Nineteen Years Later

xoxo yourstruly

Story Summary:
Taking place directly after the last sentence typed in the epilogue, this story follows James, Al, Rose, Victoire... all the characters we've just recently met along with Harry, Ginny, Ron, Hermione.... all the characters we've grown to love. If the epilogue just wasn't enough, come here!

Chapter 07 - Mysteries of Hogwarts & Fears of Teddy Lupin

Chapter Summary:
The Potters, Weasleys & Co. at Hogwarts take matters into their own hands while Teddy Lupin stops by for a visit.
Author's Note:
Thank you so much for the lovely reviews so far! I really do appreciate it!

James Potter normally didn't look forward to Herbology but this particular Tuesday morning was an exception. He was practically dragging Abby towards the greenhouses, his face alight with excitement. Nat and Daemian, who had gone back to fetch Nat's textbook, had promised to meet him at the greenhouses as fast as their legs would allow them to.

"Alright, what is it that you know and I don't?" Abby asked irritably as James, who had been dragging her by her sleeve, led her into a particularly muddy hole.

"Nothing," James answered, obviously flustered.

Abby stopped dead in her tracks, glaring angrily at James. "James Potter, there is mud on my shoes and you are all but sprinting to a class you only tolerate because you know the Professor. You must have an ulterior motive."

James feigned a look of shock but continued walking at his brief pace. "Alright," he began, lowering his voice so that Abby had to catch up simply to hear him. "Listen, I need to talk to Neville about something and I'm hoping that if I can get there before the rest of the class does, I can talk to him then instead of having to wait 'till after class when chances are, he and I will both be covered in dirt."

Abby looked mildly shocked. "You really have got this planned out, haven't you?" she asked, looking him over appraisingly.

"I don't always do things spur of the moment," he whined defensively. Abby tossed him a disbelieving look.

They reached the greenhouses and to their great dismay, saw a sign proclaiming the rescheduling of that particular class to Saturday morning.

"Do you think he's ill?" Abby asked worriedly.

"No I don't think he's ill," James grunted, slightly mad about having to attend class on the weekend. He grabbed Abby's hand and pulled her behind the greenhouse, producing the Marauder's Map from the depth of his bag. "Look!" he whispered excitedly.

"What?" Abby demanded but soon, realization dawned on her face. "He's wandering the corridors..."

"That's right and I'm going to figure out why," James said determinedly, closing the map and tucking it away.

"But you can't... you'll get in trouble," she implored but James had already made him his mind and having inherited incredible stubbornness from both his mother and his father, there was no way Abby was going to make him change his mind.

"Listen, we'll go back up to the dormitory, you tell Daemian and Nat where I've gone.... I'll get Al..."

"Al has classes," Abby pointed out.

"Well then I'll go alone."

"Wait.... how many people know about your theory?"

James scowled. "It's not my theory. Other people happen to think it, too. But it's me, you, Nat, Daemian, Al, Rose, Dalton and Victoire."

"Impressive list there, Potter," Abby chuckled.

"Now, what did you tell Rose while I was out?" he asked, suddenly remembering. To his great agitation, Abby simply giggled and scampered up the hill. He chased her and continued plaguing her all the way home but to his great dismay, realized she may have been as stubborn as he was.

"What's this then?" Daemian asked upon running into his two friends at the Entrance Hall.

"Abby'll explain, I got to go," James said hurriedly, running up to the Gryffindor Tower. Once he had procured the Cloak from Al's room (which Al had left in the most obvious place: under his bed), he was following the careful instructions from the map to lead him to McGonagall's office where he assumed Neville was going as well. He was careful not to make any noise seeing as how since only one class had gotten cancelled, it would be obvious to hear a student roaming the halls. James peered into a Transfiguration class, sniggering at the sixth year's failed attempts to transform animals into a tea cup or something like that... no one had succeeded yet so James wasn't sure what it was supposed to be. This brief distraction from the map caused him much grief when he examined the Map once more. Neville was no longer floors away but rather a corner turn away. He broke into a quiet a sprint as he could to catch up. Finally, he spotted Neville down the hall.

He walked a few feet behind Neville, who seemed to be walking at a normal pace. 'He probably doesn't want to draw attention to himself,' James thought logically. Finally, after they had been to what James assumed was probably ever corridor in the castle, Neville began walking up passages James only recognized from the stories his father told him. Slowing down considerably to avoid detection, he crept up the stone gargoyle just like Neville had and soon found himself in a splendidly decorated office. On the walls were mumbling portraits of who James could only assume to be previous Headmasters seeing as there was one that looked precisely like a photo his dad had shown him of Albus Dumbledore.

"Neville," McGonagall's voice came out of nowhere.

There was a pregnant pause and James looked around wildly to ensure he was not visible. But McGonagall seemed to be standing still and silent for some odd reason... suddenly, he felt like water was flowing upward on his body. The Cloak.

"James Sirius Potter!" McGonagall screeched, running to the boy and grabbing his hand.

James wasn't sure how it had happened. He had heard his parents tell him stories about spells that could reveal a human presence... but he hadn't assumed McGonagall would do it for a simple meeting with... it dawned on James. It wasn't a simple meeting. They were hiding something.

"What in Merlin's name are you doing here?" McGonagall demanded in such a high pitch, James wouldn't be surprised if dogs were howling in pain.

"I.... just.... wanted to know what the Headmistress's office looked like. You've done such great things with the place. I'll write mum with decorating ideas..." James babbled, wandering out of McGonagall's grasp and attempting to dash out of the room as quickly as possible.

"You've inherited your father's cheek, Potter. Detention for sneaking into my office. You will of course serve this punishment for Professor Longbottom whom you no doubt stalked to find your way here."

James had just been about to say he had used the map when he realized how bad of an idea that would be. Hanging his head in shame, he began wandering down the stairs.

"And I don't want you interfering!" came the final reprimand from McGonagall.

"It worked for my entire family," James muttered almost silently before walking back, and dejectedly so, all the way to Gryffindor Tower.


"Aunt Ginny, you look positively resplendent!" A sonorous voice rang out from the sitting room.

Ginny, who had only minutes before arrived from work, followed the sound of the familiar voice. "And to what do we owe the pleasure of a visit, Teddy? Not that we mind seeing you more often.... but we had pretty much grown accustomed to seeing you here six times a week rather than seven..." she teased before pulling him into a tight hug. After nineteen years, Ginny was, in essence, his adopted mother while Harry his adopted dad.

"Am I not allowed to visit family?" Teddy asked, looking deeply offended.

Ginny sighed in a resigned fashion. Teddy, blood relative or not, was as much family as her own children. "Will you be joining us for dinner?"

"It depends. Are you cooking?" Teddy countered charmingly.

"If I said yes, would you stay?"

"No," he answered honestly.

"Then yes," she grinned. "No... I think it's Harry's turn to make dinner."

"Why then yes, I do believe I'd love to stay for dinner," Teddy smiled. Ginny looked down at his hand, only now noticing the piece of parchment clutched tightly in his fist.

"What have you got there...?" she asked in a matronly voice, reaching out to wheedle the letter from his grasp.

Teddy tucked it away hastily. "Oh, just a letter from Victoire."

Ginny gave him an incredibly knowing look and sat on one of the chairs.

"Oh, Aunt Ginny, grow up," Teddy joked. Suddenly, his demeanor became serious and his eyes portrayed a vulnerability Ginny had encountered many times while raising Teddy. "How long did you like Uncle Harry?"

Ginny blushed crimson. After all these years, she still wasn't able to talk about it like a mature woman. "I liked him.... before I met him. He was a sort of celebrity in my day." Teddy snickered (it was common knowledge that Harry was still and would probably forever be one of the Wizarding World's most prominent figures). "Ron became friends with him his first year... that was a fiasco. Then he saved me my first year and I realized that I would probably like the boy until the day I died but... gradually...especially after my third year.... I moved on. I still loved him but I had given up. He fancied Cho... that girl who plays for the Tornadoes... but it didn't work out between them. I got my hopes up but I was dating another boy at the time... then Harry up and decides he fancies me in my fifth year and I was thrilled," Ginny paused as if trying to remember the rest of the story. "Then he broke up with me before I started by sixth year because he wanted to protect me... but I wasn't going to have any of it. I didn't date a boy my entire sixth year because I was waiting for him to come back, which he did and he said he loved me as much as ever which was how I felt about him...." She suddenly realized she had never really answered the question. "My entire life, to answer your question."

The story seemed to have held Teddy's attention though Ginny was sure he had heard it countless times before. "Why?"

Teddy's hair turned a light orange. "Well.... I was just wondering..."

"James told us about your relationship with Victoire," Ginny interrupted untactifully.

"Well, that makes this loads easier," Teddy sighed truthfully. "Aunt Ginny, I think I love her."

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did, the way you two are together."

This didn't seem to be the answer he had been expecting. "Well...." Teddy ran his hands through his hair, which was now returning to a normal state.

Ginny watched him blunder through explanations and reasoning, marveling at how much he reminded her of Remus and Tonks. Ginny would have never thought it possible, for someone to remind her of two such drastically different people, but somehow, Teddy managed to. She was sure that the story of Teddy's parents was much more enthralling than her own with Harry.... but she knew that Teddy didn't often talk about his parents. If he did, it was only to Harry. Suddenly, her heart began aching, not only for Teddy, but for Remus and Tonks. Her mind seemed to have entered a flashback mode and her thoughts kept bouncing between the present and the summer before her fourth year, at Grimmauld Place. She missed them. She oftentimes did and it was a feeling she had resigned herself to feeling for the rest of her life. It was something that came along with love... the feeling of missing someone. She shook her head, chasing all the thoughts away. She needed to listen to Teddy before he did something ridiculously stupid to mess up his relationship with her niece.

"Do not send her an Assault Broom!" Ginny yelled, nearly toppling out of her chair.

"But Uncle George gave me one and I thought it was hilarious..."

"Yes but you aren't dating Uncle George," Ginny pointed out, still shocked at Teddy's outlandish suggestion.

"Who's dating Uncle George?" cut in Harry's voice. "Teddy!" he greeted his godson, giving him a fatherly hug. "So you're dating Uncle George?"

"No," Teddy sighed. "I'm dating Victoire."

"Look, Ginny, a confession. Now we know he wasn't in it for a quick snog," he pointed out to Ginny, turning around to his wife, obviously thrilled with the news.

Teddy, who wore the pained expression of Teenager-With-Incredibly-Annoying-Godparents, sighed and buried his head in his hands, waiting for them to finish their comedy act. "Honestly, Ted, what's happening?" he asked.

"Nothing. I just wanted to come visit... Aunt Ginny told me you were cooking dinner so I thought it'd be safe to stay."

Harry laughed and a soft thud resonated from somewhere near Lily's bedroom. "I'm okay," a muffled voice called out. Ginny sighed. Lily, while wickedly talented on a broomstick, seemed to roll out of her bed more often than not.

"I'll go check on her," Ginny volunteered, leaving Harry and Teddy behind.

"So what's the real reason you came over?" inquired Harry, who was settling into a comfortable armchair and taking off his shoes.

"No real reason... just felt like visiting," mumbled Teddy almost incoherently.

Harry laid back in the chair, waiting for Teddy to come around. "Let me guess... Victoire?"

"How'd you know?" Teddy answered, suddenly much more comfortable.

"It was a safe guess," Harry shrugged.

"I think I really... I love her, Harry," Teddy gulped.

"Well.... I don't know Victoire on a level to which she would tell me about her love life but I think it's safe to say that she feels the same way about you."

"I just can't do it. What if something happens to me? What if...?"

He didn't have to finish the question. Harry knew exactly what he meant. They were the same thoughts he had wrestled with a little more than nineteen years ago. It was almost an eerie parallel. Harry could hear his eighteen-year-old self asking 'What if I die... what would happen to Ginny and my family then? I can't leave them the way... I can't have them growing up without a father. I won't let them live that kind of life...' Harry was surprised at the accuracy of his memory. Harry locked eyes with his godson. In Teddy's eyes flashed almost the hundred emotions that were rolling around tumultuously in his head.

"Love isn't painless and life isn't fair," Harry pointed out unnecessarily. "That's something you have to know. But life isn't cruel... there's always hope and good in the world. If you love her... if you really do.... then act on it. You can't live your life in fear... eventually, you'll have to understand that if Victoire understands the risks and still wants to be with you... you should go ahead and stay with her."

"I don't want my kids to grow up without a dad," Teddy spoke through gritted teeth.

Harry's mouth seemed to have gone dry.

"I miss them," Teddy whispered, looking up at Harry. Harry moved to sit next to him and ruffled his hair. "How did you... do you ever..."

Harry just nodded and sat down next to Teddy as the two sat in a comfortable, grief-filled silence for so long, Harry had lost track of the time.

"I'm okay," Teddy spoke suddenly. "Come on, Aunt Ginny's probably getting hungry," he smiled.

"True. And there's something I need to tell her.... you can hear I suppose. About the Minister of Magic elections..."


It was Thursday night and Al was attempting to finish a Charms essay in the common room. James came in and sat across from him. Rose and Dalton, who had been over by the fire, quickly scurried to hear what James was about to divulge.

"Now listen, Hagrid knows almost everything that goes on in this school. I wouldn't put it past him to know why Neville's going up to McGonagall's office," James began in a hushed tone.

"Well, you can ask him, you're coming too, aren't you?" asked Al, a bit disgruntled now that his focus had been broke.

"I'm going on Saturday. Seven people in his hut makes for a crowded environment and Daemian, Nat and Abby have taken a liking to Hagrid, too. We go visit him at least once a week," James explained.

"Then ask him on Saturday, James, I need to finish this essay by tomorrow..."

"Because it's not like you had a week to do it," Rose pointed out sarcastically. Al frowned.

"Al, it's not just a guess I have anymore. I got detention with Neville for it but I followed him to McGonagall's office with the Cloak..." (Al looked a bit confused as he was under the impression the Cloak was in his trunk) "And before she said anything, she was just standing there. I asked Victoire about it and she said McGonagall was probably performing nonverbal spells so I wouldn't have time to run and hide anywhere... so she caught me... but the point is, why would she be casting all these precautionary spells if it wasn't for something important?"

Al struggled for some sort of answer but he knew his brother was right. Al gave his brother his word that he would try to get information out of Hagrid and wrote down nonsense to complete his essay before going to bed.

It was finally Friday morning. Al had been looking forward to Friday all week. When it had finally arrived, he couldn't have been in a better mood. Not only did Friday signal a two-day break from classes that were turning out to be more rigorous than he had bargain for but Friday also brought about tea with Hagrid. Even though he now had a specific goal in mind, hanging around Hagrid was always incredibly enjoyable and he couldn't wait to introduce Dalton to him.

The day went by with a more relaxed feel than had the rest of the week. Finally, after their last class, they put on their cloaks and traipsed down the field towards Hagrid's hut.

"Are you sure I should be here? I wasn't exactly invited..." Dalton worried, wringing his hands together nervously.

"So? Hagrid's a really nice person. He isn't going to kick you out," Rose assured him as they neared closer. Dalton, who didn't look assured in the least bit, slowed down noticeably.

"Maybe you two should go ahead.... I don't want to impose..."

"Oh, stop whining, you're not imposing. How else are you going to meet Hagrid if you don't come?" Al asked and Dalton ran to catch up with him.

"There yeh are! I've been waitin' for yeh to come!" Hagrid greeted enthusiastically as Rose knocked on the door. "Who are yeh?" he asked, looking directly at Dalton.

"Dalton Wood," he answered, beaming up at Hagrid. "And you're Hagrid! Al and Rose won't stop talking about you," he explained.

"Oh, those two. Take after their parents, they do. Always wanderin' the castle... sometimes gettin' caught... that was Harry, Ron and Hermione fer yeh," Hagrid sighed nostalgically.

"Hagrid, could we come in?" Al asked, noticing that they were still standing in the doorway.

"Yeah, come on in, you three... I've only got two cups of tea but I'll pull one more fer Dalton here..." Hagrid pulled a tea cup and filled it, placing it next to the other two. "Sorry I didn't have it ready.... didn't expect yeh but glad yeh came!" Hagrid continued, still obviously happy, pulling up a chair. "So how are yeh lot doin' at Hogwarts?"

"Pretty good. Everything is so incredible here!" Rose gushed, sipping her tea tentatively.

"The classes are wicked hard, though," Al and Dalton spoke together.

"Only because you two decide not to do the homework until the night before," Rose pointed out.

Al and Dalton glowered at her but Hagrid just laughed. "How are yer parents?" he asked courteously.

"Mum and Dad are fine... they still argue over the most illogical things but..." Rose shook her head.

"Mine are good. Last I heard they were going to a dinner party thrown by the Malfoy family..." A light went off in Al's head. "Hagrid, do you know much about their son, Scorpius?"

"Reckon' I don't but if he's anything like his parents..." Hagrid's voice took on an angry tone.

Al hurriedly changed the topic.

"So how's Fang?" he asked, gesturing to a rather old animal on the floor.

"Fang's good... nice of yeh to ask..."

"Hagrid, did you know Neville... er Professor Longbottom when he was here at Hogwarts?" Rose asked suddenly. Al shot her a perplexed look.

"Course I did! Friends with your mum and dad, Rose. Couldn't be happier to have him as a professor," Hagrid smiled.

"Well, do you know what he would be doing in Professor McGonagall's office?" she pressed.

Hagrid cleared his throat awkwardly. "No I don't and you have no business messing around in that. Sticking your noses in other people's business..." He huffed. Again, Al tactfully changed the topic and they spent the remainder of the evening avoiding their drinks and rock cakes and laughing at the hilarious stories Hagrid entertained them with well until nightfall.