Harry Potter Hermione Granger Parvati Patil Ron Weasley
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/29/2003
Updated: 06/11/2003
Words: 119,713
Chapters: 25
Hits: 162,459

Dance With Me Harry


Story Summary:
COMPLETED. During the summer after his fourth year, after Uncle Vernon beats Harry, the only thing that keeps him going is thinking about Hermione's kiss at the train station. But once the authorities intervene, he is sent to live among the Muggles, where he learns about life and love. But will this help him win Hermione's heart? Or will Voldemort strike first?

Chapter 10

Chapter Summary:
During the summer after his fourth year, the only thing that keeps Harry going amid the Dursleys’ neglect and abuse is thinking about Hermione’s kiss at the train station. But when the authorities intervene, he is sent to live among the Muggles, where he learns about life and love. But will this help him win Hermione’s heart? Or will Voldemort strike first?


By Aerie22


The First Years

Harry's dark mood over his confrontation with Malfoy lingered for almost an hour. Even the appearance of the food cart lady, bearing her panoply of goodies, didn't do the trick. Harry bought a large assortment of sweets for the compartment, and so did Fred and George, so everyone else was happy, especially Ron, who dove into the sweets like they were manna from heaven.

It was only a few minutes after the candy was distributed, when Harry looked up to see Ron attempting to describe a Quidditch move to his grinning brothers despite having a mouthful of pumpkin pasty, that his mood lightened. Ron had now grown to nearly six feet tall and his features had begun to lose the softness of childhood. He had taken on the larger-boned frame of his mother, unlike that his sister Ginny and the twins, who took after their father, Arthur. He was becoming a man. And yet Harry chuckled inwardly that this was the same old Ron who would dive into food, especially sweets, like there was no tomorrow.

But beyond the young man whose actions recalled the eleven-year-old he had met on his first trip to Hogwarts, there was something more about Ron that warmed Harry's heart. Here was his friend. His best friend. A person with whom he now knew he could share his deepest secrets, and for whom Harry would do anything.

He could imagine what Ron had gone through during the summer. Ron liked Hermione, too. Maybe, Harry thought, not with the intensity that he had developed as he sweated and strained at his little jobs or as he lay dazed and hurt in the cupboard under the stairs at Number 4 Privet Drive. But perhaps this wasn't being fair to Ron, Harry suddenly realized.

He knew Ron had a few acquaintances in and around Ottery St. Catchpole, and that the family would go on occasional weekend outings. But, for the most part, Ron spent the summer at home with only Fred and George and Ginny for company.

In any other summer, Harry would have viewed Ron's summer as a large slice of paradise. But this summer, Harry's life had be filled to the brim. He had morning runs with Sara for over a month. He had met numerous nice people with interesting stories to tell among the neighbors for whom he's worked. He had Peter Boyd for practicing karate, or for just hanging out at Langans, drinking soft drinks and talking about girls, and cars, and then girls again. And when Peter wasn't around, he could usually find Jim Jamison and Jack Tallerdy and simply loaf around, listening to them about life at Smeltings and sharing his own freshly won knowledge of self-defense.

And, of course, there were the dances and the girls. Harry was thoroughly shocked, and touched, by the attention they paid to him. He was not the 'Boy Who Lived' or the 'Boy With the Scar' to them. He was 'just Harry.' But they seemed to like him anyway. He was thrilled to know that the lively Patty enjoyed being around him, that shy Beth had a crush on him, and that pretty Pam flirted outrageously with him.

And when he came back to the vicarage, he knew he would be the center of attention, at least when Tony and Mae were not busy with the parish and its parishioners. And Harry felt a real sense of fulfillment when Tony or Mae would bring him along to baby-sit, and provide support for, the children of families in distress seeking counseling.

He now understood that, while Hermione was the focus of his thoughts during the summer, she wasn't the only thing to occupy his mind. But Ron had little to do. So Harry could image what Ron had experienced, having gone through similar periods of isolation in previous summers.

That's why Harry looked at Ron so fondly now. Ron had probably been forced to do a lot of thinking over the summer. And Harry's letter doubtless had caused those thoughts to be troubled. And so Harry now more fully appreciated how much it took for his friend to confess yesterday about how Hermione seemed more interested in him than in Ron. And his heart went out to his friend. Harry now understood that he would do almost anything to help him be happy.

So, as the train pulled into Hogsmeade Station, Harry vowed to himself to do his best to see that Ron found happiness.

* * *

There was the typical confusion and milling around as 259 students, including 38 confused, frightened and awed first years, debarked from the Hogwarts Express. Harry nodded at some familiar faces and tried to keep his head while being jostled by the crowd. Then he saw Lavender and Parvati, along with Parvati's twin sister Padma and Mandy Brocklehurst, walking toward them. Harry nodded as Parvati approached and quietly slipped behind Ron, giving him a shove forward.

"Erroff! Harry, watch yourself," Ron exclaimed as he tried to find Hermione and Ginny. Ron turned back and found he was face-to-face with Parvati. "Uhhh, hi Parvati," he said with a crooked smile.

"Well, fancy meeting you here, big boy," she replied seductively, grabbing his arm.

Ron blushed but was interrupted from saying anything more when Hermione and Ginny ran up. "There you are!" Hermione said in exasperation. "Come on! The coaches are filling up! We've got to hurry if we want to keep together!"

Ron gave Parvati another crooked smile. "See you at supper," he mumbled.

Harry looked at Parvati and they gave each other mutual eye rolls, as Lavender giggled and Padma and Mandy looked at each other with smiles.

Harry turned and caught up with Ron, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him back. "Ron! What did you say to Parvati?" he whispered.

Ron blushed again. "I don't know. I was in the train corridor and I saw this tall, pretty girl and I didn't know who it was until she turned fully around. It was her. And I kind of blurted out how nice she looked and all. I don't know. You said that stuff about saying nice things to girls and all. So I just...said it." Ron was now turning an alarming shade of red.

Harry slowed their walk toward the horseless carriages. "Well, it sure did work," Harry whispered. "I think she really likes you...a lot," he said, giving Ron's arm a squeeze.

Ron's blush remained. But a small smile played around the corners of his mouth. "You think so?"

Harry chuckled. "Yeah," he said with a grin. "Did you see the way she looked at you?"

They arrived at the carriages and saw Hermione pop her head out of the fourth one from the end. "Are you two coming," she said with a look of wide-eyed exasperation.

Harry chuckled and gave her an indulgent smile. "Don't worry. We've got reserved seats at the feast. Front row. I promise."

* * *

Harry and Hermione, as House prefects among fifth years, were seated across from each other at the very last occupied seats at the front of the Gryffindor table nearest to the staff table. Ron was next to Harry and Parvati was next to Hermione. On the other side of them were fourteen empty places closest to the staff table to seat potential new house members. There hadn't been fourteen first years sorted into a single house since 1974, when an astonishing sixteen first years were sorted into Hufflepuff and there was a scramble to find two extra chairs for the house table. Most attributed this bounty to the four sets of twins that all ended up in that house.

As fifth years, Harry and Hermione were unofficially considered to be in charge of the first years, as the current sixth year prefects were unofficially in charge of the second years and the seventh year prefects were in charge of the third years. The fourth years, being presumably more mature--and beyond the handling of anyone--were on their own.

Harry glanced at the High Table and was startled to see the members of the staff unchanged from the year before.

Well, unchanged was perhaps not entirely correct. For there, sitting next to Professor Snape, was 'Mad Eye' Moody, presumably the real one rather than an impostor, as Barty Crouch Jr. had been last year.

Moody was looking directly at Harry. Or, at least his normal eye was. Moody's magic eye was drifting over the rest of the assemblage, occasional darting back and forth. Moody gave Harry a slight nod and his gaze drifted elsewhere.

Snape, on the other hand, seemed to be gazing out with an unfocused stare. A sudden clatter near the front of the Ravenclaw table made Snape jump, but he quickly recovered and simply resumed staring, this time at a new spot in space.

Hagrid, on the other hand, was talking with animation with Professor Sprout. Harry was surprised and pleased, believing that Hagrid would not be returning for an extended period of time from what he presumed was the land of giants.

Professor Vector and Madame Hooch were carrying on an animated conversation, with Madame Trelawney, making a rare appearance at the High Table, in between them, looking disconcerted when she wasn't trying to look mysterious. And, at the far end of the High Table, it looked like the tiny and aged Professor Flitwick was flirting with a prim school nurse, Madame Pomfrey, much to the amusement of the school librarian, Madame Pince, who was trying her best to fight a thin-lipped smile. And off to the side, the ghostly Professor Binns slept through everything.

Harry glanced over at Hermione, who was watching the Sorting Hat with absorption as the various ghosts made their appearances.

Suddenly, Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington, the Gryffindor House Ghost appeared, swooping down from the charmed ceiling above. Ron, who wasn't paying attention, jumped as Nearly Headless Nick seemed instantly to settle into a hover right in front of him.

Harry laughed and turned to the ghost. "Well, Sir Nicholas. How was your summer?"

Sir Nicholas rose a little above the table, a frown on his face. "Horrible, as usual," he sniffed. "Three times I challenged the Bloody Baron to a duel in hopes that he would finish the job on my head. And three times that...gentleman contented himself with skewering me in the chest. Not one swipe at my neck," he said morosely. "Well, at least he enjoyed himself."

Harry chuckled, but tried not to make it too apparent to his spectral friend, who now was drifting down the Gryffindor table, tipping his head to startled and frightened first year students, nervously making their way up the center aisle of the Great Hall to the High Table.

He turned back to Hermione and smiled to himself. 'God help the poor first years if Hermione decided she was going to ride herd on those put in her charge,' he thought. He had remembered how lost and frightened he was when he was being sorted. He had met Ron on the Hogwarts Express and already was his friend by the time of the sorting, hoping to be in the same house. And he had met Hermione briefly and thought she would be interesting to get to know. But he knew no one else and was anxious as to what to expect. Harry smiled inwardly. 'Let Hermione lay down the law to the first years. I'll just try to be their friend,' he thought. He watched as the assembled throng of 38 new students awaited their fate.

Professor McGonagall now rose to the platform in front of the High Table and announced that the sorting was about to begin, motioning the first years to come forward. Harry nudged Ron and pointed to a young girl with bright red hair. "One of yours?" he said with a smile.

Ron snorted. "Never saw her before."

Hermione hissed. "The Hat's about to start."

The students all turned to the tattered hat, which suddenly took on a bright aura. Slowly, the slouch in it straightened out as if it were sitting up. And the Sorting Hat began to speak.

When first I started looking at

Young students' minds so new,

Their clothes were made of animal hides,

Their faces painted blue.

I've seen them dressed in armor,

I've seen them dressed in lace.

But one thing all the students shared

Were scared looks upon their face.

I've seen the hopes, the fears, the dreams

Of tens of thousands, true.

But I'll always look for the best in all

Young students such as you.

If it's danger or excitement

Or a challenge you adore,

You know you'll find a happy home

In the House of Gryffindor.

If amity and loyalty

And gaiety's enough,

I'll send you where you'll most belong

To the House of Hufflepuff.

If the toughest tasks of academe

To you hold little awe,

Then the place for stimulation

Is the House of Ravenclaw.

If you're focused on the finish line,

You're greatest goal: To win,

Then you'll find your kindred spirits

In the House of Slytherin.

I know you feel quite out of place,

The spotlight you do shun.

But you'll find yourself your destiny

When my sorting chore is done.

So come on up and put me on

Like thousands have before,

And share with me your hopes and dreams

And I'll tell you what's in store.

The seated students roared their approval, but some of the standing first years waiting to be sorted shifted nervously. A couple glanced back to siblings already at their house tables, looking for reassurance.

And so the sorting began.

* * *

"Samantha Bauman," Professor McGonagall called.

"Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat called.

A pretty young girl with long blond hair that hung down nearly covering her eyes, looked around with a frightened expression, but Harry jumped up and walked toward her, waving her over to the cheering Gryffindor table.

"Eugenia Beauvoir"


Eugenia, who had dark blonde shoulder-length hair and a pug nose, reminiscent of Pansy Parkinson, jumped down from the chair with a smile and practically skipped to the Gryffindor table to be greeted by Harry, Hermione and the rest of the cheering house.

"Violet Brown."


The third person sorted and the third blond girl in a row sorted into Gryffindor, strode happily to join her new mates on Hermione's side of the table.

Harry looked across at Lavender, who rolled her eyes. "A distant cousin from the north, up in Yorkshire.

"Michael Burwasher."

"Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat announced. The fourth first year in a row to be sorted into Gryffindor, and the first boy, carefully rose from the sorting chair. The Gryffindor House table was now going wild as Harry rose to applaud and wave over the stocky young boy with sandy hair and a bemused smile who made his way over.

Harry remained standing and shook Burwasher's hand. "Congratulations, Michael. I'm Harry Potter and across the table is Hermione Granger. We are your prefects. You can come to us with any questions or problems you might have," he said with a warm smile.

Hermione reached across the table and shook Burwasher's hand briefly, but the boy turned back to Harry to stare.

"Oh, sit down you young git and enjoy the show," Harry said laughing as he mussed Burwasher's close-cropped hair. The boy smiled and turned back to the ceremony.

Two others were sorted, into Slytherin and Ravenclaw, when the next new student put on the hat.

"Maura Duffy."


There was a sudden whoop from down the table as Maura's sister, fourth-year Gryffindor Moira Duffy, jumped up on her chair, waving with both arms in celebration. Maura, a tiny girl with mousy brown hair like her sister, but with the same mischievous look, ran to the chair next to Hermione, waving frantically at Moira.

There was a lull as numerous students were sorted into different houses when McGonagall announced: "Patrick McGrady

"Gryffindor!" the Sorting Hat called.

A cocky looking young boy with bushy dark brown hair falling across his forehead and a light spattering of freckles across his nose walked over Harry. He stuck out his hand. "Pat McGrady...and don't call me Paddy," he said resolutely with a distinct Irish lilt.

Harry laughed and looked down the table. "Hey, Seamus. We've got a kinsman for you."

Seamus walked over to Pat. "What county?" he demanded.

"Roscommon. County Armagh," Pat replied.

Seamus frowned. "The North," he said flatly. "Orange or Green?"


Seamus relaxed and laughed. "Well, boyo, when is FAT DAD coming home? We miss you."

Seamus and Pat began laughing together, but Harry looked puzzled. "Who is fat dad?"

Seamus laughed some more. "The six counties of the North," he said with a smile and an accent suddenly as Irish as Paddy's Pig. Pat nodded solemnly.

Suddenly, Ron elbowed Harry and nodded toward the platform.

"William Peters."

"Gryffindor!" Peters, with a mop of dark brown hair and one of the smallest boys to be sorted so far, stepped out from under the Sorting Hat and made formal bow toward the cheering Gryffindor table. Then he raised both hands as high as he could, showing the victory salute to the entire Great Hall. Professor McGonagall had to give him a firm push to get him off the platform to make way for the next first year to be sorted.

Ron, who was laughing hysterically, slapped Harry's shoulder. "Uh-oh, Harry. Here comes trouble," he said, breathless with mirth. "I'll bet this one will give Fred and George a run for their money."

Harry turned around to Ron, grinning, then looked at Hermione, who had a kind of stern expression that would have done McGonagall proud.

Peters walked up to Harry and stuck out his hand. "Willie Peters, at your service," he said with a grin.

Harry smiled. "Harry Potter, who will be attending your services if you don't watch out," nodding toward Hermione, who was still giving Peters poisonous looks.

Willie turned and gave Hermione a quick shake of the hand. The he turned back to Harry and, in a conspiratorial whisper said: "I hope all the professors aren't like her."

Harry burst into laughter. "Oh, they're worse. But you'll have to be careful of Professor Granger. She lives with us."

The table's attention turned back to the Sorting Hat.

"Thomas Richardson."


A tall, gangly boy with carefully cut and groomed light brown hair strode toward the Gryffindor table. He held out his hand. "Tom Richardson," he said with nervous enthusiasm, then started. "Oh...you're him," he said.

Harry shook his head with a resigned grin. "No. I'm his evil twin."

Harry settled back to enjoy the rest of the sorting, but was mildly disconcerted as Richardson, and to a less extent Burwasher, kept glancing back at him.

"Stephen Shaunessy."


Shaunessy, a large boy for an eleven-year-old, walked up to the table and shook Harry's and Hermione's hands with a serious expression. He went through the brief introductions to many of the current Gryffindors. Then he turned and gave a broad smile to Mike Burwasher. "We made it together, eh, mate?" he said with a laugh.

A smile of relief washed over Burwasher. "Beaters to the end," they said together with a chuckle, raising their fists into the air and banging them together.

The sorting was winding down and the last first year, a girl, walked up to the platform.

"Cassandra Young," Professor McGonagall announced.


No one much noticed the last first year to be sorted until now but, at least for the boys at the table, they noticed in a hurry. Ron whispered over Harry's shoulder. "If she's eleven, I'm thirty-five.

Cassandra Young had silky, jet black hair, cut shoulder length. She had the bluest eyes anyone had ever seen. And she walked casually over to the Gryffindor table with a sashay that would have turned any boy's head. It was only when she got close that people recognized how young she was.

Harry looked at Hermione, who was giving Cassandra a pointed stare. Then he noticed Lavender and Parvati quickly exchanging whispers and motioning the young girl over.

Harry leaned back against Ron. "I think Lavender and Parvati just found a new protégé," he whispered, getting a chuckle from Ron in return.

"Prodigy, is more like it...if she was a few years older..." Ron whispered.

Harry elbowed Ron playfully. "Well, she's not. But Parvati is, and keep that in mind," Harry said with a smile. "So you leave her alone. She's one of my children, after all."

Ron let go a laugh. "Oh...daddy."

* * *

Professor McGonagall banged on the side of her large crystal goblet to get everyone's attention and slowly the noise level fell. "Now, students. Our Headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, would like to say a few words."

Professor Dumbledore rose and smiled benignly at the gathered students. He cleared his throat and began.

"Normally, on these occasions, I give you a few words of wisdom, such as limerick, toffee, roses, summer breeze and love. I have done this in recollection of a headmaster in years gone by who used to enjoy giving speeches. He enjoyed them so much that, after a while, all were sorely tempted to push him off the stage like certain young Gryffindors who shall remain nameless," he said with a broad smile.

Willie Peters began to rise to wave, but Steve Shaunessy grabbed his robe and pulled him back in his seat.

Dumbledore nodded in Willie's direction with another smile. But his face became more composed. "Alas, today is not one of those days for a few words. There is trouble abroad in our world, no matter what you have heard. And it is not trouble that can be dismissed with a few words. So I will take this time to issue you a reassurance. You are safe so long as you are here. But I ask you to be careful. And please follow the rules and instructions given to you by your Professors and the heads of your houses."

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "A few beginning of term announcements. In light of the success of last year's event, there will be a Yule Ball this year unless changed circumstances dictate otherwise..."

There were audible groans from many of the boys and even more sighs and applause from many of the girls. Harry frowned. He wondered when it would be a good time to ask Hermione. Not yet. Not until he let her know his feelings.

Dumbledore cleared his throat. "The third floor is undergoing repairs and continues to be off-limits. And, of course, the Forbidden Forest remains, as always, strictly forbidden."

Dumbledore heaved a sigh. "As for Hogsmeade weekends..."

There was a sudden grumbling among the student body.

Dumbledore blinked. "As for Hogsmeade weekends, they will be limited. I have been assured by certain officials at the Ministry of Magic that a security force of Aurors will be available for your protection. But you will be required to stay on Hogsmeade Road and not stray beyond."

The grumbling among the students subsided a little.

The Headmaster continued. "Mr. Filch, our devoted caretaker, has issued a new list of prohibited items, with many new additions, which brings the total to, what, 1,200?"

Filch, who stood by the side door of the Great Hall with his beloved cat, the scrawny Mrs. Norris, gave a curt nod. "Yessir. My count shows 1,213, Headmaster," he growled.

Dumbledore nodded. "This list will be distributed to all prefects for your perusal."

Dumbledore then looked around the gathered students and his smile returned. "And now, the most beloved words in the English language: 'Let the Feast Begin'."

* * *

The welcoming feast, as with all welcoming feasts, was sumptuous, and its sudden appearance on their plates startled and delighted most of the first years. But Samantha looked distinctly uncomfortable throughout the meal. Harry gave her an appraising glance. She was pretty, but it looked like she was trying to curl in on herself, only giving the others sidelong glances. He was a little annoyed that Hermione seemed to be too busy rattling off a myriad of facts and anecdotes, doubtless gleaned from Hogwarts: A History, to notice Samantha's discomfiture.

Harry leaned over the table. "Samantha," he said with his warmest smile. "Tell me about yourself."

Samantha looked a little startled. She gave a small shrug. "What do you want to know?" she said in a quiet voice.

Harry continued to smile. "Where you're from. What your parents do. What you think of all this. Whatever."

She sighed. "I'm from Devonshire. Near Plymouth. My father's a fisherman. And all this is kind of scary."

Harry nodded, beginning to understand. "So your parents are muggles...I mean, nonmagical folks?"

She nodded.

"And they didn't know what to make of you," he said evenly.

She looked up, startled, and nodded. "You too?"

Harry smiled. "Not quite. I was raised by my aunt and uncle, who are muggles, after my parents were killed. They knew what I was but never told me. I only found out after I got my letter from Hogwarts and Hagrid...he's our Care of Magical Creatures Professor...came to get me."

She was staring at Harry now. "Really? You didn't know? Then you must have been just like me, always getting into trouble and not knowing why."

Harry shrugged. "My aunt and uncle hated me, so it didn't matter what I did. I was permanently in trouble. But don't worry, you're among people who understand you now."

Samantha gave him a wistful smile and went back to her feast.

The only discordant note after Dumbledore's speech was when Harry glanced up across to the Slytherin table. Malfoy was sitting there, watching him with an odd look. It looked like a cross between malevolence and thoughtfulness.

Harry glared back.

Suddenly, Malfoy seemed to recognize he was staring and his face changed into a more characteristic smirk. He turned to say something to Crabbe, who seemed to chuckle and the two Slytherins went back to eating.

* * *

Once the feast ended, Hermione stood up. "All right. All first years, follow me."

Harry smiled. Then he noticed that most of the first years had stood up but were looking back at him. He smiled again and nodded. "Let's go now. Hermione is your prefect, just as I am, and we don't want to keep her waiting." As a group, the ten first years scrambled to catch up to Hermione.

Hermione led the way, giving instructions and pointing out things, like the way to the library and the still-forbidden third floor, as if she were a tour guide. Harry brought up the rear of the group to see that no one strayed, keeping an especially close watch on Willie Peters.

But almost immediately, his resolve dissipated as he watched the first years in his care looking agog at their wondrous new surroundings. And suddenly, he was seeing Hogwarts through their eyes, recalling the amazement, anxiety and wonder that he experienced when he arrived here five years before. For Harry suddenly realized that Hogwarts was, for him, not just an escape from the hated Dursleys. It was a wonderland. He smiled.

Harry was glancing up at the portraits of people that moved, when he felt someone tentatively take his hand. He looked down to see Samantha was holding his hand, looking up at him with an anxious look. He thought for a moment of letting her hand go, but thought better of it. The girl was clearly overwhelmed and frightened by everything, and so he gave her hand a squeeze to reassure her.

Suddenly, he felt someone take his other hand. It was Maura Duffy, who looked up at him sweetly. He smiled at her and shook his head, knowing she was just being an eleven-year-old flirt. "Come on along, everyone. Keep up," he said with a laugh, as he walked hand in hand with two adorable little girls--his children.

* * *

Hermione gathered all the first years into a far corner of the common room that had, by centuries-old tradition, been the exile, and the domain, of first year students. She took out a carefully prepared list of rules and instructions that she had worked on rigorously since being informed by owl during the summer that she had been named prefect.

Harry, for his part, simply sat on the arm of one of the sofas, listening patiently as Hermione turned to page two, then three, of her notes. Suddenly, he felt a tugging on his sleeve. He looked down to see Willie Peters motioning him down. "She's not really a professor, is she?" he whispered.

Harry smiled and shook his head.

Willie nodded. "Good," he said quietly.

Hermione had finished her lecture. "Well, unless there's anything else, I've got some transfiguration homework to review. Anything else, Harry?"

Harry smiled at Hermione. "No. I think you've covered it all. You go do your work. I think I'll just sit down here and get to know everyone a little better."

Hermione looked thoughtful for a moment and was about to say something, but then shrugged and gave a curt nod. "Okay, Harry. Whatever you want," she said and walked off to the fifth year table where she had already set up her notes for review.

Harry slid off the arm onto the sofa itself, bumping Willie over into Maura, who bumped into Samantha. "Well, first things first. I'm Harry Potter, and I'm the other prefect among the fifth years here. Hermione and I are sort of in charge of you all. So what I would like to do is to try to get to know each other. Why don't we all introduce ourselves and tell everyone a little about ourselves."

"Willie, how about you?"

Willie's eyes lit up. "Well, my name is William Flavius Peters, but everybody has always called me Willie. William is too stuffy and Bill is too common. But Willie suits me, and I'm fine with that. My dad runs a potions' shop in Diagon Alley. I like Quidditch and am a champion wizard card tosser and I think that Miss February in Gentleman Wizard is the ...."

"Ahem," Harry interrupted with a lopsided smile. "I think that's enough from you for now. You can take up these important matters with your mates after lights out. Maura, you next."

Maura looked up at Harry, smiling sweetly. "Oh, Harry. I think you should go next. After all, you're in charge here."

Harry shook his head, chuckling inwardly. "All right. My name is Harry Potter, and I come from a little town south of London called Little Whinging. My parents are dead and I was raised by my aunt and uncle, who are muggles. I love Quidditch, too, and I am the Seeker on the Gryffindor House Quidditch team. Okay, Maura. Your turn."

"But what about You-Know-Who and the scar," Stephen Shaunessy interrupted.

Harry's face clouded. He looked around and several of the first years were leaning in intently.

He sighed. "All right. I might as well get this out of the way. But do me a favor. Please don't bother me with a lot of questions about this afterward. It is a painful subject that I'd rather not talk about."

While a couple of the first years looked a little uncomfortable, the rest seemed to lean in even more intently.

"First of all, when I was little more than one year old, Voldemort came to our house and killed my father and mother, who was trying to shield me from him."

Several of the students gasped not at Harry's tragic tale of violence and death but at his use of the Dark Lord's name.

Harry looked around at all of them. "Don't be afraid to say his name. It only gives him more power, more sway over your lives if you give him that much respect."

Harry sighed and continued. "Well, it seems that Voldemort tried to kill me, as well. Our headmaster, Professor Dumbledore, says it was the power of my mother's undying love for me that caused his death curse to rebound against him."

"But you killed him, right?" said Tom Richardson.

Harry shook his head. "He was severely hurt and was unable to continue his quest for power. That is, until now."

"But the Ministry says..." Tom tried to continue.

Harry's face took on an angry look. "The Ministry is wrong. I know. I saw Voldemort's resurrection last June. I was there. And I saw one of the best people I know murdered in front of me as part of that rebirth. Whether the Ministry has the intelligence or guts to admit it or not, he is back. Now let's put an end to this," Harry said, trying to soften his tone as he saw the youngsters leaning back into their seats.

"I'm sorry. You think that all this is just part of history, or some celebrity thing in the newspapers," he said mildly. "But to me, it's a nightmare that haunts me to this day. I know you're curious, but it's a very painful subject for me. I'd prefer that we talk about you. Okay?"

He got sympathetic looks from most of the girls, although Samantha looked puzzled. But, except for Mike Burwasher and Willie, the boys looked at him in curious consternation.

Harry looked around at the group. "Okay, one more question...Tom?"

Richardson looked at Harry cautiously. "What did it feel like to beat You-Know-...Voldemort?"

Harry shook his head. "Tom. I was one year old. I don't remember." He pushed up the hair from his forehead. "You see the scar?"

The ten all took a close look and nodded.

Harry sighed. "Until I was eleven years old, I thought that it had come from a car accident that had killed my parents. My aunt and uncle didn't want me to know I was a wizard...or that my parents were magical. So they told me my parents died in a car crash. For all I knew, that was the truth. Okay?"

Violet Brown suddenly had tears in her eyes and Cassandra Young was staring at him sympathetically with her big blue eyes. But most of the boys and Maura were looking down angrily. "How could they do that?" she muttered.

Harry shrugged. "They just did," he said flatly.

"Now, enough about me. What about you, Maura?"

She looked up, then smiled. "Well, I'm Maura Duffy. I'm from Wiltshire on the Salisbury Plain. My parents have a small farm there. And my sister is a fourth year here in Gryffindor. Her name is Moira. And she's sitting right over there," she said pointing, as Moira waved back.

"Samantha?" Harry asked.

Samantha looked around anxiously. "I'm Samantha Bauman," she said tentatively. "I come from the coast just east of Plymouth. My dad's a fisherman and my mum's a housewife and seamstress. I have an older brother Mickey. And I've never been away from home before and I miss my family very much," she said, trying to blink away tears.

Harry gave her a concerned smile. "Don't worry. You'll have fun here....Michael?"

The stocky boy shrugged. "I'm Mike Burwasher. Me and my mate Stevie Boy are from London. Our dads are Aurors and we love Quidditch," he said with a sudden glow in his eyes.

Harry smiled. "What's your favorite team?"

"The Midwitch Cuckoos," Mike and Steve chimed in together.

Harry threw his head back and laughed. "Well, don't tell my best friend Ron that. He's a Chudley Cannons man and he'll never forgive the Cuckoos for beating the Cannons in the Quid Association semifinals years ago. He keeps going on about something about illegal substitutions in that match."

Mike and Steve turned and smiled at each other smugly.

"Steve, anything to add to your mate's eloquent recitation?"

"Nah. Not much. Except we plan to be beaters on the house team. We're really a good pairing."

Harry nodded. "Well there's no openings this year for beaters. We've got a great pair in Fred and George Weasley. But they're seventh years, so there'll be two openings next year. So keep that in mind....Eugenia?"

"Genie," she said with a sparkling smile. "Genie Beauvoir..."

"Don't you mean Beaver?" Tom Richardson said with a mischievous grin.

Genie turned to Tom with an angry look. "I've heard all that before, and it's not funny. My name is pronounced Bo-vwar. Not the way you Midlands clods do."

Harry was looking confused.

"Okay, Genie," Tom continued, tauntingly. "It's B-e-a-u-v-o-i-r, right?"

She nodded.

"Well I've been to Beauvoir Castle, and they pronounce it Beaver," he said with an evil grin.

Harry stood up. "All right. Enough. Tom. It's pronounced Bo-Vwar. The next one to pronounce it Beaver..." and he pulled out his wand "...gets turned into a toad."

As the rest of the first years started chuckling, Tom whispered to Genie "Beaver" once more.

Harry whirled around with his wand in Tom's face, muttering nonsense words with his eyes closed. Tom jumped back in his seat, terrified.

Then Harry slowly opened one eye, then the other, and stared at the boy. "Oh, I'm sorry, Tom. I'm too late. You're already a toad."

At that point, the rest of the first years collapsed in laughter, including Samantha. Thus was born Tom 'The Toad's' nickname.

"Genie," Harry said, still chuckling as he sat back down, "you were saying?"

Genie sniffed at Tom and turned to the rest of the group. "Well, I'm from East Sussex, and my family runs a group of small inns for the wizarding tourist crowd. My grandfather owns the business, but my dad runs it for him and my mum supervises the cooking at our main inn near Brighton."

"Tom?" Harry said with an amused expression.

Tom looked up sulkily. "Well...Genie's right. I'm from the Midlands. Richardson Manor is just outside Birmingham. My father owns some factories there, mostly making gowns and other wizarding clothing. I've got three younger brothers, so I'm the first to come here."


Violet tossed her thick blonde hair. "Well, I'm from the northern branch of the Brown clan, unlike my cousin over there," she said haughtily as she pointed to Lavender Brown, who was huddled, as usual, with her roommate Parvati and watching Harry curiously. "I'm from Yorkshire, and my father runs a portion of the main Brown estate. My uncles run most of the rest, although their cousins do manage a significant portion, as well."

Harry nodded, not entirely happy at Violet's tone. "Patrick?"

"And don't call me Paddy," he said with a grin.

Harry laughed.

"Well, we've got a small farm in Ireland...in the North..."

"You mean Ulster," said Tom the Toad, rounding back into form.

Harry gave Tom a look and the Toad sank back in his chair.

Pat gave Tom a skeptical look. "We're from County Armagh, just outside of Roscommon. My dad's a muggle, but my mom's a witch. But he knew all along, so it warn't such a surprise, you know."

Harry burst into gales of laughter. "Oh, Patrick. You and Seamus will be getting along just fine," he said, tears brimming from his eyes.

When Harry recovered, he turned finally to Cassandra Young. "So Cassandra. What surprises do you have in store for us?"

Cassandra looked at Harry with a small smile. "Well, my father is Wolfram Young..."

Harry heard gasps from several of the other students.

"...and my mum is Caitlin Young."

"The actor and actress?" Violet gushed.

"I saw them at the Bardavon Theatre in the Wizard of the White Cliffs," said Genie. "Your dad is so dreamy."

Willie was staring at Cassandra goggle-eyed. "Your mum is really hot stuff," he sighed.

"Willie!" Harry exclaimed.

Mike and Steve simply looked at Willie, who looked back as all three nodded.

"Oooo, what's it like to have famous parents..." Violet continued.

Cassandra sighed. "It's okay I guess, but I don't get to see them much."

Samantha, was confused, never having heard of Wolfram or Caitlin Young. But she somehow seemed to hear the unspoken longing in Cassandra's voice and looked at her new roommate with sympathy.

The group began to talk excitedly amongst themselves, so Harry got up and motioned Ron over. "Ron. You want to get everyone in the room over here so I can introduce you all to the first years?" Harry whispered.

Ron looked puzzled. "But nobody did that for us when we were first years," he said with a puzzled expression.

"I know. And look how long it took us to even recognize half the people in our own house, much less know their names. That's why I want to do it for these kids. After all, I want my children to know who they're living with."

Ron nodded and wandered over to gather up the troops.

After Harry introduced everyone to the first years, knowing that only a few of the names would stick with faces to the excited eleven year olds, he gathered them around him.

"Now look, everyone," he said with a smile. "Your housemates are going to be like your second family. So I want you all to stay together and get to know one another at least for the first few days. You're lucky that September 1 is a Friday this year, so you'll have the whole weekend to go exploring and learn a little about Hogwarts before classes start on Monday. If you have any questions, you can ask Hermione or me. If you have any problems, do the same. I don't guarantee that we'll have all the answers or, if we have an answer, it will always be the right one, but we'll be here to listen and help if we can."

Harry looked at them all and smiled. His children, he thought. Was he ever that young?

"All right now. Hermione already showed you where your dorms are. Let me tell you now that lights out is at 11:00 pm, and it's strictly enforced," he said with a serious look. Then he gave them a broad wink, and several first years giggled. "Your trunks and pets should have been delivered by now, so why don't you all retire to your dorms and get to know each other a little better."

Harry watched the group troop up to their dorms and was amused to see the Toad stick his tongue out at the Beaver and to see the Beaver bump playfully against the Toad, both blushing all the way up to the stairs.

He then turned to see if they'd left anything behind and almost ran into Samantha.

"Harry?" she said in a tiny voice. "Can I talk to you?"

Harry sat down next to her and gave her a concerned look. "Sure, Samantha. Is anything the matter?"

She nodded with a pained expression on her face. "I don't understand most of what's going on," she said quietly. "I never heard of Cassandra's parents, but they must be famous, because everyone seemed to know them."

Harry nodded. "To tell the truth, I've only heard their names in passing."

She nodded. "But there were other things. Mike and Steve said their fathers are...Or-Ors?"

Harry smiled. "No. Aurors They're like the wizarding police."

She looked up at Harry. "And how did the food get on our plates?"

Harry sighed. "Down in the dungeons...the castle's basement, there are kitchens where the house elves work preparing all the food. They have special magical powers that allow them to make the food disappear from the kitchens and appear on our plates. The elves are very special people, and one of them is a good friend of mine. If I get a chance, I'll introduce you to Dobby sometime. He is a lot of fun," he said with a smile.

But Harry saw she was still anxious about her new world. "Listen, Samantha. This is a place where you can have loads of fun. You'll make all kinds of new friends, and find out how special you really are. I know when I was growing up, I didn't even know I was a wizard, but I seemed to make weird things happen when I was upset or afraid. But when I came here, it all started to make sense."

Harry noticed that Samantha was crying softly and leaning against him. He put his arm around her shoulder. "Now come on. There's nothing to cry about. You're about to start on a wonderful new adventure. And I guarantee. You'll love it once you get used to it."

Samantha nodded, but continued to cry softly. "I know. But I miss my family. Especially my brother Mickey. Whenever something would happen, or my parents got mad, he would give me a hug and make everything seem like it was going to be all right."

Harry looked at the pretty young girl. "Well, like I told you. While you are here, we are like your second family. Here now," he said, wrapping his arms around her. She put her face against his chest and he gave her a warm, brotherly hug.

Then he noticed that she had stopped crying. "Well, are you ready to join the rest of the girls upstairs? I'll bet they want to know all about you and I bet they'll have a thousand fun stories to tell."

She looked up at him with shining eyes. "Thank you, Harry. You're really nice. I'm glad I'm in Gryffindor House with you," she said with a sad smile.

Samantha stood up and took a deep breath, preparing to go up to the girls' dorm. But Harry grabbed her arm. "Samantha, could you do me a couple favors?"

She looked at him quizzically.

"Look, you heard what Cassandra said. Did you see how sad she looked when she said she didn't get to see her parents much? Could you do me...and her...a favor and try to make friends with her? I think she would appreciate a friend, especially one who knows about being lonely."

Samantha's face brightened a little and then took on a determined look. "Okay, Harry."

"Oh, and the other thing. Could you send Maura down to see me. I think she'd probably like to talk to her sister for a few minutes and, since it's getting close to lights out, it might be easier if she did so under the 'careful supervision of a prefect'," he said in a mock pompous tone.

Samantha giggled and nodded.

"Well, get up there and start having fun with your new friends," Harry said with a smile.

Samantha smiled back and ran up the stairs.

Harry leaned back on the sofa. Suddenly, Parvati and Lavender jumped on the sofa on either side of him and threw their arms around his neck.

"Ooooo, Mister Prefect. I'm sooo alone and don't know what to doooo," trilled Lavender, who, with Parvati, had been watching Harry with the first years.

"Mister Potter! Mister Potter! What do I do if the teachers don't like me..." Parvati said in a high falsetto.

Harry had blushed an alarming shade of red, but thought of all the things Sara told him about girls during the summer. One was that they enjoyed embarrassing boys they liked, but enjoyed it more if the boys could return it in kind in a friendly, nonthreatening manner.

He started to laugh, then tried to put a severe look on his face as he disentangled his arms and put them around the two girls.

"Now, now, you two young ladies. There's nothing to fear. Here, just let me take you up to the Astronomy Tower and we'll try to figure out some answers for you."

The two girls shrieked with laughter. Then Harry turned to Lavender with a devilish glint in his eyes and put his lips on her bare neck and blew, making a rude noise.

"Accckkkkk!" she squealed in laughter.

Harry then turned to Parvati and threw his arms awkwardly around her, mocking a passionate embrace. Parvati, shrieking with laughter, pushed him off and on to the floor.

"Harry Potter," she said as she stood up with a mock glower, hands on her hips. "Don't you touch me...unless you mean business!"

Lavender and Parvati hugged each other in hysterical laughter and walked off to their dorm rooms to finish unpacking.

Maura, who had witnessed the scene, was trying desperately to stifle the giggles. "Ah..." she gasped, shaking in mirth. "Ah...Harry? Samantha said you wanted to see me?" At this point, she gave up and started to giggle behind her hand.

Harry rose from the floor and dusted off and straightened his robes. Giving his best Snape impersonation, he looked down his nose at her. "Just doing my duty as a house prefect," he intoned.

Maura burst out laughing, and Harry joined her.

"Lavender and...what was the other girl's name?" Maura said.

"Parvati," Harry said with a smile.

Maura was still giggling. "They look like they're a lot of fun. Is one of them your girlfriend?"

Harry's smile softened. "No. They're just a lot of fun when they want to be."

Maura gave a knowing smile. Then her face shifted to a more serious look. "Oh, Samantha said you wanted to see me," she repeated.

Harry suddenly nodded. "Oh...ah...yes. Look, Maura. You seem to have a good handle on Hogwarts, what with Moira going here and all. I need to ask you a favor. Could you keep an eye on Samantha for me...to help her adjust?"

Maura tilted her head to give Harry a quizzical look. She shrugged. "I guess."

Harry nodded. "Look. She's from a muggle family. She probably didn't know a thing about the wizarding world until a month or so ago. I think her family has always sheltered her and protected her whenever her powers...you know, whenever she did any accidental magic. Now she feels alone and isolated in a strange world and she's going to need someone to lean on from time to time."

Maura suddenly understood. "She's never been away from home before, right."

Harry nodded his head.

"Oooo, that must be tough," she said sympathetically.

Harry nodded. "Look, I'm not asking you to baby-sit her. Just try to be her friend. Okay?"

Maura nodded, then suddenly got a devilish grin on her face. "What do people do in the Astronomy Tower?"

Harry burst out laughing. "I'm not going to tell you."

"That's where couples go to snog, isn't it," joining Harry in laughing.

"You didn't hear that from me, young lady," he said smiling.

"Can you show me where it is?" she said with a not so innocent smile.

Harry's eyebrows arched. "Go ask your sister."

Maura's eyes lit up with mirth. "But I don't want to snog with her..."

Harry suddenly blushed, but he continued to smile. "I'm going to tell Moira on you. Or maybe I'll just lock you up in your dorm until you turn seventeen."

Maura laughed. "Oh, well. It was worth a try."

Harry shooed her away. "Oh, go see your sister then get up to bed," he said with a fond smile.

'Oh, my children,' he thought, laughing to himself. 'Where do they learn this stuff?'


A/N: Thank you to all who reviewed the first nine chapters of this work. Sorry about the typos. In my rush to complete this before June 21, I got a little sloppy. Okay, a lot sloppy. Same with the Americanisms. Geez, I thought youse guys spoke good English, too. Not like the French. 'They got a different word for everything.'

Thank you all, including: AAArabella, Akara, Alexandra Lynch, Aurora Snidget, bacumo, Badsight, bamaslamma29, bamaslamma29, Be Cunning, Bella the Dark, blackeaerials, Blackfierydragon, BlackNBlueRosa, bloody brilliant, Cara, Carla Lopez, chaosknihgt81, Cheerdancr89, Clyde, cragarrows, darcyfan87, Dobby and Winky, Dragonwitch27, DrT, edition1013, effectivelyabsent, El Mann, EmeraldEyes, Emily Dunlevay, Emily Granger, Ferrous Strigiform, floramorada, flucias, Golden Snitch Lover, gothic fairy, Hermione L. Granger, horse_head, hpfanknitgurl, janelle, jasmyn, JoannePotter, Kagome Higurashi, Kagome Higurashi, karenkate_kitty, Kateri, kdalemama, kliewer, MmeFleiss, Nemo, Rachel A. Prongs, RamaVampire, Salem, Sarah Skeery, silent_sinta, Spookykat, SummrMagic, The King of Hearts, Thieving Magpie, three-pointer, toinb33, Tracer, urztruly88, yankees, yomamma2006. If I left anyone out, 'Bad Dobby!'

More to come.