Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 95,208
Chapters: 22
Hits: 23,076

Blood (thicker than) Water (but what about) Lemonade?


Story Summary:
Everyone hates Snape. Snape hates everyone, and prefers to keep it that way. After all, he's got some pretty dark secrets ... but what happens when a tragic death leads to an unexpected adoption and a new student for Hogwarts? How long can Snape keep his secrets from the new kid? How long until she finds out for herself? And what happens when she meets a certain Scarhead we know and love? Drama, romance, death, and defeat compliment this story about having to what's right in a world of wrong.

Blood Thicker Than Water 16 - 17

Chapter Summary:
Avril and Harry continue their fight, only to discover how alike they really are...
Author's Note:
Hi again! Sorry for the delay- been everywhere! Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter, and please write reviews!


Lashing Out

The next week was close to unbearable to all four of them.

Harry, who had formed quite the nasty bruise from where Avril had hit him, refused to speak to her.

"If she'd just wise up and accept the fact that Snape made some mistakes and was evil at one point, even if, by bleak chance, he isn't now, I'd want to discuss it with her," Harry told Ron and Hermione angrily. "But she won't! She's under the disillusion that Snape's a saintly Father Christmas or something! I'm not going to play along with her Hermione, I won't. When Avril's ready to admit that I'm right, that I'm not a liar, and that Sirius isn't a liar either, I'll sit down and talk. But until that happens, I'm not speaking to her."

This, however, was perfectly fine with Avril.

"That denunciative bastard can wait all he wants Hermione," she told her in Arithmancy on Tuesday, after hearing Harry's resolutions. "I'm not going to bend to his will. The fact that he kept all this from me is sickening. Not to mention that what he said was totally affronting. I mean, how dare he even suggest that Uncle Severus..." (This continued until Hermione could take it no longer and was relieved when class began).

So as you can see, Hermione and Ron were in quite the difficult situation. Well at least Hermione was.

Ron claimed to want to patch up the group as much as Hermione did( he hated to have to listen to Harry grumble about how stupid Avril was all day), but secretly couldn't care less if Avril spoke to them every again. No, she was a little too pretty, a little too smart, and a little too into Harry. He had seen it, if no one else had, and the Cho thing was something he wanted to happen. Frankly, if neither of them every spoke again, it would be too soon. But Ron also saw how hard Hermione was working to make things up between them, and knew he was needed as a friend.

Hermione, on the other hand, was truly distraught. Siding with Avril was out of the question, as she and Harry had been friends since their first year, but she couldn't bear to leave Avril (although secretly she felt that Avril really did need to wake up a bit) alone, as that would dash all hopes of getting them to (at the very least) speak kindly to one another. That, and she had to sleep in the bed beside Avril, and definitely didn't need an angry roommate.

Classes were surprisingly tolerable enough- even Potions (this was most likely because Snape had noticed the tension and seemed to be pleased with his niece for finally 'coming to her senses'). Ron and Harry simply sat at another table most of the time, leaving Hermione and Avril to find separate seats. Excluding, of course, the Defense against the Dark Arts classes, where Ron refused to sit anywhere other than the very front and center seat. Then, Hermione contended that if she were to sit beside him Avril and Harry would hopefully have to sit beside each other, like usual. (Thus keeping him in check while repairing their friends' broken relationship). No dice. Harry would have rather sit on the floor than beside Avril, and according to Avril, the feeling was "so totally mutual!"

And so perhaps Ron and Hermione were not without good reason to, every spare moment they had alone, put their heads together and try desperately to concoct a solution to their friends' dilemma.

"The problem is," Ron said, pretending to be looking for a book in the library while Harry and Avril waited at a table a few shelves away, not looking at each other and pretending to be alone, "they won't speak to each other, and they don't have to. There's too many distractions around the castle. They have a lot of excuses to stay away from each other. See?" he nodded to where their friends were sitting. Avril had gone to sit with a friendly Hufflepuff girl Hermione didn't even think she even knew to speak with, and Harry was chatting it up with Cho again.

"You're right, Ron," Hermione said, her eyes going large, "if we were to put them in a situation where they couldn't avoid one another, maybe they would actually speak with one another!"

"But how can we do it?" Ron wondered aloud, leaning against the bookshelf, "what sort of scenario would so extremely isolated that they'd find it impossible to avoid each other?"

"Christmas break!" Hermione suddenly blurted, jolting as if she'd received a shock. "They'd be alone for the break- well, besides the few people who'd stay, of course."

"Including you and me, Hermione," Ron said slowly, not quite sure where she was going.

"You're right, Ron. We'd have to go home for Christmas. That's the only way it would work."

"If it works at all, you mean," Ron cut in. "But then again, besides my idea where we bash both their noggins in for being hopelessly stupid, this is the best plan we've come up with so far."

"Right then," Hermione said, frowning slightly at Ron's bizarre way of thinking, "you're Dad's working on Christmas, isn't he? Have you told Harry? If not, all we have to do is claim that we haven't been to see our families for Christmas since ever- which is true, mind.

Then, we go home on Friday and leave them to their own devices."

"No, I haven't told him about Dad. At least, I don't think so. He probably won't remember anyway. Let's just hope for the best, and that Harry doesn't take that extra plunge and go to the Dursleys' for Christmas," Ron finished.

"I doubt that will happen," Hermione replied doubtfully, though looking slightly worried.


Harry and Avril took their friends' sudden interest in their families fairly well. Actually, it honestly didn't occur to them that they would be practically alone with each other until Saturday morning.

Harry woke up in and empty dorm room, got dressed, and left for the Great Hall in relatively good spirits.

Vice versa for Avril.

They both saw each other in the Hall, drifted to opposite sides of the long table, and ate their breakfast.

Conceivably it was the doing of the unknown ruler of the universe that made them take separate passages back up to the common room. Or maybe it was due to an unlucky conjunction between Jupiter and Mars. There's just as good a chance that the same ruler compelled the two to meet at the portrait hole at the exact same time. Maybe he/she thought it would be humorous. Whatever the reason, the encounter was inevitable, and both Harry and Avril were forced to speak. Not politely to be sure, but one of them was bound to say the password, or they'd be out there all day.

"Er, blabbermouth," Harry muttered, eying Avril resentfully. I forgot about her being here!

"Go," they both said at the same time. Harry and Avril, who had both been avoiding eye contact with the other, shot each other irritated glances.

"Go," They both said again, stepping back to give the other more room.

They both let out a frustrated groan. "Fine!" they said, stepping forward to the portrait, blocking the other.

They stopped again, glaring.

"That's it!" Avril said loudly, now thoroughly annoyed. She turned and went the other way, towards the grand staircase. She'd just go and visit Hagrid for awhile. She hadn't been to see him for weeks.

Harry watched her go, not understanding how anyone could be so stupid and annoying.

Now, all the remorse he had felt for upsetting Avril the week before, even the slightest shred of guilt, had evaporated. Now, all the young wizard felt was irritation. Pleadings for a truce from Ron and Hermione went unnoticed.

If he'd just admit she was wrong, he told himself again and again, whenever he had an inclination that he just might be the wrong, if she'd just accept the inevitable, I'd be willing to talk. I'd apologize in a second.

"But she won't admit anything," he told himself as he flipped through a borrowed copy of Snitching for Seekers- A complete guide to the newest moves on the pitch (the ones you don't yet know about). "She's too stubborn."

"Harry?" Angelina Johnson had just climbed out from the portrait, having just finished breakfast, and seemed to have heard him talking to himself.

"Who're you talking to?" she asked, sitting in the armchair across from him.

"Myself," Harry shrugged, flipping the pages.

"Okay..." Angelina said, frowning. "Who's she?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "Take a wild guess."

The tension between Harry and Avril had not went unnoticed. They had always been very friendly with each other (there had even been mild rumors floating around), and seeing them obviously avoiding each other made a lot of people wonder what had happened (there was also the help of the hotline: Ron told Fred and George, who told everyone in the Tower).

"Oh," Angelina said softly. This was a delicate subject with her. Angelina didn't like the thought of her team members fighting, as it could very possibly effect their playing.

"Do you want to talk about it, Harry?" she asked, leaning forward hopefully.

"No. Thanks to Ron and Hermione, this fight is all I've eaten, dreamt and breathed for the past six days," Harry replied, going back to his book.

"Well, what happened?" Angelina pressed.

Harry sighed. There wasn't any getting out of this. "She's always defending Snape," he said, careful to leave out the words 'Death Eater' and 'Sirius'. "I get sick of it, you know?"

Angelina nodded. "Well, to be fair Harry, they are family. It's natural to be loyal to your family members. No matter how Snape-like they are."

Harry digested this. "You're on her side?" he asked, unbelieving.

"No, I'm not. I'm just desperate for you two to patch up. Think of the team, Harry!" Angelina pleaded. "Can't you just set aside your differences? Just sit down and talk?"

"No," Harry replied bluntly. "No, it's a little more complicated than that, Angelina."

Angelina arched an eyebrow. "Well, how about this: you both agree to disagree!"

Harry gave her a skeptical look. "Right..."

"I'm serious, Harry! You both admit you were wrong- you for trying to turn her against Snape, and her for, er disagreeing" Angelina glanced briefly at the fading bruise on Harry's face, "or whatever she did, and you both say sorry."

Harry shut his book with a snap. "It goes a little deeper than that, Angelina. You wouldn't understand. I don't even know if I understand myself." Harry got to his feet. "Tell you what, I'll think about it. OK? For the sake of the team."

Angelina stood too and threw her arms around his neck in such a way that reminded Harry very much of Oliver Wood.

"That's all I ask! Thank you! Thank you!"

"So, Avril, what 'appened between you an Harry?"

Avril choked on her muffin before realising what he had said.

"Don't look so surprised," Hagrid said carelessly, "th' whole school knows."

"I know," Avril replied gloomily. "And it's like a great bloody battle, too. People are either on my side or his, and they don't even know what we're fighting about."

Hagrid leaned forward. "So? What did happen?"

Avril fidgeted slightly in her seat. "It's sort of difficult to explain, really. I promised Hermione I wouldn't tell anyone most of it, so it most likely won't make sense."

Hagrid smiled under his great bushy beard.

"Try me," he said.

Avril took a deep breath.


There was a pause, as Hagrid processed this, breaking each group of words apart carefully and then placing them in a sentence.

"Right," he replied, looking rather uncomfortable, "so, yeh stood up fer yer uncle an Harry didn' like that?"

Avril drew in a deep breath and nodded. "I was so angry, Hagrid. I stuck up for Uncle Severus, and we started shouting. He," she hesitated, "Harry said that he had been a Death Eater, Hagrid. But that's not true, is it?"

Hagrid went very red. How had she been living here for so long and hadn't been told? How had she managed to remain so naive?

"Well, er, the important thing, Avril, is that he came ter his senses before he was too far gone."

Avril felt as if she'd been struck by a sack of bricks.

"Ex- excuse me?" she spluttered, unable to remain sitting.

"Well, he, he was involved in some, er, dodgy sorts of work when he was young Avril, no denyin that," Hagrid admitted, busying himself with the muffin tray and trying not to notice Avril trembling.

"You're- you're not joking, then?" she asked in a bare whisper.

Hagrid didn't answer. He looked up at her, and the look on his face was apologetic, and very serious indeed.

"I suggest yeh go an talk ter him Avril," Hagrid said, feeling that he had set everything straight enough for some sort of truce. Harry would surely have the good sense to reason with her, if she admitted to being wrong, wouldn't he? "Yeh need ter have a heart to heart with him."

Avril grabbed her cloak and headed for the door. "You're right, Hagrid," she said, though not sounding anxious about speaking to Harry at all, "I should go and speak with him. I can't believe he didn't tell me!"

Avril left, stomping through the knee-deep snow in anger and frustration. Hagrid watched her go from his window, under the slight impression that Harry was no longer the subject of interest.



Since the fight, Avril had been spending a lot less time in the tower and a lot more time in the library and Snape's dormitory- the only place she found she could go where there would be no questions asked, and hardly any speaking at all. This way, Avril could do her homework in the quiet of her Uncle's study without having to think constantly about whether the group at the next table was on Harry's side or not.

That was why when Avril swung the door to Snape's dormitory open, he didn't look up from his book.

"Knocking would be respectable," he said, turning the page.

"Yeah, honesty would be really nice too," Avril said, crossing the room in three strides and pulling the book from his hands.

Snape looked up. "Would you mind explaining yourself?" he asked, trying to take back his book.

Avril held it behind her back. "I was just going to ask you the same thing."

Snape stopped reaching and blinked. "I'm afraid I don't follow you," he replied, standing and retreating to behind his potions counter.

"Follow this!" Avril snapped, drop kicking the book into the wall. "Why didn't you tell me in the first place?"

"Tell you what? What on earth are you going on about?" Snape snarled, frustrated and afraid.

"You were a Death Eater?" Avril cried, stopping in front of him and glaring into his sickly yellow face. "Harry told me- is it true?"

"You're going to believe what Potter told you?" Snape asked lightly, though his voice sounded slightly strained.

"I don't know what to believe," Avril said desperately, "so I'm asking you to tell me truthfully- did you or did you not work for You-Know-Who... when he was in full power?"

Snape shut his eyes and turned away.

"I havn't done anything- besides, how is it any of your business what mistakes I've made as a youth?" he asked softly, his words venomous and threatening, as if implying that an answer would not be a welcome thing.

"It isn't," Avril replied simply, her hands balled into fists, "but that doesn't mean I don't care."

"It certainly doesn't," said a voice.

Avril and Snape turned around to see Dumbledore standing in the doorway.

"I think, perhaps, it is time you found your way upstairs Miss Ardree," Dumbledore said kindly, gesturing for Avril to leave. "I must have a word with Severus, if you please."

Avril was far from ready to go, far from being satisfied, but wouldn't dare disregard the Headmaster.

She turned and left without a word.

"Thank-you, Headmaster, that was close," Snape said when the door had slid shut again.

"Yes, Severus. But something like this wouldn't have happened if you'd been truthful to her from the start," Dumbledore said sternly, staring after Avril.

"It isn't that easy," Snape sighed, sinking into the armchair.

"I understand, but-"

"No, Professor, you don't," Snape interrupted quietly, "because you've never done anything that stup- that regrettable."

Dumbledore looked mildly shocked.

"Tell me, Severus, do you know how old I am?" Dumbledore asked lightly, sitting in a chair across from him.

Snape gave a small smile. "I don't think anyone does, Professor."

"Well, I am old enough to have seen and done a lot of things, Severus," Dumbledore said, pressing his fingertips together and gazing at them intently.

"Not all of them have been pleasant, and not all of them have been ethical, I will admit. However, I have learned from the mistakes I've made, and have moved on. I think it's time you did that. Move on. Don't be afraid of your misstep, thrive on it. Learn from it. It's the only way you will be able to forgive yourself. Goodness knows, pretending it didn't happen is no way to go about it."

Dumbledore stood up and smiled down at Snape. "Most importantly of all, Severus, you aren't alone anymore. You have a child to raise- a teenager no less! You'll need all your self-confidence

and strength for that."

He placed a wise old hand on Snape's shoulder for only a moment, and turned to go.

"I'll leave you now, but please consider what I've said. Accepting your wrong is only the first step. The second is forgiveness. Of yourself."

Dumbledore exited then, leaving Snape alone to his thoughts. Dumbledore was right, as usual. He always was. This would be a big hurdle to jump, but it would be for the best. The best for Avril... the best for both of them.


As Avril climbed the marble steps toward the Gryffindor tower, her feet felt like lead. Apologizing really sucks, she thought miserably, dragging her feet up each step. Especially when you're the one doing it.

Harry deserved it though. She had been really horrible to him lately, what with his godfather, and the shouting match. Avril could feel her face getting red as she thought about it. She had really been off her hinges that night. Well, hopefully, he'd forgive her. If not, well...

Harry sat alone in the common room, mulling over his lines. He'd rather swallow Skel-Grow than apologise to Avril, but he'd promised Angelina...

The portrait door slid open, and Avril stepped inside, as if on cue.

"Er, Harry?" she said, spotting him in the corner and hurrying over.

"Avril! I, er, was just about to go and find you," Harry said, standing.

"I need to say something," they both said, "I'm really sorry!"

Harry didn't believe his ears. Had- had Avril just apologised?

Avril let her jaw drop. What had Harry just said?

"I- I was a real prat to say something like that about Snape Avril, I'm- I'm sorry."

Avril too, swallowed her pride and shrugged. "Don't be. It was true anyway- I went to see him about it. Besides, I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have been so stupid- I should have listened."

Harry then felt a strange sort of twinge in his lower abdomen. Did he feel genuinely sorry for her? He actually forgave her? Yes. Yes he did.

"Hey, Avril, it's alright, I mean, you're right to not believe me. Snape's the only one you've got left, right? You've got a reason to want to stand up for him."

Avril blinked. "Yeah, but I was also mad at you for leaving me out of your secrets. You should have told me about Sirius, Harry. We've been friends since I arrived at Hogwarts. You know you can trust me."

Harry sighed. "Yeah, uh, sorry about that too. I should've said something."

Avril smiled and stepped forward. "Besides Harry, you're wrong. Snape isn't the only one I've got. I've also got Ron. And Hermione. And you."

She stuck out her hand. "Friends?"

Harry felt more relieved than he had in a week. "Friends," he agreed, taking Avril's slender hand and shaking it firmly.

"By the way," Avril said as the two headed downstairs for dinner, "sorry about the bruise."

"What bruise?" Harry joked.

"Come on! You could see that thing from across a Quidditch pitch!" Avril laughed, giving Harry a push. "I only mentioned it because I thought Poster Boy Potter deserved an apology for his good looks getting totaled!"

Harry laughed. Somehow, as strange as her sense of humor was, Harry was glad to be able to speak to Avril again. He felt as if he hadn't seen her forever, and was pleased beyond words to be walking along with her, talking to her.

Avril was thinking the same way. She felt thankful to Ron and Hermione. She had been listening during their plot, sitting only a few tables away, and had known all along that they would be leaving for the holidays, but hadn't dreamed of actually apologising to Harry like they'd planned. "We owe them a lot, you know," Avril said mildly to Harry. "They really are good friends, no matter how officious they are."

They sat down at the table, and Harry saw Angelina give him two thumbs up.

The next few days leading up to Christmas were some of the best Harry'd had all year. Being with Avril made him feel the Christmas spirit, as she was a firm believer in the holiday. Christmas Eve, they swapped stories of past Christmases. Harry Included only his happy Christmas memories, which meant the Christmases he'd spent at Hogwarts only. He was shocked to find out that for the last few years, Avril had either spent it alone, or not at all.

"Mom and Dad were always busy, that's all," she shrugged, helping herself to a Chocolate Frog, "So I'd either open my presents alone, or wait for them to come back. Sometimes, they wouldn't come back for days, so the presents would be forgotten."

Harry swallowed a mouthful of melted, sticky Sugar Quill.

"Why always Christmas though?" he asked.

Avril shrugged again. "I guess that's when all the Dark wizards felt loneliest, so they caused a lot of trouble. They also knew how happy everyone was on that day, and of course, Death Eaters being Death Eaters, they wanted to ruin it best they could."

Harry nodded, feeling sorry for her.

"But enough about that- I'm not on a guilt trip. Tell me about your Christmases at home."

Feeling that this was the only way to level it out, Harry told Avril about some of his worst Christmases, where he had received things like an old pair of Dudley's underwear, and a dust pan.

This soon grew depressing, and Avril suggested that they go to bed.

"Then we can have a good Christmas tomorrow," Avril said with a smile.

They bid each other goodnight and climbed their stairs to bed.

Avril woke the next morning and carried her presents to Harry's dormitory to open them.

When she entered his room, she saw a mound of sheets and blankets that she presumed to be Harry. At the end of his bed lay a mound of gifts.

Avril dumped her things on Ron's bed and leapt onto Harry's. "Merry Christmas Sunshine!"

she cried gleefully, sitting on top of the pillows and sheets. "Get up! It's time to open your presents! And have the best Christmas ever!"

Silence. No cry of surprise, and no laughter.

"Um, Harry?" Avril said, thinking for one wild moment that she had squashed him.

Just then, Harry burst into the room, wearing his robes over his pajamas and gasping for breath.

"Harry?" Avril climbed off his bed and

"Avril- c'mon! Great Hall! Now! Dumbledore said!"

Harry rushed forward and grabbed Avril's wrist.

"Harry," Avril resisted, pulling back, "what is it?"

Harry only tugged harder. There's been an massacre in London Avril!" he gasped, pulling her toward the door. "On the Ministry of Magic!"

The two ran as fast as they could down the Grand staircase, Harry trying valiantly to speak as they ran.

"- Voldemort's Death Eaters took all the people inside as hostages."

Avril stopped suddenly. "Harry!" she choked, feeling the blood drain from her face.

"Ron's dad was working there today! They've got Ron's dad!"