Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 95,208
Chapters: 22
Hits: 23,076

Blood (thicker than) Water (but what about) Lemonade?


Story Summary:
Everyone hates Snape. Snape hates everyone, and prefers to keep it that way. After all, he's got some pretty dark secrets ... but what happens when a tragic death leads to an unexpected adoption and a new student for Hogwarts? How long can Snape keep his secrets from the new kid? How long until she finds out for herself? And what happens when she meets a certain Scarhead we know and love? Drama, romance, death, and defeat compliment this story about having to what's right in a world of wrong.

Blood Thicker Than Water 12 - 13

Chapter Summary:
Avril recalls painful memories from her past family, and plays the first Quidditch game of the season.
Author's Note:
Sorry for the wait, but I've been a tad busy.


Still Remembering...

Avril sat straight up, beads of ice-cold sweat making her pajama top cling to her back.

What had just happened?

Shivering, Avril climbed out of bed and poured herself a glass of water from the jug in the corner of the dormitory.

Sipping the water and gazing out the window onto the grounds, Avril tried to collect her thoughts.

It's only a dream, she thought to herself. She had already attended the Halloween feast, earlier that evening. It had been fun. You watched tap dancing skeletons and the ghosts performed a play, she reminded herself.

The trouble was, Avril had had this problem before. For the last few weeks, it seemed almost every time she fell asleep, lapsed into thoughtful silence, or even let her mind wander for just a moment, Avril was met by Death Eater's masked face.

"Perhaps it's an amalgamation," Hermione had suggested when Avril had mentioned it. "That's a combination of fearful memories-"

"I know what an amalgamation is Hermione," Avril had replied wearily.

She wanted to make the stupid dreams to stop, but she didn't know how. Reluctantly, Avril had gone to Hermione again for consoling.

"Gee, I don't know Avril. I remember reading something once in the library..."

It hadn't helped a lot. Often, Hermione's words and structure of sentences were too complex for most people to understand, though Avril, who was also very intelligent, usually was able to grasp the concept. This time, however, she hadn't heard a word Hermione had said. It was rather difficult to concentrate on 'Garfunkel Twiddley's theory of magical trauma' with little death eater masks swimming around in one's head.

Avril drained her glass and climbed back into bed. "It's not an amalgamation, and it's certainly not real," she told herself. "You just had too much to eat at the feast. That's all. Go to sleep."

This was easier said than done. No sooner had Avril snuggled down deep into her warm blankets than she found she was wide awake, and not the least bit tired. She rolled over and stared at the picture she had tacked up beside her bed. It was of her and her parents, on the beach behind their house. It was summer, and Avril was lying on a towel between her mom and dad, who were both grinning broadly. This was taken last July! Avril realized, bewildered. She looked so content in the picture... they had been totally unaware of the tragedy that awaited them in but a few weeks.

Avril rolled over again, feeling tears stinging her eyes and clinging in tiny beads to her eyelashes.

Then, as if it were a cloud, closing in around her, Avril felt her vision slip away and the familiar reminiscence she had perceived earlier took over...

She went down again, her fingers still holding the bowl's edge. By the time Avril's feet hit the floor again, her shoulders and up were covered with a layer of sugary magical mix. This was also the time Mrs. Walker reentered the kitchen, carrying a large box, wrapped with a paper featuring balloons that continuously floated to the top. A bright red ribbon was fastened around the box, and had obviously been tied with the help of a wand. When she saw Avril, or rather, she saw a body wearing Avril's lavender colored robes and a large plastic mixing bowl, she shrieked in surprise. Avril slowly lifted the bowl off of her head, and placed it on the floor. Then, with fingers trembling from shock, she reached up and touched the sticky mess that was now her hair. Her face was slick with flashing colors, and her hair was a brilliant red, green, blue, purple, yellow. Just as her mouth opened (letting in a trickle of red cake mix) to wail, there was a pop, and Ray and Sydney, who had come home early as a surprise for her birthday, apparated in the kitchen.

For a moment, everyone stared. Avril stared at her parents, her mouth open and ready to shriek. Ray and Sydney stared at their daughter, who resembled a very colorful glob of glue from the shoulders up. Mrs. Walker stared at everyone, shocked, confused and the present sliding steadily from her grasp.

Sydney leaned close to her little daughter, peering inquisitively into her bright green eyes; the only thing not covered in flashing goo. "Avril?" she asked, trying hard not to giggle.

Ray too leaned close. His face was very serious, very confused and stern. Avril was ready to cry from fear of getting in trouble.

Suddenly, Ray raised his hand. Avril flinched. The hand came down, and she shut her eyes, awaiting the blow. Nothing happened. Apprehensively, Avril opened her eyes a bit. Ray's hand was hovering over her, his index finger extended. He hooked it and scooped up a glob of blue cake mix from the bridge of her nose, and popped it in his mouth. His face broke into a wide grin and her reached for another. Sydney laughed and swatted his finger away. Avril suppressed a giggle. Sydney scooped her little girl into her arms and carried her off to the bathroom to wash, everyone now positively howling with laughter.

Biting her lip furiously, Avril hauled herself from bed and out the door, a desperate need to escape the cloud of memories haunting her subconscious. She stumbled down the stone steps into the common room and sat down in front of the fire.


Avril wasn't the only one awake that night with mind problems.

Harry too, lay wide awake in bed, staring at his canopy.

For the past few weeks Harry had been distraught with things going on outside of Hogwarts.

For one thing, he and Sirius had kept close contact where writing letters was concerned, and while Harry was grateful to be able to write him so much and be so careless about it (now that the Ministry had other things to worry about) the things Sirius wrote in his letters were sometimes rather disturbing.

Sirius had gone to Lupin's place last summer, and was still residing there. He and a collection of non-supporters were presently working with Dumbledore to track down Voldemort, who wasn't exactly trying to lay low.

Much of the frightening news Harry, Ron and Hermione were told weren't included in the morning announcements at Hogwarts. This granted, the majority of the student body went around virtually oblivious to the hostile world outside the castle walls (this doesn't count those who had parents working in the ministry, or the Slytherins whose parents worked for Voldemort themselves).

According to Sirius, there had been several muggle attacks committed in the past few months, not to mention an assassination attempt on the Ministry of Magic castle. The details were produced fully in Harry's letters, and reading them sent shivers down his spine, knowing that Voldemort was out there, hurting people and getting away with it. How long would it be before he resumed all-power? How long before he broke into Hogwarts?

Luckily, there was Dumbledore. As long as Dumbledore was around, Harry wasn't too worried. Dumbledore was a sort of safety net. A reassurance.

He, Hermione and Ron had long since decided that they were as much a part of this as Sirius and Dumbledore; after, all, it was Harry Voldemort was after, and Hermione and Ron were with him all the way.

They discussed the news in the letters as often as they could, whenever Avril wasn't around.

It was difficult, as the only time she wasn't around was when she went to Sabbat. Avril liked to think she was right in with the trio, making a foursome, but really, it was now two groups.

Harry, Ron and Hermione liked Avril very much, but there were still some things they had to themselves.

They had actually argued over how much they could and couldn't tell her at one point, when Sirius' letters began coming once or twice a day. Hermione said to at least tell her about Sirius. "She's our friend, she won't tell anyone if we ask her not to," Hermione had contended, arguing more to Ron than Harry, as he was being very stubborn about the subject.

"We don't know that," he had argued, "we've only known her for a few months now! How do we know she and Snape aren't spies for Voldemort?"

At this, Hermione went bright red. "How can you say that?"

"Easily! We hardly know anything about her! She hasn't exactly been open, you know."

"That's because she's been through a terribly traumatic experience! You'd be closed and detached if you'd lost your parents, Ron."

"Harry's an orphan, and you don't see him sitting alone in the corner!"

"You're entirely missing the point!"

This had gone on for more than a few weeks, as Ron and Hermione could only find time to argue when Avril was attending her Sabbat lessons.

In the end, it was suggested by Harry that they would get to know Avril a bit first, before confiding their biggest secrets in her. This seemed to work, and everyone was happy again.

As Harry lay in bed, unable to sleep due to his temporary case of insomnia, his thoughts drifted to Ron's real worry. In one of the letters from Sirius, he had voiced his concern that there was Death Eater or supporter at Hogwarts.

It's happened before, he'd written, and it's especially dangerous now that Voldemort's alive. Keep your guard up, Harry. Don't trust anyone Dumbledore doesn't trust, and even then, watch your back...

"Harry, what if the supporter is Snape? It's perfect! He goes off, pretending that he's spying on You-Know-Who, when really he's attending the meetings! Then he comes back, attends the meetings here, and he's spying on Dumbledore!"

Harry had to admit, Ron's suspicions made sense. Despite Avril's constant persevering opinion that Snape was just a little vindictive, Harry had an extremely difficult time trusting him; his manner toward Harry and Ron hadn't changed in the slightest.

"I don't know, Ron. Listen, we won't tell Avril anything yet. We'll wait until Sirius tells us when he's coming to Hogsmeade, and we'll talk to him face-to-face."

Ron agreed to this. Rationally, it was the only option.

"Right mate," he had sighed as Hermione and Avril had come into the common room, back from Arithmancy.

The dormitory was quiet, in spite of Neville's snores, and Harry rolled over to his side and shut his eyes.

Grrrrr! It was no use. He wouldn't be falling asleep anytime soon. Sighing, Harry rolled out of bed and stumbled, defeated, down the stairs into the common room.

It was then when he saw Avril curled up on the sofa in front of the fire, fast asleep.

Awkwardly, Harry grabbed a discarded Quidditch book and sat in the far end of the room.

It was difficult, however, to concentrate on the Derning Dragons when you had been thinking about the person across the room not five seconds ago. Especially when she was sleeping.

Tentatively, Harry put his book down onto the table and approached the sofa. Avril was curled into a fetal position at one end, her knees drawn up to her chest. Her face was crumpled slightly, as if she was having a disturbing dream. She was wincing in her sleep, and kept opening her mouth and shutting it, like she as yelling in her dream.

Even more tentatively, Harry prodded her with the handle of his wand to wake her up. Avril's eyes shot open, and landed to where Harry was standing a foot away from her.

"What the hell Harry?" she muttered thickly, "I was asleep."

Harry shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "You didn't look too happy though."

Avril sat up, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, well, at least I was sleeping. What're you doing here?"

For a terrifying moment, Avril thought she might've been talking in her sleep. She'd had a very strange dream this time; she was walking round the Hogwarts lake, in between Hermione and Ron. Suddenly, off in the distance, they saw Harry chasing a large black dog. When she yelled at him to stop, she realized that Hermione and Ron were gone. They too, were chasing the dog. They had disappeared over the crest of the hill by now, leaving Avril alone. Now, no matter how far she ran to catch up, she never saw what was beyond the crest of the hill; it kept pushing away from her.

Harry shrugged and sat down beside her. "Couldn't sleep. What're you doing down here?"

Avril leaned back and shut her eyes. "Needed a little solitude," she said, curling her feet up again.

"And I'm going back to sleep now, Harry. Night."

Harry frowned, but followed suit and took up residence in a squashy armchair and foot stool.

"Yeah, uh, night Avril," he replied, shutting his eyes as well.

After a time, Harry opened his eyes again. Avril was staring back at him. He jumped a bit in his chair and tried to look sleepy, but Avril grinned.

"All right, so we can't sleep. What do you propose we do?"

Harry gratefully sat up. "We could talk, you know, until we get tired," he suggested.

Avril nodded. "All right, then. So... you like pickles?"

Harry laughed a bit. "What?"

Avril shrugged. "I don't like awkward silences."


"Well, do you?"


"Like them?"


"Oh! Uh, sure, I guess."

There was silence.

"This is harder, you know, without Hermione and Ron around," Avril said thoughtfully, picking at a stray thread loose from the couch.

"Yeah," Harry agreed.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Ready for the Quidditch match this month?"

Avril smiled nervously.

"Not really. I like playing, but I wasn't really all that good at the try outs."

Harry dismissed this with a slight wave of his hand. "No, Angelina wasn't looking for scoring techniques. We develop that at the practices. She wanted to see your flying abilities. I guess she saw some potential."

Avril smiled inwardly. "Maybe."

There was another silence. "Harry?"


"Do you trust me?"

Harry's heart stopped for a split second. Had she heard their conversation? Or had Hermione told her?

"Sure. Why?"
Avril was now picking at the newly formed hole in the arm of the sofa.

"I don't know. I just always feel a bit off to the side where certain things are concerned."

Harry bit his lip. "Well, uh, you have to understand... me, Hermione and Ron've known each other for a long time, and we've er, been through a lot."

Avril sighed. "Well, what would I have to do to earn your complete and total trust?"

Harry sent a silent plea to God to get him out of this.

"Er, you do have our trust," he tried weakly. He hated lying to Avril; they were good friends. The past few months sitting together in Defense Against the Dark Arts had sort of brought them together. Like him and Ron, you could say they were pals. But he had also promised Ron not to tell her too much...

Suddenly, he had an idea.

"Here, I'll prove it," he said, offering Avril a hand up.

She stood and followed him into his dormitory, glancing around hesitantly at the circle of occupied beds. The curtains were drawn round all of them, but Avril could still hear Neville's snores.

Harry crossed the room and opened his trunk. He reached inside and pulled out something sleek and silvery: his invisibility cloak.

Avril's breath caught in her throat. "Is that-" she reached forward and took it from Harry, who held it out to her.

"It was my dad's," Harry whispered, hoping that Ron wouldn't wake up. He indicated for her to put it on.

Avril slipped the cloak around her shoulders and over her head.

"Oh, wow, Harry!" she breathed, moving in front of the mirror, and marveling at how she couldn't see her reflection.

Harry grinned. "We use it for all sorts of stuff, like walking around the castle at night."

Avril pulled the cloak off her head. "Let's go, then!" she said, her bright green and gray eyes sparkling with excitement.

Harry then had no choice but to join her under the cloak and exit the Gryffindor tower.

"This is amazing!" Avril whispered to him as they walked, invisible, past the suits of armor and conversing ghosts.

Harry smiled weakly at her. He was extremely uncomfortable. In the past, he had always been motivated. He had always had an important reason for sneaking round in his cloak. And lately, he had always had the map with him. Now he felt unmotivated, unprotected and edgy.

Not to mention the cloak was very enclosed around he and Avril.

Oh well, he thought grudgingly, we'll walk around a bit more then go back. What can happen?

They turned a corner (Avril was leading) and then came almost face to face with Snape.

Avril held in a surprised gasp and backed into Harry, stepping on his foot. Harry grunted in pain, and then stood perfectly still, hands on Avril's shoulders.

Snape's nostrils flared unpleasantly, and his face scrunched into a suspicious glare.

"Who's there?" he hissed, reaching out not two inches away from Avril's face.

Slowly, Harry began to back up, pulling Avril with him.

Snape followed them, groping the air around him.

"Potter? Show yourself!" Snape demanded.

Right. Like he'd do that. Harry made a silent motion to Avril, who looked positively terrified at being caught, to follow him. She nodded and they hurried back round the corner. Before rounding the corner, Harry looked back over his shoulder and saw something extraordinary: Snape was walking away- quickly.


Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw

The next morning Avril slept late. This gave Harry time to fill Hermione and Ron in on what he had seen the previous night.

Ron was angry with him for showing Avril the cloak, but could hardly argue; it was Harry's cloak.

"So you and Avril went for a little midnight walk, and saw Snape hurrying to get away from you, when he knew it was you. So what?" Ron said. "You should thank your lucky stars he didn't catch you."

Harry cast a glance at the girl's dormitory door and lowered his voice.

"No, don't you see? Snape's skulking round in the middle of the night, on the fourth floor! His dormitory's in the dungeons! Avril told me! Why would he be walking around Hogwarts at one-o-clock at night?"

Hermione tapped her foot on the floor, sitting in the exact same place Avril had been sleeping last night.

"You've got point, Harry. Like Snuffles said, it could be anyone, and Snape is acting rather suspicious, but I don't think-"

"Morning," Avril yawned, flopping down beside Hermione on the sofa. "What're we talking about?"

Harry and Ron exchanged panicked glances, but Hermione nudged Avril playfully and joked "we were plotting how to wake you up, lazy bones!"

"Yeah!" Ron chimed, "what's with sleeping 'til noon Ardree?"

The weeks in November really flew by. Especially for Avril. Between Sabbat and Quidditch practices, not to mention regular lessons, Avril's agenda was full.

Harry's little tip in the Three Broomsticks had really boosted Avril's Lamia skill, and she was now getting much, much better.

Quidditch practices were taking place at a grueling three times a week, but it was for the best, as Avril, who had no time to go over techniques in the play book, needed all the training she could get.

It was also lucky, perhaps, that she was a brilliant flier and managed to catch up on the Chasers' tactics pretty well.

The day finally came when Gryffindor was due to play Ravenclaw- first game of the season.

Avril joined the team in the Great Hall for breakfast that morning, trembling with the nerves.

As she helped herself to waffles, bacon and orange juice, Hermione and Ron tried to force Harry to eat.

"C'mon Harry! you have to eat something!" Hermione ordered bossily. "You need your strength!"

"I'm not hungry," Harry insisted, pushing his plate away.

"I'll take it!" Avril pulled the plate toward her and started on the eggs and toast, her waffles gone.

"And you ought to slow down!" Ron told her, snatching the toast from her hand. "Or else your broom won't be able to lift you off the ground!"

Avril drained her juice, looking embarrassed. "I eat when I'm nervous," she muttered.

A while later, Angelina stood at the same time as Roger Davies, and beckoned her team to the pitch.

"All right team," she told them, once on the pitch, "let's win this one for Oliver. Make him proud, and show Ravenclaw who's number one."

"Right, then!" Fred Weasley said, grinning. "And I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome our two newest members, Avril and Chuckie."

The team applauded, Chuck Beigis, who was a sixth year, grinned and Avril went red.

Up the hill, the school doors opened and the school began to file out.

"Change rooms, then," Angelina announced, sounding somewhat like Oliver Wood.

The team changed in relative silence. At the sound of Lee Jordan's commentating voice, they exited and waited to be announced.

Avril mounted her broom between Alicia and Angelina. Harry, who was up front with Chuck, turned to her and grinned.

"Break a leg Ardree," he said.

Avril grinned back. "You too Potter."

They flew out onto the pitch and took their places.

Harry flew above the team and, for the first time in weeks, made eyes contact with Cho Chang.

She smiled, a smile without its usual sparkle.

Harry smiled back, his stomach doing its usual flips.

Madame Hooch blew the whistle and tossed the Quaffle into the air.

Alicia immediately caught it and swerved around one of the Ravenclaw Chasers.

"And it's Alicia Spinnet with the Quaffle, heading for the goal... look out Alicia, that's a Bludger!

Spinnet passes the Quaffle to Avril Ardree, the new Gryffindor Chaser. Ardree misses the pass, and it's Roger Davies with the Quaffle."

Harry flew above the rest, his eyes darting every which way in search of the Snitch.

"And George Weasley beats a Bludger at Davies, and it's Avril with the Quaffle!"

Avril accelerated and streaked between the Ravenclaw Beaters, toward their hoops.

She hurled the Quaffle past the Keeper with all her might.

"Avril Ardree scores!" Lee Jordan announced happily.

Harry cheered along with the crowd from his perch high above the pitch.

Avril flew back to her post, ready for Angelina, who now had the Quaffle, to pass to her, when Angelina dropped the Quaffle.

"Roger Davies is in possession, and he is speeding up the pitch! He aims a score, YES! Chuck Beigis, the Gryffindor's new Keeper, has saved the goal aimed by Davies! Angelina sure has done a great job selecting- Angelina scores!!"

This went on for quite a while, Gryffindor and Ravenclaw both scoring left and right.

As Harry observed this while searching for the Snitch at the same time, a glint of gold caught his eye.

There, hovering near the teacher stands, was the Golden Snitch.

He gripped the handle of his Firebolt and fell into a dive, as the Snitch began to descend down the stands.

"Ravenclaw scores! The mark is now fifty-thirty Gryffindor!"

Just as he finished saying this, Ravenclaw scored another goal.

It hardly mattered however, as the entire assembled was watching Harry gaining on the snitch.

Harry chanced half a glance behind him and was surprised to see Cho Chang after him.

The Snitch darted left, and before Harry could turn to follow, Cho cut him off.

"Angelina Johnson scores! Sixty-forty Gryffindor!"

Harry accelerated his Firebolt to full power, swerving around Cho and her comet. He was flying at breakneck speed, his eyes watering in the cold air rushing past him.

Avril seized the Quaffle and headed toward the Ravenclaw posts, her arm raised, ready to score just as Harry's hand enclosed around the Snitch.

"Harry Potter has caught the Snitch! Gryffindor wins at two hundred and ten points!" Lee yelled into the microphone.

Avril dropped the Quaffle and joined the team in cheering.

They crowded around Harry, forming a tight ball of Gryffindor Quidditch players.

The crowd streamed onto the pitch, and Ron and Hermione beamed.

"Well done Harry!" Hermione shrieked, "you too Avril!"

Ron, Seamus and Dean were beating him on the back.

"All right! all right!" they were chanting.

Avril made her way to congratulate Harry, but found him wading through the crowd toward Cho.

Avril stopped in her tracks and watched as Harry approached the Ravenclaw Seeker and offered his hand.

Cho shook it and smiled at Harry. Then, without warning, stepped forward and hugged him.

"Er, good game?" Harry asked, taking in the strawberry smell of Cho's hair. This was great!

Cho pulled away and nodded. "Great game," she replied, and with another sparkling smile, she joined her teammates in the change room.

Harry, bright red, breath short, turned back to his friends. Ron was grinning nervously, and Hermione wasn't smiling at all. Rather, she looked somewhat apologetic. Harry followed her gaze to where Avril was exiting the change room, wearing her Hogwarts robes, her McNally slung over her shoulder.

Perhaps it was the uncomfortable expressions on Ron and Hermione's faces, or the way Avril walked ( stiff legged, her jaw set), but Harry now had the distinct impression that Cho's sudden show of affection towards him was not such a good thing after all.