almost gone. How are Professor Snape and Luna? And Mr. Lovegood? Voldemort said Luna's father was injured."

"They did not fare quite as well as you, it seems, but they will recover. Madame Pomfrey is tending to Miss Lovegood's remaining injuries. She will be out of the infirmary before the start of term. She has been in and out of consciousness, and was able to tell us about her father. A search party found him several hours ago. He is at St. Mungo's. As for your professor, I suspect he went through much the same ordeal as you did. Miss Granger has been sharing some very interesting theories about your scar and his Mark. He is resting, and will no doubt awaken soon."

"He's still unconscious, then?" Harry worried what that meant.

Dumbledore nodded but his smile did not fade. "For now, yes. He was weakened by Voldemort's spell, but it seems the Dark Lord failed, thanks to you."

"What happened?" Harry looked to Hermione, hoping she could shed some light on everything. He had been acting on instinct in the passage.

"Remember when Neville asked what would happen if you touched the Mark when it was burning?"

Harry smiled. "I remember. That's why I did it."

Hermione frowned. "Well, it looks like you found out, then. Voldemort's spell was draining Professor Snape's life. When you touched the Mark, it started draining you. You both should have died, Harry." She pursed her lips, and Harry was saved a lecture when Dumbledore rested his hand on her arm. She sat back in her chair and shot Harry another look. "Anyway, we think, and we can't really verify this, that Voldemort was caught in it too, because of your scar. The Death Eaters we captured in Hogsmeade yesterday started screaming and clawing at their Marks when it happened."

Harry tried to concentrate on what he had seen and felt after touching Snape's Mark. It was difficult to remember anything but the pain, but he also recalled an unmistakable presence as well. "Yeah, Voldemort was definitely there too. I don't know if I was in his mind or Snape's, though."

"Do not trouble yourself with such details, Harry," Dumbledore said gently. "We know that Death Eaters as far away as Azkaban felt the pain. The Ministry has had its hands full all day dealing with this. Some very highly placed wizards were seen to be in a great deal of pain, and Aurors have been dispatched. In addition to saving your professor's life, you have most certainly exposed many of Voldemort's hidden supporters. And Voldemort himself is likely feeling much as you do right now."

Harry nodded in understanding. This was all good news, but right now he was only interested in making sure his friends were okay. The Ministry could deal with the rest. Though the idea that Voldemort suffered the same headache he had woken up with earlier was somewhat satisfying.

"Do you think he'll try again?"

"I am quite certain of it, Harry." Dumbledore's thick eyebrows came together. "But for now, he is safe. Voldemort will not endanger himself, not even for revenge. He will have Professor Snape attacked directly."

"Or wait until I'm too far away to help," Harry said.

"That is assuming he knows of your involvement. I have allowed information to be leaked to several of his spies that it was I who deflected the attack. As long as we do not know what he believes, we must give no indication that you were involved. Is that clear?"

Harry agreed, but, naturally, still worried. "But we're just guessing that he doesn't know it was me, right? There's a chance he was looking through my eyes, just like I can do with him. He may have seen the whole thing, or at least that I was there. And he may have felt me there. I know I felt him. And maybe he-"

Dumbledore stopped him with a raised hand. "You are right, of course. And that is why Miss Granger is here filling me in on everything she has learned of your scar and Professor Snape's Mark. When you are feeling up to it, you can add what you learned the other night."

"I'm up to it right now. Do you have your notebooks, Hermione?" But Dumbledore shook his head and stood.

"Not tonight, Harry. You need rest. And Voldemort will not attempt that particular spell again until he is certain that whomever caused it to fail has been dealt with." He reached over and gave Harry's shoulder a light squeeze. "Let us hope that you never again have to pay such a price to buy us some time."

When Dumbledore had gone, Harry asked Hermione to tell Ron and the others that he was awake, but also asked her to keep them from the infirmary for a little while.

"I will. And Harry?" She gave him another hug, resting her head on his shoulder as she sighed. "I was going to ask you never to scare us again like that, but you'd just break that promise, wouldn't you?"

"I don't do it on purpose," Harry said, defensive.

"I know you don't. You know what the problem is? There's a dozen people who'd rather die than see you get hurt. But somehow we still end up okay while you're in the infirmary again." Harry squeezed her tight and kissed her cheek. He wondered if she knew just how much of the strength everyone thought he had really came from her and Ron and everyone else around him. He leaned back from her embrace and caught her hands in his.

"I'm not the only one that got hurt this time, though. Snape and Luna almost died because of me."

"Harry, you can't-"

"Don't worry, Hermione. I don't feel guilty. I've decided I'm not going to do that any more. Instead, I'm going to make sure I deserve what they did for me."

"You do, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "Not yet. But I will. Someday I will." He struggled to his feet. The knowledge that much of his life force had been stolen was very easy to believe. "Help me find Snape and Luna? I'd like to sit with them for a little bit before everyone else comes up to visit."


Hermione helped Harry into the other ward where Pomfrey was fretting over Snape and Luna. She explained that the two were under more active observation, which had led to Harry being left alone to rest. From the door, Harry spotted the dark form of his professor arguing with Madame Pomfrey. He did not think Snape had seen them, but quickly learned otherwise.

"If that is so," Snape replied to something Pomfrey had said, "then what is he doing out of bed?" Snape nodded in Harry's direction. Madame Pomfrey turned around and was immediately horrified.

"Harry! You should be in bed. And Miss Granger! Helping him! You know he needs rest." Hermione looked suitably guilty, but Harry obstinately refused to repent.

"I will, Miss Pomfrey. But the potions you gave me have helped a lot. I'd like to sit in here a little, if that's okay."

Pomfrey looked to Snape for support, but found no ally there. "It seems I am in no position to argue. I am merely a patient here." Harry grinned. If Snape was going to let him stay out of spite, who was he to argue?

Throwing her hands up, Pomfrey gave in, but insisted that Harry be in bed when she returned in an hour. Harry agreed, Snape sneered, and Hermione left before Pomfrey decided to lecture the only healthy one there.

"So, Mr. Potter. Yet again, you could not resist meddling, hmm?"

Harry took that as the closest thing to gratitude he would get from the man and chose to play along. "Well, I'm getting good at it. Besides, I told everyone two months ago that no one could stop me from helping my friends."

"Miss Lovegood was in no danger once I handed her to Longbottom."

"I wasn't talking about Luna. She's not the only friend who Voldemort tried to kill today, you know," Harry responded.

"You positively reek of griffins," Snape said cooly. "Are you aware of that?"

Harry laughed, and fired back. "Another slap at Gryffindors? That's hardly becoming from a man who's shown more Gryffindor tendencies than any six Slytherins I know."

Snape turned his nose up. "Mr. Potter, there is no need to be vulgar. And surely you can insult me without resorting to slander and lies."

Harry laughed again and smiled, not afraid to let Snape know how much he was enjoying this. "It's not a lie, though. Let's count. First, you saved me from flying off my broom first year. Now, I suppose you could say that you only did it because you wanted to show up Quirrell, but there were better, and more public, opportunities for that. Anyway, that's not even the good part. Remember third year? When you realized that four people you truly despised were about to be attacked by a werewolf? I bet you didn't even stop to curse any stray puppies before you headed to the Shrieking Shack. Now, you're going to argue that you only wanted to get revenge on Sirius, but you knew Remus hadn't taken his potion that night, so you could have just sat back and looked forward to years of peace without us." Snape crossed his arms and turned away from Harry.

"I do not have to listen to these groundless accusations."

"Yes you do. Pomfrey's not coming back for an hour. Besides, there's just one more. And it's a good one too. Remember after we left the shack? When you jumped in front of me and Ron and Hermione? I know for a fact that you know how to identify a werewolf. You taught the class on it, after all, so you must have realized that you were standing between a magic-resistant killing machine and three students you didn't even like."

"As you saved my life yesterday and are no doubt suffering some kind of mental anguish as a result, I am going to excuse these groundless accusations. But should you ever repeat them, I assure you I will leave you wishing Lupin had dispatched of you that night."

"Oh, don't worry, Professor. I'm sure you'll be more careful in the future and hide your secret nice streak better."


An easy silence settled over the room. Harry let his attention fix on Luna, who was resting across the room. She had been cleaned of the blood and grime, and even the gash in her head was nothing but a dark red line.

"The girl will recover, I assume. And her father?" Snape asked, watching Harry's gaze.

Harry nodded. "She told Dumbledore about her father, and they sent someone out looking for him. Did you know him? You asked Voldemort about him."

"I have met him, yes. And I have read his editorials regarding Fudge. And while we are on the subject of what I said to the Dark Lord, I should be punishing you for going against my direct orders and entering his mind on purpose."

"You knew I'd do it, though. Even when you told me not to, you knew I would. And you gambled on it last night."

"I had little choice."

"You had a choice. You could have healed her up just like Voldemort wanted, then come back to the school and killed me."

"I do not consider that a viable option. And before you give me one of those be-damned smirks, let me assure you that it was not an option for me long before you arrived."

"I'd never suggest otherwise, Professor. I know you were nice before I got here."


Harry grinned and gave up tormenting his professor. "Professor Dumbledore says Voldemort probably won't try to use the Mark like that again. That's good news, I suppose."

Snape simply nodded.

"He also says you'll be a target for physical attacks. I guess you'll be confined to Hogwarts for a while."

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Yes, his followers will kill me on sight. I always suspected this place was Purgatory. Perhaps my years of teaching will count toward my penance."

Harry scoffed. "Don't look to me for sympathy. It isn't as bad as all that. I've managed quite well so far, and, no offense professor, but I don't think you rate quite as highly as I do on Voldemort's list of people to kill slowly." Harry took on an air of mock arrogance.

"Typical, Potter. Have to be number one at everything, don't you?"

"I can't help it. I'm a spoiled brat and I love attention. Even attention from Death Eaters and Dark Lords."

Harry strongly suspected that Snape was on the verge of a chuckle when he heard Ron's voice from the other side of the door. Instead of a chuckle, he elicited a low growl from the Potions Master who closed his eyes when Harry called his friends into the room.

Ginny and Neville peered cautiously through the doorway as Ron and Hermione marched up to Harry. Ron gave his friend a hearty thump on the back. "All right, Harry?" Harry responded with a grin and a nod, and Ron waved the others inside.

"Pomfrey won't be in to check on them for another twenty minutes," Ron said confidently. "She always does a final check just before she changes for dinner."

"Dare I ask how you have such knowledge of Madame Pomfrey's habits?" Snape emphasis on the woman's honorific rebuked Ron for his casual reference to the Mediwitch.

"Harry's spent so much time in here, we've had to get past Madame Pomfrey more often than the Fat Lady," Ron replied. "And I didn't realize you were awake, Professor. I hope you're feeling well."

Snape raised an eyebrow as Harry looked curiously at his friend. Snape replied, "I would be better if I were left in peace."

"Of course," Hermione said. "We're sorry for bothering you. Harry, should we help you back to the other ward?"

"Oh, uh, I wanted to ask Madame Pomfrey if I could stay in here, actually. I don't much feel like being alone. Would it be okay if we talked a little bit on the other side of the room, professor?"

Snape waved his hand in dismissal. "Provided you can keep your voices down."


Later, after Harry convinced Madame Pomfrey that he would not disturb Luna or Snape, and after pointing out that it would be easier for her to check on all three patients if they were in the same room, Harry settled in for another nap. Before he drifted off, though, Snape's voice caught his attention.

"He won't try again, Harry. Not any time soon, at least. You don't have to spend the rest of the week within arm's length of me."

"I know that," Harry said. And on a certain level, he did, but he still worried anyway. "It's just too quiet in the other ward. That's all."

"If you say so. And Harry, even if he does try again, you can't spend the rest of your life chained to me, suffering whenever I do. You do not deserve this."

"And you do?" He caught and held Snape's gaze from across the room.

"Yes, I do. I have committed crimes in my life. You know that perfectly well. You also know that I escaped punishment by helping the Order. This is a situation of my own making."

"My whole life has been a situation of someone else's making, Professor, in case you haven't noticed. There are parts of all of this that I can't walk away from. And there are parts I don't want to walk away from. And with all due respect, Sir, we've had this talk before. And now that we know I can help you, I'm not about to stand by and let him kill you just because it hurts a little."

"It hurts a little? Don't you think you're oversimplifying things?"

"It's just pain. After a little bit you pass out and wake up here. Trust me, I've done this before." Harry tried to lighten the mood with a joke. "And if I'm passing out from the pain he's trying to cause you, then I'm not passing out from the pain he's trying to cause me, right? So it all balances out in the end."

Snape did not seem to find that amusing at all.

Harry fell to sleep, hoping that any disturbances would be loud enough to wake him.


Harry slept through the night, and the next morning he was allowed to join his friends at breakfast. Though his energy was coming back, he had to take the walk to the Great Hall slowly. He had thought Snape was asleep when he left the infirmary and was surprised to see the older man already seated at the single table shared by staff and the small group of students. He had clearly used magical means to get to breakfast. As he took a seat next to Snape, Harry decided not to bring it up at risk of damaging his pride. Last night it seemed the Potions Master had been recovering slower than Harry had.

Dumbledore followed Harry into the room, unusually late for a meal, and said happily, "Severus. And Harry. How wonderful that you are both well enough to join us. Poppy assured me that Miss Lovegood is doing splendidly. She is still in a magical sleep, but should be awake by evening. Minerva, if it is not too much trouble, and if Miss Granger does not object, I think it best that she spend the rest of the week until school starts in Gryffindor tower. Miss Granger can keep an eye on her, though I am confident she will be little trouble."

"Of course, Albus," McGonagall replied. "I am sure Miss Granger will be happy for some company in the girls' dormitory."

Hermione agreed, and Harry looked forward to the chance to show his gratitude for Luna's help in the Department of Mysteries.

Finally, everyone but the three latecomers were still eating and everyone but they and Harry's friends remained at the table. As he reached for a final bit of toast, Harry noticed Snape was gripping his arm through his robe. A closer look revealed lines of pain around his eyes. The Mark was burning, and he was trying to hide it. Without comment, Harry leaned back into his chair and slipped away from himself. A few brief moments passed and Harry pulled away from Voldemort's mind. Harry looked around cautiously, but it seemed that no one had noticed his mental absence.

Leaning close, Harry whispered to Snape, "Give me your arm, professor."

Snape shook his head but kept his attention firmly fixed on his plate. "It will pass."

"He's testing the bond, professor. He wants to see if you can turn a spell back again. If you don't give me your arm now, I'll just end up rolling up your sleeve when he's decided the first time was a fluke."

Defeated, Snape dropped his arm and let it hang down next to Harry. Quickly, but careful not to bring any attention to himself or Snape, Harry looped his arm around the man's.

His view of the table shifted over a meter and he once again found himself staring out of his professor's eyes. The pain in his arm was sharp, but nothing like it had been the other night. The sense of Voldemort's presence was also much dimmer, and Harry focused on keeping his own presence as masked as well he could. For his part, Snape was clearly doing the same. It was only a matter of seconds before the pain was shut off like a valve closing, and he, or rather Snape, pulled his arm away from Harry's.

Harry took a sip of tea to steady himself and whispered to Snape, "Well, that should keep him away from you for a little bit, at least." Snape only nodded in response.

"Headmaster?" Ginny asked, taking Harry's and Snape's attention from each other. "What's going to happen to Malfoy and the rest? They haven't been arrested yet, have they?"

Dumbledore's eyes dimmed slightly at the question. "As this may be the last time for a good while that I can be candid with you all, I will tell you that they have not been arrested. In fact, I have been unable to bar their return to the school." Dumbledore raised a hand to silence the sudden uproar. "The only evidence against them lies in the minds of Harry and Professor Snape. It is far too dangerous to Harry for his link to Voldemort to be discovered. And any official recognition of Professor Snape's position as a spy will result in a formal hearing. There are those in the Ministry who would demand that he prove he committed no crimes in his pursuit of information."

Harry frowned. It was true that he was terrified of the possibility that Voldemort would use the bond they shared in the same way he himself used it. And if Snape were tried, he would surely be held by the Ministry until the Wizengamut convened. Isolated, Snape would be a target for Voldemort's agents and the Mark itself without Harry to prevent it.

"But they're all Marked. Isn't that enough?" Ron demanded.

"I cannot search an individual student without reason. And the Board of Governors has refused, on several occasions, to allow us to perform a school-wide search. They do have a valid argument. We cannot treat the entire Hogwarts student body as suspects. Not to mention the embarrassment that any comprehensive search would cause."

"So they get to just walk back in like nothing's happened? They'll try to kill Harry! And Professor Snape too!" Ron was livid. Snape snorted at the suggestion that they could be a threat to him.

"It is likely they will try, yes. It is a good thing that you and your friends are so well trained to protect Harry, is it not? And as soon as one of them has taken action, we can use Veritaserum to get the names of the others."

"But 'taking action' means attacking Harry! We can't let them-"

"Ron," Harry interrupted. He caught the glint of a plan in Hermione's eye and wanted to end the argument quickly to find out what she had in mind. "I'm sure the Headmaster has considered all of this. Malfoy and his bunch aren't a match for us. It's like Remus said. I feel bad for the first one of them to try something."

"Yeah," Neville agreed. "And that way, we get to handle at least one of them." Months ago, that comment would have shocked everyone at the table, but no longer. He's come a long way, Harry thought.

With the meal done, Snape folded his napkin and set it aside. Pushing his chair away from the table, he looked about to stand when he paused for a moment. "Thank you, Harry," he said, and Harry almost missed the soft whisper over the clatter of dishes. He did not wait for a response as he stood and slowly made his dignified way from the room, leaving Harry not a little surprised.

After breakfast, the group headed to the library. Harry would be meeting with the faculty after lunch to discuss the Markings, and Hermione had begged her way in as well, but for the time being, they had the fate of Malfoy and four others to deal with.

"What have you got planned, Hermione?" Harry asked with no preamble. She grinned back at him.

"Was I that obvious?" She asked. Ron and the rest looked puzzled. "I bet we can keep those slime-balls from stepping foot in Hogwarts. It shouldn't be that hard, but we can't let Dumbledore or anyone else know what we've got planned. If they end up going to trial, it all has to look like an accident."

They pulled their chairs together, and Hermione began.