The Dark Arts
James Potter Lucius Malfoy Narcissa Malfoy Tom Riddle
Drama Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire
Published: 08/22/2002
Updated: 10/07/2002
Words: 40,903
Chapters: 33
Hits: 14,051

Bohemian Rhapsody


Story Summary:
A series of vignettes each depicting a moment in the past that continues to haunt us all. Tom, Lily, James, Narcissa, Severus, Lucius, Remus, Sirius and Peter all become caught in the fixed tragedy of what must happen.

Bohemian Rhapsody 30

Chapter Summary:
"The past is almost a living thing. It writhes around each of us, tormenting us with the 'what ifs' and maybes, destroying our hopes with our past failures as much as it celebrates our victories. None of us can ever be free of it, not entirely, and because of it, nothing is certain."

moment thirty: sgt. pepper's lonely hearts club band (May 13, 1979).

Remus was reading through a book, which in itself was not uncommon. The pages were old and musty, like many of his books, and the leather bound abridged edition of Gibbon's Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire would have been at home amongst his shelves, as indeed it was. And the most common of all things was the gentle rustle just behind his right ear, and Remus felt himself smile when he could feel the presence of Sirius Black perched upon the back of the chair, casually attempting to read over his shoulder - although right now he seemed more concerned in casually blowing just across Remus' ear, and his scent wasn't particularly conducive to dedicated study, either.

He may have been familiar with the distraction that Sirius now presented to him, as he often did, but that did not mean it distracted him any less. Or even that he disliked the distraction - which he didn't, not exactly. "Whatcha doin', Remy?" he burbled, and Remus was suddenly reminded of a five year old.

"Reading," he murmured, almost imperceptibly. "Or trying to, rather." His tone was supposedly reproving, but even he could hear the fondness that ran through it. "Don't you have work tonight?"

Sirius mock sighed, and reached across to turn the page, his lips upturned in a grin. "Yes, yes," he admonished, as if it was too difficult a burden to inform Remus of his whereabouts. Remus turned to look at him, one eyebrow raised and this time Sirius could not help but grin. "I'm just reading," Sirius protested.

Sirius worked as an assistant manager full-time in Sainsbury's department store in Diagon Alley, selling magical household items, in addition to foodstuffs, to the large part of the London wizard community. For his own part, Remus worked during the week at the Ministry, as a Junior Archivist, researching old charms. But now, he had the weekend off.

The shorter man smiled, and leaned forward to press his lips against Sirius'. "Of course you are. But this was my birthday present from Lily, so."

Sirius got up from off the chair, and padded round the small living room, making his way into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water. "Oh?", he called out, body bent inside the refrigerator. "When did she stop by? She couldn't come to the party, as I recall."

"Last night while you were at work," Remus responded, his fingers still tracing the lines of faded print on the page. "We had a cup of tea, chatted a bit." He moved in the chair, attempted to get more comfortable, his neck was aching from the hours of reading. Sirius was still sipping his water, leaning against the kitchen doorway.

"What did she have to say?" he asked, and Remus didn't need to look to tell he was waggling his eyebrows. "How is everything going in Sappy Heterosexual Land?"

The comment was met with a 'tsk'. "Really, Sirius, if you can't be 'serious', then I don't know why I keep talking to you, honestly."

Sirius' voice was a low rumble in response. "Because you love me?", and a familiar hand caressed his shoulder, Remus reaching up to pat it.

"Oh, you think just because we live together, partake of each other's lives, and share my bed I must love you. Awfully presumptuous of you, Padfoot."

The soft touch of a kiss in his hair. "Ah, but you know I'm extremely presumptuous when it comes to you."

"So it would seem." Finally, Remus decided to lay his book on the small table next to his chair. "I think Lily's going to ask James to marry her, you know." He could sense Sirius stiffening in surprise, and he looked up at him, unequivocal.


"Yes. She would perhaps prefer him to pop the question, but after Lucius.." he smiled sadly. "I think James is afraid of taking responsibility. Not that he doesn't want to marry her. He just doesn't want to be the one to ask-"

And Sirius completed it for him, as he commonly did. "In case something does go wrong, and he gets the blame."

Remus nodded, a smile in his eyes. "A sound judgement."

Another kiss to his hair, and a chuckle. "I'm so glad you think I'm worthy."