The Dark Arts
James Potter Remus Lupin
Action General
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 09/27/2004
Updated: 12/18/2004
Words: 13,528
Chapters: 10
Hits: 3,903

Sirius Black and the Golden Lion


Story Summary:
Sirius Black is off to his first year at Hogwarts. Once there, he must fight to be accepted, but must also learn to accept himself. Pranks with James, fights with Snape, and sinister happenings behind the scenes, this looks like being a very eventful year for the young wizard!

Chapter 05

Chapter Summary:
Dumbledore has something odd to say...and does someone know more about it than they're letting on?

An Odd Announcement.

Sirius helped himself to the mounds of food that had been piled high in front of him. He had got so used to cooking for the family, it was now an odd feeling to be eating something that he hadn't prepared. Next to him, James was chatting away eagerly to anyone and everyone.

"Yeah, my whole family's been wizards, for as far back as anyone can trace. But I reckon that we shouldn't necessarily pass over the muggle-borns, they can be pretty good," he was telling the red-haired girl.

"Well, thank-you," she replied icily. Sirius couldn't help snorting into his pumpkin juice. He couldn't believe that his new friend would have failed to notice her tone, but James carried on regardless.

Sirius suddenly became aware of a pair of eyes on him. He raised his head from his food, and saw the small boy who had been sorted before James staring at him.

"What?" Sirius asked gruffly.

"N...nothing," the boy replied nervously. "I'm Peter, by the way."

"Well, Peter-by-the-way, if you don't want anything, maybe you can let me finish my meal in peace?" Sirius didn't mean to be so sharp, but the incessant stare from the other boy was getting on his nerves.

"So, what are your parents going to say?" Sirius was brought back to earth with a bump. He turned to Remus.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, they're all Slytherins aren't they?"

"Yeah, so?" Sirius was being deliberately obtuse, he couldn't help but wonder how this pale, tired-looking boy knew so much about him.

"I read a lot, don't worry," Remus grinned. Sirius felt strangely attracted to the boy; he seemed to be a friendly type, and Sirius had a feeling that he would be the loyal type as well.

Before he could ask Remus some questions, Sirius was poked in the back of the neck by James.

"Hey, Sirius, we're both Gryffindors!"

"Yes James," Sirius said, drily.

"You two sound like you're married," Remus smiled.

"No, we only met on the train," James said innocently. "I'm James Potter, by the way."

"Remus Lupin," the boy echoed James' pretend formal tone.

"Lupin?" mused James. "Don't think I've heard of your family."

"But I bet he's heard of yours, "Sirius chipped in. "He seems to know a lot about wizarding families."

"I guess I'm just interested in wizarding genealogy," Remus said, semi-apologetically.

"Gene-what?" interrupted Peter from across the table. Sirius merely stared at him. There was something about this scrawny boy that he didn't like.

"Genealogy, " Remus replied. "It's about family trees and bloodlines."

Peter looked as though he wanted to ask a few more questions, but before he got the chance, there came a chiming from the top table. Sirius looked up, and saw that Professor Dumbledore had risen to his feet. Almost instantly, a hush descended upon the hall.

Sirius couldn't help but feel slightly overawed by the white-haired wizard's quiet authority. He knew that this was only Dumbledore's third year of headmastership, but the respect that he commanded suggested that it was a post he was born to do.

"Now that we have all feasted, I must give you some very important announcements. First of all, I would like you to welcome our new caretaker, Mr. Argus Filch. Mr. Filch replaces Mr. Pringle, who we are sorry to lose."

"Speak for yourself," Sirius heard a fourth year mutter.

"Mr. Filch has asked me to tell you that he will not tolerate magic in the corridors, and he has also drawn up a list of items for which the severest penalties will be incurred if a student is found carrying one. I believe this list comprises some one hundred items already, and our new caretaker is prepared to make additions."

Sirius looked at James and Remus, then looked back at Professor Dumbledore. This caretaker seemed a little strict. However, even from his seat at the Gryffindor table, he could see a twinkle in the headmaster's eye. However, this was soon replaced by a look of utmost seriousness as he continued to the next announcement.

"I need to tell you all that, this year, a whomping willow is to be planted within the Hogwarts grounds. This is an extremely rare, and very dangerous plant, so I must ask you all to stay well away from it."

Sirius and James exchanged looks again. Why would the staff be planting a whomping willow? Sirius looked at Remus, but the boy was staring fixedly towards the front.

"And finally, please remember that the forest is out of bounds, and also that quidditch trials will be held a fortnight today. Well, off you all trot, and I hope to see you all bright and early for your lessons tomorrow."

Dumbledore sat down, and Sirius joined in the applause for the headmaster. He and the other students rose, and followed the prefect out into the entrance hall.

"So why a whomping willow?" James asked curiously. "I don't know much about them, but from all accounts, it's not the sort of thing you'd find in a school."

"I'm sure Dumbledore has his reasons," Remus said, striding on ahead. Sirius merely looked at James.

"Come on, keep up," the prefect ahead called, looking back at the two boys. Soon, they reached a portrait of a fat lady in a frilly pink dress.

"Password?" she asked, looking at the prefect.

"Fortitudo" he replied.

"Fortitudo?" James whispered to Sirius.

"Means courage," Sirius hissed back.

"Whoa, you sound like Remus," grinned James. Sirius didn't know how James knew what Remus was like, but he had to admit that, from what they had seen so far, Remus knew an awful lot about all sorts of things. He was going to whisper a reply, but he saw Remus staring at him, so he just smiled back.

"Right, first years, remember that password, because without it you will be unable to gain access to the common room."

They followed the prefect through a hole in the wall that appeared behind the portrait as it swung forwards. Sirius looked around him. He couldn't imagine a place more unlike his home. The room was decorated in the Gryffindor colours of red and gold, and there was a fire roaring in the grate. He looked across the room and saw a staircase, which he guessed must lead to the dormitories.

"Your trunks have been taken up to your dorms already. I suggest that you have an early night, because lessons will begin tomorrow. You will receive your timetables at breakfast."

The prefect led them up the stairs, stopping outside the first door they came to. He motioned to Sirius and James to enter, and Remus and Peter followed.

They were soon ready to turn out the lights, but Sirius knew he wouldn't be able to sleep. Once he could hear the regular deep breathing of the three other boys he tiptoed to the window and looked out over the lake. For the first time in years, Sirius felt content. He still had a nagging worry about his parents' reaction, but for a while, he was able to banish it and just enjoy watching the crescent moon reflected in the gently rippling lake.