Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 95,208
Chapters: 22
Hits: 23,076

Blood (thicker than) Water (but what about) Lemonade?


Story Summary:
Everyone hates Snape. Snape hates everyone, and prefers to keep it that way. After all, he's got some pretty dark secrets ... but what happens when a tragic death leads to an unexpected adoption and a new student for Hogwarts? How long can Snape keep his secrets from the new kid? How long until she finds out for herself? And what happens when she meets a certain Scarhead we know and love? Drama, romance, death, and defeat compliment this story about having to what's right in a world of wrong.

Blood Thicker Than Water 30 - 31

Chapter Summary:
Avril and Harry return to Hogwarts
Author's Note:
Ok you guys, here's the deal.



Harry and Avril stepped off the Apparating pad with Dumbledore, the Minister, Remus and Sirius.

"Bartholomew, Remus, kindly remain here with the others. Tend to Severus' wounds and meet us later in the Main Hall," Dumbledore said as the other half of the group apparated.

Bill, Charlie and an unconscious Snape came a moment later on the pad.

"Professor Dumbledore- Albus, look at Avril. The children- they're hurt. They need care," Mrs. Weasley said, her voice tinted with sympathy, her eyes on Avril's gash and bloodstained face.

Dumbledore looked at Avril closely.

"The bleeding is not as tenacious as before," he said. "I must hear their stories while it is fresh on their minds, before it's too late. Unless of course Avril feels she cannot proceed?"

Avril felt all eyes turn to her. Jesus, she didn't care. All she wanted to do was sleep.

Her mouth dry, she opened it to hear "I'm fine. It's only a little cut."

"Very well," Dumbledore said, gesturing to the Main Hall to Lupin.

Remus nodded and herded everyone down another hall, a pale and sickly looking Minister with his own officials followed.

Snape's head bobbed as Bill and Charlie walked.

"We can speak further in here," Dumbledore said, indicating an office to their right. "I want to hear the entire story. Harry, you do remember last year? Similar detailing should be included, please."

Harry nodded numbly, his head still racking with the after pain of his scar.

Sirius put a hand on his shoulder to comfort him, and Avril shivered, suddenly remembering that she had almost had her parents back.

They followed Dumbledore into the office and were sat down in chairs opposite a large oak desk.

"Now," Dumbledore said, his eyes containing non of the warmth and amusement Avril had come to recognize and hold as a form of comfort, "whenever you're ready Harry, Avril."

Harry began, telling of he and Sirius' journey. Sirius punctuated the tale with various nods and the occasional comment.

Harry tried to make that part as short as possible, including only what was imperative to the rest of the story. Avril listened, rapt with awe.

They had gone through so much for her.

When he reached the part about them entering the house and Sirius leaving, Dumbledore held up a hand and then gently asked Avril to give him the details of her adventure, from the kidnapping to the arrival of Harry.

And so she did. Recalling it clearer and more vividly than she'd have thought possible, Avril relived the confusion of being drugged and dragged behind a building to the port key, and her fear when seeing Voldemort for the first time.

She remembered every word that was said, every breath taken.

She told Dumbledore, not even thinking of what to say; the words just pouring out, all about the secret room, locked chest and how the locks on the chest had opened in response to her powers. She described the Thaumaturgism spell books from the pictures to the strange language written inside.

She then launched into how Voldemort had cornered her, her very narrow escape and finally, her meeting with Harry.

Then Avril stopped and Harry took up the story.

It felt like a tag team.

Harry would speak for awhile, describing exactly what Voldemort said, and everything that happened.

He summarized Avril's brave and bold action of snapping Voldemort's wand.

Avril told of how Harry tried to save her from the beating that ensued.

They said together, rotating in sentences, the rest of the story.

And Dumbledore said nothing throughout the entire thing.

Sirius, his hand still on Harry's shoulder, tightened compulsively a few times, but that was the only interruption during the two's recollection.

When they finished, Avril felt the irritation of tears trickling lightly down her face, as the memory of the awful endeavor still stung.

She wiped them away and saw blood on her hands. It was then that Avril realized she must have been looking a mess.

Dumbledore was silent for awhile, staring intently from Harry to Avril.

Then, Harry had a question.

"Professor, how did you know where we were?"

Dumbledore raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean, Harry?"

Harry licked his lips eagerly.

"Well, obviously, the Minister would know where to find us once Sirius saw him, but you never knew where Avril's house was- did you? And how did you manage to Apparate there at the same time as the Ministry?"

Dumbledore looked at Sirius, who cleared his throat.

"Actually, Harry, we apparated from the Ministry together. I'm assuming the Giant came to see you?" he asked Dumbledore, who nodded and gestured for Sirius to go on.

"You see, the Ministry members didn't take very kindly to a convicted murderer bursting into their building, and when they found out who I was, they tried to lock me up. But, once again, I'm assuming, when Fridulg came to Albus with our story, he gathered everyone and apparated to the Ministry to find out where Avril's house was," he glanced briefly at Avril. Dumbledore nodded again, justifying his assumption.

"Then, while I was on my way to the dungeons, he ran right into us and managed to convince the Minister to let me lead them to you two. But," he added as an afterthought, "I was petrified. I thought we were too late."

They were silent again for a time before Dumbledore stood.

"Sirius, take Avril to the Main Hall. I suggest you get that looked at, and Molly Weasley is more than willing to help until we can get you to a certified mediwitch," he said to Avril, who rose from her chair. Slowly, she reached up and touched the cut. Though it no longer bled freely, when she pulled a finger back there was no mistaking the fresh blood covering the tip of it.

Sirius gave Harry a lingering look and led Avril out of the office.

Dumbledore watched them as they left then, without turning back, he said quietly "you saved her life, you know."

Harry looked over his shoulder "If it weren't for you, she would have died long ago."

Harry squirmed slightly. "Sirius helped," he said. "Sirius knew the way to Azkaban- and Professor Snape fought with us- is he going to be alright?"

Dumbledore turned and smiled. The twinkle was back in his eye.

"No, Harry. I'm not speaking of tonight's events. I mean throughout the course of the year. Avril was cut deeply by the same misfortune you suffered fifteen years ago and you saved her from feeling the sting of loneliness and loss."

Harry shrugged. "She's my friend."

Dumbledore smiled. "I just want you to recognize the fact that you don't have to defeat an evil wizard to be a hero. In case you were having any doubts."

Harry frowned. The next quarter of an hour was filled with Dumbledore laying praise on Harry's courage and trying to prepare him for what was to come- something that usually signified to Harry that it the ordeal was over. This time, however, he was too tired to listen attentively, only catching snatches of what was said, and only one thing caught his attention.

"Your father would have done the same thing for your mother, you know."

Harry's head shot up. "What?"

"Risked everything to save her - he did that precise thing, actually."

Harry looked at Dumbledore carefully. "What are you saying Sir?"

Before Dumbledore could answer, Bartholomew Cheese burst into the office.

"Mr Dumbledore, I demand an explanation!" he shouted to a very calm Dumbledore. "I am the Minister of Magic- er, in Canada, and I deserve to know what on earth is going on!"

"Certainly, Minister. I propose we settle somewhere where everyone can listen- the ballroom, perhaps?"

Cheese went red with embarrassment at exploding like that and mumbled a reply.

"Excellent," Dumbledore said, leading Harry out of the room.

"They- they're already down there. The girl- Ray's daughter- she passed out a few minutes ago, but Snape's got her now," he rambled, following them from the office and down the hall.

"Is she alright?" Harry asked, genuinely concerned.

The minister, obviously very distracted, didn't seem to hear him.

They entered the ballroom, where Mrs Weasley was trying to clean Avril's gash. Snape was on her other side, looking as if he were having trouble trusting a Weasley with the care of his niece.

Most of the dried blood on the side of her face, along with an assortment of minor cuts and scratches had been cleaned up, though her face remained stained and dirty.

As Mrs Weasley dabbed at the bloody cut lightly, there was no mistaking the discomfort on Avril's face. It must sting a lot, Harry thought as he met her eyes and smiled.

At the sight of Harry, Avril brightened and tried to sit up, but was held down by Mrs Weasley.

Ron's mother cast a mild glare at Harry for disrupting her 'patient' and directed for Harry to sit with Sirius.

"How's Avril?" he asked quietly, sitting down beside his Godfather. She looked fine, but there was little else Harry could think of to say.

"Fine I guess," Sirius muttered back bitterly. "She fainted two seconds after I brought her back here. Snape went into a hissy fit, claiming I was incompetent around children and took her away."

Harry rolled his eyes. "I liked him better when he was knocked out against the fireplace," he tried, making a pathetic stab at humor to lighten the mood.

Sirius grinned. "Or in the form of a weasel," he offered.

Harry smiled despite himself.

"Albus, should we perhaps Apparate to Hogwarts?" Cheese asked. "I am sure that your Minister of Magic would appreciate knowing what's going on."

"I don't think Fudge'll be worrying about much more than strengthening his front crawl from now on," Sirius spoke up, having all eyes in the room turn to him.

Then, with a twisted smile that made everyone save Dumbledore and Harry wince slightly, "Anything else would be just plain fishy."

Cheese stared at Sirius for a moment.

"I'm going to pretend that thirteen years in Azkaban has wrung the juices out of your brain, Black, and rather than ship you off to a psychiatric ward, ask you why Fudge would want to strengthen his front crawl?"

"It's because he's a fish," Harry said dully. All eyes then snapped onto him.

"What did you say?" Cheese asked, squinting at him slightly.

"He's a fish," Harry repeated. "He was transfigured after we apparated to Avril's house. He's not on our side anymore and he was dangerous."

Cheese narrowed his eyes. "You what?"

"Transfigured him into a fish." Harry didn't like the look he was getting. "He's on Voldemort's side- well, he was."

Cheese looked from Harry to Sirius to Dumbledore.

For a moment, nothing was said.

"In regards to your previous question, Bartholomew," Dumbledore said, "I believe that Apparating to Hogwarts is a very auspicious idea."

They returned to the Apparating pad. Dumbledore, Sirius, Snape, Harry and Avril stepped onto it and prepared to go, while the others apparated immediately.

A moment later, Harry stepped off the Apparating pad and onto the streets of Hogsmeade.

Avril sighed and looked around wistfully, as if a part of her wished she were still in Canada.

They met with the others and walked up to the castle together in silence.

Once they were back in the castle, Harry felt as if it truly were over, as if he were safe again, though for how long, he wasn't sure.

They climbed up to the hospital wing, where Hermione and Ron were waiting.

When they opened the door, Hermione almost instantly leapt onto her friends.

"Oh my gosh Harry- Avril- are you two alright?" she asked breathlessly, squeezing both Harry and Avril tightly.

Harry felt relief wash over him and hugged her back once Avril had been released.

"We're fine now," he replied, unable to stop from grinning- he was home!

Ron looked awkward as he and Avril stood, watching Harry and Hermione. Hermione had been both extremely worried and unbearable to be with since Harry'd left and now that he was back, Ron was relieved that she would no longer be chewing his ear off with talk of Voldemort and danger.

Half the time she was talking Ron just envisioned them snogging with each other (which earned him a few strange looks from Hermione, as she had no idea why he had such a lopsided grin on his face) anyway, but still.

Harry and Hermione broke apart and Harry grinned at Ron.

"Had any close calls?" Ron didn't know what else to say- not while Hermione and Avril and his parents and brothers and the rest watching.

Harry shrugged. "A few- nothing to be worried about."

Dumbledore chuckled at the look on Avril's face. Suddenly, Madam Pomfrey burst into the hospital wing.

"Oh, goodness, Potter, Ardree- just look at you. Headmaster, I must ask all of you to leave whilst I clean these two up."

"I also request that you take a look at Severus and Mr Black, if you don't mind," Dumbledore said as he corralled the rest of the group outside.

"No need, Albus," Sirius said, ignoring Pomfrey's gasp of surprise at the sight of him,

"If I can just get a headache cure-"

"I as well have suffered no permeable injuries," Snape interrupted. "Anything serious can be taken care of with a potion from my stores, I'm sure."

Dumbledore nodded and Snape, after making sure Avril was alright ("I'm fine, Uncle Severus- I just want to sleep") left toward the dungeons.

"Harry, Avril, I leave you in the care of Madam Pomfrey. We will talk about what happened later."

Dumbledore left, with Sirius behind him.

"Glad you're safe, Harry, Avril," Hermione said, tugging for Ron to leave them alone.

"Me too," Ron added, still not sure what to say.

Harry and Avril stood in the hospital wing, not sure what to do. Madame Pomfrey was gone off to retrieve supplies, and everyone had left.

Avril turned to Harry.

She wanted to tell him how grateful she was to him for saving her, for rescuing Snape and also, for fighting with her.

She wanted to express her relief that they were both safe, alive and well.

She wanted to ask why Harry had volunteered to accompany Sirius when rescuing Snape from Azkaban. She wanted to ask why he had fought alongside of her.

Then, Madame Pomfrey entered the room.

"Urgh, Miss Ardree, Mr Potter, you two are disgusting."

She took hold of Avril's chin and inspected the gash above her eyebrow closely.

It was still wet with blood.

"That'll need to be stitched," Pomfrey muttered. "But it needs to be cleaned first. I've run you a bath behind those curtains. Go and wash yourself up."

Avril smiled tiredly at Harry before disappearing behind the curtains.

Pomfrey turned to Harry, who flinched. He was all too aware of the kind of care Pomfrey would bestow on him, and though it was by all means good, he really just wanted to have a bath like Avril and go to sleep.

"My goodness, you look like you just got beaten up by a gang of bludgers," Pomfrey muttered, examining his face and arms. "Oh, and you were bitten by something," she remarked.

Harry glanced down at his arm, where he had been bitten by a Dugbog earlier.

Sirius had repaired the bite marks and everything, but for some reason, the skin that had been repaired was tinted a sort of sickening green.

"They are poisonous you know, Dugbogs," Pomfrey said, taking out her wand.

"I'm surprised you haven't undergone the symptoms yet."

Harry shrugged as she tapped his arm with her wand.

"Sirius said it wasn't a bad bite- ouch!"

As the tip of Pomfrey's wand touched Harry's skin, the tender flesh burst open to reveal slimy, oozing green matter underneath.

Pomfrey sat Harry down on the edge of a bed and began to clean the festering wound with some watery blue liquid from her wand.

Harry winced as it stung and eroded the ooze away.

The thick green ooze seemed to grow thinner and thinner, until finally the flesh was cleaned and it began to bleed with healthy, bright red blood.

Pomfrey tapped Harry's arm with her wand again and the skin closed up.

"There, now go behind those curtains and take your bath. Clean up your face and arms as best you can; a lot of your colour is coming from those bruises, though, so scrub gently.

Harry nodded and thanked her before drawing the curtains around himself and undressing.

"Alright there Avril?" he called through the curtains.

"Mmmm... I'm fine, thank you."

Avril was now relaxing. Whilst Harry had been getting tended to, Avril had sat in the hot water in front of a mirror, intent on cleaning the dirt and blood from her face by all means necessary.

She had taken massive amounts of soap and water and with the help of a rather rough facecloth, had managed to scrub her face until it was a healthy pink.

There was still the matter of quite a few bruises she had acquired while Voldemort had undergone his potential mental breakdown and the ugly cut above her eyebrow, however.

It was red in colour, and though small and neat from the corner of the table, it was very deep as the table had been one of those with a surface of glass.

Avril allowed herself to sink into the hot water of the wooden bathtub and tried her best to relax. It was difficult, however, considering what she had just gone through. How could Harry so casually tell Dumbledore the story? How could he just have a bath?

"Harry?" she called past the long white curtain, arranging her hair with slightly jittery hands as to cover her gash.

"Avril?" he called back, sounding thoroughly eased and even soporific.

"What just happened?"

Harry sat up. Avril knew, because she heard the sound of breaking water.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we didn't just escape from the clutches of You Know Who with barely our lives, did we?"

She heard Harry give a light laugh.

"Sorry, but yes. Yes we did."

"How can you say that so casually?"

"Pardon me?"

"You've got this tone to your voice like 'yes Avril, I managed to find some of the strawberry cream cheese spread you liked at the grocery', not 'yes Avril, we just managed to escape the clutches of the Dark Lord with nothing but our lives'."

Another laugh, true, though strained.

"I dunno. You'd think I'd be a little more fazed than this."

Avril sighed.

"Harry?" She stood up and wrapped a towel around herself.



No replies were necessary.

Avril dabbed at her wet hair before joining Madam Pomfrey to have her cut stitched up. She dressed in warm, flannel pajamas and sat on the edge of a bed while Pomfrey tapped her gash several times with her wand.

Avril felt the gentle tug of string being pulled through the wound, bringing the broken skin together. It didn't hurt at all, but felt uncomfortable just the same, and Avril was relieved when Pomfrey backed away to admire her wandiwork and told her to rest.

Avril, now tired beyond description, gladly slipped under the crisp sheets of the hospital bed and closed her eyes.

Yet, strangely, she couldn't sleep. Avril found herself listening intently as Harry dressed, then climbed into the bed beside hers.

Only then did Avril feel the warmth the hospital bed offered; only then did she succumb to the soothing lull of slumber.

And just as she was dozing off into a long awaited sleep, two words passed with her into the unconsciousness awaiting:

"You're welcome, Avril."



Harry found himself awakening to what seemed like an endless bout of bloodcurdling screams

He sat up and yanked the curtains surrounding his bed aside and knew suddenly where he as, and what was going on.

Hurling himself out of bed, Harry pulled Avril's curtains away to reveal her curled up in a ball.

Ah, the nightmares. How well he remembered.

Beneath the wisps of chocolate hair Harry saw her stitched gash, shining with blood. The sudden rush of blood to the brain would have started it off again, he realized.

"Avril!" he said sharply, grabbing her shoulders and shaking, knowing that external stimuli could sometimes jerk the sleeper from their restless slumber.

Avril stirred and looked up into Harry's eyes. Beads of cool sweat trickled down her face, mingling with tears hot with panic.

"Avril?" Harry asked, forcing a glass of water into her hands.

Avril sat up, holding the glass with shaking hands.

"Are you ok?" Harry sat at the edge of the bed.

Though it may have been the moonlight, Avril's face seemed a disturbingly pale shade of white.

Avril nodded mutely. Then-

"I had a-"

"Nightmare," Harry finished. "I know. I have them too."

"Did I scream?" Avril looked embarrassed.

"No. I was up and saw the curtains moving," he lied. "What was it about?"

Avril hesitated. "Crucio," she whispered.

Harry didn't know what to say. He remembered the Crucio dreams. Nothing but mind numbing pain wracking his unconscious body until he was jerked out of sleep by the sheer force of anguish.

Avril drew her knees to her chest and shivered. "I can't believe we got out of there."

Harry nodded too, agreeing entirely. Though, it was, in a way, predictable. After all, he had been lucky before.

"I wonder if Snape's alright," Avril thought out loud.

Harry frowned. "Yeah- he didn't seem too bothered though."

Avril smiled bitterly. "He fought just as hard as we did, Harry."

"I know."

Then, after a second, Avril pushed back the blankets and reached for her dressing gown.

Harry stood up. "Where're you going?"

"I want to see him. To make sure he's alright."

Harry nodded. "D'you want me to come with you?" He privately hoped so. Avril looked pretty shaken and he didn't want her to be alone.

Oh come off it, he told himself. You just don't want to be alone.

"No, that's alright. I'll be right back." Avril slipped on her robe and opened the door.

"Unless, you want to come?"

Harry hesitated. "No. I'll stay here. I'm... tired."

"You sure?" Avril smiled and stepped back, leaving the doorway empty.

Harry grinned. "Yup."

Avril shrugged and disappeared through the door.

Harry stared at the empty doorway for a moment before taking off after her.

Halfway down the hallway he caught up with Avril, who jumped.

"Jesus- don't scare me like that, Dumbass!" she scorned, pulling her dressing gown tighter around her.

"Sorry," Harry apologized, looking irritated at Avril's choice of words. "I decided I needed a walk, so I came after you."

Avril gave him a strange look before shrugging and continuing down the hall.

"In the twenty four hours that I've been away from here, I've forgotten how creepy the castle is after hours," Avril said, peering down the dark and empty corridor.

They walked in remote silence until they reached the dungeons.

"He may be in Professor Dumbledore's office, but there's also a chance he's down here too," Avril muttered to Harry.

They reached a door and Avril opened it. Another door.

"Oh, right," she said, closing the first door and leaning down to the keyhole.

"Erovioudus," she muttered into it.

"Huh?" Harry asked.

"Password," Avril replied as the door swung open. This time, rather than another door, a small passage leading to a larger room was revealed.

They walked into the room and Harry looked around, having never seen another teacher's dormitory before.

It was large with a high ceiling. Almost everything was dark and even gloomy, though a fire roared in the fireplace and cast an almost comforting glow upon the room. The walls and floor were a hard stone, and an overstuffed couch (grey) was the only piece of furniture besides a very neat desk in the corner.

"Uncle Severus?" Avril said quietly. One couldn't help but be quiet when in such an eerie quarters.

Suddenly, Harry's ears picked up a sound.

"I wonder where he-"

"Shh!" Harry commanded, throwing out an arm to quiet her. "D'you hear that?"

"Yes," Avril replied, now frowning even more.

There were voices coming from a nearby room.

"Professor Delacour, I assure you," said Snape's voice, edged with constrained patience, "taking part in such a hazardous program- it is not something that you can simply abandon if it proves to much for you."

"You zink zat I am stupid!" Avril heard their Defence teacher scowl. "I know what eez going on at zis school. All zee professors are pitching in. Zey are all 'elping. Well I will not stand idly by as I watch my friends and students struggle and die at ze a'nds of that monster!"

Avril and Harry exchanged bewildered glances. What had they just walked in on?

"Fleur- this is not a game." Snape now sounded extremely impatient, and his voice was tinged with anxiety.

"You zink I do not know zat?"


Quickly, Harry and Avril dove behind the couch before they were seen.

"I implore you. Leave this job to someone with more experience. Think of your family."

"No, zank-you, Monsieur Snape. Dumbledore has already offered me ze position and I merely came to see you about details. Now, kindly give zem to me so I can continue on my way."

Fleur was standing three feet away from Avril's face, looking frighteningly serious. She was wearing black robes and her hair had been cut very short. It now came down no lower than her earlobe. A mask dangled from her left hand.

Snape had now gone from desperately strained to strangely admiring.

A small smile (usually only seen by Avril) played upon his face.

"I can see you are serious."

"Very serious."

"All right then. Here are the scrolls and all the information you need." Avril watched as he handed Fleur a stack of parchment.

"Zank-you again, Professor."

"Good luck, Miss Delacour."

Fleur turned and left through the passage.

Snape watched her go before saying, "stand up, Avril."

Avril went red in the face and slowly got to her feet.

"Honestly. You are how old and you insist on crawling around on the floor?"

Snape's words were harsh, but he merely looked curious as to why she was in his living quarters at such an untimely hour.

"What was that all about?" Avril asked, brushing off her dressing gown, ignoring his comment.

"Nothing for you to be concerned about," Snape replied, coming round to sit on the couch.

Quickly, keen not to be scolded as well, Harry scrambled round to the other side of the couch.

"Well you might as well tell me- I heard half of it anyway." Avril sat too, staring intently into her uncle's face.

"Well, considering the situation at hand, certain deeds are going to have to be done. Dumbledore is handling it admirably though, I must say," Snape said.

Avril only nodded. He hadn't answered her question.

"What brings you down here?" Snape asked, letting his eyes wander over the high ceiling.

"I just wanted to see you. I was sort of worried when you just took off."

"I'm fine- you needn't worry yourself. What about you? That was a vicious cut you received."

Avril let out a small laugh. "I gave it to myself though. I smashed my head off the table." Then, as an afterthought, "I never liked that table."

Snape didn't reply. Avril took a deep breath.

"What's going to happen?"

"You mean Potter hasn't told you yet?"

Avril shrugged.

"I suppose Dumbledore's Order will be reestablished, and once the public is notified of the Minister's re, absence, a new Minister will be selected. Preferably Dumbledore himself."

Avril nodded eagerly, hoping to hear more.

"No matter what, we will be facing dark times, Avril. Things are only going to get more difficult."

"Sounds cheerful," Avril said sarcastically. Snape gave her a stern look.

"It shouldn't be. This isn't a game-"

Was he repeating himself?

"-Avril. You need to be aware of the danger that is ahead. Not many will be prepared. They will be the first to go."

"But Professor Dumbledore is prepared, isn't he?" Avril asked anxiously, speaking exactly what Harry had been wondering.

"More than you think. I suspect he has foreseen this."

Avril didn't reply at first.

"What about Hogwarts? What's going to happen to the school?"

"I cannot tell you that, as it has been undecided. However, I have reason to believe that it will remain open and willing to take students. It will most likely stay as a safe haven for Muggleborns."

Avril felt slightly sick. This was too much.

"I don't like the sound of this," she said.

"No one does," Snape replied. "But it's going to happen and we need to be ready for it."

Avril only nodded.

The walk back to the hospital wing was silent as both Harry and Avril's heads were spinning with their newfound information.

It was only when they had climbed back into their beds and Avril had drawn the covers up to her shoulders did she speak.

"This is too much."

"What?" Harry was jerked from his thoughts.

"All this. This is insane." Avril sounded far away.

"No. It makes perfect sense. That's why it's so scary." Harry and Avril lay in silence for awhile, staring at each other in the semi-darkness.