The Dark Arts
James Potter Lily Evans Remus Lupin Sirius Black
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/24/2004
Updated: 05/08/2004
Words: 17,076
Chapters: 7
Hits: 5,363

The Memoirs of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs


Story Summary:
The memories of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, remembered by them, written by them... Two are now dead, one is a traitor, and the other, is completely alone... This is the story before The Boy Who Lived.

Chapter 03

Chapter Summary:
This is Wormtail - Peter Pettigrew as James sees him, written by James Potter.
Author's Note:
Before you read the chapter hear me out okay! Well, as you guessed this chapter is about none other then Wormtail. Yes I know he’s a traitorous good for nothing rat etc. So please don’t write that in your review! (well if you really have to then…) I feel the same as most of you do about him. But, in the 7th year James, Sirius and Remus didn’t know that he would betray them, and I don’t think that they would have been friends with Peter (and included him on the Marauders Map) if he were a snivelling little freak & coward etc (well the coward part applies anyway). So in this fic they are all friends and I’m writing them like I think they would have been because they didn’t know about Peter being a real traitorous rat, so that’s why they are all friends, and they all get along and Peter’s not a snivelly little thing. I really didn’t want Prongs to write about him either, but I had to make some sacrifices and write it like it is. Okay, thanks for reading! Just read the chap!

Prongs on Wormtail:

The day has come (or should I say night?).

Peter Pettigrew has finally confirmed that he isn't gay, and does, in fact, fancy the female species, well we sort of figured that out already, but it's good to get confirmation. Just now he came bursting into our dormitory room disturbing our normal nightly practices and making a general racket. (I was attempting homework, Sirius was talking about something, I can't remember what, I tuned out as soon as I heard the words 'pumpkin juice,' and Remus was immersed in a book)

"What?" Sirius looked over at Peter who was bouncing up and down with excitement.

"I...I.... well you know Alinda?" Peter asked.

"Yes," I replied vaguely, if I correctly remember she was a clumsy blonde Hufflepuff in our year, nice girl, I think. Actually to tell you the truth I have no idea if she's nice or not, I only take notice of one girl and that's Lily, I only know of Alinda because Lily's mentioned her a couple of times.

"She kissed me!" Peter burst out, no longer able to contain his excitement.

Several things happened after Peter had said this, I for one half choked on the water that I was drinking, Sirius guffawed and Remus looked up from his book in disbelief.

"You're joking!?" Sirius asked disbelievingly.

"No! She-I was walking back to the Gryffindor tower when I ran into her and we fell over and then she just kissed me!" Peter said gleefully.

"Wow. I never knew you had it in you Wormtail," Sirius looked at Peter with a newfound respect.

"I can't believe it!" Peter exclaimed happily.

"Neither can we," Remus said mildly.

"I mean... she likes me!" Peter went on ignoring Remus' comment, "I thought she'd like you Sirius, or you James, not me!" Peter said as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

"What about me?" Remus asked in mock offence.

"Moony, no one likes you," I said jokingly, Remus pretended to cry.

"Yeah, anyway, I thought for sure that she'd like you Sirius, not me!" Peter said.

"Thank god she doesn't like me," Sirius murmured so only I could hear, I snorted.

"This calls for a celebration," I said putting down my glass of water, "our very own Wormtail has finally became an official member of the 'I-Kissed-A-Girl Club'," I said as Peter glowed red.

"We have one of those?" Remus asked, apparently amused.

"Yes, of course, haven't you noticed Sirius running around waving flags saying 'I-Kissed-A-Girl' and handing out badges?" I replied sarcastically.

"I'll go down to the kitchens, get a bit of food, and maybe some appropriate drinks for the celebration," Sirius stood up briskly and retrieved my Invisibility Cloak from my trunk.

Remus snorted, "And what would you call appropriate Sirius?" he raised an eyebrow then continued, "just don't come back with six bottles of Firewhisky like you did last time,"

"Why not?" Sirius asked.

"Because we can't possibly drink that much! That's why!" Remus said, being the mother hen of the group.

"We managed it last time! Don't be a spoilsport Moony, it was heaps of fun!" Sirius said grinning.

"My idea of 'heaps of fun' does not include you vomiting all over me and claiming that you love McGonagall," Remus said wryly.

"I did not say that!"

"Yes you did, you were just too drunk to remember it,"

"Oh shut up Moony, I'm going," Sirius said impatiently as he pulled on the Invisibility Cloak and made his way out of the door.

"Don't take too long," I yelled after Sirius, wanting to get on with the celebration.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Sirius said from somewhere down the stairs.

Once Sirius had gone Peter went on to babble about Alinda.

Peter has light-brown mousy hair, he is short, and a little on the pudgy side, a fact of which you shouldn't ever remind him of, as he can be sensitive when it comes to things like appearance. Though some of the girls at Hogwarts think he's the cute and cuddly type like 'little kid cute' as they call it, his chubbiness, blue eyes and light brown hair makes him look 'adorable' according to some girls, and he looks younger then Sirius, Remus or I, when in actual fact he's only a couple of months younger then us.

Peter inherits his chubbiness from his father (I've only ever met his parents once or twice at King's Cross Station) who is a bumbling little man with a round face, quite like Peter himself (appearance wise), he always means well but most of the time he is quite annoying and talkative (don't worry, Wormtail agrees with me on that one!). Peter's dad is a muggle, and Peter's mum, who is a witch, met his dad quite by chance (as I've been told from just five minutes of talking to him, I swear, he'd be able to get his entire family history out, ancestors and all, in just ten minutes). Peter's mother on the other hand is nice, but she's not that talkative, she's more like Peter in that sense, she's quite reserved, it's a wonder she gets on with his dad, but as they say: opposites attract, cheese and chalk. (Like Lily and I!). Wormtail also has one sister, whom is about five years old. I've only seen her once or twice as well, she's quite cute for five years old, she takes after her father in appearance, being a bit on the plump side.

Wormtail is smart when he wants to be, his best subject would be most definitely be Herbology, he's got a great knack for plants and stuff, although he's not as good at other subjects like DADA or Charms.

He joins in all of our pranks and sometimes comes up with brilliant ideas that not even Sirius or me could have come up with. Wormtail is smart when it comes to logical things rather then magical ability, he has an excellent memory which comes in handy sometimes, especially when doing pranks, he basically remembers to bring all the right equipment when Padfoot, Moony or I would have forgotten totally about it. He's also good at remembering the more detailed aspects of things.

I remember in the first or second week of our first year when Sirius and I had just been caught pranking by McGonagall, Peter had covered up for us and we got out of serious trouble because of him, that's why we became good friends with Peter, and not only that but because he's always been friendly to us and he shares our love of causing mischief. At first Sirius wasn't keen on becoming Peter's friend, but over the weeks Sirius started to like Peter, you could say he grew on him. Since then Peter had proved to be a real true friend that we could always rely on.

Peter's Animagus form is a rat, that's how he got the nickname Wormtail, it's very handy having Peter as a rat because he can freeze the knot on the Whomping Willow easily without being knocked unconscious as Sirius or I would be.

Wormtail practically worships Sirius and I, we are like his mentors, and he looks up to us. I think it's pretty cool to have someone who holds you in such a high favour as Wormtail does with me, I mean, sometimes it can get a tad bit annoying, but most of the time it's flattering, because not all people think what Wormtail thinks of me. I know Sirius finds it annoying, that's why Wormtail likes me better than Sirius... (That was a joke, in case you hadn't noticed), Sirius gets really irritated if Wormtail flatters him too much; which can be quite funny.

Peter is so different to any of us, he's very shy and timid, though over the years he's become more open and has come out of his shell a bit.

Peter isn't as courageous or noble as normal Gryffindors; sometimes I wonder how he ever got into Gryffindor, but Peter is loyal and noble in his own right, just because he's not courageous when it comes to standing up to his peers it doesn't mean that he isn't courageous in other situations. Peter just needs a little push in the right direction, some encouragement to get going every once in a while. He's easily discouraged so he needs encouragement occasionally, he doesn't trust his own decisions most of the time, and he also tends to be insecure. Once Sirius suggested that Wormtail should go on a diet and we couldn't stop him from crying for like half an hour, that was sometime in the second year though, and Sirius has learnt his lesson from that experience. May he never suggest that Peter go on a diet again.

The thing about Peter is that he becomes easily nervous, and when he's nervous he can talk quite a bit, it can be quite amusing really, though it rarely helps in certain situations, like whenever we try to talk our way out of detention. Just the other day in fact he got us into even more trouble than when we were originally caught in, for example:

"Just what do you think you're doing!?" McGonagall's asked furiously, nostrils flaring, a sure sign that she was extremely pissed off.

"Er, we were, ah, re-decorating?" Sirius suggested.

I looked around the now chaotic library; open books covered the floor, shelves had been knocked down and everything was generally in a chaotic mess. McGonagall glared down at Peter, Remus, Sirius and I as we stood there, trying our best to pull off the whole 'innocent' look, which wasn't working too well.

"Explain yourselves immediately!" McGonagall demanded.

No one answered. Until...

"Well, P.... P...Professor," I groaned, Peter was going to try to explain, this could get us into an even worse situation then before. I trod on his foot to stop him from talking but this had no effect, he started to blabber on, "Sir, I m...mean Miss, Professor...we...w...were just looking f...f...for a book... and... a big gust... of w...wind came along and knocked everything down!" Peter said.

"Gusts of winds do not knock down shelves Mr. Pettigrew!" McGonagall said in a loud angry voice, causing Peter to jump back a couple of steps.

"What Peter meant," Sirius started, giving Peter a glare, "was that a gust of wind made the parchment fly around everywhere."

"That does not explain the shelves!" McGonagall fumed.

"W... well.... Y...you wouldn't believe it," Peter stammered, "but some Slytherins came in and knocked down the shelves," I almost slapped my forehead in vain, this was going from bad to worse, at this rate we'd have detention for a month.

"How dare you try and place the blame on other students!" McGonagall glared at Peter.

"It's true! They came racing in here and knocked things over," Remus stuck up for Peter.

"They came racing in on broomsticks...and then they got away before you could catch them, lucky, r...really, they were lucky, we were just s...sitting here and they came along and knocked everything down... and... a...and then they went and they went really fast...and they got away-" Peter babbled on, wringing his hands together.

"Mr. Pettigrew! I've heard quite enough of your lies!" McGonagall shouted. Peter jumped again. I don't know why he wouldn't just shut up then and there. But no, he went on...

"Professor, I'm not lying, its true, it's all true, they came in here and knocked things over, so we'd get the blame for it, then they... they left and we were left here... and then you came along... and you'd think it was... us... that did it... and that's what they wanted... the Slytherins... so that we'd get in trouble for it and...and..." Peter squeaked, he was breathing fast and his face was shining with sweat.

"Shut UP Peter!" Sirius yelled, no longer able keep quiet and let Peter make more trouble for us, he glared at Peter as Peter jumped back yet again, "Professor McGonagall, Peter doesn't know what he's talking about, you see, he's a bit delusional if you know what I mean-"

"That's quite enough both of you! Be QUIET this instant! I don't want to hear any more from any of you! I am disgraced at your behavior as Gryffindor students! Detention for a month and 20 points each from Gryffindor, now get back to your beds this instant!" McGonagall yelled then stormed off. We all turned to Peter and glared.

So that's what happens when Peter gets nervous, he blabbers on and makes up the most far-fetched stories and gets us into even more trouble then what we were in to begin with. In other situations it's quite funny, but in situations like that it's just damned annoying.

Amazingly, there have been a couple of times where Peter's nervous blabbering got us out of serious trouble.

Sirius, Peter and I were all standing in Dumbledore's office... Awaiting our suspensions or worse, expulsions.

"Take a seat please," Dumbledore said as he conjured up three chairs.

We sat down sullenly.

"Now, from what I understand you were found in front of the Whomping Willow. What may I ask, did you think you were doing there exactly?" Dumbledore raised an eyebrow gravely.

Before Sirius or I could answer Peter spoke up, "Well Professor... Sir... we were... we were..." Peter fumbled for an explanation, if he kept going this could end up even worse than before, but before we could say something Peter continued, "we were... going to see Remus." Peter said finally.

My jaw dropped.

Peter had just told the worst thing thinkable to Dumbledore. What would Dumbledore do now he knew that we knew that Remus was a werewolf? It was bad enough that we had been caught outside the Whomping Willow and on the grounds after curfew but now Peter had just told Dumbledore what we were doing.

Sirius looked at Peter in disbelief, then spoke up, "Peter doesn't know what he's talking about Sir, what he meant to say was-"

"I'm sure Peter can talk for himself Mr. Black, Mr. Pettigrew, please continue," Dumbledore looked at Peter through his half-moon spectacles.

"We... we know about Remus being a werewolf..." Peter said.

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, "indeed..."

"Yes," Peter said, "we've... we've known since 2nd Year... and we only wanted to go and see him... he... he... told us how horrible his transformations were and we wanted to make them less horrible...we...we..."

"Mr. Pettigrew you, Mr. Black and Mr. Potter are undoubtedly the most courageous, dim-witted wizards that I've ever met."

Peter blushed, "Sir, we only wanted to help our friend... he was in pain... and... we couldn't stand it..."

"Did it never occur to you that coming into contact with Mr. Lupin in his transformed state would be extremely dangerous, and could have resulted in your being bitten or your own deaths?" Dumbledore looked at us gravely.

"Y...Yes... Professor, but... but... we thought that maybe he would recognise his friends... we thought we could h... help him... we... wanted to help him..." Peter babbled.

"No-one, I repeat, no-one, can help Remus Lupin in his transformed state, you all should know that very well."

"Yes... but... we couldn't stand it any longer Professor... Remus was looking so awful after the last two full moons, and his transformations have been getting worse... he could have died...we wanted to help him..."

Dumbledore's eyes twinkled, "that is very courageous of you, and for the mere fact that you would put your own lives in danger for that of your friend you will not be suspended or expelled as Mr. Filch has suggested..."

We all let out a loud sigh of relief. I couldn't believe it. Peter had actually talked our way out of trouble!

"However," Dumbledore looked down at us, "I can not impress more on you the dangerousness of what you were attempting. You will never try such a thing in future lest you want to be punished further. Do I have your word on that?" Dumbledore looked at us inquiringly.

"Yes Sir," we all said hastily.

"You are free to go," Dumbledore stood up and indicated the door.

Peter, Sirius and I stood up and walked out the door.

So there is at least one instance where Peter's nervous blabbering got us out of trouble.

Even though Peter can make mistakes and get us into more trouble his heart is in the right place, (that would be somewhere on the left side of his chest; I hope), he's still a great friend and needs to be looked after, he's the baby of the group, so we find it our responsibility to look after him sometimes and stick up for him, especially against the Slytherin gits. If Peter didn't have friends like us to help him I'd hate to see where he'd be without us. So that's Peter basically, a cute and cuddly little kid at heart that is typically insecure and needs a nudge or two in the right direction every once in a while.

We've taken it as our role to look after Peter, not because he's especially weak, but because he isn't as strong as the rest of us-he's the baby of the group, the one that needs someone to guide him, someone who can help him out every once in a while.

And I'm glad that Sirius, Remus and I can do that for him.

Author notes: Thank you to everyone who has reviewed so far! Without you I wouldn't be writing, and this wouldn't be a story. And yes, James and Lily are together when the first descriptive chapters about MWPP are written. Please review!