Harry Potter Hermione Granger Parvati Patil Ron Weasley
Romance Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 05/29/2003
Updated: 06/11/2003
Words: 119,713
Chapters: 25
Hits: 162,459

Dance With Me Harry


Story Summary:
COMPLETED. During the summer after his fourth year, after Uncle Vernon beats Harry, the only thing that keeps him going is thinking about Hermione's kiss at the train station. But once the authorities intervene, he is sent to live among the Muggles, where he learns about life and love. But will this help him win Hermione's heart? Or will Voldemort strike first?

Chapter 04

Chapter Summary:
During the summer after his fourth year, after Uncle Vernon beats Harry, the only thing that keeps him going is thinking about Hermione's kiss at the train station. But once the authorities intervene, he is sent to live among the Muggles, where he learns about life and love. But will this help him win Hermione's heart? Or will Voldemort strike first?


By Aerie22


"There Will Be Other Dances"

Harry leaned back against the pillows in the emergency ward of the clinic. It was now past five in the afternoon. He had been drinking juices and other fluids sporadically throughout the afternoon and had a soft meal of soup and custard. His throat was still sore, but he found talking coming a little easier. The doctor and a couple nurses had been more than attentive and he appreciated their efforts, particularly in shooing away Dumbledore, Donovan the copper, as Harry thought of his, and Seth the priest, to give Harry time to rest. And the bed was just as comfortable as his bed in Hogwarts and miles ahead of the daybed he was forced to sleep on at the Dursleys.

The one person he wouldn't mind seeing, though, was Reverend Tony. He had a hard time forgiving Dumbledore for sending him back to the Dursleys although, truth be told, not even Harry had expected this. But somehow Strowbridge had known and knew to come get him. Harry thought about his conversation with Strowbridge at lunch at the Ashwell's place and realized there were people looking out for him, after all. And Strowbridge had been the leader of this group. And Harry wanted Reverend Tony to know he appreciated it.

But Harry was also worried. How could he keep his secret with all these people running around, people like Donovan the copper and Reverend Plessy, Reverend Tony and the doctor and nurses. Surely Dumbledore had taken precautions. But there would be an investigation and charges and all sorts of trouble.

And Harry worried what would become of him. He knew he would never go back to the Dursleys, no matter what. If Dumbledore told him he had to, Harry was determined to find his way to Gringotts, take some of his money out and go underground, living in Muggle London on the streets if necessary.

But, more likely, he would be sent to stay at Hogwarts. Or, in the best of cases, sent to the Burrow to live with Ron and his family. But he had already heard Dumbledore discuss with Donovan that staying with school mates' families was not an option at the present time. Harry just hoped he had his strength back before they made a final decision. If he had to bolt, he wanted to be physically able to survive on the streets until he got his bearings.

Harry sighed and closed his eyes, appreciating the comfort of the hospital bed while he had it.

* * *

Sean Donovan had begged off the group to go outside to make a cell phone call where there was less static and line interference from all the medical equipment and machines. Actually, his primary purpose in going outside was to have a quick smoke and clear his head.

Donovan was a big, burly man in his late thirties. He had been raised just north of London on the road to Oxford and, while not exactly attending such a lofty institution, was well schooled and made a name for himself on the rugby and football pitches at university. He caught the eye of a recruiter for MI-5 and, after several general security assignments, was named as part of the team investigating what everyone outside the department knew was a gas line explosion, possibly sabotaged by radical elements of one or another group with a grudge.

But Sean Donovan, after a couple hours on the scene, knew better. He quietly passed on his suspicions to an older investigator, even though he knew the man would think him crazy and probably kill his career just as it was getting started. Surprisingly, the older investigator not only did not think him crazy, but quietly passed his name on to a highly classified department working directly for an internal security branch out of 10 Downing Street. Because while everybody outside the department knew that it was a gas line explosion that killed Peter Pettigrew and 13 others, a small group in MI-5 knew that it was magic that did the deed. And they understood that Donovan knew because of what he was: a squib who could function in the Muggle world and whose knowledge of the wizarding world was invaluable to the government.

Donovan took a deep drag on his cigarette before snapping open the cell phone. He hand dialed from memory the phone number at 10 Downing Street that he dare not put on his speed dialer. He squeezed his fingers on the bridge of his nose under his dark glasses, a favorite Muggle law enforcement affectation of his, as the phone rang. It was picked up on the fifth ring, much to Donovan's annoyance.

"Stan? Donovan here. The boy's going to be all right....No, not Riddle. The kid's guardians. They locked him in a closet for nigh on four days...The Headmaster says school is a no-go and his friends' places are out. Plessy from the church has an idea...yeah, that Plessy. How many Plessys do you know?...Yeah, the vicar can take him in...but we're going to need some cash to the Archbishop's office as a sweetener. They'll kick in half, but Plessy says the church wants us to help this time...No, the vicar already knows...his wife, too. Plessy's already spilled it...Yeah, I know, but this kid's important...I don't care. Use the slush fund, if you have to...I tell you, this kid's the Statue of Liberty, the Eiffel Tower and Buckingham bloody Palace all wrapped into one in his world and he has to be protected or all hell will break lose in both our worlds. You got that? Good. We need a decision by morning....Yes, tomorrow morning...Ring up Plessy or Pearson at the Archbishop's as soon as you get the nod...Oh, and if you don't get the nod, I'm turning you into a vole....Right....Call me at this number. I'll be up all night, if need be....Okay. Later."

Donovan took a last drag on the butt and flicked it out into the gutter and returned to the hospital.

* * *

Dumbledore sat down beside Harry's bed and watched him sleep. He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees and hands over his face. How could he have been so foolish. McGonagall had warned him from the start that the Dursleys were Muggles of the worst sort, but he had ignored her. He believed that it would be better to keep Harry out of the limelight as he grew up rather than allow him to become an arrogant, self-centered sod, living off his notoriety.

Dumbledore shook his head. How foolish to let such whimsical notions send poor Harry through whatever hell he'd been living in for the past fourteen years.

And Dumbledore began to have new doubts. What other silly, romantic notions had he been putting into play in his battle with Voldemort that may come back to haunt him. Maybe Snape and Moody were right. Send out teams to assassinate Death Eaters. Turn the whole battle into a war of attrition, counting on Voldemort's meager forces to crack. Maybe there was no room for the niceties of the law in a battle against such a foe. But the elderly Headmaster shook his head again. That would be like the wizarding world 150 years ago, where might made right and the ministry was an entity of terror, rather than the harmless den of cowards and fools that it had become.

Dumbledore sighed.

"Are you all right, Professor?" Harry croaked, having awakened from his nap.

Dumbledore looked up. "Alas, Harry, it is I who should be asking you such a question. As long as you are well, I am pleased."

Harry gave a wan smile. "I'm going to be okay. Only I'm probably going to miss the church dance on Friday. I was really looking forward to that."

Dumbledore gave a forced smile. "There will be other dances, Harry."

Harry's eyes were now a little clearer as he fully awakened from his sleep. He cleared his throat a couple times. "Will there, professor? Will there?" he asked in mild reproof. "What's going to happen to me now? I'm not going back there, you know," he said in a quietly determined voice

Dumbledore shook his head. "No, Harry. You'll never have to go back there again, I promise you. If I hadn't been such an old fool, you would never have been there in the first place."

Harry nodded. "Maybe I should have told you more about the Dursleys, although it was never this bad."

Dumbledore couldn't reply.

"So what's going to happen to me now? Back to Hogwarts? Or the Burrow with the Weasleys?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "There's no place in the wizarding world where I would feel comfortable leaving you, son."

"Hermione's parents are Muggles..."

Dumbledore shook his head again. "Too many in our world know of your friendship with Miss Granger. There may be watchers around the Grangers. It's too risky."

Harry bristled. "Is Hermione in danger?"

Dumbledore shook his head. "The Grangers are taking an extended holiday abroad. Not to Bulgaria, I might add," he said with a vague smile. "No one will bother Hermione or her parents. Rest assured of that."

Harry breathed a little easier. "So where will I end up? Some orphanage, I suppose, under an assumed name?"

Dumbledore looked at Harry closely. "We are working on a plan as we speak. Perhaps it would be best for you to stay here in Little Whinging with someone other than the Dursleys. Perhaps you will get to go to one of those church dances yet."

* * *

Dumbledore had been called away by Plessy, so Donovan the copper stopped by his bed. "So, Harry. You feeling better?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably. "I guess."

Donovan finally removed his sunglasses. He had piercing blue eyes to go with his close-cropped brown hair. "So what's it like, getting hit with a Cruciatus Curse?"

Harry's jaw dropped. "You're an auror?"

Donovan shook his head. "No. I was raised in the wizarding world with a wizard father and a Muggle mother. Unfortunately, my magical powers never developed. I am what, in less than polite circles, is called a squib. It caused something of a strain on my parent's marriage and unfortunately, they are no longer together. So I was raised a Muggle, even though I am familiar with the wizarding world."

"I work for a branch of MI-5, the national security service. I'm one of the few in the Muggle world who know the wizarding world. It's a knowledge that is a rare commodity, indeed."

Harry was still in shock. "But...so...you know about me?"

Donovan nodded. "From your headmaster, yes. And about as much as I can glean from the Daily Prophet, although their level of reporting is even lower than the Sun's...and there's no Page Two girls...or should I say witches...to liven up the rag."

Harry snorted in mirth. "You can say that again. So maybe you know what's going to happen to me. And the Dursleys."

Donovan raised his eyebrows. "Can't say for sure about you at the moment. There are plans afoot, but nothing firm." Donovan took a deep breath. "As for the Dursleys, well, your aunt and uncle are being kept in a government holding facility. Their guards have been informed that they are being held for observation after an incident of child abuse and that there are fears that Vernon and Petunia have had a psychotic episode. So any ramblings they might have about your being a wizard will be taken with a grain of salt."

Donovan closed his eyes in sorrow. "Your cousin's been farmed out with a foster family. He made something of a scene, but he is with people used to emotionally disturbed youngsters. Unfortunately, after the expected initial hysteria, he began screaming about his tele and his computer more than his mum and dad. You have to wonder what that family...oh, sorry Harry," he said, looking at Harry with sympathy.

"Unfortunately, it wouldn't do any of us any good if there was a full investigation and criminal charges against them. So they'll sit in custody for a week or so and then be offered a deal. If they wish criminal charges to be shoved under the rug and if ever want to see their son again, they will quietly decamp from this area and never be seen or heard from again. It appears that word is already out in town about you and them, so their staying here would not be in anyone's interest. And I'm sure that your uncle's employer will have something to say to Vernon on his release. Even directors are expected to conform to a basic code of decent conduct outside of the office."

"So I'll never have to see them again?"

Donovan shook his head. "Never again. I can arrange a meeting with your cousin, if you'd like."

Harry shook his head. "That's all right. He and I never got on and he's probably having fits right now. It's best that we leave him be."

Donovan nodded. "It's a shame what some people are capable of."

Harry and his new copper friend sat in companionable silence for quite a while.

* * *

Seth Plessy snapped his cell phone shut and looked at Tony Strowbridge and his wife Mae. "Well, the deal had been struck. Basil Wright has rung up the rest of the Parish Council and they've jumped at the idea. They love the idea of being part of the Archbishop's test program to have the vicarage take in a neglected child. Of course the ten thousand for church repairs and the five thousand annuity in case the program is extended was a nice touch. Are you sure you want to do this?"

Tony Strowbridge turned to his wife and she nodded enthusiastically. "We're sure."

* * *

All Tony Strowbridge's adolescent hope, dreams and fantasies about romance and marriage never prepared him for the depth and richness of the love he found when he married Mae. She was sparkling and vivacious, pretty and fun to be with. He counted his blessings when she disdained all her other suitors in favor of a newly minted Anglican priest with few prospects. And Tony and Mae were delighted when, after two years of marriage, she found she was pregnant.

But the payback for having such a wonderful wife happened several months into Mae's pregnancy. A simple misdiagnosis and a lost set of test results that would have disclosed Mae's pregnancy as ectopic resulted in a miscarriage and an infection that cost Mae her ability to conceive again.

The couple were heartbroken. So, now secure in their parish in Little Whinging, they threw themselves into the care and help of troubled children in the parish. Now, after 16 years in the parish, they found that they had a sweet natured but troubled teenaged boy to take care of, if only for a couple months. Mae cried tears of joy. She now had, if only briefly, a son of her own to care for. Even if, as Seth also confided to her, he was a wizard.

* * *

It was Thursday morning and Harry was now feeling much better and was ready to leave. But he still didn't know where he would be going. He knew Dumbledore wanted him to stay in Little Whinging. But there was nowhere to go in town where he could be a wizard in hiding except for 4 Privet Drive. No one else knew. And Harry was frightened that his fate would be taken completely out of his hands. He looked down at his hands as he flexed his fingers. He would run rather than be put into another impossible position. He wasn't street-wise, but he had become very good at being guarded, and guarding himself against outsiders. So he figured he could survive.

"Well, now. How are we feeling this morning?" came a hearty voice from around the curtain surrounding his bed in the ward. Harry looked up with a smile. It was Reverend Tony.

"Still here, although somewhat worse for the wear," Harry said with a chuckle, his voice now nearly back to normal. Then he noticed Strowbridge wasn't alone. Dumbledore, Donovan and Plessy were there, as well. And there was also a woman of early middle age who looked vaguely familiar, but Harry couldn't place her.

Harry turned back to Strowbridge, who was in his collar and suit, as was Plessy. And Donovan was still in his black suit, although minus the sunglasses, which were poking out of the breast pocket of his jacket. And now Dumbledore was wearing an identical outfit, down to his own pair of sunglasses poking out of his suit jacket. The woman, at least, was not in costume. She was wearing tan slacks and a long-sleeved off-white blouse. Her thick brown hair, which was showing the occasional gray strand, was tied back in a ponytail. And she wore no makeup that Harry could see, but her warm smile made such extraneous enhancements unnecessary.

Harry stifled a chuckle and set his face. Apparently, his fate had been decided and he now began to brace himself for the news.

Strowbridge sat in the chair next to Harry's bed. He smiled softly. "As you can see, I brought reinforcements," he said with a small chuckle. "The most important of these is Mae, my wife," he said with a smile. Mae's smile broadened. Tony turned to his wife. "Mae, let me present Harry Potter."

Mae nodded to Harry and suddenly stepped forward and gave him a hug. Harry took a deep breath and then responded, closing his eyes. She made him feel welcome and wanted, just like Ron's mum, Molly. "Pleased to meet you, mam," his murmured. When Mae released him, Harry took a deep breath and opened his eyes, remembering he had a larger audience.

But Harry continued to stare at Mae with a wistful smile as Tony, who first cleared his throat to recapture Harry's attention, continued. "Well, we've been holding high meetings of state between the five of us and have come up with a proposition for you. How would you like to come live at the vicarage with me and my wife Mae for the rest of the summer?"

Harry's eyes widened and he took a quick look at Dumbledore, who nodded benignly. Donovan also nodded and Plessy merely smiled a knowing smile. "I'd like that, Reverend," he said tentatively. "But I wouldn't want to trouble you," he said, shooting another pleading glance at Dumbledore.

Tony shook his head. "No trouble at all. Mae and I talked it over last night and we decided that there's nothing we'd love more than to have you stay with us. We've never been able to have children of our own and it would be wonderful to have such a nice young man around the house. And such a special one."

Harry was feeling a little panic. He didn't know how or why, but he desperately wanted to go with these nice people. But he was a wizard. They were Muggles. He wasn't supposed to share his secret. He looked back and forth between Donovan and Dumbledore, who knew what he was. "Is it okay?" he said anxiously.

Strowbridge placed his hand on Harry's shoulder. "Harry. I know. Seth...Reverend Plessy explained about Hogwarts and the wizarding world to Mae and me. And Albus and Sean thought this would be the best for all concerned."

Harry looked up at Plessy. "You know, too?"

Plessy nodded. "There is a small group in the church who know. After all, we can't simply ignore the souls of a whole segment of society, now, can we?"

Harry's mind was in a whirl. He hadn't realized the authorities had known the wizarding world. He granted to himself that this knowledge was not widespread. But here he had three Muggles, or two Muggles and a squib in the Muggle world, who knew. He shook his head.

Plessy nodded.

"Harry? Do you think you'd like to give the vicarage...to give Mae and me a try?"

Harry looked around at the five adults, who looked at him expectantly. He turned to Strowbridge with a smile, then turned again to Mae. "I'd like that, sir. Mam. I'd like that very much."

* * *

The Dursleys were still being held by the authorities when Harry returned for the last time to No. 4 Privet Drive to claim his few belongings. He had been uncomfortable with the idea of moving in with the Strowbridge's until Tony, as he now insisted on being called outside of his pastoral duties, confessed that he understood, as much as he could, Harry's situation and would not interfere with his studies or anything else of a wizarding nature that Harry had to undertake.

Harry smiled. "There's nothing weird. I've got a lot of studying to do, but I guess the only thing you'd notice that's different about me is that I communicate with my classmates by owl."

Tony turned and gave Harry a puzzled look. "What do you mean, owl?"

Harry's eyes lit up. "I'll show you," he said with enthusiasm. He ran upstairs again and opened the window to his room. He looked around the yard and suddenly Hedwig appeared from a nearby tree, giving Harry a quizzical look. He turned to the old card table that served as his desk and grabbed an owl treat for the puzzled bird. "It's going to be all right now, girl. We're going to a new place where I'll be safe. We'll both be safe."

Hedwig flexed its wings and nuzzled Harry's hand affectionately. It was then that Harry thought to check Hedwig for a return message from Ron. There was none. Harry's face fell. He began berating himself for ever telling Ron about his feelings for Hermione. Somehow, he knew Ron had taken it poorly and decided to end their friendship.

"Hedwig? Ron didn't write?" he said in disappointment. Hedwig gave Harry a haughty look, as if to say that had there been a message, he would already be holding it.

Hedwig had dutifully entered her cage and Harry brought her down after one last look under the floorboards and in his closet to make sure he was leaving nothing behind. He found Dudley's karate guides and dutifully returned them to his cousin's room. He wanted nothing from this house but to be gone.

Tony was thoroughly charmed by Hedwig. "She really can deliver messages?" Tony asked.

Hedwig gave Tony a wide-eyed look, but Harry soothed her. "It's all right, girl. He doesn't understand." He turned to Tony with a smile. "Hedwig is a very special, very magical creature. She can find anyone, anywhere. The whole world, wizarding and Muggle--I mean, nonmagical--is looking for my godfather for a crime he didn't commit. But I can send him messages whenever I need to, thanks to Hedwig." The snowy owl preened her feathers proudly at the praise.

"Your godfather? I thought you had no any other relatives."

Harry suddenly hung his head. "Sirius isn't a blood relative. He was my father's best friend. And my parents gave him...well, the means to protect them when they went underground to hide from Voldemort," he said blankly. "You know about Voldemort?"

Tony nodded. "The wizarding Hitler."

Harry nodded. "I guess you could call him that. Well, Voldemort knew Sirius was my parents' best friend, so Sirius passed this protection on to another good friend, Peter Pettigrew. But Pettigrew betrayed my parents and they were murdered. And Voldemort almost killed me. But his curse rebounded and almost destroyed him. But Sirius tracked Pettigrew down. When he found him, Pettigrew threw a massive curse, killing fourteen people--all Muggles...uh, nonmagical people."

Tony looked at Harry. "Is the word Muggle a bad word, Harry? Like wog or nigger?"

Harry shrugged. "No. It's just the word we use to describe nonmagical folk."

"Then go ahead an use it," Tony said mildly.

Harry nodded. "Well, all these people were killed by Pettigrew. But since Sirius was the only one left after Pettigrew disappeared, everyone assumed he had done the killing. So the Muggle police agreed to allow the wizarding authorities to put Sirius in Azkaban...that's the wizard world's prison. But Sirius escaped and has been on the run ever since."

Tony frowned. "This was a couple years ago, right?"

Harry nodded.

"His name is Sirius Black?"

Harry nodded again.

Tony sighed. "I know he's your godfather and I'm sure you love him, but I remember the news about him. He's well known in the Muggle world," Tony said solemnly. "He's supposed to be armed and dangerous.

Harry turned quickly to look at Tony. "He's innocent!" he said forcefully. "I know. I met Pettigrew. He admitted it. My godfather and one of my professors who was also a good friend of my parents would have killed him, but I stopped them. And because of that, Pettigrew got away. And because of that, Cedric and I were kidnapped and Cedric was murdered to bring Voldemort back to power. I should have let them kill him," Harry cried as the words tumbled out through his tears.

Tony pulled over to the side of the road, even though they were only a couple blocks from the vicarage. He looked at Harry in confusion but recognized the pain he was in. And he knew that his first duty was to ease this pain, even though he wasn't sure exactly what was behind this story. Explanations would come later. "Harry. You saved this man's life. You didn't know what he would do later. Don't beat yourself up about showing perhaps the ultimate act of Christian charity: saving the life of the man you believe responsible for killing your parents."

Harry nodded, now breathing heavily. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get upset."

Tony reached over and squeezed Harry's shoulder. "Don't apologize for showing your true feelings. Especially about something like this."

Harry nodded, still hanging his head.

"Harry, are you going to be all right?" Tony said softly.

Harry took a deep breath, recomposing his features. "I didn't mean to cry."

Tony turned back forward, putting the car in gear. "There's nothing wrong with an occasionally tear," he said mildly. "Tears are cathartic."

Tony paused and watched Harry as he massaged the boy's shoulder, reassuringly. He waited patiently as Harry regained his composure. When he was sure that the wave had crested, Tony gave a deep sigh. "I remember once when I was young, how much better I felt after having a good cry when I lost a good friend," he said quietly.

Harry looked at Tony with a concerned expression. "Was he family? Or a good friend?"

Tony shook his head. "He was more than that. He was my goldfish, Goldie," he said with a straight face.

Harry burst out in giggles.

Tony turned and gave Harry a mock severe look. "It's not funny. I was four years old. How was I supposed to know that you weren't supposed to pet a goldfish?"

Harry began laughing out loud, and Tony finally joined him. "Oh...tis a cruel one, you are, Harry Potter."

* * *

When Tony and Harry arrived at the vicarage, Harry was surprised to see several workmen in overalls swarming all over the outside of the house. They seemed to have meters in their hands with short antennae attached. It was only when he got close that he saw those antennae were unusually thick and made out of wood.

A large black man in overalls walked over to Harry and shook his hand. "Harry Potter, we meet at last, mon," the man said with the oddest accent he had ever heard. It sounded like a mixture of British, French Creole and a little bit a Jamaica thrown in.

"Uh...how do you do?" he stammered.

The man beamed. "Well, well, well. I've been hearing about you since you showed up at Hogwarts. I'm Cyrus Jordan, Lee's pa-pa," he said with a broad smile.

Harry's face broke out in a grin. "Wow! It's great to meet you, too, Mr. Jordan! Your son is one of the funniest people I ever met in my life. He is so cool!"

Cyrus leaned his head back and laughed heartily. "Well, that boy is a handful. But I'll tell him you say hey. 'Course I can't tell him where I've seen you, but he'll be happy anyway."

Harry introduced Cyrus to Tony. Strowbridge was very interested in what the workmen were doing.

"We're what are called aurors," Cyrus said with a smile. "I make sure they all look the part of nonmagical folk. But they're putting up wards...protections against magical intrusion," he explained.

He turned to Harry. "No need to worry. Only the four of us, plus Dumbledore, know you are here. And the other three here have lost family members to You-Know-Who, so I don't think there's much chance of betrayal. The plan is for you to stay here until we pick you up on August 31 to pick up your supplies. Then you stay with your friends at the Leaky Cauldron until the Hogwarts Express come by. So don't go owling your friends that you're here. Just tell them you've been moved to a safe house for the summer. They'll understand when you meet up with them in September. Even if You-Know-Who figures out you were with them Dursleys, he'll find them gone soon as can be. Then he'll figure out you moved but never suspect you're with good people who used to be strangers just a few blocks away."

Harry and Cyrus shared a laugh together.

"Oh, and Harry. One more thing. There are special wards on the house and the immediate property around the house. They will allow you to do magic, if you like, even though you aren't of age yet. It was Dumbledore's idea. It's basically a shield from ministry monitoring. They won't shield unforgivable curses and they have to be activated whenever you want to do magic. And the shield only lasts for an hour, so keep your eye on the time. The spell is simple: Incipere tegere. But don't think you can use that spell outside the vicarage. It's not a general spell. It's just a ward activator. Okay?"

Harry nodded, smiling.

"Well, good meeting you, mon," Cyrus said with a smile.

Harry smiled broadly. "It was great meeting you, sir. And remember to say hi to Lee."

"Oh, and Harry. Make sure you win the Quidditch Cup this year. Once a Gryffindor, always a Gryffindor!"

They heard a rude noise from a nearby auror.

Cyrus walked back to work shaking his head. "Hufflepuffs," he muttered, rolling his eyes.

* * *