The Dark Arts
Harry Potter
Drama Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 04/27/2003
Updated: 06/06/2003
Words: 46,971
Chapters: 35
Hits: 10,818

Cowboys and Angels


Story Summary:
The past is dead, long live the past. Trapped within the ruins of their own lives, shattered and changed by Voldemort's fall, those left behind make do with what they have left. In this world healing from the scars of war a new generation arises and takes it place amongst the halls of Hogwarts. And in the background, one family quietly falls apart, and the world changes.``A series of moments between 1981 and 1996. Sequel to Bohemian Rhapsody, Act Two of Into the Woods.

Chapter 16

Chapter Summary:
1987. One of Hogwarts' Governors stops by to pay a little visit to the Potions Master, and reminds him of old loyalties.
Author's Note:
Thankyou to Lasair for the beta job!

moment sixteen: breaking the barriers (December 1987.)

He came to visit him, one last, final time. Severus supposed it was some kind of demonstration of his power, or perhaps a twisted attempt to cripple him. He could not be sure: Severus had never been able to understand Lucius as well as he would have liked.

From the moment Lucius entered the small office Severus possessed as Potions Master and Head of Slytherin House, Severus had known this would not go well. Lucius seemed too proud, too stiff, too angry, he had merely looked at Severus and murmured his name. "Snape."

Severus had tried to distract him with biting sarcasm. He had refused to rise from his chair, give him any respect. He may have been Severus' nominal employer as one of the Governors of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but he had little real power - Dumbledore saw to that, and not for the first time, Severus was grateful to the old man, as idealistic and foolish he may have been. "What has caused you to be in such a bad mood, Lucius? Draco throwing a tantrum? Or has your latest pet rejected your advances?"

Admittedly, that was a low blow - half the wizarding world knew of Lucius Malfoy's frequent conquests, often facilitated by his place at Hogwarts. They would always be male, and having just finished school (therefore being of legal age with their families having no recourse to question or complain.) They were always Slytherin, of course, as Lucius would brook no lover who didn't adhere to his own personal philosophy of blatant greed and arrogance.

Of course, they all had black hair, and Severus suspected he'd been chosen for a similar reason. He'd never said a thing, though. Refusing to reply, Lucius had merely moved toward the desk, and next thing Snape knew he was reeling in his chair from Lucius' backhand, tasting the coppery tang of blood in his mouth, and was soon manhandled out of his chair and bent across his own desk, Lucius sweeping essays and papers and parchment and quill and ink onto the floor, Snape wincing as he pictured the damage.

Although truth be told, he had greater things to worry about. Lucius had pulled his outer robes up over his head, temporarily blinding him, and fingers dug into the hem of his trousers, dragging them down. Frantically, he considered lashing out with fists or words, anything, just to further enrage Lucius to such a point where he might leave Severus a bruised and battered bundle of flesh and broken bone in the corner, but dear Morgaine, that would be a far more acceptable fate than rape.

He tried to yell once, but Lucius muttered something that could have been "odious fool" and covered his mouth with his hand, and trapped his struggling wrists with another. Finally, Severus' undergarments were removed, and he could feel the cold air of the dungeons. Lucius bent over him, trapping Severus' hands so he could spare one of his own to unbutton his trousers, and Severus was all too familiar with what was rubbing up against him now. A muttered charm, and Lucius had evidently retrieved his wand from somewhere, for there was suddenly a cool slickness, and Lucius wasted no time in pushing in.

Lucius had never been a very gentle lover, and Severus was ashamed even now of how much that domination, that raw brutality and power ignited something dark and deep inside him. Lucius fucked him - rode him essentially - pushing Severus up almost off the desk occasionally, and driving groans from his mouth. In a relatively short while - although it seemed like an eternity, and not an especially pleasant one - Severus came, trapped between the desk and his stomach, and a slick sourness tinged the air with its scent.

Lucius was not long after, shuddering the way he always had. He pulled out once he had recovered his strength, wiping himself on Snape's robes. Severus could hear him button up his trousers, and tried to raise his own head, but was immediately pinned down by one of Lucius' hands. He felt like the flobberworms he had dissected in the past, and almost had sympathy for the flobberworm.

"I have heard of your visits to the Manor," Lucius intoned softly. "I do not know what you and Narcissa intend on getting up to without my knowledge, but it will stop."

Severus knew there was no hope in protesting. No matter the excuse, or the reason, it would be unacceptable. In truth, he had hoped to provide some kind of relief to the poor woman who had been trapped first by her own greed, and then by Lucius' doing, and to support the child whom Lucius had obviously abandoned in all but name. He didn't respond.

From the sound of his footsteps, Lucius was obviously moving away, and Severus heard the creak of the door as it was opened. "You are nothing to me, now, but a bitter little schoolteacher, crowded by the ruins of his dreams." Lucius' tone was cold, impassive, uncaring. "You have never been anything more, nor will you ever again - no matter how much you may want to."

Once he was gone, Severus cursed quite loudly, managed to haul his abused and aching limbs into a sitting position and rued his own uncontrollable desire.