The Dark Arts
Drama Action
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban
Published: 04/26/2002
Updated: 06/27/2003
Words: 25,080
Chapters: 10
Hits: 7,530

Harry Potter and the Magical Muggle


Story Summary:
Before Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts, the Dursleys hit a bump in the road along their journey of blind hatred toward all things magical. One of them discovers that their muggleness may not be so Muggle after all. Could there be magic hiding amongst this trio? If so, how can the Dursleys and Harry cope with this revelation?

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Before Harry's 5th year at Hogwarts, the Dursleys hit a bump in the road along their journey of blind hatred toward all things magical. One of them discovers that their muggleness may not be so muggle after all. Could there be magic hiding amongst this trio? If so, how can the Dursleys and Harry cope with this revelation?
Author's Note:
I got the idea from an interview of JK Rowling. She said that one of the characters in her Harry Potter series would discover their magical abilities later on in life. I thought it would be amusing if it was one of the Dursleys and then my imagination took off from there. Enjoy! Please review if you feel so inclined. Also, if anyone would like to be my beta…just drop me a line.


Chapter 2: It’s Raining Glass, Alleluia!

After Harry got dressed and hid his horrid magical items under the loose board in his room, he descended the stairs to make breakfast for his unloving and bigoted relatives. Soon all hell broke loose as Dudley entered the kitchen complaining about his diet to anyone who would listen. Uncle Vernon had had enough of his precious boy’s moaning.

“Silence! I’m trying to read the bloody paper. I can’t concentrate with all your yapping!” he screamed at Dudley, who looked as shocked as Harry felt. This is absurd. Why is Uncle Vernon yelling at Dudley? Even when my larger than life cousin behaves like a prat, Uncle Vernon still slaps him on the back and praises him to the high hills. What has happened that I don’t know about?

“But, dad…” Dudley whined finally recovering from the shock that his father had reprimanded him.

“No, I don’t want to hear it Dudley especially not today. Not after I received this!” To Harry, all it looked like was a letter. Nothing as important to break up the harmonious family breakfasts that usually were traditional. To Dudley, he knew that he was in huge trouble. In that letter contained his death notice, figuratively and maybe possible literally considering how his father had reacted to it. “Do you know what this is Dudley!” Uncle Vernon yelled at him again.

“Yes…” Dudley whimpered as he hid behind his mother.

“Do you know how disappointed we are?” his father questioned him with a hint of venom in his voice.

“Really, Vernon…I think you are being too hard on the boy. After all, there will be other chances and more opportunities to gain the information that you want Dudley to find out this summer!” Petunia exclaimed as she tried to shield her precious Duddley-kins from the wrath of his father and successively calm down the rage that was sparked within her husband.

“You just don’t understand Petunia. You never understand” he spat bitterly. “I need Dudley to take this internship. To spy on those people. They are the competition after all and I need to learn the company’s dirty secrets so I can put them out of business. When I heard of the internship offered at Foresters Inc., I realized this was the perfect opportunity to give Dudley experience in lying and deception before he took over for me when I retire. Besides those people have cut into our profit margin and we can’t afford to lose any more business considering the way he eats around here!” Vernon roared, as he trusted his finger in Dudley’s direction, who was whimpering and shaking behind his mother.

“Really Vernon. You’re scaring the poor boy!” Petunia criticized as she raised her voice.

“About time someone raised a hand to that boy. He cannot even manage to get a simple internship. A trained monkey could get this internship; hell, even Harry could get this internship! But my son, my own flesh and blood, no of course not! You are a disgrace! All you do is take up space. I want you out of this house by five o’clock tonight. I will not have any free loaders living under my home. Not while I am the head of this household!” Vernon bellowed at the top of his lungs complete with a blotchy cherry red face to match.

“Maybe you shouldn’t be the head of this household any longer” Aunt Petunia retorted. It was one thing to insult her, but when anyone insulted Dudley, her precious son, they had crossed the line regardless if they were family or not.

“Is that how you feel then!” he screamed at Petunia. “As that how you really feel!” Petunia nodded mutely. “Fine, I should have never married you. I wasted the best years of my life attached to your bony side. Next time, give me a woman that has some meat on her bones. I feel like I am hugging a bloody skeleton all the time. And what did I get out of this loveless marriage? A son, who you can’t tell his face from his rear end! Why would I want this quivering piece of incompetence to carry on the Dursley name?” Uncle Vernon shouted at the both of them. Harry, while feeling pretty overshadowed at this moment, considering that usually he was the focus of Uncle Vernon’s tantrums could not believe that his uncle was suggesting that he and Aunt Petunia get a divorce. Harry just didn’t understand it. However, one glance at Aunt Petunia knew this could be end of the Dursley’s marriage, as he knew it. She was red faced and extremely angry. She was patting so loudly that it was if she had run a marathon. Furthermore, she was shaking uncontrollably with rage. She had had enough of her husband’s behavior. He just had to go.

“If that is how you feel then you can bloody well leave!” Aunt Petunia shouted with equal force. “Dudley and I will be perfectly happy without your constant tantrums to darken our days. There is the door, don’t let it hit your ass on the way out!” With that Uncle Vernon made his way across the kitchen to kick Dudley who was no longer hiding behind his mother, but was instead under the kitchen table, rocking back and forth with his hands over his ears. He was stopped in his tracks when the glasses on the table exploded in the air. Soon anything that was made of glass burst open and it was raining little pieces of sharp shards all over the kitchen. Nothing makes me wakeup in the morning then a shower of glass! Harry thought dryly as he tried to dodge the sharp pieces. So much for rest and relaxation this summer. It seems like I am in the middle of This Cursed Life starring yours truly. Everywhere I go death and destruction follow. Where people are killed just for knowing me and marriages are destroyed after I enter the room for breakfast. What Harry was missing amidst his inner monologue was that if he didn’t make the glasses explode in his anger than who did, because he was suppose to be in the room with three other muggles unless one of the muggles wasn’t so muggle after all.


I know that I was supposed to reveal which of the Dursleys wasn’t so muggle anymore, but I lied! I’m sorry. Next chapter, however, you will know, but probably you already have a good inkling who it is! lmlmlmlmlmlmstututututulmlmlmlmlmlmstututututu