Call to Destiny


Story Summary:
The summer before her sixth year at Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley is invited to a convention in San Francisco. However, the convention turns out to be more than she thought. What does Draco Malfoy have to do with it? Or an ancient group of warriors, for that matter. AU.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
The summer before her fifth year at Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley is invited to a convention in San Francisco. However, the convention turns out to be more than she thought. Much more. What does Draco Malfoy have to do with it? Or an ancient group of warriors, for that matter. Could this, finally, be Ginny's chance to prove herself?

Chapter 2

Draco Malfoy

Still day one.

"I'm sorry Ginevra, but you agreed to it. There are no more free rooms," The witch at the front desk said sternly, "unless you choose to go home, that is."

Ginny's eyes widened in disbelief.

"No?" the woman asked innocently. "Alright then." With that she turned around and went into the room behind her.

Ginny stood there, glaring at the witch. I take back what I thought earlier, Ginny thought. You are so not nice! After regaining her senses, the red head spun around, glared at Malfoy and stomped off in a huff.

She could not believe her luck! She had finally gotten away from her family for a summer, to get stuck with no one else, but Malfoy! Oh! She'd just love to rip his perfectly blond hair right out of his perfectly arrogant oh-so-self-centered head!

"Weasley! Wait!" Malfoy yelled as he ran to catch up with Ginny.

"What do you want, Malfoy?" Ginny spat. "You've already ruined my whole bloody summer!"

"Just listen to me, will you?" he asked, roughly grabbing her wrist. Ginny turned around to glare at him some more. "Maybe, maybe,"

"Maybe what?" Ginny snapped venomously.

Malfoy glared back at her. "Maybe this could work,"

"Maybe it could," Ginny answered, "when hell freezes over!" She wrenched out of Malfoy's grasp and walked on. Unluckily for her, Malfoy didn't give up that easily. He jogged after her.

"Listen, I don't fancy going back to London, and we really have no choice." He said seriously. Ginny stopped. It seemed that she had never heard Malfoy speak without sneering.

"I'm not going back to London," she protested. She looked up at him. Merlin! He was so tall!

"I wish you would, but seeing as you are not, we really have no choice."

"So I have to spend the next eight weeks with you?" Ginny shook her head. "Wonderful, just wonderful."

"Believe me, Weasley. I'm not dancing for joy," Malfoy sneered.

"Yeah," Ginny said. Malfoy, no, Draco, she corrected herself mentally. If she was going to spend two months with him, she could at least think of him by his first name.

"So, um, do you want to go back to the apartment?" he asked cautiously.

Ginny shrugged. "Why not?"

The walk to their apartment from the lobby was spent in silence, both Ginny and Draco lost in their own thoughts. Reaching the door, Ginny stopped. The gold 17 glinted merrily at them, as though mocking Ginny's unfortunate luck. The red head scowled at the door.

"Do you have a key?" she asked.

"Erm, yeah, I do," Draco rummaged in his pocket and took out the little gold key and opened the door. He stepped back to let Ginny in first. Still angry, she didn't notice the kind gesture.

"I'm going to bed, it's late," she announced heading towards the bedroom. She opened her trunk and began digging through it, trying to find her nightshirt.

"Aha!" Ginny exclaimed holding up a long black t-shirt that had a picture of crown on the back and 'Drama Queen' written on it in pink letters.

"That's what you sleep in?" came Draco's voice from the doorway.

"What's wrong with it?" Ginny asked spinning around.

Draco shrugged. "It's just all the girls I know sleep in lacy lingerie,"

Ginny made a face. "A, you would not find me dead in something like that. B, get that mental image out of your head and C, quit looking at me like that,"

What happened next made Ginny wonder how she didn't go into permanent shock.

Draco laughed.

Not his usual sneering laugh either. A real, full out, ha-ha-ha laugh. Ginny stood there and blinked several times, wondering exactly what she had said.

"I have a feeling living with you is going to be interesting," Draco chuckled.

Is he drunk? Ginny thought. She watched as he took of his jacked and got into his bed. Yep, definitely drunk. "Um, aren't you going to change?" she asked.

Draco opened an eye. "What for?"

Ginny shook her head. "Never mind," She went into the bathroom to change. Coming out, she looked over at Draco, who was already asleep. He was right, living here was going to be an interesting experience. The thought that her family and the Order would never approve of this gave her a thrill. For some reason she had always wanted something to happen, about which her family would never know of, but if they did, they would certainly not approve of. Well, here was her wish come true, and Merlin help her if she was going to let it pass by. Climbing into bed, she decided she would do everything in her power to befriend Draco. With a wicked grin, she turned out the lights.

Author notes: Yes, another revised chapter. Please leave a review!