Severus Snape
Drama Romance
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 11/02/2002
Updated: 05/30/2003
Words: 95,208
Chapters: 22
Hits: 23,076

Blood (thicker than) Water (but what about) Lemonade?


Story Summary:
Everyone hates Snape. Snape hates everyone, and prefers to keep it that way. After all, he's got some pretty dark secrets ... but what happens when a tragic death leads to an unexpected adoption and a new student for Hogwarts? How long can Snape keep his secrets from the new kid? How long until she finds out for herself? And what happens when she meets a certain Scarhead we know and love? Drama, romance, death, and defeat compliment this story about having to what's right in a world of wrong.

Blood Thicker Than Water 05 - 06

Chapter Summary:
Avril makes friends
Author's Note:
I hope everyone enjoys this one... don't worry, the real reality of her parents will hit her in the next chapter.


The Feast

Harry Potter leaned back in his seat. The rain pounded on the windows of the Hogwarts Express. He could hardly contain the excitement (and anxiety) he felt. Although he always looked forward to Hogwarts at the end of every summer, memories of last year were playing in his head and Harry couldn't help but expect something bad to happen this year. Voldemort was back, and stronger than ever. He had his death eaters. He had plans to raise an army of monsters. Things were going to be different this year.

Harry exchanged glances with his best friend Ron Weasley and could instantly tell that they were thinking the same thing.

"Ron, I-"

"I know."

They stared sullenly out the window.

The door to their compartment slid open and his other best friend Hermione Granger came in, now fully changed into her Hogwarts robes. "I cannot believe it! I've looked everywhere, but I simply cannot find Crookshanks! He's got to be around here somewhere, I mean, I let him out of his basket, got changed, turned around and he was gone! I've been looking for him for a quarter of an hour!"

She stopped talking and looked at their faces. "What's up?"

Harry shook his head. "Nothing. Just... thinking about last year."

Hermione's face seemed to cloud over. Then, just as quickly, it cleared and she looked reproachful. "There's no point of thinking about it now Harry. Wait until the beginning of year feast. Dumbledore's sure to say something."

Ron nodded, agreeing, and decided it was time for a change in conversation. "How about Defence Against Dark Arts? Wonder who's got the job this year, eh?"

The dialogue from then on became considerably more blithe.

In a few hours time, the Hogwarts school train pulled into the Hogsmeade village station and the students poured out onto the platform. Squinting through the rain, which had ceased considerably since boarding, Harry caught sight of a giant silhouette beckoning to the first years, who traditionally rode boats across the lake on the first day. "Hagrid!" He shouted over the rain and excited voices of his fellow Hogwarts students. "A'righ there 'Arry?" Hagrid shouted back, over the din.

"C'mon, or we'll miss the carriages," Hermione said, tugging on Harry's robe sleeve. They hurried to the nearest carriage and climbed in.

The carriages arrived at the castle five minutes later and the students, still chatting and laughing loudly, filed into the Entrance Hall, and then the Great Hall. Harry took a place across from Hermione, beside Ron. He looked around, never more relieved to be back at what he liked to refer to as his home. Unintentionally, his eyes fell upon the potions master, Professor Snape, who he hated, and who hated him back. There was something funny about him though... he was usually very sour and angry looking... if Harry didn't know any better, he'd think Snape was pleased about something. Of course! Snape must have been given the Defence Against the Dark Arts job. He had always wanted it, and now he must have finally gotten it... but then, who would be the potions professor? Suddenly, Ron elbowed him. "Oh my God! Harry! Look up there! It's her! That Delacour girl! Fleur!" Harry tore his eyes off of Snape and dragged them further down the table, to rest on a very beautiful young woman with silvery blonde hair and large blue eyes. It was Fleur Delacour, an eighteen year old quarter-veela, who Harry had met the previous year. Fleur met eyes with Harry and smiled.

"I wonder why she's here?" Ron wondered out loud, his eyes slightly glazed over.

"Oh, Ron, isn't it obvious?" Hermione asked, rolling hers. "Think about it. There's an opening for the Defense job, and she's sitting at the teacher's table."

She waited for Ron to click in, but when he didn't say anything, his eyes still strangely glazed, his mouth slightly open, Hermione let out a scowl of impatience. "She's a teacher!"

"I know that!" Ron said angrily, snapping out of his trance, but he was interrupted as the Sorting began.

A very old looking and battered hat had been placed on a low stool. It suddenly straightened up, opened a seam near the brim, and sang:

Perhaps the ickle first years here are wondering where they'll be

Which house, which team, which table

Well, leave that up to me!

I'm the Sorting hat and though I may look old and worn

I was sewn a century ago when Hogwarts school was born.

Four wizards cast a trying spell

Which sired a brilliant school

They made four houses for their names

(And founded several ghouls).

Keen Ravenclaw, Kind Hufflepuff,

Sly Slytherin and then,

Brave Gryffindor, all qualities that make them ten for ten.

The fabulous four found students

And brought them to the school

My job was to arrange them

Be they a genius or a fool.

So now it's your turn

Step right up

And put me on your head!

I'll sort you out in no time

So that you can go to bed.

The hat drooped again, but anyone could see that it was positively quivering with excitment.

The first years grouped apprehensively together, and waited for their names to be called. Professor McGonagall took out a large roll of parchment and read a name.

"Andelle, Michael," she announced. A red haired boy scrambled forward, sat on a low stool, and jammed the hat onto his head.

The hat moved a bit, and the boy looked nervous. All of a sudden, the hat perked up and shouted:


The boy took off the hat, looking relieved and sat down at the nearest table, which had a large bronze and blue banner hanging over it.

McGonagall proceeded to read down the list calling out names like "Chandet, Joy" (Slytherin),

"Hill, Dameon" (Ravenclaw), and "Marshall, Lisa" (Gryffindor).

By the time "Weiderick, Robert" (Gryffindor) was called, Ron was groaning about being hungry enough to eat a Skrewt, and frankly, Harry wasn't far behind him.

Robert Weiderick sat down at the Gryffindor table and Harry looked expectantly at his plate, but nothing appeared. "Hey-" Ron began, but Hermione shushed him. "Look!" she hissed. Rather than take the stool away, McGonagall was waiting patiently, watching Dumbledore.

"Before we settle down to this astonishing feast, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Fleur Delecour."

The majority of male students (and some teachers as well) gazed longingly, enraptured, at the magically beautiful professor.

I would also like to introduce a new student; an exchange student, if you will: Avril Ardree. She has come from Canada, North America-"

"Really? I thought she was from Canada, Hong Kong," Ron whispered sarcastically to Harry.

"- I trust you will make them both feel welcome, and show them what an admirable school Hogwarts is."

The door behind the teacher's table opened, and a girl entered the Great Hall. She walked very quickly, without looking at the assembled, sat down on the stool, and pulled the Sorting hat on. It was quiet for a few moments, before straightening up and bellowing-


Avril waited inside the chamber, listening anxiously for her cue. She shifted her feet, and longed to be at Elixtus, among her friends, sitting in the Caf, eating her feast. Dumbledore finished his speech and Avril opened the door with shaking hands. She hastily sat on the low stool, fighting not to look at the sea of faces all straining to catch a glimpse of the new girl, and placed the hat on her head. Everything was still. At Elixtus, Avril had been sorted by a list, depending on what your strengths and interests were. So naturally, she had no idea what she was supposed to do. Then, a little voice spoke softly in her ear.

Well, well, well, what have we here? You aren't an ickle first year-how interesting! You have mixed blood, you do. Slytherin and Gryffindor? My, my, my, you are intriguing!

Avril bit her lip. Snape had put a lot of emphasis on Slytherin, as he was the head of the house, and he had given not-so subtle hints that he wanted her in Slytherin. He had also made clear (quite a few times) how much he disliked Gryffindors. The whole thing made Avril wish, more than ever, that she was back in BC.

Ah! So you've been impressed upon eh? Well there's no use requesting. I've made up my mind. You belong in-


Avril felt her heart rise up sickeningly into her throat, then sink down to settle near her toes. Slowly, she lifted the hat off and placed it on the stool. Not daring to look at Snape, she hastily sat down at the end of the Gryffindor table, alone.


Dumbledore smiled happily as the hat and stool were put away, and clapped his hands. "Passed the lips, passed the gums! Time to eat, here it comes!"

Harry and Ron, accompanied by many others, laughed and dug in as food began to appear on the golden plates.

Hermione, however, looked a little tentative.

"Wha's wrong, Hermynee?" Ron (his mouth full of pork chop) asked, noticing her lack of enthusiasm.

"I just feel iniquitous, that's all," Hermione answered.

"Hermione, speak English please. We don't speak know-it-all," said Harry, grinning.

"Bad! I feel bad!" snapped Hermione.

"Why?" Harry and Ron asked.

"Just looking at that Avril girl. It reminds me of my first year... you know, before we were friends," she admitted, turning slightly pink.

"Oh! Right! When you were a dweeb!" Ron teased.

"Thanks for the recognition," Hermione replied icily, "anyway, I just feel sort of, well, obligated to be friendly to her. That's what I would have wanted."

"Isn't that what we did?" Harry said defensively, reaching for another drumstick, "be friendly to you?"

"No Harry, you saved me from a troll, and I lied to save both your asses. I think someone should make her feel welcome. Don't you agree?"

Harry shrugged and glanced at the new girl, sitting at the end of the table, picking at her food.

"I'm going over there. Anyone fancy coming along?"

Both Ron and Harry became very interested in their mashed potatoes.

"Fine! I'll go by myself. Enjoy the feast," snapped Hermione again, grabbing her plate and marched toward the end of the table.



Avril looked up and into the face of a girl who, like her, wore a Gryffindor badge. She had wide-set brown eyes, very bushy brown hair, much lighter than Avril's, and a friendly smile.

"Hey," Avril replied, smiling uncertainly.

"Mind if I sit here?" the girl asked, indicating the empty bench in front of her.

"No, go ahead," Avril answered, moving her goblet to make room for the girl's plate.

"I'm Hermione Granger, by the way" said the girl, sitting down.

"Avril Ardree- you already knew that," Avril said, smiling a bit. The girl, Hermione, seemed nice, and Avril didn't want to push away the first person to be congenial.

There was a silence between them, for a time. Then, Hermione, who had been looking for a talking point, said "where are you staying? During the holidays, I mean?"

"Oh, I stay with my uncle," Avril replied, "he teaches here."

Hermione's eyes lit up. "Ooh! Really? A professor? Who?"

"Potions," said Avril, feeling a little more comfortable, as this was a subject she knew about.

There was a sudden clatter as Hermione dropped her knife and fork in surprise. "P-Professor Snape? Severus Snape?"

Somehow, Avril felt she had said the wrong thing. "Um, yes," she returned slowly, "you know him then?"

Hermione managed a smile. She wasn't about to judge someone based on their relative. That wasn't her.

"Yes, he's taught here since my first year," Hermione decided to change the subject, "so... what's it like in Canada? I've only ever been to France myself."

There was a slight bossy tone in her voice that Avril overlooked, glad for someone her own age to talk to. "Well, I lived in BC, which is in the far west, and..."


"Reckon we go over there?" Harry asked Ron, who had been watching Hermione talk to the new girl very closely.

"Yeah, I guess," Ron said quickly, starting over before Harry could even pick up his plate.

They moved, among the laughing and constant chatter of students, toward the end of the table. Out of the corner of his eye, Harry saw his arch enemy Malfoy talking loudly to his thuggish friends Crabbe and Goyle, an arrogant smile displayed prominently on his pale, pointed face.

"Oh, come to join us, have you?" Hermione said airily, looking up at them.

Ron muttered something that sounded like 'jigdlepiding" and sat down on her one side.

Harry, in an act of friendliness, went round the table and sat next to the Avril girl.

"Avril, this is Ron and Harry," Hermione acquainted. Harry smiled and Ron nodded. "Hi," they both said.

"Hey," replied Avril, trying hard not to stare at the boy sitting beside her. He looked familiar...

"Wait a minute-Harry? As in, Harry Potter?"

Harry nodded, awaiting the usual degree: "I've read all about you-you're famous-you're the Boy Who Lived-"

Then there was the usual conspicuous search for his lightening shaped scar, and then a whole new round of questions.

Avril grinned. "I knew it," she remarked casually, then turned to Hermione. "What's the Arithmancy program like here?"

The remaining duration of the feast was spent comparing Hogwarts to Elixtus, talk of classes, and teachers. When Avril mentioned (hesitantly) to Harry and Ron that her uncle was Professor Snape, their jaws both fell open in surprise (and were immediatly shut again by a sharp kick each from Hermione).

"But where are your parents?" Ron asked without thinking. Avril's face fell a bit. "They're dead," she said shortly, reaching for the pumpkin juice. The last thing she needed, she thought to herself, was more pity. "It's all right," she reassured Harry, Ron (who was rubbing his bruised shin), and Hermione when they looked at her sympathetically, "you didn't know- don't worry about it."

Harry, who understood better than his other friends what it felt like to have to say that all the time, changed the subject.

By the time pudding appeared, the parley had shifted to Quidditch.

"You play Quidditch in Canada, Avril?" Ron asked, helping himself to treacle pudding.

"Of course. I play Chaser," Avril added, accepting the bucket of ice cream that had been passed to her.

"That's lucky," Harry remarked, "we've an opening for a keeper and a chaser on our team. Oliver Wood and Katie Bell graduated in third year. Tryouts are in a few weeks, I think. You should come out, Avril."

"Cool, maybe I will."

After the puddings too, had disappeared, leaving everyone feeling full and sleepy, Dumbledore stood.

"Before you retire to your houses, there are a few start-of-term notices I would like to announce.

First of all, I would like to ask the first years to note, that magic outside of the classrooms are prohibited, as is any entrance to the Dark Forest, and walking the school after-hours."

"Done it, done it, done it," whispered Ron. Avril suppressed a laugh.

"Also, I would like to remind you briefly of the happenings from last year, and what I told you. Lord Voldemort is indeed out there, strong and flanked with followers. But I promise you, you are safe here at Hogwarts, and this is no excuse to ease off from your studies. As long as you do not stray, and obey the ordinances, no harm should come to you. Now, without further adieu, bedtime!"

Benches scraped across the floor as a thousand sleepy wizards and witches rose and trudged up to bed.

"Um, Harry, Ron, will you two show Avril to the tower? I'll be up in a minute."

Hermione pulled something from her robe pocket and hurried away.

"Wonder where she's going?" said Ron.

"Beats me, probably off to see if she can't take more classes," Harry shrugged, "remember third year? C'mon Avril, Gryffindors sleep in the tower-this way."

When they reached the portrait of the fat lady, Ron looked around. "Anyone know what the password is?"

"It's 'Fwooper song'," Fred Weasley told them. The portrait swung open and Harry, Ron and Avril walked into the Gryffindor common room, followed by Ron's twin brothers Fred and George.

"OK, so this is the common room, our beds are up there, and yours is over there," Harry told Avril, pointing upstairs to a door on the left.

"Thanks," Avril said, gazing around, "this place is really cozy."

A fire crackled merrily in the stone fireplace, surrounded by overstuffed chairs. There were also tables with chess squares painted on them, and a notice board in the corner.

"Right, well, goodnight," said Ron they went up the winding staircase and through the boys' dormitory door.

"Night," replied Avril, turning and going into hers.

Four large four poster beds sat in the circular tower. Two were empty, and the other two had curtains drawn round them, so Avril assumed they were occupied. She found the one with her trunk at the end of it and turned to her wardrobe. She put on her lime-green flannel pajamas, pulled the elastic out of her hair and brushed her teeth in the little bathroom. By the time she climbed into bed, the door opened and Hermione entered. Avril wanted to say hi, but was far too sleepy to open her eyes let alone speak.


A Day in the Life...

When Avril woke up, Hermione was gone again. The curtains were still drawn around the beds across from her, indicating that whoever slept in them were still sleeping. Avrli took a shower, and dressed into her robes.

She met Harry and Ron just as she was leaving her dormitory. Ron hadn't yet tied his sneakers and Harry was sleepily cleaning his glasses on the hem of his robes.

"Where's Hermioooe?" asked Ron, stifling a huge yawn.

Avril shrugged. "Dunno. She was gone when I woke up."

Harry frowned. "It's only the first day and she's acting really odd. I think maybe we ought to talk to her Ron. See if she doesn't have any skeletons in her closet that she'd like to share with us."

As Hermione wasn't anywhere to be found, Avril decided to stick with the only other two people she knew.

Together the three headed down to the Great Hall. When they arrived, they saw Hermione sitting at the breakfast table, eating toast. "Morning!" she greeted them brightly, moving over to make room for Avril.

"Yeah, thanks for waiting for us!" Ron said, sitting down beside Harry and reaching for some bacon.

"I'm sorry. had to be down here early. Which reminds me- here."

Hermione reached into her bag and pulled out a handful of rolled parchment. "Timetables."

Ron looked at her suspiciously. "Wait, Hermione, the prefects are supposed to hand these out. You're not a prefect."

Hermione gave Ron an torpid look. "How do you know? Look Ron, I got a letter and a badge with my Hogwarts list."

She moved a fold in her robes, revealing a shiny silver prefect's badge, "now take yours and pass it on, will you?"

Ron, with an incredulous look on his face, rifled through and found his, then passed them to Harry.

"Thanks for telling us," Harry said sarcastically, finding his and giving the pile to Avril.

"Thanks for congratulating me!" Hermione shot back, glaring.

"Congratulations, Hermione," Avril offered obligingly, finding her own timetable.

"Thank-you," said Hermione, returning to her toast.

"Ron? What's wrong?" Avril asked, seeing the glazed look on his face.

Ron seemed that someone had thrown cold water over him. "What? Nothing." Hermione reached across the table and plucked Ron's timetable from his hands.

Oh! It makes soo much sense now! Defense Against the Dark Arts is three times a week!"

Ron went very red and snatched the timetable back. Avril glanced at hers, then Hermione's:

"We've got Arithmancy together," she commented mildly, "four o clock. Probably because I've got Divination at two and you don't."

"You took Divination?" Hermione asked, surprised, "you seemed so bright..."

Avirl laughed, "well, it seemed pretty interesting from the description, but when I got there... oh well," she sighed, following her new friends from the Hall, "at least it's an easy class."


"Self-potency spells!" squeaked Professor Flitwick that morning, standing in front of the Ravenclaws and Gryffindors, "can anyone tell me what they are?"

Hermione's hand shot into the air.

"Yes, Miss Granger." "Self-potency spells are exceedingly formidable spells that are used when one wishes to grant him or herself extra powers," she answered, sounding as if she'd breakfasted on the Standard Book of Spells Chapter 5 rather than toast and jam that morning.

"Excellent. Five points to Gryffindor. Now, what are some of the powers that can be attained?"

Once again, Hermione's hand, though this time among others, flew up.

"You, yes, you Mr. Finnigan."

Seamus lowered his hand, his face shining with proud recollection. "The power to see in the dark! My sister Mary, she's a curse breaker, and in order to see inside the temples and pyramids, she cast a self-potency spell on herself. It lasted two days!"

Flitwick looked very pleased. "Why yes, that's what we are going to discuss next. You see, depending on how strong the spell is cast, it can last for up to a week. However, we will not even touch our wands until at least the end of October, as we want everyone to have lots of experience! Now, if you could all be so kind as to take out your textbooks, read pages one to ten, and summarize the chapter."


Herbology looked as if it were about to get a lot more difficult.

"We'll be working with water plants this term," Professor Sprout announced to the class that morning. They had been moved to a new greenhouse today-greenhouse six, and Hermione's eyes were wide with excitement. The greenhouse was full to the brim with exotic water plants, bathing in steamy pools, or frozen in a tub of ice. Some you had to watch, because they were predator weeds (which had been known to grab people while they were swimming).

"So, why don't you put on your gloves, and get into groups of four. I'll pass out trays and Gillyweed seed. Your job is to plant and nourish them for the next two weeks."

Hermione and Avril moved to the nearest table to join Susan Bones and Hannah Abbott. Hermione introduced Avril and they all began to work.

Nearby, Harry and Ron had been joined by Ernie MacMillan and Justin Finch-Flechley. Together they planted the Gillyweed seeds in the pond water soil.

Ron leaned close to Harry and muttered "how about Hermione's new friend? You'd think they were joined at the hip or something."

Harry shrugged. "I don't know... It's good for Herm to finally have a girl friend. Besides, she's really nice. It's not like she's bitchy or anything."

Ron grinned. "Yeah, plus she's hot."

Harry laughed and flicked a slimy Gillyweed seed at him. "Ron, don't worry about Avril and Hermione," he muttered, low enough for only Ron to hear, "Hermione'll wait for you..."

This time it was Ron's turn to splash pond water down Harry's front.

Lunch was tomato soup and bacon sandwiches. This was very well, as fall rain had come early and the water plant greenhouses hadn't exactly been cozy and warm.

"What's next?" Avril asked Ron, who was studying his timetable.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts!" Ron breathed, glancing at Hermione, who was telling off a couple of third-years.

Harry grinned. "Nice change from Lockhart, eh?"

"Miss Lupin, though," replied Ron, helping himself to a sandwich, "maybe he'll come back some time. Who cares if he-ouch!"

Once again, Ron had been silenced by a kick in the shins-this time by Harry.

Avril chose to ignore this, taking the hint. "What's with this Delacour woman?" she asked as Hermione sat down, "d'you know her from somewhere?" Hermione answered for Ron, and explained shortly about the Triwizard Tournament (leaving out the details from the end).

The bell rang for lunch to end and the Hogwarts student body bustled off to their next classes.

Harry, Avril and Hermione almost had to jog in order to keep up with Ron, who was heading to class with astounding speed (for Ron).

When they arrived, the door was locked, and the students were waiting outside. Seamus, Lavender, Dean, Neville and Parvati were leaning against wall, and the Slytherins on the other.

Harry pretended not to see the Slytherins whispering, and devoted his attention to a picture of a dancing couple, twirling and spinning in their frame. Suddenly, Pansy Parkinson stuck her foot out and he stumbled clumsily over it, hardly able to stay standing.

"Just got new feet Potter?" a high voice sneered. Draco Malfoy was leaning against a statue, a malicious smirk on his face.

"Shut up Malfoy!" Ron retorted, joining the Gryffindors on the other side of the corridor.

"Jealous, Weasley? Perfectly understandable. You couldn't even afford new toes."

Hermione seized the back of Ron's robes as he made a furious move towards Malfoy.

"Well that's disappointing," Avril, who had stayed back a bit, behind Harry, had now stepped forward, her gray eyes cool and sharp. But, Harry noticed, there was the slightest tinge of violet in the orbs. Tiny flecks not worthy of a second glance.

"Here I was under the impression that all British kids were charming and mature," she continued, walking coolly still towards Malfoy, who continued leaning against the statue, grinning a bit uncertainly, "but I guess there must be a special exception for Slytherins."

Malfoy stood up straight. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Avril stopped walking and shrugged. "Well, correct me if I'm wrong, but normally, it's the first-years that do the petty heckling-not the fifth years." She turned around and faced the Gryffindors. "But maybe that's just me."

"No, Avril," said Hermione, smiling at the look on Malfoy's face, "there is a special exception for the Slytherins. We try to treat them like normal students, but they tend to get distressed easily. It seems that taunting other people is the only way to make it feel better," she said, simpering falsely, "I just wish they'd taunt their own kind, it gets tiresome after awhile."

"You ought to know about kinds Granger!" spat Malfoy, his face now pink with anger at being burnt so easily, "look at yours! Filthy Mudbloods-the lot of you!"

The Gryffindors' response to both Malfoy's insult and the Slytherins' roaring laughter was halted before the action could begin.

"What eez going on 'ere?"


"Well?" Fleur Delacour prompted impatiently. She was wearing light blue robes, and her hair was pulled back behind her head into a claw.

"Why couldn't you all get into zee classroom? I left eet unlocked!"

Incoherent mutterings from the class followed the awkward situation as the students filed into the DADA classroom.

"Take your seats, ce-vu plait. Zen, take out your textbooks and turn to chapter twelve."

Ron sat as close to Professor Delecour as he could, ignoring Herimone's purposeful beckoning.

Hermione, with a look of purpose on her face, sat beside him, much to Ron's annoyance.

Avril exchanged shy, knowing glances with Harry and dropped into a seat beside him.

"Er, nice going back there," Harry muttered as they dug around in their bags for their texts.

Avril shrugged. "He's a right little charmer, isn't he?" she said, nodding to where Malfoy was whispering to Crabbe.

"Yeah, everyone's favorite guy," replied Harry, opening a bottle of ink and unrolling some parchment.

Fleur cleared her throat meaningfully and the class quieted down. "Professor Dumbleydorr 'as informed me zat you 'ave all completed work on dark creatures, and curses. So, zis term, we will be studying zee practice of daring, and bravery in light of unexpected danger. In zee Triwizard Tournament last year, zee champions were required to perform tasks zat tested daring, bravery, and zee ability to cope wiz danger. Due to recent events, zis line of studying will prove useful to you in some way or a nuzzer. During the term..."

The remainder of the class was spent talking about assignments to come, ways they would be learning, and finally, the O.W.L's at the end of the year.

Hardly any of the class heard much, however, as many of the boys were staring at Professor Delecour with glazed expressions similar to Ron's. Most of the girls were glaring disapprovingly at them.

The next and last class of the day was Care for Magical Creatures. Since the Gryffindors had it with the Slytherins as well, they had to endure their taunts and ugly laughter for the entire trip from the second corridor to Hagrid's cabin.

"Mornin all!" Hagrid greeted them, coming out of his cabin, "come out this way- got a real nice treat fer yeh!"

The class followed Hagrid apprehensively behind his cabin and towards the paddock, expecting some sort of horrendous monster. Then, as they drew nearer, they saw small puppy-like creatures tethered inside the fence.

They stopped and gathered outside, everyone peering into the fence.

"Now, can anyone tell me wha' these are?" Hagrid asked the class.

Hermione's hand shot up into the air. But this time, Avril's did too. "Avril?" Hagrid pointed at her.

"They're Crups," Avril answered, glancing at the little dog-like things with forked tails, "they were originally bred by wizards, and are really loyal to them, though fierce to muggles."

"So you'd better watch out Granger!" Malfoy hissed malevolently. Hagrid didn't hear him.

"Tha's right. Now, these ones are on'y abou' four week's old. Yeh'll be takin care of em this term, an' yeh'll be responsible fer em. I'll be feedin them in the mornin, bu' yeh'll have ter do it on the weekends."

There were groans from the Slytherins, drowned out by the giggles of glee from the Gryffindor girls as Hagrid unlocked the gate. "Now, there's one fer two; I couldn't get any more. Why's that?"

Hermione raised her hand. "Because Crup owners require licenses to own them," she said.

"Exactly," Hagrid nodded, "now, get in groups of two an choose a Crup. Then, get ter know em'."

Hermione and Avril chose a little white and reddish pup, who's tail wagged so hard when she saw them that her whole body wiggled. "Oh, aren't they sweet!" Avril heard Parvati squeal. Harry and Ron had chosen a black spotted pup, and Ron was curiously touching its forked tail.

Hermione crouched down beside Avril and unleashed the puppy. Sitting down on the paddock floor, they played with the puppy, and saw that even the Slytherin girls were having a difficult time not liking them.

"Feel free ter name 'em!" Hagrid told them, handing out little collars, "they're your after all!"

"Hey, Hagrid," said Avril, accepting a pink collar, "what'll happen to them when the term's over?"

"They'll go ter good homes, o'coarse," Hagrid replied, giving Harry and Ron a green one with a silver tag, "already got homes waitin, so no worries Avril."

The remainder of class was very good. Everyone had fun, except Malfoy, who got bitten by his litte brown Crup. This enabled Seamus and Dean to ask him whether he was a pure-blood wizard or not, much to the amusement of the Gryffindors.

The end-of-class bell rang and the students gathered up their bags. "I think this term will be much better!" Hermione exclaimed, slinging her bag over her shoulder, "I think Hagrid's really gotten the hang of teaching!"

"Yeah, it only took him three years," remarked Malfoy, coming up behind them, his eyes shining nastily.

"Tell me, Draco," Avril said, glaring at him, forcing cool, "how long has it taken you to become such an ass? I don't think that someone could be this appalling from birth. Do you?" She asked Harry, who grinned.

Malfoy sought his mind for something to reciprocate back with, but found, to his amazement, nothing. This was so weird, not being able to retaliate. He instantly took a deep disliking to the magnetic dark-haired witch.

The once trio now foursome returned to their tower, dumped off their bags and flopped, exhausted, into armchairs by the fire.

"Anyone up for a game of chess?" Ron asked, brandishing his chess set. "Sure," said Hermione, sitting down across from him after fetching her own.

Avril and Harry sat round them, both offering pointers that were neither accepted or even acknowledged.

Ron beat Hermione spectacularly, grinning ear to ear. "All right, who's next? Avril? Can I tempt you?"

"You can, but we've got to get to Arithmancy in about five minutes," Avril replied, grabbing her bag from a nearby table and disappearing into her dormitory. She and Hermione emerged a second later, carrying textbooks and rolls of parchment.

"See you at dinner!" Hermione called, running after Avril through the portrait hole.

Dinner was some sort of creamy pasta, pudding was pie. Avril caught Snape's eyes and grinned. He didn't smile back, but there was the twitch in the corner of his mouth that indicated recognition.

As she climbed the staircase that night, chatting happily to her friends, Avril couldn't help but think how strange the world was. One minute, you think that you can't get any more depressed and unlucky, the next minute your upside down world is righted again (in a matter of speaking) and everything starts to piece together. "Avril?" Harry's voice brought her back. "What?" She snapped her head up and met a pair of startlingly green eyes, which were about five steps away from her. "Are you okay?" Hermione asked. Avril had suddenly stopped, and hadn't noticed them when they had seen her thoughtful expression. "What? Oh! Yeah, sure." Avirl hurried to catch up, her mind now considerably foggy.