Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 95,208
Chapters: 22
Hits: 23,076

Blood (thicker than) Water (but what about) Lemonade?


Story Summary:
Everyone hates Snape. Snape hates everyone, and prefers to keep it that way. After all, he's got some pretty dark secrets ... but what happens when a tragic death leads to an unexpected adoption and a new student for Hogwarts? How long can Snape keep his secrets from the new kid? How long until she finds out for herself? And what happens when she meets a certain Scarhead we know and love? Drama, romance, death, and defeat compliment this story about having to what's right in a world of wrong.

Blood Thicker Than Water 08 - 09

Chapter Summary:
The four get into 'high jinks' and see something mysterious in the forbidden forest.
Author's Note:
K, guys, sorry for the wait, but I've finally got my net back. I'm working on my next chapter presently, and hope you enjoy this one.


Veela Dance

"You're a what?" Harry asked, after both Ron and Hermione spat out a mouthful of food.

"A Lamia!" Hermione gasped, her eyes bright and excited.

"Man! I've only ever heard of those!" Ron grinned.

Avril, who had dropped into the seat next to Ron five minutes later, and told them what had happened, didn't look nearly as thrilled as Hermione and Ron did.

"Well, I don't know what it is, so if one of you'd be so kind as to educate me," Harry said.

"A Lamia is a witch with the astonishing ability to do magic without a wand," Hermione told him with the air of one answering a question asked in class. "Their eyes interpret their moods, and sudden bursts of emotion can cause the colors to change," she continued, peering excitedly into Avril's gray and green flecked eyes. "However, if they aren't trained properly, the Lamia's powers can become obtrusive, which would explain the cauldron exploding in Potions today. Precise training is also required, as-"

"OK, er, thanks Hermione, I think I've got it now," Harry interrupted.

"Oh, Avril, I've read all about Lamia's," Hermione exclaimed, now forgetting completely about her dinner, "and they have all these amazing powers like levitation, and the ability to transfigure things without a wand! You can maneuver things and move them with your mind! And of course, you'll need training- when do you start?"

"I don't know," Avril replied dragging her fork through her mashed potatoes, "in a few weeks, I think. I just hope I'll be able to play Quidditch., what with my ability to move things and all."

"Of course you can," Hermione scoffed, "the Quidditch balls are protected by all sorts of charms to prevent witches and wizards from manipulating them with their wands. There's probably a charm on the balls to stop mind powers too."

"But that's not the only problem," Avril said slowly, "I mean, if I have this training thing to do, I might not have time to go to practices."

"That is, if you make the team at all," said a drawling voice from behind her.

Malfoy had come over from his table and was flanked, as usual, by Crabbe and Goyle.

"OK, unless you've got something intelligent to say, I don't see any reason for you to be here," Avril said sharply, "so do us all a favor and get bent."

Malfoy narrowed his eyes. Avril stared defiantly into them, tiny violet sparks flying angrily inside her own.

"You'll want to be careful, Ardree," Malfoy said threateningly, "that mouth of yours is going to get you into quite a spot of trouble someday..."

Avril let out a derisive laugh. "And let me guess? You'll be the one to give it to me, right? I stand by what I said before- get bent."

Malfoy opened his mouth, and then shut it again. He wasn't about to pick a fight with Snape's niece-not in the Great Hall, anyway.

"C'mon," he muttered resentfully to Crabbe and Goyle, and the three left.

Avril watched them go, then turned back to her shepherd's pie. Hermione went back to her reading and Ron started on pudding. Harry caught Avril's eye and grinned. Avril swallowed her potato and grinned back.


The rest of sunny, cool September dissolved quickly into raining, muddy October. Avril received a memo stating that her training would begin in two weeks, due to other important business, and listed (to Avril's horror) several books that were necessary to read before the tutelage began.

On top of that, there was homework from every subject and quizzes every week. Then Quidditch season began.

"Tryouts are next Thursday!" Harry announced happily, peering at the old and battered bulletin board in the Gryffindor common room, "you're trying out, aren't you?" He asked, flopping down on the sofa next to Avril, who was immersed in a large and dusty copy of History of the Lamia; How this Power Came to Be.

"I hope so," Avril sighed, her gray eyes, flecked with green, looking tired, "I might not manage it, what with homework and the load Dumbledore's given me, I don't know if I'd be able to promise a commitment."

Harry cast an angry glance at the pile of books on the table next to her, and had an idea.

"You could just come and tryout," he began, sounding hopeful, "and if you make it, and still don't think you could keep up, be a reserve."

Avril smiled. "Yeah, that's an idea. I'll think about it."

Harry grinned. He wanted what was best for the team, and if Avril was any good she needed to play.

"Good, because we need all the help we can get to beat Slytherin," Harry said.

Avril only returned the smile, now totally focused on her large and monotonous text.

"I think I'll go find Ron," Harry said, standing.

"Yeah, where is Ron and Hermione?" Avril asked, not looking up.

"Library," Harry replied, going through the portrait door, "Ron's having trouble in Transfiguration and she's helping him."

Avril didn't reply. Instead she sighed heavily and set the book down. She climbed the winding staircase to the dormitories and entered the girls' dormitory. Collapsing onto her bed, Avril opened her trunk and pulled out her McNally. The handle, smooth (though definitely not as smooth as it could be) and shiny mahogany, complimented the broom's long, thin and neat set of twigs. McNally was written in silver cursive across the handle.

Avril stared at it with a sober expression for a time, before tipping it gently back into the trunk an lying back in bed.

The morning after she had had her nightmare, Avril had woken feeling so depressed that it had taken her by surprise. It happened during the day sometimes too. Out of nowhere. It all came down to her parents. They had gone on unexpected trips and left her alone so many times that (although there was a lump of mournfulness deep inside her), rather than grieve Avril was able to use denial as a safety cushion, and simply pretend that they were away on a mission. That way, Avril was able to go about her life and be happy. But sometimes, denial stopped working, if only for a second, an unbearable wave of realization would wash over her and drown out all the pleasant thoughts inside of her. The memories and actualization would float to the top. During these times Avril was totally indisposed. She would have to sit down and wait it out. It was horrible. The only way she would be able to pull the plug on these black moods would be to talk to someone, but Avril had grown up almost alone and wasn't used to sharing her feelings. It made her uneasy, having someone else know what was going on inside of her. Besides, she told herself again and again, it's inconsiderate to trouble people with your problems-they don't want to hear it. Nothing had ever been said to Avril to make her think that way, it was something she had decided, as an excuse to keep herself secluded. Now, as Avril lay on her four-poster bed, in the comfortable castle she was beginning to be able to call home, she felt relaxed, and found that she could think about her parents without feeling utterly depressed and alone.

So she lay there for a long time, homework forgotten, recalling memories of before, and smiling up at her canopy.

Around tea time, Hermione burst into the room, staggering under an armload of books.

"Hullo," she gasped, dumping them on her bed, next to Avril's, "just got back from the library- I think Ron's finally getting the hang of the 'self-potency- concept."

Avril grinned. "Good, because we're starting on wand movements on Monday."

Hermione gave an exasperated sigh and tried to straighten her robes. "C'mon, the boys want to head down for dinner."

Avril heaved herself off the bed and followed Hermione into the common room, where Ron and Harry were waiting by the portrait hole.

By the time the four sat down to roast chicken in the Great Hall, it was as crowded as it tended to get on Saturday nights. Feeling tired and slightly disorientated; probably due to the dull and tedious week they'd , Harry, Avril, Ron and Hermione ate quietly, speaking little.

"Avril, did you go and feed Frankie yet today?" Hermione asked casually.

Avril dropped her fork. " Damn, I forgot!"

Hermione groaned. " Avril, it was your turn!"

"I know!" Avril sounded desperate, "I know ! We'll just nip down there and feed her quick. Hagrid won't know; he's still eating at the table. That way, we don't lose marks."

Hermione bit her lip reluctantly.

"Come on, Hermione! You don't want to lose marks, do you?" Avril asked.

"No, I don't want to lose points for Gryffindor if we get caught, either," Hermione replied.
"Oh, you won't lose points for Gryffindor if you're just doing your work," Ron said, "look, we'll come with you."

They finished quickly and a few minutes later were making their way across the lawn.

"It's getting dark, guys," Avril muttered, "lumos."

Her wand immediately lit up, followed by three others.

Hagrid's hut soon came into view, and the four went behind it, to the paddock. The Crups were inside, sleeping under the lean-to Hagrid had made for them. One was squirming fretfully, however, and whining hungrily.

"Oh, Frankie," Avril whispered, and turned to Hermione. "The gate's locked, but I'll climb over the fence. You put food in her bowl and hand it over."

With that, Avril leapt onto the chain-link and began to climb, while Hermione scooped Crup food out of a large basin and into a tin bowl marked Franchesca. She handed the little bowl over the fence to Avril, and stood back with Harry and Ron. While Avril petted Frankie and placed the food down, Harry looked around, holding his wand up for light.

A cold breeze blew by, and Ron shivered. "Come on, Avril.," he pleaded, his teeth chattering, "hurry up."

"All right, already," Avril said, and began to climb the fence again.

Just then, a flash of light in the trees caught Harry's attention. Avril jumped from halfway down and landed softly in the grass at Harry's feet. "Let's go," she said, standing and brushing herself off.

"Wait," Harry said, holding out an arm to stop her, "I see something."

He took a step towards the trees. "D'you see that?" he asked, pointing toward the light with his wand.

Avril nodded, spellbound, as the light moved closer. Hermione and Ron both took steps forward as well.

"What is it?" Avril whispered, lightly touching Harry's arm. The light was now moving in all different directions, and the four followed it with their eyes.

"I dunno," Harry replied, as the light bobbed tantalizingly, moving closer and closer all the while. Harry put his wand out and the four stepped into the shadows as the light emerged from the trees. Suddenly, Ron grabbed Harry's arm. "Harry!" he hissed, gaping at the light, "it's Fleur! Her hair!"

Harry saw he was right; Fleur Delacour was moving in a rhythmic manner, dancing, under the full moon. Her blond-white hair was positively glowing, and her blank face was lifted toward the inky black sky.

Avril glanced at Harry, and saw that he and Ron were watching with a dazed expression on their faces.

"Harry?" she whispered, "Ron?"

Then, Ron began to sway. Swaying and moving to unheard music, Ron danced out of the shadows and into the full light of the moon. Fleur didn't stop, or even acknowledge him; she just continued dancing, dipping, and twirling, Ron at her side. Avril watched as Harry too began to sway. It was slower, however, and a little less rhythmically. "Harry?" Hermione asked, peering into his face. "Harry!" Hermione snapped, shaking his shoulders, and pinching his arm, "Harry, stop! Go get Ron," she told Avril.

Avril nodded and hurried out into the moonlit grounds. She reached Ron and began to pull him away. It was very difficult, however. "Ron!" Avril cried, pinching him as Hermione had done to Harry. Ron drew away, ignoring Avril. His eyes glazed, Ron began to follow Fleur as she disappeared back into the forest. Avril turned, desperate, to Hermione, and saw that Harry was following in a slower manner.

At the near end of her wit, Avril whipped out her wand and pointed it at Harry. "Revivio!" she shouted, flicking it at Ron at the same time.

Instantly, both boys were thrown down onto the ground.

"Get them!" Hermione cried, and she and Avril grabbed a very confused Harry and Ron and began dragging them up to the castle.

"Hermione what-" Harry stammered as she gripped his arm so hard it hurt. Ron hardly noticed; he was still in somewhat of a daze.

It was only when they were safely inside the castle doors did Hermione and Avril let Harry and Ron go. Ron fell backwards and sat dizzily on the floor, while Harry stumbled back, and held onto the banister in the Entrance Hall for support. There were hardly any people left in the Hall. Things were quiet and there were only a few students climbing the stairs for bed.

Once Harry had regained his balance, he glanced furiously at where Hermione and Avril were standing side by side.

"What was that?" he asked angrily, starting to climb the stairs.

"You tell us!" Avril shot back, pulling Ron to his feet.

"It wasn't their fault," Hermione said softly.

"What?" Avril asked, as she, Ron and Hermione climbed the stairs after Harry.

"I've read about Veela. They dance under the summer moon. Any male who is unlucky enough to come across them when they're dancing is doomed to dance until they die."

"Well, Fleur's not a pure Veela, though, is she?" Harry asked, now more confused than angry, "her grandmother was one, but she's only like a quarter."

"That's why you two were able to get away," Avril realized, holding a tapestry aside so they could walk up the hidden staircase, "because she doesn't have the full power of a Veela."

"One thing I don't understand though," Hermione said as they came upon the portrait of the Fat Lady, "is why she was out there dancing in the first place. I thought she was civilized! Lickety Split," she added, saying the password and going through the portrait hole.

"Maybe her nature's too strong," Avril reasoned, sinking into an armchair in the far from full common room. "She can't help it at certain times. But that's why she goes to the forest; so that nobody's in any danger."

"Makes sense," Ron agreed dully. "But I don't remember anything- just you two dragging us away."

Avril shrugged. "That I can't explain. Maybe it's because you were in a trance. Most people don't remember anything about being in a trance. I don't think it's really anything to worry about, guys. I mean, she is a professor, after all. And you know her Harry! Besides, the full moon can make you do funny things-"

"Oh! Speaking of moons," Hermione said, starting up the stairs to the dormitory, "we've still to do our Astronomy homework!"

"Right, and we've got Divination," Ron chimed in unhappily.

"Honestly Ron, I don't know why you don't drop Divination and take up something logical. Like-"

"Arithmancy," both Ron and Harry finished before disappearing into their own dormitory.

Hermione gave Avril a very irritated look before following her into their own dormitory.


The Quidditch Tryouts

Thursday that week was Quidditch tryouts. An announcement on the board stated that Gryffindor was looking for a new chaser and a new keeper. The other teams needed new players as well, and every Quidditch lover was gearing up for the big day. First years watched enviously as older students, who owned broomsticks, flew around the Quidditch pitch every night, trying to put together a routine good enough to astound the team captains.

"Aren't you going to practice?" Ron asked Avril Wednesday night as she and Hermione poured over Arithmancy homework; preparing for a test on Friday.

"No," Avril replied. "I wish I could, but I've had way too much work to do lately."

"You are trying out though, aren't you?" Harry pressed, his face hidden from view by the book Flying with the Cannons.

"Yes," Avril replied heavily, "I think so. At least, I hope so."

"Me too," Harry said. "We need the best players we can get."

The next morning couldn't have started out worse for Avril. No doubt exhausted by the amount of workload given to them lately, she and Hermione slept late. Ten minutes after they woke up, the girls were scrambling frantically around the dormitory, snatching up loose quills and discarded books and shoving them into their shoulder bags.

They met with Harry and Ron in the Great hall another ten minutes later, and had only enough time to bolt down a few pieces of toast before the first-class bell rang.

"Take your seats," Snape said as the Gryffindors and Slytherins filed into the classroom. "Then set up your cauldrons. We will be attempting to brew a Veritaserum five potion this morning. Miss Ardree, Potter, Weasley and Miss Granger, you're late," he added as the four stumbled into the dungeons classroom.

"I know, sorry," Avril replied breathlessly, making her way to the back of the classroom.

"Five points from Gryffindor, and I hope you can remember to be more punctual in future," Snape said, his eyes on Harry.

Malfoy, smirking, stuck his foot out from under his table. Harry stumbled over it, banging his knee on a table leg.

"I said sit down Potter," Snape said, narrowing his eyes.

Harry dropped into the seat between Avril and Ron and set his cauldron down with a thud.

"I'm sitting with you two today because Hermione's beside Neville," Avril told them in a low voice. "He needs all the help he can get."

Harry grinned. "Well so do we. What do we do first?"

Avril let her jaw drop momentarily. "Didn't you two copy down your recipes?"

Harry and Ron looked at each other. "No," they both said.

Avril suppressed a laugh. "OK, so first you'll unroll parchment to at least make it look like you've got your recipes."

Ron grinned again. "She's good!" he said jokingly. He and Harry unrolled some parchment and set it against their cauldrons. Harry aligned his and glanced up to make sure Snape could see it, and was surprised to see him already staring.

His expression set on 'loathing', Snape met Harry's eyes and continued to stare angrily after he had looked away. Although he had been distracted last potions class by the discovery of Avril's extraordinary talent, Snape had not forgotten how angry he was about the relationship that the trio had struck up with his niece. It was unacceptable, and it would have to be stopped.

No sooner had Harry and Ron began brewing their potions (instructed quietly by Avril) then Malfoy began flicking glittery black beetle eyes at them. They were forced to ignore it, as retaliation was a a surefire way to get a detention and points off from Gryffindor. However, when one hit Avril on the side of the face, she flashed Malfoy a dirty look and a usually rude (but in this case fitting) hand gesture.

Almost immediately, Malfoy's high, vexing voice called, "Professor! Sir! Potter and Weasley are disrupting me!"

In three strides Snape was at their table. A nasty smile forming on his gaunt face, Snape picked up the blank 'recipes'.

"No recipe?" he asked airily, turning the parchment over, "why, Potter, Weasley, how have you been managing this potion unassisted?" he chanced a half glance at Avril, who was turning a brilliant pink color. It contrasted curiously with her now violet eyes, which were flashing angrily. Her whole appearance was rather intimidating, even for Severus Snape. Oh, what the hell? He'd come this far.

"Or were you unassisted?" he asked. Neither boy said anything. He didn't expect them to. Never mind, there were other ways...

"Carry on, Potter, Weasley," Snape said, turning and heading back to his desk, "we shall test your Veritaserum when you are finished."

Once he had sat down, both boys looked at Avril. "Now what do we do?" Harry hissed, terrified.

"Relax," Avril whispered, looking into his eyes. "Trust me."

Harry gazed back, and nodded. It was impossible not to trust her.

"OK, I'm relaxing," Ron said, not sounding it, "now what?"

Avril forced a smile. "Drop in a slice of rat spleen."

"What'll that do?" Ron muttered. Harry was already stirring it in.

"Something about the spleen makes the potion useless, that way, you can lie when he asks you if you were helped," Avril explained, tipping a few Hedgehog quills into her mixture. "Now just make it properly; do what I do."

Near the end of class, Snape instructed everyone to put away their things and gather round to watch Harry and Ron drink their Veritaserums. Under Snape's watchful eye, Harry reluctantly tipped the mixture down his throat.

With the rat spleen, whether it was cooked or not, the potion tasted horrible. Then again, it did also have pufferskein eyes and shaved frog skin.

"Now," Snape said, his black eyes gleaming unpleasantly, "how did you manage this complicated potion without help of your recipe Potter? Weasley?" The Slytherins laughed malignantly.

Ron and Harry looked at each other. "Dunno," said Ron. "Just lucky I guess."

Harry grinned. It had worked. He glanced at Avril, who was grinning even wider than he. Snape turned angrily to her, but gritted his teeth as the class bell rang.

The four burst out of class, laughing heartily. "I would never have went far as that, you know," she told them, "but I just don't like the way he's always on your cases! And I can't believe it worked!" Avril smiled, after telling Hermione exactly what had happened.

"Neither can I, really," Hermione said indignantly, turning down the Charms corridor, "you two should have done your homework."

Ron rolled his eyes. "So we got a little side tracked."

"With what? I saw you playing chess just last night!"

Ron didn't reply. He stopped. "Where's Harry?"

Hermione spun around, looking back. "And Avril?"

Then, the two came round the corner, walking side be side and talking about Quidditch. Suddenly, Harry said something. Avril laughed and glanced up, grinning, at Harry, who grinned back.

Hermione looked carefully at Ron. His face held no expression, and then-

"Come on you two!" Ron called, his hands unintentionally balled into tense fists "we're going to be late!"

Both snickering at the joke, Harry and Avril picked up speed.

They made it to the classroom five seconds before the bell.

After lunch was double Magical Creatures.

They walked out of the castle and onto the sunny, cool grounds.

"Afternoon, all!" Hagrid greeted them, holding a box of pumpkin pasties and an empty bucket, "we're workin' with the Crups today, so if e'ryone could just nip back here to the paddock..."

"Hey, Hagrid," Ron asked, his eyes on the pasties, "what are those for?"

"Just what I was gettin to, Ron," Hagrid replied, not sounding his usual cheery self. "It's common law ter amputate th' Crups tail when their about six ter eight weeks old, so I though' I'd make a lesson outta it."

There was a silence. Then, Parvati Patil spoke up. "So, you're saying..."

"Tha's righ Parvati," Hagrid nodded, setting the box and bucket down, "today yer all going ter take yer Crup's tail off."

There was a roar of refusal from the class.

"But Hagrid-"

"Oh, the poor Cruppies-"

"That's sick, that's really sick-"

"The poor Cruppies!"

Hagrid was shaking his enormous head. "I don' want ter hear any moanin. Look, it's real easy. All yeh do is perform a severing charm a few inches above the back end. Then, drop the tail in this bucket. It doesn' hurt em none, I promise."

The roar had died down, but there was still a disgusted muttering.

Hermione was first to go. "C'mon, Avril," she said loudly, marching forward and entering the paddock.

"You hold her and I'll perform the spell," Hermione said, picking up Frankie and handing her to Avril.

She took out her wand. "Sevusio!" she said, tapping her wand a few inches above the Crup's back side as Hagrid had instructed. The tail neatly severed itself from the Crup and fell to the ground. The wound immediately closed up leaving a stubby little end for Frankie's tail. The Crup didn't seem to notice at all.

With suppressed dignity, Avril now pointed her wand at it and, using a simple banishing charm, sent the forked tail into the empty bucket.

"Piece of cake," Avril said, feeling slightly sick.

Reluctantly, the rest of the class began doing the same, though Hagrid soon had to stop the use of the banishing charm, as poor aim resulted in tails flying into people.

When Hermione left to get a pasty to feed to Frankie, Avril sat down with the wriggling Cruppie and looked around the paddock. Malfoy was sitting back while Goyle clumsily removed their Crup's tail. Lavender and Parvati were receiving help from Hagrid and emitting repulsed squeals as he explained the simple procedure.

While Ron was over by the pasty crate, Harry was trying to teach their Crup to sit.

Avril picked Frankie up and went over to them.

"OK, Joey, sit," Harry was telling the little Crup, who seemed more interested in Harry's shoelaces than anything else.

"Joey?" Avril asked, sitting cross-legged beside Harry.

"Joey Jenkins," Harry explained, watching the two Crups wrestle on the paddock floor, "after the Chudley Cannons Beater. Ron's idea," he added.

"Ah," Avril replied.

"Nervous about the tryouts?" Harry asked, watching her closely.

"Yeah, I think I am," Avril admitted. "But that might be the stress that's been eroding my insides since last Thursday," she said cheerfully, shrugging.

Harry laughed. "Well, you wouldn't want to feel pressured."

Avril grinned and nodded. "It doesn't seem that way."

Just then, Hagrid announced, "yeh should all be done with yer Crups fer today, so pack up an wait fer the bell ter ring."

The Quidditch tryouts were scheduled to be held before supper, so Avril had just enough time to drop her books off in the dormitory, change and grab her McNally before running down to the Quidditch pitch. There, the four house teams were grouped together. Students trying for the team found their house and waited, nervously clutching their brooms and glancing apprehensively at the Quidditch team captains.

Avril spotted Harry, along with his fellow Quidditch players, standing on the far side of the pitch and hurried over to them.

Madame Hooch was sitting on a sideline bench, watching and making sure no one was doing anything stupid.

"All right there, Avril?" Harry asked when she joined the first, second, third and fourth years who were trying out.

"Yeah, I'm all right," Avril replied, slightly out of breath.

"My god, Ardree, what is that?" Malfoy asked, drawling his voice maliciously, grabbing Avril's broom and looking it over.

"Canadian standard broom Malfoy," Avril replied coolly, snatching back. "A McNally."

"Whatever," Malfoy replied nastily, also glaring at Harry, "Gryffindor prefers people with big, expensive brooms to replace their pathetic players, so you'll probably make the team without trying."

Harry stepped forward angrily. "I'd bet five galleons any day that she could knock you off your broom Malfoy."

"Granted that your monkey boys weren't up there with you," Avril added, glancing over to where Crabbe and Goyle were lined up, waiting to try out for beaters. "Tell me, do you all sleep together too?"

Malfoy narrowed his eyes when Harry snorted, and opened his mouth to say something when Angelina Johnson came forward. "All right Malfoy, get back to your team- we're about to start."

Malfoy, looking as if he were ready to grow fangs and spit blood, turned and walked stiffly back to his teammates.

"All right, you lot," Angelina called to the fifteen or so Gryffindors assembled, "welcome to the Gryffindor Quidditch tryouts. We're in the market for a new keeper and a new chaser. That's two people, and you're fifteen. So it's obvious that you won't all make it. However, the best players will, and that's what counts; we all want Gryffindor to win the cup this year, and in order to do that we'll need the best. My team members and I will be evaluating you're routine and flying skills, so do your best. Good luck." She took out a roll of parchment and began reading the list of names.

"Aithens, Matt -Keeper."

Matt Aithens stepped forward.

"Fly up to the goal posts and wait there. I'll send a chaser up and you can try to save the goal," Angelina told him.

Matt nodded and climbed aboard his borrowed Clean sweep seven. He kicked off from the ground and flew to station at the three goal posts.

"Agather, Jina -Chaser."

Jina, a trembling third year, stepped forward.

Angelina handed her the Quaffle. "Try and score on Matt up there, OK?" Jina took the Quaffle and kicked off from the ground. She flew swiftly towards the hoops, and threw the Quaffle at the hoops. Matt Aithens lunged at the Quaffle, but it was too fast. He missed. Jina had scored.

"Thank-you! Come down now!" Angelina called, "just stand over there," she told them.

"Ardree, Avril- Chaser, and Beigis, Chuck- Keeper."

Avril and a thin sixth year stepped forward. Chuck Beigis flew up to the hoops and hovered, waiting. Avril took the Quaffle from Angelina, smiled nervously at Harry and kicked off from the ground. Almost immediately, all the stress, all the worries and nervousness Avril had been feeling was washed away as the rush of cool breeze whipped over her face and through her hair. She tightened her grip on her McNally and flew higher still, momentarily forgetting the watching people below. Then, once she felt relaxed again, Avril flew down and delivered a curved throw, cleanly towards the goals, but it was caught by Chuck Beigis. Avril exhaled, unbelieving. Blinking back tears of frustration, she flew back to the ground and waited.

After her there was Clemmite, David and Frost, Sean. There was also Juscit, Mandy and Ross, Kim, among others. After Wickens, Jamie, had landed, the original Gryffindor team huddled together while the others waited nervously.

"All right," Angelina said, breaking out of the huddle, "we've narrowed it down to five Chasers, four Keepers. Agather, Ardree, Jones, Juscit, Laclair, we want you to stay behind and run some more drills. Beigis, Frost, Grant and Ross, we want you to stay behind too. The rest of you, if your name wasn't called, better luck next year."

Looking disappointed, the remaining players slouched off, brooms slung over their shoulders. Avril, still recovering from the shock of being called back, looked around. Some of the other houses weren't taking it so well. A few girls had even burst into tears, and in Slytherin, two boys were fighting on the ground.

Avril tried out again, this time scoring not only with Keepers, but alongside two other Chasers and while being batted at by Fred and George Weasley. It was difficult, and twice she failed to score. The pressure was incredible, as Avril knew she was good, but couldn't handle tryouts very well.

After a long and grueling run, Angelina told everyone to go back up to the castle, and that the team would be posted on the message board tomorrow.

Avril entered the Great Hall for supper, after having a shower and changing, and sat down across from Hermione and Ron. "How'd it go?" Ron asked, spooning stew onto his plate.

"And where's Harry?" Hermione queried, filling her goblet.

Avril filled her plate and goblet. "Harry's still with his team, deciding who's on the team, and it went all right- I made the second cut, anyway." She told them all about it, describing her horror when Chuck Beigis caught the Quaffle and her surprise when she was chosen for the second line any ways.

Harry stumbled in a quarter of an hour later, still wearing his Quidditch robes, and looking exhausted.

"Well?" all three asked, looking expectedly at him. Harry looked uncomfortable. "I'm not really supposed to say..."

"Oh, go on Harry!" Avril said, smiling hopefully at him.

Harry sighed and sat down beside her.

"Welcome to the team, Avril."