The Dark Arts
James Potter Lily Evans Remus Lupin Sirius Black
General Drama
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix
Published: 01/24/2004
Updated: 05/08/2004
Words: 17,076
Chapters: 7
Hits: 5,363

The Memoirs of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs


Story Summary:
The memories of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, remembered by them, written by them... Two are now dead, one is a traitor, and the other, is completely alone... This is the story before The Boy Who Lived.

Chapter 01

Chapter Summary:
Welcome to the Memoirs of the famous four, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.

Year: 1977, 7th Year:



Mr. Padfoot most graciously welcomes you to the Memoirs of Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs, pranksters extraordinaire and creators of the famed Marauder's Map

Mr. Wormtail would like to pronounce that you will be able to find here our memories, bits and pieces of things and lots of other stuff.

Including bits of fluff!

Mr. Moony wishes to declare that Mr. Padfoot is an exceedingly large git for writing something so inane.

Mr. Prongs agrees with Mr. Moony and would like to add that also featuring in our memoirs is Quote of the Day, a description of Myself, Wormtail, Padfoot and Moony, and hilarious events including the first trip on the Hogwarts express, pranking the Slytherins and other selected recollections.

Mr. Moony articulates that also included are other important events consisting of things other then pranks and Slytherins.

Mr. Padfoot would like to register how boring Mr. Moony's proposition sounds.

Mr. Moony declares that it will not be boring, as there are more important things than pranking and Slytherins, Mr. Moony would also like to propose some sort of pact...

Mr. Prongs suggests that we start with 'we solemnly swear that we....'

***We solemnly swear that we will always be true friends, outside of Hogwarts or in, we will always stay loyal to each other, and will never betray each other's trust for anything. Forever we will always be Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.***

Mr. Wormtail congratulates Mr. Padfoot on his pact.

Mr. Moony would like to express his astonishment that Mr. Padfoot could have come up with such an excellent pact.

Mr. Prongs would like to make the pact official, and therefore begs that Mr. Moony, Mr. Padfoot, Mr. Wormtail and myself sign the parchment.


~~ Padfoot, Prongs, Moony, Wormtail~~

As told by Mr. Padfoot:

Quote of the Day: Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse behind.

Greetings to you on this fine day. Welcome to The Memoirs of Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs.

Prongs suggested that we start a journal so we can record our greatest moments together and our achievements so that we can read them when we get old and saggy (I hope that day doesn't come too soon, and personally, I'd rather not think about that), and we can read it to out great-grandchildren. So that's why we've started this journal. In case you were wondering... So, pull up a seat and read to your heart's content! Not that you should be reading anyway. Only precious few, (Me, Prongs, Moony, and Wormtail) have the power and authority to open this book.

If you are reading this it either means that:

  1. We are all dead (Merlin forbid that!),

  1. One of us let you read this (Personally I can't see that happening), or

  1. You are a sneaky little slimy git and have snuck in and read it of your OWN accord.

Though a very clever git you must be, since, with my incredible talents I have placed a number of spells to keep people like you away. By now you must have very sore hands, or boils all over your face or something similar. If you have then good for you! Hope it hurts! Tell me when the stinging starts.

A word of warning, (not that I should be warning you), if you keep reading and don't know the password, warts will appear in other places, and let me just say, you don't want warts down there! So: CLOSE THIS BOOK!!

Okay, now that all the sneaky gits are gone, (if you're not gone yet then I hope those warts and boils are giving you an immeasurable amount of pain! Just wait a little longer, you haven't experienced the worst of it, yes it gets worse!) I shall inform you that this is more a collection of short stories recounting past and present events then a journal.

Anyway, in this book thing you'll find our greatest and worst memories, also our greatest pranks to date, and everything else in between, oh, and we even have Quote of the Day, which is a nifty little thing that I made up, so if we hear a really good quote we'll put them in, (most of the time we can't think of many quotes so there might be a certain lack of them).

Yeah anyway that's about it. Well we have decided to write about each other, other than writing about ourselves, that way a more unbiased view of each other can be shown, (or in some cases a more biased view!)

Author notes: Thank you to the people that reviewed! Please Review some more!