Astronomy Tower
Romance Slash
Multiple Eras
Philosopher's Stone Chamber of Secrets Prizoner of Azkaban Goblet of Fire Order of the Phoenix Quidditch Through the Ages Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Published: 03/22/2005
Updated: 03/22/2005
Words: 581
Chapters: 1
Hits: 130

What You Do To Me


Story Summary:
Harry's POV. Random unconcious thoughts (What I Do To You is in Draco's POV).

Author's Note:
Enjoy. Stream of unconscious thoughts strung together. This is actually harder than I'd think, due to the fact that I'm so used to using proper grammar, and such. Anyhow, enjoy.

What you do to me it isn't pretty sometimes I wake up and you're gone sometimes I wake up and you're there sometimes I don't wake up at all but dream dream dream of your pretty face and smiling mouth and hard cold eyes and warm soft body and sometimes you hit me but that doesn't matter when I cry you hold me when I glare you scare me when I hate you you you kiss me and when you kiss me I kiss back and then it isn't a kiss anymore but a sucking of my soul and then I scream and shove and I don't know what I'm trying to say, but....

What you do to me it isn't pretty you make me late in the mornings you make me late in the evenings and you make me late all the time but I enjoy it all the same you just fuck me all day and all night and if you had it your way it'd be like that and we wouldn't have to worry about other shit like school and friends and fathers and potions and professors finding out and you getting killed and I love your blonde hair no it isn't blonde but sliver silver white white soft and silky and I remember when you quit gelling it after we fucked for the first time when I told you that you looked better with it down and I don't know what I'm trying to say, but...

What you do to me it isn't pretty but its something something ethereal something mystical and I can't say magical because we're already magical but oh well I will it's magical and I know you hate it when I get all philosophical on you but I think it's hot when you get angry even though you say that a Malfoy never loses their cool but I don't care and I know you don't care even though you try try try really hard and I don't know what I'm trying to say, but...

What you do to me boy it isn't pretty but its something but you tell me it's nothing and I believe you yet I don't 'cause you keep coming to me telling me that it's just sex but I've heard you say you love me and I don't tell you this because you'll get defensive so I'll just wait for you to say it when you think no know no want me to be awake and I have no idea what I'm trying to say, but...

But I think I know what it is I just don't know how to say it but I'll try for you only for you no one else and here goes I think...I think...

I think I could love you I think I could hate you no I know you can hate me but are you capable of loving me I'm capable of loving you why not me is it because I'm the boy who lived or is it because I'm Harry fucking Potter or what is it Draco why won't you tell me I think I'm going to die if you don't tell me you know I've loved you for three fucking years now right but I guess that doesn't matter and I know what I'm trying to say but this isn't coming out like I thought it would so...

I'll Just Let It Go.

Unless You Don't Want To, Of Course.


Author notes: Did you enjoy it? Was it good? Or just plain weird? Yeah, I know what you mean. When looking back at this story, I wondered what I was on. But I liked it, just a little bit for it to survive and here it is. It doesn't make much sense, but oh well. I hope you liked it, or at least didn't despise it.