Multiple Eras
Order of the Phoenix
Published: 07/04/2005
Updated: 07/04/2005
Words: 812
Chapters: 1
Hits: 278

A Must Have Design

Viola Vixen

Story Summary:
What happens when Dumbledore decides that a play (or not, maybe) is what the students at Hogwarts need?

Chapter Summary:
What happens when Dumbledore decides that a play (or not maybe) is what the student at Hogwarts need? You're about to find out...

A Must Have Design

"A must have design. A must have design? A must have..."

"Design?" Harry completed the sentence. "How's the play coming along?"

"Yeah, fine. Except I don't know whether I need to add something extra to that line."

"Hermione, you're only saying one line. It's not as if it's that important."

"Yes it is. Well to me anyway. Besides, I didn't ask for your opinion."

"What? Yeah, you did."

"I was being rhetorical."

"OK," Harry said, rolling his eyes.

"Do you know if Ron's ready at all?" Hermione asked louder than intended.

Harry didn't dare answer that. Ever since Hogwarts added extra curricular activities, Hermione has been obsessed and persuaded (or maybe even forced) Harry and Ron to join. So far, they have joined P.E., dance classes and now drama lessons. And Ron did not like it at all. Obviously he didn't want to hurt Hermione's feelings but he just couldn't cope anymore with all the "frills" and "pizzazz".

"Yeah, he's more than ready. He's so eager to go on stage." Harry forced a simpering laughter, which actually made him feel rather sick.

Hermione sensed that something was wrong. "He's not, is he? You can tell me."

Knowing Hermione, Harry knew she'd blow it out of proportion. "Hermione, he's ready, all right." And with that he left.


"Bloody play!" Ron screamed as he was ripping the script to pieces.

"Reparo," Harry said dully. "When will you understand? Tell her that you don't want to go on."

"What? Did you leave your brain outside or something? She'll kill me."

"She won't kill you. She'll probably just curse you and throw a few hexes, but kill she will not do."

Ron gave him a scathing look. "There's a war out there and they decide to have dance classes and bloody girly plays. What next, teaching us floral decoration as a preparation for a glamorous ball?"

"Glamorous? Oh, Ron I never knew you had it in you," Harry said as he flicked his hand at Ron.

"Seriously though Harry, are you enjoying it?" Ron gave him a please-tell-me-you-don't look.

"Erm..." Harry thought about this sensibly. If he said yes then Ron would mock him, but if he said no he'd be lying. "Yes I do actually."

"You do?!"

I do? "Yeah, I do." Shit! "What's not to like? You get to spend time checking out people making fools of themselves. And where would you see Malfoy dressing up in a cow's suit?"

"Cow's suit? I never saw that."

No I didn't either, but I wouldn't mind. "The whole point of this is that Dumbledore is trying to distract us from the reality, which is basically if I don't kill Voldemort then we're all screwed. We all know Dumbledore is going to kick the bucket soon and then we're all doomed." Whoops.

Ron was totally gobsmacked. Harry of course wasn't supposed to mention this to anyone. Now how on earth was he supposed to turn this around?

"Want to go and throw water balloons at the girls?"

"Go on then," Ron finally said after thinking really hard about it.

"Excuse me? But haven't we got a play to rehearse?" Hermione was suddenly blocking the common room door.

"Where did you come from?" Harry said as he shot Ron an inquisitive look.

"Never mind how, or what I used to magically appear here, just tell me where you're off to."

"What's it to you?" Ron huffed at her.

"Ron, meet my wand. She's wanted to have a word with you for a very long time."

"She?" Harry tried desperately not to laugh.

"Hermione, chill. We're only having a five-minute break."

"Kiss her and get it over and done with. Actually I wouldn't mind doing that and all. Wonder if I should give a try," Harry thought to himself.

"See Harry's concentrating on the play."

"Looks more like his eyes are glazed over. What you thinking about Harry?"

"Huh? Erm, come with us Hermione. It'll be fun."

Hermione looked at Harry and finally said, "Yeah why not." Good, because now I can finally get my own back on Pansy for throwing that crap filled balloon.

The trio gave up rehearsing for the play. It was cancelled in the end, because Pansy had the major role and she was staying in the hospital wing due to some unexplainable injury. Let's just say you really don't want to know what Hermione did to her.

As for Harry, he's not been able to confide his feelings to Draco. Oh, the agony of love.

Ron, bless him, is still mindless of his feelings for Hermione. Shame really, it would mean that all the five years worth of huffs and puffs has been completely useless. As well as guiding R/Hr shippers to a bottomless pit.

Oh and Draco has yet to come out of that cow suit. Oh dear.